Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 490
On Christmas Day
On Christmas Day
is joy of all creation:
the birds fly to the shed,
They sing to Jesus.
At first, nightingale sings treble.
Goldfinch sings alto.
Starling sometimes sings tenor.
and the dove sings bass.
A cold sparrow, a poor bird,
the sings like a abecedarian.
God and a true man.
Mazurek with his son
chirps behind the chimney:
Suffer, suffer, suffer, dear Lord,
until the frost ceases.
And the cranes in their noses
they shout to the heavens
Pornește-mi pulsul
Când mama îmi spunea ”Tot este gol,
Și numai lucrurile reale merită ceva.
Și toate acestea în culisele unui teatru.
Și dacă nu există regizor, nu mai există cale de întoarcere.”
Însă eu, nu am înțeles profunzimea acestor cuvinte.
Nu am înțeles, că în această lume există dragoste.
Există lucruri, despre care doar trebuie să știm.
Și există momente, pentru care trebuie să devii bărbat.
Totul este foarte simplu, cele 7 păcate sunt banii și faima.
Și apoi ce, când mama se uite în ochi ?
Soarta decide, nu acel titlu ce l-a primit.
Și principalul lucru este dacă ai devenit o persoană.
Noi trebuie să dam mai mult, decât ce primim!
Aceasta este o lege simplă și e păcat să nu o cunoști!
Să ne propunem și să ne schimbăm tu și eu.
Până la urmă în această lume suntem o familie.
Pornește-mi pulsul, învață-mă să respir din nou
Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine!
Privește în mine și atinge-mi mâna.
Eu cu tine, eu cu tine, eu cu tine! Tu și eu.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Din nou orașele pâlpâie ca umbrele.
În mintea mea este iar ”Ziua Judecății”.
Sortând profunzimea tuturor acestor cuvinte
Însă, neînțelegând, ce să fac, unde este iubirea?
Și iată din nou singur într-un apartament gol.
Tot răul tebuie schimbat în lumea asta!
Însă, ce să fac, până la urmă tot în jurul meu este gol.
Și lucrurile adevărate valorează atât de puțin.
Există un răspuns, 7 păcate sunt banii și faima.
Tot esențialul se află în cuvinte simple, obișnuia să le numească mama.
Soarta decide nu acel profit ce i-a venit -
Și principalul lucru este dacă ai devenit o persoană.
Noi trebuie să dam mai mult, decât ce primim!
Aceasta este o lege simplă și e păcat să nu o cunoști!
Să ne propunem și să ne schimbăm tu și eu.
Până la urmă în această lume suntem o familie.
Pornește-mi pulsul, învață-mă să respir din nou
Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine!
Privește în mine și atinge-mi mâna.
Eu cu tine, eu cu tine, eu cu tine! Tu și eu.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Tu și eu.Pornește-mi pulsul.
Pornește-mi pulsul, învață-mă să respir din nou
Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine!
Privește în mine și atinge-mi mâna.
Eu cu tine, eu cu tine, eu cu tine! Tu și eu.
