Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 10

Număr de rezultate: 342


Negura Noptii

Nu stiu la ce sa ma astept
Mintea-mi razna o ia
Abia pot a-mi simti suflul
Precum un vis, nu pot a scapa ...
Vreau sa fug , insa sunt tot aici cand ma trezesc
Intr-o lume neagra intunecata
Totul dispare
Fara de stiinta, cand vantul' v-a sufla
Intr-o lume neagra intunecata
Totul pleaca...
In negura noptii, stranii lucruri se-ntampla
In negura noptii, lumea devine 'rece'
Cand lumina paleste imprejur ..
Soapte cutremura
In negura noptii, bine-ai face sa te tii bine
Poti sa dai de veste, poti sa tipi
Insa n-am sa te salvez din al noptii inselator miez
Cand lumina zilei dispare
Nu vei gasi niciun adapost in acest incurcat salas al fricii
In negura noptii, stranii lucruri se-ntampla
In negura noptii, lumea devine 'rece'
Cand lumina paleste imprejur ..
Soapte cutremura
In negura noptii, bine-ai face sa te tii bine
Bine-ai face sa rezisti
In a noptii negura
Haide, suflu-ti trage
Ochii nu-ti inchide
Nu mai spune niciun cuvant
Nu lasa intunericul' a te gasi
Ramanand neclintit', nu ceda pe dinauntru
Nu mai spune niciun cuvant
NU lasa intunericul sa te gaseasca
In negura noptii, stranii lucruri se-ntampla
In negura noptii, lumea devine 'rece'
Cand lumina paleste imprejur ..
Soapte cutremura
In negura noptii, bine-ai face sa te tii bine
Bine-ai face sa rezisti
In a noptii negura
Bine-ai face sa rezisti !

The heart knows

When I first met you
I knew you are the
only one, and I never gave up no you my love, you came to me and you have conquered my heart, when you called me 'my soul' (you are 'my hear and soul')
So come to me my love,
I am calling you, I promise you that from now on and to infinity
Come to me and you will see, we will win, because my heart knows and he is never wrong
Only you can open my heart, to dream the sweetest dreams, to sing and win together, because the heart knows, and is never wrong
When I first kissed you,
I felt I could fly high from love, and I swore to you, you will never be sad again, all I have dreamt,
I gave up on everyrhing,
And I have asked you only for me

Dea x Crisis

With the mighty force, I am successful in crushing pain
Shooting and filling it with infinite bravery
The Goddess of death uses its cunning in an ingenuous way
To get us out of this game and never return
The living wrath within your life
Is being possessed by the destruction of Crisis Trance
It has accelerated everyone in order to be capable
To withstand the strong strength of their heart's
Dea × Crisis = Trance
I'll be free until someone ruthless falls into the heavens
And cut them in half until they find an exit
Elegance is only a distraction
To avoid God's fate and waste your life
Your consciousness leads your way
To the painful fate of Crisis Trance
For you to be able to survive the weakest
Since you will be affected the most
Dea × Crisis = Trance
The light that lit your eye's
Are my last opportunity to respond and save the last fighting chance
Crisis Trance!
The living wrath within your life
Is being possessed by the destruction of Crisis Trance
It has accelerated everyone in order to be capable
To withstand the strong strength of their heart's
Dea × Crisis = Trance
Dea × Crisis = Trance
Tomorrow there will be no honest soul
Only balance and eruption


When all the lights go out
And thousands of fireworks light up
Our hands slowly join
And you are the most beautiful
I read the happiness in your eyes
Remembering how much I love you
For us, dreams are coming true
It's our night
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
And I promise to take care of it
I will love you and with you I'll stay
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
And I promise to take care of it
We will love each other and with you I'll stay
Together, ten lives or so
Welcome, I've been waiting for you for a lifetime
Without you, I was incomplete
You and me, the perfect painting
Today is our day
Too banal, maybe it sounds cliched
I swear to be by your side always
Together for life, a sweet punishment
To be together through the good and the bad
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
And I promise to take care of it
I will love you and with you I'll stay
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
And I promise to take care of it
We will love each other and with you I'll stay
Together, ten lives or so
Step by step
I won't leave you
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
Step by step
I won't leave you
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
Today, I have linked your heart to mine
And I promise to take care of it
We will love each other and with you I'll stay
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Who Knows One?

