Rezultatele căutării pagină 15
Număr de rezultate: 490
I get up
The night has quietly hidden its face in the day
completely without a reason.
Your shadow suddenly disappeared from the walls.
I already know it's my mistake.
Now I'm powerless and I hear your voice.
It must be this way, never mind, it sometimes goes wrong.
Today you must choose on your own.
You may know now that the wind doesn't always blow in your back
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and again I keep my head up.
I go on,
I go on where my eyes lead me.
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and I'm half lighter.
I go on,
I go on alone, nothing keeps me here.
From where do you know if
walking the road with no return makes any sense?
The fire that was burning has already gone out
and the smile changes into fear.
I've run out of strength when I hear your voice.
It must be this way if you want it.
You must choose on your own today,
You probably already know that it's only a time-wasting play.
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and again I keep my head up.
I go on,
I go on where my eyes lead me.
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and I'm half lighter.
I go on,
I go on alone, nothing keeps me here.
Again from the start,
I'm restoring my balance,
maybe somewhere at the end somebody is waiting for my scream.
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and again I keep my head up.
I go on,
I go on where my eyes lead me.
I get up in spite of so many wounds
and I'm half lighter.
I go on,
I go on alone, nothing keeps me here.
Versions: #2
Toți prietenii mei dansează „oro”,
dansând oro, sărbătorind ziua,
Toți rromii/ Tot poporul rrom, mămico,
Toți rromii, tată, tată,
Toți rromii, oh, mămico,
Toți rromii, tată, tată,
Ederlezi, Ederlezi,
Toți rromii, mămico...
Toți rromii, tată, miei sacrificați,
Dar eu, bietul, stau deoparte,
Într-o zi a rromilor, ziua noastră,
Ziua noastră, Ederlezi...
Ei dau, tată, un miel pentru noi,
Toți rromii, tată, miei sacrificați,
Toți rromii, tată, tată,
Toți rromii, oh, mămico,
Toți rromii, tată, tată,
Ederlezi, Ederlezi,
Toți rromii, mămico...
Like a Lego puzzle
It's a great land out of nowhere
with nice golden handles
The optics of a microscope
and all these tiny beings running,
for each one busies oneself following one's fate,
mighty or lowly.
Like during the Egyptian centuries
With great effort
bearing a thousand times their own weight
under the heat and in the wind
in the sun and in the night
Do you see these living beings?
Do you see these living beings?
Do you see these living beings?
Somebody thought up this
frightful, cruel, engrossing game.
The houses, the lakes, the continents
Like a Lego puzle with wind
The weakness of the almighty
Like a lego puzzle with blood
the tenfold increased strength of the losers
Like a Lego puzzle with teeth
Like a lego puzzle with hands
Like a Lego puzzle
Do you see all these human beings
dancing together, clasping each other's hand
kissing in the dark with their blond hair
not seeing what they will be tomorrow
The capital cities have become all the same,
facets of the same mirror,
dressed in steel, dressed in black
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle
Facets of the same mirror,
dressed in steel, dressed in black
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle
Why don't you ever answer me
from your hideout under your tree,
from this mango tree of more than ten thousand pages
as you swing alone in a cage
and behold this world from so high above
Like an insect, but on its back
Like an insect, but on its back
Like an insect
It's a great land out of nowhere
The optics of a microscope
We look ,we look, we look inside
We see minute things shining
These are people in shirts
like during the centuries of the long night
In the silence or in the din
In the silence or in the din
In the silence
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Who am I
Who am I to judge a sinner,
To make cun of an insane
Who cries into the tavern(restaurant),
Who am I, i have my own drawbacks
And i tell that i cannot forgive you,poor girl
The rock of sinless is not for me,
I dont throw it to the sinner, the thief,
Because of the way of life ,
I throw the rock in front of my mirror,
Others can try to be like god,
Who am I.
Who am I, to throw a rock to thiefs
Who live behind closed doors, behind the bars,
Who am I to judge a killer
And to applause everyone else.
