Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 37

Număr de rezultate: 1956


Seară de iarnă

Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de durerea ce-o simt, ce-o simt!
Toate iazurile zac înghețate,
Sufletul mi-e negru! Unde trăiesc? Unde mă duc?
Toate speranțele sale zac înghețate:
Sunt noua Norvegie,
De unde au plecat cerurile blonde.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie,
La sinistrul frison al lucrurilor.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie.
Plângeți-mi plânsul, plângeți-mi trandafirii
Pe crengile de ienupăr.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de plictiseala ce-o simt, ce-o simt!

Cât de norocos sunt, cât de norocos, cât de norocos...

O, cât de norocos sunt, cât de norocos, cât de norocos!
Sunt foarte norocos:
Lucrez opt ore și dorm opt ore,
Rămân opt ore să mă distrez.
O, cât de norocos sunt, cât de norocos, cât de norocos!
Chiar dacă nu am nici un ban
Râd și mă joc inocent,
Și mă distrez grozav
Zâmbesc la soare și când ziua se termină
Serile sunt minunate.
Îmi doresc s-ajung pe lună și fluier o melodie,
Și visez să țin o femeie în brațe
O, cât de norocos sunt, cât de norocos, cât de norocos!
Îți poți alunga grijile cu un sărut
Viața este doar o glumă și Doamna Șansă
Te va face la fel de norocos ca mine.

On the wings of ashes

A faithless world
Is destroying itself
You believe yourself to be alive
But while imprisoned
During the winter of your pain
On it's melting ice
The light of your essence
Is resting, allowed to live
On wings of ashes it's revived
The endless
The eons of time
Brings the flame
Tortured by agony
It's burning your feet
The soul is spinning
A dark web
You sense hope
At the end of your journey
Row to the shore
Fly with the wind

Staying Up Late, Waking Early

Sunday there is a mass to attend
and Monday wheat to be sowed
and Monday wheat to be sowed
Staying up late, waking early
does not do us any good.
Fresh water and old stale bread
does not give us that much strength.
Monday there is wheat to sow
and Tuesday hay to be baled
and Tuesday hay to be baled
Tuesday there is hay to bale
and Wednesday grain to be threshed
and Wednesday grain to be threshed
Wednesday there is grain to thresh
and Thursday we'll bring it to the mill
and Thursday we'll bring it to the mill
Thursday we bring it to the mill
Friday there is bread to be baked
Friday there is bread to be baked
Friday there is bread to bake
and Saturday our back is really sore
and Saturday our back is really sore
Saturday our back is really sore
and we start all over again the next day
and we start all over again the next day
(chorus x2)


To day, I listen to the voice of the wind
it tells me that you're gonna leave
I won't cry on it's wing,
but I know that I will regret...
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, have a good trip...
As long as I live,
only you are gonna be my hope
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, now!
A star is gonna come with you
always on your way...
I want you to come again in my life
with the first ray of the sun
Only the wind will ease me
with it's melody...

My everything

I'm standing at the path that shines,
I’m waiting for you still.
I don't feel it's cold
Because when I hold your arm,
I can feel your warmth...
You’re my everything
I want to protect you in all your days and all your nights
You’re the miracle for me and I hope I can see somehow,
There’s a fate's present called you
And it melts inside me.
You’re my night and day
I’m waiting on this street
And I’m longing for you again...
This day is too exceptionally long
But what makes me feel at least fine
Is the warmth you gave me.
Just like that, even without having to do anything
I can live with the fact of that...
You’re my everything
I want to protect you in all your days and all your nights
You’re the miracle for me and I hope I can see somehow,
There’s a fate's present called you
And it melts inside me.
You’re my night and day
I’m waiting on this street
And I’m longing for you again...
In the end of this long wait that seems to have no end,
You’re the one...
You’re my everything
I want to protect you in all your days and all your nights
You’re the miracle for me and I hope I can see somehow,
There’s a fate's present called you
And it melts inside me.
You’re my night and day
I’m waiting on this street
And I’m longing for you again...
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Martyrs of freedom

