Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 490



It's not like we were born yesterday, Capataz
it's not like we were born yesterday,
it's not like we are held captive
inside the star of this nice modernity.
It's not like we were born to die here.
If you try to open the window, Capataz,
and you look out with your eyes,
there are so lots of people who don't count
yet they do count and they are already counting themselves.
They are just waiting for a sign, Capataz.
When the weather changes, this old sign
when the weather changes, it will come.
When the wind rises, this old boat1,
when the wind rises, it will sail away.
It's not like we were born yesterday, Capataz.
If you try to get into my head, Capataz,
and you look out with my eyes,
there are lots of people, lots of hearts,
lots of colours instead of all that gray, a lot of news.
There's a different type of future, Capataz.
When the weather changes, this old sign
when the weather changes, it will come.
When the wind rises, this old boat,
when the wind rises, it will sail away.
There's a different type of future, Capataz.
  • 1. literally: 'this old wood'

Three Girls and Našice

Karašica1 water flew
From Valpovo to Našice2
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,3
Have no faith in me!
Three girls are coming from there
Cooing like pidgeons,
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Here are the three girls,
Come to Našice with me
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
  • 1. small river in northeastern Croatia
  • 2. both Valpovo and Našice are cities in northeastern Croatia
  • 3. this is a sound formula taken out of a traditional song, it has no meaning. It is actually pronounced shill dill dy, but this way it rhymes

With You

I really can't tell what I have found in you
Our differences unite and attract us to each other
When you ask me to go away, you then say: 'don't, don't go, no!'
I really can't tell what I have found in you
Our differences unite and attract us to each other
When you ask me to go away, you then say: 'don't, don't go, no!'
I'll fly out with you
To wherever the destination is
No matter what's to come, nothing will separate you from me
Don't leave me on my own no matter the reason
I only want you to notice you're already part of me
At the beginning, it was just a mambo dance on a night, on a night
At the beginning, our mambo dance was just a fuck, a fuck
After that, it went from chemistry to envy
And encounters somewhere. A relationship in trouble.
She's fallen for that gangsterly, rude, mild charm of attitude
I'm ready to solve the problem
Gaze at me just to be sure of every word I say
Girl, there're many others, but I don't compare them with you
Nor talk about beauty, 'cus, for me, it's relative
The world judges and judges, but listen to what I tell you
I don't even need to seduce so you can notice what I'm feeling
Besides the tantrums, I'm fine. I never fail, I just misstep
Put on that dress of yours that makes me go crazy
Are you ready to go with me?
I'll fly out with you
To wherever the destination is
No matter what's to come, nothing will separate you from me
Don't leave me on my own no matter the reason
I only want you to notice you're already part of me
At the beginning, it was just a mambo dance on a night, on a night
At the beginning, our mambo dance was just a fuck, a fuck
Let me take off your soul, I ejaculate feelings
Bring a new life, create a new beginning
From priority to importance, step-by-step towards success
I'm not always perfect
But relax, today I'm gonna give it my all
I really can't tell what I have found in you
Our differences unite and attract us to each other
When you ask me to go away, you then say: 'don't, don't go, no!'
I really can't tell what I have found in you
Our differences unite and attract us to each other
When you ask me to go away, you then say: 'don't, don't go, no!'
I'll fly out with you
To wherever the destination is
No matter what's to come, nothing will separate you from me
Don't leave me on my own alone no matter the reason
I only want you to notice you're already part of me

Te salut frumoaso

Numele meu este Muharem Redžepi
țigan, refugiat din Kosovo și ador Italia!
Într-o dimineață m-am trezit,
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Într-o dimineață m-am trezit
Și l-am găsit pe invadator.
O partizane, du-mă departe
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
O partizane, du-mă departe
Că simt că voi muri.
Într-o dimineață m-am trezit,
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Într-o dimineață m-am trezit
Și l-am găsit pe invadator.
O partizane, du-mă departe
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
O partizane, du-mă departe
Că simt că voi muri.
Și dacă mor ca un partizan,
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Și dacă mor ca un partizan,
Trebuie să mă îngropi.
Să mă îngropi acolo sus în munți,
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Să mă îngropi acolo sus în munți,
Sub umbra unei frumoase flori.
Și oamenii care vor trece
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Și oamenii care vor trece
Îmi vor spune: Ce floare frumoasă!
Și aceasta este floarea partizanului,
O frumoaso, te salut! frumoaso,te salut! frumoaso, ceau, ceau, ceau!
Și aceasta este floarea partizanului,
Care a murit pentru libertate!
Și aceasta este floarea partizanului,
Care a murit pentru libertate!


