Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 35


Able of you

I've lived too many from you
I've lost too many times
In these endless fights
Where we fight for nothing
Who is this love for?
Who is the first day for?
Cause in this affair,
I know that everything remains to be done
Everything accumulates, everything builds up
Of only being one, of not being the one
We have to talk, we have to tell it
When you leave,
I sink
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
I destroyed too many 'me'
I sometimes forgot
That these ways let us
Further than they hurt us
And my heart, paralysed of not realising
That it were so big,
Still makes me doubt
I hang out
Where are you?
I'm waiting for you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
I have to change my mind because you
You are delightful
I let the summer pass
Constantly push the time
My heart is empty of you
Explain it to you a hundred times
And it breaks me in two
I'm in love with your eyes
In your eyes, light of dark
I admit I cracked up
You had no right
And that's cleat, I'm sinking
In your faded eyes
I don't have the choice
Able of everything
I will pace
Henceforth nothing is blurred anymore
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Me, I'm able of you
Me, I'm able of you

What is life teaching me

Everyday, sameday, always waking up in a bad mood
And trying to forget awful things from yesterday
which are agonizing, cuz everything is just awful
Why is everything in my life so sad
And I would like to know when will better days come
When will this sad things just be gone
Because there are alot of problems and alot of awful things
And it destoys idea of good life with its darkness
To have a will for life is becoming increasingly difficult
I wonder if I really made that big of mistakes
So someone can punish me, laugh at me from the side
Doesn't see good in me, only talking about my flaws
But I'm strong, and I know that one day it will have to dawn
I'm just living so I can see the perfect days
Maybe I'm alone, but I will always be persistent
I know that better times are coming, I'm sure of that
Chorus x2
Now I'm sure that life is just a dream
What is life teaching me - why it bothers me so much?
Why is life so fucked up?
Only thing I want is to everyday have a smile
My soul hurts, does anybody love me?
Does anybody need me here?
When you are left alone and when your soul starts to hurt
Only thing you need is someone to love you
To understand your pain, to understand your sadness
You need to find a right person who can do that
But that is really rare because no one appreciates you
And when you are at your lowest everyone forgets about you
And I know there is no God, I will fight alone
Let the enemies get tired - I will not kill myself
And now I grit my teeth, I will not fall again
I'm raising my head up, I will find hapiness on my own
It doesn't matter how much my soul hurts, I won't stop
I will try my hardest to rise from the bottom
I will show you how much this man loves
How much this man can do even if it hurts the most
You're looking from the sky and I know that clearly
I'm continuing because of you-I'm handing you over the tears
Chorus x3
Now I'm sure that life is just a dream
What is life teaching me - why it bothers me so much?
Why is life so fucked up?
Only thing I want is to everyday have a smile
My soul hurts, does anybody love me?
Does anybody need me here?

The Earth is turning around

The faraway grows distant, it was a hot summer and a chilly autumn
Lots of memories of the winter fuel you still, until you grow up
But it's not fun and games even after that, but a troubled infinity
Lots of happiness, lots of sorrow and you have grown up suddenly
The Earth is turning around, our yesterday said goodbye
The world becomes alive with a new life, it's celebrating
The Earth is turning around, our yesterday said goodbye
The world becomes alive with a new life, it's singing
Today isn't a dream either, the moment lives for you
I'm living a miracle when your hands touch me
No matter what comes, it'll always be better than how it was
May the Moon glow in your eyes every night!
Refrain (3x)

Omor solicitat

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate (Omor solicitat)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu omoară (magazinul’ distrugerii, coaie)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate
D’ussé, D’ussé e-un dubios
Pierde timpu’ și prinde fete
Tot ce văd îs demoni târându-se în locu’ ăsta
Codeină-n cupa mea
Tot ce fac e omor, e-o nebunie
Ține de medieval, că-i așa de mult rău
Nu vrei amenințarea asta
Efectiv la tine-n față
Tine-n față
Turnător pe față
Sunt un criminal, curvelor
Mă doare-n cur de tine, curvo
Îți las cadavrul în spectacol
Nu vrei răul ăsta
O să te blestem
Să-ți iasă sufletul din corp
Să te las in iad
Sar direct la gât
Cu un “tech nine”
Nu mai plânge
Nu se întâmpla dacă nu mai mințeai
Karma, proasto, poate te rănește proasto
O să-ți las cutia toracică-ntr-un șanț
Ei îmi zic “Domnul Freddie Dredd”
O să-ți găsească cadavrul decapitat
1600 frate
Asta-i nu-i o jucărie artificială
Rapid, lovitură la gât
Sângerând pentru verificare
Este grupa aia gălăgioasă, infarct
Curvele cumpărând cocaină
Freddie mac 10
Tot ce tre’ să fac e să te omor, e omor—
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate (Omor solicitat)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu omoară (magazinul’ distrugerii, coaie)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate
D’ussé, D’ussé e-un dubios
Pierde timpu’ și prinde fete
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate (Omor solicitat)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu omoară (magazinul’ distrugerii, coaie)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate
D’ussé, D’ussé e-un dubios
Pierde timpu’ și prinde fete
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate (Omor solicitat)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu omoară (magazinul’ distrugerii, coaie)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate
D’ussé, D’ussé e-un dubios
Pierde timpu’ și prinde fete
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate (Omor solicitat)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu omoară (magazinul’ distrugerii, coaie)
Freddie Dredd amenințarea
Mereu comite omoruri solicitate
D’ussé, D’ussé e-un dubios
Pierde timpu’ și prinde fete

