Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 341


Moarte-n Rock and Roll

Jenny suicid ea a comis
C-o lumanare arzanda-n ochiu ei
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
John a si uitat pe ce era
Da acu-n vena el l-a rupt , caput si finish a si fost
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Scena vreau s-o las c-o femeie pe spate
Scena vreau s-o las avand curaj, n-am sa ma rog
Scena vreau s o las, sorbind sticla asta-n vene
Scena vreau s o las
Scena vreau s o las
'Scena' vreau s o las in felu meu
Amy a tras' si-a doborat un om
C-o arma mult prea grea in mana ei
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Janey curaj avea in firea ei
Insa ea s-a stins, sange pe piatra varsat
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Scena vreau s-o las alaturi de-o femeie pe spate-ntinsa
Scena vreau s-o las, cu obsesia din corzile vocale
Scena vreau s o las, asuprita-n Rock and Roll
Vreau sa
Scena vreau s o las
'Scena' vreau s o las in felu meu
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Vreau pierita sa fiu pe-o motocicleta fiind
Singura, nevoie de salvare n-am
Scena vreau s-o las in felu meu
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll

Dead or Alive

On a crossroad
I’m making a choice
(Dead) When I’m forgotten in your memory
I don’t think I’m living (Alive)
Call my name
You are the reason for my life
We’re at the crossroad of choosing
Dead Or Alive
I will survive
Even darkness can’t stop us
I breathe in breath in
You’re like oxygen to me
Please wait for me
I’m run n run n keep running
I’ll run to you
Be together forever, dead or alive
There’s nothing to be afraid of, dead or alive
To be or not to be
I don’t care what it is
On a crossroad
I’m making a choice
To be or not to be
Let’s be together forever
With you
(Bad) The breakup that came with the wrong choice
I’ve been wandering and wandering again
Stop, stop
Like Bonnie and Clyde
We run to the end
Even at the edge of the cliff I find you dive
Let’s see it, answer me do-or-die
I will survive
Even darkness can’t stop us
I breathe in breath in
You’re like oxygen to me
Please wait for me
I’m run n run n keep running
I’ll run to you
Be together forever, dead or alive
There’s nothing to be afraid of, dead or alive
To be or not to be
I don’t care what it is
On a crossroad
I’m making a choice
To be or not to be
Let’s be together forever
With you
Even if I’m trapped in a labyrinth
Even if I’m wandering and missing you
I’ll go around and I’ll come for you
I’ll go back in time
Be together forever, dead or alive
There’s nothing to be afraid of, dead or alive
To be or not to be
I don’t care what it is
On a crossroad
I’m making a choice
To be or not to be
Let’s be together forever
With you

Days Gone By

After some days
I suddenly think of you in my memories
Less fears
Do you have someone by your side now?
We have had arguments and fights
Have lost my control
There is no need to care for you, I don’t have the rights to do so
There is no need to interrupt you, I’m not that cheeky
I have said sorry many times in my heart
Do I have hopes when compared to him?
Of course, he won’t let go
If let me start it all over again, would I have the chance to grow old with you?
When we argued with each other, we both didn’t want to give in
If one made a mistake, that person should admit it
When compared to others, I’m not that good
There is no need to care for you, I don’t have the rights to do so
There is no need to interrupt you, I’m not that cheeky
I have said sorry countless times in my heart
Do I have hopes when compared to him?
Things I got, I realized maybe everything has gotten a time limit. Things I lost, I haven’t got the chance to see them again, I’ve lost them forever
I have many regrets
There is no need to care for you, I don’t have the rights to do so
There is no need to interrupt you, I’m not that cheeky
I have said sorry countless times in my heart
When compared to him…… I’m not even brave enough to do so
It would be despicable If I was brave enough to compete with him, at least he didn’t give up
After some days
In my memories, I can see you standing on the bystreet with your face blushing

The Ships Are Returning

The ships are returning!
The ships are returning!
The ships are returning
From afar,
The winners
Over the blue sea.
They arrived
Carrying the sun on their shoulders
And the wind that accompanied them.
They faced nights of frost in Antarctica
And hurricanes at the equator,
But for the sailors it seemed the most difficult
When their thought crossed seas of yearning.
The ships are returning
From afar.
Girls are waiting
With kisses.
And, weaving
A tear with happiness,
Their eyes light up of longing.
A beloved song
Is trembling on wings of seagull,
It is the first ”welcome”.
The ships are returning!
The ships are returning!
The ships are returning!


