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Hades In The Dead Of Winter
I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter
Everything vanishes, melted by the morning sunlight
I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter
As I’m remembering about your figure melted on some distant memories
On my way back home, I’m touched by you
On a evening tainted in spurts of blood
On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood
A corpse is reflected
Drawing my memories
On my way back home, I’m touched by you
On a evening tainted in spurts of blood
On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood
A corpse is reflected
Even those feelings which now became empty
“Will come back, eventually” – that’s what you said
Shadow Where It Doesn’t Disappear
That girl disappeared
With sad eyes
If I could just avoid caring about her laugh, or everything
It would be the easiest thing
It would be easy, but…
And the fact I was with you
Is still left in here
As an unreachable memory
That doesn’t seem to disappear…
Vendemiaire’s Head
I’ve just ended up smiling following you,
Smiling just like you were on that day
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So be sure to remember them a bit longer, ok?
If they’ll be left on that girl’s recollection
Than I just won’t care about dying, any time will do
It would be okay to die
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So be sure to remember them a bit longer, ok?
If they’ll be left on that girl’s recollection…
If I’ll be left in your memories…
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So try remembering them until the moment you die, ok?
If I could kill you with these hands of mine
Than I just won’t care about dying, I would be ready for it
I just won’t mind dying
吐く息 (hakuiki) (The Last Stage Of Change At The Deceased Remains)
My breath was completely white
Even if you’re not here
My breath was completely white
I won’t forgive it
Even though you’re not here
Runaway. Innocently dreamed of that day.
The blue colored wind sings a never-ending melody.
Since I noticed your thin voice trembling,
It's unbelievable that you gave up choosing.
Cause that's your signal SOS.
I'm sure you are still on time.
Now, who's your lifesaver?
No one else but yourself.
You should forgive yourself for being different from someone else.
Running through.
Runaway. Without looking back and without hesitation.
Trauma stories carved in the crowd.
Why don't you listen、why don't you listen to your heart.
Seeking. Runaway.
Today and tomorrow can’t be erased. Runaway.
Runaway. You start to wonder where you should go.
Even now, inside your chest, there is a puzzle that can’t be solved.
Cause that's your signal SOS.
I’m sure you are still on time.
Now, who's yor lifesaver?
There will be no one but yourself.
You should forgive yourself again and again.
Signal, SOS, SOS
Signal, SOS, SOS
Why are you being deprived of the meaning of life?
Why don't you listen、why don't you listen to your heart.
(Let’s meet somewhere else again)
Runaway. Without looking back and without hesitation.
Trauma stories carved in the crowd.
Why don't you listen、why don't you listen to your heart.
Seeking. Runaway.
Today and tomorrow can’t be erased. Runaway.
Runaway, run-runaway
Runaway, runaway
Runaway, run-runaway
Nu vreau să mor singur
Nu vreau să fiu abandonat
Refuz să renunţ la asta
Fiindcă sufletul îmi e distrus
Nu vreau să te las să afli
Că inima mi-e obosită
Refuz să arăt asta
Refuz să renunţ
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să simt că trăiesc un vis
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să trăiesc în dilemă
Am mers întotdeauna singur
Am ales drumul mai puţin umblat
Refuz să te las să câştigi
Viaţa e o târfă şi m-a pus la încercare
Nu e deloc o glumă
Sufletul meu e tot mai slab
Refuz să cad
Fiindcă nimănui nu-i pasă
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să simt că trăiesc un vis
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să trăiesc în dilemă
La finalul zilei, eu nu sunt tu
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să simt că trăiesc un vis
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să trăiesc în dilemă
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să simt că trăiesc un vis
Trezeşte-mă când se termină totul
M-am săturat să trăiesc în dilemă
A Mandolin Is Playing
A mandolin is playing,
The horizon is full of magic,
The evening sends its secret wave
From the high seas, slowly to shore.
The stars are like some beads
And when they light up in the sky,
The sea is dressing in green and silver,
As in an enchanting game of light,
And two lovers on the shore
Pull off longing stories
From the little mandolin.
If you have a longing,
Say it in the voice of the strings,
On a melody.
Because for the heart
This is the only way to ease its pain,
When the longing come to it.
Hush and listen, heart!
The stars are like some beads
And when they light up in the sky,
The sea is dressing in green and silver,
As in an enchanting game of light,
And two lovers on the shore
Pull of stories of longing
From the little mandolin.
