Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 15
Petrecere la Dr. Hermes
Viața e o mâncare care se răcește.
„Nu mai stați și așteptați”,
Le spunea doctorul Hermes invitaților care ajungeau.
Intrați și veți vedea.
Știți deja despre ce e vorba.
Aici se află conducerea supremă, floarea florilor și crema cremelor.
Dacă intenționați să distrugeți sau să mușamalizați vreun decret,
Aici va fi cineva care cunoaște pe cineva care cunoaște pe cineva.
Ce e rău în a cere o favoare
Pentru un beneficiu sau pentru altă favoare?
Iar favorizatul va fi un nou prieten
Care ne va datora mereu o favoare.
Și așa începe să se țese
Pânza în care se cuibărește puterea.
Aici nu e nici foc, nici fum, dar se gătesc de toate.
Petrecere la doctor Hermes (x2)
Și dacă vreți să urcați și în vârf să ajungeți (și dacă vreți să urcați)...
Și dacă vreți să dezbinați ca apoi să cuceriți (și dacă vreți să dezbinați, bine ați venit)...
Bine ați venit la petrecere.
Cei care rămân afară se uită și vorbesc cu dispreț.
Totul are un preț.
Or fi aici conspirații, dar sunt de toate în afară de proști.
Și chiar dacă nu trebuie semnat vreun contract,
Nimeni nu poate ieși, după ce a intrat.
Așa că doctorul nu e obligat să spună
„Eu v-am spus de la început”.
Să oferi, doar ca să primești,
Îmseamnă să negociezi ca să ajungi sus
Și din când în când să le dai câte ceva celor neinvitați.
Petrecere la doctor Hermes...
Petrecere la doctor Hermes... (și dacă vreți să urcați).
Și dacă vreți să urcați și în vârf să ajungeți (și dacă vreți să urcați)...
Și dacă vreți să dezbinați ca apoi să cuceriți (și dacă vreți să dezbinați, bine ați venit)...
Bine ați venit la petrecere.
Se spune să suntem
Secta infamă a unui club dubios,
Că stăm mereu
Departe de lumina reflectoarelor
Și că petrecerea e doar pentru unii.
Sunt beția
Fața nefastă al favorului și nepotismului,
Dar nu ascund
Cu ale lor Bugatti
Că sunt dintr-o mafie sau de la iluminatti.
Ei ar face orice ca să toasteze aici,
Suferă de conspirafobie și așa le merge.
Critică, dar singurul lucru care îi interesează
E să poate să muște o bucată din tort.
Sunt masoneria care controleză sistemul.
Sunt cei cu resentimente pe care îi arde invidia.
Păziți-vă spatele,
Feriți-vă gâtul:
Aici, noi
I Love Myself
Versions: #1
I love my looks
Such a perfect man
I'm the greatest ever
I take no advice
From wise or old ones
A mirror is my only enemy
I'd like to go to the moon
To see how the world looks without me
I love myself as the earth loves the sun
I love myself as Narcissist as I am
I love myself, I drew a heart
With 'Myself and I' on it
I love myself
I got so many girls around me
All stunning and wealthy
But none of them deserves me
'Cause I don't go around breaking hearts
I get off looking at my own picture
And even if I don't believe in any god
I pray for reencarnation to stop
I love myself as the earth loves the sun
I love myself as Narcissist as I am
I love myself, I drew a heart with 'Myself and I' on it
I love myself
I only get along with myself
The world revolves around me
Speak a lot about my life
And I never hear what others tell me
I belong to my own cult
I'm my ideal match
And yes, that's who I am:
A toast for myself
Zombie Apocalypse
Versions: #1
Come on, come on, follow me,
Let's go all together, everybody at the same time,
Always forward, it doesn't matter what for,
Zero commitment, zero stress,
Get out of the hole and let's travel through the way,
Dragging everything away, devouring with no respite,
A bad crowd without any narrative or sense,
If you think here, you lose, if you think, you're lost.
There's no more tomorrow or yesterday,
It's just about today,
Yeah, logic and reason,
We all want the same here!
And they see us wander,
Feeling the fear on their skin,
Because they'll never know where we came from.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Uh, this virtual simulation,
Copy and paste, use and dispose,
We follow the pack, the soulless herd,
Demanding more of everything but without thinking at all,
They created us but now they fear us,
Because they can't manipulate what we want,
Only by instinct we go to the extreme,
And we multiply by infection and with no will.
And they can't stand that we don't care about the power,
And with their false morality, they will never subjugate us,
Because this lethal virus takes away their identities,
That was normal before we appeared though.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Zombie filming his own shadow,
Zombie clapping for the trendy zombie,
Automaton zombie, mediatic zombie,
Viral zombie, superstar zombie,
Zombies watching other soulless zombies,
Telling them from the screen,
'Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten'.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, [x6]
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten,
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten.
