Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 14

Număr de rezultate: 769



Spune, hei!
Ascultă sunetul ploii care cade.
Venind în jos ca o flacără Armageddon (Hei!)
Cei care au murit fără nume.
Auzi câinii urlând din cheie
La un imn numit 'Credință și mizerie' (Hei!)
Și sângerează, compania a pierdut războiul azi
Te implor să visezi și să te deosebești de minciunile goale
Aceasta este zorii din restul vieții noastre
În vacanță
Auzi toba în afara timpului
Un alt protestatar a trecut linia (Hei!)
Pentru a găsi, banii sunt pe partea cealaltă
Pot să mai iau un Amin? (Amin!)
Există un steag înfășurat în jurul unui scor de oameni (Hei!)
O glumă, o pungă de plastic pe un monument
Te implor să visezi și să te deosebești de minciunile goale
Aceasta este zorii din restul vieții noastre
În vacanță
(Spune, hei!)
'Reprezentantul din California are cuvântul'
Sieg Heil către președintele Gasman
Bombe departe este pedeapsa ta
Pulverizează turnurile Eiffel
Cine critica guvernul dvs.
Bang bang merge de sticlă spartă și
Omoară toți poponarii care nu sunt de acord.
Încercări prin foc, incendie
Nu este o cale care este menit pentru mine
Doar pentru că, doar pentru că, pentru că suntem haiduci da!
Te implor să visezi și să te deosebești de minciunile goale
Aceasta este zorii din restul vieții noastre
Te implor să visezi și să te deosebești de minciunile goale
Aceasta este zorii din restul vieții noastre
Asta e viața noastră în vacanță

let me feel the buzz

I miss the last moment,
That would leave a mark with a smile on my face
My unfinished story about life, chapter two you know this is not the limit
From morning till night, only me and thoughts
I am a schizophrenic that was hit by this shot
Under the bullets what was called love
On it now hangs I am in every sense
I'm missing the last moment
Come on shut my mouth with your lips
You like it so much when I get turned on
Those feelings we cannot describe in words
Remember me and I will be next to you
Under pretexts we found time for comfort
Those roads that we walked this

Sea of memories

Even now, I'm still wishing that
These words I repeatedly say will be sent to you
Someday, our conflicting thoughts will cross over
In a world that has trembled since
I wish to the starry sky, I pray to the earth
And I swear to a love that will not fade
I want you to embrace me, and only me,
With your selfish arms, tightly as if I'd choke
I still live on seeking for you, and only you,
At the bottom of the ocean of memories
I'm still alone and drowning
I wander around, in search of your figure
Amidst the wavering light
I want to be surrounded by your gentle warmth
Just one more time
The sky cries and laughs, the earth dances with the flowers
Leaving behind a 'goodbye' for me
The one who can protect you is me, and only me,
The feelings that I can't turn into words are washed by tears
Just that the one I continue to trust is you, and only you,
As you smile inside the ocean of memories
A touched cheek, an overlapping heartbeat
And a melting emotion of love tainted by gentleness
I want you to be mine, and only mine,
That would be my wish to the glittering stars if I could have one
I want to shout that I am still here
Until I lose my voice
Seeking for you at the bottom of the ocean of memories

Vineri seara

Am muncit toată ziua, a fost un dezastru,
Mi-am făcut treaba fără succes.
”Vei fi mai norocoasă data viitoare”, îmi spun ei.
”De ce nu te dai jos de pe scaun?
Du-te și ia un pic de aer,
Luni e o altă zi, înțelegi...”
Vineri seara,
Înseamnă că trebuie să-ți încerci norocul.
Vineri seara,
Începe sfârșitul săptămânii cu o idilă.
Nu știu de ce
N-am chef să dansez.
Fă-o bine
Vineri seara!
Aș vrea să pot dispărea,
Simt că aici nu sunt dorită.
Se pare că niciodată nu fac mișcarea potrivită.
Am fost împinsă și întoarsă,
Mi-am simțit picioarele în aer.
Mă îndrept spre o altă vineri seară.
Refren (x2):
Vineri seara,
Înseamnă că trebuie să-ți încerci norocul.
Vineri seara,
Începe sfârșitul săptămânii cu o idilă.
Nu știu de ce
N-am chef să dansez.
Fă-o bine
Vineri seara!

