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Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 342


Death Note Opening

Within the spreading darkness, We exchanged vows of revolution
I can't let anyone interfere with it
In the future reflected in the fruit, dreams, turn into ideals
Everyone wished for a 'finale'…
Within the spreading darkness, We exchanged vows of revolution
I can't let anyone interfere with it
Someday I will show you a bright world

I'm fine

We were walking on the boulevard of life
Towards the destination of death, we have departed
And then God, in his car, stops on the edge
He said to me, 'Hey, my Son, can I give you a lift?'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see the ones I love along the way
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'm not very far'
'And if you see the ones I love along the way
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'm not...
And that I'm not very far'
We were walking on this boulevard in the night
And then the sky and its aurora were my faith, so pretty
Suddenly, the wind was strong and then the weather was gray
Out of nowhere, an old biker stops and tells me:
'Ah, you know, boy, I've waited so long in my life My sentence, romance and then the restaurant too
You know the time is fading, and I lost my wife
I lost all my friends too and I have absoloutely no company
So, get on my Harley, hang on, we'll take a trip
And then I said, 'that's all well Mr. Biker...
But do you have dark thoughts or something?'
'Well no, it's not that
It's just that I've rubbed death
And if I invite you on my bike
It is so that your road goes a little faster
We'll fly a hundred miles an hour
Burn our throttle gas in happiness
We will drive without stopping '
And very bothered, I responded:
'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'll see them again soon'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'll see them ... and that I'll see them again soon '
And even if sometimes
I watch the road
And it tells me that it sucks
Because life without you
Goes on to be a huge challenge
I prefer not to take the shortcut
'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I will see them again soon »
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more paim and that I'll see them ... and that I'll see them again soon '


Slowly… Slowly… The distance we are separated
How long have we been passing each other by?
Dirty, oozing dissatisfaction, muddy and
Lazy… Lazy… Distorted thoughts
A cherished memory of the un-erasable past
I lay it all out, I face demise
fooling the blind!
I don’t want anybody else to die!
but he said
“Back to hell (bitch) and free my mind”
Until these dirty memories fade
Make sure your fingers are connected together
If you sacrifice, you’ll be saved
Those scars already don’t feel pain
Childish, petty lies
Everything overlaps with that day
Repeated mistakes…
…I vowed in my heart
I want to make an uproar and destroy, am I just mere chance?
and he said
“burn in hell (bitch) it’s now my time”
I cry and I cry, but I cannot go back
Those good old days of frolicking and shining together
I cannot be saved, my character is
As ugly as you are
Preaching lies that you call truth
Greed and pride empowers you.
Through my times of peace, your face appears.
Spreading pure evil that brings me to tears.
Piercing my brain with lies and deceit
Pride and greed is what you preach!
Fuck off and die
Fuck off and die
Seemingly endless time
You also felt it
Even though I know if I exit the room, it will be goodbye forever
Performing together, through pleasure, two people become one
-will dark be bright?
Dream-like warmth does not become cool
Imprisoned, my heart rages
Until these tangled memories disappear
I cannot believe anyone
So, you’ve already been ended
The smiling face I saw before, even today, it is the most lovely
Because it’s changed to memories


How I hate you
No matter how much we swear our love
Loneliness turns to pain
Whenever I notice your small lies
I drown in long nights of paranoia
【Will you betray me in the end? Have you been cheating me from the very beginning?】
How I hate you
If there’s someone else, let go of my hand
Words that can’t read your mind are insufficient
Vicious greed beckons to me
Making me dance unconsciously in the palm of its hand
【The only person who can save me is myself. Is the ugliness of my heart a sin?】
How I hate you
A vividly colored evil eats into my heart
Grinding, I cannot break away from this brainwashing
With my aimless thoughts, more frightening than darkness
If I sacrifice the entirety of my reason, will I be even a little satisfied?
No matter how much we swear our love
One of our loves is one-sided
There is no longer any such equality there
Until this curse is lifted


Prison walls, can’t find my way out,
lost inside this crazy maze
Eternally bound to CHAOS
Awakening a sense of despair
Endless walls that trap me inside,
keep on searching day after day!
Unrealistic escape
Mistaken self-defense
If sinful freedom is allowed
I will be deprived of everything
I will lose my destination, I decay..
What I gained seems lost with time, nothing left but this empty fuck’n rhyme,
life’s a game filled with lies.
That day
I was touched by the darkness that you carry
I hesitated slightly
You see through it
In cold silence, with an inhuman smile
I hid my interrupted heart
What seems right can be lost and gone “and we”,
lose everything we thought was ours “and this”,
puzzle of life will never end,
now I lay my head on my final death bed.
The two of us who are at odds with other in a complicated way
Eventually meet disaster
Breaking into pieces
The piece that came to support me
Vanished without a trace
It will never return
Without accepting a certain reality
Pray for the light of day
Can I over come….Help me over come
Is this really how it ends…
is there no way to see the light
Hey, tell me
Do humans remain an unfinished puzzle
Falling to ruins?
That day
I asked for 「light」
The sign of you without words
Around now, my chest is pierced
The future has become frightening
Unnoticed by you, who has come to hate everything
Breaking into pieces
The piece that came to support me
Will never return