We are missing our sons,
That stand on marble busts,
They rest quietly gloriously,
In the great land of honor
A  handful of bullets in the bag,
They became partisans in the mountains,
They loved this land so much, 
It immersed in their red blood
Chorus 2x
Here they are in line together,
Where freedom star smiles,
Mothers fathers sisters,
Honor them the Party stars
it didn’t fall one, there didn’t fall ten, Through the bullets and fierce storms,
There were thousands of them, full twenty-eight who fell,
The children of heroic mothers
they fought a great fight,
For this great new land,
The mountains fired up by partisans fighting,
Mountains became their memorials
Chorus 2x
Here they are in line together,
Where freedom star smiles,
Mothers fathers sisters,
Honor them the Party stars


In this pure white world
How many colors are we dyed in? I wonder
In this moment we are given
We’ve turned the helm as best as we can
It’s incomplete, it’s incomplete
Things I don’t know of just keep sinking below my ego
I’d realized, I’d realized
My accelerating temperature painted out my unease
I just, just don’t want to end it like this
Towards this ephemeral tale
Let’s go now
I remember the white ocean
A message for which words aren’t enough
From the warmth of those fingertips
Your heart slowly began to thaw
“If this is a dream, please don’t wake up”
Things like that are nothing but nonsense, yet saying that “I had fun”
Even if this moment would never come to pass again
Those words will never disappear
This complicated situation I’m mixed up with
Just how many colors does it reflect? I wonder
Those sensations that had seemed to become so commonplace
Crumbled and fell to dust in this moment
“I still, still want it to continue like this”
You said, as your profile that you never show me
Is etched into my mind, and won’t disappear
I remember the white ocean
And this moment too starts becoming nostalgic
Even my view becoming hazy with tears is fine
Just remember this definite warmth
“If this is a dream, please don’t wake up”
By carving this feeling into your chest,
As though I’d remember again someday
I kicked at the silver-white ground
Let’s go
I remember the white ocean
A message for which words aren’t enough
From the warmth of those fingertips
Your heart slowly began to thaw
“If this is a dream, please don’t wake up”
Things like that are nothing but nonsense, yet saying that “I had fun”
Even if this moment would never come to pass again
It would be burned into our chests
And never disappear...


I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes

O bancă, un pom, o stradă

Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă
Unde ne legănăm visele.
Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă,
O copilărie prea scurtă.
Într-o bună zi trebuie să plecăm,
Să ne clădim un viitor, un viitor.
Și aceasta-i clipa de neuitat
Când renunțăm la hainele de copil, de copil.
Toți mergem, plini de speranță,
Pe drumul ales de fiecare, de fiecare,
Către bogăție sau către glorie.
Totuși oricum va fi viața noastră, e viața noastră.
Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă
Unde ne legănăm visele.
Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă,
O copilărie prea scurtă.
Fiecare, în colțul lui de orizont,
Își apără doar ambițiile sale, ambițiile sale.
Dar dacă noi nu împărtășim nimic,
Ce-avem unii cu alții în comun, în comun?
Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă
Unde ne legănăm visele.
Toți avem o bancă, un pom, o stradă,
O copilărie prea scurtă.
Lalala lala...
Lala lala lala
Lalala lalala lala...

Ca o chemare

Ca o chemare sau
Ca un reproș.
Ca o chemare,
Ca un reproș.
În acest sat lăsat la voia
Tuturor vânturilor amintirii
De propria biserică fără turlă,
Știi tu ce încearcă să ne spună
Acest bătrân așezat pe jos,
Care cere de pomană?
Când își murmură suferința,
Știi tu să asculți?
Refren (x2)
În ochii acestui trist copil,
Singur într-o noapte de Crăciun,
Care-a rămas uitat pe listă,
Ar trebui să aud ca o chemare?
În iubirea noastră care se sfărâmă,
Ea, ce ne-a dat atât de mult,
Și în ochii care au plâns,
Trebuie să auzi în seara asta...
Refren (x2)
La la la la la...


