Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 38

Număr de rezultate: 1956


Let the Moon Rise

Let the moon rise
Let the sun set
Let the night fall
So our love begins
Let the stars
Fill me with inspiration
To tell you
Beautiful things, love
I know that there's no love
In this world like the one you give me
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
When I'm in your arms
I always wonder
How much I owe destiny
For giving me you
That why's I give
My whole life to you
You gave me in a kiss
What I never asked for
I know that there's no love
In this world like the one you give me
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
Let the moon rise

We'll See Each Other Again

Versions: #1
Maybe my life is dark
Or my lover is a dreamer
Maybe today we'll be together
And the pain will end
Even though the world is quickly
Turning upside down
Maybe one day
We'll see each other again
I don't know if you're with me
Or if you're my enemy
I only know...
I only know that the sea will make you return
To me and feel that desire to love
To want to giving up everything else
Only you and I will love again
I don't know if you're with me
Or if you're my enemy
I only know...
We'll see each other again


Ah, my charabanc1, my sulky!2
What a night, what a carousal!
If you want, drink, smash the dishes!
I don't care, I don't care...
I fled from Simbirsk3
With a note in my fist.
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
A fellow traveller - a сheerful character4 -
Was my fellow traveller and my master.
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
All Moldavanka5 agreed on a ban,
There will be sold my charabanc.
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
Hello, recidivist thieves,
Riff-raff,6 and activists!
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
All are in the war or on civvy street,
And all the thieves are in Moldavanka!
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
Why do we need guns, why do we need hooligans,
When we are loved in Moldavanka?
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
We have a serious joke in Odessa,
That here friendship is friendship, and legs are spread.7
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
And I'm a girl, I'm a charlatan!
Ah, my charabanc, my sulky!
What a night, what a carousal!
If you want, drink, smash the dishes!
I don't care, I don't care...
  • 1. From the French char à banc, a type of open carriage.
  • 2. The word американка (amerikanka) here refers to a type of two-wheeled carriage invented in America for horse-racing (source: ). An alternative for американка is качалка, which as far as I could find is the translation for 'sulky', which was originally a four-wheeled carriage invented in England that was then adapted into a two-wheeled racing one in America. In any case, the purpose here is to emphasise the narrator's motion.
  • 3. This song is related to the Russian Civil War. The city of Simbirsk (modern day Ulyanovsk) was the site of fighting that resulted in a key victory for the Reds both for its strategic implications as well as the symbolism of its being Lenin's hometown. 'Charabanc' was a sort of battle song for the fleeing Whites and spread, as seen from this song, westward.
  • 4. He was probably an officer in the White Army.
  • 5. A dictrict in Odessa. So named because it was originally a majority-Moldavian settlement, but over time grew population-wise as well as geographically to cover the main port region. When Odessa became a free port in 1817, Moldavanka became the centre of the city's smuggling and contraband trade, a bit of a rogue-ish place as referenced to in the next verse.
  • 6. Шиш = nothing, мусор = garbage. A direct translation would have sounded odd but I tried to capture the meaning.
  • 7. The original saying is Дружба дружбой, а табачок врозь, literally 'friendship is friendship but tobacco apart' but meaning more that 'friends are okay as long as they don't get in the way'. The joke here replaces 'tobacco' with the diminutive form of 'legs'. It's a continuation of the light-hearted fun of Odessa mentioned in the previous verse.

Your Place Is My Place

Versions: #1
Help me understand why you take pleasure in my pain
Take my life only to abandon me later
Help me see the end to this game
Of jealousy and resentment, your hate over your ego
If you want me to let go of your past mistakes
I don't know how to cure all the wounds you've inflicted
Help me to believe you still have some sense of shame
You're watching me cry with a clear conscience
You've done me so much wrong, today it has to end
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to move on and be who I was
I beg you
Help me see the end to this game
Of jealousy and resentment, your hate over your ego
Help me to believe you still have some sense of shame
You're watching me cry with a clear conscience
You've done me so much wrong, today it has to end
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to move on and be who I was
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to follow and be who I was
I beg you
I beg you

