Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 1

Număr de rezultate: 33


Rozariul mamei mele

Chiar dacă tu nu crezi
Așa să m-audă Dumnezeu:
Asta va fi ultima noastră întâlnire
O să-nțelegi că-i prea mult
Că insiști să te prefaci
Fiindcă durerea unei rele iubiri
Nu este ca și cum ai muri
Însă zdrobită deja
Cea mai frumoasă iluzie a mea
Nimănui din lume
Nu-i voi mai da inima
Dă-mi înapoi dragostea s-o ucid
Dă-mi înapoi iubirea ce ți-am dat
Tu nu meriți s-o păstrezi
Pentru mine ești un nimic
Dă-mi înapoi rozariul mamei mele
Și ține-le pe toate celelalte
Pe al tău ți-l trimit oricare seară
Nu vreau să mă mai vezi vreodată
Însă zdrobită deja
Cea mai frumoasă iluzie a mea
Nimănui din lume
Nu-i voi mai da inima
Dă-mi înapoi dragostea s-o ucid
Dă-mi înapoi iubirea ce ți-am dat
Tu nu meriți s-o păstrezi
Pentru mine ești un nimic
Dă-mi înapoi rozariul mamei mele
Și ține-le pe toate celelalte
Pe al tău ți-l trimit oricare seară
Nu vreau să mă mai vezi vreodată
Dă-mi înapoi rozariul mamei mele
Și ține-le pe toate celelalte
Pe al tău ți-l trimit oricare seară
Nu vreau să mă mai vezi vreodată...

King of the night

Naughty, alien, I'm getting abnormal
Dishonest, hazardous, covetous and annoying
Deadly ugly and hideous, unpleasant, he avenges you
Deceitful, immoral, (?), inhuman
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Feast with me at the table
Where no one dares to go,
I live within my day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night!
(My king, your king)
(My king, your king)
Naughty, alien, I'm getting abnormal
Dishonest, hazardous, covetous and annoying
Deadly ugly and hideous, unpleasant, he avenges you
Deceitful, immoral, (?), inhuman
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Feast with me at the table
Where no one dares to go,
I live within my day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch anymore,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night!
Arachnid and bat,
Are joining each other in my house
A snail and a silverfish
Wretched is the gift table
Where no one dares to go,
I am trapped for a year and a day
And when nobody under the sun is keeping watch,
I'll enjoy the full moon's splendour
I am the king of the night!
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the night! (My king)
I am the king of the night! (Your King)
I am the king of the deep, deep night!


Mastering time is such a wise virtue,
loving on time and letting go on time,
as the saying goes, give time some time...
after all, time feeds on love and pain
What of that love I loved with delay,
making a martyr of myself and for so long
that I never felt time passing
so acutely as that time
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted.
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Mastering time is such a wise virtue...

The Bridge's Railings

The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by.
It's only you that I love:
I ignore all the others.
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve!
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Come on, now!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve...

The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by...
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve!
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Come on, now!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve...

The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by...

Pain is

You were the end
I didn't see it coming
So many things to do
A thousand moments to live
I suspected
That something wasn't going well
I make an effort to close wounds
I didn't believe were open
I want to forgive you
Now I know nothing matters
I don't know
if there can be more rebukes
How does the story
that you left halfway end?
There are no more memories to tell
Hug me
So that it hurts
Fill for the last time
This space with your skin
I had to start to fly
you pushed me without knowing
So many years waiting
Trying to open the door
Of that empty room
All the promises
that were left to be fullfilled
You can see now...
your absence prevails
That day in July
That split my life in two
Is gone
It won't come back tomorrow
the house doesn't smell like you anymore
In silence I yell
Where are you?
Hug me
So that it hurts
Hug me
So that it can break me
You left us
On our way to disaster
You left us
On our way to disaster