Who knows one?
I know one! One is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows two?
I know two! Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows three?
I know three! Three are the fathers,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows four?
I know four!
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows five?
I know five! Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows six?
I know six! Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows seven?
I know seven! Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows eight?
I know eight! Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows nine?
I know nine! Nine are the months of pregnancy​​​​​,
Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows ten?
I know ten! Ten are the commandme​​​​nts,
Nine are the months of pregnancy​​​​​,
Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows eleven?
I know eleven! Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream,
Ten are the commandme​​​​nts,
Nine are the months of pregnancy​​​​​,
Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows twelve?
I know twelve! Twelve are the tribes of Israel,
Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream,
Ten are the commandme​​​​nts,
Nine are the months of pregnancy​​​​​,
Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows thirteen?​
I know thirteen!​ Thirteen are the attribute​s of God's mercy,
Twelve are the tribes of Israel,
Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream,
Ten are the commandme​​​​nts,
Nine are the months of pregnancy​​​​​,
Eight are the days until circumcis​​​​​​ion,
Seven are the days of the week,
Six are the orders of the Mishnah,
Five are the books of the Torah,
Four are the matriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Three are the patriarch​​​​​​​​​​s,
Two are the tablets of the covenant,​​​​​​​​​​​​
And one is our God in the heavens and the earth.


Suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
suntem, suntem
Suntem distrusi de la inceput
Inimile noastre, inimile noastre
Bateau in intuneric
Pentru ca suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
Daca poti renunta la tot, bun venit pe Broadway
Vise siliconate si numele tau pe Marque
E cald aici in iad, dar se face intuneric
Deci toata boala si amaraciunea singuratatii
Catre supradozatul de tine si mile de cocaina
Si fiecare pas, alt pas, mergi prin visele mele
Si fiecare respiratie, alta respiratie pe care o respiri cand eu respir
Ii vad pe toti venind, trebuie sa ii vad pe restul plecand
Sunt casatorit cu diavolul in orasul ingerilor
Stiu ca am nevoie de tot, deci nu ma tenta
Ciocăn la usa noastra, nu, nu m-a trimis nimeni
Doar verific toate curvele precum verific aceasta lista
Pune-ti palaria, Lohner se inmoaie
Il poti vedea pe Dumnezeu, cand imi dau masca jos
Suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
suntem, suntem
Suntem distrusi de la inceput
Inimile noastre, inimile noastre
Bateau in intuneric
Pentru ca suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
Faima este cel mai bun prieten al tau, o iubesti fara indoiala
Si din nou, este un
Niciodata nu am vrut mai mult, niciodata nu am vrut binecuvantarea ta
Cine da 2 bani pe un copil care are un vis ?
Fiindca povestile nu-s spuse despre cei nevazuti
Cu sclipire in ochi si cu degetul mijlociu indreptat catre cer
Intr-o sticla de Jack, murim inauntru
Deci cand te uiti in ochii lui, ce vezi acum ?
Omoara monstrul creat si priveste-l sangerand de moarte
Traim o viata in care ucidem sau pierdem
Minte, nenorocitule, pana auzi adevarul
De sub strazi, prin tupeul tineretii
Plangi, nenorocitule, cu tine vorbesc
Suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
suntem, suntem
Suntem distrusi de la inceput
Inimile noastre, inimile noastre
Bateau in intuneric
Pentru ca suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
Din orasul ingerilor
O vesela goala de diavoli
Nu e nimeni sa ne salveze ?
Prin ochii mei vad lumea pe care ne-ati dat-o
Suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
suntem, suntem
Suntem distrusi de la inceput
Inimile noastre, inimile noastre
Bateau in intuneric
Pentru ca suntem, suntem
Suntem facuti din bucati
(Suntem, suntem )
Din orasul ingerilor
O vesela goala de diavoli
(suntem, suntem)
Nu e nimeni sa ne salveze ?
Prin ochii mei vad lumea pe care ne-ati dat-o.