I believe
Even though you are changing
Oh yes
I believe
There are things that you can’t change
I’m not going to cry now
My smile that came out of my sadness
Will glow powerfully in your eyes and in your heart
“I love you”
I can be strong like this by just telling you so
Ah there is so much that I want to tell you
I want get you
I don’t say “goodbye” Darlin
Because my smile will be broken
Until the plane departs
Ah please understand
I believe
Even though the world is changing
I believe
There are things that cannot change
Don’t look at me now
Look for the tenderness that comes out of loneliness
Deep in my eyes
I can’t be so strong
“I love you”
If these words can be the answer
Ah I wanted to tell you many times
I wanna get you
I can’t say “goodbye” Darlin
Because my smile will be broken
Ah your figure gets blurry and small
As you are leaving
I don’t say “goodbye” Darlin
So many words that have piled up in my mind
They are waiting for the day when I fly to you

Ai văzut ploaia căzând?

Versions: #1
Mi s-a spus acum mult timp
,,'Nainte năpastei mereu e răstimp.”
simțeam de o lungă vreme.”
Mai spun și : ”Când s-a terminat
Soarele se va fi lăsat”
oglindind ca marea...
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?
Ieri, ca și deunăzi
Soarele-i rece, ploaia se-ntări.
așa a fost de când mă știu.
Se repetă veșnic, cred.
Ciclic, rapid sau încet
nu se termină, mă miră.
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?

Happy forever

There are different ways in life
to live happily from now on.
I have my wit, courage and freedom, nobody can stop me
from doing only good deeds
But everyone has to obey the laws
so that there can be peace and order here
There are a lot of rules for me, not just one or two
And I obey them without whining
Countless bows, corsets and knots
Unique speeches
I won’t even say a peep
I will live happily from now on
Now you’re in my embrace
I shall not leave you alone
I will protect you from all evil
We will live happily from now on
We’re starting a beautiful life
We’ll be living the dreams
We’ll be creating things
Yes Rapunzel and moa
And I will preset her a rose
I will fall to my knees
And I will give her a ring
Life will be as sweet as sorbet
Once she becomes Mrs. Eugene Fitzherbert
Once she becomes Mrs. Eugene Fitzherbert
You and I will live happily from now on
Our story has found its end
The two of us will sit together
here day after day
In happiness and in misfortune
We’ll share everything from now on.
Now that you are in my embrace
Trouble won’t give us a fright
And adventures await us
our lives will be happier from now on.
Now that I have chosen my dream
Why did I see a different world?
Maybe I’m feeling something else now
Will my life be happier from now on.

North fleet

Furious wind tears the sail,
Old Varangian stands near the helm.
Tomorrow three ships will drown,
The sailor’s common thing.
North fleet,
Only goes forth
Bastards, sails down,
To board!
There’s no meat in hold, out of beer…
How long to the great Rome?
It’s got to be tough but we’ll go through!
Like a woman profit awaits!
North fleet,
Only goes forth
Bastards, sails down,
To board!
Frost waits for tormented soldiers,
North fleet goes to nowhere,
Godforsaken is our land,
Enemy will cry – it’s for good reason…

You live in rhymes

Do not think the letters in a song are soulless!
I'm sending it to whom I'm singing it for, to you, this way it'll have a long life.
Inside every rhyme the soul is wretched,
I'm inside them too, I live with them together.
They watch my troubles, my suffering or the nice things,
They want my blood and that feels good for me.
Even if I don't want it, they huddle together,
They bring me towards you, floating into wishful thinking.
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...
Between the rhymes, everything is alive, all the characters.
It lulls you to sleep, when you are moored, it'll shout at you: 'Don't go!'
It'll hurry you when you are slow and stop you when you are running,
It watches you, where you go, and finally you'll find a safe port.
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...