On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it
Your hairs are on my bed
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
Wow, this gin sweeps the complexes (Ooh-yeah)
As the asphalt erases the Converses 1 The girl from the picture became the girl from the comics(kinda Marvel)2
But then she's disappeared - tricks
Yes, sometimes I'm rude (Yes)
I know that I don't look like a monogamous person
I told you, I don't like your girlfriends (Oh no)
In the end, all your girlfriends are my groupies3 (Facts)
I removed everything sharp things from the house - I don't mean food
After all, these lines on your body do not suit you
I know it hurts to see emptiness instead of a pain
And it's so hard for me to forget all your simplicity
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
Everything inside me turns to ice (Ice)
Everything always passes, but it won't pass now
But there are so many 'buts', the opposite is true (On the contrary)
Kinda you ain't that one, kinda I ain't that one (Not that one)
Our paths diverge - it's okay
We will be spread on other sides that we won't collide with the foreheads
Everything will be forgotten sooner or later
Love is such a joke - it leaves scars (Facts)
I removed everything sharp things from the house - I don't mean food
After all, these lines on your body do not suit you
I know it hurts to see emptiness instead of a pain
And it's so hard for me to forget all your simplicity
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it
Your hairs are on my bed
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)
Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own

Jellyfish Shake

Jellyfish shake
Hendro Engkeng featuring Diego Takupaz
Special song for you
Okay legga
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Now the rocking trending is again booming
Among both young people and parents
Jellyfish style shake keeps everyone entertained
Even though the heart was broken
Keep shaking, lest you back off
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Takupaz Dance Crew
Takupaz Dance Crew
Hendro Engkeng remixed
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Takupaz Dance Crew
Now the rocking trending is again booming
Among both young people and parents
Jellyfish style shake keeps everyone entertained
Even though my heart was crushed
Keep shaking, lest you back off
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Hendro Engkeng remixed
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish

Tomorrow has been cancelled

listen to the birds
breathe in and breathe out
feel the wind in your hair
and look over the land
every word you wanted to say
every road you wanted to take
today is not too early
and yesterday is gone
there is only now
because tomorrow has been cancelled
control is a phantom
the compass an illusion
time stands still for good
no plan and no vision
every dream that you still have
everyone that you do love
today is not too early
and yesterday is gone
there is only now
because tomorrow has been cancelled
don’t believe everything they say
when they run, stand still
we are made of stars and love
and should the end of the world come
look on with the fool on the hill
i think today is saint neversday
and tomorrow has been cancelled

Floare de scorţişoară

Lasă-mă să-ţi spun cetăţean din Lima
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun gloria
Visul ce evocă amintirea
Vechiului pod
A râului şi aleii.
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun, cetăţean al Limei,
Acum că amintirea încă înmiresmează
Acum că într-un vis încă se leagănă
Vechiul pod, râul şi aleea
Cu iasomii în părul ei şi trandafiri pe faţa ei,
Floarea de scorţişoară a mers graţios
Ea a revărsat gingăşie şi trecerea ei a lăsat
Aromele buchetul de flori
Pe care-l purta în sân.
De la pod până la alee
Un mic zgomot de paşi avea
De-a lungul trotuarului care temura
În ritmul şoldului ei,
Ea a strâns râsul brizei râului
Şi l-a aruncat vântului
De la pod până la alee.
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun, cetăţean al Limei,
Oh, lasă-mă să-ţi spun,
Unul întunecat, gândul meu
Să vezi dacă în acest felt te trezeşti din vis
Din visul care ocupă,
Unul întunecat, conştiinţa ta.
Respiră cu calmul cu care
Floare de scorţişoară
Se împodobeşte cu iasomii
Amestecându-se cu frumuseţea ei
Acoperiţi podul din nou
Şi împodobiţi aleea
Pentru că râul va însemna ritmul
Trecerii ei de-a lungul trotuarului.
Şi amintiţi-vă că
Cu iasomii în părul ei şi trandafiri pe faţa ei
Floarea de scorţişoară a mers graţios
Ea a revărsat gingăşie şi trecerea ei a lăsat
Aromele buchetul de flori
Pe care-l purta în sân.
De la pod până la alee
Un mic zgomot de paşi avea
De-a lungul trotuarului care temura
În ritmul şoldului ei,
Ea a strâns râsul brizei râului
Şi l-a aruncat vântului
De la pod până la alee.