Kill The King

Suicide is filling this country with darkness
The media seriously confront
While you burn slowly the tragedy awaits you
Hey BOY! This beautiful world will chew you Up!! KTK!!!!
There is no escape!
I ran away from here
and even if I can not get some peace only in this place I feel protected
Before seeing reality I will gather the courage
To face it
An era feared by the 『Ideology of things』
The fact of fighting, it is extremely absurd
Corrupt the idea of ending (3 2 1 Go!)『the right to imitate』
Hey BOY! This beautiful world will chew you Up!! KTK!!!!
There is no escape!
In our poisoned world
Only those who obey are deceived falling into it
Inside you who 『absolutely』 continue to believe blindly
Doubt and kill
Get ready to take the first step
Flip the flag
I ran away from here
and even if I can not get some peace only in this place I feel protected
Before seeing reality I will gather the courage
To face it

Dragă viitor soț

Versions: #2
Dragă viitor soț
Aici sunt câteva lucruri
Pe care trebuie să le știi dacă vrei să fii
Singurul și unicul toată viața mea
Du-mă la o întâlnire
Merit asta, iubire
Și nu uita de flori la fiecare aniversare
Pentru că dacă mă vei trata corect
Voi fi soția perfectă
Cumpără alimente
Cum-Cumpără ce ai nevoie
Ai 9 pânâ la 5
Dar, iubire, eu la fel
Deci nu te gândi că voi fi acasă găting plăcintă cu mere
Nu am învătat niciodată să gătesc
Dar pot scrie un refren
Cântă cu mine
Cântă-Cântă cu mine.(hei)
Trebuie să știi cum să mă tratezi ca o doamnă
Dacă câteodată mă comport ciudat
Spune-mi că totul va fi bine
Dragă viitor soț,
Aici sunt câteva chestii pe care tu trebuie să le știi dacă vrei să fii
Singurul și unicul toată viața mea
Dragă viitor soț,
Dacă vrei să ai această iubire specială
Spune-mi că sunt mai frumosă decât oricine în fiecare noapte
După fiecare ceartă
Doar cere-ți scuze
Și poate c-o să te las să încerci și leagănă-mi corpul bine
Daca am greșit
Tu știi că niciodată nu gresesc
De ce dezaprobi?
De ce dezaprobi?
Dragă viitor soț,
Aici sunt câteva chestii pe care tu trebuie să le știi dacă vrei să fii
Singurul și unicul toată viața mea
Dragă viitor soț,
Fă-ți timp pentru mine
Nu mă lăsa singură
Și să știi că n-o să-ți vezi familia mai mult decât mine
Voi dormi pe partea dreapta a patului,
Lasă ușa deschisă pentru mine și poate vei primi câteva săruturi
Să nu ai o minte murdară
Fi un băiat de primă clasă
Cumpără-mi un inel
Cumpără-mi un inel
Trebuie să știi cum să mă tratezi ca o doamnă
Dacă câteodată mă comport ciudat
Spune-mi că totul va fi bine
Dragă viitor soț,
Aici sunt câteva chestii pe care tu trebuie să le știi dacă vrei să fii
Singurul și unicul toată viața mea
Dragă viitor soț,
Dacă vrei să ai această iubire specială
Spune-mi că sunt mai frumosă decât oricine în fiecare noapte
Viitorul meu soț, mai bine m-ai iubi corect

rainbow days

The world is moving quickly ahead,
we’re being left behind
I wished for this moment to last forever
Strangers surround me and my true intentions
Feeling trapped like a bird in a cage,
I longed to be free in the sky
Haven’t you noticed? Have you noticed?
I want to tell you- I still haven’t told you
but my voice sounds like an awkward F chord
I hope my voice reaches you through the night
and won’t let you sleep
Like a mirror, our heavy tones reflect and cause distortion
In our hearts a rhythm plays, even if we run out of breath
Like chasing after a bird that’s creating a rainbow
I will continue to follow you
The mountain of problems we put aside has begun to pile up
Your high perception and frightening voice, I can hear it.
I lost something important to me. I want you by my side
We had an unclear connection
You’re leaving without saying goodbye
The message I wrote on the amplifier isn’t there anymore
“The guitars we both wanted still resonate our sounds…”
Like a mirror, our dreams reflect, but it seems they won’t come true
As I search for you, my heart beats fast and feels as if it will break
Our bright days fade just like that rainbow
But I won’t forget them
I’m going to break- I’m going insane, because you’re gone
“Maybe I’ll see you again” that alone would be fine
I’m trying to think, what will I draw next?
The world is moving quickly ahead

Dragă prietene

Dragă prietene, ce este timpul?
Este acesta într-adevăr graniţa ?
Înseamnă acesta atât de mult pentru tine?
Îţi este teamă sau e adevărat ?
Dragă prietene, aruncă vinul
Sunt îndrăgostit de o prietenă a mea
Realmente adevărat, tânără şi căsătorită recent
Eşti nebun sau este adevărat?
Te temi sau este adevărat?
Dragă prietene, ce este timpul?
Este acesta într-adevăr graniţa ?
Înseamnă acesta atât de mult pentru tine?
Îţi este teamă sau e adevărat ?
Dragă prietene, aruncă vinul
Sunt îndrăgostit de o prietenă a mea
Realmente adevărat, tânără şi căsătorită recent
Eşti nebun sau este adevărat?
Te temi sau este adevărat?