Dowry-less bride
OK, got it
Sanya, get the next one
The longer the heels, the shorter the skirt
Red lipstick leaves a mark on the glass (Ah)
Pink sweatshirt, white boots
I'm not just a girl, I'm a cover girl
They say at school that I should get smarter (What?)
And I like to watch ballet on TV (Get that)
The main thing is that I can change dollars
Well, I don't really need to know anything else (Uh-huh)
Daddy's pistol in my pocket, fur coat, raincoat and boots
This is all my inheritance, I am a princess from taiga
Mr. Khrushchev built this hut for me
To make your dowry-less bride miss you
I treat bandits with tea in the evenings
Sometimes I meet racketeers on the doorstep
We play chess with a lawyer at night
Well, no one will learn about the major.
With a brand new eyeliner, I will put a makeup on my eyes
The prettiest one will be at the shootout (Ah)
I'm not going out without my favorite knife
Do you really think you can scare me? (Ha ha)
Daddy's pistol in my pocket, fur coat, raincoat and boots
This is all my inheritance, I am a princess from taiga
Mr. Khrushchev built this hut for me
To make your dowry-less bride miss you
A-a-a, it's so cold in Russia because of me
It's so cold in Russia forever
Snow mounds are like tombs and the remnants of ice on the road are hard to spot.
The cold penetrates the skin, making it blush even more.
The fog hides the wires, the trolleybus stopped coming here a long time ago.
The cigarette will warm me up, it's still a long way to (get back) home.
Dragging shoes through the pot holes, I leave a track.
Toxic air, toxic road, I am being digested by the (ice-melt) reagent.
Sticky snow have sealed my eyes, I go wherever the wind blows.
The half-dead shadow inside the snowstorm crawls through the streetlights tonight.
(x 2)
And the permafrost
Will stay here,
Will never leave,
It'll stifle the kindness,
It's filled with void,
It's filled with darkness,
Forever, forever.
A Lecture on Water
This liquid is called water.
When pure
it is odorless, tasteless and colorless.
Reduced to steam,
under tension and high temperature,
it moves the pistons of engines, that's why
we call them steam engines.
It is a good dissolvent.
Although with some exceptions, but generally,
it dissolves all efficiently, acids, bases and salts.
It freezes at zero centigrade
and boils at 100, under normal pressure.
It was in this liquid that one hot summer night,
under a viscous, white camelia moonlight,
appeared the floating Ophelia's corpse
with a lily in one hand
The genius of evil
Come on, L, do confess,
You've lost in your thoughts,
losing an attention span
And bright light has faded
Only a dark at the end of the tunnel
It's time to give up
The truth has become a chimera,
a sandcastle
You've hung by a thread
And you're ready to break off
From the depths of the subconscious
The fears intoxicate my mind
If the truth is a false
Then there is no way from the labyrinth
Chaos breaks all rules
I'm losing my mind
It's kinda like emptiness
I'm fighting with a shadow
The reality is a myth
And from now a night in the mirrors
No more the boundaries
Illusion sweeps the traits
But verity in my hands
It doesn't take off my faith
The haze of the madness
I will put to doubt
All theorems of the world creation
From molecules of the pieces of evidence
I will create a portrait of a killer
The mask won't rescue
And one, who's named himself as God
Will fall into the abyss
The righteous judgment is coming
Punishment of a human
The reality is a myth
And from now a night in the mirrors
No more the boundaries
Illusion sweeps the traits
But verity in my hands
It doesn't take off my faith
The haze of the madness
Where is this threshold, where is this line,
To decide for us?
Death God, you won't become
a supreme law
The reality is a myth
And from now a night in the mirrors
No more the boundaries
Illusion sweeps the traits
But verity in my hands
The name of death
My day will come.
Your shadow will obtain flesh and blood.
And nothing will save you from judgment
The genius of evil!
A Difficult Woman
If another person asks me the same question again
are you a good girl or bad
i am not a girl and there isn't any good or bad
who are you to tell me if i have a choice
If another person will bring up the same comment again
you aren't smiling back enough
the smile disappears, you went too far
i will smile when I want to laugh
I don't feel shame anymore
i am a difficult woman, i am a difficult woman
even during a whisper you know that i already feel
how much you all fear me
If another person will put me in front of others
will tell me that they bring me troubles
I will smile at him with love
they are sisters at the same party
If another person will tell me that you can't
that your voice is dangerous to be heard
my song runs, plays for him in my voice
you can't stop me, can't stop me
I didn't want to talk about this, i wanted to go
but they are in the mud and i am the one getting dirty
who am i, who am i, what am i, what
mirror on the wall, full of amazement
i am like this like i am, what is crazy about this
if everything is possible so i won't relax about this
i didn't want to be a headline, yes allowed, not allowed, the most beautiful, not talented
it's all or nothing in the end, i don't have what to dare, this is the fire that is in me in any event
and i have compassion and love within in the face of the fear
I don't feel any shame saying it this way
I don't feel shame anymore
i am a difficult woman, i am a difficult woman
also during a whisper you know that i already feel how much you all fear me
Dar de ce?