Dulce 16
Inima mea
Omite bătăile
Oricând ești lângă mine
Am încercat să o ascund
Dar nu pot face nimic
Prietenii mei sunt nebuni
Că tot ce vorbesc ești tu
Ca filmul meu preferat
Că mă tot repet
Vrei să fii cu tine toată ziua
tu ești 1
Pentru mine
Ma gandesc la tine in fiecare zi
Chiar dacă simt
vrei doar să te joci
Te iubesc și eu
Trăind în vis
Dulce 16 (x2)
Nu vreau să mă simt
Să plece
Nimeni nu m-a făcut vreodată
Simțiți-vă așa
Nu vreau să mă trezesc din acest vis
Dulce 16 (x2)
24 (patru), 7 de luni până luni
Parfumul meu este parfumul tău
Un inel nu ne unește
Pentru iubirile toxice suntem imuni
Îmi place de tine că nu devii gelos
Pentru înregistrare, al nostru este altceva
Și știi bine că te iubesc din inimă
La prima vedere, acest lucru a fost fără întârziere
Ca filmul meu preferat
Că mă tot repet
Vrei să fii cu tine toată ziua
tu ești 1 tu ești 1
Pentru mine
Ma gandesc la tine in fiecare zi
Chiar dacă simt
vrei doar să te joci
Te iubesc și eu
Trăind în vis
Dulce 16 (x2)
Nu vreau să mă simt
Să plece
Nimeni nu m-a făcut vreodată
Simțiți-vă așa
Nu vreau să mă trezesc din acest vis
Dulce 16 (x2)
Gdzie jest biały węgorz? (Zejście) [English Lyrics]
Versions: #1
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
Fuck, I’m having a bad acid trip
I can’t reach the stars
I’m lying there like a log
I can’t believe it
What’s going on
Clucking like a starving chicken
Howling to the moon like a werewolf
My head’s empty like a street
I’m in front of your house
Melting like a chocolate bar
That’s lying on the counter
Coming down is like not sniffing
Bro, my face is getting fucked up
My mind’s a mess
I’m not surprised by this state
I’m out of stock, I’m getting high in my mind
Maybe I’ll make it, maybe I won’t
I’ll just fucking sell everything in my house
Well, I’m fucked anyway
However, I already sold everything
Fuck, I’m struggling with the debts
Got a nose like Tabaluga
Second day without snorting
Where is the snake? White chemistry (biała chemia)
This comedown is fucking awful
It’s like a locust bit my dick
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
Chemparty, I wanna go skiing
To the dealer, not the Alps
Oh fuck, I think I’ll die
If I don't snort something soon
I want to touch the stars so badly
But none of that since I’m on a comedown
Total fucking mega comedown
And I’m dreaming of a “big entrance”
You got the money? I owe you one too?
Well, then fuck it, I’m not running today
I want to kick like a panther
There's no deals at the dealer
Not anymore, that’s for sure
I think death is breaking me down
I can’t swallow anything, I’ve got chills
Fuck, how much longer
Will this state last?
I dreamt of a van with coke
And a gram of heroin, just for flavor
I want to drive a Cadillac
In my thoughts, I run over my friends
But in reality, I owe something to everyone
Loan is not an option
Because I cut like scissors
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
A mess like on Discovery
I want to shoot myself out from a gun
I want heroin and other goodies
Nose so empty you can hear murmurs
Do you have Gargamel’s number?
Maybe he’s got heroin in his boiler?
I know I’m talking bullshit
But I’ve got nothing on the table
And my pockets are fucking empty
Winning the lottery would be useful
Or at least a four out of six
And I’d be flying like a swallow
Like Maya the Bee
And Kayah would be singing to my ear
This has to be a joke, I don’t believe it
I’m lying there like a dead animal
My fucking fever's getting worse
All ragged like a fakir’s ass
Like a dirty slut
I’m fucking burning up
Hey Johnny I’d like to sprinkle
And bounce around in the meadow like a rabbit
But all this time coming down
I wither like a torn out weed
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
I ask for nothing
There are no more regrets and no last-minute wishes...
Horses of life fly by - don’t expect a reprieve.
Perhaps, will be fruitful the remaining moment,
Perhaps there’s something I could learn from what was long-ago weaved.
There are no more regrets and no last-minute wishes -
What we had back then cannot be brought back.
What we had back then, I won’t be able to forget:
Neither stone-cold lies, nor the truth melancholy-black.
They say that memory grows weaker with age,
All that’s so difficult to forget dissipates in the haze!
It’s as if though time carries away old grief’s rage,
And wounds can be healed under time’s watchful gaze.
Time quietly went by. My hair highlights are silver grays.
But, sharper is the recollection of the bygone days.
There are no more regrets, and no last-minute wishes,
Perhaps the remaining moment will be fruitful.
Maybe, there is something to be learned from what memory unleashes.