If I had never met you -Summer Snow Winter Flower-

I don't need memories. I want to sleep forever.
At this rate it'll be better if morning doesn't come
Inside my dreams you are always smiling
Tell me... why won't it disappear?
I gave you everything, you gave me anything
Definitely, no matter where or when
You're everything, still my everything
I love you!
It's like snow falling in the middle of summer, an ephemeral miracle
If I had never met you it never would have hurt this much
I wouldn't have to tie up my chest... even so [1]
If I had never met you I would never know strength and kindness
I cried in the corner of my room, I couldn't see anything
I don't need seasons. I don't want to feel anything
Maybe it's finally okay to forget the name of that flower
But in my dreams you're always smiling
Even now, it's still like that
I gave you everything, you gave me anything
Always, no matter where or when
You're everything, I'm still waiting
It's okay for me to love [2]
Like a flower blooming in the middle of winter, even in a fleeting memory
If I had never met you I wouldn't feel this lonely
There isn't a night I can stop my tears... even so
I just want to give myself to you, from 'you will be loved'
I was wrapped up, nights where I began to smile were just like me [3]
If a single one of my wishes were to be granted, I'd want to feel it one more time
Being able to feel glad I was born, I was illuminated by that morning sun
If I had never met you it never would have hurt this much
I wouldn't have to tie up my chest... even so [1]
If I had never met you I would never know strength and kindness
If I close my eyes right away you're there
Even now if I close my eyes, right away you're there

Dead Like Lifeless

If you step on me
I'll have to sting you
Wearing a harness of love
You know of the cold-blooded ones
It won't row or back paddle
The graves will be dug in time
The Devil, The Devil
The Devil will take me only when I'm
Dead like lifeless
They are
Lake can freeze over
As long as tango plays over the sea
I'll tear open the wounds of love
That other only dream of
It won't row or back paddle
The graves will be dug in time
The Devil, The Devil
The Devil will take me only when I'm
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
It can take me only
When the ice stops rattling
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
I am dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
Dead like lifeless
I am lifeless
Dead like lifeless
It can take me only
When the ice stops rattling
It can take me only
When the boot has stopped stepping

Amintiri Moarte

Versions: #2
Stând în întuneric, nu pot uita
Chiar și acum, realizez timpul pe care nu îl voi primi
Altă poveste despre amarele pastile ale credinței
Nu mă pot întoarce înapoi
Nu mă pot întoarce înapoi
Dar m-ai pus să te iubesc și am făcut-o
Mi-am schimbat emoțiile cu un contract pentru a comite
Si când am plecat, am ajuns doar atât de departe
Celalalt eu e mort
Îi aud vocea în capul meu
Nu am fost niciodată vii
Si nu ne vom naște din nou
Dar nu voi supraviețui vreodată
Cu amintiri moarte în inima mea
Cu amintiri moarte în inima mea
Mi-ai spus sa te iubesc si am făcut-o
Mi-ai legat sufletul într-un nod
Și m-ai facut sa ma supun
Și cand am plecat
Mi-am ținut doar rănile
Celălalt eu e mort
Acum nu mai știu unde aparțin
Nu am fost niciodată vii
Si nu ne vom naște din nou
Dar nu voi supraviețui vreodată
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Viziuni moarte în ochii tai
Degete moarte în venele mele
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Amintiri moarte în inima mea
Amintiri moarte în inima mea


I want to live forever If I lived forever, all my wishes would come true
However, many things drive me to corner
the length of life, the whereabouts of my dreams
Though they're all precious things
'Well, I guess it's ok, and have something sweet here.'
I'm always stopping thinking like that
As I look back the way I've walked on,
there were so many unpleasant things that I get sick
Making things I touch shine,
I wanted to live like that all along
I'm desparate to live I'm really hasty in the days
Everything is about to vanish
However, I sometimes take it easy since I don't want to get tired
Such an inconstitent thought
I guess I hit my head without knowing
Well, I guess I should go to hospital here
Do you have a medicine that makes me awake all day?
I feel as if I'll become a fossil,
when I'm just standing carelessly
I'll become a dull person,
which nobody remembers
Well, I guess I'll show my best here
Hit my cheeks and prove my existence
I don't look back the way I've walked on
Though there were only unpleasant things, go forward
Making things I touch shine,
I will surely become such a person

The Most Beautiful Gift

A child is the most beautiful thing that could come into one’s life
I felt my heart burst with love at the birth of our daughter
But my joy was short-lived when a little while after, you left
And I feel helpless when our little girl says to me
[Lorelei B]
Papa, I would like a flying pony
To join mother, who is up above
That way, she will no longer be alone
Yes, it will really be the most beautiful gift
I would have wanted her to learn to know you
You, the person who gave birth to her
Know that she would recognize you
Because she asked me for a photo of you to place above her bed
And she embraces it before each night time
Our little girl is really the prettiest
But I don’t know what to do when she says to me
[Lorelei B]
Papa, I would like a flying pony
To join mother who is up above
That way, she will no longer be alone
Yes, it will really be the most beautiful gift
I would have loved that you shared in her first steps that she made before she turned one
And her smiles on her face, she looks like you and it’s a good omen
Don’t worry, really, I give her as much love as I miss you
It’s probably stupid, I don’t know, but I burst into tears each time she asks me
[Lorelei B]
Papa, I would like a flying pony
To join mother who is up above
That way, she will no longer be alone
Yes, it will really be the most beautiful gift
When we sit at the table, she always says to me
Father, can you set aside an extra plate for mother?
She is wonderful, she surprises me everyday
For even without knowing you, I see that she really loves you
I know that she would give anything if only she could speak to you just once
I am weak, I admit it
I feel distraught when at Christmas she tells me her wish
[Lorelei B]
Papa, I would like a flying pony
To join mother who is up above
That way, she will no longer be alone
Yes, it will really be the most beautiful gift
Papa, I would like a flying pony
To join mother who is up above
That way, she will no longer be alone
Yes, it will really be the most beautiful gift