The rock of sinless is not for me,
I dont throw it to the sinner, the thief,
Because of the way of life ,
I throw the rock in front of my mirror,
Others can try to be like god,
Who am I.
Daca eu ma duc, ma duc'!
Caminul asta
El secrete are
Eu in spatele patului 'schimbarea' am gasit-o
Intr-o ceasca de cafea
Eu imi arunc ale mele 'monezi'
In caz ca eu's nevoit sa plec
Iar eu voi pleca, de tu imi ceri s-o fac!
Eu voi sta, de tu curajul il vei gasi !
Iar de voi pleca, eu ma duc fara de rusine
Eu voi lasa a mea'foamete' acolo sa ma duca
Aceasta casa ,
Ea e o mare de vorbe
Ea 'trosneste si se vaita'
Ea ma face sa continui!!
Si fotografiile
Stiu ca eu's un mincinos
Ele 'rad' in timp ce eu 'foc ii dau '(uitarii o dau)
Iar eu voi pleca, de tu imi ceri s-o fac!
Eu voi sta, de tu curajul il vei gasi !
Iar de voi pleca, eu ma duc fara de rusine
Eu voi lasa a mea'foamete' acolo sa ma duca
'Stalpii de sustinere', ei se cutremura
Usa cea din spate pe dinauntru 'arde'
Casa asta-i oarecum pastrarea
Oarecum detinatoarea ta!!!
Iar eu voi pleca, de tu imi ceri s-o fac!
Eu voi sta, de tu curajul il vei gasi !
Iar de voi pleca, eu innebunesc
Eu voi lasa pe a mea iubire acolo sa ma duca !
Crazy Heart
My crazy, delirious
Punished heart
Guess what!
Went nuts
And know, embarrassed
Wants your forgiveness
And that, despite the mess
The confusion, the havoc
The embarrassment, the fuss
The disorder
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
My crazy, delirious
Punished heart
Guess what!
Went nuts
And know, embarrassed
Wants your forgiveness
And that, despite the mess
The confusion, the havoc
The embarrassment, the fuss
The disorder
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
All I want from you
Hide me in yourself,
hide me even if you have emptiness in your heart
and carry me like an amulet that can bring luck.
Hide me deep,
hide me under your eyelid to let me shine
day by day
in your every look that you cast on others all the time.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.
Embrace me with your smell,
embrace me with the aroma of your skin that I
will always wear like a dress from the most expensive tailors.
Take me far away,
take me to the place where life has its beginning and end
and the clock that measures time will stop for us.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.
Hug me, hug me.
I want you to remember one frame.
Me, you, for always paused during kissing bodies.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.
Categorical blues #2
I guess
I guess that you can leave
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa(*)
I guess
I guess that you can leave
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
After so many years,
I guess it's hard for you
but we both know
that this ain't your place!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
You may not remember
but I guess that you'll love it:
You got everything
and plus, you got water!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
You were at Timişoara
You were even at Iaşi
you saw Bucureşti,
you can leave us alone!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
Ah when I get my hands on you...
Versions: #1
Wow, wow
You're gonna kill me that way
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Delicious, delicious
You're gonna kill me that way
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Saturday party night
Everyone began to dance
The hottest girl of the place passed me by
So I got the guts up and began to say to her
Wow, wow
You're gonna kill me that way
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Delicious, delicious
You're gonna kill me that way
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)
You Change, Or I'll Move On
This way I can't go on, girl
Someday I'll walk away
Our relation is getting rusty
But you say now is the time
But the more you swear
The more you sin
I don't know what you're into, girl
But when you come
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
This way I can't go on, girl
Someday I'll walk away
Our relation is getting rusty
But you say now is the time
But the more you swear
The more you sin
I don't know what you're into, girl
But when you come
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Asta e a mea
Asta e a mea... Hm... Totul e al meu... Asta e Egor Creed!
Totul e al meu! Absolut totul! Totul e al meu!