Game of Seduction
Versions: #1
I will play the playful server
If you will play the lady mine
We cross a writhing rose
A few years' ways
Tonight, everything goes
Carry the way, right to the limit
Carry the way
Must, then, I play you
This is the game of seduction
We're thrown into the jungle
Nobody will come to our rescue
We think a single thought
Come, doors close
While indoors, still feeling
Carry the way, right to the limit
Carry the way
Must, then, I say you
This is the game of seduction
Carry the way, right to the limit
Carry the way
Must, then, I play you
This is the game of seduction
We think a single thought
The touch of your skin
Takes me away,
takes me away,
takes me away to the limit
Cât de mult m-ai rănit
--- 1 ---
Ai venit ca o lumină într-un dormitor întunecos
și am început să visez un mâine mai luminos
Apoi ai devenit un cuțit în mâna unui copil răsfățat
Și caietul inimii mele cu o picătură de sânge a fost pătat
Și caietul inimii mele cu o picătură de sânge a fost pătat
--- R ---
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit în tăcere
Aș vrea să plâng, dar mă tem de privirile stinghere
Ți-am spus că te iubesc și m-ai pedepsit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
... Mi-am amintit
--- 2 ---
Dintr-o crăpătură într-o celulă a singurătății
Imaginația mea a făcut o fereastră vieții
Măcar o dată să scap și liber să visez
Asta ar fi suficient pentru mine ca să evadez
Asta ar fi suficient pentru mine ca să evadez
--- R ---
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit în tăcere
Aș vrea să plâng, dar mă tem de privirile stinghere
Ți-am spus că te iubesc și m-ai pedepsit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
... Mi-am amintit
--- R ---
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit în tăcere
Aș vrea să plâng, dar mă tem de privirile stinghere
Ți-am spus că te iubesc și m-ai pedepsit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
Cât m-ai rănit, cât am suferit
Și că-mi spuneai că mă iubești mi-am amintit
... Mi-am amintit
See You Later
I don't have luck with love
and it's not my fault
I don't have a heart that knows how to love
Poor of him if he has to love
I don't have luck with love
and it's not my fault
I don't have a heart that knows how to love
Poor of him if he has to love
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
Come back, come back, come back
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle
You and me on a whim
But what are you doing here
But what are you doing tonight
Oh, yeah, baby, I'll pick you up
Why are you pulling your head
I'm on foot, right
Were you waiting for the car to come pick you up
She made me vice
So I retraced in his footsteps
She gave me a smile, so I went to approach her
She got to know me
But hey, you know, I didn't feel it
She thought i was lucky
But I was flushed
Yes, go ahead, don't worry
Tonight I'm elsewhere
You think of having a party
You are in all the flyers
You thought you saw me disappear, I come back every hour
I'm with my Dream-Tiiw
Yeah, every year bigger
I only have my heart
I’m done and close the door
You only talk and make fun of my
I’ll die in your poision
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
Come back, come back, come back
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle
One day spring will come
And take me home
And blue skies will open above my head
Spring will cry and hold me with her warmth
And I will rest my tearful face on her shoulder
Where have you been for so many years,
So many sleepy winters?
I'm so tired of keeping a secret that I'm loved
But the night is blackened by pain
I'm looking through the icy window
There's a transparent tape of reflection
And nothing more
Spring will come after me
With ringing sun into emptiness
She never lies
She knows that I'm waiting
Sayonara boy!
Sayonara boy!
Blood droplets on the sweatshirt, after a brawl in the parking lot
Exhausted sneakers, dragging me out of the party
Blood droplets on the sweatshirt, after a brawl in the parking lot
Exhausted sneakers, dragging me out of the party
[Verse 1]
Baby, drive me home
You may leave your car in the yard and get up with me
Baby, stop calling the doctors
I have booze and a few more rolls at home
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Thoughts about you in my head won't give me peice
Only you and me, only you and me know who I am
[Verse 2]
I'm drunk, wild and happy
Strange, quiet, sober, humble
For you and your ass
Let's fuck while wearing sneakers
Let's drink whiskey, fanta, cola
I'm drunk, wild and happy
Strange, quiet, sober, humble
For you and your ass
Let's fuck while wearing sneakers
Let's drink whiskey, fanta, cola
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Baby, look at the sky
Build me by piece, like the constructor Lego, Lego
Sayonara Boy!
Sayonara Boy!
(Sayonara Boy!)
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go
With You I Have Feeeling
[Intro: Astrid S & GABIFUEGO]
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
Ahh, ahh ah
(Astrid S) Ahh ah
Ahh ah
[Verse 1: Astrid S]
Yeah, I got a feeling
Higher than the ceiling
And my heartbeat never lies
Think I need a breather
See the way you linger
When you look into my eyes
Told myself to leave it
But I can't leave that thought
Of you and me tonight
Isn't gonna end right
Nothing more than friends, right?