My Ideal

How he looks, he is my ideal
How he thinks and feels, he is my ideal
How he takes the world, he is my ideal
My ideal, that's a fortune that never exists
My ideal, that's the man who doesn't love me
How he talks and laughs, I find that ideal
How he can be tender, I find ideal
How he dances, so gorgeous, I find ideal
My ideal, that's a fortune that never exists
My ideal, that's the man who doesn't love me
If he had encountered me earlier
I could do whatever I want
Now I don't have a chance anymore
Because there's already someone else for him
If he kissed me, that'd be ideal
If he loved me, that'd be ideal
If we then married, that'd be ideal
My ideal, that's a fortune that never exists
My ideal, that's the man who doesn't love me

Am fost în iad

Bun venit în orașul care te va pune în genunchi
Te va face sa vrei mai mult, pana nu mai poți respira
Ești orbit, dar îți place ce vezi
Urmează-ma în noapte, pentru ca am ceea ce ai nevoie
Conducem prin bulevard, care e plin de pești și rechini
E o revolta, abia așteptam să începem
Încearcă sa te controlezi, deoarece știi ca te distrugi
Ai crezut ca străzile acestea sunt pavate în aur
dar sunt murdare și negre
Am trecut prin iad!
Pot sa îți arat diavolul
Cazi jos
Nu poți sa te ții pe picioare
Ți-ai vândut sufletul
Aici trăiești pentru totdeauna
Bun venit într-o lume unde visele devin coșmar!
Bine ai venit [2x]
In burta bestiei
Sunt un lup între oi
La capătul dealului
După bulevard, Curtea scolii, victima înșelătorilor
Și fugi repede, dar lupul e mereu la picioarele tale
Le ai văzut pe toate, dar lupul e la ușa ta
Și ești destul de matur sa fugi, nu te mai ascunzi
Alta victima a posterului atârnat pe strada
Acum ești în lumea lupilor
Și va primim, oilor
[Charlie scene]
Trebuie sa te trezești și sa o înfrunți
Ca sa poți gusta din realitatea mea
Acum ești blocat în locul asta pe care îl urăști
Și ai venit aici atât de fericit
Dar mai apoi te-a făcut sa-ți pierzi credința
Iar asta s-a jucat cu el psihicul tău
Ia-ți rămas bun de la sufletul tău și spune-i bună vanitatii tale
Orasul Hollywood este prietenul tău, și vii sunt familia ta
Te vom conduce spre prăpastie, și-ți vom transforma regretul în agonie
Și nu te voi părăsi niciodată, pentru ca știu ca te vei întoarce la mine
Eu sunt motivul pentru care ai venit, sunt tragedia americana
Bine ai venit într-o lume în care visele devin coșmare!
Bine ați venit!


My head can't follow along with my heart these days
I'm really motivated but I'm out of ideas
Is there anyone who wants to be the subject of my story?
Put your hands up high, open your eyes wide
What? Don't put on a hat, just wait
Show us your path that you've paved
Show me what you have your own
You have skill, I'll use it as an idea (I like it)
You're the down feathers in the padding jacket, useful (so good)
Love is chocolate? Sorry, that's too common, next time
Idea Top Star 2 contestants
The grand prize winner is, drum roll...
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
In a common place around me
I'll discover you, then I'll greet you
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
In a place I didn't expect
You will come to me, yeah
3 2 1
I can't easily think of the things that were familiar to me before
I can't do anything, maybe it's over for me
Is there anyone who wants to be the subject of my story?
A tiring morning, an empty night
A boring day like today
Whoever wants to be special, hands up
Fine, you are pretty handsome
Whether it's wrong or right, put your pride on the stage and show me ( show me)
So I can remain as an idea among the many pages
For today that I've waited for, I'll shout it out, everything I saved
Don't be nervous, it's alright, if your heart pounds, that's my spot
Be where you should be
In a common place around me
I'll discover you, then I'll greet you
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
Ohoh ohohoh ohohohohohoh
In a place I didn't expect
You will come to me, yeah
Put your hands up high, hey, open your eyes wide hey
Those who dream of a special stage, all say hey hey
Put your hands up high, show us your own thing
Show me what you have you own

