Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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August love

On a store where the midsummer sea is seen
While drinking black tea, you said goodbye
Though I understood on that moment
Why were we staring at each other?
I can't forget the last kiss
Hot and fleeting like that summer
The wind cooled the august sand
Like in a movie
The beautiful sun sank
A present of the last love the summer gave to me
On the car where I returned
I couldn't say anything
Since I was too sad on that moment
I couldn't cry
I can't forget the last kiss
Hot and fleeting like that summer
A present of the last love the summer gave to me
When the autumn of tender sunlight comes
Will I be able to forget you?
If you could say goodbye on that moment
Can you remember my love?
Goodbye august sea
This love has been washed away
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Gloomy afternoon

I remembered you on a gloomy afternoon,
I thought about how we spent time and missed it.
With my memories of you, I live in tyranny 1
But believe me: I love you, I'm not pushing you away.
I'm sorry because I can't bear this separation
And every gloomy afternoon I remember you.
The tears, the yearning, and the complaints all capture me, and I wish that my life would be over.
Every afternoon that comes and goes takes a little bit more of my life.
The beat of my heart lessens, and I feel that I won't live for much longer.
  • 1. This is hard to translate. It basically means that he's put himself under such strict rules that he's a tyrant to himself.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

** Just stop! **en

Остановись [мгновенно] !.. // “Stop [now] !..” – Faust, Goethe
translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy 2015-12-17
The habit changes
actually quick.
The Nature overtakes
pathways in half a day.
Nothing will last
forever on the Earth -
no flower, and no sea
and neither dreams nor tears.
Flame in the heart
will burn all doubts and fears
while you are in your best years.
To be in love
or not to be in love -
there is no middle there.
The gush of feelings
will not help to solve
the puzzle “who you are”
when even of last forces
melt thick old ice
and looking on the wall
you sudden realise
“the New Year Eve is close!”
And with no pain,
no will, no wish, no gain,
stuck in the petrifaction...
To be in love
or not to be in love -
Just stop! Not further actions...

Sing for us

Friday is a day to wet the feet
To lay in the hammock, [with] the blanket on the body and no stress
And let the wind refresh
I play guitar for us to rest
While we clap our hands, always calm, my love
Let's wash our souls
Today I'm not gonna have insomnia
Your smile sets me free from Babylon
[Let's] sing in one single voice
La-da-yah, la-da-yeh
In one single voice, sing for us
Friday is a day to wet the feet
To lay in the hammock, [with] the blanket on the body and no stress
And let the wind refresh
I play guitar for us to rest
While we clap our hands, always calm, my love
Let's wash our souls
Today I'm not gonna have insomnia
Your smile sets me free from Babylon
[Let's] sing in one single voice
And if I make a mistake, sing for us
Sing for us

My bruised ego

One rainy Monday
I receive in a tiny bit of paper
An explanation all written
In a couple of words
And I'm dumbfounded because
I didn't expect from her
To put an end to a whole life
With a couple of words, with a couple of words
On Tuesday I'm searching for her
And angry as I am I want to tell her
That a couple of words
In a tiny bit of paper are not enough
But I can't handle
My bruised ego
And at sunset
The first tears start rolling
Darkness will find me on the streets
On Tuesday I'm searching for her
And angry as I am I want to tell her
That a couple of words
In a tiny bit of paper are not enough
But I can't handle
My bruised ego
And at sunset
The first tears start rolling
Wednesday and the sun is up
For me the earth has stopped turning
I've been looking for her for two days now
Neither the phone is ringing
Nor do I know where she might have gone
What's the matter all of a sudden? I'm at a loss! I'm at a loss!
On Thursday I'm exhausted, I can't no more!
I go back home to get to sleep
I open the door and see her in front of me, laughing
'Baby', she says, 'I've been here
I just wanted to check
How fast your heart is beating for me'
What kind of tricks are these? I'm going crazy!
On Thursday I'm exhausted, I can't no more!
I go back home to get to sleep
I open the door and see her in front of me, laughing
'Baby', she says, 'I've been here
I just wanted to check
How fast your heart is beating for me'
I didn't expect that
Although I've known it for a long time
That you are a total jerk*, it's hardly news
Why do you make me worry
Since you know how much I love you?
You are a jerk well-kept in my heart!


