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Play on Words
It’s just a play, just a play on words,to tell the sun that the stars aren’t alone,1
to tell Pino «Cheer up and don’t tremble
if I want to make a Christmas tree with a pine».2
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to call a spade a spade, and a climber someone who goes up.3
In a great sea of flames4
I fish for roasted fish,
two slices of toasted bread
and I’ll eat like stink.
Poignancy ties
a knot in my stomach.5
“Poignancy” is a real word,
it’s not a big magician.6
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to tell the sun that the stars aren’t alone,
to tell Pino «Cheer up and don’t tremble
if I want to make a Christmas tree with a pine».
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to call a spade a spade, and a climber someone who goes up.
Who knows why in a haystack
you always look for a needle,
which is certainly not a lake7
where you can go on a boat.
You certainly can’t swim,
swim on the sidewalk,8
you can only walk,
walk on you feet.
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to tell the sun that the stars aren’t alone,
to tell Pino «Cheer up and don’t tremble
if I want to make a Christmas tree with a pine».
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to call a spade a spade, and a climber someone who goes up.
And when you’re falling asleep
you can’t hurt yourself,9
you don’t go to the hospital
to get treated.
And in the riverbed
you can’t find any mattresses,10
just pebbles,
therefore you can’t dream.
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to tell the sun that the stars aren’t alone,
to tell Pino «Cheer up and don’t tremble
if I want to make a Christmas tree with a pine».
It’s just a play, just a play on words,
to call a spade a spade, and a climber someone who goes up.
And to those who go down, I say “down”.
And to those who go up, I say “up”.
I say “up”, higher and higher up!
- 1. sole = sun.
sole = alone (feminine plural). - 2. Pino = diminutive of Giuseppe {Joseph}.
pino = pine tree. - 3. Literally “To say ‘salt’ to salt, and ‘ascends’ to people who go up”.
sale = salt.
sale = he/she/it goes up, ascends, climbs.
It’s also a reference to the saying “Dire pane al pane e vino al vino” {to say ‘bread’ to bread and ‘wine’ to wine}: to call a spade a spade, to call things by their names, to speak in a direct and honest way. - 4. mare = sea.
mare = a large amount/quantity. - 5. Literally “Emotion brings a deep grief into my throat”.
- 6. The original pun is on:
magone = grief, sorrow (from a Germanic word for “stomach”).
mago = magician. - 7. l’ago = the needle.
lago = lake. - 8. mar = sea.
marciapiedi {march-feet} = sidewalk. - 9. cascare dal sonno {fall down because of sleepiness} = to be about to doze off, to be extremely sleepy.
- 10. letto = bed.
letto del fiume = riverbed.
Plays on Words
Can you see it, on the rooftop there’s a slightly mad cat04.10.2021
Albastru înceţoşat
OoooooohOh, a trecut atât de mult timp, mult timp.
Părea că mi te-am scos din minte.
Dar nu pot, doar gândul la tine
Îmi transformă întreaga lume în albastru înceţoşat.
Oh, dragă, doar menţiunea numelui tău
Transformă pâlpâirea într-o flacără.
Ascultă-mă bine, iubitule
Mă gândesc la lucrurile pe care obişnuiam să le facem
Şi întreaga mea lume devine albastru înceţoşat.
Oh, iubitule, ar trebui să te uit
I need a hero (Polish version) Shrek 2
Why men disappeared from here, and where are the gods?Where is Hercules, efficient one, who has strength like an oak tree
Where is the white knight, and where is his steed under him?
These thoughts torment me during the night, and I can only dream of one thing
Rock it!
I want a hero
Yeah, that's what I need before the end of the night
Though he'd have strength, and he'd be as fast as the wind
that would blow his power in the grassland
I want a hero
Yeah, that's what I need to the end of this night
He has to show up here because I want to believe him
And he has to become bigger than is now
Bigger than is now...
A moment after midnight I have wild thoughts
I still touch the night with my thought
My palate is so cold
He makes flashes of lightning
Snd he hovers in the air
Where my superman is hiding when I want him to be here?!
Where is the combination of the sky and the mountains
And where the lightning strikes the waves
I feel that there is someone who constantly looks at me!
And he is already climbing the creeping ivy, among the floods of clouds
He's already here! I'm on fire!
(He's already here, I can feel him! x4)
(I want him)
I want a hero!
Yeah, that's what I need to the end of this night
He will show up here because I want to believe him
And he has to become bigger than is now
Though he'd have strength, and he'd be as fast as the wind
that would blow his power in the grassland!