Dead to me

Versions: #3
Condoleanțele mele
Voi vărsa o lacrimă cu familia ta
Voi deschide o sticlă
Voi vărsa puțin în memoria ta
Voi fi la priveghi îmbrăcată toată în negru
Te voi striga pe nume, dar tu nu-mi vei răspunde
Îi voi da o floare mamei tale când îți spun adio
Căci, iubitule, ești mort pentru mine
Trebuie să te omor
Doar așa mi te pot scoate din cap
Oh, trebuie să te omor
Pentru a opri toate lucrurile dulci pe care le-ai spus
Chiar vreau să te omor
Să te șterg de pe fața pământului meu
Și să-ți îngrop brățara
Să-ți îngrop brățara
Șase metri sub pământ
Zile ploioase și umbrele negre
Cine te va salva acum?
Poți înșela de sub pământ?
Condoleanțele mele
Voi vărsa o lacrimă cu familia ta
Voi deschide o sticlă
Voi vărsa puțin în memoria ta
Voi fi la priveghi îmbrăcată toată în negru
Te voi striga pe nume, dar tu nu-mi vei răspunde
Îi voi da o floare mamei tale când îți spun adio
Căci, iubitule, ești mort pentru mine
Te voi plânge când vei pleca
Iubitule, ești mort pentru mine
Te voi plânge când vei pleca
Trebuie să spun îmi pare rău
Ăsta e singurul lucru pe care-l spui când pierzi pe cineva
Obișnuiam să spun îmi pare rău
Pentru toate tâmpeniile pe care le făceai
Așa că acum chiar îmi pare rău,
Scuze că sunt cea căreia îi pare rău
Dar dacă ți-aș spune că-mi pasă, dacă ți-aș spune că-mi pasă
Ai crede că sunt nebună
Condoleanțele mele
Voi vărsa o lacrimă cu familia ta
Voi deschide o sticlă
Voi vărsa puțin în memoria ta
Voi fi la priveghi îmbrăcată toată în negru
Te voi striga pe nume, dar tu nu-mi vei răspunde
Îi voi da o floare mamei tale când îți spun adio
Căci, iubitule, ești mort pentru mine
Te voi plânge când vei pleca
Iubitule, ești mort pentru mine
Te voi plânge când vei pleca
Căci, iubitule, ești mort pentru mine

Orchid from the Mountains

You're very beautiful, so beautiful
Orchid from the mountains,
That I must climb (them) and get you
So that I can fill my life with your perfume.
When I look at you from afar
My eyes are clouded by jealousy,
Because the sun is kissing you,
Orchid from the mountains.
The mountaintop shan't prevent me
From going up there to get you,
So I can take you with me
To a place where the sun won't ever
Kiss you again.
And when the dew kisses
Your mouth as dawn breaks,
You rise so very proudly,
Orchid from the mountains.
And your very life gets soaked
With its silent caress,
Because you're beautiful, very beautiful,
Orchid from the mountains.
The mountaintop shan't prevent me
From succeeding and taking you away,
To a place where the dew won't
Offer you its liquid kiss
Ever again.

As (You) Shine/Glow

As you burn (engrave) the melody into your face*, you now
Open the door to adulthood as you shine
Close your eyes, the sunlight that seeps through the trees
Makes you shine as you wave your hand (as in good-bye)
The seasons only colour in the end, but
Don't say good bye
You've got to engrave your own dream
Like the girl you are now, with a smile full of memories
I'll watch over you (r position) as you run
Open the door to tomorrow as you shine
The twinkling time was our anniversary the whole time
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas
The day we messed around
Don't say good bye
If parting becomes this song
We'll come across each other in our memories
I'll watch over you as you run
Open the door to tomorrow as you shine
As you brn the melody into your true face, now you
Open the door to adulthood as you shine
*To burn something into your eyes, at least, is to make sure you always remember it. For something like graduation day, wedding day. Can also happen in bad events, but sticking to positive here.
True face means what she's really like, her real expression, without any fronting, if you will.

The 25th of December

The world writhes in the sparks of its own fever dreams
The last lost warrior
Never a victorious winner
It swings in the oscillations
Of this humanity's greed
Fallen and wicked
So small and mean
The year is ending
A circle slowly closes
A solution is put forward
A way out is not found
A radical justification of a radical party
Their radical solutions
The time has come
The sun is surrounded, the war is not won
A life is lived, a time is lived
Also the people swim contentedly in the rapture of Christmas
Families repaired, further than ever from Satan
A battle is won, lost for you
A battle is won, lost for you
The world writhes in the sparks of its own fever dreams
Of the last defeats
Of the last peace
Even the powerful force themselves to act now
Much more laughter after the election is won
Cluelessly the people move
In the dimensions of their world, created by them
Adapted to the times, the moment of their being
Imprisoned without a break in their own time
The year is ending
A circle slowly closes
A solution is put forward
A way out is not found
The sun is surrounded, the war is not won
A life is lived, a time is lived
A battle is won, lost for you
A battle is won, lost for you
The cult seems lost, the priests dead
Wisdom, the strict heights of the cosmic laws
There is no time, no before, no after
Dead, not lost
Left in another form and shape
In another dimension, under another authority
The sun is surrounded, the war is not won
A life is lived, a time is lived
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