When I say you “I love you”
A little fall of silk-touch rain gently caresses the town
And an elastic kitten seeks its dream
Flipping back its hair moistened in silver
And running even faster than light
I’m sure you’re coming back closest to me
Drawing out a faraway parabola
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
Someday, you’ll realize
Following the lights of every house behind the glass
Enthralled in shaping some constellations
The casual look of a girl still remains there
But I can also see a lonesome woman’s face
Before you get so grown up that you let out sighs
Stop time and show me around the vision for a little while
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
You’ll soon realize
Dear sweetheart, I’m here
Dear sweetheart, I’m waiting for you
Dear sweetheart, I bet you’ll be
Dear sweetheart, coming back again
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
Someday, you’ll realize
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
You’ll soon realize

Jurnalul unui mort

Privind înapoi, încă am multe întrebări
Multe lucruri la care n-am primit răspuns
Ce am făcut ?
Ce-aş fi putut să fac ?
Ţi-a păsat măcar o clipă ?
Am fost mereu urât şi abandonat ?
Îmi amintesc clipele în care mi-ai dorit răul
Ţi-ai dorit să mor
Cum aş fi putut să fac mai bine lucrurile ?
Oare aş fi putut ?
Aş fi putut ?
De ce ?
Încă simt mult ură
Pare că abia ai aşteptat să dau greş
Îmi pare rău că nu te pot ierta
Mă judeci pentru asta ?
Tu nu m-ai iertat niciodată
Am încercat să învăţ din asta
Fiecare zi e o nouă provocare
Deoarece nu pot câştiga în faţa ta
Că-ţi place sau nu, încă sunt parte din tine
Şi tu încă eşti parte din mine
Că-ţi place sau nu, încă eşti parte din mine
Da !
Aşa se termină totul
Toate lacrimile şi tot sângele
Totul a fost în zadar
Flacăra se mişcorează şi începe să pâlpâie

Dacă viața e cadou

Noi am fost albaștri,
Un cer de vară, un ocean transparent.
Noi, noi eram doi
Și ne plăcea să oprim timpu-n loc.
Dar timpul ne-a trădat.
Atunci de ce mi-ai promis întreg pământul?
Iubirea noastră era de-ajuns.
Nu mi-am dorit o fericire imaginară,
Dacă viața e cadou.
Dacă viața e un cadou,
Cadou dăruit, cadou reluat, cadou furat,
Ia iubirea ca pe un cadou,
Cadou dăruit, cadou reluat, cadou furat.
Fericirea e prea scurtă.
Noi eram copilul pe care doream
Să ți-l ofer la primăvară.
Dar timpul are toate drepturile,
Atunci de ce mi-ai promis întreg pământul?
Și copilul care nu-i acolo?
El e azi singura mea fericire imaginară.
Dacă viața e cadou.
Dacă viața e un cadou,
Cadou dăruit, cadou reluat, cadou furat,
Ia iubirea ca pe un cadou,
Cadou dăruit, cadou reluat, cadou furat.
Fericirea e prea scurtă.
(Dacă viața e un cadou)

Already Dead

Versions: #1
You are already dead
I hit my forehead in shame
Are you sure? It's not wrong?
I want to open my eyes but I'm scared
This sunset is lonely
Please, wait
I'll call you even more soon
Stop saying obvious words
After all, I want you to feel good
Yet, yet you say I'm still a child
This sunset is lonely
Please, wait
I'll call you even more soon
Stop saying obvious words
After all, I want you to feel good
Yet, yet you say I'm still a child
I know that I want to change
Gently, gently teach me how
Turn the key to the new world
Hug my back closely
Just a minute though, I know we're both young

Who Knows?

I scattered golden dust
Through you, and I knew
In my beating heart
I threw away a flower bouquet
I shouted to the world
To see you happy
Who knows? Who is hearing?
The song of the heart
Who knows? Who is hearing?
The jackal is howling
These sounds will be pursued
Thoughts arise in me
I am sleepwalking
Hearing the song of the forest in my ears
It's you who's playing
An exciting storm
It's knocking on my window
In the wreathed night
In the path, you walked
My eyes disappeared
I will follow you
Who knows? Who is hearing?
How the fear creeps me up
Who knows? Who is hearing?
The blood flows
These sounds will be pursued
Thoughts arise in me
I am sleepwalking
Hearing the song of the forest in my ears
It's you who's playing
These sounds will be pursued
Thoughts arise in me
I am sleepwalking
Hearing the song of the forest in my ears
It's you who's playing


We will laugh once again one of these days... The light of the sunshine will shine on us.
I know your bad habits better than anyone else.
We have hurt each other countless times.
The words that I cannot say at all... You know it better than anyone else.
I tried to whisper to you but I could not see or say anything.
I am scare of being away from you.
I want to fly in the sky like a bird. How high will we be able to fly?
I want my mind to become clear like the sky and the wind.
The sunshine of the clear days will tenderly guide us towards the morning.
Even if we cannot meet each other because we have been separated, I will look for you no matter how much time it takes.
The words that I cannot say at all... You know it better than anyone else.
I want to whisper to you to talk to you right now
The tears that I shed because I could not see you or talk you have dried up and that make me feel scared.
Shine and become like a star.
Overcome time.