Dear My Friend

How are you doing?
Tokyo is cold as always but
Other than that, there are no complaints
Do the nights get this cold over at your side?
Those days when the two of us were rushing down the Kōshū Kaidō in the dead of night
Every minute, every second this body grows older
but my heart is still stuck in that time
What was I supposed to do back then?
What should friends do at times like that?
There’s no right or wrong answer so I should’ve just done something
But all I did was watch
Sorry isn’t right
Thank you isn’t right either
So the result is just growing silence
But this time for sure, I want to do something
So I’m writing this letter
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
What are you feeling right now?
If there was no desire in this world
Then nobody would need to suffer
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
Why did it have to turn out like this?
What do you see in the sky of Tokyo?
Now and then, I play in my dreams till morning
Acting like I did when I was a kid
Even when I wake up, I still remember them a bit
There’s no time, so I leave the house quickly
The things you taught me
The things you told me about living in this city
You'll be tripped up if you give them the chance
How far do we have left before it all pays off?
It’s easy to go and see you
It’s my decision to not go and see you
Without fail, every live show I will put on that double chrome and go out there
Maybe no-one will understand this but
There are things that haven’t changed
So that’s why this letter is riding along the radio waves
It will reach you, I hope
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
What are you feeling right now?
If there was no desire in this world
Then nobody would need to suffer
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
Why did it have to turn out like this?
What do you see in the sky of Tokyo?
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
What are you feeling right now?
If there was no desire in this world
Then nobody would need to suffer
Dear My Friend
Oh My Friend
Why did it have to turn out like this?
What do you see in the sky of Tokyo?


Imma stuff all three of you in your own hospital
Don’t make me laugh
The likes of you will never reach me
The final battle
You aren’t my best friend
Know your enemy and throw away your respect
Look down from the top
And let’s abuse each other fair and square
Last Battle
A numbing mic
Last Battle
A numbing mic
It’s been a while, since the interrogation right?
I can see those goosebumps you chicken
Those types that suddenly snap are a risk
Our mantra is logic
Rap with dilated pupils is nothing but MASTURBATION
Intimidation will not get through
It only feels like a light breeze to me
Is that right?
I spose one more regret doesn’t make you feel anything
Inside that brain
A balancer inside the umbrella of authority
A ball riding clown could never get it
Play it smart
Use and be used
You’re right, I don’t have to deal with that shit
Do you understand?
That wasn’t a compliment
You corrupt piece of shit
Go suck a fat one
Forcing down Champagne
Junk for Brains
No room for discipline everflowing KARMA
That unstoppable DOWNWARD TREND
Signals the definite feeling of Yokohama’s absolute victory
In front of Crazy M
All enemies flee or get beat down by these LYRICS
I (general) am always one personality
You should try to hold on to some dignity
Sounds like crying
Stinks of manliness
Exactly as you look
No GAP in sight
Yes Yes
You are who you are
But for a second
Can we take a look at reality?
Sharp suits
Wear them, COOL
WELCOME anyone 19 to old ladies are entranced
That is Shinjuku
Our skills are 1st rate
Your just spouting your own complaints
The final battle
You aren’t my best friend
Know your enemy and throw away your respect
Look down from the top
And let’s abuse each other fair and square
Last Battle
A numbing mic
Last Battle
A numbing mic
Yokohama BAD BOI
On to you I lock on
Imma do it Jakurai
The difference between us?
I’m from the darkside
Eat or be eaten
This ain’t easy-going
You’re about the brainwashing
I am a man of action
An especially disclosed
Seal that black magic
Just Wolves with no bite and everybody’s booing
That’s right
You are that kind of man but already,
An ant getting shaken by a spider’s web
Somewhat worth manipulating
Just a simple-minded person (single cell)
Let’s mend you right up to that deep coloured darkness
For controlling other people for me, Good job
I will become their rock (doctor)
The philosophies of this world-guiding LEADER
Evolve this STORY
Of Matenrou obtaining GLORY
We aren’t losing when it comes to Philosophy
What a coincidence, We got piles of it
My army trio is a crushin!
Rip off the facade and you’re a shady guy
I wanna put you under a magnifying glass
Compared to yours, our darkness is of a different quality
We preserve reason from a different dimension
YOUR SIDE is a bunch of no-name punks
We climbin to the heaven, yeah we are MATENROU!
The final battle
You aren’t my best friend
Know your enemy and throw away your respect
Look down from the top
And let’s abuse each other fair and square
Last Battle
A numbing mic
Last Battle
A numbing mic
MAD TRIGGER CREW is gonna win through
Punchin beat up MATENROU with a CRITICAL
Yeah, y'all look out of place
Get tha fuk up out my face
(Yo Fuckers!)
(Just like that)
(Go to sleep)
So that’s how you come? Then we’ll go with this
We’ll beat you down to complete destruction
Becoming reckless we OWN THE BATTLE
(sink away)
(This is the end)
The final battle
You aren’t my best friend
Know your enemy and throw away your respect
Look down from the top
And let’s abuse each other fair and square
Last Battle
A numbing mic
Last Battle
A numbing mic