Lord, Lord, Lord,
allow me a little more,
God, please.
One day, two days, or three—
one more year or only one month.
Enough time to invent an illusion—
enough time to fill his heart.
If it's a matter of faith,
allow me and I will not let you down.
Lord, Lord, Lord,
allow me a little more,
God, please.
Ten years, three years, or two—
one more day to say goodbye.
The time to start or finish—
the time to understand and remember.
If this is a mistake,
I will pay for it a thousand times with love.
Allow me a little more,

The lady in the dreams of my dreams

The lady in the dream of my dreams
tells me of tells that tell:
she says that it goes like this - death and sorrow!
is written on the path of the long-goners.
The moon has plaster for bones, the sun fire for blood,
the living live and the dead dance -
all to the son1 of the lady with the white bones.
  • 1. the sound/melody
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Once My Sweetheart...

Once my sweetheart gave me bold
Necklace, all from solid gold.
My life's finished, from now on
Bed won't hold up 'til the dawn!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

I Want To Be Myself For Myself

Even if you have a boyfriend
Even if you're rich
Life gets really hard sometimes, no?
Is it OK to think that I'm the unhappiest person in the world?
I can't say why I feel this way, please understand
It's nobody's fault
I'm tied up like someone put a curse on me
Whether I'm asleep or awake
Feels like I'm always in a dream
I've set the bar way way high
And I'd never want to lower it
Scars are the clues
That reminds us of the times passed, so
Keep falling down on your face
In an empty city, on a stage nobody's watching
Will I be able to keep on dancing?
Dragging my worn out heels
Still I keep spinning
On an empty road, for a trophy nobody's gonna give me
Will I be able to keep running?
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself, for myself
Even if you're good looking
Even if you're smart
Is it OK to feel miserable?
What you have is a dream
Not some vague longing
You shouldn't talk about it just to make conversation
Look, don't be so quick to decide
That this is your highest peak
Don’t plant a flag, Wave it with all you've got
With the wind on your side
An empty bench, an empty seat
Will I be able to chip away?
Believe in your calloused hand
And keep on, keep on
A future where you're all alone, a story unknown
Will I be able to keep writing it?
I will live, for no one but myself
As long as it's hard, as long as I'm scared
I guess I'll be OK
A friend found a small house
to accommodate a new addition to their life
This, is all that I want, they said
I wish them happiness for always
When everyone turns their back on me
When no one remembers me
I'n scared of that day that will come someday
But I, who is I and no one else, will remember who I am
oh so vividly
In an empty city, a melody no one knows
I promise I'll keep on singing
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself

My Sweet Honey's Really Cool

My sweet honey's really cool,
Like a teacher from the school.
But when he puts on his tux,
He's a real dolt. Oh, shucks!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Floare de gheață –n solvire

Ceva dragoste mare intangibilă
încețoșează câmpiile
bocet prelung nemărginit de dureros
după fericire.
MIci porumbițe cu aripi înălbite
în mugurinda martie și-n fața lor
se preling pâraie dezghețate
Floare de gheață, floare de gheață, floare de gheață
sumedenie de fum de țigări holbate…
Oh, ce bine ar veni
oleacă de înviere!
Locomotive bombănesc
picioare repezi mărșăluiesc
mâini lungi din cer se prelungesc
și amestecă a primăverii viață.
Se putea atinge cândva
intangibilul melancolic?
Ori se puteau umbri toate ferestrele
cu pofte înăbușite?
Deșteptându-se acre tulchini
se aștern pe falnicul mormânt din stâncă
Si înlăuntru stă întins Isus, reavăn și tăcut.
De trei zile e mort

That man with the white hair

No one knows for how long
he carried his bitterness,
how I remember my old man
and his many adventures.
The years passed him by
in his face, in his hair,
and transformed his smile
only for a grimace.
If on your way you encounter
a crying man,
tell him that in my daily prayers
I pronounce his name.
He has sad eyes for gestures,
his heart is wounded,
he's old with white hair,
his gaze is filled with love.
That man with the white hair
who in the good and in the bad
always knew how to respond,
he was poor in his infancy,
he was a little ignorant
but he managed to overcome it.
If on your way you encounter
a crying man,
tell him that in my daily prayers
I pronounce his name.
Walker of a thousand paths,
of towns and old streets,
where his years have remained
where his sorrows have ended.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Stale Booze Odor

My hon reeks with stale booze odor,
Burning like a serpent,
Smacks me in the face from shoulder -
That means I am welcomed.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

My darling with brains wasn't blessed...