Ahh, ah
[Refrain: Astrid S]
I can't get you out of my
Can't get you out of my head
You got a hold on me
Can't get you out of my head
[Pre-Chorus: Astrid S]
Watching out I see that this one likes it gentle
He doesn't want the night to end
And he looks me in the eye, worn out, doesn't know what to do
[Chorus: GABIFUEGO & Astrid S, Both]
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
I have, I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
I have, I have feeling
[Verse 2: GABIFUEGO]
She has me flying on the sky
I love, I love you
I wait for you on my bed
If I dare, let's go down
I show you my step, honey (Hey)
Like Condorito you leave me plop (1)
That waist is not Photoshop
Have a good time, it's not difficult
Come with me, babe
This night we go exactly to motel
I want to feel her hand touching my skin
[Pre-Chorus: GABIFUEGO & Astrid S]
Watching out I see that this one likes it gentle
He doesn't want the night to end
And he looks me in the eye, worn out, doesn't know what to do
[Chorus: GABIFUEGO & Astrid S, Both]
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
I have, I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
With you I have feeling
Ahh, ahh ah, ahh ah
I have, I have feeling
[Outro: GABIFUEGO & Astrid S, Both]
Ahh (GABIFUEGO), ahh ah
(Baby) Ahh ah (Move it, move it)
Ahh (77), ahh ah (Come on, ok)
Ahh ah (Come on, let's go), ahh ah (I have, I have feeling)
Ahh ah, ahh ah, ahh ah
(Astrid S)
Ahh ah, ahh ah, ahh ah
Selfish Beach
There's nothing in my mind
I'm laying on sands
The sun drips in me
My lips are in the cold water
There's warmth of my spirit on my skin
I've got wind of love around me
I thought I could stop time
In this way
No atom bomb
No poor children
Lost promises
All this grief
We don't have tomorrow
One hundred and fifty stars
One hundred and fifty stars in single file
in this damp night that tastes like marjoram
in this splendid night that tastes like mallow
one hundred and fifty stars in this hot night.
One hundred and fifty stars or one hundred and fifty-one
and me counting them in this lampblack sky
I count them again and again and let's do the tango
in this filthy night that tastes like mud.
Someone throws bombs and no one saw that coming
in this historic night without lapilli or lava
Someone throws bombs that look like toys
that kill people but spare the squirrels.
One hundred and fifty stars and more than a spark
in this hysterical night that tastes like chamomile
one hundred and fifty stars or one thousand and five hundred
and me counting them again and slowly falling asleep.
One hundred and fifty stars and a single star
in this hypocritical night that tastes like Coca-Cola
a night so friendly one can sleep in a sleeping bag
one hundred and fifty stars in the center of the sky.
Noise of nothing
Did you really believe
we would have spoken Esperanto?
Did you really believe it
or did you just hope so?
But what time is this
and what electricity
But what time is this
and what time will come
What will the weather be?
Can't you hear thunder?
Can't you hear thunder yet?
Can't you hear that sound?
It's far away but it seems to be drawing nearer
this music we have already heard.
Dad, there's a killer, don't let him knock at the door.
Dad, there's a fortune teller, don't let him speak.
Dad, there's a plasterer decked out in new clothes
there's the skin of an old snake
that was just hatched
and there's a loud noise of nothing
a loud noise of nothing.
Did you really believe
we would have spoken about love?
Did you really believe it
or did you just hope so in your heart?
Today, eyes shout to eyes
and mouths sit and watch
and ears see nothing
between Babel and the global village.
Dad, there's a killer, don't let him knock at the door.
Dad, there's a fortune teller, don't let him speak.
Dad, there's a plasterer decked out in new clothes,
there's the skin of an old snake
that was just hatched
and there's a loud noise of nothing
a loud noise of nothing.
Ego, believe me
is your only enemy
When you see a similarity
no, that's not your personality
Hearts on Fire
I am•like (dark) night ...
and You are, like (clear) day ...
What would be of me,
if it dawned and you wouldn't be there ...
What would be of me without thee ...
and what would be of thee...whithout me
I am, (just) like one rock ...
that dies and dries of thirst in the sun ...
and You, are the rain ...
that caresses my skin and entrails ...
What would be of me without thee ...
and what would be of thee...whithout me
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
Hearts on Fire,
lovers of the sun ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire ...
hearts on fire ...
Hearts on Fire,
are we the both ...