Niciodata destul

M-am saturat de toata lumea din jurul meu
Nimanui nu pare ca le pasa
Sunt atat de departe plecat si nimic nu se va schimba
Nu voi fi niciodata la fel
Mereu este la fel: fa aia, tot ce vor ei sa fac
Nu vreau sa traiesc asa
Cu toate sansele pe care le obtin ei, ei ma dau la o parte
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu
Este totul atat de incurcat si nimeni nu asculta niciodata
Toata lumea-i deranjata
Sunt atat de afectat si nu ma voi schimba niciodata
Vreau sa irosesc totul /sa uit totul
Ei mereu spun asta, spun aia, nimic din ce vrei tu
Nu vrea sa traiesc asa
Cu toate sansele pe care le obtin ei, ei ma dau la o parte
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu
La final, suntem doar linii de creta pe beton
Desenate numai ca sa fie sterse
Pentru timpul pentru care am fost nascut
Eu sunt cine sunt
Mai bine te-as ura pentru tot ceea ce esti
Decat sa te iubesc pentru ceva ce nu esti
Mai bine m-ai ura pentru tot ceea ce sunt
Decat sa ma iubesti pentru ceea ce nu pot fi
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza cine incerc sa fiu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu

Dear Summer

The reason why I like summer is because
It probably resembles you.
The sweetness of the season that begins
It reminds me of you.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
If you ask me to choose one,
I'll tell you it's early summer,
that reminds me of you without hesitation.
By the time the sun gets warmer,
You can't imagine how excited I get.
The wind changes its direction
If you're smiling,
Wind that resembles you, sunshine that resembles you
And green leaves that resemble you.
Air that resembles you and the sky that resembles you
For me all of these things are
The beginning of summer is
as bright as your big smile
It's a season full of green,
so I guess I'm so excited.
When a cool breeze blows,
It's all green before my eyes.
Our dazzling summer days.
It's gonna be more beautiful.
Wind that resembles you, sunshine that resembles you
And green leaves that resemble you.
Air that resembles you and the sky that resembles you
For me all of these things.
There's a lot of leaves on my head.
I think they're protecting me.
After all these years,
Always green like the two of us.
Wind that resembles you, sunshine that resembles you
And green leaves that resemble you.
Air that resembles you and the sky that resembles you
For me all of these things.

Bela Lugosi ii Mort

Alb pe alb cape negre translucid
Inapoi pe schelet
Bela Lugosi ii mort
Liliecii parasira clopotnita
Victimele fusera insangerate
Rosie catifea contureaza sicriul negru
Bela Lugosi ii mort
Nemort nemort nemort
Miresele fecioare se aduna peste al sau mormant
Presarat de florile moarte ale timpului
Neajunse in eflorescenta de dincolo
Singur intr-o intunecata camera
Bela Lugosi ii mort
Etern etern etern


[Intro: Daddy Kery]
Love, from its path, forever crossed me out
The day that …
[Verse 1: Daddy Kery]
The day, I die I want people to remember
That I never dreamt of a life such as the one I lead
Hate, I wasn’t born with it and I assert that
For his associates, Kery James the melancholic
This immense pain in my heart, sister, I don’t know why
I think I suffer a life that doesn’t satisfy me
May God watch my steps as I’ve come a long way
A throbbing pain that only He may witness
Clutches me, I aspire to a better life
Inhale, exhale, around me only feel rancor
I loved a friend, from friendship he betrayed me
I loved a woman, she lied to me so I banished her
Understand my pain, I love women in all their splendor
I don’t like seeing them weep, I’m a Black man in all its greatness
Sanctioned from destiny, I’m affected, hardened
Love has surely put my file in deferment
Every man for himself, God for all, so you’re all set
The rules have been set, sadly they persist
Many events shatter our convictions
“Trust no one” becomes our position
Love too often flirts with hatred
And when it promptly ceases, many decease
[Chorus: Daddy Kery, Rohff]
Love crossed us out
Love crossed us out
Love crossed us out
From its path, but we’ve dreamt of loving
(I think we’re born to despond
Condemned to row, bleed out)
And our dreams go up in smoke
A horrific pain entrances us
You know we’re trying to live?
(I think it’s fate that wanted things this way)
It’s love that crossed us out
[Verse 2: Demon One]
I feel that love crossed us out from its path, from its course
Choosing to ignore us from its fate, and that forever
Being conscious, mastering the events
From childhood feelings had no place in my ranks
Hard to forget the deep sorrows
When your destiny suddenly changes paths
When your brothers become adversaries
What do you want to do?
What can you do, brother?
If sometimes you choose, too often you submit
And then life’s returns
Make it so that your pain grows
As you grow up, everything muddles
Quarrels with cops
Consequence of a lack of bank
As far as I’m concerned, cushy
I live on hustling and cold beers
I make do with what they sow
While avoiding dry seasons
It’s because, without regrets
You can attach to very few things
Apart from God, your family, your mates
Few are the people you can count on
Some indeed would let you die for money
Better maybe, to laugh than to cry about it
I inverted this rhyme, for those who wanna contradict me
I made my life a dream and my dream a reality
I get to speak out with help from the M-I-C
The love for my path disappointed me so
I got its message: after it, I run no more
[Chorus: Daddy Kery, Demon One, Rohff]
Love crossed us out
From its path, but we’ve dreamt of loving
{From childhood feelings had no place in my ranks}
And our dreams go up in smoke
A horrific pain entrances us
You know we’re trying to live?
(I think it’s fate that wanted things this way)
It’s love that crossed us out
[Verse 3: Rohff]
Love turned me down since the day I was born
From the bled to France, my childhood is a string of mischance
I’ve realized that my experience feeds my hope
My brief passing through this world ought to strike history
Every second is counted, I have no right to cave in
I have no choice, my destiny is just confronting
Understand why I’m not sentimental
Why I don’t feel like smiling nor speaking nicely
My stare is cold, bruised, iced by letdowns
Resembles contempt because I don’t master its action
Blinded by the fog of malediction
I feel the need to fill this desert of affection
The state of the landscape attains my character
My life’s summary, in flashes, rubs off on my face
I’m enraged, furious to defeat the invincible
I’ve got to access the inaccessible, what the system has for target
Understandable, when happiness has only brushed past you
My mom cried too much, 'cause in the ranks I got deluded
I was raised by tears, screams, punches, scenes
Got back on my feet 'cause my soul had been hardened
A real grown up who can withstand is a wall
Misery’s blade can’t pierce my armor
Nor the charms of a woman, an actress of vice
Complicit in haram, I need to repent
Or else I’ll scorch in flames
[Chorus: Daddy Kery, (Rohff) ]
Love crossed us out
From its path, but we’ve dreamt of loving
(I think we’re born to despond
Condemned to row, bleed)
And our dreams go up in smoke
A horrific pain entrances us
You know we’re trying to survive?
(I think it’s fate that wanted things this way)
It’s love that crossed us out
(… that wanted things so)
But we wanted to love
(… that wanted things so)
And our dreams go up in smoke
(Under pressure, I lose it
Watch out, my nerves are frayed)
A horrific pain entrances us
{When brothers become adversaries}
You know we’re trying to live?
(Your path is traced)
It’s love that crossed us out
(I think it’s fate that wanted things this way)
It’s love that crossed us out