My darling with brains wasn't blessed
He offered me an oral sex.
Under the blanket we jumped in.
He was screaming, I couldn't scream!

Luni distruse

Pe o Lună distrusă de iubire ne întoarcem la visare
Iar pe stele le condamnăm la uitare
--- 1 ---
Mi-ai spus de mii de ori că nu vei pleca de lângă mine
Că vom fi împreună la greu dar și la bine
Te-ai jurat pe Soare și pe Luna de pe cer
Și pe iubirea ta de pe pământul stingher.
--- R ---
Pe o Lună distrusă de iubire ne întoarcem la visare
Iar pe stele le condamnăm la uitare
--- 2 ---
Îmi spui mereu că nu vei pleca vreodată
Că timpul separării noastre nu va veni niciodată
Mă jur pe Soare și pe Luna de pe cer
Că eram îndrăgostit de tine sincer.
--- R ---
Pe o Lună distrusă de iubire ne întoarcem la visare
Iar pe stele le condamnăm la uitare
Pe o Lună distrusă de amoare,
ne întoarcem mereu la visare
Iar pe stelele din visare
... Le condamnăm la uitare


Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Cu al tău cuvânt de dor
Culoarea vieții o preschimbi ușor
Nu mă întreba
Dacă și de ce te iubesc așa.
--- R ---
Sunt îndrăgostit, dar nu stiu unde duce acest prezent,
Nu am răspunsuri, si nici vreun argument
Îndrăgostit eu sunt chiar când mă uit la tine
În ochii tăi vreau să mă pierd știi bine.
--- 2 ---
Te vreau lângă mine
În orice clipă așa vreau să trăiesc
Ce simt eu pentru tine
Nu se va termina sau pierde de iubesc.
--- R ---
Sunt îndrăgostit, dar nu stiu unde duce acest prezent,
Nu am răspunsuri, si nici vreun argument
Îndrăgostit eu sunt chiar când mă uit la tine
În ochii tăi vreau să mă pierd știi bine.
Cu al tău cuvânt de dor
Culoarea vieții o preschimbi ușor

Train To Genoa

I haven't seen you for a long time
And now I am on my way to you
On the cold window glass
I wrote
Your name and Rijeka - Genoa
I haven't seen you for a long time
Are you still the one I know?
This train is cozy
But I'm restless
I'm drinking my third coffee
On the train to Genoa
Do you still love me, tell me
What does your heart say
Are we still together
If that's not love
Tell me what is love
Tell me truthfully
I remember everything
You can see the bay
Ships' lights from your room
But I, I don't want it to end
This train is running late
I hope you're waiting for me


On advertising pictures people are always together.
Every day, I dream about the sea, and I think about it.
I will meet my prince, the one whom I have been looking for,
I will allow myself to fall in love, and I will not let him go.
Well, where are you hiding, my gold?
Take me, take me, take me with you!
After all, where I am, there is the sea, and where there is a sea, there I am!
I will make a story on the background of the sea, so you found me more quickly.
The man of my life, my superman, my hero,
Take me, take me, take me with you!
I myself decided so, you can't escape the fate!
Big brown eyes and a huge soul,
My kisses are sweeter than cotton candy,
Nobody left my furry paws yet!
Well, where are you waiting me, my gold?
Take me, take me, take me with you!
And where I am, there is the sea, and where there is a sea, there I am!
I will come to the sea on tour, and I will finally find you,
Only you!