I am, like the spring (season) ....
and You, like greenhouse's flower ...
I know that each year you wait for me
to loving and say us 'I Love You ...'
What would be of me whithout thee ...
and what would be of me...whithout thee
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire,
lovers of the sun ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire ...
hearts on fire ...
Hearts on Fire,
are we the both ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
Hearts on Fire ...
Are we the both ...
Noapte bună floricică
Noapte bună, noapte bună dragostea mea,
noapte bună, între telefon și cer.
Îți mulțumesc că m-ai uimit,
și că mi-ai jurat că e adevărat.
Porumbul pe câmpuri e matur
și am mare nevoie de tine.
Pătura e înghețată și vara s-a sfârșit,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Noapte bună, noapte bună floricică,
noapte bună, între stele și cameră
să te visez, trebuie să te am aproape,
și nu e încă destul de aproape.
Acum o rază de soare s-a oprit
Chiar deasupra biletului meu expirat,
între fulgii tai de zăpadă, frunzele tale de ceai,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Noapte bună, noapte bună bănuț,
noapte bună, între mare și ploaie
tristețea va trece mâine dimineață
și inelul va rămâne pe plajă.
Păsările mici în vânt nu se rănesc niciodată,
au aripi mai mari decât mine
și de la răsărit la apus
sunt singure în soare,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Coconut Water
Hey, bae, you wanted to play again (ya)
Sorry, but I gotta go soon (ah-ah-ah)
You stayed here up until morning (ah)
Bankroll again, he was right it turned out
Vetements are your tips (tips)
Baby, ice tea's melting on my hands (ice tea)
She knows my style (tea)
Sorry, baby, I ain't a star
Your moves are fake (eeh)
White coco's a snow
She wants my success
Baby needs only
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, sucks on your neck
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Coconut water (bitch), coconut water (wow)
On my neck, sucks on your neck (poom)
Coconut water, coconut water (bitch)
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Her glass is full of X.O (wha?)
One bitch's not enough, I want more (bitch)
All your bad boys are nothing (ye)
She won't shut her mouth, I close the account (cash)
Baby wants Coconut Chanel, she's an Instagram model (ya)
Cristal on the bed, luxe hotel (ya)
She no need more, she loves enough of this shit (hm)
And how's she playing with you from sparkling wine (dzing)
So what if she's yours, it's not your fault (ye-ah)
Bitch's having a crush on you, only when she's drunk (oh, ya)
Yeah, The Limba's with me, baby, it ain't a game (ye)
A night on Tarantino — money, cards, two pistols (ha)
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, sucks on your neck
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Coconut water (bitch), coconut water (wow)
On my neck, sucks on your neck (poom)
Coconut water, coconut water (bitch)
On my neck, two chains on your neck
This bitch loves coconut (ha)
Her life's in slow mo (ha-ha-ha, bitch)
The Ego
Versions: #1
More and more silent and thus alone i am
In my world of loneliness
And veiled 'tis my soul
by such a mistrust feeling
From all the words i lie down, dear love of mine
Shown so well to the eye it is
The same indiference
For others and for thee
Fire And Passion
You don't know how much they have talked about us...
They think because we are lovers, we are shameless.
It's hard to know how deep we are in...
If only they knew I love you like nothing else in the world!
They say our love is something forbidden,
that I have my wife, and you, your husband...
They say we don't care at all, not even our kids,
that we don't deserve anything but punishment...
We don't live on what they'll say,
because people loose talk...
A paper is not happiness,
I love you, and that's the truth.
They don't know...
All our love is pure,
it's fire and passion, which will never die,
I assure you.
We are doomed by our love,
They say our love is immoral,
we are just lovers, nothing else.
They say we are the shame of the place,
they don't know...
All our love is pure,
it's fire and passion, which will never die,
I love you, I swear.
Our Party
Our dreams are bold
and our palm is powerful,
where dwellings were destroyed,
a new marble house is being built there.
It is our Party's will,
it is our Party's voice and initiative
give flight to dreams
and power to hands.
We were building the Party to
let Poland build today for us,
for our days, for our dreams, for our yearnings
our working and powerful land.
We were building the Party to
let Poland build today for us,
for our days, for our dreams, for our yearnings
our working and powerful land.
From dawn until late,
the sound of hammers is heard,
it's people are forge happiness
in giant forges.