Dear My Favorite

Your shy smile somewhere in that lonely face
I wanted to laugh on your side at all times
Even when I can't meet you forever, until next time, I will meet you again
'You look so cute, so polished', I wanted you to say
You met one person all over the world
It's such an encounter, I thought it would've never happen again
Forever, forever, forever keep looking forever, forever at me
But surely, surely I, tomorrow will be lost with no hesitation
I am not obedient, and your dreams keep getting in the way
'Tell me you do not like it!', it's likely to be useless
Everyday was fun, even when it's hard
I've spent the same time, now I could no longer go back
When you looked quarreled, I always apologized
I was so glad that you liked me so much
I was pretty happy all over the world, the two of us suit
Everyone told me
Forever, forever, forever I've been watching forever, forever you
Surely, surely, surely you wouldn't still notice
You were strong that day, but I now want you to stop
'I do not like it', I said as a lie

Dear Me

Please let go of me
So I can breath
So I can be free
In this passing scene
There are things I wanna tell myself
As if I am singing
I love myself
I trust myself
Words that I didn't have before
Trap me
In this deep night
With only
Sleepless loneliness remaining
There are things I wanna tell myself
As if I am singing
I love myself
I trust myself
Words that I didn't have before
See how I've endured through the long darkness
Even if the nights comes again,I won't hide
I have myself by my side
To the sky that will start to brighten
I will become a spreading light and fly
If only I can tell myself
Some day
I love myself
I trust myself
Will you remember?
I trust myself
Please remember
I love myself
I trust myself
These are the words that will embrace me

I am so fed up (literaly I have my helmet full)

I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
and of all of our dreams that are falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and of all the other stuff
that made it so the humans of this earth
have so much remorse on their face
I am so fed up
I've built my life like you would buid a house
The kitchen is gone and I messed up the living room
And tomorrow's my birthday
And I kinda hope that maybe
Someone will offer me a window
That I could put on my head
Life will give me a year
I bet that Pikachu wouldn't be happy
If he knew that I was gonna become a man
And that I'll have to get rid of all my pokemon cards
Ah shit...
And I have remorses on my face
Because loving is making me do grimaces
Like the ones one does when they eat lemons
But I'm not doing this on purpose
Maybe I'm just a bit dumb
It would take more time and even more laugher
And then maybe at 100 yo
I'll still be able to serve myself
My creme café or even milk
And then I love you and please
Stay with me until the end, or at the very least
While we wait for the refrain
I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
And of all the dreams that are falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and all the other stuff
That an artists has the obligation to denounce
When he's going to fetch his trophy
I am so fed up
Mister, can you please tell me
Without being too furious, if I have the right to depart
From your e-co-co-nomics class
That fills my head with boredom
Because I'm sure that the supply and demand can wait
If we would take some time to discuss it with mister the GDP
I'm sure he'll tell you the fact
That your reality is cold
That life can not be summarized with money
There is love and then time
There is love and then time
There is love and then time
There is love and then time even if too often
I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
And of all my people falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and of all the other stuff
That made it so that the humans of earth
Have so much remorse on their face
I am so fed up

If We Will See Each Other Again

We are parted now by a road of doubt,
How much I’d want to erase the shadows of mistake,
And how close a time of happiness will bring us,
If we open wide the gates of love
If we will see each other again,
If you will wait for me,
I will maybe believe
That I live a dream.
But I will understand then,
That on your sky a star
Of our love has lighted on.
We are parted now by a test road,
How much I’d want we cross the threshold of remembrance ,
And how close a time of happiness will bring us,
If we open wide the gates of love .
Refrain x4
If we will see each other again.

