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And You?

some empty glasses
and a few dozen messages
my vision is so blurred
someone keeps on callin'
oh, its my fuckin'
my fuckin' ex
actually, i don't care
i don't really remember you
but beyond the handset, on the phone
why is the sound of your voice so unaffected?
how about you, 'bout you? are you doing well lately?
how is that bastard?
are you really satisfied?
so how about you, 'bout you? you doin' well?
i was quite curious, but i said nothin'
cause I'm motherfuckin' good
and i get that money
i can tell this feeling is
mothafuckin' good
I'm motherfuckin' good right now
hella good right now
i can tell this feeling...
mother... motherfuckin good...
right now


I grew a beard unexpectedly
My memory has become worse
But this cannot be helped
I'm struggling here alone
The bridge in front of my door collapsed yesterday
It's the one we walked together on
Could this mean something?
It makes people scared, it's so scary
Comforting myself not to be annoyed again
Without you, I'm just not used to it
Maybe it will disappear after a while
But if I think of you again, I would be too silly
I finally forget
That day at 7.30 am when you said you're buying groceries
Since then you did not come home
Oh my baby baby baby baby
The next day when I found the letter you left in the drawer
I realized that love is just an illusion
I can't even remember
With whom I expended my energy to move the furniture
And whom I had three ear piercings with
It's just that on the night before, when saying good night
Why did I forget to hug you?
The bridge in front of my door collapsed yesterday
It's the one we walked together on
Could this mean something?
It makes people scared, it's so scary
Comforting myself not to be annoyed again
Without you, I'm just not used to it
Maybe it will disappear after a while
But if I think of you again, I would be too silly
I finally forget
That day at 7.30 am when you said you're buying groceries
Since then you did not come home
Oh my baby baby baby baby
The next day when I found the letter you left in the drawer
I realized that love is just an illusion
I can't even remember
With whom I expended my energy to move the furniture
And whom I had three ear piercings with
It's just that on the night before, when saying good night
Why did I forget to hug you?
I've really forgotten
Whom I had three ear piercings with
It's just that on the night before, when saying good night
Why did I forget to hug you?
I've really forgotten, it's over, forgotten, it's too late
Forgotten, it's over, I've really forgotten
I've really forgotten, I'm only left with myself
Thinking of you here...

My Mental Illness

I am at the hospital but I have no pain
but its worse because it is my head trying to escape my being
a sort of sorrow in my skull that has its ups and downs
my soul looks like the walls of my room
They could have at least tried on the decor
they probably thought that I was dead or
or maybe just blind enough to be content with this furniture
my nurse sheds light
when she comes to decrease my dosage, I no longer feel the psychosis
but when I get back on my feet, I don't remember much
because of the noise that my pink pill creates
my mental illness
fuck it's really not great
if I had pain in my foot, we could have cut it off
but it's the fact that the beast lives in my head, and that's why we can't amputate
and that's exactly why it pisses me off
I have memory loss, in the hallway in my underwear
I take the opportunity to say 'Hi' to people with my tincture
and my home nurse observes my circus
when I cry in front of my sister
because I am afraid of my doctor
now that my heart is no longer up to the task
my whole family has reunited today
and they are swarming around my bed
there are some people I no longer recognize
all the seconds fall back onto me
a good friend calls me to see how I am doing
I answer, and say 'pardon me, could you tell me what your name is?'
it's stupid and it's long in my dimension
my mental illness
fuck it's really not great
if i had pain in my foot, we could have cut it off
but it's the fact that the beast lives in my head, and that's why we can't amputate
and that's exactly why it pisses me off
I am at the hospital but I have no pain

I remember

I remember very well
the murder of the African American
who was laying on the ground doing nothing
with a knee in the nape of his neck
for nearly 10 minutes
suffocated by a White
by a big whore cop
fuck, we know
that racism goes even further than that
have you ever asked yourself
what it was to be privileged
in our society?
in the small hours of the morning
I was walking down my street
I was not afraid that dogs
would come sniff my ass
fuck, we know
that racism goes even further than that
I remember very well
the religion that had 2 hands
in our society
so we tossed it aside and modernized
there are a lot of things that changed
but we never gave up
so why is it that in 2020
we are even more afraid of our neighbors?
the secularism of the state
we have to keep it in a good state
but not in spite of all our friends
who have been living here for decades
and who just want to go to work
with their identity
if one day my daughter
is taught
the quiet revolution
by a veiled woman
well, fuck, we will all know
racism has always been wrong
I remember very well
a woman who filmed the end
of her life
strapped to her hospital bed
treated like a fucking animal
the name of this woman
is Joyce Echaquan

I'm Here

I'm here
In this world
Somewhere in this world
Or don't come
Be waiting (1)
Right here