Mă iubesc
Îmi place aspectul meu
De bărbat așa perfect.
Eu sunt cel mai bun din lume.
Nici de la înțelepți, nici de la bătrâni
Nu accept sfaturi.
Unicul meu rival e oglinda.
Mi-ar plăcea să merg pe Lună,
Ca să văd cum e lumea fără mine.
Mă iubesc, cum iubește Pământul Soarele.
Mă iubesc, ca un narcisist ce sunt.
Mă iubesc. Am desenat o inimă
Pe care scrie „eu și eu”.
Mă iubesc.
Am atâtea fete
Frumoase și bogate,
Dar niciuna nu e demnă de mine.
De asta nu îmi petrec timpul frângând inimi.
Mă marturbez privindu-mi fotografia.
Și chiar dacă eu nu cred în niciun Dumnezeu,
Mă rog să nu existe reîncarnare.
Mă iubesc, cum iubește Pământul Soarele.
Mă iubesc, ca un narcisist ce sunt.
Mă iubesc. Am desenat o inimă pe care scrie „eu și eu”.
Mă iubesc.
Eu mă înțeleg bine doar cu mine.
Eu sunt buricul târgului.
Vorbesc mult despre viața mea,
Iar când alții vorbesc, eu niciodată nu ascult.
Fac parte din propria-mi sectă.
Sunt partenerul meu ideal.
Și da, eu sunt așa!
De asta cinstesc în cinstea mea.
Nothing here, nothing there
Nothing to say, nothing to explain
Today, not even the sun will shine on me
Nothing to prove, nothing to pretend
Nothing to judge, nothing to avoid
Today, no one will hear my voice
So many lights, so many looks, what are they staring at?
So much darkness, so much darkness
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I feel the power of seeing without being seen
When no one notices me is
When I know that I exist
I'm not Mephistopheles (hey!)
Nor the Antichrist (ah!)
I don't hide for pleasure, but out of necessity
Like Houdini, unpredictable
Without magic or charms I become invisible
And unmoved, I dig my war's trenches
Pleading: 'Earth, swallow me!'
I may be real, I may be fiction
Only material or just an illusion
but I have control
And although I know that I'll never see him
I know there's someone else who must have
the same intentions that I do.
Essential things aren't seen by the eyes, that's why some days I choose not to be...
And that is my truth, and that is my truth
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I've gotten used to being transparent
Among the crowd, I don't see myself as being present
And I feel absent, only when I fade away
Wells wrote about me, Dalí painted me
But no one understands why I'm the way I am
If they ask how I'm doing, nobody answers
Not everything has an answer!
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
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Gaucho Power
This gaucho doesn't bend down
He marches with the head held high
And before any situation
He doesn't give up easily, no
In the adversity he gets high and mighty
And though he doesn't boast
He knows he carries the bravery in his walk
Like this, yeah, yeah, yeah!
And embraces his freedom
Because he lost it once
And the land he loves the most
Is the land that saw him be born
When its his turn for suffering
His bravery makes him grow
Spread that power!
Everybody knows
I have the gaucho power
I live and fight with it
(And I take it wherever I go!)
When there's no scape
I use the gaucho power
Don't get too close
(If I touch you, I pass it to you!)
When he feels there's disdain
In the look of some fool
He pays no mind
Because he knows who he is
The tradition lits the fire
And not the grey ash
And this way his flame burns in time
Like this, yeah, yeah, yeah!
He doesn't mind to cover up
His rudeness and pride
When he kneels strongly before the love of a woman
And if somebody touches his honor, his guts talk for him
Spread that power! (Uh!)
Everybody knows
I have the gaucho power
I live and fight with it
(And I take it wherever I go!)
When there's no scape
I use the gaucho power
Don't get too close
(If I touch you, I pass it to you!)
Oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh
(Hey, hey! gaucho power!)
Oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh
(Hey, hey! gaucho power!)
(And in the night, the Southern cross guides me)
I'm a bull in my ring and bigger in other rings
(And in the night, the Southern cross guides me)
I'm a bull in my ring and bigger in other rings
I'm a bull in my ring and bigger in other rings
(I'm not dazzled, I'm not dazzled, I'm not dazzled by the will-o'-wisp)
(I'm not dazzled, I'm not dazzled, I'm not dazzled by the will-o'-wisp)
(Spread that power, spread that power!)
Everybody knows
I have the gaucho power
I live and fight with it
(And I take it wherever I go!)
When there's no scape
I use the gaucho power
Don't get too close
(If I touch you, I pass it to you!)
Oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh
(Hey, hey! gaucho power!)
Oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh, oh oh ooooh oh oh
(Hey, hey! gaucho power!)