Have a Nice Day

This Sunday Morning, I had an idea
Today I will go to the town
I'll get my favourite jacket
And head to the busy crossing.
Everywhere, I am great,
Everywhere, I am smart, just check it out,
Everywhere, I dance and I see,
Future in these glass reflections
Everywhere, You are cute,
Everywhere, You are smart, just check it out,
Everywhere, You colour and from the
Glass reflections you smile to me.
This Sunday, just watch the blue sky
Today I'm going to meet a girl
On the escalator as I hurry,
To the stage where she waits for me,
Everywhere, I am great,
Everywhere, I am smart, just check it out,
Everywhere, I dance and I see,
Future in these glass reflections
Everywhere, You are cute,
Everywhere, You are smart, just check it out,
Everywhere, You colour and from the
Glass reflections you smile to me.
There is love in the air,
I wait for your reply,
I think it will disappear as we talk,
These feelings are like bitter chocolate.
As the clouds pass by in the sky,
I know what you would reply,
The sky gets dark as you say 'Let's meet',
My love won't reach you

Zi De Zi

Simt că nu am timp
Pentru a rezolva ceea ce contează cu adevărat
Nu știu de ce costă atât de mult să recunosc
Viitorul nu este , trecutul a dispărut
O zi la rând o voi lua
O zi la rând voi trăi
O zi la rând aici voi fi, voi rezista (Oh)
Fără să mă gândesc la ziua de mâine
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Ieri a dispărut
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Lupta este câștigată
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Câte o zi pe rând
Astăzi este un cadou, deschide cadoul
Nu-ți pierde timpul cu astfel de gânduri neplăcute
Împreună vom fi puternici, ne vom ridica ca soarele dimineții
Senzație, vibrație, viața care trece (Viața trece)
Există atâtea lucruri de recunoscut (Oh)
Ia-o zi de zi, zi
de zi (De zi)
Într-o zi, adevărul rămâne
Într-o zi aici voi fi, voi rezista
Fără să mă gândesc la ziua de mâine
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Ieri a dispărut
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Lupta este câștigată
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Câte o zi pe rând
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Ieri a dispărut
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Lupta este câștigată
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Câte o zi pe rând
Simt că nu am timp
Pentru a rezolva ceea ce contează cu adevărat ( Zi de zi)
Nu știu de ce costă atât de mult să recunosc
Viitorul nu este , trecutul a dispărut
Ia-o zi de zi, zi
de zi (De zi)
Într-o zi, adevărul rămâne
Într-o zi aici voi fi, voi rezista
Fără să mă gândesc la ziua de mâine
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Ieri a dispărut
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Lupta este câștigată
Zi de zi, zi de zi
Câte o zi pe rând

Today should be a completely perfect day

Elsa: Psst Anna
Anna: Yes?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: To me
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come on
Anna: It's my birthday
Elsa: And this time it will be perfect
You haven't celebrated until now
Except when you waited (for me) outside my door
A little late, so what
Let's celebrate together now
I'll be with you all day if I may
Anna: Elsa it seems you cought a cold)
Elsa: I don't get ill, you know
That the cold was always my (real) home
Anna: wow, fancy
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Wait what?
Elsa: I have plans and lots of surprises
Nothing really nothing will ruin you this day
Long weeks I was planing things for you
Olaf: Hi!
(I) Even Kristoff and Sven took a shover
If anyone wants to stop me
He better try
I'm ready to fight
I give you sun, the moon and shiny day
Olaf: little brothers
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: oh, a sandwich
I'll do everything that you'll have a nice time
For everything you mean to me and what has happened
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: you're sneezing 3 times
Elsa: I'm fine
Check it out, a surprise
Anna: Wow you're wonderful but I'm worried about you
And it will be better if you go home and rest
Elsa: Let's continue because the next one you're gonna li(-ke)
Anna: Elsa you have to go to bed
Elsa: No way it's gonna be very fun
Anna: Maybe a doctor should examine you
Oaken: Do you feel bad? I have a cold medication I made myself
Elsa: No thank you
Anna: Yes please
Kid's choir: And today should be a completely perfect day
Elsa: It should be a really special day
For you birthday we wish you to have a nice time
Everything will be nice
And we love you
Elsa: like I love you
Kid's choir: Yes a completely perfect day
This special day that keeps showing new things
A completely perfect day
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: no no
Olaf: It's ok, right?
Krištof: Banana (.....)
Elsa: Come, let's climb
Anna: Elsa that's to much, you need to rest
Elsa: And now the birthday cold I mean treasure
Elsa: Catch a dream,make a plan up up up up)
let's go to the top, to the sky (my) dear friend
Anna: Elsa?
Drunk Elsa: What? I'm fine
Let's go up
Let's sing
You'll see
what's next
happy happy happy extremely happy
Cold (...)
Anna: Elsa look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
Anna: Well we can't continue that way
This day will wait
Come on and finally admit to yourself
Elsa: Fine, it is a cold
Elsa: I'm sorry Anna. I wanted you to have a perfect birthday. I ruined it, again.
Ana: You haven't ruined anything but you have to go to bed
O no, stop surprise
Wow 2x
The crowd: Today should be a completely perfect day
Smile on a face shines and glows like new
Kristoff: There's a fine line between chaos
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Cause today is a completely perfect day
a completely perfect day
A completely perfect day for you
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Crazy, happy and sad, forget everything
Kristoff: I love you baby
For everything you mean to us and everything that you do
Kristoff: really
It is a completely perfect day today
a completely perfect day (2x)
Elsa: It's a perfect day
Anna: Ok, now go to bed
Elsa: No wait wait the queen now has to blow into the birthday billy goat horn
Anna: o no no no no no no no
Anna: The best of all the gifts
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You let me take care of you