I thank You

Now that you're gone
I sleep pacefully all nights
Now that I'm free
I wake up happy without your reproaches
Now that you're gone
I live life the way I like
Now that I'm free
I live blissful like I was before
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I'm not jealous nor have I doubts
Nor nothing nor the uncertainty
That are wearing down my entire life
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I don't suffer anymore, don't cry, don't long for
And it's your fault for so many deceptions
For so many lies
If you could see
How much I've changed
It's not the same anymore
I thank you
Sincerely 'cause you're gone
If you could see
How much I've changed
Without your presence
Now I laugh and live life to my convenience
I don't regret
The past, it was an experience
That in the end opened my eyes
To see that I still have a lot to give
And several stuff to do
You hindered me, nothing else
Now I'm free
Now I'm free
God willing that never
That never, that never, that never
That never, that never, that never
That never, that never, that never
That you never come back
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I'm not jealous nor have I doubts
Nor nothing nor the uncertainty
That are wearing down my entire life
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I don't suffer anymore, don't cry, don't long for
And it's your fault for so many deceptions
For so many lies
For so many lies
For so many lies
For so many lies

Stop threatening me

Stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
If you've set your mind
To starting a new life
Well, stick to your course and get lost
But stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
I know you've come of age
And know about life
Surely know what you are doing.
So, why are you still here, didn't you want to go,
And you're still here, weren't you about to leave,
But you're still around
And haven't gone yet
And I am waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Or waiting to be forgotten.
Stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
If it was your destiny
To no longer care about my love
Well, hold on to your course and get lost
But stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
Go try your luck
I'll deal you a hand.
But, mind you, I'll hold the aces.
Why are you still here, didn't you want to go
And you're still here, weren't you about to leave,
But you're still around
And haven't gone yet
And I am waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Or waiting to be forgotten.

The Year of Silence

That day was chilly and the newspapers said
Rain will come, fall will come, winter will be long again
Cuddle me even closer and if there's a little wine left
Share your glass with me, just like in better times
This was the year of silence, it enclosed us, embraced us
So come, at least be a little bit of a fool
This was the year of silence, it almost hurt as it embraced us
So come, at least be a little bit of a fool
Come even closer, lay your head on my pillow
And the armor that protects you, falls to the ground, maybe
Don't talk, I don't need a song either, even songs aren't anymore
That on rough days, at least, were about us
This was the year of silence, it enclosed us, embraced us
So come, at least be a little bit of a fool
This was the year of silence, it almost hurt as it embraced us
So come, at least be a little bit of a fool
This was the year of silence, it slowly runs out like the moon
So come, at least be a little bit of a fool
This was the year of silence

Tu nici măcar nu știi cine sunt

A lăsat mașina în parcarea din fața casei
A lasat cheia în ușă
A lasat copiii la mama ei
Și rufele murdare într-o grămadă pe podea
A lasat verigheta pe pernă
În așa fel încât să fie văzută
A lăsat un bilețel în bucătărie
Lângă lista de cumpărături
În el scria nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
M-ai părăsit cu mult timp în urmă
Nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
Așa că de ce să-ți pese dacă plec
El a lăsat verigheta pe pernă
A lăsat hainele pe podea
Și a sunat-o să îi ceară iertare
Dar nici nu mai știa pentru ce anume
Așa că i-a zis uite, m-am tot gândit
Și mă gândesc că poate ai dreptate
Mă duc la muncă în fiecare dimineață și mă întorc acasă la tine în fiecare seară
Iar tu nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
M-ai părăsit acum mult timp
Nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
Așa că de ce să îmi pese că pleci.