The ideas
Versions: #1
I saw you in the plaza
And you were very pretty
I don't want you to think that you're not
It stayed crowned
The weekend
It was beautiful
Because It was with you
No, I won't deny it
Because this is love
I fell in love with you
Like when the sun hits
That fast
I saw you in the plaza
And you were very pretty
I don't want you to think that you're not
It stayed crowned
The weekend
It was beautiful
Because It was with you
No, I won't deny it
because this is love
I fell in love with you
Like when the sun hits
That fast
Moartea unui clovn
Machiajul meu e uscat şi se crapă-n bărbie
îmi înec tristeţile în whiskey şi gin
biciul dresorului de lei nu mai plesneşte
leii nu mai luptă şi tigrii nu mai rag
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Bătrâna ghicitoare e-ntinsă pe podeaw
nimeni nu mai are nevoie să i se spună destinul
Antrenorul de insecte e crăcit pe genunchi
şi se uită frenetic după purici fugiţi
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Good morning, everyone
I repeated with dreams
And the steam has a melody of life
The singing voice of chicken
Rail, the speaking voice of wind
Everything is a melody of mono
The sound of tearing
Is a sound of rain is playing the flower
Please give blue sky to sadness
The goal of road in every day
Please give idea to covering shadow
I will sing the song in rain sound
It will sound over everything
To the playing people in every day
It will sound over everything
Good morning, midnight
There is a dance floor of emptiness
The scene is other side smile
The sound of crying alone
The sound of screaming in the throat
Everything is the laughing scene
To live, only to live
Like a stamping flower
Cheerfully, to middle finger
The goal of road in every day
Please give idea to covering shadow
I will sing the song in rain sound
It will sound over everything
The song heard in the darkness
From your heart
The ticking beat is only song
When you put your heart
It will sound
The goal of road in every day
Please give idea to covering shadow
I will sing with you in rain
Until the day the sound stops
The goal of road in every day
Please give idea to covering shadow
I will sing the song in rain sound
It will sound over everything
To the playing people in every day
It will sound over everything
Welcome Back ~Dear My Sister~
A lively sound of laughter leaking from the letter
It’s the greatest gift of all
I can see the stars
Shinin when I wake up
Yeah, I became the star I wanted
Every night I had a bright light in my eyes.
You don't shine
When you wash the make-up
I'm not beautiful every day
Red blood on my palms
Broken pieces of glass
My dreams are being stepped on, 'I'm the star'
What the fuck is your decision?
There is no answer other than being a star
You know right away, your reason
Besides being a star, the answer is all I wanted
Forget love, feelings, and repeat
I laugh again, did you want this?
Ask again, if I hadn't known everything
I'd rather be comfortable
Moonlight on head like spotlight, the illusion that it has
The idea is not beautiful in a dream
The morning is bright as the night comes
But ' night comes again as the morning comes”
I can see the stars
Shinin when I wake up
Yeah, I became the star I wanted
Every night I had a bright light in my eyes.
You don't shine
When you wash the make-up
I'm not beautiful every day
Red blood on my palms
Broken pieces of glass
My dreams are being stepped on, 'I'm the star'
Take the moon and the glass you just emptied
I'm gonna drink in the void
I don't know English, the moonlight will be sweet
My unconsciousness told me
I tear my skin, I feel the pain
Oh my, again and again, the pain grows
I never believe that this is reality
You're beautiful
But I don't think it's elegant
Hey lady we can fuck, but
We can't share that love
He laughs on stage, but he cries inside
The sentence that rings in my space is, ’I want a drink.'
Hey, I'm a fucking star, so bright
To live a rockstar life
I'm just running in the black night
Name me a meteor, a fantasy
The end of my search is just ruin
I can see the stars
Shinin when I wake up
Yeah, I became the star I wanted
Every night I had a bright light in my eyes.