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Little Leti
Little Leti has lung cancer
And Dr Fagundez said this was caused
By the cigarrette smoke of a cruel photographer
Who took porn pics of her and uploaded them on internet
Little Leti lost a pregnancy
And Dr Fagundez said this happened
Because her angry father jumped over her belly
Because Leti didn't sell a single candy at the bus
Little Leti was crushed by a truck
And Dr Fagundez said this happened
Scaping from the asylum, running from the carer
Who abused her minutes ago
Little Leti
Little Leti
Little Leti
Little Leti
Little Leti died that day
And about Dr Fagundez nobody knew
That he was Leti's father but he always hid it
And besides he was photographer and asylum carer
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Introduction of the Quartet Los Bedronclos
Look bro, it's a goal
the new beat of the Quartet
we Los Bedronclos are good and we get wet
only when we take a shower
On the bass is Santiago
he's a champion playing
he's catholic and goes to mass
without pants nor underpants
and the nuns relax him
and he answers, stop
you eat friar balls
I just show them
On the guitar is Riki
with an important problem
when he was little
everyone were tickling his balls
and now that they grew
they stopped mocking him
there were so many ticklings
that now he has nothing
On the drums is Alvarito
the guy is a casanova
but he suffers impotence
if he ends in the bed
and the girlfriend says
come on man please
but wait a moment
for the Targifor to make effect
And I'm Robertito
well known molester
I rape anything in hand
whether if it's man or woman
and I was screwing an old woman
and she said, stop
don't be mean robertito
don't you see I'm your mom
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Uruguay 1, Brazil 1
I went on vacations with my girlfriend to Porto Alegre
we got our bags ready and we took the TTL
It was a match day, Uruguay and Brazil were playing
but we got late and I couldn't listen or see it
I got off on the station and I asked a guy
how did the game ended can você tell mim
The brazilian was crying, uruguay won brazil lost
The brazilian was crying, uruguay won brazil lost
For Globo and Bandeirantes it was all a nightmare
Uruguay won 1-0 on the last play with a knee goal
I went with my girlfriend to celebrate that night
we ate shrimps and drank velho barreiro
but I drank too much and I think I got drunk
and while I was falling I remembered that guy
The brazilian was crying, uruguay won brazil lost
The brazilian was crying, uruguay won brazil lost
The brazilian was crying The brazilian was crying
The brazilian was crying The brazilian was crying
I woke up next day alone at the hotel
and I no longer remembered what happened that night
then I heard some laughs and I looked over the window
and I saw the brazilian kissing my girl
the perverted was shouting uruguay lost brazil won
the perverted was shouting uruguay lost brazil won
I returned on the TTL with the low ehad
thinking that life gives rematches like in football
and evaluating the result I think I didn't got too bad
I got a tie as visitor after all
And when I was returning I was shouting uruguay tied brazil tied
And when I was returning I was shouting uruguay tied brazil tied
The brazilian was crying The brazilian was crying
Madureira was crying The brazilian was crying
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
After few months
That destiny joined us
When we were born siamese
A body with two heads
Mine rules in the bottom
Me from the belly to the top
Me the legs
Me the arms
They tried to separate us
For doing ugly things to each other
I drank laxatives
And I had diarrhea
I was flirting with the women
But I was screwing them
You had an itchy ball
But you were scratching it for me
They tried to separate us
For hating us little by little
I was blowing your nose
And you made me eat the snots
Finally we took courage
We risked our lives
And we passed by the saw
At the butcher shop
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
You're a very pretty girl
You're a very pretty girl
I knew it when I touched a boob
It was soft, round and clear
Anyway a very pretty boob
I might date with that girl
I knew it by caressing your buttock
And I said damn. It's a beautiful buttock
I'd like to spread seaweed cream on it
You're doubtlessly a goddess
Because when I saw you laying naked
I thought of asking help to Christ, Allah and Buddha
For our intercourse to be awesome
I deduced that you were someone unusual
By carrying out the sexual act
Becuase it was weird and normal, bizarre and natural
It was healthy, pure, wicked and brutal
But then I changed my mind
Because you passed a bad gonorrhea on me
And I called you dirty, ugly bitch
I blamed you for synthesise the gonorrhea
And now here comes the fun part
Not only my dick itches, I have AIDS
Goddamned pervert, you fucked up my life
My life is going downwards and not upwards
And after all it's all over
What began as a screw, ended in a screw
But though a good screw has killed me
I'll be dust, but dust in love.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The neighbourhood's whore
The friends call her Marita and her name is Rosario
but we all call her the neighbourhood's whore
She laid with the store man and the inspector
and that's how she became the neighbourhood's whore
My mom is a sensitive woman and lovely
as she lives in front she calls her the in front whore
She was doing it to the altar boy when she went to the confessional
praying the Ave Maria, the neighbourhood's whore
She suck the sock to a director of the Mortgage Bank
and that's how she got a home, the neighbourhood's whore
Of having so much in and out she got an ovarian cancer