A Sketch of Summer

The ferry leaving port at 10:05 seems like the last.
We've still got a little time left, so let's wait outside.
It's fine if there's a reason you've got to go home tonight.
I kind of want to know the reason myself, but I just can't ask you.
Suppose that you were a single watercolor painting.
I would go to the art museum everyday just to stare at you.
But even so, the true love shown in summer sketches,
Always ends up broken apart.
The ferry leaving port at 10:05 has finally arrived.
The blue lights of the city illuminate the deck as you step aboard.
It's okay to cry as you smile when it's time to leave.
If you think of it like a dream, I'm sure you'll wake up.
When I pretended to be sleeping at the Surfside Hotel,
I could hear you crying softly as you lay next to me.
The love that's always drawn into summer sketches,
Is carried by the waves to the shore.

Dear. Teddy Bear

Hey Teddy Bear,
How are you?
Without you the world
Is so cold to me
Hey Teddy Bear,
I miss you.
When you were by my side I could lay gently,
I could pull you close
In the hours without you
I would beg for a wish
You gave me energy
When I was asleep
You gently came up to me and
Said: 'Hello!'
Hey Teddy Bear,
Are you doing well?
I'm without you,
I miss you
Hey Teddy Bear,
Hello, I know you're doing well
But I'm without you,
I still miss you
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
I'm doing well
Eventhough I'm without I can smile like this
I miss you
When the time I had with you
Get's further away from me,
Don't hesitate and come to me
When I'm asleep,
Softly come to me and
Say: 'Hello!'
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear,
Are you doing well?
I'm without you,
I miss you
Hey Teddy Bear,
Hello, I know you're doing well
But I'm without you,
I still miss you
Please tell me,
I want to heart you voise
Whe are you?
I can't see you everyday but
I want to see you
At least once
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear

Everything is an idea

Wherever you chose to stay, always chase clouds
Whatever you wanted that's what you should spill, whatever we lived you should beat
Have dreams don't be afraid to, you probably were for a lot
Kill me and don't remember me, since that way you'll be better
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
And if I still love you, one day you'll have forgotten.
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
I'll take you out of my mind and you'll find my door closed.
Wherever you chose to live nicely, sleep without guilt
And you won't have news from me, I'll have stayed in other times
Search intensely, almost extremely, take bodies without soul
Have fun with your friends, so you don't miss me even for a moment.
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
And if I still love you, one day you'll have forgotten.
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
I'll take you out of my mind and you'll find my door closed.
You're an idea I'll get over it, I've lived it many times
You're an idea I'll get over it, I'll forget you and you'll become yesterday
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
And if I still love you, one day you'll have forgotten
Everything is an idea, you too are an idea
I'll take you out of my mind and you'll find my door closed..

Draga mea Martha

Draga mea Martha,
deşi îmi petrec zilele în conversaţii, te rog
aminteşte-ţi de mine
iubirea mea Martha
Nu mă uita,
draga mea Martha.
Ţine capul sus, prostuţo
Uite ce-ai făcut!
Când te afli în grosul ei
Ajută-te un pic cu ceea ce este în jurul tău
Priveşte bine în jurul tău
Priveşte bine, trebuie să vezi
că eu şi tu suntem meniţi să fim
unul pentru altul
Ţine mîna, prostuţo
Vezi ce-ai făcut!
Când te afli în grosul ei
Ajută-te un pic cu ceea ce este în jurul tău
Draga mea Martha,
ai fost mereu inspiraţia mea, te rog
Fi bună cu mine
iubirea mea, Martha
Nu mă uita,
draga mea Martha.

Departe de casă

Încă o zi în acest carnaval al sufletelor
Încă o noapte se lesă la fel de repede precum trece
Amintirile umbrelor mele, se imprimă pe foaia mea
Și pare ca nu pot găsi drumul spre casă
Și aproape pare că
Raiul tău ar face totul
Raiul tău ar face totul
Să mă țină în afara sa
Toate locurile în care am fost și lucruri pe care le-am văzut
Un milion de povești ce au făcut un milion de vise zdrobite
Fețele oamenilor pe care nu-i voi mai vedea
Și pare ca nu pot găsi drumul spre casă
Fiindca aproape pare că
Raiul tău ar face totul să mă frângă
Fiindca apriape pare ca
Raiul tau ar face totul
Să mă țină în afara sa
[Solo de chitară]
Fiindca aproape pare că
Raiul tău ar face totul să mă frângă
Fiindca aproape pare că
Raiul tău ar face totul
Raiul tău ar face totul să mă frângă
Să mă frângă
Să mă frângă
Raiul tău ar face totul
Raiul tău ar face totul sa mă frângă