Tineri, dar indrazneti si pe o noua moda.
Eu aleg ceea, ce mi se potriveste.
Strofa 1:
Eu sunt pe pic, rechinii in apa - asta e a mea!
Mentalitatea doar inainte - asta e a mea!
Pe mine ma duce Geländewagenul negru de la petrecere acasa, caci asta e a mea!
Am postat in stories o frumoasa in group de top cu hastegul #ASTAEAMEA!
Ei imi strigau: 'Rapul nu e al tau' , dar eu am dat drumul ceea ce ei stiu album!
Si tot ce ei stiau e esec, mass-media scrie - ' eu sunt raper' ,
Dar vrei o gluma? Viata mea e Rock and roll!
300 de concerte, 600 de zboruri anul trecut.
Forbs, ajunge sa numarati cat eu am castigat, lasam intrebarile pentru Dudyu!
Eu tin minte universitatea, cand am adormit pe banca.
In somn eram pirat, dar cu cartela pentru tineri de la Sberbank.
Am luat ce-i al meu, ca McGregor in box slava.
Nu poti sa ma judeci, batalia Oxi cu Slava.
Asta tot, e pentru ca sunt alb?
Totul e al meu! Absolut totul! Totul e al meu!
Tineri, dar indrazneti si pe o noua moda.
Eu aleg...
Totul e al meu! Absolut totul! Totul e al meu!
Tineri, dar indrazneti si pe o noua moda.
Eu aleg ceea, ce mi se potriveste.
Strofa 2:
O noua zi, o noua ora. Si nici o minuta mai devreme.
Aici si acum iau sansa. Si am masurat norocul - imi sta bine.
Tineri, dar indrazneti - asta e despre noi!
Skateboard-uri, non-placi, despre sport noi.
Cand imi vezi numele - vezi vizualizarile.
Jurnalul lui Creed, 140 in twitter.
Noi suntem inainte, de parca au aprins nitro.
Noi suntem noul val, ca in trackul lui DJ SMASH.
Pe mine e mult foc, ca pe maioul gunoiului.
Tu stii ce LifeStyle am - eu pe scena sunt proaspat.
Cu zambetul pe fata ca Bandicoot Crash.
That's it (see you later)
That's it, I get off this train
crashing against a wall
isn't funny anymore.
To fly, go far, see the skies
to steal all these suns
far from the people.
They'll come out of the roofs
when they know where I went.
Don't tell me anything
I don't need it.
If it wasn't for love
I don't know if I'd stay
if I know the fools
never see the shining ones.
I don't wanna be here anymore
I'm leaving this party.
I have nothing to lose if I leave
I'm fine, it doesn't upset me.
Good airs will come
I have time to choose
the laws of the game
Bye! see you later

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Today is Sunday!
How I like being back at home,
And wake up full of its smell
To that coffee of the morning
That always runs to the bed,
And sleeps until the alarm clock.
Today I have an appointment with the pillow
And a meeting with the fan,
An outing with my dog,
Because he does not understand the pretext,
And I leave my chair in pause.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
I'll get you some wine in the kitchen
And a good roast waits on the grill,
Although we have a thousand problems
Today we rest from the hardships,
Feeding the heart.
Let no one break this moment,
It is a day of celebration.
We must toast for joy,
Put out the bad energy,
Because tomorrow is Monday and it ends.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
Tomorrow is a holiday, do not argue with me,
That I have the almanac, in Spanish and in English.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
But that look when they meet
Two Latinos, always give the same
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
That Sunday will always be.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
Sunday goes to Mass, I speak of the spiritual,
It reunites the family and friends, to celebrate.
Fairy Tales of Our Time
Hello, my friend, do you like fairy tales?
See, the moon is traveling in the sky?
If you suddenly tear yourself away from the beer,
I, so be it, I'll tell you something.
The egg was taken down by the doodle girl Pestrushka.
The grandad and the granny were beaten - they didn't break, well, they were cripples!