Appears in my face
that I am very happy,
that's what all my friend say,
that I show that I'm in love.
I go crazy whenever I'm away from you, my God how much I love you
I'm stuck yes, with you
Whatever you want I will do it
and so much more.
I'm stuck yes, with you
whatever i have, I'll give away
enough to get you, yes.
Day is either night,
it does not matter anymore
if you are not here near me
nothing has meaning.
I go crazy whenever I'm away from you, my God how much I love you
I'm stuck yes, with you
Whatever you want I will do it
and so much more.
I'm stuck yes, with you
whatever i have, I'll give away
enough to get you, yes.

Destinul inimii mele

Versions: #2
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferința mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.
--- 1 ---
Nu-mi spune ca ea nu merita cumva
Așa a ales inima mea
Nu-mi spune că nu e bine
Doar pe ea o vreau lângă mine
De-ți pasă sau te deranjează, mi-e totuna
Și poate c-am făcut greșeli una-și-una
Dar poate mă testeaza ea pe mine
Ca să-mi cunoască sufletul mai bine.
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferinta mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.
--- 2 ---
Nu merită o dragoste puțină,
Căci focul care vine în inimă
Îți aduce si mai multă suferință
Legea aceasta va rămâne neschimbată.
Nu merită o dragoste puțină,
Căci focul care vine în inimă
Îți aduce si mai multă suferință
Legea aceasta va rămâne neschimbată.
--- 3 ---
Prețul este foarte corect
Adjudecat de inima mea rănită
Ca un exemplu
Trăiți în legea inimii
Să mă chemi să-ți fiu alături.
Prețul plătit zeiței mele
În lupta mea cu întunericul
Dragostea îmi dă cu virgulă
Căci multe greșeli m-au încercat.
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferinta mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.

When I Least Deserve it

Versions: #3
Don't say anything
When I pull down the curtains
Don't tell me to calm down
Don't tell me anything
Don't tell me to shut up
When I call for help from the fences
Don't close my wall
Don't tell me I'm pretty
And love me when I least deserve it, love me,
When I run into your arms, surrender,
When my mouth agrees with idiocy,
Don't tell me anything, just love me.
Don't tell me anything
When you notice that it my glance
There are more lances than lashes
There's more guilts than threats.
Don't tell me 'I told you so'
When I step in the puddle you keep warning me about
Don't leave me speechless,
Don't close my window.
And love me when I least deserve it, love me,
When I run into your arms, surrender,
When my mouth agrees with idiocy,
Don't tell me anything, just love me.
When fear kneels before my altar
When the floor punishes me one more time
For I am but a girl with messy hair,
Who doesn't know what's right or what's wrong.

Nu pot avea destul

Selena Gomez:
Imi place asa, iti place asa, asa ca hai sa fim nebuni
Contactul, impact, vreau asta in fiecare zi
Respiram din ce in ce mai profund, profund, in ultima vreme
Imi place asta, baby
Selena Gomez:
Pentru ca nu pot avea destul
Da, nu pot avea destul
Da, nu pot avea destul din iubirea ta
Da-mi mai multa, iubesc asta
Nu pot avea destu, da
Pentru ca nu pot avea destul
J Balvin:
(Leggo ')
El spune că nu este suficient (Wuh)
Raul mintii tale (Yah)
Când este singur, intra (Eh)
Muzică pentru ao pune în dispoziție, da-da
Vrea să o fac 'așa cum vede' (Yah)
Am căutat o altă băutură în cazul în care am fost însetat (Uh)
Pentru 'ceea ce arată frumos este văzut (frumos vezi)
Incepe 'pe jos și acum andamo' în je '(Wuh)
J Balvin:
Incepe să se încălzească
Baby, te duci în sus și în jos
Nu vrea să uite, vrea să-și amintească
Baby, vreau să intru
Selena Gomez & J Balvin:
Pentru ca nu pot avea destul (Yah)
Da, nu pot avea destul (Yah, grupa latina)
Da, nu pot avea destul din iubirea ta
Da-mi mai multa, iubesc asta
Nu pot avea destu, da ( Haide)
Pentru ca nu, nu pot
Selena Gomez:
Imi place asa, iti place asa, asa ca hai sa fim nebuni
Contactul, impact, vreau asta in fiecare zi
Respiram din ce in ce mai profund, profund, in ultima vreme
Imi place asta, baby (Yeah)
Selena Gomez & J Balvin:
Uh, nimeni nu va stii, o putem pastra secret
Voi fi bine singura, atat timp cat esti singur cu mine (Spunele)
Atat de incredibil, de neuitat pe mine
Pastreaza-ti corpul pe mine
Selena Gomez & J Balvin:
Pentru ca nu pot avea destul ( Benny, Benny Blanco)
Da, nu pot avea destul ( J Balvin, Selena)
Da, nu pot avea destul din iubirea ta
Da-mi mai multa, iubesc asta
Nu pot avea destu, da
Pentru ca nu pot avea destul
You're welcome