said the doctor in the bad about the neighbourhood's whore
And as I didn't want to be sad and lonely
I had to get married with the neighbourhood's whore
And I always cry when I remember on every anniversary
that my wife was once the neighbourhood's whore
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I'm Alvin, the drummer
I'm Alvin the drummer
I want to introduce myself today
Because nobody knows me
Always alone, always in the back
On the interviews, my fellows
Never let me talk
And the photographers always ask me
'Get off man, get out'
My mice never works
That's why I can't sing
And they put the cymbals too high
So nobody can look at me
He's Alvin the drummer
He wants to introduce himself today
Because nobody knows him
Always alone, always in the back
When the girls come
To ask for autographs
They only request the pen
But not that I sign them
I'm Alvin the drummer
I'm going back to my place
As a good goalkeeper
Always alone, always in the back
He's Alvin the drummer
He's going back to his place
As a good goalkeeper
Always alone, always in the back
As a good goalkeeper
Always alone, always in the back
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I no longer know what do do with myself
Versions: #2
I've already had to go to mass forced, I've already played on the piano 'Für Elise'
I've already Learned to fake my smile, I've already walked on the edge
I've already changed my bed's place, already did comedy, already did drama
I was solid and I went out on a limb, I've already been a good boy and had a bad reputation
I was already ethical and I was erratic, I was already skeptical and I was fanatical
I was already apathetic and I was methodical, I was already shameless, I was chaotic
I've already read Artur Conan Doyle, I've already moved from gas to diesel
I've already read Breton and Moliere, I've already slept on a mattress and on a box spring
I've already changed my hair color, I've already been against and I've been in favor
What gave me pleasure now gives me pain, I've already been to the other side of the counter
And I hear a voice that says without reason
'You're always changing, you don't change any more'
And I am becoming every time more the same
I no longer know what to do with myself
I've already drowned in a glass of water, I've already planted coffee in Nicaragua
I've already tried my luck in the USA, I've already played russian roulette
I've already believed in martians, I've already been an ovo-lacto vegitarian
Sane, I've been still and I've been a gypsy, I've already been still and I've been in deep trouble
I did courses in mythology, but the gods laughed at me
I saved goldsmith scraping by and rythmology I am applying it here
I've already tried, I've already smoked, I've already drank, I've already left, I've already signed, I've already traveled, I've already paid
I've already suffered, I've already eluded, I've already hurried, I've already assumed, I've already gone, I've already returned, I've already faked, I've already lied
And among so many falsehoods many of my lies have become truths
I've made difficulties easy and have complicated myself in simplicities
And I hear a voice that says with reason
'You're always changing, you don't change any more'
And I am becoming every time more the same
I no longer know what to do with myself
I've already given myself a (surgical) lifting, I've gotten a piercing, I've been to see the Dream Team and there was no feeling
I've tatooed Che on a buttock, above mommy so it won't come out
I've already laughed and given a damn about things and people that now scare me
I've fasted for useless causes, and I've already gorged on chicken on a spit
I've already been to the psychologist, been to the theologist, been to the astrologyst, been to the oenologist
I've already been an alcoholic and I've groveled, I've already been anonymous, and I've already been on a diet
I've already thrown rocks and spits at the place where I now work
And my file says out the ass, that i've been good and i've made a mess
And I hear a voice that says without reason
'You're always changing, you don't change any more'
And I am becoming every time more the same
I no longer know what to do with myself
And I hear a voice that says without reason
'You're always changing, you don't change any more'
And I am becoming every time more the same
I no longer know what to do with myself
I put a name to my insecurity
I gave it a face, eyes, and a voice
It always comes when I call it [exact: When I call it, it always comes to my call]
So I talk to it and no longer feel alone [exact: And so I talk to it and feel accompanied]
When I find myself faced with a decision [exact: when I stand in front of a decision]
Sometimes I think a lot
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
Sometimes I think a lot
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
Sometimes I think a lot
I put a name to my loneliness
To nostalgia, to fear and to pain
So when they appear like shadows at my back
I can face them alone, without shield or sword
Because I also put a name to my bravery
Sometimes I think a lot
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
Sometimes I think a lot
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
And so I recognize my fears
I face them and I could sleep
I can name them and see them
I can speak to them and hear them
So I stop running, being a hostage
I baptized them with names I chose myself
so that it was like a talisman
that protects me from evil
How difficult it is at times to understand
Who is who
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
Sometimes I think a lot
This happens to me when I think too much
This happens to me when I think too much
Sometimes I think a lot