Deep bottom

I'm used to the mornings
but the nights are still not easy
I tried to get in touch with people
but to find someone like you is hard
I tried to forget
but it takes longer than I expected
I made peace with my mistakes
but one of the last days brings everything to an end
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I hit you then ask my faults deep bottom
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I found the right paths in a hard way while grovelling
I'm used to the mornings
but the nights are still not easy
I tried to get in touch with people
but to find someone like you is hard
I tried to forget
but it takes longer than I expected
I made peace with my mistakes
but one of the last days brings everything to an end
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I hit you then ask my faults deep bottom
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I found the right paths in a hard way while grovelling
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I hit you then ask my faults deep bottom
If I hurt you, if I tire you
If I found the right paths in a hard way while grovelling


Someday, the smoke will dissipate, will melt away,
One day you will try to relax.
Somehow all will be forgotten and everything will be well.
I love you, boy, and wish you happiness.
Don’t shut off your heart, it’s still beating.
This cold autumn has gotten you crazy,
But I love you so, boy.
And I will call, drunk from joy.
And snow will fall, out of spite, out of pity.
And if you are alive, please, please.
I love you, boy, and wish you happiness.
Don’t shut off your heart, it’s still beating.
This cold autumn has gotten you crazy,
But I love you so, boy.
I love you, boy, and wish you happiness.
Don't give up, things happen.
This treacherous autumn has taken your heart,
But I love you so, boy...

Toți vom muri într-o zi

Păi toți vom muri într-o zi, Doamne,
Toți vom muri într-o zi.
Mama e pe pastile,
Tata e peste deal,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi.
Păi doare aici jos, pe Pământ, Doamne,
Doare aici jos, pe Pământ.
Doare aici jos,
Că am rămas fără bere,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi.
Toți vom muri într-o zi, Doamne,
Toți vom muri într-o zi.
Mama e pe pastile,
Tata e peste deal,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi.
Păi toți prietenii mei sunt drogați, Doamne,
Toți prietenii mei sunt drogați.
Janie s-a drogat
Că n-a putut să și-o pună,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi.
Toți vom muri într-o zi, Doamne,
Toți vom muri într-o zi.
Mama e pe pastile,
Tata e peste deal,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi.
Păi toți pot să mă pupe-n fund, Doamne,
Toți pot să mă pupe-n fund.
Dacă vor să mă pupe-n fund,
Mai bine s-o facă repede,
Căci toți vom muri într-o zi.
Păi toți vom muri într-o zi, Doamne,
Toți vom muri într-o zi.
Mama e pe pastile,
Tata e peste deal,
Dar toți vom muri într-o zi. (bis)


On my lips there is only your name
In my dreams there is only your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...

O dată pe zi

Când ai găsit pe altcineva,
Am crezut că niciodată
Nu te-aș ierta, căci am crezut atunci că n-aș putea,
Dar timpul a îndepărtat toată suferința.
Până acum e bine că mă doare o dată pe zi.
O dată pe zi (o dată pe zi)
Întreaga zi (întreaga zi)
Și o dată pe noapte (o dată pe noapte)
Din amurg până-n zori (amurg până-n zori)
Singura dată când aș vrea să nu fii plecat
E o dată pe zi, în fiecare zi, întreaga zi.
Mă bucur mult că nu sunt fata pe care-o știam cândva,
Ea l-a pierdut pe cel iubit, apoi și-a pierdut mințile treptat.
Ea lenevea și neîncetat plângea.
Norocul meu, eu plâng doar o dată pe zi.
O dată pe zi (o dată pe zi)
Întreaga zi (întreaga zi)
Și o dată pe noapte (o dată pe noapte)
Din amurg până-n zori (amurg până-n zori)
Singura dată când aș vrea să nu fii plecat
E o dată pe zi, în fiecare zi, întreaga zi.
O dată pe zi, în fiecare zi, întreaga zi.