Dragă Prietene...

Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Îmi lipsești și îmi tot lipsești
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Sunt înconjurat de amintirile noastre împreună
De te-aș fi prins în ziua aia
Nu, de te-aș fi oprit în ziua aia...
Până în ziua de azi
Am mai fi prieteni? Cum ar fi?
Dragă prietene, cum mai ești?
Eu sunt foarte bine, știi asta, da
Dragă prietene, voi fi sincer
Încă te mai urăsc
Chiar și acum îmi amintesc zilele când eram împreună
Vremea și zilele nenumărate când mergeam prin Daegu împreună
”Cu noi doi, lumea nu-i un loc de temut”
Asta spuneam, iar acum am luat-o pe căi total diferite, la naiba!
Îți amintești acele zile? Oare era la Sinsa?
Conversația pe care am purtat-o despre soju
Ambițiile ce le aveam să cucerim lumea
Eram tineri și aveam multe vise, doar douăzeci de ani
Brusc am pierdut legătura
După multă vreme, după scurtul apel de la părinții tăi de pe un număr privat
Am fugit imediat acolo să verific
Centrul de Detenție Seul din Anyang era prea departe
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Îmi lipsești și îmi tot lipsești
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Sunt înconjurat de amintirile noastre împreună
De te-aș fi prins în ziua aia
Nu, de te-aș fi oprit în ziua aia...
Până în ziua de azi
Am mai fi prieteni? Cum ar fi?
Tu te-ai schimbat? Sau eu? Uh
Urăsc timpul ăsta trecător, noi ne-am schimbat
Hey, te urăsc, hey, nu-mi place de tine
Hey, chiar și spunând asta, mi-e dor de tine
Vizita la Centrul de Detenție din Seul în fiecare săptămână
Am mers singur-singurel în călătoria aia de trei ore
Ziua procesului tău, ziua eliberării tale
Îmi amintesc clar că era iarnă cu o zăpadă groasă ca tofu alb
Și după atâta timp în care nu ne-am văzut, ai devenit o persoană complet diferită
Cu ochi somnoroși m-ai întrebat ”Nu vrei să încerci *beep*?”
M-am enervat și am țipat la tine
Nu există șansă ca tu, acela care erai singurul meu prieten, să te mai întorci, și ai devenit un monstru
Tu, cel pe care-l cunoșteam, a dispărut, iar eu, cel pe care-l știai, a dispărut
Știu că nu e numai vina timpului că ne-am schimbat
Eu cel știut de tine a dispărut, iar tu cel știut de mine a dispărut
Nu e doar vina timpului că ne-am schimbat și mă simt pustiu
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Îmi lipsești și îmi tot lipsești
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Sunt înconjurat de amintirile noastre împreună
De te-aș fi prins în ziua aia
Nu, de te-aș fi oprit în ziua aia...
Până în ziua de azi
Am mai fi prieteni? Cum ar fi?
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Îmi lipsești și îmi tot lipsești
Și până-n ziua de azi încă
Sunt înconjurat de amintirile noastre împreună
De te-aș fi prins în ziua aia
Nu, de te-aș fi oprit în ziua aia...
Până în ziua de azi
Am mai fi prieteni? Cum ar fi?
Cum ar fi?

Draga fostule

Eu cant,draga fostule,ai dat-o n bara
Ai ratat,gura!
Nu ma mai suna,am plecat
Mi ai pierdut dragostea..
Mi ai dat mesaj spunandu mi 'te iubesc'
Mi ai lovit albastrul pentru a vedea
Ce e cu tine?
Cine e iubita ta?inca ma gandesc la tine
Nu înțeleg de ce inca ma mai suni
Cand mi am luat la revedere acum mult timp
Te simti implinit?
M ai intrebat daca te vreau,ti am spus nu.
Mi am rezolvat problemele cand am plecat
M am hranit cu stres,
Trec la urmatorul jurat ca o sa fi cel mai bun
Dar a fost doar un test,ai picat la fel ca restul
Acum te uiti in ochii mei
Spunandu mi sa nu spun'la revedere'
Incercand sa iti gasesc ochii,te intorci si plangi
Cum ar trebui sa cred asta,tu mereu m ai inselat..
De ce am avut incredere in tine
Tu vii si pleci ca un anotimp diferit
Care,care,care e motivul?
Acum cersind si pledand
Spunandu-mi 'te rog iarta-ma'
Dar am trecut peste
Am terminat o cu prostiile
Treci peste vechiile cacaturi.