I long that!
Little Headbanger (Neck-Breaker)
We got heart, we got soulWe got rock'n'roll
Things get hard, life gets low
We can take no more
Turn it up, let me go
Let's enjoy a show
Wake me up, let me go
Shake me up, let me go
Live it up in endless pain
Live it up everyday
A blood and anger
Little headbanger
Live it up in every way
We live it up in endless pain
Live it up everyday
(Nice little authentic
Nice neck-breaker1)
Live it up in every way
Work so hard, work loo long
Just to make, a living
Life's too short in a rut
No you will not fit in
Hanging loose, keep it cool
Need a new beginning
Turn it up, let me go
Shake it up let it go
Live it up in endless pain
Live it up everyday
(A nice neck-breaker
There's no connoisseur)
We live it up in every way
- 1. A metal or rock song that inspires so much head banging, it's a 'neck-breaker'
The song of the free man
I will throw my hair backi will put my face on upside-down
i will go out into the streets and the squares
with guns, with screams, with slogans
to humiliate the fans of the barbed wire...
To put the shelter of Death on fire...
The wise-men will come to trip me up
because they lose their clients because of me..
The 'special police forces' will come to break my ribs
because i spread anger and fire among children...
But i will throw my hair back
i will put my face on upside-down
i will go out into the streets and the squares
with guns, with screams, with slogans
to humiliate the fans of the barbed wire...
The red ones will come to make my face red
because i am more red than them.
The white ones will come to bruise my eye
because i am more white than them.
The enlightened ones will come to knock the daylights out of me,
because i am more enlightened than them...
They will come
the ridiculous, the serious ones..
the eastern, the western ones...
the protestants, the catholics
my people, my enemies
the devils, the gods...
In other words, everybody, these and those
who perceive life to be a caprice of the moment.
But i will throw back my hair once again
i will once again put my bleeding face on upside-down
i will go out into the streets and the squares
with guns, with screams, with slogans...
To demand Bread and Liberty
Today — together! (Yes!)We stand again! (Yes!)
We stand together! (Yes!)
And all will be solved! (Yes!)
Today we can! (Yes!)
Do instead of dreaming! (Yes!)
Take risks and make it! (Yes!)
Or never again!
He is the past! (Yes!)
Everything has happened! (Yes!)
He is nothing! (Yes!)
He will never - Yes!
We won't give up (Yes!)
We won't forget! (Yes!)
We can't forgive! (Yes!)
He will never - Yes!
Today we can! (Yes!)
Today — together! (Yes!)
We stand together! (Yes!)
And never again - Yes!
We won't give up (Yes!)
We won't forget! (Yes!)
We can't forgive! (Yes!)
He will never - Yes!
Today — together! (Yes!)
We stand again! (Yes!)
We stand together! (Yes!)
And all will be solved! (Yes!)
Today we can! (Yes!)
Do instead of dreaming! (Yes!)
Take risks and make it! (Yes!)
Or never again!
He is the past! (Yes!)
Everything has happened! (Yes!)
He is nothing! (Yes!)
He will never - Yes!
We won't give up (Yes!)
We won't forget! (Yes!)
We can't forgive! (Yes!)
He will never - Yes!
He will never - Yes!
And never again - Yes!
He will never - Yes!
So it will never happens — Yes!
Love less
I folded my arms so they can't trick meand go touch you for the last time
I tied my heart, tied it with chains
so I can't even think about forgiveness
The worst delusion of the best years
For you, I totally went mad
Waited for nights, looked through my fingers
it all came out on my nose
My heart tells me - Stop for a little
And my mind - Get away you fool
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret
I hid the words behind a smile
Let the false glow hurt you
I looked away, looked away from you
So you cant even think about a hug
The worst delusion of the best years
For you, I totally went mad
Waited for nights, looked through my fingers
it all came out on my nose
My heart tells me - Stop for a little
And my mind - Get away you fool
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret
Only today
I see this other girlreflected in myself, smart and good at heart
Unbeatable, shes a powerful fighter
and she waits for you there at the other turn
Where you are the hero and you ignite the fire.
Bravely in battle you jump and for every dream you fight.
In a beautiful new world.
Only today
The time has come to decide
Choose your path now
Search for inspiration,
Only today.
Promise a million stars
To walk onward with no fear
Leave everything behind,
Only today.
Im like all others:
Ordinary, but I am different.
From the depths of the sea I have come
To an unknown world to see the light
I will boldly be following my dreams til the end day after day.