I will reach my dreams now

I have heard the call of the water, it comes from the shore
But I don't know what it's telling me
I wish I could be the daughter they want
I have tried but I keep returning to the water that called me
It doesn't matter what I have done
The road that brought me here
Until the end, it will bring me to where I want to go
The place where the sky and the sea meet
What I want is to discover it
If the wind in my sail stays with me
One day I'll know
If the sea is where all my dreams go
I know that the people on the island always have their duties
Nothing will ever change
On the island my whole family fulfills their roles well
And my role is here as well
I'm going to lead, as is my role
I will never dream, I'm in control
But the voice in me is still saying 'No'
I don't know what to do!
The reflection of the sun in the sea blinds me
I know what I'll do, I will reach it
And maybe what I can hear from over there is fate
I will discover a new world that is not what I know
The place where the sky and the sea meet
What I want is to discover it
If the wind in my sail stays with me
I will reach my dreams now

Long Live Santa Cruz!

Long live Santa Cruz
beautiful land of my heart,
you've got the virtuousness
and the scent of enchantment.
In your blue sky
the stars talk about love,
nights of passion
when one falls in love in Santa Cruz.
When I leave,
oh my little sweetheart,
I will depart crying,
long live Santa Cruz!
Long live Santa Cruz
Under the moonlight
I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you
and tell you I love you
sweet cambita flower of Santa Cruz.

He eats when he´s sleepy

He eats when he feels sleepy,
he sleeps when he´s awake,
he reads when he is hungry.
From so much holding back tears
his lips have sealed shut:
not even words come out.
With his little pouch in tow
he walks up and down Cadiz
alone in the morning.
He pushes the button he´s learned
any time of the day:
'I want to speak with my mother'
Whom he loved most in the world
left him in this world.
There are no pills that can cure
the loneliness of love.
In the church of his home
he lives surrounded by his photos.
Behind green eyes
I watch, helpless,
how the goblins drive him mad
changing everything´s places,
grinding everything bit to bit.
At the rehearsal´s door
Pepe is always the first standing.
At least, between folk songs,
time flies by
before he needs to return to his hole.
He eats when he´s sleepy,
he reads when he´s hungry.
Such is the universe
of my father and many others.
I hear him praying at night,
waiting for the day
where Peter Pan comes in flying
and whisks him off to her, there in Nevermore.
He will feel like a lost boy.
I don´t know if you will hear my song,
but before you erase me
from your imagination,
I have carved this 'I love you'
right next to this heart
as good as it is empty.