The Sea Will Be Down There

The sea will be down there
The one I will buy
That I will see forever
That will howl, call out
Hold out her hands
She will pretend to be tamed, beautiful
Sad, forgotten
Blue, deep
Eternal, eternal
As long as days go by
My life gets tired
My body is done
My hands are dry
Love is forgotten
Facing her light
Her love
Her beauty
Her chant

Călătorind cu tine

Adierea serii răscolește frunzele căzute
Și le strânge în inima mea.
Gândurile răvășite
Suflarea adierii nu poate să le ia.
Așa cum pe luciul apei se-adună
Necontenit praf și țărână,
Tulburarea se iscă în mine peste măsură.
Lacrimile preschimbate-n stropi de ploaie
Scobesc în lespezile de piatră.
Mările seacă, dar inima, vie, bate.
Iubirea tandră și urâciunea sălășluiesc ascunse în mine,
Iar amintirile dau să mi se șteargă din cuget.
Ce să cer pentru viața rămasă?
Să cer oare, ca pe cărarea aspră a vieții să călătoresc cu tine
Și să înfrângem munții de necazuri, împreună?
De-s mugurii verzi, de-i frunza ruginie,
Să călătorim prin rafalele aprigului vânt, mână în mână?
Când lampioanele vor pieri în urmă, să cer oare să fiu împreună cu tine
Și nemulțumirea, mila și remușcarea să nu ne încerce vreodată?
Iar pe cărarea vieții să ne bucurăm de minunile ce ne sunt hărăzite, Căci lor le stă în putere să prigonească pe undele apei grijile cele mărunte...
Adierea serii răscolește frunzele căzute
Și le strânge în inima mea.
Gândurile răvășite
Suflarea adierii nu poate să le ia.
Așa cum pe luciul apei se-adună
Necontenit praf și țărână,
Tulburarea se iscă în mine peste măsură.
Lacrimile preschimbate-n stropi de ploaie
Scobesc în lespezile de piatră.
Mările seacă, dar inima, vie, bate.
Iubirea tandră și urâciunea sălășluiesc ascunse în mine,
Iar amintirile dau să mi se șteargă din cuget.
Ce să cer pentru viața rămasă?
Să cer oare, ca pe cărarea aspră a vieții să călătoresc cu tine
Și să înfrângem munții de necazuri, împreună?
De-s mugurii verzi, de-i frunza ruginie,
Să călătorim prin rafalele aprigului vânt, mână în mână?
Când lampioanele vor pieri în urmă, să cer oare să fiu împreună cu tine
Și nemulțumirea, mila și remușcarea să nu ne încerce vreodată?
Iar pe cărarea vieții să ne bucurăm de minunile ce ne sunt hărăzite, Căci lor le stă în putere să prigonească pe undele apei grijile cele mărunte...

My Half-Broken Radio

I hear no sound, it gives me no sound
Is this because I've grown up, I wonder?
My first radio, the black radio on my bed
Played so many melodies, changed me so many times
When I was young, like other boys becoming men
I was trying to find my own way, just innocently
Now I'm jostled in a fashionable, aimless crowd
Tell me what true happiness is, my half-broken radio
I listened every day, it played every day
Through the windows, the sky gave me a little courage
The radio knew everything, it knocked on my heart
To my broken heart, a gentle wind waved its hand
After a fabulous festival, as I left the quiet town
I was looking up to the starry sky, just innocently
Now I'm far from my hometown, stuck in the crowd
Tell me what true happiness is, my half-broken radio
I was playing the guitar, not knowing the next chord
When I was lost in my dream, beautiful songs guided me
When I was young, like other boys becoming men
I was trying to find my own way, just innocently
Now I'm jostled in a fashionable, aimless crowd
Tell me what true happiness is, my half-broken radio
After a fabulous festival, as I left the quiet town
I was looking up to the starry sky, just innocently
Now I'm far from my hometown, stuck in the crowd
Tell me what true happiness is, my half-broken radio
Now I'm far from my big dream, stuck in the crowd
Tell me what true happiness is, my half-broken radio

Hymn of the October 3rd Revolutionary Movement

Peru! Today is finally the 3rd of October!
The sun of freedom has already glimpsed,
your tears that have spilled for centuries,
and your internal pain that today is taken away,
by the victorious Peruvian arms.
The Armed Forces with the people,
and Velasco at the head of Peru,
today they plant their redemptive banner,
for the suffering and enslaved people.
With Velasco Peru,
has reached a seat,
which is an altar of pride,
of heroism and honour,
The bugle has soundid,
the the tenacious fight,
one labelled as hectic,
to triumph or to die!
Our homeland requires,
that we come with valour,
along with weapons,
below the bicolour mantle.
Today all of America,
Resonates with emotion,
watching the dawn,
of a great Revolution!
Peru! Arise, the time has come!
The good, the humble and forgotten,
betrayed a thousand times in history,
rises from his eternal bondage,
filled with faith and hope.
The Armed Forces with the people,
and Velasco at the head of Peru,
today they embody the principles of justice,
for the suffering people of Peru!