I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
The moment the light comes on
The echo that’s still faint, a dreamy aria na na na na
It’s me who doesn’t know what to do
I’m afraid of the uncertainty, I’m not going to wait
The excitement of this night that is frowning
It looks like it will be a blooming season without sound
The increasing temperature of the day and night
It’s so hot it feels like it’s going to burst
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I
I can feel you, I’ll always find you
It’s getting a little clearer
This happy feeling that’s like a summer night’s dream
Ever since I met you, it’s been a new me
A big flower breathing in this small world
I think I know how to love myself
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
Hot summer night
Even though the dawn is coming, in your eyes
You’ll feel me without saying anything
It’s getting bigger, it’s getting bigger, this heat
Even if it softly, gently melts away
I’ll hold onto you
It will be forever
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I


Today, you came near
Come to count
The two, two
Your secrets
Get out of your shell
In here I´ll make you
As always
A juice
Come play and dance
What an adventure
It´s just crazy seeing you happy
You know everything´s going to change
You're no longer a wallflower
Come with us
And you'll see we won't leave you behind
Because when i see you dance
There´s no, na-na-na, nobody that equals you
I see that when you dance
There´s no, na-na-na, nobody that equals you
The world opened
When you arrived
You opened my eyes
You're special
When you laugh
Everything shines
Come play and dance
What an adventure
It´s just crazy seeing you happy
You know everything´s going to change
You're no longer a wallflower
Come with us
And you'll see we won't leave you behind
Because when i see you dance
There´s no, na-na-na, nobody that equals you
I see that when you dance
There´s no, na-na-na, nobody that equals you
Never worry about anything
Friendship will save us
Together 'til the end
Never worry about anything
Friendship will save us
Together 'til the end

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit
Of thy womb: Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Hail Mary.

Care paisane, 20. But look around yourselves.

But look around yourselves... On the furrows,
With hoes and spades, bucketts and tools,
All of a sudden came out of the bushes,
Our ancestors... young are and elders,
Women are and men... and they are alive!
And they all want
Their interest... it is not for nothing:
Blood does not care, it is right...
A thousand years and a thousand more... what do you mean they are dead?
They're always alive! And they don't want to die...
Do you want to force this last offence?...
What?... You want lo leave?...
Million of ancestors... looking down at you...
They are out race that cannot end here!...

Always Forever

I'm attached to you in each of our lives
The love that will never end
You are always forever in my heart

Always Forever (Reprise)

I'm attached to you in each of our lives
The love that will never end
You are always forever in my heart
I'm attached to you in each of our lives
The love that will never end
You are always forever in my heart
It is like being in heaven and among the shining stars
Missing each other is too hard to take
Wish to be with you together
I am yours forever

The View I've Never Seen

Why can we run that way?
Why can we immediately stand up again?
Can our voices be heard?
Covered in mud, we go forward
Covered in scars, we struggle forward
The promises that cannot be broken
To protect them, we run
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
For example, even if we can't see our goal
For example, even if there is no answer ahead
Without hesitation, you walk on
Even if it might be useless
Even if it's lost its meaning
With the you who won't give up
Don't betray yourself
Under a bright blue sky, as if it can watch over you
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
If we start rowing again
Perhaps something will be visible
It's not that nobody walks the same path
You open a path for only yourself
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
The view I've never seen
Let's see your view


Both you and I are in the same place
You and I
I fall in love on a black night
I think of you, forever, we're still here.
No matter what you say, I just keep it love
No matter what you say, I just keep it love
Maybe inside me, we'll face each other in pitch black
The color of my heart without you will be black
I hope we'll be together, whether we meet again or not
May I love you, let’s dance like forever young forever
Wherever we are, even if we're headed to different places
May it last forever without facing you
Whether you don't like me or not, whether you love me or not
I hope we'll be somewhere forever
Both you and I are in the same place
You and I
Both you and I are in the same place
You and I


I wanna make you happy since you're so pure and beautiful
I wanna fuck you up since you're so pure and beautiful
Adding fuel to the fire, I know you're only acting
Your true form is a witch
I don't wanna die
WTF is love?
Lesser human as I am, it is not worth living
Lesser human as I am, I don't have the privilige of emotions
Lesser human as I am, I wanna be more of a human
You're whole family must be witches since you're so pure and beautiful
I don't wanna die
WTF is love?
Don't cast one of your love spells on me
I already have nothing in mind but you
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna hug you
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna choke you
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna hug you
Yes, yes, yes, until you break apart
Jesus Christ!
Don't cast one of your love spells on me
Don't put love stickers everywhere
I already wanna spend my whole life kissing you til we turn to stone
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna hug you
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna choke you
Yes, yes, yes, I wanna hug you
Yes, yes, yes, until you break apart

Defendant, please rise!

