Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 165


Heaven's Light

I frequently watched
A couple, a couple in love
Looked at them full of disgust
They looked like they were surrounded by a glow
They walked in heaven's light
I thought something like that
Was not made for me
Even though I keep folding my hands closed
Because no face, so low, so ugly
Will shine in a heaven's light like that
From today onwards everything will change
I got struck by lightning
An angel kissed me
So my tranquillity is gone
I toll the bells, I fulfill my duty
And with it I give her a message
Surrounded by a heaven's light

Through Heaven's Eyes

Each tiny thread in a tapestry, even if its color is spectacular
Can never see the perfectness of the other colors around it
And the stone that sits on the top of the mountain
Thinks it's the most important one and the base is just a spare
So how can you even judge your worth? Perhaps it's twice as big!
You can never see through others' eyes.
Look at your life, through heaven's eyes (through heaven's eyes)
A lake of gold in the heart of the desert is less than a well of water
To a lost sheep a shepherd boy is much more than a mighty king
If a man had lost it all, did he give up on his honor as well?
Or perhaps it's the beginning of a brighter future
So how do you measure the worth of a man? In wealth, or strength, or age?
How much he earned? How much he grew?
An answer would be given to him who sees his life twice
Through his and heaven's eyes
That's why we share all we have with you, the little and the plenty
Because all that's before you belongs to Mother Nature
Life may change when the winds blow
And you might trip sometimes
You must try to dance.
So try and learn to dance!
So how do you judge what a man is worth?
If he worked or if he learned?
You can never see through the eyes of flesh and blood
But there is another pair of eyes
Look at your life, please look at it
Through heaven's eyes!

300 HP

Versions: #1#2
Brnn tata brnn tat,
brnn tata brnn tat,
Brnn tata brnn tat,
brnn tat, vehicle!
i was born
and observed
without a car
you walk a lot
Spirit and Esprit
i never emitted
my first word was car,
the second was 'hoot hoot'.
My big love, that i never forget.
300 HP, 300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn tat,
brnn tata brnn
Franz drives a Ferrari,
Sepp a BMW.
I ride just the bike,
brrn, that hurts me!
If i had a car
then everything would be alright.
Brnn tatta brnn,
full throttle and 'hoot-hoot'!
Uncle Doctor, prescribe me an express
300 HP, 300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn,
300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn tat,
brnn tata brnn.
Brnn tata brnn tat,
brnn tata, brnn!
Now i have a car,
i lived for that
I let the engine gurgle
the earth is shaking
The wheels have to smoke like hot meatloaf,
300 HP, 300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn ta,
brnn tat brnn.
I don't need a flat,
I sleep in the garage.
Where I in the evenings never me
but always my car wash.
Then i kiss my wheels,
and hold on them, 'til morning'
1 ½ car, 1 ½ car!
Brnn tata brnn!
300 HP!
gear damage!
Yesterday on the motorway
there it happend
a Porsche passed by,
and let me standing still.
My Ego was thwarted
I only shout SOS!
400 HP - IIEH!
400 HP!
full throttle .. brn ... breake ... iiieh!
full throttle .. brn ... breake ... iiieh!
full throttle .. brn ... breake ... iiieh!
full throttle .. brn ... breake ... iiieh!
full throttle! full throttle!
'For unwanted side effects
Ask your doctor or your mechanic!'
Now i lie here
everthing's is just so white
The walls are padded ('made of rubber')
in the vest it is hot.
Sometimes a orderly comes by
and says he wants to wash me!
„Brnn tata brnn! Let's drive, Your Grace!“
300 HP!
Brnn hahaha
300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn
300 HP!
Brnn hahaha
300 HP!
Brnn tata brnn
300 HP!
300 HP!
Brnn tata...brnn
300 HP!
300 HP!
300 HP!
300 HP!

Heaven's light

Versions: #1#2
O thing that here
I saw two things from my windows on night
A light hosteled from sky
A light hosteled from heaven
I know I will live him and love isn't knowing me
Like ı wanted on my dreams
Few mistralations
And I'm in far from light and heaven
O beautiful angel,smile me
And kiss my cheeks
Why ı can't see it on my dream when it feel me?
And night is ringing the bells
And there is a horoscope
We need to say it'Heaven's light'

Ca-n rai

'Arată-mi cum faci trucul ăla
Cel care mă face să țip', a spus el,
'Ala care mă face să râd', a spus el
Și m-a cuprins cu brațele de gât
'Arătată-mi cum îl faci
Și-ți promit că
O să fug cu tine în lume,
O să fug cu tine în lume.'
Învârtindu-mă pe prăpastia aia amețitoare,
I-am sărutat fața și capul
Și-am visat toate modurile diferite în care a trebuit
Să-l fac să radieze
'De ce ești atât de departe?', a spus el,
'De ce nu o să afli niciodată că sunt îndrăgostit de tine,
Că sunt îndrăgostit de tine.'
Tu, unică și blândă,
Tu, pierdută și singură,
Tu , stranie precum îngerii
Dansând în cele mai adânci oceane,
Răsucindu-se în apă,
Ești ca un vis,
Ești ca un vis.
Lumina zilei m-a făcut să prind formă,
Cred că am dormit zile întregi
Și mișcându-mi buzele pentru a-i respira numele,
Mi-am deschis ochii
Și m-am trezit singură, singură,
Deasupra unei mări învolburate
Care mi l-a furat pe singurul băiat pe care l-am iubit
Și l-am înecat adânc înlăuntru-mi.
Tu, unică și blândă,
Tu, pierdută și singură,
Tu , stranie precum îngerii.
Tu, unică și blândă,
Tu, pierdută și singură...