I will be strong with loyal friends by my side.
This is my way.
Only today
The time has come to decide
Choose your path now
Search for inspiration,
Only today.
Promise a million stars
To walk onward with no fear
Leave everything behind,
Only today.
Only today,
I will be breaking the chains
Too late
Too late, my dear, it is too late to meet.To say I love you, it is too late.
Even if you cry, it is now late.
It is too late to come, too late.
Too late, my dear, to cry - it is too late.
Our springs together have already passed.
To say I love you, to my own words I say -
Too late, it's too late I whisper.
Where has this pain in my heart come from?
How do I control myself?
The warm evenings will be forgotten
To whom do I vent my feelings?
Too late, my dear, to cry - it is too late.
Our springs together have already passed.
To say I love you, to my own words I say -
Too late, it's too late I whisper.
To greet, to say anything
Of course we know it is easy
But to hold hands together
It's not hard, but how late.
Too late, my dear, to cry - it is too late.
Our springs together have already passed.
To say I love you, to my own words I say -
Too late, it's too late I whisper.
Too late, my dear, to cry - it is too late.
Our springs together have already passed.
To say I love you, to my own words I say -
Too late, it's too late I whisper.
Too late, my dear, to cry - it is too late.
Our springs together have already passed.
To say I love you, to my own words I say -
Too late, it's too late I whisper.
Too late. Even to cry, it is too late.
Too late, my dear. How late.
Eu imi arunc gândurile deasupra acoperisulAm fugit și fugit
Țip, da tu nu poți să auzi
Dai drumul, dai drumul
Ca vântul tot deodată
Fârâ plan, simțuri, fraze
Tremurând pe corp in pat (tremurând pe corp)
Ochi mei îți zic totul ție
Dela tine eu sunt asa murdar
Nu osâ fie cum noi vruiam
Eu sunt nebun după tine
Lasămi duhul să imi ardă
Vreau asa până dimineață
Poate chiar mai lung
Poate pentru totdeauna
Duhul meu arde
Nu noapte și nu zi
Și poate și mai mult
Poate niciodată
Poate chaiar și mai lung
Poate pentru totdeauna
Și poate chiar și mai mult
Poate niciodată
Mă atingi acolo jos
Eu zbor
Tu pe corpul meu
Scri cu respirația ta
Sub post, unde dormi in pat
Suntem încurcat sub cerceafuri
Îmi atingi buzele cu gândurile tale
Tu și eu nu ne stim pe noi
Ce fel de arzătură noi aprindem
Abia dupa ce ne desparîim osă stim
De fricâ am inchis ochi
Sunt nebun dupâ tine
Fămi duhul meu să ardă
Nu noapte si nu zi
Și poate si mai mult
Poate pentru todeauna
Duhul meu arde
Nu noapte si nu zi
Și poate și mai mult
Poate niciodată
Poate chiar mai mult
Poate pentru todeauna
Și poate chiar mai mult
Poate niciodată
Sau poate
Sau poate
Și poate chiar mai mult
Poate niciodată
Sau poate
Sau poate
Și poate chiar mai mult
Poate niciodată
Și poate chiar mai mult
Un trandafir perfect
Doar o floare mi-a trimis de când ne-am cunoscut.A pus toată tandreţea-într-un singur mesager, select,
Cu inimă fierbinte, pură, de rouă încă ud –
Un trandafir perfect.
Cunoşteam limbajul oricărei flori de pe planetă
Play The Balalaika For Me
During the night, in love, as I was in the pastwhen the moon guards in secret
i remember the familiar sounds that used to pass by
during the night, in love, such as this one
something stirs in my chest
and it bounced like a hidden echo
of a presumptuous stringed instrument
Sing to me, sing to me
play the Balalaika for me once again
sing to me, sing to me
a melody from the past
Night after night, Balalaika
night after night, more and more
the pain continues to ache forever
night after night, Balalaika
night after night, more and more
and my heart continues to dance alone
During the night that is full of song
she danced in front of the fire
just she alone until the end of breath
during the night that is full of song
when the fire in our hearts burned
i call out, call out in her name
where did she go?
So come please and sing to me
sing to me, play the Balalaika for me once again
sing to me, sing to me
a melody from the past
Night after night, Balalaika
night after night, more and more
the pain continues to ache forever
night after night, Balalaika
night after night, more and more
and my heart continues to dance alone
During an amazing crazy night like this
i was burned, dreamed
in another minute the string with split
and so perhaps she will come to me
Night after night, Balalaika