Printre multele persoane, domnișoară
Doar tu eşti unica ce străluceşte în acest loc, tu străluceşti
Frumoaso, inima îmi arde
Dacă mi-ai putea asculta inima, mi-o vei asculta?
Domnișoară, vreau să te cunosc mai bine
Domnișoară, vreau să te cunosc mai bine
Nu mai pot să dorm
Trăiește viața nebună, frumoaso
Cu ochii deschiși, stau aici
Visând un vis care eşti tu
Din momentul în care ne-am întâlnit, m-au cuprins fiorii
Când ne apropiem, inima începe să-mi bată puternic
Cred că am fost vrăjit de tine, ce se întâmplă cu mine?
Inima-mi sună, este ca un moment al destinului
Fără să știu, inima mea este gravată cu tine
Numai cu tine, totul a fost decis
Sunt surprins, nu se simte ca şi cum ar fi pentru prima dată
Nu ne-am mai văzut pe undeva?
Aceasta nu este doar o frază dulce pe care am ales-o, sunt îndrăgostit
Se simte ca şi cum prima mea dragoste s-a întors
Slavă domnului, văd că şi tu te uiți la mine
Privind şi privind, căutam o oportunitate
Ăsta-i motivul pentru care simt că ar trebui să merg la tine acum
Eşti domnişoara mea, cea pe care o căutam
Ăsta nu-i un joc, sexy mamasita
Domnișoară, vreau să te cunosc mai bine
Din acest moment mi-am găsit destinul
Nu mai pot să dorm
Trăiește viața nebună, frumoaso
Cu ochii deschiși, stau aici
Visând un vis care eşti tu
Din momentul în care ne-am întâlnit, m-au cuprins fiorii
Când ne apropiem, inima începe să-mi bată puternic
Cred că am fost vrăjit de tine, ce se întâmplă cu mine?
Inima-mi sună, este ca un moment al destinului
Fără să știu, inima mea este gravată cu tine
Numai cu tine, totul a fost decis
Oh mamacita mea sexy
Sunt ţinta ta, ești ca un asasin, da
Ești unica mea domnișoară
Nu-ţi arăta farmecul în altă parte, da
Vreau să-ţi spun că te iubesc
În limba ta 'Te Iubesc'
Genericul care se intercalează între noi este melodia
Frisoanele au o tensiune de 501 V care trece prin creierul meu
Domnișoară, vreau să știu totul despre tine
În momentul în care ne vom ține de mâini
Secretul nostru va începe
Trăiește viața nebună, frumoaso
Inima mea se încălzește
Nu-i timp de odihnă
Ca o minciună, îmi zâmbești
Te iubesc mai mult, ce altceva se mai poate spune?
Cred că sunt nebun după tine, ce se întâmplă?
Acest sentiment definit este semnalul destinului
Reacționez la tine, mă înnebunești
Numai cu tine, totul a fost decis.

Without You

Without you the sun doesn`t warm the earth (anymore),
and inside my heart flowers were lying around
the sky gathered dark rain clouds,
how am I to live without you, I can't leave you alone
Inside my soul it rains, the sky fell down drearly
Bad weather's scent did to you what it did to me
I recall gone delightful seconds, minutes and hours with you
the mist lays down over the top of the mountain Tsabaurti
The mist reflects the mourning echo of the mountain
the heart fades away, in gentle thoutghs about you,
one day we are going to be together,
we will never forget you, I promise!

Clădită din visele tale

[I:] Foarte bine, a sosit momentul.
[L:] Hai, începe tu primul.
[I:] Ok, prima încercare...
[L:] Totul e permis în vise.
Să pot să zbor. Să respir sub apă.
Să-ți citesc gândurile doar cu o privire.
Să trec prin pereți ca o fantomă.
Să călătoresc prin toată lumea fără să mă ridic din pat.
Să merg în timp. Să fiu nemuritor.
Să câștige mereu Benji. Să câștige mereu Marc.
Să-mi placă de tine, fără să-mi fie teamă. Să-ți dau primul sărut.
Să-mi cumpăr o chiatară. Să fiu noul Jhon Lennon.
Îmi voi picta lumea în culori noi.
Azi vin cu tine să-ți scriu o poveste,
Clădită fără cuvinte, clădită din visele tale.
Să știu că sunt așa de aproape de a atinge cerul,
Să te văd râzând și dintrându-te, cu tine strălucesc din nou.
O căsuță lângă plajă...
Mai bine în nord, aproape de privirea ta.
O mașină nouă, noi aventuri.
Să se asculte cântecul nostru inclusiv pe lună!
O călătorie fiind iubiți. O călătorie fiind nebuni.
Mama și tata să fie mereu cu noi.
Să fiu înconjurat de frați și de prieteni.
Toți să își împartă visele cu mine.
Îți voi picta lumea în culori noi.
Azi vei veni cu mine să-mi scrii o poveste
Clădită fără cuvinte, clădită din visele tale.
Să știu că sunt așa de aproape de a atinge cerul,
Să te văd râzând și dintrându-te, cu tine strălucesc din nou.
O stea, un cântec,
Hornuri de iluzie,
Momentul de a ne simți vii,
Bucuria și iubirea,
Zâmbete de nuga.
O masă goală. Tu, pâine. Eu, unt.*
Lumânările dansează pe pielea ta și tacâmurile dorindu-te.
Azi e ziua, avem întâlnire.
Paharele așteptându-te... Așează-te! Noaptea e servită...
Să știu că sunt așa de aproape de a atinge cerul,
Să te văd râzând și dintrându-te, cu tine strălucesc din nou.
Azi e ziua, avem întâlnire.
Paharele așteptându-te... Așează-te! Noaptea e servită...
Azi e ziua, avem întâlnire.
Paharele așteptându-te... Așează-te! Noaptea e servită...