Come (Beyond all loneliness)

Versions: #1
Beyond all loneliness
I lost the light of your living
I lost the horizon
Carry on as far as you wish
But later come and lighten
A heart that's suffering
I belong to you
Until the end of the sea
I am like you
Of the same light
Of the same loving
So come
Because I want to
Console you
If that's not alright
Carry on sailing

O sută de dorinţe

Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Şi doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Am putea fi în Franţa din nou,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
În noapte te mai văd
Păr întunecat şi zâmbet tandru,
Aplecându-te pe pervazul ferestrei
Strângând trandafirii între timp.
Am putea fi din nou în Spania,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Îţi aminteşti măreţia verii
Am luat-o spre ţărmul Clarei,
Am auzit oceanul încălzind stâncile,
Am ascultat muzica de acolo.
Am putea fi în Irlanda din nou,
Dansând pe sub stejari
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.


The ground is red and warm
And full of floral blood
I bend my leaves to
At the foot of creation
Closing my eyes to see
Everything we hide
Deep within ourselves
Which can't stand the light of day
If we fumble blindly
There's still a faith
That hope will watch over
Those who can't find
Their their calm at night
And must wonder in bewilderment
And must wonder in bewilderment
If you don't brush me with your rare sun
Sitting down on me
In my favorite chair
We'll be rocking in the ocean
Forcing out fear
From its lizard skin
So that it will die
Before it grows claws
If we fumble blindly
There's still a faith
That the door will be ajar
For those who can't find
Their their calm at night
Taking the long way back home
Taking the long way back home

O sută de motive

Nu-mi place să văd umbra
Din jurul ochilor tăi,
Îmi ia ceva timp
Să zâmbesc.
Când nu mai e nimic de zis sau de făcut,
E ăsta sfârșitul?
Nu, aici găsim
O sută de motive
Să nu ne înstrăinăm,
Să nu ne înstrăinăm.
Nu ne vom despărți niciodată,
Voi fi alături de tine,
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi fi alături de tine,
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi merge cu tine până la capăt.
Râsetele și minciuna
Din viața noastră,
Acolo găsesc
O sută de motive pentru care
Voi fi alături de tine,
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață
Voi fi alături de tine,
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi merge cu tine până acasă,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi merge cu tine până la capăt.
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață.
Voi fi alături de tine,
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi merge cu tine
Mă voi asigura că stăm chiar aici,
Voi găsi o cale de a rămâne în viață,
Voi merge cu tine până în pustietăți.

Cha Cha

Moonlight night, the breeze made the sea
I in your gaze, a star in the sky
I feel your desire to want my kiss
And on the hula a honeymoon
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Hello bitch, whatchu want?
Hittin' up my phone up on some bullshit huh
Think I give a damn about a stealing your gram
Bitch I’m gonna rob you
Bitch I'm on a mission
Don't wanna suck? Then I don’t give a fuck
Run yo shit slut, then get my nut
Better not be in the streets
Run up on me, get a bad back in the streets
I don't mean to help you but I need mo' money
Kinda funny how the Freddie run up on you, you a dummy
Uh oh, I think I gotta go
Big bitch what you wanna know?
Made a hit though
Kick the back do'
Big blast made a flash hole (Hole)
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Moonlight night, the breeze made the sea
I in your gaze, a star in the sky
I feel your desire to want my kiss
And on the hula a honeymoon
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
please be kind with your suggestions, criticisms, and comments. :)

Come What May

Versions: #3
Come what may
I am here
Come what may
I will wait for you
Return with the wind
Oh my love
return quickly
How long has it been
I have forgotten
Why I remained
Far from you
Each moment
is more painful
Return with the wind
If you please
I know, I know
Who you are to me
Come what may
I will wait for you