Defendant, please rise!
In a while my judges will
Read my punishment aloud,
But now I don't care anymore.
Defendant, please rise!
I hear, from an ever increasing distance
Words that modify my destiny
But these don't affect me.
Those strangers dressed in black
I still seem to hear them
No, none of them could understand
How one could kill for love
Very soon those strangers will
Play my life heads or tails.
Whatever they may say or do
I shall not add a single word.
Defendant, please rise!
And slowly I sit up
Lonely in the midst of these people
Who are more impatient than myself
To know whether my life is at stake
Or else if
My fate will be different
If I'm forced to live anew.
Those strangers dressed in black
I still seem to hear them
No, none of them could understand
How one could kill for love
From now on nothing matters
In this world without my love,
And only remains a long silence
Filled with tears and regrets.
And yet I confess
I am willing to thank
All those who will convict me
If I am doomed to death.
At the gates of eternity
I'll be able to meet
The one I love for ever
The one who waits for me, I know
I know it, I know it.

Because finally things are working

Don't shut me out again
Don't close(the door) on me
and I ask of you to stop hiding yourself
Because finally things are working
no bonds can hold me down
Because finally things are working
and we'll help out, hand in hand
down the mountain side we go
and you'll get peace away from fear
Because finally things are working
I'll be by your side
Anna! go back home
your life is there
Enjoy the sun and open the gates from there
Yes, but-
I know! you mean well
but go from me
yes, I'm alone but I want to be here
yes, go your way, and take shelter from me
That doesn't work out
what do you mean not work out?
I think that you're a little slow.
why am I slow?
Arendell is in deep, deep snow.
You put on an eternal winter, everywhere
but that's okay, you just have to thaw it
No, I can't do that, I don't know how
Yes you can, I know you can
-Because finally things are working
-I'm such a fool, I can't be free
-You don't have to be afraid
-And if I fail the fight will win
-Our destiny will be found
-I can't control it
-The Icy armor will melt
-Anna, that's too much of a risk
-don't be scared
-Agony sees me
-The sun will shine bright
-You can't be here
-We'll face this together, change this winter wind to fun
-Not possible(?)

Un mod frumos de a petrece o seară

Unora le place o noapte la filme,
Unora le place un dans sau un spectacol,
Unii sunt mulţumiţi cu o seară
Petrecută acasă lângă radio,
Unora le place să trăiască clipa,
Unora le place doar să-şi amintească,
Dar eu oricând am o seară de petrecut
Doar dă-mi una ca aceasta:
Acesta este un mod frumos de a petrece o seară,
Nu mă pot gândi la nimic altceva ce aş face mai degrabă,
Acesta este un fel frumos de a petrece o seară,
Nu mă pot gândi la nimeni altcineva la fel de frumos ca tine.
O plimbare obişnuită prin grădină,
Un sărut lângă o lagună liniştită,
Să prind o gură din lumina lunii
Fredonând melodia noastră favorită.
Acesta este un mod frumos de a petrece o seară,
Vreau să-mi păstrez toate nopţile
Şi să le petrec cu tine.

Taking It Easy

Worried, addicted
At the frenetic pace
From a young man of the 2010s
I don't know when to stop
Attached, delicate
A fear of silence
Of emptiness, the loneliness
I want everything, I
I want to rest, but I also want to hang out
I want to work, but I want to have fun
I want to push myself, but know how not to listen to myself
I want to start, but I want to get to the end
I'm taking it easy
Trying to rest
My stress level
It will eventually kill me
If life goes fast
In even more hurry
I'm taking it easy
Today I will not work
Divided, undecided
I get tired of so many hipsters
And trendy people out there
It tires me to be just one more
Finished, exhausted
I've come to the end
I started again and here I am
In the end again, I
I want to find myself, but I want to let go
I've already fallen in love, but I've already let myself down
I've already been alone, but I never died
Sometimes I get tired, it's too much for me
I'm taking it easy
Trying to rest
My stress level
It will eventually kill me
If life goes fast
In even more hurry
I'm taking it easy
Today I won't work