Jobb ha távol maradsz a haláltól

Hé, mi a helyzet veled,
Mivel próbálkozol, én az agyamat tönkreteszem
Sosem érek el semmit. Valaha tudok rajtad ejteni egy sebed,
Ha hallani fogod bocsánatkérésem: Ba.szd meg!
Bármit mondanék, hogy eltűnj a mélybe
Minden úton 6 láb mélyre
És miért kellene ezen a földön leállnom
Mialatt azt a csöppnyi kibaszott segged látom
A legfőbb neked az üzleted és egyedül hagysz magamnak
Egy pillanatra látod csak az igazi világot
Ez egy pokol a hősöknek és menny a bolondoknak,
Mit csinálsz te elfajzott korcs ezen a világon?!
Az elfogultságodban főleg magadon korlátolsz,
Én vagyok a rabszolga, míg te uralkodsz.
A holnap talán egy jobb nap lehet
Jobb, ha távol maradsz a haláltól, miután baszol velem
Mi az, amiért nincs holnap…
Engedd, hogy elmondjam, ezek nem ma voltak!
Hé, mersz engem kívánni,
Pedig tudom, miért kell nekem leállni
És egyetlen egy helyes út létezik
És az mélyen a halál húsába esik.

I Want To Be Myself For Myself

Even if you have a boyfriend
Even if you're rich
Life gets really hard sometimes, no?
Is it OK to think that I'm the unhappiest person in the world?
I can't say why I feel this way, please understand
It's nobody's fault
I'm tied up like someone put a curse on me
Whether I'm asleep or awake
Feels like I'm always in a dream
I've set the bar way way high
And I'd never want to lower it
Scars are the clues
That reminds us of the times passed, so
Keep falling down on your face
In an empty city, on a stage nobody's watching
Will I be able to keep on dancing?
Dragging my worn out heels
Still I keep spinning
On an empty road, for a trophy nobody's gonna give me
Will I be able to keep running?
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself, for myself
Even if you're good looking
Even if you're smart
Is it OK to feel miserable?
What you have is a dream
Not some vague longing
You shouldn't talk about it just to make conversation
Look, don't be so quick to decide
That this is your highest peak
Don’t plant a flag, Wave it with all you've got
With the wind on your side
An empty bench, an empty seat
Will I be able to chip away?
Believe in your calloused hand
And keep on, keep on
A future where you're all alone, a story unknown
Will I be able to keep writing it?
I will live, for no one but myself
As long as it's hard, as long as I'm scared
I guess I'll be OK
A friend found a small house
to accommodate a new addition to their life
This, is all that I want, they said
I wish them happiness for always
When everyone turns their back on me
When no one remembers me
I'n scared of that day that will come someday
But I, who is I and no one else, will remember who I am
oh so vividly
In an empty city, a melody no one knows
I promise I'll keep on singing
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself

Mort si plecat

Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
[Verse 1]
Fiecare are o zi cand vrea sa ramana acasa
Sa alerge intr-un grup de negrii care isi aduna ura
Tu mergi inainte-ei o iau gresit
Tu incerci din nou dar treaba e trecuta
Prea in afara raportului, prea rea discutia
Doar tu impotriva lor, alege unul apoi fugi
Isi dau seama ca ai sarit ce urmeaza
Nu vor sa se opreasca aici acum, sunt arestati
Acum esti impuscat ambulanta se grabeste
Esti la spital cu o contuzie grava
In plus ai lovit de patru ori dar ti-au lovit spatele
Paralizat pe jos si legat de scaunul cu rotile
Nu conteaza ca acum esti norocos ca esti in viata
Doar gandeste-te ca totul a inceput de la o cearta cu trei tipi
Apare mandria negrilor dar mandria ta e modul in care ii rezolvi
Esti impuscat in orice zi
Negrii mor in fiecare zi
Toate micile porcarii, bani de droguri
Jocuri trucate pentru gangsterii de rahat
Ar putea sa fie din cauza muzicii hip-hop
Sau cei cu bunul simt nu au folosit
De obicei negrii nu stiu ce sa faca cand sunt la ananghie
Asa ca incep sa traga
Pentru rosu pentru albastru pentru explozie cred
Pentru Bankhead la vechile proiecte
Niciun stres acum sunt cinstit
Acum il iau, acum imi iau timp de gandire
Inainte sa fac o greseala pentru interesul familiei
Partea aceea din mine am parasit-o ieri
Cealalta parte e mai puternica azi
Fara regrete sunt binecuvantat sa spun
Vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat departe
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
[Verse 2]
Nu am fost niciodata speriat am trait in tragedii
Situatiile ar putea fi mortale
Majoritatea acelor rahaturi nu ar fi trebuit sa se inatmple
Dar te gandesti la asta cand esti acolo prins
In apartament atarnand, fumand si facand rap
Negrii incep rahaturile stim ca vom fi prinsi
Sunt blocati nici macar nu se enerveaza
Acum ma gandesc la ce fel de viata am
Cand ma uit in trecut la rahaturile alea doar rad
Dar cand ma uit in trecut la unele rahaturi ma intristez
Ma gandesc ca baiatul meu va fi acasa
Nu voi lovi un negru in gura atunci
Am castigat acea lupta am pierdut acel razboi
Pot sa-l vad pe negrul meu iesind pe usa
Cine ar fi crezut ca nu-l voi mai vedea pe Philant
Am vazut destule morti nu mai vreau
Caci saritura unui negru m-a costat mult
Am luat acel fund enorm afara
Acum ma gandesc inainte sa-mi risc viata
Iau sansele sa avansez in grad
Un negru isi pune mana pe mine e bine
Altfel sta acolo vorbind prostii toata noaptea
Caci te-am lovit si tu m-ai acuzat
Te-am impuscat am fost inchis, sarmanul de mine
Niciun stres acum sunt cinstit
Acum il iau, acum imi iau timp de gandire
Inainte sa fac o greseala pentru interesul familiei
Partea aceea din mine am parasit-o ieri
Cealalta parte e mai puternica azi
Fara regrete sunt binecuvantat sa spun
Vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat departe
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
Imi intorc capul spre est nu vad pe nimeni langa mine
Imi intorc capul spre vest, inca nu e nimeni in vedere
Asa ca imi intorc capul spre nord inghit acea pastila
Si ma gandesc in regula
Acel vechi 'eu' mort si plecat
Ce inseamna asta voi in regula
Imi intorc capul spre est nu vad pe nimeni langa mine
Imi intorc capul spre vest, inca nu e nimeni in vedere
Asa ca imi intorc capul spre nord inghit acea pastila
Si ma gandesc in regula
Acel vechi 'eu' mort si plecat
Ce inseamna asta voi in regula
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat
Am mers pe drumul asta prea mult
Incercand sa-mi gasesc drumul inapoi spre casa
Dar vechiul 'eu' e mort si plecat
Mort si plecat