Long Live Shiz

Versions: #2
Well, I loved being with all of you
but as you imagine
I have so much to do with this unexpected departure of The Wizard.
if there are no more questions I suggest that…
Is it true that you were friends?
Woe is me!
Well...well Yes.
It depends on what you understand by 'friend'
Since I knew her…
Or our paths did cross
in School….
But, you must understand that it was a long time ago
and we were both very young….
Shiz Students:
With value
and with honor...
For life I'm happy
What I know and I learned
I will never forget what's left here.
And that's why long live Shiz!
And that's why...long live…
Long live Shiz!
Shiz Students:
Long live Shiz-zzzz!


Within the spreading
darkness we exchanged vows of revolution
an evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
because I can't let anyone interfere
with everything that'll come about from now on
I see the future and the fruit it brings
the city that has forgotten reasoning
the present is distorted black
dreams, turn into ideals
Why? Am I a broken messiah?
Everyone wished for a finale
Within the spreading darkness we exchanged vows of revolution
an evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I can't let anyone interfere
with everything that'll come about from now on
someday, I'll show you
a shining sky
Why? Am I a broken messiah?
Everyone dreamed of a paradise
Within the spreading darkness we exchanged vows of revolution
an evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I can't let anyone interfere
with everything that’ll come about from now on
someday, I'll show you
a shining


It would be nice if we could put away and throw out
everything except what really mattered, but
reality is just cruel.
In such times,
I see you laughing
whenever I close my eyes.
Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.
People are all sad, so
they go and forget, but--
For that which I should love,
For that which gives me love, I will do what I can.
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got hurt, didn't we?
Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got there in the end.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Elle Máret

Elle Máret, Elle Máret
Why did you leave me?
I don't love, I don't
I don't love him anymore
Why did you betray, why did you betray
why did you betray me
I didn't mean to do it,
but that's what happened
goodbye, goodbye
Surely we'll meet again
We'll probably meet again

Eyes front!

Our company was parading through town
followed by two laughing brown eyes. She sure was pretty.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
All our thoughts were with her as we marched.
Every one of us thought her glances were for him.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
As we were dismissed, we saw her with a guy.
Our commander walked hand in hand by her side.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


[Refrenul 1]
Există o furtună puternică
Și m-am prins în mijlocul tuturor
E nevoie de controlul
Asupra persoanei pe care am crezut-o că sunt
Băiatul pe care-l cunoșteam
Dar există o lumină
În intunericul
Și simt căldura ei
În mâinile mele
În inima mea
De ce nu pot să mă țin
El vine și merge în valuri
Totdeauna o face
Totdeauna o face
Privim cum tinerele noastre inimi dispar
În inundațiile
În inundațiile
Și libertatea
Și căderea
Sentimentul pe care l-am gândit a fost batut in cuie
Mi se aluneca prin degetele
Încearcă din greu să renunțe
El vine și merge în valuri
El vine și merge în valuri
Și ne duce departe
[Refrenul 2]
Prin vânt
Până la locul pe care l-am folosit atunci când eram copii
Amintiri de un loc furat
Prins în tăcere
Un ecou pierdut în spațiu
El vine și merge în valuri
Totdeauna o face
Totdeauna o face
Privim in timp ce tinerele noastre inimi dispar
În inundațiile
În inundațiile
Și libertatea
Și căderea
Sentimentul pe care l-am gândit fusese pus în piatră
El se mișcă prin degete
Încearcă din greu să renunțe
El vine și merge în valuri
El vine și merge în valuri
Și ne duce departe
Am văzut cum tânărul meu din lume dispăru în fața ochilor mei
Momente de magie și minuni
Pare atât de greu de găsit
Se întoarce vreodată din nou
Se întoarce vreodată din nou
Du-mă înapoi la senzație când
Totul a fost lăsat să fie gasit.
El vine și merge în valuri
Totdeauna o face
Totdeauna o face
Și libertatea
Și căderea
Sentimentul pe care l-am gândit fusese pus în piatră
El se mișcă prin degete
Încearcă din greu să renunțe
El vine și merge în valuri
El vine și merge în valuri
Și ne duce departe

