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The last song about her
It would be better if I couldn't write songs,And these ones didn't become something to you
But, maybe, other way, if it wasn't she —
I would be nobody with scars on my hands.
What if all of this was just a dream?
Maybe, I haven't come to mind after all of these pills.
I mixed up everything straying in my own dreams.
Maybe, she doesn't exist and I'm going insane?
But, the jacket of mine that smells like your perfume.
The bought tickets are still in that pocket.
The paid book of that Murakami that was read by you, I know it.
And all these people remind me again.
Forgive me for telling them everything.
Forgive me for starting to fall in love with Reminiscence again...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
You'll call me when I'll have just forgotten about you.
We'll be talking about the things we couldn't work out.
Hours will pass and I'll understand — you have to go.
And I'll tell you 'See you again' but you'll say 'Farewell'
Screw it! I'm tired of thinking about the past.
Carrying it everywhere just like stones on soles.
But a new day won't come in old patterns
Until you throw away everything reminding of her.
If the Sun leaves, I'll burn my body for you,
Not acknowledging what I'll do, who you are and what it is for.
Though, your sheets are the same as you, drabbled by someone else.
I'll throw myself down,
Throw myself to them.
It's up only to you: to catch or not to catch.
Hey, but—
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I have written the last song about her.
Trip To The Bottom Of The Ego
There is a mystical place in meSomething well hidden like that
An unexplored planet
A lost horizon
I entered the virgin forest
Like a native Zumbi
I dove deep into the ocean
As a Jacques Cousteau I left
Inexperienced explorer
First time sailor
I boarded open-breasted
Taking only the courage
Courage to fight
Face to face I with me
As one fights a brother
In the enemy army
Courage to face
Face to face me in the mirror
As one finds a brother
That denies you advice
Almost at the end of the road
A voice came to tell me
If you want to push on, beware
You will not like what you see
And the way back was hard
I returned empty-handed
In this ego trip of mine
I was not David nor was I Goliath
Inexperienced explorer
Traveler without luggage
I lost everything I had
And what I had was just the courage
Courage to fight
Face to face I with me
As one fights a brother
In the enemy army
Courage to face
Face to face me in the mirror
As one finds a brother
That denies you advice
Самый прекрасный из сего мираТы показала мне алас,
Где в глазах моих запомнился тот вечер
Когда сквозь облака плыла луна
Где там чайки
В шуме своем разлетаются
И где мы с тобой
Не забуду ли я
Те сосновые холмы аласа,
Чаек берег и
Буду ли я ещё в том прекрасном месте?
Услышу ли я ещё раз крики тех чаек?
Вспомню ли я ещё с содроганием
Невозвратные юности дни?
Где там чайки
В шуме своем разлетаются
И где мы с тобой
Не забуду ли я
Те сосновые холмы аласа,
Чаек берег,
Не забуду ли я и тебя!
The stories begin with men in love,they all end up with women who saved them
of the death of the intellect, insects that stung them
of murky old legends they don't even want to remember.
And little by little we are positioning ourselves,
building barricades in the land of the alalas.
We in body and soul, we buying calmly,
us thing by thing without being able to confuse us.
We breastfeeders, we conquerors,
brilliant activists of everyday life.
And we who resist centuries of strength,
and we the matriarchs of the country of a certain Breogán.
The stories begin with a man in a trance,
they all end up with women who saved them
of the death of the intellect, insects that stung them,
of murky old legends they don't even want to remember.
We breastfeeders, we conquerors,
brilliant activists of everyday life.
And we who resist centuries of strength,
and we the matriarchs of the country of a certain Breogán
Grandparents Tell
There are people who often hide their virtues08.01.2022
Povestea cea mai frumoasă
Am venit de departe, aici este casa meaNapoli, deja te cunoșteam, a doua mama mea
Îți mulțumesc pentru că mă chemi fiu, acum că-ți stau aproape
Mulțumesc pentru tot binele pe care mi-l dorești
Visam mereu Napoli, dar nu-ți eram aproape
Tu ai avut mereu un loc în inima mea
Când m-ai chemat să-ți vindec rănile
Ai găsit un războinic să lupte
Toți împreună vrem să vă mulțumim
Pentru credința care nu se stinge niciodată
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Îți dăruim tricolorul
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Vei rămâne mereu măreț
Eu, unul dintre frați, sunt emoționat ca și voi
Spunând mulțumesc tuturor, vă dăruiesc un loc la soare
Tu, băiat neliniștit visător, care știi să lupți mereu
Și marile tale sacrificii, sunt de exemplu pentru noi toți
Tu minunat public ești unic în Italia
Chiar dacă nu câștigi mereu, ești gata să ierți
În ochii tăi văd soarele, te voi purta în inimă
Ești povestea cea mai frumoasă pe care o voi istorisi
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Îți dăruim tricolorul
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Vei rămâne măreț
The small road leading to the stationIt's just me and wind here
Promise of the world
A sound is wavering
Reaching you gently
Speaking of you recently
You've started raising flowers and living things
When I asked if you didn't have anything else to do
You said that it was an important thing
It's lovely when you're like that
My left eye warms up when I remember
I'll do a bit of effort tomorrow too
This will be a kind night
Crossing many puddles of water
Crossing many changing thoughts
I wonder how much we can know
We have just begun
It's embarassing when I'm like that
Because it's like I can't see you
Let's sing that helpless flower song and go back
Because I think I'll have a good dream tonight
As I breathed in just a little bit
And stood straight up
The light across the street shines through
And continues, and continues...