A mouse, by profession, burrow digger,
Waved the tail, and the egg - salyam aleikum!
Here the grandad and the granny are crying, but in vain -
Everything is destined, the egg must be broken.
Evil breeds evil in our age is terrible.
Do you wanna know how this fairy tale will end?
The granny will be slaughtered by Raskolnikov,
And not with evil and so on the plot it's necessary.
The grandad, exacerbated by drunkenness,
Will shoot Archduke Ferdinand.
What are you grimacing, don't like the tale?
What, not dashing enough?
Yes, it's not easy to please you, honey,
You would read comic book, a capricious scarecrow!
I'm all about transcendental here for him,
About fatalism, about life, about mysticism.
No, damn, he wants more abruptly, twisted,
Cool and ok, in kicks style.
Do you want more abruptly? Well, okay - you will!
Here was the peasant's three sons,
All three are fools, which is typical.
Athos, Porthos and the younger - Pinocchio,
The princess was met, and everything ended badly!
They put her, just in case,
A pea traight under the mattress. Of trotyl.
And from the palace there was only a key,
Which was finded by insane Tortilla.
The prince caught her and tormented for a long time.
He shouted: 'Why do you need such ears, granny?'
Then he killed he, cooked and ate, and her the key
He changed for a centner of poppy at Duramar.
The Tsarevich lived with a frog, as with his wife,
Decompensated pervert,
He sailed on a blue geld, paranoid,
He loved other frogs, a polygamist.
But the blue gelding turned into Sivka-Burka
And he prayed in a human voice:
'Do not eat me, dummy, I'm sick of a plague!'
And then he hanged himself on the birch.
Here is a thriller, straight to tears, such passions!
I liked something myself!
Since our life is more abrupt than the blockbuster,
Fairy tales needs to be hursher than Goethe's Faust!
We will engage in myth-making a la Alfred Hitchcock!
Which one children wants, but the ho is not for them.
Dance, Thumbelina, hip-hop, and eveything will be ok!
Who is against, who? Granddad Pihto and Agnia Barto!
Buzzed Godzilla walks in the city,
Three cats crushed and seven goatlings,
And poor Stepashki, and Piglets-Cheburashki
Looks this fairy tale with fear.
I look with longing, my friend, on your generation:
Everybody is waiting for a metaphysical freebie.
Sesame will open by the pike's will...
A koksy-bite! Oh, the times! Oh, customs!
King Kong came, the Little Mermaid was killed.
The heroes of fairy tales changed their roles:
Old man Khottabych is the leader of the Wahhabis,
Dobrynya carries vodka on KAMAZ.
I'm afraid all will end unintelligently,
As in that fable, about the bird and the fox:
The crow was fucked away by God, fucked away specifically,
Straight along with cheese, and with a fox, and with a fabulist.
Flow honey-beer on the mustache, but don't hurry in the mouth,
Think up the tale yourself, I'm already nauseous.
For example, as a dude took a cat in boots,
And immediately he live great, all in the women and dibs.
At the forest, on the edge of the forest, a granny's egg was taken down,
And we bought it and ate it, finally,
Now we are sick of salmonellosis all collective farm,
Here is the fairytale end, who was eating - not a tenant.
Oh, Daddy's crying! There is a fairy tale for the dad:
'The Duma lived with the President.
And they lived in joy and affection,
And they died instantaneously... '
Tibor from QS-FB
My fault
Natural, as not everyone is
Original, I'm just imitating myself
Sweet and sour as if it was sour-cherry cola
I have so much swag
But I don't share it with anyone, eh,
She's nice, blonde, she's funny
At school on top of others, when she dances - tsunami
I have rehearsals, when others are taking a nap
I have so much flow
Why do the years even matter?
Tell me what can I do?
I know that you like it this way
Ah ah ah ah ah
That the music makes you dance
Ah ah ah ah ah
No matter the weather, we break the ice
Until dawn
If you turn the volume up
You will see that it's only my fault
Great style, I'm a superhero
My power : to make cheer up your day
You are throwing a party, you invite me as a neighbor
If everyone comes
You know whose fault is
I don't have any patience left
Come on, hit hard
I like to be like this
I like music
I also like that blonde guy over there
Everyone knows already
Tell me what can I do?