Drops of Pain

Ever since you're not here anymore
the sky has turned gray.
I got so used to you
that now, without your kisses,
I feel as if I'm dying.
How it hurt when you said goodbye,
I feel as if I'm nothing now,
and I'm always going to miss:
your eyes, laughter, skin, warmth.
I know I won't forget you,
you live in me,
with a wounded soul
that bleeds, aches
and that makes me suffer.
Drops of pain are falling,
they fall from my eyes to my heart,
because I can foretell you'll never return
and with each passing day, I need you more.
Drops of pain are falling
and between my lips, I save the last
of the sadness that you cause me with your absence,
unable to stop loving you.
Ever since you're not here anymore
the sky has turned gray.
I got so used to you
that now, without your kisses,
I feel as if I'm dying.
How it hurt when you said goodbye,
I feel as if I'm nothing now,
and I'm always going to miss:
your eyes, laughter, skin, warmth.
I know I won't forget you,
you live in me,
with a wounded soul
that bleeds, aches
and that makes me suffer.
Drops of pain are falling,
they fall from my eyes to my heart,
because I can foretell you'll never return
and with each passing day, I need you more.
Drops of pain are falling
and between my lips, I save the last
of the sadness that you cause me with your absence,
unable to stop loving you.

Stood the Mother of Sorrows

Stood the Mother of Sorrows
in tears at the Cross
on which the Son hung.
A sword pierced.
his groaning, grieved
and sore soul.
O how sad and afflicted
was that holy Mother
of the Only Begotten Son!
How saddened and hurt
the pious Mother
seeing the pains of the glorious Son.
Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
till His spirit forth sent.
O Mother! fount of love!
let me feel the strength of your pain,
so I can cry with you.
Make my heart blaze
in the loving of Christ, the Lord,
so that I may please Him.
Holy Mother, do it,
the crucified Christ's sores
hard print in my hearth
Make me bear the death of Christ,
Make me share His Passion,
and His wounds remember.
Make me be afflicted with those wounds
And intoxicated with this Cross
and blood of Your Son.
That I am not burned by the flames,
that I am, O Virgin, defended by you
in the Judgment Day.
When body will die,
may the soul get
the Paradise’s glory.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Tu, Gorizia îndurerată

Tu, Gorizia îndurerată,
iubeai atât de mult țara mea,
două sute cinci de infanterie
a venit să te cucerească.
Ca să vină și să te cucerească
am pierdut atâți tovarăși,
toți tineri la douăzeci de ani,
la casele lor ei nu se mai întorc.
Acei domni lași
'Trăiască războiul' le-au strigat,
cu strigătul lor ne-au înșelat
acei domni lași.

You Gorizia sorrowful

You Gorizia sorrowful
you loved my Fatherland so much
the 205th infantry troop
came to conquer you.
To come and conquer you
we have lost so many companions
all young people in their twenties
they don't come back to their homes.
Those cowards of Lords
'Long live the war ' they shouted at them
with his scream they have deceived us
those cowards of Lords

Iubire rea

Astăzi, după despărțire
te-am văzut din nou, iubire rea,
și se vede după râsul tău
că încă nu știi
cât de mult am plâns.
Sunt sinceră când mărturisesc
că încă te iubesc, iubire rea,
cu toate astea, din cauza ta
tot ce noi am avut s-a terminat.
Da, n-ai fost vreodată credincios
și m-ai simulat acea
dragoste perversă.
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit.
Sunt sinceră când mărturisesc
că încă te iubesc, iubire rea,
cu toate astea, din cauza ta
tot ce noi am avut s-a terminat.
Da, n-ai fost vreodată credincios
și m-ai simulat acea
dragoste perversă.
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit.
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit....

Hours of grief

I live in anguish because of a love,
my sorrow is such, that I would like to die,
I am suffering as I never suffered before,
I am defeated, me, who always I did win.
Hold it, don't ask me to forget it,
don't tell me she was bad,
in spite of the fact that it is very true,
I feel that I love her even more.
Just, stay with me for a while,
I know you are a good friend
and you can understand me.
Leave it, don't take the bottle away
because it is my confident
in my hours if grief.
(it repeats from the start)

Your oblivion

You already forgot... me.
The distance and the time
were guilty for that.
I already don’t understand why
you told me once
that you fell in love with me.
You see, this love,
you swore to me one day,
became an oblivion.
And, not knowing about it,
I come back just to find out
that I lost your love.
I will return to the place,
that I never
should have left.
I will avoid that
you could see
how much you hurt me.
~ ~ ~
You see, this love,
you swore to me one day,
became an oblivion.
And, not knowing about it,
I come back just to find out
that I lost your love.
I will return to the place,
that I never
should have left.
I will avoid that
you could see
how much you hurt me.
You already forgot... me.
The distance and the time
were guilty for that.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Dureri de cap