Moment de pace

Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Într-un moment de pace
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Vino acum, vino de partea noastră
Într-un loc unde te poți ascunde
Noi suntem lumina soarelui
Odihnește-ți sufletul aici
Și vei găsi
Noi suntem energia
Îți oferim lumea
Ține-ți inima sus acum
Îți vom ușura durerea de pe frunte
(Sarah Brightman:)
Într-o lume fără pericole
Când distrugerea e aproape
Poți veni cu noi aici
Când oamenii sunt străini
Ne vom odihni aici și vom fi
Într-un moment de pace
Într-o lume fără pericole
Când distrugerea e aproape
Poți veni cu noi aici
Când oamenii sunt străini
Ne vom odihni aici și vom fi
Într-un moment de pace
Vino acum, vino de partea noastră
Într-un loc unde te poți ascunde
Noi suntem lumina soarelui
Odihnește-ți sufletul aici
Și vei găsi
Noi suntem energia
Îți oferim lumea
Ține-ți inima sus acum
Îți vom ușura durerea de pe frunte
Luminează întunericul de dedesubt
Vezi prin stele
Atinge curentul pământului
Plutește în bucuria inimilor noastre
Dezlănțuie energia
Gustul vinului
Bea ca un suflet
Care știe acum, puterea divină
Într-o lume fără pericole
Când distrugerea e aproape
Poți veni cu noi aici
Când oamenii sunt străini
Ne vom odihni aici și vom fi
Într-un moment de pace
Într-o lume fără pericole
Când distrugerea e aproape
Poți veni cu noi aici
Când oamenii sunt străini
Ne vom odihni aici și vom fi
Într-un moment de pace
Într-un moment de pace


He 1 returns home whistling
Along the paving he dances with light steps
Could life, after all, be
This easy and without worry
Just an ongoing feast and so on
Little by little, the pieces fall into place
He stops at the street corner
And lifts his sight
Smiles by himself
Shrugs his shoulders
Leaves everything behind
All that is in the past
All that is in the past
He arrives home whistling
He barely notices the passers-by
Hums to himself
He has come to a conclusion
He leaves behind that horrible mess
He leaves behind that human wreck
That he had been
He stops at the street corner
And lifts his sight
Smiles by himself
Looks behind
For the last time
Leaves behind
All that is in the past
He returns home whistling
He returns home
  • 1. Might as well be she, as Finnish language makes no difference

It felt like autumn

The gust of wind smells like autumn
The sense of words has gone with cold wind
That's the way it has to be I can't change anything
The diamonds at the end of your eyelashes
Where you live it's already white because of snow
The little lakes and the marshes glaze with ice
That's the way it has to be I can't change anything
Longing hides in your eyes
Spring will come back, rain will flow down the roads
The hearts will warm up with the warm sun
That's the way it has to be because the fire is still burning inside of us
The eternal fire which is hope

Wish You Were Here

Because these memories are precious, I'll just throw them away
Even those of the four seasons, should I throw them away?
Whatever the season is, I couldn't escape your scent
From now on, how am I supposed to live on?
Can I just let destiny take its course?
My damp eyes, even in front of you, won't stop welling with tears
Not being able to wish the happiness of you who are not by my side, is it just small of me?
There is no hope, there is no light and yet I hope you were here tomorrow
There is also no introspection and I continue to sleep and be awake
Breathing in another 'today' without you
Not realising the thorns on you, I had been hugging you
Here is a dark long tunnel without an exit, so even if it's dim, please light it up for me
Still not being able to wish the happiness of you who are not by my side