Tears flow from my eyes
Because I haven't forgotten
The strength of our weak selves
I'm always sorry, let's go back quick
A sound will echo toward a gentle tomorrow
Departures - A song of love I send to you
I won't be loved, nor be needed by you anymoreAnd thus I am all alone like this
What did you say back then?
The words that won't reach me tumble in space
Although I know it's futile, I did it again today
Versions: #1Penelope
With her brown leather handbag
And her high heels
And her Sunday dress.
Sits on a platform bench
And waits for the first train to arrive
Wagging the fan.
They say in the village
That a walker stopped his watch
On one spring afternoon
'Farewell my love do not weep for me
I'll be back, before the willow trees
Shed their leaves,
Think of me, I'll come back for you'.
Poor wretch, your childish clock stopped
One leaden April afternoon
When your lover went away.
In your orchard, withered
Lays every single flower
There is no willow in
Main Street for Penelope.
Sadness by dint of waiting
Your eyes seem to shine
If a train whistles in your eyes .
One after another she sees them pass by
She looks at their faces, she hears them talk
To her they are dolls.
They say in the village
That the wayfarer returned
He found her on his green pine bench
He called out to her: 'Penelope, my faithful lover, my peace
Stop weaving dreams in your mind,
Look at me, I am your love, I am back'.
She smiled at him, her eyes full of yesterday.
Her face and her skin didn't use to be like that
'You're not who I expect'
And she kept her brown leather handbag
And her high heels
Sitting at the station...
Sitting at the station.
First, put down your weaponsYour words already hurt me enough
I'm just wanting a civilized conversation
I know critcisim is coming
But I'm running from this fight
Today there's no villain, no victim
There's no audience, no drinks
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even*
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together** trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
First, put down your weapons
Your words already hurt me enough
I'm just wanting a civilized conversation
I know critcisim is coming
But I'm running from this fight
Today there's no villain, no victim
There's no audience, no drinks
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
Hey neither in heaven nor on earth
I was really young and crazywhen I allowed it
all because of stupid pride
left you to another.
I was really young and crazy
that's why now I live alone
I would give anything if you were there
but there is no going back, I know.
Ref. 2x
Hey, neither on, nor
neither in heaven nor on earth
no, no, no
there is no fulfillment of my wish.
Hey, neither on, nor neither
to that world, not even to this one
never again we
under the same roof.
I was so young and crazy
I courted everyone
to prove myself to society
I cheated on you all the time.
I was so young and crazy
not to be proud of that
you cried, I can't forgive to myself.
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
There's no forgiveness
I, a gentleman, sing for you/An old story from long ago/
But now those who hear the name/
And those who look for wheatgrass in grain There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy
For those who cheat on society People full of life and of the highest rank/
They made a blood oath/
There's no bond of
faith and omerta/
Against arrogance and infamity There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy/
For those who cheat on society Mafia's laws save your honour/ It is a chain, a chain you can't melt/ Cowards and traitors are condemned/ They are ready to die for a friend There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy/ For those who cheat on society There are two powerful things in the world/
The love of a woman and the hearts of brigands/ Before you take a step
be carefu/ Friends, I'll give you this advice There's no forgiveness and there's no mercy/ For those who cheat on society
My way
In dice rolled, I'm still playingIn heart I learned to believe
I'm not looking back, the stakes are too high
I'm not content to lose
They want me to quit, but I don't listen
I don't fall into the void I fly long ago
Whether day or night we get through it all
I finish what I started
Fears surround me
I laugh and say, 'I'm ready'
Wherever I am and however hard
I gotta fight for what's mine
Any place, any day
I'm going that I will succeed
And if I'm down I get back up again
I get back up again, I get back up again
Wherever I am and however hard
I know that I'm on my way
I know that I'm on my way
I know that I'm on my way
In dice rolled, not finished
The game won't be easy
Me against life, I don't hide my face
I have the eyes of a winner
Maybe my jacket ripped a little
And the heart, but it's nothing
I go forward I have no other goals
It's another day when I shout
Fears surround me
I laugh and say, 'I'm ready'
Wherever I am and however hard
I gotta fight for what's mine
Any place, any day
I'm going that I will succeed
And if I'm down I get back up again
I get back up again, I get back up again
Wherever I am and however hard
I know that I'm on my way
I know that I'm on my way
I know that I'm on my way
Wherever I am and however hard
I gotta fight for what's mine
Any place, any day
I'm going that I will succeed
And if I'm down I get back up again
I get back up again, I get back up again
Wherever I am and however hard
I know that I'm on my way...