Dureri de cap
Uitam la telefon verificarea non-stop
Nu-mi răspunzi la nimic sau la asta merg
Greşit am reconfirma că textul meu ai venit
De asemenea, confirm că mă ignori.
Şi după câteva zile de o tăcere îngrozitoare
Primesc o inimă şi un mesaj vocal
Aşa, între cele două nu s-a întâmplat nimic.
Şi acum simt că devine complicat.
Şi apoi mă imiti pe mine
Şi la uşa ta primesc un mesaj şi scrie: 'dorm'.
Şi când mă întorc să-l văd străin este că
Pentru mine aici mi-am dat seama că túsigues scris
Tot ce vreau e să te invit să dansezi.
Să meargă pe lângă mână peste tot în oraş
M-ai evitat şi m-ai evitat uşor.
Şi scuza de azi e o durere de cap.
Ar fi atât de distractiv dacă noi doi am ieşi
Mai întâi spui da, apoi spui nu
Vii şi pleci cu atâta subtilitate.
Şi scuza de azi e o durere de cap.
Cap de cap
Spune-mi dragoste că capul tău nu doare
Din nou, ecranul este pornit din nou
Spune-mi că la şapte putem vedea
Eu spun, 'spune-mi unde.' Voi fi acolo
Şi lasă-mă agăţat fără un răspuns
Şi apoi mă imiti pe mine
Şi la uşa ta primesc un text
Şi el spune, 'dorm' şi când te văd din nou
Cel mai ciudat lucru este că
Pentru mine aici mi-am dat seama că túsigues scris
Tot ce vreau e să te invit să dansezi.
Să meargă pe lângă mână peste tot în oraş
M-ai evitat şi m-ai evitat uşor.
Şi scuza de azi e o durere de cap.
Ar fi atât de distractiv dacă noi doi am ieşi
Mai întâi spui da, apoi spui nu
Vii şi pleci cu atâta subtilitate.
Şi scuza de azi e o durere de cap.
Cap de cap
Spune-mi dragoste că capul tău nu doare
Pentru că se va întâmpla mereu aşa.
Şi niciodată nu arăţi un pic de pocăinţă.
Și se întâmplă din nou este din nou și din nou
Nu ştiu de ce te mai ascunzi
Pentru mine aici mi-am închipuit că continui să scrii
Tot ce vreau e să te invit să dansezi.
Să meargă pe lângă mână peste tot în oraş
M-ai evitat şi m-ai evitat uşor.


Looking cell checking without stopping
me no answer or it goes me
wrong I reconfirm my text came you
also confirm that you are ignoring me
and after a few days of excruciating silence
receive a heart and a voice message
as that the two nothing nothing happened
and now I feel this is getting complicated
and then you make me go through you
and your door receive a text and says: '. I'm sleeping'
and when I see him more strange is that
my here I figure túsigues writing
I all I want isinviteto dance
pasearnos hand all overcity
me dodgeand avoid me gently
and today's excuse is a dolorde head
would be so much fun we leave you and me
first say if then I say do not
you come and go with such subtlety
and today's excuse is a headache
headache head
tell me love that your head hurts head
again my screen comes back on
you I say to seven could we e havesee
you say, 'Tell me where.' I'll be there
and leave me hanging without an answer
and then you make me go through you
and your door receive a text
and say, 'I'm sleeping' and when I see again
the strangest is that
I here I figure túsigues writing
I all I want isinviteto dance
pasearnos hand all overcity
me dodgeand avoid me gently
and today's excuse is a dolorde head
would be so much fun we leave you and I
first say if I then say you do not
you come and go with such subtlety
and today's excuse is a headache
headache head
tell me love that youa headache the head
because it will always happens like
and never show one bit of regret
and it happens again is again and again
I do not know for what reason is that you're still hiding
me here I figure you're still writing
I all I want isinviteto dance
pasearnos hand throughout the city
elusive and avoid me with me licadeza
And today's excuse is a dolorde head
would be so much fun we leave you and me
first say if I then say you do not
you come and go with such subtlety
and today's excuse is a headache
Tell me love not your head hurts head