The Island of Hope

She1gave potting soil to it2,
The potting soil needs to drink a lot of blood
Unlike the water, it always wanted the blood,
Instead of the seeds, now heroes are buried.
The towers in the sky are collapsing,
You've merely experienced the tales of abundance,
Promises so big, they touch the sky
Everything is but a legend and they poison you...
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
Looks like the island of hope is about to sink.
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
Looks like the island of hope is about to sink.
Somewhere maybe, there's still a place
Here in the world, but nowhere else,
You do everything and you always give,
Your shining life will let you down.
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
Looks like the island of hope is about to sink.
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
Looks like the island of hope is about to sink.
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
Looks like the island of hope is about to sink.
Where did you disappear to, beautiful world?
Where is the heaven, dreamed up by kings.
Everybody is afraid and even the wise are shaking,
The island of hope is up in flames...
  • 1. The 3rd person pronoun is gender neutral in Hungarian, I picked 'she' arbitrarily.
  • 2. The 3rd person pronoun is gender neutral in Hungarian, I picked 'it' arbitrarily.

For the First Time

Please don't ignore me again
Don't close the door!
You don't need to keep the distance anymore
Because 'for the first time, finally I understand
For the first time, Let's fix it!
Get down from this mountain together!
Don't be scare anymore
Because 'for the first time, I'm here
Anna, go home, life is awaits
Enjoy the sun and open the door
Yes, but....
Elsa :
I know! Leave me alone
I'm alone but I'm free
Go away and then you'll be safe
Anna :
We aren't safe
Elsa :
What do you mean?
Anna :
' I think you don't know
Elsa :
Know what?
Anna :
Arendelle buried in snow
Elsa :
Anna :
You make winter so eternal on every place, everywhere
Elsa :
Anna :
But you can melt it!
Elsa :
I can't, I... don't know how!
Anna :
You can do it! I know you can!
Cause ' For the first time, don't be scared anymore
Elsa :
Oh.. I'm stupid, I can't free!
I can't run away from myself
Anna :
We do it together, stop this storm
Elsa :
Out of control!
Oh, Anna, this is become so bad!
Anna :
Don't panic, comeback to shine
Elsa :
I'm scared, it's not safe here!
Anna :
We do it together, change this storm, and everything gonna be alright
Elsa :
No, I can't!

Why me?

Her1soul lived in a hut,
A pure heart, it's garden is white like snow.
The angry world would hurt her,
It would crush her pure dream, her last consolation.
Every dream is beautiful.
Why is mine getting swept away by sea currents?
Every life is beautiful.
Why mine doesn't have a home in this world?
When silence descends upon the earth,
You'll always be here, that's what you promised...
You would run far away, into the light,
You would flee from tomorrow in fright.
Enough of the thoughts which withered under trees, enough of the sorrow!
You'll be here, as I wait for you forever...
Every dream is beautiful.
Why is mine getting swept away by sea currents?
Every life is beautiful.
Why mine doesn't have a home in this world?
When silence descends upon the earth,
You'll always be here, that's what you promised...
Every dream is beautiful.
Why is mine getting swept away by sea currents?
Every life is beautiful.
Why mine doesn't have a home in this world?
When silence descends upon the earth,
You'll always be here, that's what you promised...
  • 1. The third person pronoun in Hungarian is gender neutral, I picked 'her'

Sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi

Mă numesc Jock Stewart
sunt un bărbat de treabă
și am fost un tânăr călător
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Am acri de pământ
am bărbați sub comandă
am întotdeauna un șiling de rezervă
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Deci, vino să-ți umpli paharele
de coniac și vin
oricât ar costa, voi plăti
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi
Ei bine, am ieșit cu câinele meu
și cu pușca mea pentru a împușca tot
în ținutul Kildare
Așadar, fii relaxat și liber
când bei cu mine
sunt un om pe care nu-l întâlnești în fiecare zi