Listen, Darling

I haven't pretended
I swear to you.
I've never said no,
I've just...
I haven't pretended,
I swear to you.
I've never said no,
I've just
Allowed the the time to run
To leave
To come
To die
To run
To leave
To come
And to die.
Listen, darling,
I don't have time.
Listen, darling,
I've told you no.
Listen, darling,
I don't have time.
Listen, darling,
I've told you no.
To run
To leave
To come
To die
To run
To leave
To die
To run
To leave
To come
And to die.
I'll tell you that I love you
That you're now my siren.
I'll tell you all that,
For now, shut up.
I'll tell you that I love you
That you're now my siren.
I'll tell you all that,
For now, shut up.
Shut up.
Listen, darling,
I don't have time.
Listen, darling,
I've told you no.
Listen, darling,
I don't have time.
Listen, darling,
I've told you no.
To run
To leave
To come
To die
To run
To leave
To come
To die
To run
To leave
To come
To die
To leave
To come
And to die.
Listen, darling,
I've got plenty of time.
Listen, darling,
It's now.
Listen, darling,
I've got plenty of time.
Listen, darling,
It's now.
Listen, darling,
I've got plenty of time.
Listen, darling,
It's now.
Listen, darling,
I've got plenty of time.
Listen, darling,
And now, shut up.
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty


Get up everybody, please
These are Elitni Odredi in the house and G.I., yeah
C'mon , two-zero-ten, yea
Watch this, uh
I know what kind of people go to heaven
I wasn't among them
These streets and the city are poisoning me
And they hear how I suspire for us
But I know what kind of people go to heaven
And that I'm not among them
I wanted her lips cold as ice
Didn't want one love, I wanted two
I didn't have one wish, I had two
I wasn't good, there, I was sinful, what can you do
But I lived in spite of everyone
I lived, but it didn't last
They say I'm restless
I dreamed all kinds of dreams
One day looked at the sky
They say you have to be careful with dreams
One day when you love again
It's better if I leave forever, my love
I know what kind of people go to heaven
I wasn't among them
These streets and the city are poisoning me
And they hear how I suspire for us
But I know what kind of people go to heaven
And that I'm not among them
An angel lives inside me, next to him the devil, I hear his voice now
I really don't care what happens to me, if I don't go to heaven
Chaos on the street, a soldier who fell, getting ready for war
Alcohol is in my blood, I'd cry for you, my loved one
An angel is still here, next to him the devil, the voice is getting louder
And I know I'm not evil, I'm so cold, I feel it
I let them burn all those millions I've dreamed of
If you leave me, he doesn't call, If I die alone
I know what kind of people go to heaven
I wasn't among them
These streets and the city are poisoning me
And they hear how I suspire for us
But I know what kind of people go to heaven
And that I'm not among them
Bro, have you caught up, huh?
With us Coby, Darko Jovanović, Boris Jovanović
Our crazy friend [?], when are we going to Mars, huh?
Cvija, what was it all like in the beginning, huh?
Did we go first? Yeah
Sha, answer
Enjoy with us people
We're making heaven, yeah
Vlada, Relja
I know what kind of people go to heaven

City kids

What will she say, what would your mamma say,
what, what, what will she say, what would mamma say,
don't go with us, what would your mamma say,
those are the city kids, with them is only fighting, bickering
don't go with us, what would your mamma say,
those are the city kids, with them is only fighting, bickering
You're too young, you hope too much
that you'll one day be highly valued by them
climb up to your apartment, come on now girl
we're going to Prague, Monte Carlo, Amsterdam
when the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?
I heard that you're a good one, city talk says as much,
I heard that all the other fish are nothing like you,
I heard that you're so dangerous that everyone knows you,
whenever you enter the city everyone stops, everyone talks
I heard you're poisonous, when you pass everyone stops
nobody has it easy, everyone stares at you at the side,
I'd like to come closer to only tell you one thing
good evening my love, let's go over hereee
When the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?
When the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?

From outside

A bright sun, a distant laugh
came from outside, from another planet
and entered without permission, they entered through my window
and shook the flame that was quiet
And suddently they blow up cristals in our soul
they hallucinate and travel calmly through corridors with doors,
each door with its key
each key with its room
living house, attic, basement.
From outside comes sometimes different lives that don't die inside here
They make us become irreverent
They are the spirit of joy
of a certain wine that I like
They are sails hoisted to the wind
They are magnifying glasses to the thought
They are sails hoisted to the wind
They are magnifying glasses to the thought


Oh, niciun om rămas viu
în 1985 n-ar fi de folos.
Poate că are dreptate
Poate că-i bună
poate că ar aduce iubire
dar nu pe-a mea
fiindcă eu te am pe tine!
Păi eu, păi eu
Ei bine eu nu mă pot sătura
de acea dulceaţă
pe care-o are doamna mea!
O, nu, mamma mea spunea
că timpul va veni
când mă voi afla
îndrăgostit de tine.
Nu cred să fi visat
că aş putea fi în preajmă
să văd totul prinzând viaţă