Covenant Of Death

We Assemble as Those Who were before
Of the Principal Force and Form
The Lighting Flash They are
They Breathe the Word and it becomes
We make the Covenant
To the Primal Source of which we've come
We lift ourselves
On the Path that brings us to our Dream
The Continuum Force we praise
Your Slumber Being our highest goal
We make Your Way our laws
For Your ME we do decide
Deep within You Hold the Key
Habsu Being the Way
To claim the Throne that's ours by Right
Hostile ones, you soon shall reap the reward you have earned
Enjoy now this ignorant bliss in which you live
For the awakening soon shall come
Their treacherous decisions have committed them to
Eternal Dis and Torment
For now their only shield
Is the ignorance in which they hide
In the Shadows of their fears
They feel the Gnashing Teeth and Weeping


Privesc în sus, o lume pe care nu o pot accepta
Am doar spini și așchii, venin în vene
Este ok să strigi, când te scoate din minți
Dar cumva cândva trebuie să înfrunt durerea
Totul devine rece...
Dar nimeni nu-și acceptă vina
Totul este atât de greșit...
Dar cine sunt eu, cine sunt eu să spun asta?
Implor pentru iertare, tot ce am făcut
Dacă Dumnezeu ascultă, El știe ca nu sunt singurul
Este ok sa ma dezlănțui de regulile care m-au înrobit
Dar cumva cândva, va trebuii să întorc pagina
Totul devine rece...
Și nimeni nu vrea să se schimbe
Totul este atât de greșit...
Dar nimeni nu-și asumă vina
Totul devine rece...
Nu am mai rămas nimic de câștigat
Totul este atât de greșit...
Dar cine sunt eu, cine sunt eu să spun asta?
Inima mea e o iarna fără de sfârșit plină cu furie
Privesc înainte încercând să uit ziua de ieri
Totul devine rece...
Și nimeni nu vrea să se schimbe
Totul este atât de greșit...
Dar nimeni nu-și asumă vina
Totul devine rece...
Nu am mai rămas nimic de câștigat
Totul este atât de greșit...
Dar cine sunt eu, cine sunt eu să spun asta?
Să spun
Totul devine rece...
Cine sunt eu să spun asta?
Totul devine rece...
Cine sunt eu, cine sunt eu să spun asta?
if I'm wrong, teach me or maybe this is my view

Te Iubesc Până La Moarte

Când s-au întâlnit, avea cincisprezece ani
Ca un trandafir negru înflorit în sălbăticie
Şi deja ştia că va muri
”Ce e mâine fără tine?
Acesta este ultimul nostru rămas bun”
Este mai slăbită, pe zi ce trece
Ca frunzele toamnei zburând
Până într-o zi, îi spuse: ”Atunci când mor”
”Ce a fost vara pentru tine?”
Îl întrebă cu un zâmbet
”Ce e mâine fără tine?”
Răspunsul, e tăcere
Ea spune,
”Voi fi mereu cu tine
Sunt ancora tristeţii tale
Nu există nici un scop pentru ceea ce voi face
Pentru că te iubesc, te iubesc până la moarte”
Dar durerea a devenit prea adâncă
Muntele a căzut în prăpastie
Şi rănile nu se vor vindeca niciodată
Căci durerea pierderii e mai mult decât putea simţi
El spune,
”Voi fi mereu cu tine
Prin ancora durerii mele
Tot ce ştiu, sau am ştiut vreodată,
Este că te iubesc, te iubesc până la moarte”
”Ce e mâine fără tine?
Acesta este ultimul nostru rămas bun?”
[Chitară Solo]
”Voi fi mereu cu tine
Sunt ancora tristeţii tale
Nu există nici un scop pentru ceea ce voi face
Pentru că te iubesc”