Cântecul cu shoop-shoop (e-n sărutul lui)

Oare mă iubeşte, aş vrea să ştiu
Cum pot să spun dacă mă iubeşte aşa?
E oare-n ochii lui, oh, nu, ai fi dezamăgită
E oare-n ochii lui, oh, nu, e doar iluzie
Dacă vrei să ştii dacă te iubeşte sau nu,
e-n sărutul lui
Acolo e, oh, da!
Sau e-n chipul lui, oh nu, e doar farmecul lui
în îmbrăţişarea caldă, oh nu, e doar braţul lui
Dacă vrei să ştii dacă te iubeşte sau nu,
e-n sărutul lui
Acolo e, oh, e-n sărutul lui!
Acolo e, oh-oh!
Sărută-l şi strânge-l tare-n braţe
şi afli ce vrei să ştii
Dacă-i dragoste, dacă e pe bune,
e acolo, în sărutul lui!...
Dar felul cum se poartă, oh, nu, nu aşa e!
Şi nici n-ascultaţi tot ce spun!
Dacă vrei să ştii dacă te iubeşte sau nu,
e-n sărutul lui. acolo e,
oh, da, e-n sărutul lui, acolo e!
Oh-oh, Sărută-l şi strânge-l tare-n braţe
şi afli ce vrei să ştii
Dacă-i dragoste, dacă e pe bune,
e acolo, în sărutul lui!...
Dar felul cum se poartă, oh, nu, nu aşa e!
Şi nici n-ascultaţi tot ce spun!
Dacă vrei să ştii dacă te iubeşte sau nu,
e-n sărutul lui.
acolo e, oh, da, e-n sărutul lui,
acolo e, oh, da, e-n sărutul lui,


Nu ţi-am înţeles dragostea, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
toate cuvintele pe care le spuneai, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
M-ai ridicat şi m-ai pus la pământ
şi m-ai folosit ca pe un clovn
Am vrut doar să mă ridic
Nu ţi-am înţeles dragostea, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
toate cuvintele pe care le spuneai, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
M-ai ridicat şi m-ai pus la pământ
şi m-ai folosit ca pe un clovn
Am vrut doar să mă ridic
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
că nu mai sunt la fel...'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pentru care trăiesc'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pentru care trăiesc'
Hei, hei, hei, hei
Unchiule, unchiule
Nu ţi-am înţeles dragostea, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
toate cuvintele pe care le spuneai, unchiule, unchiule, unchiule
M-ai ridicat şi m-ai pus la pământ
şi m-ai folosit ca pe un clovn
Am vrut doar să mă ridic
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
că nu mai sunt la fel...'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pentru care trăiesc'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pe care-o ador'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
că nu mai sunt la fel...'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pentru care trăiesc'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
ea e cea pe care-o ador'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii
că nu mai sunt la fel...'
Am zis 'Ce mai faci,
unchiule, trebuia să ştii....'

A fantastic day

Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,
You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.

The wind in my hair

My hope that I'll live happy forever goes out the window
Locked up once again, looking afar
I must confess, those who are dear to me surround me with so much love
For some people I guess it's already a lot
But I have the wind in my hair and a flame in my heart
History becomes favorable to me
A mistery to uncover, being starry-eyed
I could go anywhere, for the blast of the air is wonderful
I'll go far away, that's my vow, the wind in my hair