A you so normal it's funny
With classmates so normal it's funny
We won’t suddenly change just because we’re graduating
Going without snacks so we wouldn't put on weight
Giving up on boyfriends because they stressed us out
When we graduate
Will we stop worrying about those things, one by one?
The ladies in our usual shop, that road
And the passage at the station
Where I once told someone I loved him
We’ll meet again, we’ll surely meet
We’ll smile again, we’ll surely meet
That’s the unspoken promise
We’re all exchanging
If this were a TV drama
Then in this scene we’d all be crying together
Yeah, I really feel like crying now
It’s true
Smiles and tears
An annoyingly normal youth
And that annoyingly shy girl
We can’t have any more meaningless fights once we graduate
It’s too early to let it go to our heads
But I’m getting panicking, even though I don’t know why
Graduation seemed
So far in the future
Someone played an MD to everyone
Of an amateur band whose name we didn't know
And they got really popular
When will we next meet?
When we next meet will everyone come?
It all, all feels like a dream
It’s true
With a smile…(Woo!)
We’ll meet again, we’ll surely meet
We’ll smile again, we’ll surely meet
That’s the unspoken promise
We’re all exchanging
If this were a drama
Then in this scene we’d all be crying together
Yeah, I really feel like crying now
It’s true
Smiles and tears
Thank you dear my friends
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.

Don't fly away!

You're somewhere far away...
A cry resounding over the sea...
Where your figure hovers
like a seagull over the waves...
Answer me!
Call me to your side!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't leave me hanging between sky and land!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away, call me to your side!
My calling is carried by clouds,
my words whispered by the wind
And, like cranes
at the edge of the world
the sailboats1 will blow their horn2.
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't leave me hanging between sky and land!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away, call me to your side!
Answer me!
Call me to your side!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't leave me hanging between sky and land!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away, call me to your side!
Don't fly away!
Don't fly away!
Call me...
  • 1. 'boats like white triangles'
  • 2. To be honest the metaphor sounds rather odd to me, but I can't think of another meaning for this sentence. It's not clear whether the boats or the cranes stand at the edge of the world, but the boats are definetly blowing their horns like the cranes scream.

An ideal place

Looking at that clear blue sky
something fell on me and reflected your light like this.
I confused a sad heart
which the dust covered,
its pain was sleeping.
My antenna was looking for you, it sought a love full of light
yours came, it traveled the blue sky
the desire of our great love.
The world will be an ideal place
to keep discovering, seeking your love
a blue-colored planet of illusion and
I can cross it flying like a free bird.
Your look is a sweet memory that lives in me,
I can still hear you, smiling without knowing why
when I noticed you finally looked at me
you finally became a future to live for.
It won't be so easy,
decades to keep on and fight
you won't be surprised, I can smile and cry
nothing in me will change.
The world will be an ideal place
to keep discovering, seeking your love
a blue-colored planet of illusion and
I can cross it flying like a free bird.
It won't be so easy,
decades to keep on and fight
you won't be surprised, I can smile and cry
nothing in me will change
we will have to fight you can't avoid
that we will face sadness, unrest, and something more.
The world will be an ideal place
to keep discovering, seeking your love
a blue-colored planet of illusion and
I can cross it flying like a free bird.

Dragă Mamă

Astăzi mă simt puțin obosită
Singura în camera mea cu perna în brațe
Cu telefonul în mână distrasă
Retrasă mănânc în seara asta
Deodată bâzâitul telefonului mă surprinde
Vocea îngrijorată a mamei mă întreabă dacă am mâncat
Aceste cuvinte mă enervau odată dar azi e diferit
Mă gândesc la mama mea cu care îmi împartășeam visele și îmi pieptăna părul
Chiar dacă am făcut alegeri dureroase
Tu mă priveai din spate fără să spui nimic
Dar acum gândesc mai mult decât un copil inocent
La rostul rugăciunilor tăcute ale mamei
Am să fiu o persoană cu o inima bună
Și am să devin o persoană altruistă
Am să păstrez iubirea speranțelor mamei
Mă gândesc la mama mea cu care îmi împărtășeam visele și îmi pieptăna părul
Ce am de gând să fac,inima mea încă e mică
Pot să fac mai bine fară să o țin de mână pe mama mea?
Mi-e frică căci încă duc lipsă
Am să fiu fiica înțeleaptă a mamei ( Dă-mi curajul)
Am să fiu fiica cu care se mândrește oriunde aș merge(Ai fost mereu alături de mine)
Am să păstrez iubirea speranțelor mamei
Am să arăt iubire nesfârșită
Am să am o inimă caldă
Sunt prea timidă să mă exprim, dar
Chiar te voi iubi mereu mamă