When Xalbador Died
There was a friend,Who's endearing and sensitive
Transfigured by the wings of poetry
Of verses that arose
From a deep inner feeling
A singer who roamed the town square
Burdened with loneliness
Who had learned from pain to weave words
To express himself in contention
From the incorruptible truth of his being
His being...
Where are you, from which meadows?
The shepherd of Urepele,
You who have fled to the mountains,
Towards tomorrow
That lingers within memory
By breaking barriers,
You released your song
Finding ardently
For freedom, beyond the ties,
And the limits of your body
With your last breath,
In the deepest verse,
You turned it into a violent cry,
Of hidden truths,
That can never be expressed...
Never be expressed
Where are you, from which meadows?
The shepherd of Urepele,
You who fled towards the mountains,
Towards tomorrow ,
That lingers within memory.
Versions: #1Once any man has reached the land,
all his dreams will come true.
Every men desire to seek the land,
But, the land is far beyond the man's capacity.
The name of the place is called Gandhara.
It is an Utopia exists in somewhere.
I wish somebody could tell me
the way to get to the land.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
Once any man has reached the land,
all pains of living will be gone.
Some men has departed for their journey, however the land is preposterously far away.
Gandhara is free from everything.
Fantastic Utopia.
Is it a phantom country only exists in illusion.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
A white birch tree
A white birch tree washes its curly hair,A maple wakes up awash with dew.
A singer nightingale sings its song,
The bright sun rises up in the sky.
The clouds are like flowers in the sky,
I am facing an utter unbounded beauty.
This beauty inspirits me,
And a cheerful song is born in my heart.
A white birch tree washes its curly hair,
A maple wakes up awash with dew.
How beautiful is my homeland ‒
And this beauty lives in my heart.
The Lonely Accordion
Versions: #1Now it's night and all's quiet 'til morning,
Not a door squeak nor glimmer of light.
But somewhere an accordion's playing,
Roaming lonely out there in the night.
From the fields it moves out past the gateway,
Then turns back and again comes around.
It's like someone is searching for someone
In the darkness, but she can't be found.
Now the night air is cool with its fragrance,
Apple blossoms fall gently to ground.
Tell us, lonely accordion player,
Who it is that you hope will be found!
It may be that your darling is nearer,
She won't know that you're out on your quest,
That you're roaming all night in the darkness
And depriving young women of rest.
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
Versions: #1Silly butterfly burned out on a candle
Hot and heated coal, smoky little circles
Little star has fallen in puddle near porch
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
Deadman hasn’t revived, sick man hasn’t bent over
Sighted hasn’t blind, sleepman hasn’t got up
Cheerfully brave hearts were walked from the coast
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
There was no more native, there was no more prettily
There was no more sick, there was no more happily
There was no beginning, ending was no most
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
The Little Huipil
Juchitán, Juchitán, lovely huipil1my song, my song is for you.
Little huipil of the Juchiteca
huipil filled with flowers
of many, many colors,
little huipil of the Juchiteca.
What hands have embroidered you,
what soul has given you its warmth,
what arms you've been placed over,
in that beautiful garden of love.
Huipil made in Juchitán
???2 of that part of the region3,
from that town in my heart,
huipil made in Juchitán.
Juchitán, Juchitán, lovely huipil
my song, my song is for you.
Little huipil of the Juchiteca
huipil filled with flowers
of many, many colors,
little huipil of the Juchiteca.
What hands have embroidered you,
what soul has given you its warmth,
what arms you've been placed over,
in that beautiful garden of love.
Huipil made in Juchitán
??? of that part of the region,
from that town in my heart,
huipil made in Juchitán.
Juchitán, Juchitán, lovely huipil
my song, my song was for you.
- 1. a huipil is traditional garment (a blouse) that is hand sewn and embroidered with large flowers. Juchitán has different kinds of huipiles, some are for everyday use and others are called 'gala' huipiles, used specifically for ceremonies and events.
- 2. can't decipher the word here.
- 3. lit. 'from that corner [of the region]'. Juchitán is located in the south-eastern corner of the state of Oaxaca, close to the coast.
If you go to Chile
If you go to ChileI beg you to pass
Where my beloved lives
It's a little house
Very cute and small
That is in the hillside
Of a nestled hill
The vines adorn it
And across a stream
At the front there is a willow
That cries, that cries
Because I love her
If you go to Chile
I beg you, traveller
Tell her
That I'm dying of love
The town is called Las Condes
And it is next to the hills and the sky
And if you look up into the valley
You'll see it being washed by an estuary
Peasants and townspeople
They will meet you, traveller
And you will see how they in Chile like
A friend when he is a stranger
If you go to Chile
Travelling friend