You don't shine
When you wash the make-up
I'm not beautiful every day
Red blood on my palms
Broken pieces of glass
My dreams are being stepped on, 'I'm the star'
A little projection of my mind
Grows by subscribing of the instinct.
The dream that has blossomed
In the depths of the night illusions
Is nothing but a shadow.
Inside of me
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Drive me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
(Killing me softly)
I'm blind and I can't help myself
You re-create my meaning.
Everything inside me is heating up with renewed vigor
I beg you let me take another hot breath...
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Make me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
Beyond awareness
I finally found your shadow.
Everything that is not in your field of vision.
The moment that made me believe
Take me out of my mind.
Blue light flies through me
When I look at you and me -
All my emotions are tainted in it.
It becomes an endless range
In my world, the absolute value of you blinds me
My my IDEA
You are you are you are (killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
The night that tore our hearts apart.
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
I can finally see the whole truth...
Am văzut demonstrația
De Ziua Comemorării,
Ca nu cumva să uităm lecția
Păstrată cu sfințenie în lutul funerar.
Istoria nu e niciodată scrisă
De cei care au pierdut.
Învinșii trebuie să îndure a fi martori la
Pierderea memoriei noastre colective.
Cu fiecare generație ce vine,
Încă o amintire lipsă.
Vezi ca demostrații
Eșuarea de a învăța din trecutul nostru.
Trăim în vremea visării,
Nimic nu pare să dureze.
Poți cu-adevărat să plănuiești un viitor,
Când nu mai ai un trecut?
Amintirile cad din pomi.
Amintirile, precum frunzele toamnei.
Dacă suntem supuși
Unor minți empirice,
Mă întreb ce zace îndărătul
Limitelor memoriei noastre.
Dacă memoria e adevărata
Sumă a ceea ce suntem,
Fie ca odraslele noastre să știe adevărul
Și să strălucească ca mai slipitoare stea.
Memorie, ajută-mă să văd!
Memorie, eliberează-mă!
Toate iubirile și toate sărutările mele,
Scumpă Mnemosyne.*
Toate iubirile și toate sărutările mele,
Scumpă Mnemosyne,
Scumpă Mnemosyne!
Nu cred că mă mai iubeşti
Nu zâmbeşti cum obişnuiai să zâmbeşti,
Nu râzi cum obişnuiai să râzi,
Încerci să te prefaci, dar pentru ce?
Nu cred că mă mai iubeşti.
Nu săruţi cum sărutai înainte,
Scânteia iubirii nu mai există,
Eu te iubesc în fiecare zi, dar pentru ce?
Nu cred că mă mai iubeşti.
Ai făcut un prost din mine, eşti rea cu mine,
Este limpede de văzut, nu mă mai iubeşti.
Atingerile tale iubitoare nu mai sunt acolo,
Nu-ţi pasă cum îţi păsa înainte,
Deci dragă, pentru ce mai aştept?
Nu cred că mă mai iubeşti.
Ai făcut un prost din mine, eşti rea cu mine,
Este limpede de văzut, nu mă mai iubeşti.
Ai făcut un prost din mine, eşti rea cu mine,
Este limpede de văzut, nu mă mai iubeşti.
Ai făcut un prost din mine, eşti rea cu mine,
În capelă la lumina lunii
Cât de mult mi-ar plăcea să aud orga
În capelă la lumina lunii,
În timp ce hoinărim mai jos te naos
Unde trandafirii se-mpletesc.
Cât de mult mi-ar plăcea să te aud şoptind
În capelă la lumina lunii,
Că lumina iubirii în ochii tăi
Pentru totdeauna va străluci .
Până ce trandafirii se prefac în cenuşă,
Până ce orga se transformă în rugină,
Dacă nu vii niciodată, eu voi fi tot acolo
Până ce lumina lunii se transformă în praf.
Cât de mult mi-ar plăcea să aud corul
În capelă la lumina lunii,
Cum cântă ei “ Oh , promite-mi”
Să fii a mea pentru totdeauna.
Să nu vii când sunt mort
Să nu vii când sunt mort
Lacrimi prosteşti să-ţi curgă pe mormânt
Şi să te-nvârţi la capul meu, că nu suport
Lasă-mi ţărâna liniştită în pământ.
Să-mi cânte fluierarul, să bată vântul iute
Dar tu, tu du-te.