I know that you like it this way
Ah ah ah ah ah
That the music makes you dance
Ah ah ah ah ah
No matter the weather, we break the ice
Until dawn
If you turn the volume up
You will see that it's only my fault
Where are you headed in such a hurry?
Why are you running? Who are you?
All I want from you is to smile
Look in my eyes
Why are you worrying?
Don't forget to live
I know that you like it this way
Ah ah ah ah ah
That the music makes you dance
Ah ah ah ah ah
No matter the weather, we break the ice
Until dawn
If you turn the volume up
You will see that it's only my fault
What a business
How many things are that you never told
which are your fears
how many situations that you've betrayed
which is your sin
How tight are your knot instincts
accomplice tangles
Which is your profit in all this issue
Which is your appetite
How are you different
How are you
How much splendid morbidity over your impulses
which is your turbid face
Which is the sensation you always feared
which is your dirty step
How many things are that you never knew
How many things are that you take for granted
that you make clear that are assumed
Where is the lie
How much is your goodness (the other one, the deep one)
Which is your prescence
Where is your conscience (the other one, the deep one)
How is your prescence
And your solidarity (the other one, the deep one)
Which is your innocence
Where will reach your thick skin
How far will reach your sadness
To what grade will reach your beast nature
How long is it going
How long is it going
of poison.

This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Such a boy
Mister fate, give me somebody who will not roil the water in my pond,
Somebody who will not disappear like a bad dream
when my pond will run out of fish.
Where will I find the
beautifully good one?
Where will I find the
beautifully good one?
Give me a boy,
not a madman, don't give me
a smoker,
a poor man, don't give me
a drunkard,
a Polish man, don't give me
an ugly man.
Send me a boy.
Not a madman, don't give me
a smoothie,
a clown, don't give me
a drunkard,
a Polish man, don't give me
a poor man.
Send me.
Inside Me
Spreading through my veins like frost,
It'll bind me with your name.
And you can be certain that everything here has died out.
Nothing, as if in outer space,
And on the Tsiolkovskiy crater
I gasp for remnants of air, of dust.
It means there'll be a storm, night and day will combine,
We'll wait it out, hibernate, the crunch of snow and of bones
My own sounds dance, throw shadows under my eyelids
Pull my tense tendons, Houston, I await your news
Inside of me is ice.
The glass of my helmet has cracked,
I'm being carried further into eternity,
A shockwave breaks against my shoulders,
Wounding me throughout.
I remember the snow and empty street.
How we laughed, how we kissed
Just a bit more, when I close my eyes,
Everything will slowly go away.
Then there'll be a storm, night and day will combine,
We'll wait it out, hibernate, the crunch of snow and of bones
My own sounds dance, throw shadows under my eyelids
Pull my tense tendons, Houston, I await your news.
With no regrets for this planet my pulse has stopped.
Fragments of Earth's countries will smash against orbits,
There are no more replies from the space station 'Mir',
Damn everything, it's all black black holes,
Now you must make the decision.
And inside me...
There'll be a storm, night and day will combine,
We'll wait it out, hibernate, the crunch of snow and of bones
My own sounds dance, throw shadows under my eyelids
Pull my tense tendons, Houston, I await, I await, I await your news.
I await, I await, I await your news.
I await, I await, I await, I await, I await, I await.
Inside me is ice.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!
You say: May I be stabbed on behalf of you
She says: May I be stabbed (on behalf of you), and I respond: May I die before you
I'm a Southern guy, spread his sorrow on a Southern cloud
When she says: 'I would sacrifice my life for you my love' Oh people
I feel like I'm on the top of Abha's mountain , feeling the Northern breeze
And keeps me thinking
When she says: May I carry you burden on behalf of you
She showers me with her sacrifices, day and night
And I dance on its music a Southern dance
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!