Draga mama

Sunt acestea cuvintele mele
Nu au granita, nu au inchisoare
Vechi barci purtate de vant
Apoi colectate pentru un cantec
Ti le dedic acum si pentru totdeauna
Sperand ca intr-o zi sa le poti asculta
Au sunetele unui loc indepartat
Precum aripile le las zburand
Aici marea vorbeste de tine
De ceea ce m-ai invatat
De curajul care m-a schimbat
Esti forta dinauntrul meu
Femeia care m-ai vrut
Femeia care voi fi
Sunt acestea cuvintele mele
Planoare de hartie care stralucesc in soare
Dorinte de mici lucruri
Angrenajul unui singur motor
Tu vei ramane partea mea cea mai buna
Chiar si cand vei fi mult mai putin puternica
In noptile in care stelele cad pe plaja
Si cand intr-o zi ma voi indragosti
Aici viata vorbeste despre tine
De ceea ce m-ai invatat
De un timp care este deja schimbat
Esti forta dinauntrul meu
Femeia care m-a asteptat
Si cu care ma aseman un pic
Si in sfarsit aici noi suntem
Aceasta seara inca impreuna
Ma regasesc in privirea ta
Si in fata ta care ma atinge usor
Esti forta dinauntrul meu
Femeia care m-a crescut

Moartea nu-i sfârşitul

Când eşti tristi şi singur
şi n-ai un prieten
aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Şi tot ce-ai crezut că-i sacru
cade şi nu se mai repară,
aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Nu-i sfârşitul, nu-i sfârşitul
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Când stai la răscruce
pe care nu o pricepi,
aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Şi visele tale s-au şters
şi nu ştii ce va urma
aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Nu-i sfârşitul, nu-i sfârşitul
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Când norii de furtună se adună în jur
şi ploile cad
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Şi nu-i nimeni să te consoleze
cu o mână de ajutor
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Nu-i sfârşitul, nu-i sfârşitul
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Pomul vieţii creşte
unde spiritul e veşnic
şi lumina salvării
taie cerul negru şi gol
Când oraşele ard
cu carnea vie a oamenilor
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Când cauţi degeaba să găseşti
Un cetățean care respectă legea
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Nu-i sfârşitul, nu-i sfârşitul
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul
Nu-i sfârşitul, nu-i sfârşitul
Aminteşte-ţi că moartea nu-i sfârşitul

Dear Feeling

Why do they sway
Feathers that grew in my heart
In the center of my body
There are feathers that called 'feeling'
Swaying slowly without making a sound
In the morning, I feel stressed while standing
I want to let my depression and hired morality alone
Just avoiding everyday lives is difficult
Slowly and softly without a sound
Why don't you, at least you stay with me
If you leave me
I'll quit being human
Listen, someone is saying
'That will come soon.'
Sincerity that dangles from the neck
Loftiness that is worn around the wrist
They are beasts' property aquired by evolution
With no wings
With no tusks
With no horns
Can't even run fast
There is nothing, nothing
I wonder what true joy is
If you leave me
I'll quit being human

Death Disco

There is no god in you
The so-called atheist
You should not have anything to do with you, such as the crunch that God set.
Why somehow it is supposed to be
Someday you believe, you have a belief in a certain thought
I do not know if he was taught, but you absolutely believe
I believe that 'life is worth it'
I think 'I should not kill people'
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?
There is no god in you
An atheist
Principles that believe only visible things
Miracles that God brings, you fantasy world
But you believe it
You believe that there is a universe
I have not seen it, I have never been, but you dream of the 'universe'
I believe in scientists
'Things scientifically proved are' truth '
That's why you think
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?
There is no god in you
The so-called atheist
There is no relationship to you, such as the distinction between justice and evil
Why somehow it is supposed to be
Someday you believe, I think that the evil should be destroyed
I believe in the meaning of destroying evil with righteousness in myself
Government of Asia ...
You do not absolutely doubt a lot of Gisei in
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?

Love, hope

Torn and scattered pockets of needles.
I am sitting on the floor I gather in fragments
shattered heart.
Anyway now I'm going to the end.
Love, hope,
Love, hope…
Scars and cuts still burn and smolder.
On my knees again, I'm trying to stick together
shattered heart.
Anyway now I’m going through.