Pub on the road to Tennessee

The small pub on this road
that goes somewhere in Tenessee
Is always filled with whiskey and
old well known cowboys
Sittin in the pub are Bob and John
Harry Jack or Jim and Tom
Those old rough poker faces
from the crazy wild west
Bang bang bang bang
Do you remember harry*
back when we were still young
we left people shaking and afraid
everywhere we visited
How could I not tom my friend,
wonderful days those they were
When we rode fast horses**
and shot all guns all day long
Bang bang bang bang
Midnight has long since passed
But the stories aren't ending
Bad boys still playing cards
and reliving wonderful memories
When suddenly Div jumps up
and looks at his pocket watch
Says he's gotta get home quick
who knows what will happen now
Bang bang bang bang
Within a minute
the pub is completely emptied out
All the strong men that were there
Are now out on the road***
And thats how another day goes
On that road to somewhere in Tennessee
Now thats scary men
are all afraid of their wives
Bang Bang Bang Bang
Now everyone knows about the pub on the road to somewhere in Tennessee
Bang Bang Bang Bang

Cântecul tău

Mergând singură prin orașul meu,
Am simțit cum un cântec venea spre mine.
M-am apropiat și-am putut să contemplu
Câțiva copii care cântau.
Venii unul și-mi spuse: ”Hei, adulto!
Nu vrei să adaugi și vocea ta obosită?
Vei vedea ce ușor e să cânți,
Dacă inima ta e bucuroasă”
Dacă toată lumea și-ar dori un cântec
Care vorbește de pace, de dragoste,
Ar fi simplu să ne putem strânge
Ca să trăim cu o iluzie.
Aș vrea să simți cu mine acest cântec,
Să lași deoparte proasta dispoziție,
Ca să pornești în viață zâmbind
Și să-ți savurezi propria condiție.
Cântă acasă singur cântecul meu,
Vei înțelege că nu există durere
Când ai bucuria de a trăi
Și o inimă de împărțit.
Închide ochii alături de mine și spune adio
Acestui cântec ce m-a învățat
Să trăiesc în prezent, nu în trecut.
Un cântec care e al amândurora e cântecul tău.
(Lala lalala lalala)
(Lalalala la lalala lalala...)
Lalalala la lalala lalala...
Lalalala lalalala...
Lalalala la lalala lalala...
Lalalala lalalala...
Lalalala la...

Fell in love with him

Fell in love with him,
With rascal, though I have one wish -
He should wear a doggie collar
So I could pull a leash.

Te rog (nu plânge)

Te rog, nu plânge
când va trebui să plec departe!
Vreau să-ți văd ochii
încă surâzători,
înainte să-ți dau mâna
și să se termine astfel.
Te rog, nu plânge
când va trebui să plec departe!
Rămâne în inimă numai
o amintire de-o vară,
rămân atâtea vorbe
pierdute astfel.
Te rog, nu, nu plânge
când va trebui să plec departe!
Vreau să-ți văd ochii
încă surâzători,
înainte să-ți dau mâna
și să se termine astfel.
Te rog, nu plânge
când va trebui să plec departe!
Lasă să plângă numai
negura peste noi,
lasă să plângă numai
toamna peste mine.

SOS from an Earthling in Distress

Why do I live, why do I die
Why do I laugh, why do I cry
This is the S.O.S
From an earthling in distress
I've never had my feet on the ground
I'd rather be a bird
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin
I'd like to see the world upside down
In the event that it were more beautiful
More beautiful seen from above
From above
I've always confused life
With comic books
It's like I have needs of metamorphosis
I feel something
That draws me
That draws me
That draws me upward
At the great lotto of the universe
I didn't draw the right number
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin
I don't want to be a robot
Metro (subway), work, sleep
Why do I live, why do I die
Why do I scream, why do I cry
I believe I'm capturing signals
Which came from another world
I've never had my feet on the ground
I'd rather be a bird
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin
I would like to see the world upside down
I'd rather be a bird
Sleep, child, sleep

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
o noapte amară mă-mpresoară
și aceste ore de tăcere
îmi întunecă drumul.
Am rămas fără buzele tale,
ochii tăi, zâmbetul tău,
și nu știu unde să te găsesc.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit.
În caz că nu te mai întorci
să mă vezi în privirea ta,
în caz că niciodată n-ai înțeles
motivul cuvintelor mele,
îți las în cântecul meu
acest gest într-un singur sens
al pielii mele care te-a iubit.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit...