A thousand secrets

The dawn is at rest but the night is working hard,
The vile baloney is in vain.
I barely knew you, I knew the blade of your desires,
The light was singing in the past, now I hear it's struggling.
I get my dreams for a few coins, for kind words,
Sometimes I pay with my soul for nothing.
I dream a candle, a hearth into a chilly room,
Without you, only my shadow can go there.
Bargain for my soul, because I dare not to move,
I have to stay here, as it's customary with people.
I wanted to see, where even the blind can't find a way,
To knock on a gate, behind which a thousand secrets stand.
I believed that there's writing on the wall of feelings,
That maybe I'll break open your sealed lock.
It still lives in you, it tramples on your soul,
Pulls down it's cowl, it's always cautious.
Bargain for my soul, because I dare not to move,
I have to stay here, as it's customary with people.
I wanted to see, where even the blind can't find a way,
To knock on a gate, behind which a thousand secrets stand.
Bargain for my soul, because I dare not to move,
I have to stay here, as it's customary with people.
I wanted to see, where even the blind can't find a way,
To knock on a gate, behind which a thousand secrets stand.

Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna

Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna,
Sunt tot ce am nevoie să-mi facă plăcere,
Mă pot stimula şi tachina,
Nu vor pleca noaptea,
Nu mi-e frică că ar putea să mă părăsească.
Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna,
Ţine unul sus şi apoi mângâie-l,
Atinge-l, dezmieardă-l şi dezveleşte-l,
Îi pot vedea fiecare parte,
Nimic nu ascunde în inimă să mă rănească.
Nu am nevoie de dragoste,
Pentru că ce bine mi-ar face dragostea mie?
Diamantele nu mă mint niciodată,
Pentru că atunci când dragostea s-a dus
Ele vor continua să strălucească.
Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna,
Strălucesc în jurul degetului meu mic,
Spre deosebire de bărbaţi, diamantele persistă,
Bărbaţii sunt doar simpli muritori pentru care
Nu merită să mergi în mormânt.
Nu am nevoie de dragoste,
Pentru că ce bine mi-ar face dragostea mie?
Diamantele nu mă mint niciodată,
Pentru că atunci când dragostea s-a dus
Ele vor continua să strălucească.
Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna, totdeauna, totdeauna,
Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna, totdeauna, totdeauna,
Pentru totdeauna şi mereu.

My lost self

You're not a human anymore!
Whispers quietly the shadow,
What lifted you up in the sky,
Today it's but a disheveled wing.
You're not a human anymore!
All your dreams have dissipated,
From all your dull goals,
You can't even see the sun anymore.
You're not a human anymore!
If you could only cry,
But tears don't fall from that face,
Not even when nobody awaits you.
You're not a human anymore!
You told me ruefully,
And you touched my face,
Like you have never touched it before.
If my soul fell into the nothing,
I breathed a storm into dry words,
I didn't flinch when it hurt,
I cried no tears over the sorrow of others.
If man tells tales of humanity,
I look in myself, maybe that'll be enough,
I watch over you, so you don't get lost,
This way maybe I didn't live for no reason.
I'm not a human anymore,
Maybe I never was...
But I feel all with my heart,
And I spoke the truth through kisses.
I'm not a human anymore,
Because a human is always hoping,
It can live in someone,
At the bottom of a fearful heart.
If my soul fell into the nothing,
I breathed a storm into dry words,
I didn't flinch when it hurt,
I cried no tears over the sorrow of others.
If man tells tales of humanity,
I look in myself, maybe that'll be enough,
I watch over you, so you don't get lost,
This way maybe I didn't live for no reason.
If my soul fell into the nothing,
I breathed a storm into dry words,
I didn't flinch when it hurt,
I cried no tears over the sorrow of others.
If man tells tales of humanity,
I look in myself, maybe that'll be enough,
I watch over you, so you don't get lost,
This way maybe I didn't live for no reason.