I don't have time
To think about what I haven't done anymore
I even try
But I'm a eternal apprentice
But there are things that we never learn
It doesn't surprise me
They say: 'soft water in hard stone hits so much until it brakes'
I felt really unsure
Today I'm living like 'no one can hold me back'
Cause my indecision gives my last name a first name
I am one today, not the same as yesterday
Wallking metamorphosis
You've heard it before, haven't you?
You've heard it before
It's an eternal contradiction
Today 'yes', tomorrow 'don't'
It's an eternal contradiction
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
There is so much to learn
They ain't got my number
Another version of me to express
Something that isn't for you
It must take a while, as the saying goes
I've been saying that the perfection is time consuming
You've heard it before, haven't you?
You've heard it before
It's an eternal contradiction
Today 'yes', tomorrow 'don't'
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
Sometimes the fear of going backwards hits me
Then I think I'm less than who I really am
I don't want to beg for love
Or receive less than I deserve
Sometimes the fear of going backwards hits me
Then I think I'm less than who I really am
I don't want to beg for love
Or receive less than I deserve
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be
I'll be more of me, less of you
Love's like that, that's how it has to be

Sunny day holiday

Make me lonely, leave me alone
I'll think upon how important you were
Make me crazy, make me suffer
So I can understand how stupid I was
The winter day when I met you
The summer days we spent
Now they shine over me
You're a sunny day, my holiday
If I only could love you
I though you'd be by my side forever
The reason of that fight
The meaning of those tears
I couldn't even understand
You're a moony boy, a dreamer
I searched for a long time the city of the rainbow where happiness falls
After the violent rain passed, I knew it was a brief moment
Make me lonely, just a little
I'll consider how lonely you were
Because after all
In the side seat of my life
I want to take your smile
You're a sunny day, my holiday
You're a sunny day, my holiday

Ziua se rupe

Ziua se rupe-n mâna ta
şi eşti în sfârşit singur
Am să găsesc o cale să reuşesc
dar încă mai plouă în inima ta
Timpul te urmăreşte
ticăind încet pe nervii tăi
E minunat că am reuşit
fiindcă încă mai plouă-n inima ta
Plouă-n inima ta...
Iubire, ar trebui să pleci
dacă dragostea ce-o avem e menită să stea
să găseşti un loc al tău
nu-i nevoie să hoinăreşti prin camere în voia sorţilor
să-ţi faci o casă.
Ziua se rupe-n mâna mea
şi mă găsesc singură
Sper că ai găsit o cale să reuşeşti
Fiindcă încă plouă-n inima mea
Plouă-n inima mea
Plouă-n inima mea


Ooh-ah, ooh-ah (Ha), what? (Ha-ha)
Go up
(Woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop, woo-o)
Let's do this shit, bitch
Go up, yah, yah
DJ Tape
Lil Tape's here, bitch, trap-sport league (O-kay)
Smoking at the block, moving like a Deebo (Uh, uh)
I've got the power, cash is my stimule (Cash)
All these presidents go under my routine (Fuck beat)
Greenpeace — Benzo, my own grass loves me (My grass)
I fuck with it, it is in my bed (bed)
Rollie, paper, in the Louis backpack
(???) in my pocket every day of the week (Bitch)
Spin your tail like (???), run, my kush's a tiger (r-r-r)
I have a Gucci tone, just so I won't see you (Ooh)
Bitches on fleek, my bitches are all pretty
I've got guap, young P.Diddy
Show myself in front of a bitch — broke boys got sad
I shine so bright that I touch their feelings
Bust Down Rollie, I shine like a lamp
I don't eat fruits, I diet with cabbage (That's a lil' bitch)
I have the (???) on me every day of the week, lil' bitch (Lil' bitch)
I hustle at monday and tuesday, lil' bitch
Benjamins at wednesday, and I'm at thursday lil' bitch (Ya)
I get payed at friday — that's everyday of the week, lil' bitch
(Ay) Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Go-go-go!)
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Esskeetit)
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Ay-ay)
Every day of the week (Woo-woo-woo-ooh-ooh)
I ride around the district on my 6-4 (Eazy-E)
Fee-faw-foe, bitch, go so more (More)
This is the goal of the week like I'm playing FIFA
Pull up S-Class, Mercedes — not a Niva (Skrt-skrt)
Lil Tapy's a snowman, and that's an ice cream cup (Burr)
Driving to the block, the speakers are playing 2Pac (2Pac)
Lie my eye on the bitch — young Slick Rick
The second eye's on a stick, red eye (???) (Gr-r, gr-r, gr-r-rah)
Fuckboy (Bre-bre), homie, this a paranoia
They're staring, cops are staring, your bitch's staring too
All of my old ones (???), underdogs will understand
Punches cost kilogrammes, it's a drama, oh my mama, lil' bitch
(Ay) Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Go-go-go!)
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Esskeetit)
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Ay-ay)
I'm a hoodrich every day of the week
Baby's all tip-top, FTP flip flops (Bottom)
Skinny ass go by, there will only be big asses
Bitch, shake your booty, give em applause (Okey)
Only give me the top, Lil Tape won't pay the alimony (No)
This is Benzo Gang Donald, she loves my sauce (Sauce)
My Glock — Feduk, it has a voice (Feduk)
My dick's a (???), bitch, play the solo (le' go)
I'm throwing banknotes, pick em up
Tip-tiptor on these Jordans
I have molly, I have the hard one
My best opponent is a dead one
Fuck books, I only read what I earn, lil' bitch (Lil' bih')
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Bitch!)
Every day of the week, lil' bitch
Every day of the week, lil' bitch (Ay-ay)
Every day of the week (Ah, ah, ah)