Snow migratory bird

Putting on the raincoat, a migratory bird
Makes a nest somewhere in my hat
Though I don't complain, there are no returning shoals
I miss the lights of Izu and Shimoda
'I'm a man who lives proudly'
I say to my chest that I live traveling
Three months, three years, I still can't give up
The lingering affections I leave behind cry
Though I leave my bills aside, they happen
What regrets have the rain and the snow?
I'm also a silver and thin koi
If I draw my long sword, there will be a blood blizzard
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


It's winter's turn
December is getting close
They say: 'It'll snow tomorrow.'
You said: 'Where is my Christmas tree?'
I hate, I hate, I hate
Holidays are depressing
I hate, I hate
Ornaments are from the Chinese*
But you're so happy
God, you're so beautiful
I hid my face so you wouldn't see me cry
The sorrow wasn't the problem, it was that I knew that it's...
Much better if I'm gone
Such a place doesn't exist
So deep, far away
Where is my earned throne?
Cemeteries beneath the city
Where there are secret rivers
I will rule here
Where there are shadows
My punishment will be
That I'll live forever
I'm hiding everything from you, my dear
I am poison, I'm a bad story**
I'll disappoint you every time
I'm not good to myself, then I'm not to anyone
I don't care who judges me
Which people, I am worse when I'm struggling
With that I go to bed, with that I wake up
Since you've been gone, there's nobody home
You were so beautiful to me then
Stupid holiday, you were happy
We played like children
A coward facing a problem, a coward knows the solution
There will be more bad people later, why do you need another one?
Heaven doesn't want me, neither does Hell or the devil
I am worse than him
Only thing that matters to me is your hapiness, so it's...
Much better if I'm gone
Such a place doesn't exist
So deep, far away
Where is my earned throne?
Cemeteries beneath the city
Where there are secret rivers
I will rule here
Where there are shadows
My punishment will be
That I'll live forever
In fact, it's only some stupid
Walls and a roof (and nobody's inside)
And you deserve everything, but that's not a home
So that I wouldn't destroy everything, you'll understand that it's...
Much better if I'm gone
God, you we're so beautiful to me then
And that was the last time
I was happy
Cemeteries beneath the city
Where there are secret rivers
I will rule here
Where there are shadows
My punishment will be
That I'll live forever


You can only shed tears
for somebody else's sake, but
whenever I see your crying face I can't help but smile.
I'm so glad I love you...
That's why I really want you to stay close enough so my hand can reach you.
So whenever you're crying, I can gently wipe off your tears.
You can only shed tears for somebody else's sake, but
wouldn't it be good to cry for yourself at least a bit?
That's why I really want you to stay close enough so my hand can reach you.
Whenever you're crying, I'll gently wipe off your tears in return.
So, please, stay by my side.
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!

If Only Garay Could See You

So many echoes and songs live within you
That it's very difficult to imagine your first voice...
An old rhythm with accordions
And the Spanish root of the habanera.
Whoever founded you knew that in the mix,
Perhaps you would find as select
That melting pot of races and the tenderness
That would nourish later on your own life.
Oh!....If only Garay could see you,
How lovely you look,
Just out of sheer pride
He would found you again. (bis)
Who invented your port....
How well he built it!
With open eyes, looking at the world,
Your waters were like a baptism
For those who would drop anchor in your welcoming protection.
In the grown roses of your progress
There is a bit of a bloodline from my grandparents
Who arrived dreaming of returning
And yet decided to rest in peace under your earth.
Oh!....If only Garay could see you,
How lovely you look,
Just out of sheer pride
He would found you again. (bis)