The Thief
You are the thief
That stole from me
The heart
That I was saving
for tomorrow
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate!
If you are tired still do sing of me,
If I turn old still do stay with me,
I'm the one who filled the empty space of your lonliness,
I'm the one who dealt with you lovingly,
I'm the one who's memories pass by you,
How great I am with you! And without you I am so bad,
I'm the one whose sky got divided with you,
You are the one whose warm hands became habitual,
I'm burning I'm burning
My tired body
tell me how you endure
as you constantly drench
your forehead with tears
I'm burning I'm burning
who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
who will save me
I wonder how it holds itself
after so many storms
and finds the courage
in difficult times
I'm burning I'm burning
who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will save me
Without love in life
and in the world's lie
my seigh has been left
as my only companion
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will save me
Ti's Not A Game
It's not a game I like you more than I should
It's not a game what I already feel for you
I like you and I like it more to be noticed in me
And may you notice you make me so happy.
It's not a game I call you in the early mornings
Just to hear you speaking
I can`t sleep if you don´t give me the good night.
I have so much bad dreams, it's more than true.
And it's not a game when I say I love you
When I say that in your eyes I found what I was looking for
Because since you came, although you don´t believe me
There's nothing missing me.
And it's not a game the affection I have for you
Because in so little time I learned to need you
It's not a game what I feel, I'm totally yours
Since you kissed me.
And it's not a game when I say I love you
When I say that in your eyes I found what I was looking for
Because since you came, although you don´t believe me
There's nothing missing me.
And it's not a game the affection I have for you
Because in so little time I learned to need you
It's not a game what I feel, I'm totally yours
Since you kissed me.
Don't Give Up
No, don't give up.
No, don't run away.
Don't be afraid.
No, don't fail me...
You decide where you want to go:
No matter what happens,
You can count on me.
I've seen clouds hiding the sun
And dreams being destroyed by love...
But you, oh no!
You cannot give up!
Your mind builds up this mirage:
Don't let it entrap you!
Wake up and take my hand,
Choose your own destiny.
Don't give up...
No, don't give up.
No, don't run away.
Don't be afraid.
No, don't fail me...
You decide where you want to go:
No matter what happens,
You can count on me.
I know how painful it is to fail
And head people laughing at you...
but those who follow on your steps
Will show your true greatness!
No, don't give up.
No, don't run away.
Don't be afraid.
No, don't fail me...
You decide where you want to go:
No matter what happens,
You can count on me.
You can count on me...
You can count on me...
You can count on me...
No, don't give up.
No, don't run away.
Don't be afraid.
No, don't fail me...
Give me the power that burns full of passion.
With an intense scent, bring me emotions
One thousand and one nights of pleasure
Ah, and I will offer you fantasy...
And, in the gardens of Babylon
We'll find each other, having stopped
In that kingdom, full of desire.
Here, in the gardens of Babylon
Before that sacred throne
All our sorrows will go up in smoke around us.
Come into the delightful lake within me.
Rivers of nectar flow away
Sating your thirst.
The forbidden tree gives out the pleasure
That we will enjoy until the end.
And, in the gardens of Babylon
We'll find each other, having stopped
In that kingdom, full of desire.
Here, in the gardens of Babylon
Before that sacred throne
All our sorrows will go up in smoke around us.
And, in the gardens of Babylon
We'll find each other, having stopped
In that kingdom, full of desire.
Here, in the gardens of Babylon
Before that sacred throne
All our sorrows will go up in smoke around us.
The First Man in Your Life
I'm going to fill your life with the perfume
Of red roses
And I will dress up your body
With a thousand caresses.
In your delicate hands,
You shall hold the fire...
Lay down on the bed, my love:
Do not be afraid.
If you invite me in,
I will enter you carefully.
I will do it slowly,
Like a soft breeze.
Please, do relax:
I want you warm
Like the sea at dusk...
My dear Siren.