Shape of Love

You're the vast ocean,
and I'm the rain, dropping onto you
I lost my own shape
but from afar, I saw the shape of love
Once I felt lonely and wandered
I believed, then was disappointed
Now you're coming through the haze,
and going to liberate my panic from love
Who are you? You, who made me crazily in love
You made me challenge the world bravely
In the body as the same kind of yours,
yet I feel loving and loved
It doesn't matter who I love anymore
Nobody can set a boundary within love
In the body as the same kind of yours,
yet the mysterious magic grows stronger
Stars keep shining on the night sky,
under the starry sky, I keep wandering
In this life, I had been rushing meaninglessly
Until the light of your eyes lit up my life
All the pretty things in the world
don't compare to your loveliness
You're the one who made me surrender,
made me cross the walls and spread my wings
Who are you? You, who made me crazily in love
You made me challenge the world bravely
In the body as the same kind of yours,
yet I feel loving and loved
It doesn't matter who I love anymore
Nobody can set a boundary within love
In the body as the same kind of yours,
yet the mysterious magic grows stronger
You're the vast ocean,
and I'm the rain, dropping onto you
I lost my own shape
but from afar, I saw the shape of love

Nu voi uita niciodată

Îmi poţi face orice
Sfârtecă-mi carnea
Secătuieşte-mă de sânge
Smulge-mi picătură cu picătură
Picăturile vieţii mele
Răstigneşte-mă pe pământ
Şterge-mi din amintire
Urmele trecutului
Nu voi uita niciodată
Nu voi uita niciodată
Corpul său în mâinile voastre
Călcat cu picioarele, sfâşiat
Şi eu acolo, rebelul
Incapabil şi imobilizat
La mâinile chinurilor voastre
La mâinile sacrificiului
Pierdut pentru ea
Puteţi să-mi spuneţi orice
Că sunt deja mort,
Şi că voi putrezi
Uscat la soare
Cadou pentru vulturi
Deschideţi-vă gura,
Veţi crăpa într-o zi
Cum crapă laşii
Nu voi uita niciodată
Nu voi uita niciodată
Că era datorită ei
Că-mi trăiam viaţa
Şi că nu o iubeam decât pe ea
Şi ea mi-a spus
Că nu mă iubea decât pe mine
Că se va bate pentru mine
Şi că a murit
Puteţi schimba totul
Ţara, închisoarea
Faţa şi numele
Credinţa şi Dumnezeul
Şi chiar să vă scimbaţi pielea
Un prieten din orice parte
Care va avea amintirea mea
Vă va găsi într-o zi
Nu voi uita niciodată
Nu voi uita niciodată

Counting the Days

Versions: #1
Counting the days
Moments by moments
What's left for me even then
This long winding story line
Counting the days
Just extinguish, your love passion
If the buds was never there
What I am asking for is your sincerity
Not poetry
Just go away, love, go away
Just tell everyone
So they know about it
That I am now all alone
Oh.. just go away love, go away
Just tell everyone
So they know about it
That I am now all alone
That I am now all alone