Don't make me crazy
Your bed won't take it
Don't start that fire
I can't fight my DNA
Crazy (Ahh)
Alright, then
Just one touch, I'ma
get a lick, commence
and she stop, she go loopy
But tell her I'm in love and I miss her, in my ride back home
Taking a roam like a film wanna jog
She fallin' in love with the way how I do it
And I must love the way
Oh, she just can't leave me alone
Crazy because she will pick up the phone
She will call up Simone
And I tell her she moan
I go naughty zone
Think me a clone
Let me give her the bone
No, she after third round
Give me the crown
(Let's see)
Ooh-Ooh (Babygirl)
On top of me, on top of you
On top of me, on top of you, yeh
Ooh-Ooh (Babygirl)
With you there isn't a bed that will hold, eh
Hold, yeh
La, la, la, la
Don't make me crazy
(La, la, la, la) Your bed won't take it
Don't start that fire, fire
I can't fight my DNA
But I do go crazy, crazy
You might like that (Eh)
Lo, da, da, do, da, do
Because I go crazy, crazy
Every time that I bite his mouth, his mouth
Quickly his clothes fall off, clothes
And I like it (Sing, girl)
Because I go crazy, crazy
Every time that I bite his mouth, his mouth
Quickly his clothes fall off, clothes
And I like it
Ooh-Ooh (Babygirl)
On top of me, on top of you
On top of me, on top of you, yeh
Ooh-Ooh (Babygirl)
With you there isn't a bed that will hold, eh
Hold, yeh
La, la, la, la
Don't make me crazy
(La, la, la, la)
Your bed won't take it
(Babygirl, I'ma make ya)
Don't start that fire, fire
I can't fight my DNA
But I do go crazy, crazy
You might like that (Eh)
(Telling you again)
Lo, da, da, do, da, do
Babygirl, I'ma make you
Don't make me crazy
Your bed won't take it
Don't start that fire, fire
I can't fight my DNA, crazy (Ah-ah)

The Dream of the Boy

They knocked on the door of the humble home
The voice of the mailman was heard clearly
And the boy running with all of his anxieties
He stepped on the little white dog by accident
Mommy, mommy -- he came closer yelling
The missed mother left the pool
And the boy said to her laughing and crying
Today the club has sent me the summons
Dear mommy
I will make money
I will be a Baldonedo
A Martino or a Boye
The boys say
Of Argentinian west
That I have more of a shot
Than the great Bernabe
You will see how beautiful
When there in the field
They applaud my goals
I will be a winner
I will play in the fifth
Then in the first
I know that it waits for me
The consecration

It stuck to my skin

It stuck to my skin
It stuck to my skin
It stayed and got used to me
The sweet scent of your tender love
Love I want to drink from
So much passion overflows in me
I turn back on
How I want you to be dark
Heaven give me
It stuck to my skin
It was marked by fire in my heart
The warm kiss that your love gave me
Love I want to drink from
If there is something left to prove
I want to learn
Give me the elixir of your love
And the poison too
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
I want to go with you to the stars
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
And I want to start dreaming (x2)
And be with you
And with your skin calm the cold
Because your love makes me vibrate
Come soon I can't wait anymore

Cantata about Stalin

On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about the leader of Soviet peoples – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.
And this song flies like a silver bird
and the oppressor and the enemy trembling before its anger.
And nothing for it borders and walls,
and barbed wire, and guard, and whip.
This song is not afraid of a manhunt, nor a bullet,
this flaming chant takes you into battle.
With this song on the tongue both arap and coolie,
And Chinese partisan are shedding their blood.
On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about wise, beloved in the people – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.