Pra Sempre

I'm attached to you in each of our lifes
The endless love
Our eternal love
Will never fade
I'm attached to you in each of our lifes
The endless love
Our eternal love
Will never fade
Your inner light
Is what attracts me
Missing each other os hard
I wish to be with you togheter
Our love
Our eternal love

Drum fără sfârşit

Drumul acum duce mai departe,
Cât de departe se poate,
Linii şerpuite,
Şi garduri vii din copaci,
Prin munţi purpurii,
Şi în jurul fiecărei curbe,
Toate drumurile duc la tine,
Nu există sfârşitul călătoriei.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.
Adânc în iarnă,
În mijlocul zăpezii ce cade,
Sus în aer ,
Unde toate clopotele bat,
Şi acum totul în jurul meu
Te simt încă aici
Aşa este călătoria,
Niciun mister să-ţi fie frică.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.
Drumul acum duce mai departe,
Şi nu ştiu unde,
Simt în inima mea
Că vei fi acolo.
Oricând vine o furtună,
Oricare sunt temerile noastre,
Călătoria continuă
Aşa cum dragostea ta se apropie mereu.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.

Taste of unfinished

Were you married to me, I’d poison your cocktail – that is it
Were I married to you, I’d drink poison neat
Were I married to you, I’d take you to a cliff above the sea
Were you married to me, I’d jump - merci
Only in novels the lovers’ lives end up in style
Of impossible love
with an unfinished taste
And only brave heroes will suffer and never complain,
Trembling in fear of
Them kill and getting killed
Were I married to you, I’d find you a lover – a good fit
Were you married to me, sure, I would cheat
Were you married to me, I’d steal your beloved big white horse
Were I married to you, I’d spur it, of course
Only in novels the lovers’ lives end up in style
Of impossible love
with an unfinished taste
And only brave heroes will suffer and never complain,
Trembling in fear of
Them kill and getting killed
Were you married to me, I’d never observe our jubilee
Were I married to you – forget the day
Were I married to you, I’d take you to a desert far away
Were you married to me, there I would stay

Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot

Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot.
Pentru mine-amicii - datorii vor da.
Despre mine alții - cântece vor scrie.
Și poate-or închina un pahar dușmanii cândva!
Nu-mi mai sunt permise cărți interesante,
Strunele chitarei, de mult timp s-au rupt...
Și n-am voie 'ncolo, și n-am voie 'ncoace
Și n-am voie soare și n-am voie nori.
Nu am voie-afară! Dreptul nu-l dețin!
Mi-au permis mâhnire și-mi aprobă chin.
Nu am voie la dreapta, n-am voie la stânga
Voie-am o felie de cer, voie am un vis...
Vis cum ies de-aicea, cum lacătul deschid!
Cum chitara veche mi-o întind placid
Cine-o să m-aștepte c-o îmbrățișare?
Și ce cântec, oare, mi se va cânta?

Everybody knows Juanita

Yes, everyone may know Juanita
She's squinting a little crazily
And her tooth here and the second one out again
And her... bones reach the floor
Her hair is like thorns and her little feet are shaped like an A
If I were more handsome
Then she would be mine forever

What Will You Give Me

What will you give me if I come back
That's worth the sacrifice
Because the day we left each other
I thought it was the end
You bragging about new lovers
I don't know if it was to hurt me
If you did it and lied
I did it for real
When you left in spirit
Another love came into my life
And it is really hard for me
To forget him and go back
But let me think about it
I'm not promising anything
But if I come back
Tell me what you'll give me
Nobody takes steps in vain
Nobody lives on dreams
If others win for what they do
I too want to win
I don't like pairs
Nor do I like loving two at once
He who has two lovers
Will end badly with one
But let me think about it
I'm not promising anything
But if I come back
Tell me what you'll give me
Nobody takes steps in vain
Nobody lives on dreams
If others win for what they do
I too, I too want to win