Diamond Da Challa Lyrics - Neha Kakkar & Parmish Verma

Versions: #1
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Mood Bada Karda Mera
Laike Jave Mall Mainu
Tera Pubg Na Khatam Hove
Karda Ignore Mainu
Cute Jeha Face Da Haal Ki Ho Gaya
Mere Tere Karke
Aaja Chal Viah Karvaiye
Lockdown Vich Ghat Hone Karche
Laido Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Laido Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Kardae Tere Ek Takawa
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Sunn!
Mainu Chadd Ke Date Kitta
Kise Hor Nu Hisaab Tu Laa Layi
Tainu Kardi Pyar Bahot
Gal Vich Dimag De Paa Layi
Kade Hath Fadd Ke Tu Kehnda
Mainu Pyar Bahot Karda
Gussa Na Kareya Kar Baby
Gal Kar Liya Kar Sanjhi
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..
Gal Challe Di Ki Kardi Ae
Rani Haar Bana Da
Oh Chal Mitran De Naal Goriye
Heereyan Vich Jada Da
Dil Da Raja Gabru
Main Keha Vekh Zara Azmake
Tu Mood Bana Ek Waar Billo
Main Lockdown Khulwa Da
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Oh Vich Gaddi De Gehdiyan Launda
Naal Yara De Daily
Mainu Vi Kade Lai Jaya Kar
Jad Hondi Aan Velly
Vich Porsche De Gehdiyan Launda
Naal Yaara De Daily
Mainu Vi Kite Lai Jaya Kar
Jad Hovan Main Velly
Tu Kinna Wait Karaunda
Kade Na Aave Time Te Shami Ghar Nu
Mere Vicky Sandhu Tere Naal
Russ Ke Baithi Taan Ji
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..
Oh Tere Kehan Toh Bina Sohniye
Reejh Pugawan Teri
Ho Chakk Diamond Da Challa
Das Koyi Hor Demand Je Teri
Ho Na Goa Na Shimle Ni
Main Wadde Plan Banava
Ho Russeya Na Kar Kudiye Ni
Chal Sydney Laike Jawan
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..

Thanks to

From the beginning to the present
You gave me warmth that never changes
No matter what I looked like
You've always been there for me
It may seem impossible
But you've completely filled my heart
Now I have more than enough
To share with you
You've given me everything
But you still want
To give me more
How are you doing that?
(Thanks to)
You've always held me in your arms
Me, who has a lot of scars
You've brought me happiness
It's all thanks to you
Now come hold me
(Thanks to)
You are the most precious to me
More than anyone else in the world
I can finally give you
The kind of love I've only received
Thank you for letting me experience it
The one who told me
The words 'I love you'
The one who showed me love
Without words
The one who told me
That this is love
I thank you
I still get curious
How could you love me
And cherish me
Without expecting anything in return
(Thanks to)
You've always held me in your arms
Me, who has a lot of scars
You've brought me happiness
It's all thanks to you
Now come hold me
(Thanks to)
You are the most precious to me
More than anyone else in the world
I can finally give you
The kind of love I've only received
Thank you for letting me experience it
(Thanks to)
You've always held me in your arms
Me, who has a lot of scars
You've brought me happiness
It's all thanks to you
Now come hold me
(Thanks to)
You are the most precious to me
More than anyone else in the world
I can finally give you
The kind of love I've only received
Thank you for letting me experience it
Bye bye


I'm smiling, but why does it hurt?
It's nice, but why is it painful?
You have me in
Your warm embrace
But why can't I stop trembling?
How should I say this? (How should I say this?)
It's a weird feeling
Maybe its because
I am afraid
Of letting go of your hand
Wandering around
Without a place to call home
Seems like the end of those days is near
A place I can return to
A place I want to find again
I will start here
(Yeah you)
The days where I used to
Wander around aimlessly
The days where
I didn't know where I should go
In the end, they brought me here
They brought me here to you
As if it was all meant to be
The days where I used to
Wander around without an answer
I couldn't find love
But right here, right now
This feeling you give me
I think it might be love
Is it really okay?
Everything's fine
But why won't my fears stop?
A place I don't want to give up
A place I never want to lose
I want to start here
(Yeah you)
The days where I used to
Wander around aimlessly
The days where
I didn't know where I should go
In the end, they brought me here
They brought me here to you
As if it was all meant to be
Oh tell me baby is this love
I wanna know if I'm loving
Oh tell me am I loving
Am I loving
The days where I used to
Wander around without an answer
I couldn't find love
But right here, right now
This feeling you give me
I think it might be love

Breaking of the Day, Today

Versions: #1
Break-up day,
is precisely today
I hate to believe it,
but it's precisely today
Sleet drifts to the street
Break-up day,
is precisely today
You still
everything from me
The sleet stings me in the face
Don't go away
Don't go away
I beg you
I beg you
Don't go away
Please don't go away
I cling to you
but it's no use
On the road of falling sleet
Sight of your back distances away as if you are running away
A lie that we can't get deeper
I feel an impulse to spit in your face
But I didn't ask you the way
Don't go away
Don't go away
Don't go away
Please don't go away
Oh don't go away
Don't go away
Don't go away
Please, don't go away
On the road of falling sleet
Sight of your back distances away as if you are running away
A lie that we can't get deeper
I feel an impulse to spit in your face
But I ask you the way ..