amazarashi - Living Dead (リビングデッド) Song 2018

Living dead
Take a closer look: they run rampant in an age where nobody can be innocent.
Even as they condemn one another, they just grow apathetic again.
The hole that opened up when love left us -there are no idols large enough to fill it here.
Or at the very least are none in my room.
They keep stuff like ''I want to keep living'' and ''I just want to die already''
Oh, living dead.
Oh, living dead.
They wander idly through life.
Some say, ''I can't take this anymore!'' as they jump from rooftops.
The rest have faces that say ''That's none of my business. If I can live without taking that responsibility, then I'll do just that.''
Even though there's no such thing as ''eternity'', we made up a world for it, and now we choke up with tears at impermanence.
When we scream our regrets, weaknesses, and tears loud enough, they become songs.
So to the people whose tears won't dry up: go on and sing!
Let's stop throwing stones at each other when we falter and fail.
After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
In fact, we're already making one right now: Because we're linving in an age where it's no skin off your back if you don't love your neighbor, and understanding each other isn't such a simple thing to do.
''Which way was it? I don't care anymore. I'll just go where I want.''
Oh, living dead.
Oh, living dead.
They aren't hindered by the corpses they wear.
They don't back.
They can't turn back.
But even still, they can't choose a path.
Never looking back, always gazing up at tomorrow's sky.
Even though there's no such thing as ''correct'', we made up a word for it.
Tomorrow, yet again, we'll be clinging to our hatchets.
When we confess by ourselves our cowardice, crimes, and disgrace, they become songs.
So to the people who won't be forgiven: go on and sing!
If we're searching for righteousness, then at the very least won't find it here. We won't find it here.
A steam train could make a full journey, fuelled by all the mistaken emotions of dejected losers.
It's all horseshit.
We have no choice but to give up on honesty and integrity. We've dirtied our hands.
And if some haughty prick belittles that as worthless drivel, I'll kill them it their sleep.
Burn away your unfulfilled wishes.
Burn away your unrealized dreams.
Burn away your fruitless resentment.
Burn away the nights that never fully died.
Even though there's no such thing as ''absolute'', we made up a word for it.
Why are we always keeping an eye out for what our neighbors might do?
When we sink our inferioty complexes and self-loathing down to the bottom, they become songs.
So to the people who can't quite die: go on and sing!

Dear Two

With arms and legs tied, I cough up a scream
With the truth hidden, even cold lies are familiar
All with the same chilling smiles, pretending to be kind cosplay
Don't want to say anything anymore, bow and stay silent
Were everyone dead?
I, listening to words like don't become trash, become a lie, am also fake
You destroyed what used to be an unchanging dream, but what?
The one who's changed is you guys, what more do you want from me?
Being aware, losing to the silence, a flower bloom in the mud
Turned on the light in the darkness and I'm walking with my shoulders straight
I won't ever lose, try pushing me more
This isn't a maze, mirror, put away those dirty hands
Your last place is on the keyboard, behind my back are friends who trust me
Try living like that forever, nobody cares about desperate excuses
Why do you look at me so hard like that? Pitiful!
Watch and see if I get out of here
Keep hiding there and continue to bark like crazy!
I will walk my path, just follow my tail
See clearly with two eyes how far I go
With arms and legs tied, I cough up a scream
With the truth hidden, even cold lies are familiar
With arms and legs tied, I cough up a scream
With the truth hidden, even cold lies are familiar
With arms and legs tied, I cough up a scream
With the truth hidden, even cold lies are familiar

Cardinal Points

Your look
Is a wild sea for me
Where I risk my ships
Everytime I leave the dock
I lost everything
The air of someone who does not dreams
The pride, the shame
My cardinal points
I still lose
My evil forebodings
The insulation bonds
Of my always same days
I lost everything
The rancor of those who are unhappy
The fear of the scars
That a big love can cause
Why speak anymore
Why want more
if I never seen (been) so close to be happy
Your look
Is a wild sea for me
Where I risk my ships
Everytime I leave the dock
I lost everything
The rancor of those who are unhappy
The fear of the scars
That a big love can cause
Why speak anymore
Why want more
if I never seen (been) so close to be happy

dear dream

i've awoken my vulnerable heart so look
whenever you look back on this song in the future
it won't become blurry
i'll paint it boldly because i want to remember
you'll know if you don't already
but i still can't feel it
i look out the window of the car we used to ride together
just like outside, everything's looking like a blur
it moves so quickly, in no time
i'm afraid we'll pass by that quickly, too
honestly, it felt like time stopped in the past
i always hope those times
hope it never fades out
as i look at all of those strange faces
i'll see those faces again someday
even in silence, we'll hear each other's voices
we'll always be worried for each other
remember that we are in touch
we'll always be together in the same time and place
we don't have the courage
i can't put what i want to say into words
don't forget a single thing
on a distant night
a star will comfort you
that'll be me
no one can understand
our importance to each other
you exist
in my heart
i’ll be your home
oh oh, i’ll be your home
i'll walk you home
i'll give back to you
time keeps going
i know these will become memories
there's still some apologies and regret
i can't get used to my days and nights, i feel longing
yeah i know, i hope time will tell
you know, keep walking and following the light
we were the dream, don't forget each other
i'll always be by your side
you must know that
i think of when our reality was a dream
i'm always worried for us
even if we're in the same boat, it's a different sea alone
i keep expecting to see you
as a lighthouse
yeah, this is fate and that's a fact
when it's hard, i'll become your light
treasure what i say next deep in your heart
feel like what
we gon' stay
i remember everything i said
each night since forever
i see a compass in my dreams
now i know it's you
as time passes
i treasure when we were so young
just the sight of you
gives me strength
i’ll be your home
oh oh, i’ll be your home
it's all flooding back, this is only one part
this is just a bit, believe this is our bookmark
we were swept away by the current so naturally
but i don't want this to sound like
we're about to depart
if i ever get lost
i won't turn to dust
i'mma call back
don't forget my tone
whenever you shout out like we used to
hope we always feel like

Cand palita sunt , A mea dragoste ...