I Will Resist

When I lose all the rounds
When I sleep with solitud
When all the exits are closed
And the night don't leave me alone
When I feel scared of silence
When it's difficult to me to stay up
When memories rebel
And put me against the wall
I will resist
Upright against anything
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
When the world loses all magic
When my enemy is me
When nostalgia stabs me
And I can't reconize my voice
When madness threatens me
When in my coin shows up the cross1
When the devil presents me the bill
Or if ever you're absent from me
I will resist
Upright against anything
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
This is for everyone, ladies and gentlemen
Just as the song says, sing and don't cry
Let's take care of the garden so it always gives us flowers
After the storm I kown there will be better times
When I lose all the rounds
When I sleep with solitud
When all the exits are closed
And the night don't leave me alone
I will resist
Upright against anything (against anything)
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
  • 1. Cross refers to the 'heads or tails' coin flipping. In spanish it's called 'face or cross'.


Versions: #1
Before you came around, I was doing just fine
Usually, usually, usually, I don't pay no mind
And when it came down, I was looking in your eyes
Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly I could feel it inside
I've got a fever, so can you check?
Hand on my forehead, kiss my neck
And when you touch me, baby, I turn red
I've got a fever, so can you check?
Maybe with time, it will go away
And yet, and yet, and yet, and yet, I don’t see myself there
Like a medicine, I am nothing without you
And I know that I try, that I’m wasting my time in your arms...
I've got a fever, so can you check?
Hand on my forehead, kiss my neck
And when you touch me, baby, I turn red
I've got a fever, so can you check?
Because in my eyes it shows (Fever)
Fever in the eyes, yes it shows (Fever)
My heart tightens, fire in my voice
Most often, it’s when I think of you...
I've got a fever, can you check?
Head on my forehead, kiss my neck
And when you touch me, baby, I turn red
I've got a fever, so can you check (Feverish love...)
Tell me what you wanna do right now
Tell me what you wanna do right now (Feverish love...)
Tell me what you wanna do right now
'Cause I don't really wanna cool it down (Feverish love...)
Tell me what you wanna do right now
Tell me what you wanna do right now
Tell me what you wanna do right now
'Cause I don't really wanna cool it down
Because in my eyes it shows (Fever)
Fever in the eyes, yes it shows (Fever)
My heart tightens, fire in my voice
Most often, it’s when I think of you...

The wind is rising

The world is sleeping, everything is quiet now
The sky is shining, it has no tears
The wind dips into a silent spring
The river is quiet, it hopes in silence
It's hoping that tomorrow the country will change
A wave may rumble and it hits the shore
A new storm is coming, it's nourishes, it vitalizes
It quenches the thirst of the deplorable existence
Hope is the very last thing on this Earth
Don't take it from me, I guard it inside me!
I don't give it over to anybody else
But to the whole world, in case of need
When the wind will rise...
The storm came, and it stayed here
Under the cover of broken branches
The world turned dark, the country has changed
The river can now have solace again
The storm is beautiful, I never hurt it
It gives new strength to the silent spring
It washes away everything, every bad thing that was stuck here
There is no first or last moment
Hope is the very last thing on this Earth
Don't take it from me, I guard it inside me!
I don't give it over to anybody else
But to the whole world, in case of need
When the wind will rise...
Hope is the very last thing on this Earth
Don't take it from me, I guard it inside me!
I don't give it over to anybody else
But to the whole world, in case of need
When the wind will rise...

Both of you

These things need to be cleared up
These things need to be cleared up
Try just once
To talk about what had happened
I know you prefer to avoid one another
But does it make sense?
You have to believe
You have to believe
That you've got something in common
For all the time
You love me and I
Adore you
- You've got reasons not to like me -
- That's not the way it is -
- But I knew what you'd felt for Rose, even though I stayed -
- I have no pretence about it -
- No? So what's the matter? -
- She fell in love with you -
- Oh, that's the way Rose is! -
- She always did what she wanted to -
Bot of you need
Both of you need
A someone close
Take you by the hand
You have to believe
You have to believe
That you've got something in common
For all the time
You love me and I
Adore you
You love me and I
Adore you

I Would Never Leave

When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Hu ha ah
When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Ha I will let you take over my life
Ha Let me grow old with you
Without many words
You will see that
You are my only one
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
This is a proof of love,
I am in your hands