The Antique Shop

One can't look for an antique
shop in the great avenue.
Every purchase has its proper place
and there are some shops which are hard to find in the guide.
It is rare to find something special
in the shop windows of a central street.
There's a place for each thing,
although the one for wonder
is harder to discover.
The treasure is hidden under the rainbow,
'cause finding it hidden
inside your own house, though pleasant, doesn't happen.
One can't look for an antique
shop in the great avenue.
Every purchase has its proper place
and there are some shops which are hard to find in the guide.
How can one wait for the shadow in the desert
or be shocked about not finding any in the open sea.
Before leaving, we should know
if all we covet is truly that necessary for us.
So I propose, so as not to create more confusion,
that those under fifty years old
turn their televisions off right now.
One can't enter a shop
and then complain about whatever the price is.
If life is an open bidding
even dreams will be on sale.
But the days by your side,
the looks I've looked at,
the words I write,
I haven't bought those.
I've found each one
unhurriedly looking for them
'cause you've already got silver
and gold is what you wait for.
Gold is what you wait for.

I'll Be Back

I can see the train depart, and the sad look on your face
That hides those tears, I'll be back
How could I live, a year without your love
The letter says wait for me, that time will pass
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Although it's difficult, living without your love
Soon we'll be together, I love you so much, my love
Time will pass, I'll be back
Think of me always like this
That time will pass, the letter says wait for me
I love you so much, my love
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Think of me always like this, that time will pass
Soon we'll be together, I love you so much, my love
Time will pass, I'll be back
Think of me always like this, that time will pass
My love, my love, my love, my love
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Think of me always like this, I'll be back
A year isn't a century and I'll be back

As Simple As That

Versions: #1
It takes one step to fall down from the highs to the lows
It takes one flap of wings to soar up back
As simple as that

Love starts with unease

Love starts with unease,
devotion, passion and sleeplessness

The Last Second

I look back and I remember
I see a whole life passing
And if I could press start again
And cross the red lines
Cartography of your body
To not find the coordinates
The North and the footprints
And get to an unnamed place
And rewind
Walk the roads we didn't walk
Hoist the sails in a new sea
If I could kiss you again
And rewind
Light up your lips and not think
Touch the stars and tremble
If I could taste you again
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
I'm addicted to you, I've always been
To your manias, to your breasts and together
We caused earthquakes, together
We wrote diaries filled with smoke
Be born again, be a child again
Have the secret of the eternal life
That you were the only government that governs me (x3)
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
From Sant Francesc1 to Cap de Barbaria2 by motorbike
I can't stop thinking about that photo
Or that postcard sunset
That woke up our animal instinct
All night I was impregnating in your smell
In the dark you're the light
And that's because you're the only goverment that governs me
Because you're the only government that governs me (x2)
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second (x2)
  • 1. A town in Formentera island
  • 2. A cape in the same island


Vittoria has blue eyes and she comes to the world upside down
I hear her crying, yes, I haven't seen her yet
She thinks by the window, a broken little curtain
And she has an upturned nose
That really isn't like mine, if she understood the times I write
To go away and invent, yes, a different world
And if she knew in the past how much time I've wasted
There's a revolution outside everything is in pieces
I'll put you on the heart so you won't think about it
And if I won a million I wouldn't know what to do with it
Don't leave your heart to those who make scratches on it
Which means some jerk, cause you'll later regret it
Look at the sky instead, among a thousand pains
Then I look at you while you're laughing, while you fall asleep
I have the feeling I had already got to know you
I write a song, ra-tara, tara-tara, ta
And while it blows somewhere else, the world spins upwind, it's crazy
If I had the words, ra-tara, tara-tara, ta
I'd tell you a thousand things, I'm learning from you, yes, a thousand stories
I'm learning from from you, yes, a thousand
Vittoria look up
You know it's not always easy, who's told you it's easy?
Looking at the world, standing, when you don't know it
And cutting some time for yourself following the lines
And there's too many of us in the world and it's full of assholes
And when outside it's raining too much, close your eyes
Deeply love what you're looking for, choosing is something to be proud of
And don't climb where you can't lean out
There's a revolution, it passes by and says 'sorry'
There's nothing worst than a closed mind
And when it's painful make up an excuse
I write a song, ra-tara, tara-tara, ta
And while it blows somewhere else, the world spins upwind, it's crazy
If I had the words, ra-tara, tara-tara, ta
I'd tell you a thousand things, I'm learning from you, yes, a thousand stories