Oh, lead us, Party, into the future,
strength will not be lost on the way.
On the Oder and on the Vistula
we wash the dust off our faces.
Rugăciunea mea
Cresc încetișor.
Nu vreau să fac multă gălăgie,
Spiritul meu de copil
Să nu se sperie de urletele tale.
M-au învățat să fiu puternică
Pe teritoriul dușmaniului.
Vreau să-mi vezi visele,
Să-mi binecuvântezi pașii.
Vreau doar să vorbesc cu Tine.
Vreau doar să vorbesc cu Tine.
Dacă ești acolo sus,
De-ai fi materializat sau energie,
Azi mă rog Ție
Pentru nebunii supărați pe viață,
Pentru cei doi îndrăgostiți,
Pentru acea fetiță mărunțică,
Pentru cei plini de temeri,
Pentru cei buni, cei răi
Și pentru propriul meu infern.
Azi mă rog Ție.
Azi nu mă grăbesc.
Nu vreau să respir,
Simt că aerul e prea tare
Și îmi e greu până și să cânt.
Văd umbre, nu oameni.
Văd mâini fără paloare.
Of, frică, îndepărtează-te,
Căci lumea e prea crudă!
Vreau doar să vorbesc cu Tine.
Vreau doar să vorbesc cu Tine.
Dacă ești acolo sus,
De-ai fi materializat sau energie,
Azi mă rog Ție
Pentru nebunii supărați pe viață,
Pentru cei doi îndrăgostiți,
Pentru acea fetiță mărunțică,
Pentru cei plini de temeri,
Pentru cei buni, cei răi
Și pentru propriul meu infern.
Dacă ești acolo sus,
De-ai fi materializat sau energie,
Azi mă rog Ție
Pentru nebunii supărați pe viață,
Pentru cei doi îndrăgostiți,
Pentru acea fetiță mărunțică,
Pentru cei plini de temeri,
Pentru cei buni, cei răi
Și pentru propriul meu infern.
Azi mă rog Ție.
Storm Prince
The sharp light
Dancing in the air
Inviting the storm
The prince
The death agony
I love to hear it
Your soul
I will cut it up
Varia's number one
Skilled in battle sense
Prince the Ripper
It's not a gallantry
Look at the sinking royalty sacred blood
The revival of the deep crimson excitement
The cruelty of my arts
Everything in this world will be cut up
The cold light
Will corner you down
The raging waves' tricks
The genius
Only losing
I won't allow it
The prince's instinct
The winner is me
Mafia's heart
Will be dyed by fear
Prince the Ripper
It's about me
I can't stop the rising excitement
The innocent nakedness
The cruel nature
Everything in this world will be cut up
'Ushishishi ushishishi ushishishi'
Look at the sinking royalty sacred blood
The revival of the deep crimson excitement
The merciless longing
I can't stop the rising excitement
The innocent nakedness
The cruel nature
Everything in this world will be cut up
Renault Fuego
a purple sweater and
corduroy pants
he picked her up in his new renault fuego
los planetas were playing along with the highway's rage
suddenly she was in the car
and without rushing she asked
hey, where are you taking me
and how much more time will you take
it's just because I need to get home for dinner
they had fun for a while
two hours to be precise
he made her panic a bit
and she kept thinking
hey, where are you taking me
and how much more time will you take
it's just because I need to get home for dinner
it may be that there's no car and
almost all of this is made up
it's better to come up with a good ending
to not think about...
hey, where did you go
and how much more time will you take
it's just because I need to tell you that I really like you
I really liked you
The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The moments, the moments, the moments are passing in a hurry,
Many flowers have withered since then,
Our wings have grown,
Our wings have grown,
And we got lost in the big world.
The fields woke up, the larks sang,
And the spring was like today.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The light of first love
Spring, you are my love!
The best in you
Where is the best of times?
Seems that it’s somewhere.
But it’s not here, it’s not next to me.
It’s difficult for me to spell
The best of names.
But I really need to do this.
And I can’t accept my fate
If it’s not similar
To yours.
And I don’t want to take your heart
Away from the people
Who can no longer be without you.
I know only the best in you.
I'm not afraid to suffocate from love.
We don’t live in a dream
But I still can't wake up.
I’ll say “I love you”. It’s forever.