Cand palit(a) sunt , a mea iubire
Nu canta triste cantece in memoria-mi ,
Nu pune trandafiri la al meu capatai
Nici chiparosi :
Fie-mi verdea iarba deasupra mea
Cu nouri si si umede picaturi de roua
Si de voia-ti e , aminteste-ti ...
Si de voia-ti este , uita! ...
N-am a vedea umbrele
N-am a simti ploaia
N-am a auzi privighetoarea
Cantand, ca si indurerata :
Si visand prin amurg
Ce nu are a se ridica nici a se aseza
Fericit(A) poate am sa-mi amintesc
Si fericita poate am sa uit

Mort pe Dinauntru

Admira un milion de rugaciuni,
Si trage-ma in sfintenia ta
Dar nu e nimic acolo Wink smile
Lumina straluceste doar de la cei ce impart
dezlantuie un milion de trantori
Si limiteaza-ma apoi sterge-ma, iubire,
Tu n-ai suflet?
E ca si cum a murit cu mult timp in urma
Buzele tale sunt calde la atingere
Tu ma poti readuce la viata
Pe dinafara esti inflacarat si in viata
Dar esti mort pe dinauntru
esti liber sa atingi cerul
In timp ce eu sunt strivita si imprastiata in aer
Pentru ca tu ai nevoie de control
Acum sunt eu cea care renunta
tie iti place sa dai un centimentru
In timp ce eu iti dau infinitatea
Dar acum nu mi-a mai ramas nimic ...
Tu n-ai nici o grija iar eu sunt privata de iubire
Pielea ta pare calda la mangaiere
Vad magie in ochii tai
Pe dinafara esti inflacarat si in viata
Dar esti mort pe dinauntru
Simte-ma acum
tine-ma in brate, te rog
Am nevoie sa vad cine sunt
confeseaza-te mie
Nu te mai ascunde de mine
Ma doare!
Doar tu poti opri durerea
Nu ma lasa afara in frig
Nu ma lasa afara sa mor
Ti-am dat tot
Nu mai am ce-ti da mai mult
Acum am devenit ca tine
Buzele sunt calde la atingere
Dar cuvintele mele par atat de pline de viata
Pielea mea e calda la mangaiere
Voi controla si hipnotiza
M-ai invatat sa mint fara sa clipesc
Si sa omor fara remuscare
Pe dinafara sunt cea mai de treaba
Acum sunt moarta pe dinauntru

Chicken Blood / Orchids

(Chicken Blood)
Drink my chicken blood
I sacrificed myself for your love
Just got here from the supermarket of passion
Smoke my pipe
Drink my champagne
Suck me and spit my bagasse
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
They had their fleshy petals
Watered by rainwater
Then came the barbarians
And they destroyed their beauty
One black, one wild
Waiting for the moment
While the water of pleasure
Was the basis of power
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Girls violated in an endless war
Without mercy they were shattered
On the path of happiness
Mercenaries and wicked witches
Conspired in the darkness
And the bromeliad cried as they broke her heart
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Flying with the space wasps
Sucking a hot dog
Look at me and do what I do
Throwing the stick at the cat*
Let's turn around*
Take off, put on, don't let him stay*
Grab your bazooka and shoot the cat's stick
But if I fail you won't give up
My raped veins will not be wronged
A pig, a goat
A sacrifice, an endless life
And a twig between the legs is easy to break
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Let alone you
Let alone you

My dear friend

As it blows past
But the one small ray of sun makes me smile
Everyone is so busy
They get on with their lives
But that one friend makes me smile
When I find a place where loneliness does not exist
Join me there my friend, come with me
My dear friend
Thank you for being you
Although the silent sky
seems different from yesterday
How can you blame anyone?
Maybe everyone in the world has nightmares
How can I cry by myself?
There’s a place I wanted to return to
Now even my footprints seem unfamiliar to me
My dear friend
Thank you for being you

Dear God

Sper că primești scrisoarea și
Mă rog să schimbi lucrurile în mai bine aici jos
Nu mă refer la o mare scădere de preț la bere
Dar toți oamenii făcuți după chipul și asemănarea ta
Îi vezi murind de foame
Căci nu primesc destulă mâncare de la Dumnezeu
Nu pot să cred în tine
Vers 2
Mă scuzi că te deranjez, dar
Cred că ar trebui să fiu auzită clar și răspicat
Avem nevoie de o reducere la cantitatea de lacrimi vărsate
Iar toți oamenii făcuți după chipul și asemănarea ta
Îi vezi bătându-se în stradă
Căci nu se pot pune de acord în privința lui Dumnezeu
Nu pot să cred în tine
Vers 3
Nu știu dacă ai observat, dar
Numele tău apare în multe paragrafe din cartea asta
Iar noi, oameni nebuni, le-am scris. Ar trebui să arunci o privire
Iar toți oamenii făcuți după chipul și asemănarea ta
Încă au impresia că porcăriile alea sunt adevărate
Păi eu știu că nu sunt, iar la fel știi și tu
Nu pot să cred în tine, nu cred
Vers 4
Tatăl, Fiul și Sfântul Duh
Sunt glumele păgâne ale cuiva
Iar dacă ești cu adevărat acolo, vei vedea
Că îmi port inima în palme
Dacă există un lucru în care să nu cred
Tu ești acela, Doamne...