[Verse 1: Joy Huerta]
I can feel it, yours are lies
And even if you try to pretend, I know that I'm another on your list
I also know how to have fun and here you are my conquest
[Pre-Chorus: Jesse Huerta]
Be careful, be careful
You don't know where you are stepping
Be careful, be careful
You don't know that you're burning
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
[Verse 2: Joy Huerta]
I won't ignore that you are in my thoughts
You know how to set fire with the flame that I carry inside,
But to clarify, I'm not talking about feelings, no
[Pre-Chorus: Jesse Huerta]
Be careful, be careful
You don't know where you are stepping
Be careful, be careful
You don't know that you're burning
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
[Bridge: Joy Huerta]
Take precautions, you are not the only one who has options
Whoever plays with candle is sure to burn one day
Take precautions, you are not the only one who has options
Whoever plays with candle is sure to burn one day
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire

March of the Land Forces

Noise of Hussar wings
still trembling in the songs
The memories of battles, of many victories,
dreams of freedom
We should respect these memories,
to the end of life
But the soldiers want to know more truthfully
what life is like
This song is about land forces
(about) 'Painted boys' (1) that everyone knows
When they unfold the wings of their shoulders
The ladies are keen to land in them
It is a joyful march of the land forces
You're playing this march on your hearty shoes
With the land forces there's nothing to fear (2)
You can look confidently at your future
The father with his Basia (3)
no longer shed tears (3)
Our people no longer have to (3)
beat the tarabans (4) as well (3)
Now: different soldiers,
a different order of the world
Nowadays, this order is guarded
by the flower of the Polish army
This song is about land forces
(about) 'Painted boys' (1) that everyone knows
When they unfold the wings of their shoulders
The ladies are keen to land in them
It is a joyful march of the land forces
You're playing this march on your hearty shoes
With the land forces there's nothing to fear (2)
You can look confidently at your future
For the one who has not perished yet (5),
the boys are serving today
For her (we gave) a work of our hands,
affection and thought
In the hearts lives the story
of romantic years
But today, land troops
are the modern world (6)
This song is about land forces
(about) 'Painted boys' (1) that everyone knows
When they unfold the wings of their shoulders
The ladies are keen to land in them
It is a joyful march of the land forces
You're playing this march on your hearty shoes
With the land forces there's nothing to fear (2)
You can look confidently at your future

Just do a little thing

Just do a little thing: just love,
Lighting up your candle-like heart!
Then like a fish in rivers' depth
You'll see another sky above you.
Just do a little thing: don't judge
Like the crowd which rejected the God.
You were born for the path forward
You haven't walked.
Just do a little thing: just love

Why are you not here?

Why are you not here? I miss you.
Only with you I am really myself.
When I fall asleep, I think back to those moments.
Hugging the pillow, I pretend it's you!
Why aren't you with me now, baby?
I sit alone and think constantly.
Everything I have means nothing without you.
I miss you and I feel that the breakup brings us closer to each other.
Every day I wake up only for you.
Good morning message, addiction.
Too bad you're not here, it's killing me.
How terrible it is that we can't meet now.
Heaven is so close, heaven is where you are.
Wait patiently - that's all that's left for me.
I know we can do it because we care about ourselves.
Even if I doubt it sometimes, my heart knows the answer.
We are probably chosen to fight hardships.
Which like a tsunami burst through doors and windows.
And it kidnap us, and everything we have, everything we have.
Why are you not here? I miss you.
Only with you I am really myself.
When I fall asleep, I think back to those moments.
Hugging the pillow, I pretend it's you!
I go asleep, we will meet in my dreams.
I hug my pillow, thinking I have you.
It might be weird that I tell myself so.
But it's better for me to think we're both lying here.
I dream about you again, I fight for you again.
I wake up again and I don't know if it's for real.
I am writing to you, you console me immediately.
It's just a dream that only confuses your mind.
How it is good that you are. I have support in you.
Thanks you, all bad things become a joke.
I laugh with you, I do not give in to difficulties.
I am as happy as a child and I don't want to grow up.
Nobody will understand what I feel about you.
Love is a wonderful condition and I will not spoil it.
I promise we will always be together.
We'll manage, even if we are separately, like today.
Why are you not here? I miss you.
Only with you I am really myself.
When I fall asleep, I think back to those moments.
Hugging the pillow, I pretend it's you!
Why are you not here? I miss you.
Only with you I am really myself.
When I fall asleep, I think back to those moments.
Hugging the pillow, I pretend it's you!