Nimeni nu mai locuiește în ea,
casa este tăcută
la marginea drumului.
S-ar spune că ușile ei
s-au închis pe veci,
i s-au închis pe veci ferestrele.
Geme vântul pe sub streșini,
zidurile se năruiesc
și-n pietrele lor picotesc
salcâmii bătuți de vânt,
salcâmii bătuți de vânt.
obosită de călătoria asta a vieții,
am trecut prin porțile locuinței mele
și salcâmii mi-au spus o poveste:
totul a murit, bucuria și zarva.
Cei care erau bucuria
și căldura acelei case,
unii morți și alții în viață,
care aveau sufletul mort,
au plecat pe veci din casă.

Of Flesh and Bone

Versions: #2
What are you made of?
Of stone or ice,
That you don't know how to feel
Love or jealousy.
You're nothing like me
I'm sure of that.
You're nothing like me.
God did not make you
Out of flesh and bone
You're nothing like me.
God did not make you
Out of flesh and bone
And so
Don't you dare usurp the right
to judge my feelings,
or criticize my attitude.
I am
But a woman of flesh and bone
In constant search of the kisses
She never got from you.
I leave you
As a reminder and a grievance
Half of this suffering
and a piece of my cross
I'll go on
My way just a bit longer
Until I find those kisses
That I never got from you.
(Repeated until the end)

To Pure Pain

Excuse me, if I'm calling you at this time
But I needed to listen you again
Even be an instant your breathing
Excuse me, because I'm violating our oath
I know you're with someone that is not the time
But there is something urgent to tell you today
I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire of live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I would like to tell you that today I'm great
That I was not affected by your departure
But with one only finger does not cover the sun
And I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire to live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
Agonizing, I do not have you by my side
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
To pure pain
Come back please

I'm needing you

I'm needing you
really needing you so much
And it happened that distance
changed that feeling
of frivolousness.
And turned it into longing
of being in your arms
and without me realizing it
it tangled up my heart.
I'm needing you
really needing you so much
You are getting into my soul
down to a place I never ever
allowed no one
And on loving you so much
and feeling you so distant
I'm needing you
really needing you so much
And turned it into longing
of being in your arms
and without me realizing it
it tangled up my heart.
I'm needing you
really needing you so much
You are getting into my soul
down to a place I never ever
allowed no one
And on loving you so much
and feeling you so distant
I'm needing you
really needing you so much

No sorrow

You look a little shocked
because I rest here, uninterested
like you spoke no words
Just as you hadn't said anything
You fell in love?
what's wrong, what's wrong with you?
So I should start suffering now
for obvious reasons of pride and sex?
quite the opposit: nothing, no!
I feel nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
When you were uncertain, torn
between hugging me or life
can you remember my heavvy silences
that you mistook for jealousy
for fictional lovers?
back then I already foresee
that I was missing something
that frail, inconsistent coherence
of a child with little or no patience
Refrain (X2):
I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
The glass is not broken by the stone
but by the skilled hand of a naive bragger
the applause to feel you are important
without asking what people for
All those mischievous glance you spread
were like wind scattered seeds, something you lost
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
But I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow


The pain is becoming stronger, dear
My beloved, you who take my life away
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Forgive me, forgive me, o God
Forgive me if I'm sinning
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
No doubt that in this world, my darling, life is both pain and dreams
No doubt that in this world, my darling, my life is both pain and dreams
My life is both pain and dreams
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!

Cry of Dolores*

Mexican people!:1
Long live the heroes who returned our homeland to us!
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live our nation's independence2!
long live Mexico! long live Mexico! long live Mexico!
  • 1. after this, with every line the president yells out, the people will yell back either 'viva!' (long live!) or 'vivan!' (may they long live!)
  • 2. this has two meanings: 1. the day our nation became independence and 2. refers to the location it took place: Dolores, Guanajuato (The full name of the town ' Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional' [Dolores Hidalgo Cradle of National Independence]).
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).