Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 118


Yesterday's Sun

I woke up
With your memories
That I'd already forgotten
I grew up with you
In the city
Hours passed
I watched them pass
When yesterday's sun woke me up
Your cinnamon hair makes me be
But all that is over now
And all that's left is the sadness of the day after
I don't know how it was
I never noticed
I saw you again
In the reflection
On my wall
In the curtains
In the coffee
When yesterday's sun woke me up
Your cinnamon hair makes me be
But all that is over now
And all that's left is the sadness of the day after
When yesterday's sun woke me up
Your cinnamon hair makes me be
But all that is over now
And all that's left is the sadness of the day after
I already woke up today
Now I've already forgotten

Ca o piatră

O seară umbrită,
într-o cameră plină de nimic,
Mărturisesc că pe autostradă
m-am pierdut în paginile
unei cărți încărcate de moarte,
citind cum vom muri singuri,
iar dacă suntem buni, ne putem odihni pentru totdeauna
într-un loc ales de noi.
Aș vrea să mă odihnesc în casa ta,
cu răbdare, în fiecare cameră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
ca o piatră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
Și pe patul meu de moarte, mă voi ruga
zeilor și îngerilor
ca un păgân, mă voi ruga oricui
care va vrea să mă ducă în rai,
locul acela de care îmi amintesc,
Am fost acolo demult,
cerul era învinețit,
vinul era însângerat,
și tu m-ai condus acolo sus.
Aș vrea să mă odihnesc în casa ta,
cu răbdare, în fiecare cameră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
ca o piatră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
singur, singur.
Și am început să citesc,
pana la sfarșitul zilei,
așa că m-am așezat plin de remuşcări
pentru toate lucrurile pe care le-am făcut.
Pentru tot ce am făcut bine,
și pentru tot ce am greșit,
până la moartea mea, în visele mele
Voi rătăci fără scop.
Aș vrea să mă odihnesc în casa ta,
cu răbdare, în fiecare cameră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
ca o piatră,
Te voi aștepta acolo
singur, singur.


To me, Francesca, you're like the sky
When I see myself reflected in your blue eyes
I see angels flying happily
Because you're with me
I look for a bit of love in the world
And only you can give it to me
You who can read in the depths of the heart
All the love I have for you
Sweet Francesca, now you're here
You look at me and laugh
Because you love me

Marin, trek of life

The sun is veiled,
Another dream dies.
Are you sure that you are still going? Marin.
He is sure that he is going. Marin.
As long as the petals of someone's life are
swaying in the wind.
He will overcome the desert of hatred
and look for an oasis of love.
Are you going without saying anything? Marin.
He is going without saying anything. Marin.
Because he is a man.
The blood is stirring,
Another star falls.
Are you going endlessly? Marin.
He is going endlessly. Marin.
As long as there're young green leaves somewhere,
hoping for their morning to come.
He will overcome the ocean of agony
and find an islet of love.
Are you leaving with a smile? Marin.
He is leaving with a smile. Marin.
Because he is a man.

What is God?

A hand came down from the sky
And caressing his hair
Curl and sign of the cross
The caress of Jesus made the miracle possible
He turned the net into soil
He made pigeons out of the ball
Landing their peace in the East Falkland
Wiping an absurd war
Judas won't play this afternoon
They expelled him for traitor
And eleven apostols of Christ with the ears to the sky
Consulting to the Lord
And Jesus said: 'I'm leaving, I won't talk about tactics
But I give you an advice
Give the ball always to the Ten
And another miracle will happen'
The Ten whispered in its ear
'Eternal bride, come with me
I'll take you for a ride
The whole world will see us and they'll know how much I love you'
The ball in love
White immaculate skin
Was giving in without shame
To velvet soles of its eternal great love
In filigrees of dancing
The stroll began
Overdose of talent
Turned the rivals into concrete statues
Great lover everywhere, dances the Ten with his lover
Caresses, kisses, hugs
The Ten making love
And the orgasm was a goal
The red sun shouted goal
It's ray arms in high
And Jesus Christ jumping
Celebrating the work of Lord Ten and his highness
Another flight of doves
Swift journey to the southwest
Argentinian sovereignty
White and blue-sky flags decorating the West Falkland
Nobel peace prize
From Mexico to Villa Fiorito
From the Falklands to England
This crazy short Ten filled the earth with smiles
Cryings and laughters of mothers
Seeing in the Ten the friend
He generates a suppressed smile, his smile in all the pictures
Of the sons fighters
And Jesus said: 'I'm leaving, I won't talk about tactics
But I give you an advice
Give the ball always to the ten
And another miracle will happen'
No, no, no, no
Great lover everywhere, dances the ten with his lover
Caresses, kisses, hugs
The ten making love
And the orgasm was a goal
No, no, no, no
For the miracle of your hand
And the miracle of your feet
For the miracle of your hand
And the miracle of your feet
Thank you, Lord God
Thank you, Lord Ten


Pentru mine, Francesca, ești precum cerul
Când mă oglindesc în ochii tăi albaștri.
Văd îngerii ce zboară fericiți,
Fiindcă ești cu mine.
Eu caut în lume un pic de iubire,
Și numai tu poți să mi-o dai,
Tu, care citești în adâncul inimii
Toată iubirea ce-o am pentru tine.
Dulce Francesca, acum aici tu ești,
Mă privești și râzi, pentru că mă iubești.