Forget about me
we are no longer friends
and I want you to love me
like everything on earth has its name
this is called
'Shipwrecked forms travel adrift
to the encounter with nothingness itself '
'Shipwrecked forms travel adrift
to the encounter with nothingness itself '
Find me over there
I'm one step ahead
making you follow me
and where are you going
remember that this is called
'Shipwrecked forms travel adrift
to the encounter with nothingness itself '
'Shipwrecked forms travel adrift
to the encounter with nothingness itself '
Do not know if you buy humour by climbing
and leave at dawn without a plan
so you can not declare war on anyone
and every time, every time he gets mad
No, I say no
I say no
I do not say anything
I say no
Of course we are unemployed
but also of something else
Of course we are unemployed
but also of something else
No, I say no
I say do not say anything
I say no, I say no
I do not say anything
I say no

Drag Mie !

Obisnuiam sa te iubesc, candva demult
Eu a mea usa' mi-am deschis si ti-am oferit un camin
Tu erai altarul meu si credinta mea
Totul pentru mine, ori cel putin asa eu am crezut!
Ceva s-a stins in ziua in care tu m-ai parasit
Melodiile, amintirile si visele mele
Ceva a plecat, ceva s-a intrezarit , ceva intunecat
Cineva a lasat frugul sa patrunda inlauntru!
Tu ai mancat 'painea/trupul' mea si-ai 'baut din izvorul
meu !
Eu te-am imbracat in matase, vanzand tot ce-am putut
Pentru a putea sa-ti mentin sufletul tau satisfacut
Insa tu de fiecare data , doar cereai de la mine mai mult
In adancul 'golului' unde tu m-ai facut
Catre vartejul de durere, ce ma va pata/manji
Eu n-am sa ma scufund, n-am sa mint, n-am sa mor aici
Eu voi lupta, eu ma voi ridica din nou!!!!!!!
N-am sa-ti scriu o oda, nici o confesie
O melodie, doar o declaratie de razboi
Poveste spusa de la inceputurile creatiei
Simfonie cu o socanta orchestratie !!
Tu erai usuraticul din inima mea
Precum o fraiera eu mi-am jucat rolul
Dar acum tu esti 'agatat/tintit' pe-a ta cruce
Iar eu sunt cea care bate 'cuiele' !!
Tu nimeni esti
Insemni nimic
Esti neinsemnat
Mort pentru mine !
Anii, ei au trecut iar eu te-am uitat
Mi-am 'lins/vindecat' toate ranile si mi-am facut un nou
As vrea sa pot spune, 'iti doresc toate cele bune',
insa nu-i adevarat!!
Eu n-am sa iert, n-am sa uit!!!!!
N-am sa-ti scriu o oda, nici o confesie
O melodie, doar o declaratie de razboi
Poveste spusa de la inceputurile creatiei
Simfonie cu o socanta orchestratie !!
Tu erai usuratecul din inima mea
Precum o fraiera eu mi-am jucat rolul
Dar acum tu esti 'agatat/tintit' pe-a ta cruce
Iar eu sunt cea care bate 'cuiele' !!
Tu nimeni esti
Insemni nimic
Esti neinsemnat
Mort pentru mine !


E un om pe care-l întâlnesc mergând pe strada noastră
Lucrează pentru consiliu
de vreo 20 de ani
Și nu ia nicio buză de la nimeni
Și aruncă jgheabul
Îl pune într-o pungă
Și niciodată nu gândește să mute
şi îşi împachetează prânul într-o pungă,
copiii îi spun Bogie
El nicicând nu-i lasă
dar ştiu că o dată mi-a zis
Mi-a spus un secret de banii pe pisica sa
îşi va lua o iolă
şi o va numi Dignity
Şi-am s-o navighez pe coasta de vest,
prin sate şi oraşe
voi fi în vacanţă
ei îşi vor face runda
mă vor întreba de unde-am luat-o, voi zice 'm-am economisit'
vor zice nu-i aşa că-i drăguţă acea barcă pe nume Dignity
Şi spun povestea
într-o scenă depărtată
sorbind Raki
şi citind Maynard Keynes
şi mă gândesc la casă şi tot ce înseamnă
şi un loc de iernat pentru Dignity
Şi-am s-o navighez pe coasta de vest,
prin sate şi oraşe
voi fi în vacanţă
ei îşi vor face runda
mă vor întreba de unde-am luat-o, voi zice 'm-am economisit'
vor zice nu-i aşa că-i drăguţă acea barcă pe nume Dignity
Şi-am să mă gândesc la casă
Şi-am să mă gândesc la destin
Şi-am să mă gândesc la muncă,
Şi-am să mă gândesc ce bine ar fi
să fiu cândva
pe o navă numită Dignity
o navă numită Dignity
Acea navă...