Copilă, nu ai vină c-am plecat
Oricum nu-mi pasă, n-am fost norocos
Fată Ideală
Binecuvântări pentru fiecare în general care dorește să se simtă bărbat
Eu, vreau să-mi trăiesc viața aici, iubito
Ayy cu mine, Yatra, Mișto, Mișto
O-O-Ovy pe tobe
Trebuie să mărturisesc, acum caut altceva
Un motiv să mă îndrăgostească din nou
(Poate că ești tu)
Vreau o fată
Vreau una da (Da)
Dragostea vieții mele (Vieții mele)
Una care poate iubi (Iubi)
Vreau o fată, vreau una gen
Vreau o femeie foarte specială
Vreau o doamnă care să știe să mă iubească
Și bineînțeles să știe să se miște, oh-da
Vreau o fată, vreau una gen
Vreau o femeie foarte specială (Hei, hei)
Vreau o doamnă care să știe să mă iubească (Una mișto
Ideal girl
Blessings to every gyal who wanna have a romp with man feelings
I, ah, me wanna live my life here, baby
Ayy yo, Yatra, Guaynaa, Guaynaa
O-O-Ovy On The Drums
I must confess, now I'm looking for something more
A reason to fall in love again (it may be you)
I want a girl (girl)
I want one now (now)
The love of my life (my life)
One that can love (love)
I want a girl, I want a girl
I want a woman who is very special
I want a lady who knows how to love me
And of course who knows how to wiggle, oh-yeah
I want a girl, I want a girl
I want a woman who is very special (hey, hey)
I want a lady who knows how to love me (El Guaynaabichy
Awaiting You Under The Sky
WorkingIn the deep blue where even tears appear beautiful
How long has it been since I waited for you to come?
Being alone under the sky makes me feel lonely enough
So I’ll send this song away
My dear [A Dear John Letter]
My dear, how much I'm ashamed to write you,
how to tell your love for me is pointless?
My love grows colder, so stop caring about me.
So for the last time I call you: My dear.
The battle ended yesterday at noon.
A postman came and handed me a letter.
I was so happy,
how can be happy a guy while far away from family,
far away from home.
I opened your letter which started so nicely,
with two words: My dear.
Suddenly a bullet flew in from somewhere,
as is so often the case in battles.
It was a bad luck or destiny, who knows.
I was leaving this world with lovely feeling,
because I held your letter in my hands,
which started so nicely: My dear.
Deal with the devil
One, two, one
Rising and falling is pretty normal in this world
Even if I draw a bad hand, I won't let it show
It's very important to have a strong mind
Outsmart them and survive
Are we heading to heaven or hell?
This world has only one rule
The winner is always right
Being a woman is all about guts
I'm gonna keep him guessing
I'll do anything I have to
I'm a compulsive gambling queen
I can see right through you, you doubt me
Reading all the signs, let's have a showdown
Deal with the devil, I'll see right through you
And make you all mine
Down to the very last hair on your head
A million dollars, I'd say raise
I'm simply trembling, my boy
I won't let you drop out
Deal with the devil, what an excitement
I can't have enough of this thrill
I won't let anyone touch this money
A million dollars, I'd say raise
So come on and make up your mind
Tremble and go wild, my heart
Only ever wishing means you're still a baby
I won't lose to anyone
So make me feel: love me, honey
It's a secret, but
I'm gonna reveal all of it to you
Secrets are so sweet
I'll use them in a trap to catch you
I'll lure your carelessness
If you stop thinking, that would be the end
With a face that says I don't know a thing
I'll bring you down
You're bluffing, aren't you? You doubt me
Reading all the signs, let's have a showdown
Deal with the devil, I won't miss it
No matter how small the cheat is
You can't fool my eyes
A million dollars, I'd say raise
I love the ones I conquer
All the way down to their bones
I won't lose sight of my prey
I will be wetting my lips before I taste you, my babe
With the jack of diamonds, my hand will be complete
I just have to hide my smile and wait
My poker face? It's perfect
I will keep it up no matter what
Oh, yes
I can feel your gaze
Don't just save your desires
Until the very end
Won't you play with me instead?
Are you afraid to lose? This is an easy game
Reading all the signs, let's have a showdown
Deal with the devil, I'll see right through you
And make you all mine
Down to the very last hair on your head
A million dollars, I'd say raise
I'm simply trembling, my boy
We're gonna take it all the way
Deal with the devil, this thrill
Brings endless excitement
I won't let anyone touch this money
A million dollars, I'd say raise
So come on and make up your mind
Keep hitting until we're high
Only ever wishing means you're still a baby
So make me feel
Like no one else can: love me, honey
Violin, how do you know?