Why did you become a coward
When you used to say you'd be a hero
Why did you search for me so diligently
If you're afraid of having me
If I barely touch your soul
You run from me again
Why did you make me love you
Knowing that you'd leave
Today I'm untying your wings
But you must leave my life
Today I'm breaking your chains
Hero in the art of deception
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Set me free, coward
Why do you cling to this
Why I have I become your whim
For once be honest
You don't know what to do with me
Today I'm breaking your chains
Hero in the art of deception
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Set me free, coward
You're nothing more than a coward

Nu aş putea niciodată lua locul bărbatului tău

Era doar ultimul iunie când vechiul ei bărbat a fugit,
Ea nu s-a putut opri din plâns pentru că ea credea că el o să rămână,
Era 10:35 într-o noapte singuratică de vineri,
Ea stătea la bar,
Hmm, arăta bine, da.
Am întrebat-o dacă voia să danseze,
Şi ea a spus că tot ce a voia era un bărbat bun,
Şi voia să ştie dacă eu credeam că eram calificat, da .
Şi am spus, iubito nu-ţi pierde timpul,
Ştiu ce este în mintea ta,
Pot fi calificat pentru o aventură de-o noapte,
Dar n-as putea lua locul bărbatului tău.
M-a durut atât de rău când ea mi-a spus
Cu lacrimi în ochi( lacrimi în ochii ei)
El era tot ce a avut vreodată şi acum ea voia să moară,
A lăsat-o cu un copilaş şi altul pe drum,
Ea nu se putea opri din plâns
Pentru că ea credea că el o să rămână,
Ea m-a întrebat dacă am putea fi prieteni,
Şi eu am spus, oh, dulceaţa mică, acesta este un sfârşit mort,
Tu ştii şi eu ştiu că noi nu am fi mulţumiţi.
Şi eu am spus, iubito nu-ţi pierde timpul,
Ştiu ce este în mintea ta
Tu nu ai fi mulţumită cu o aventură de-o noapte,
Şi nu aş putea niciodată lua locul bărbatului tău,
Da, da, locul bărbatului tău.

If we met in a dream

Aa~ The memories, flowing back vividly
Hey, always saying those things.
In order to talk, lets clasp hands and smile
With your dainty arms, you hugged me.
If we met in a dream.
I think that's a wonderful thing.
Someday, lets talk again.
Even now, your laughing right?
Aa~ the ultramarine sky
The Jean Valjean song is echoing
If you close your eyes, your body will be dancing.
As if I'm there like usual.
If we met in a dream.
The words would all flow together.
Why say things like 'I'm sad'.
Were still fine you know.
So just wave your hand, so we can meet again.
If we met in a dream.
I think that's a wonderful thing.
Were not far so listen to me,
I'll sing a song for you.

The Bride

Versions: #1
It’s midnight here, and no one’s around,
I’m waiting for him, I’m sure he will come.
Even though a little nervous, maybe he just forgot,
But he told me all his secrets without even a thought.
All the secrets are now mine, so, I know I will be fine, oh!
The car arrived and stopped nearby,
You’re finally here, I’m feeling so high.
You’re looking so damn good, you’re just like a cake,
And to lose such a man would be such a mistake.
I’ll just try a bit of yours once we are behind the doors, yea!
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
The car’s black inside, there’s crocodile skin,
Also, leather, and journals on the back seat.
We’re driving at full speed, and I cannot lie:
I’m lucky to have found you, my favorite guy.
Our date is so damn groovy, going for an awesome movie, oh!

Dirty clothes

I'll turn on this song
Just to thank you for your love
I'll try something better
Just look into my eyes please
I'll just tell the truth
I won't be silent
It usually happens that sometimes you
Hurt yourself and nail yourself to your cross
If I try to help you
You follow the ostrich technique
It won't help you if you just hide
What do you need?
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night
A blue day
A gray day
One more day to see you smile
I know once again what I want
And I can only offer you what I am
Behind the city the noise of the sea can be heard
I won't be silent
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night