I can't stand to be apart

Like always forgetting something
Like to dry rose on a branch
Like a teenager child
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
Like always forgetting something
Like to dry rose on a branch
Like a teenager child
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
I weep inwardly
I have different kinds of troubles
I can stand all of them with pleasure
But I can't stand to be apart
I found the way but missed the trace
I became 'me' but lost 'us'
I actually lost the secret
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
I weep inwardly
I have different kinds of troubles
I can stand all of them with pleasure
But I can't stand to be apart
I can't stand to be apart

O nouă zi

Frica și spaima
Voi reuși vreodată să le depășesc?
De parcă hipnotizat
A tras de mine și m-a dus unde a vrut
De parcă într-o transă
Am reușit să ascult de vocile dinăuntrul meu
Deși de neatins, fragmentele viitorului sunt clar văzute
O lume nouă, secvențe din vis mă îmbrățișează (o parte din mine)
În ziua aceea, m-am regăsiy
(O zi nouă)
Urcă scările luminii
Momentul la care am visat
(Cunoaștem lumea)
Arăt lumii cine sunt
Oh pot fi acolo, da
Voi fi acolo, acolo pentru tine, oh
Știu că și tu ai vise mărețe
Poți să mi le arăți
dacă vrei
Sunt frumoase
Ne putem uita la ele ore întregi
Și să ne predăm puterii lor
Văd lumi noi, aceste viziuni, ard înăuntrul meu (în interiorul meu, oh da)
Nu le pot atinge, dar sunt suficient de aproape încât sunt parte din mine (parte din mine)
Voi fi aici când vine acea zi
(O nouă zi)
Cu capul către soare, dragă
Voi fi aici când vine acea zi
Când vine ziua aceea, voi fi aici pentru tine, dragă
(Cunoaștem lumea)
Arată lumii cine putem să fim
Oh da, deși mi-a fost frică, n-am lăsat capul în jos
Deși mi-era teamă, am alergat înainte
Pentru că am crezut în mine chiar și la cotiturile persecuției
Am mers pe drumul meu, alegerile sunt ale mele
(am auzit)
Vocea mi-e auzită, zgomotul respirației de fericire
Am realizat brusc, îmi voi face visele să devină realitate, haha
Voi fi aici când vine acea zi
(O nouă zi)
Cu capul către soare, dragă
Voi fi aici când vine acea zi
(Cunoaștem lumea)
Arată lumii cine putem să fim
Frica și spaima
Voi reuși vreodată să le depășesc?
Frica și spamia (oh, voi fi acolo, oh, voi fi acolo)
Voi reuși vreodată să le depășesc? (oh)


Woo wha~
Ah ah~
Oh my, why are you turning around?
Stop stuttering, tell me straight up
(Mom says!)
La La La La, back in her days
She didn’t even look at foolish guys like you
Where I am is heaven
Other people’s eyes are a trap
My words are the law
(Law law law)
I’m the prettiest, that’s right, good boy
You really want me?
Now all eyes on me
Tik tok, there’s not much time
I’m very pinky very pinky
I know you want me ah ah
Knock Knock, knock on my heart
You’re my super rookie, super rookie
Have courage
Take me
Pretty since birth
Maria Maria Maria
Fall into me uh
I can’t be left alone
I’m a hot girl, girl, girl
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Winner!)
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Oh yeah!)
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Winner!)
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Red sun!)
Your face is turning red, that’s being honest
You’re walking faster, hold me from behind
Like roulette, your head is spinning
Falling for my charm
Blasting off the bullet of magic
One two three
(Mom says!)
Back in her days, she’s never been like this
The men just knew how to treat her
Back in her days, holding hands took too long
That sounds frustrating
(So let’s start with a kiss)
Tik tok, there’s not much time
I’m very pinky very pinky
I know you want me ah ah
Knock Knock, knock on my heart
You’re my super rookie, super rookie
Have courage
Take me
Pretty since birth
Maria Maria Maria
Fall into me uh
I can’t be left alone
I’m a hot girl, girl, girl
You’ll get dizzy from my mysterious spell
Feel me, my strong power
Because there’s no girl like me
Take me
Pretty since birth
Maria Maria Maria
Fall into me uh
I can’t be left alone
I’m a hot girl, girl, girl
We’re girls on top
Shining more than anyone else (Saturday!)
Go out to the world
We’ve completely surrounded you ho!
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Winner!)
D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB D.B.D.B.DIB (Red sun!)