If the sky fell

Somewhere far away, she's waiting for me
A whole world separates us again
Time passes slowly, always alone
A whole world separates us again
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
I couldn't live
If you didn't smile at me
I see a whole world in your eyes
When I embrace you
I can dream again
I see a whole world in your eyes
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
When the horrible storm tries to take you from me again
I will offer it my own life instead
When the storm tries to take you from me again
You'll see that love will overcome
Love . . .
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
No, no, no, never . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Dear Heartless

It's gone, it won't be back again.
I've been asking repeatedly, 'is it?'
So I went out and took a walk,
smoked some cigarettes and gave it all up.
Am I crying? Is it such a waste of time?
Don't cry then, just laugh.
Laugh then, to pretend that I've forgotten everything.
Forgiveness has only been in imagination anyway.
Laugh out loud! Just make some scary and flustering laughter.
I don't wanna see you cry, so I just pretend.
Laugh then, to pretend that I've forgotten everything.
Forgiveness has only been in imagination anyway.
Laugh out loud! Just make some scary and flustering laughter.
I don't wanna see you cry, so I just pretend.
You won't come back, right? Will I cry?
The consequence should've been like this anyway.
I regret frequently. I regret deeply.
And then I just laugh, before I cry.
Laugh then, to pretend that I've forgotten everything.
Forgiveness has only been in imagination anyway.
Laugh out loud! Just make some scary and flustering laughter.
I don't wanna see you cry, so I just pretend.

Dead End

Why you, why do you hang your head in shame
Why we tell me it’s ok to love
There’s no exit tonight, it’s painful like this,
Next to you forever, butterfly, oh I’ll be crazy
You, if you have someone else who you like
You, if not, I want you to know my feelings
The answer is scary, I love you too much
The important words, I can’t say them clearly to you, I can’t say, I can’t say
Believe more, gaze more
I know, we felt it more
I can’t reach you, cry, I can’t even breathe
The butterfly I didn’t lose, oh I’ll be crazy
Love, the street crowded with hesitation, until the end remains standing
Baby, what should I do, I’m searching for the other side of the door
In this cold night, I can hold you
I can’t see the feelings inside of your heart, I can’t see, I can’t see
Why you, why do you hang your head in shame
Why we tell me it’s ok to love
There’s no exit tonight, it’s painful like this,
Next to you forever, butterfly, oh I’ll be crazy
Even though I might be wounded, I want to convey this
Because I don’t want to do anything regretful or something like that
I want to send only this feeling, I need you girl
Why you, why do you hang your head in shame
Why we tell me it’s ok to love
Until I reach it, to shine, believe, I won’t give up
So, for sure butterfly, oh I’ll be crazy

The Ideal Dream

lalala lalalaj lala
lalala lalalaj lala
Come here 'cause you're so beautiful.
Come here 'cause we've known each other since we were kids.
For my hundred roses,
darling, with you I want
to live to see tomorrow.
Hey, hey,
you're taking my blouse off.
Hey, hey,
two heads on the pillow
at night
and in the day.
Darling, please don't wake me up when I'll fall asleep
'cause in my head I have cosmos.
In my hand I have stardust.
Beside you, I don't feel I'm strange.
Beside you, darling,
I can even be somebody else.
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
Darling, I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow!
Your ghost is knocking at my windows again.
Your ghost wants to stay here so much.
I made you up from scratch, darling, so what?
Hey, hey,
two coffees in the afternoon.
Hey, hey,
I don't let more guests come inside.
I'll give you my key.
Darling, please don't wake me up when I'll fall asleep
'cause in my head I have cosmos.
In my hand I have stardust.
Beside you, I don't feel I'm strange.
Beside you, darling,
I can even be somebody else.
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
Darling, I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow!
lalala lalalaj lala
lalala lalalaj lala
Darling, I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow!
Me and you nestled in the embrace of Saturn.
You were telling me me that the night, the night would be so marvelous.
You were telling me that it would be so marvelous and proud and pretty and neat.
Me and you nestled in the embrace of Saturn.
You were telling me me that the night, the night would be so marvelous.
You were telling me that it would be so marvelous and proud and pretty and neat.
Darling, I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow!
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
'Cause I had an ideal dream once.
It was almost unreal.
The night was so beautiful,
so uncertain about tomorrow.
Darling, I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow!

Death Note Ending

Having dreams that no one else can,
I cast aside the things I don't need
Feelings that I won't surrender reside in my heart
There is still a gap between ideals and reality,
even though the shackles of sacrifice prevent my feet from moving
I can't suppress the overflowing urge,
because my heart is very wanting
'Lies,' 'fear,' 'emptiness,' 'grief,'
I'm not so weak that I'm gripped by all these kinds of negativities,
I'm a trickster who knows solitude

Death Note Opening

Within the spreading darkness, We exchanged vows of revolution
I can't let anyone interfere with it
In the future reflected in the fruit, dreams, turn into ideals
Everyone wished for a 'finale'…
Within the spreading darkness, We exchanged vows of revolution
I can't let anyone interfere with it
Someday I will show you a bright world