Let's make love
My darling, without rushing!
A storm of passion!
Inexperienced young woman,
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...
Stop denying your thirst
And drink a little:
Love should be taken in like this,
In small sips.
Just allow yourself to be guided
By your instincts...
Then, add a little bit of feeling
With a moan.
Let's make love
My darling, without rushing!
A storm of passion!
Inexperienced young woman,
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...
Ooooooh... Aaaaah!
Let's make love!
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...
We Are Children of Sunny-Red Honey...
We are children of sunny-red honey
And of brown and rusty-red earth -
In the dark we grew through flesh from birth,
And our nature resembles wild fire.
In the star hive for centuries' spread
Like the bees at the loins Aphrodite's,
We keep circling, encrusted with sun dust,
Over flame of the gold flower head.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
It's not me
It's not me (x4)
I don't know anymore whether I live or exist
There's a long time that you're lost.
I have all my lights shut down
and closed the door of my heart
Because also you have forgotten about me, my light
I haven't got to dream
And this isn't myself
without you I don't wanna live.
It's not me, it is what has remained from me
It's not me, if I don't have you anymore
It's not me, it's another that looks like me
And I love you, day and night are shouting to you
It's not me
You are missing and it's everything's fault to me
This world looks empty
And I dont talk, neither I'm being told
In nowhere, I I scatter like smoke
I don't care what happens around
I don't answer calls anymore
I just want to lean on the edge
And get fire like a paper
It's not me, it is what has remained from me
It's not me, if I don't have you anymore
It's not me, it's another that looks like me
And I love you, day and night are shouting to you
It's not me it is what has remained from me
It's not me, if I don't have you anymore
It's not me, it's another that looks like me
And I love you, day and night are shouting to you
It's not me, it's not me
It's not me, and I love you
Not of This World
Just how much it all turned! How much smoke it took just not to see what was of this world.
With toes always curled, when they said: 'son, you know you're simply not of this world.'
Just how much it all turned, but all is nothing apart from poetry that is of this world.
Grew up with no clear return, but the label always stuck - son, you're not of this world.
Son, you're not of this world, excess, like a pen leaking ink,
As if someone dug a crop out, or just cut off a link,
From a chain, where every one is exemplary (I piss on them!),
Every link with this world is going off tangentially.
As the cuts were stinging, I heated up the sand,
And whoever I meet now, a barrier stands,
And you're pretty much fine, but, rummaging inside you,
On goes the search for anyone a bit like you.
Where the mindless, the homeless, the shabby ones,
The smoked out Cauldfields and twitchy Durdens,
Anhedonia, and Jared Leto's omens,
We're born to amphetamine, nu-metal and Baphomet.
You're the type that can't believe the hype - we're Peter Pans,
We grow from days of foam, but we don't grow right,
Raving from a one track mind, the minibus leaves for a mini-home -
In his image, God makes man.
Just how much it all turned! How much smoke it took just not to see what was of this world.
With toes always curled, when they said: 'son, you know you're simply not of this world.'
Just how much it all turned, but all is nothing apart from poetry that is of this world.
Grew up with no clear return, but the label always stuck - son, you're not of this world.
Books spread opinions, doubts come from within them,
And from doubt, laziness, and from there, oblivion.
Michel Houellebecq, de Lautréamont, even Necromonicon,
Again, this world's a target for payback.
DJs, tapes and decks - all that type.
Seems you're like bad wounds, infecting all life.
Of us, the city thinks the worst, one stab and then you're burst.
The truth is like a fungus - born from fights over this curse.
Where's Aldous fucking Huxley now? Don't you like this brave new world?
Then you're just a kid - back to the creche, get out!
Surrounded by defeats, and by failures, by cursed poets and those blessed with graphomania,
The knights of subculture, defenders of glass covers, warriors of lacquer, forgotten music lovers.
It's like this world hangs over a glass fucking panel, but I can see the light at the end of your sonic tunnel.
Just how much it all turned! How much smoke it took just not to see what was of this world.