Ziua lungă s-a terminat

Simţindu-mă obosită
lângă foc
ziua lungă s-a terminat
Vântul a dispărut
Adormit în zori
Brațurile ard
Ziua lungă s-a terminat
Fără nici o reproș
Soarele va răsări
Ziua lungă s-a terminat

That You Should Only Smile

I know that there are angels in the world
waiting for me on the path
don't need to hurry, everything will work out alright
it will come with time
there are truly important things
in the end it is the small details
sometimes we don't need to speak
we found words also in the quiet
That you should only smile for your whole life
this is all that i ask for
a small house, a garden for the children
believe me i am happy
know that i will watch over them for ever
And you will soon see
the things themselves with come together on the path
the fearful will fret, questions will be solved
it will come with time
there are truly important things
in the end it is the small details
sometimes we don't need to speak
we found words also in the quiet
That you should only smile for your whole life
this is all that i ask for
a small house, a garden for the children
believe me i am happy
know that i will watch over them for ever

Happy Birthday

Before I could even realize it, the date had changed
I wonder why we age?
Even though we won’t grow anymore
I immediately got up at the sound of my ringtone, but it was for nothing
I thought it was from you
I wonder if by some mistake
You’ll come to like me?
Because in this place where you aren’t around
The air is thin and I can’t breathe
Even though I can think of random things to talk about,
I just can’t think of the reasons that allow me to hold you tight
Ah, I see, that’s right
Happy birthday to me, and this one-sided love
I don’t know what love is,
But if it’s an ache called 'Like', I’m familiar with it
I want to show you what it’s like, but in the end,
You’re the one who keeps showing me
If today just ends like this and tomorrow comes,
This distance that never seems to close,
And the fruitless push and pull of these conversations,
Can be summed up with a simpler name
Though nothing will come to an end
Repeating these boring words
To continue this incoherent story
In these days of self-satisfaction,
I just want you to say
Happy Birthday
Even though I can think of random things to talk about,
I just can’t think of the reasons that allow me to hold you tight
Ah, I see, that’s right
Happy birthday to me, and this one-sided love
Happy birthday to me, and this one-sided love

Resist, ye, my heart!

They got you wounded, haven't they
All of your sides got blistered
No science can take care of this
Mind is torn sack, unrovelled lace
You are the target of the arrows coming from above
A frame tamboured with fire
Don't rebel at dust and ashes
Resist, ye, my heart, for another breath!

Drawing Days

An angel without wings told me
He had lost the map to go home
Powerless I took a paintbrush
and poured water onto dried paint
Even if these eyes lose their light,
I'll still draw
Even if these hand lose their strength,
I'll still draw
A swaggering stray cat was laughing
It was laughing at me floundering while living
On my narrow and small palette
My strong will doesn't mingle
Even in the cold and dark world,
I can go draw
I can go draw a picture that
the sun burning red pierces through
For someone's sake, what can I do
Just with that, I will from now on again
Even if my eyes lose their sight,
I'll show that I'll draw
Even when my hand loses its strength,
I'll show that I'll draw
In the colors that seem to envelop everything
There's a prayer filled with all wishes

Cât te iubesc

Văd în ochii tăi
lacuri și păduri pe care
Nu le-aș mai fi văzut dacă nu te vedeam.
Acum că ești aici,
simt că se va schimba
Mâine fericirea mea va reveni.
Cat te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Cat te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Când gura ta o întâlnește pe a mea
Când cântecul tău devine poezie
Când inima ta vrea dar corpul tău nu știe
Când pentru pudoare el se îndepărtează
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Când vara moare, când tu vei îmbătrâni
Și timpul iubirii pentru tine de-acum s-a terminat
Când primul zâmbet, un strigăt va deveni
Când dorința ta, va rămâne singură
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi, oh, că te iubesc.
Când mâna ta se leagă cu a mea
Când realitatea devine fantezie
Fără să ne gândim înainte, fără să ne gândim după aceea
Când rămânem singuri și suntem doar noi
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Cât te iubesc, cât te iubesc, nu știi.
Oh, cât te iubesc, oh, cât te iubesc.