So I can be myself

The more I live, I won't be able
to see anymore.
The more I live, I won't be able
to hear anymore.
The more I live, I won't be able
to smell no more.
The more I live, I won't be able
to feel anything anymore.
Lots of things
change me.
Lot's of friends
will change me.
I don't need a weak heart that can't cry
or a strong heart that
doesn't cry.
I don't need it...
So I can be myself.
'People' say I'm a freak.
But to me those 'people'
are freaks too.
Lot's of things
change me.
Lot's of friends
will change me.
I don't need a weak heart that can't cry
or a strong heart that doesn't cry.
I don't need it...I don't need it...
I don't need it...
I don't need a weak heart that can't cry
or a strong heart that doesn't cry.
I don't need it...
So I can be myself.
So I can be myself.

Iubita fiica !!

Iubita fiica,..
Fruntea-ti tine sus
O lume afara-i ce trecatoare-i
Draga fiica, ....
Niciodata nu uita cine esti 1!!
Aminteste-ti ca esti precum nimeni altcineva
Viata te arunca in necunoscut
Si simti precum esti acolo de una singura
Astea-s cuvinte ce fiece fata , sansa ar trebui sa aiba sa le auda :
'v-A EXISTA IUBIRE, V-A exista suferinta ,
V-a exista SPERANTA, v-a exista TEAMA'!
Si prin toate , an dupa an,
'Invingatoare ori la pamant', voi fi aici pentru tine !!
Iubita fiica ...
Nu-ti fa probleme, de fetele astea proaste ...
De ele incearca a te darama ...
Este fiindca ele-s speriate si nesigure
Draga fiica ....
Nu te schimba , pentru niciun barbat
Chiar de-ti promite 'stelele'
Si de mana te ia ...
Viata in necunoscut te arunca
Si simti precum esti acolo de una singura ...
Astea-s cuvinte ce fiece fata , sansa ar trebui sa aiba sa le auda :
'v-A EXISTA IUBIRE, V-A exista suferinta ,
V-a exista SPERANTA, v-a exista TEAMA'!
Si prin toate , an dupa an,
'De invingi, ori esuezi', voi fi aici pentru tine !!
Draga fiica ,
Fost-am exact ca tine ..
Si exact ca mine , tu ai sa razbesti !!!
Astea-s cuvinte ce fiece fata , sansa ar trebui sa aiba sa le auda :
'v-A EXISTA IUBIRE, V-A exista suferinta ,
V-a exista SPERANTA, v-a exista TEAMA'!
Si prin toate , an dupa an,
'Invingatoare ori la pamant', voi fi chiar aici pentru tine !!
Si dupa toate , chiar aici voi fi , pentru tine !!

Dragă nesiguranță

Dragă nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Mândru de cine sunt?
Oh, nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Exact așa cum sunt?
Dragă nesiguranță
Urăsc felul în care mă faci să mă simt
Urăsc lucrurile pe care mă faci să le gândesc
Îmi faci rău la stomac
Mi-aș fi dorit să nu fiu eu
În unele zile, când mă trezesc mă văd in oglindă
Mă simt ca ce nu ar trebui nu poate fi mai clar
De la nas la haine, de la bărbie la piele
Nu voi fi niciodată destul de bun
Pentru tine, așa că m-am schimbat pentru tine
Apoi am murit pentru tine, apoi m-ai întristat
Dacă aș fi fost tu, și eu m-aș urî
Dar deja mă simt cum te simți tu
Pentru că, îmi spui că nu merit nimic
Și ghinionul e intenționat
Și dacă sunt trist atunci merit asta
Dar sub aparență
Mă doare, caut și învăț
Imperfecțiunile mele mă fac perfect
Dragă nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Mândru de cine sunt?
Oh, nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Exact așa cum sunt?
Dragă nesiguranță
Mă simt ca și cum aș muri înăuntrul meu
Dar pe din afară zâmbesc
Sunt un dezastru, sunt deprimat, sunt singur și e doar vina mea
Am făcut ceva greșit? Acest sentiment este nedrept
Mă faci anxios, dar de ce dracu mi-ar păsa?
Mă gândesc prea mult la tot până gândurile mele sunt distruse
Urăsc totul la mine, cred că am nevoie de aer
Bea puțină apă, respiră
Ia o clipă ca să fii recunoscător pentru motivele pentru care ești binecuvântat
Nu e despre greșelile pe care le-ai făcut sau despre eșecurile pe acre le-ai avut
Totul este despre amintiri și lucurile mici pe care le ai
Pistruii tăi și defectele corpului și vânătăile
De la cicatricile tale până la frumoasele semne din naștere, adevărul este că
Suntem unul și același
Așa că joacă cărțile pe care le-ai împărțit
Nimeni nu te place mai mult decât atunci când ești tu însuți
Dragă nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Mândru de cine sunt?
Oh, nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Exact așa cum sunt?
Dragă nesiguranță
Mândru de persoana care sunt
Nimeni n-o să-mi spună cine sunt
Sau cine pot să fiu
Să-mi iau viața în mâini
Au obosit să ascundă cine sunt
Sunt eu, deci..
Dragă nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Mândru de cine sunt?
Oh, nesiguranță
Când îți vei lua mâinile de pe mine?
Când o să mă lași să fiu
Exact așa cum sunt?
Dragă nesiguranță
Doar așa cum sunt
Sunt mândru de cine sunt