Violin, how do you know
what's the longing between people
Violin, how can you read,
in the heart of the ones that are in love?
How did you find my secret
and why are you telling it to everyone?
I hid it for so many years
and didn't tell it to anyone
Only you, violin, are coming tonight
to ramble my memories
You're singing of love
that I want to forget about
I want, but it's in vain...
Violin, how do you know
what's the longing between people
because in your flaming voice,
it's the voice of the ones that are in love...
Violin, how do you know
what's the longing between people
because in your flaming voice,
it's the voice of the ones that are in love...
The sky above me
The sky above me
has closed after you
The night sky has closed today
Was it you or was it a dream?
The sky above me (The sky above me)
I left it at the door so you can enter
in the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
With you, you know it, I invented the rain game
the cloud game un til we used to pass one by one
through whispers written in the thought
of joy that I found you
The sky above me (The sky above me)
has closed after you (has closed after you)
I called your name and then, silently,
a scent of a girl has remained in the voice...
The sky knows even now (The sky knows even now)
What would i be like choosing a road just us
o the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
With you, you know it, I've conquered the past
unpunished by the dream, as, look at me again,
chasing moments in vain
receiving them in the morning.
The sky above me (The sky above me)
has closed after you (has closed after you)
The night sky has closed today
Was it you or was it a dream?
The sky above me (The sky above me)
I left it at the door so you can enter
in the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
The sky above me
has closed after you
I called your name and then, silently,
a scent of a girl has remained in the voice...
The sky knows even now (The sky knows even now)
What would i be like choosing a road just us
o the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
secretly for a while...
Mă simt ca o pană în briză
Mă simt ca o pană în briză
Înălţându-mă sus, sus în cer,
Iubito şi eu merg pe aer
Din momentul când ea mi-a spus că i-a păsat.
Mă simt ca o pană în briză
Plutind prin spaţiu în îmbrăţişarea ta,
Dansez pe nori în drum spre sus
Din secunda în care i-ai făcut semn iubirii mele.
Sunt fericit,
Atât de fericit când eşti aproape,
Necazurile mele chiar dispar
De îndată ce eşti lângă mine, ei bine ,sunt satisfăcut.
Mă simt ca o pană în briză,
Distrându-mă, sărutând soarele,
Şi asta pentru că tu eşti cea aleasă.
Deci cant ca păsărelele în copaci,
Şi mă simt ca o pană în briză.
Sunt fericit,
Atât de fericit când eşti aproape,
Necazurile mele chiar dispar
De îndată ce eşti lângă mine, ei bine ,sunt satisfăcut.
Mă simt ca o pană în briză,
Distrându-mă, sărutând soarele,
Şi asta pentru că tu eşti cea aleasă.
Deci cant ca păsărelele în copaci,
Şi mă simt ca o pană în briză.
Şi mă simt ca o pană,
Mă simt ca o pană,
Mă simt ca o pană,
Mă simt ca o pană în briză,
Bad Idea
It looks like I've seen it somewhere, this spoiler
Endlessly repeating roller coaster Oh yeah
Exit that can't be reached even if I reach out
I think I'm lost
Find me, in a piece of a dream that won't wake up
Fit me, If you scatter, it spreads, blurs and disappears
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
I'm afraid, this bad bad dream comes real
I'm afraid I'll miss out on you calling me
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
When I fill this space with a voice looking for me
My world is changing
Keep calling me, don't stop any more
Wake me up, bad bad bad idea (Hey)
It fades little by little, like fade out
I don't think I can escape Oh yeah
Whether it's awake or a dream
I don't seem to know anymore
Find me, If you scatter, it spreads, blurs and disappears
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
I'm afraid, this bad bad dream comes real
I'm afraid I'll miss out on you calling me
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
When I fill this space with a voice looking for me
My world is changing
Keep calling me, don't stop any more
Wake me up, bad bad bad idea (Hey)
(Woo) The space your voice draws
(Woo) The moment I followed the map
(Woo) I'm looking for the light that illuminates you
It grows clearly, light or clear
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
I'm afraid, this bad bad dream comes real
I'm afraid I'll miss out on you calling me
But all I got is bad bad bad idea
As if the sensation that was locked little by little wake up
I am dyed with you
Keep calling me, don't stop any more
Wake me up, make make make it real
Wake me up, make make make it real