Even though it’s funny, even though someone will laugh at me.
The cities’ lights look like constellations.
And our planes will take different paths.
Let the hundreds of random people
Look for the random tragedies
And attract these tragedies to them like magnets.
Sorrow will grind us.
But who will be the first?
We’re cemented together.
I just want you to know that
We can’t stop the time
Or move out of the way of life around the bend.
Everyone will have his own paradise.
But I will take our tender days
And sheet music with me.
I know only the best in you.
I'm not afraid to suffocate from love.
We don’t live in a dream
But I still can't wake up.
I’ll say “I love you”. It’s forever.
Even though it’s funny, even though someone will laugh at me.
The cities’ lights look like constellations.
And our planes will take different paths.
How many days after you I gathered my soul
I have stopped counting.
While you broke the bed with others,
Love broke in me
I questioned you a little bit, but you're selfish,
selfish, you fall asleep and with a clear conscience.
To every woman you love
whore you name her
let my heart recover
I am tired and sick
Let me be clay in your hands
You crushed your favorite
instead the heart hurts
There is a sick ego in you.
It was love for a day, you're about to leave home
weeks at home
I barely get up and knock me out
with a new lie on your back.
I questioned you a little bit, but you're selfish,
selfish, you fall asleep and with a clear conscience.
To every woman you love
whore you name her
let my heart recover
I am tired and sick
Let me be clay in your hands
You crushed your favorite
instead the heart hurts
There is a sick ego in you.
Versions: #1
I can’t be with you and without you.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear...
This is Egor Kreed!
I feel your scent on my sweater.
I’ll put my arm over my eyes and I’ll feel you standing in front of me again.
We’ve said “goodbye” to each other at the wrong moment.
And again at down I’m going home on autopilot.
Oh man, I’m changing hotels, I’m sick of these models in my bed.
I’m confused again. I write a message and then I delete it.
I still have feelings for you. Ignore it.
And don’t think about me each time you’re with him.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
Moments have yelled at my soul to sense the emotions.
I won’t write about my thoughts because my doubts have blocked them.
I will drink all the love till I become drunk.
Maybe it’s stupid but I don’t give a sh*t what other people think.
Stop it! Again I’m attracted to the thing that isn’t attractive anymore.
It’s the story of two psychos. And who will tell them what to do?
I still have feelings for you. Ignore it.
And don’t think about me each time you’re with him.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I’ve made you up for me.
Or I’ve made me up for you.
I’ve made up the world in which
All disputes aren’t resolved by shouts but kisses.
But I just want to win.
It’s your turn. Place the “X” in the middle.
This game always ends in a draw.
Why can’t we just be together?
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
Time to shake it off and throw it away Start a fire now
Come on in without hesitation
Avoid the sign that's turning on, it's a warning yeah
I'm corrupted and thirsty I want you
The sides of me that are hidden The other side
My sleeping instincts are reflected in my heart
(Wait it Wait it No more
Wait it Wait it No more)
Wake up the me that is hidden underneath a veil
(Everyday you)
You'll be able to find me
(All night)
Don't stop No one can have everything they want
Nobody Nobody No yeah
Ego like savage
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
Wake up my toxic
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
You keep barging in without stopping
You claw everything up and reveal it Right up my everything
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you
My limit is fatal
Close off your heart and run away beforehand
Or you might become my meal Maybe
What's the purpose Hey, get it?
Don't you dare look away You're falling deeper inside
Be afraid I'm going to take you away Uh
I can't stop I'm longing for it
Run away before it's too late Run Run
If there's no gaps I'll rip it apart
What I need is to look at the truth that's hidden inside the darkness
(Show me Show me Warning
Show me Show me Warning)
What more do you want, I won't give it to you easily
(Everyday you)
You'll be able to find me
(All night)
Don't stop No one can have everything they want
Nobody Nobody No yeah
Ego like savage
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
Wake up my toxic
(Want it, Burn it, Shout out)
You keep barging in without stopping
You claw everything up and reveal it Right up my everything
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you
Up and down without any breaks
You keep hypnotizing me, my eyes are wandering Baby
You still can't have me
Ego like savage
Wake up my toxic
I'm going to control the you that's inside of me
Fall deep and be hypnotized by my whispers
Bring it on I'll grab you and swallow you whole
I'm going crazy like you