With toes always curled, when they said: 'son, you know you're simply not of this world.'
Just how much it all turned, but all is nothing apart from poetry that is of this world.
Grew up with no clear return, but the label always stuck - son, you're not of this world.
Just how much it all turned! How much smoke it took just not to see what was of this world.
With toes always curled, when they said: 'son, you know you're simply not of this world.'
Just how much it all turned, but all is nothing apart from poetry that is of this world.
Grew up with no clear return, but the label always stuck - son, you're not of this world.
All Wolves Except Me
What is your name?
I've heard it somewhere before
Where are you going at this time? Aish! I don't know
When I ask you to eat you like it
If I ask you if you have a partner I'm asking manners
Those words that I'm not that kind of oppa
That's just your thoughts
Anyways, the result is the men are going mad
Oh please my lady
They are probably aiming for you
Oh please my lady
Just focus now you idiot
Play boy just play boy, he must be a play boy
Oh please my lady
That dark, black mind I don't know what to do with you
I'm angry, angry
Try changing perspectives anyone would be more angry
I'm following, following
Wolves that have a sheep costume on are following
All wolves except me only you don't know
All wolves except me you don't know
Doesn't matter if it's a church oppa
Or if your parents are close friends
All wolves except me you don't know
Decline Decline Decline Decline
Block Block Block Block
Decline Decline Decline Decline
Block Block Block Block
Doesn't matter about the age gap or if it's a oppa with a girlfriend
All wolves except me only you don't know
Even if I don't look the video is obvious
I shake my head at that guys attitude
Actually, these days gloomy means lonely
Or why would day contact you
They want counseling
Or they want girls introduced to them
I heard that he has an interest in you
It’s on and on and on tell them you have a partner
Remember all wolves except me
I'm angry, angry
Try changing perspectives anyone would be more angry
I'm following, following
Wolves that have a sheep costume on are following
All wolves except me only you don't know
All wolves except me you don't know
Doesn't matter if it's a church oppa
Or if your parents are close friends
All wolves except me you don't know
I love you so much I worry too much
Do you know my mind? It's not that I can't trust you
The boys around you just won't leave you alone
Just stay by my side please be my baby
Wait wait
Uh listen carefully as an easy example
I have business and I went to meet
A fellow school hoobae
But sadly I had to go at night even though it's an assignment
Of course that hoobae is sh*t
He's a chromosome like hoobae
Do you understand my mind? You're like the ocean
The deeper I fall into you the worse my longing is
All wolves except me only you don't know
All wolves except me you don't know
Doesn't matter if it's a church oppa
Or if your parents are close friends
All wolves except me you don't know
Decline Decline Decline Decline
Block Block Block Block
Decline Decline Decline Decline
Block Block Block Block
Doesn't matter about the age gap or if it's a oppa with a girlfriend
All wolves except me only you don't know
Eyes of almond color
What have they done to me
set my heart ablaze
me such as I am
they have thrown on my knees
Eyes of almond color
those two jewels
if they'd shed a tear
they'd kill me instantly
Eyes of almond color
those two jewels
everything they do, I love it
[they] drive me to madness
For me love would stop breathing
if she'd stop looking at me
the songs in me would stop ringing
if they wouldn't look at me anyome
Eyes of almond color...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi
That's why
'Cause inspiration has its rights
Each of us cares about his/her own freedom
'Cause the mind goes ahead but the heart backward
That's why
Strange me, strange you
Imagination without boundaries - three witches
And it raises us above the time
Above the time
'Cause our sounds has been broken
And great words haven't swollen
We are where we are not supposed to be
But we want to live
'Cause friendship is strongly attached to us
And love is something that happens only once
And we still don't know what is what
...and this too
In the air, songs and dust are hanging
And there's nothing to lose anymore
'Cause the dream about flying is coming back
Yes, this one
And again we're lighter than two butterflies
'Cause only with music, it makes sense
And we will not give up, oh no... already know how it is