Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 3


Every man for himself

Many are not here anymore,
must mean it was supposed to end up this way,
time runs faster than me
every man for himself, I think for myself, you think for yourself
Some others, I haven't seen them in a while,
I don't know whether I can still believe them or not
time runs faster than me
every man for himself
Here's the situation, a thousand projects in my head and after this summer
I see again faces I had forgotten
if not that I'm on tv you call me brother
don't ask me how I'm doing, as how you're doing
I don't know who is sincere and who isn't, if I'm on top i have
the 25th hour on my g-shock
I hadn't come back to the 'hood for a while
some ended up in the working site, other in chains, I was lucky
I think about the winter evenings
in two on the booster or in the parking lot, smoking in circles
without worrying that sooner or later you grow and change for the worse
I'm not talking about the way you look, I mean inside
My old man would always tell me:
to trust is good not to trust is better, remember you roots,
Who finds a friend, finds a treasure... really?
How come when you find a treasure they're all your friends
As years pass, gangs disbandle,
couples break up, nostalgia has a strange charm
it ain't me you're looking for anymore, and viceversa,
no buts, no ifs, every man for himself
Many are not here anymore,
must mean it was supposed to end up this way,
time runs faster than me
every man for himself, I think for myself, you think for yourself
Some others, I haven't seen them in a while,
I don't know whether I can still believe them or not
time runs faster than me
every man for himself
We won't meet anymore
not even when you're down
'cause turning back is not for me anymore
every man for himself, me on my road, you on yours,
do you really wish you were me,
alone and high in a hotel room
friends and girls are all ex by now
and do you want fame only to lose yourself?
How many clothes I own, but I wear one at a time,
and for what it's worth it's not cash that turns you around
we take these diamonds to out tombstones
after these lovers killed us like mantises
one of my brothers now is a lawyer
and I think I'm not good enough for him now
another is a pusher and he has been pushed too much
and I thinks I'm a star and I got away
but I live this sheet and I sing a slice
of reality, bro, I never broke off,
and I chose, while the world is sleeping, to stay awake,
your new boyfriend is not much better
and now that I'm no longer in your bed
you see me every day when you turn on your laptop
and I have less and less time and it gets more and more narrow
for me to say what hasn't been said yet
Many are not here anymore, must mean it was supposed to end up this way,
time runs faster than me, every man for himself, I think for myself, you think for yourself
Some others, I haven't seen them in a while,
I don't know whether I can still believe them or not
time runs faster than me
every man for himself
We won't meet anymore
not even when you're down
'cause turning back is not for me anymore
every man for himself, me on my road, you on yours,

Să uit cine eram

Ma gandeam la mine
sunt un om aici jos ca multi
care isi cumpara omoto cu banii in mana
si traiesc in rate viata la ceilalti
care daca ies nu ma intorc niciodata devreme
pentru ca fac repede sa fac tarziu
care am lasat pe jos bastoanele
pentru ca am zis gata la nenorociti!
Si ma gandeam la tine
o femeie aici jos ca multe
care vrea sa fie la pas cu celelalte
si imi umpli dulapul de papuci
care imi golesti capul intr-o ora
dar daca gresec devii un ucigas
care stii sa fii dulce intr-un sarut
chiar si cand ai in gura amarul
Si ma gandeam la noi
un cuplu aici jos ca ceilalti
care reusesc in micul lor
chiar daca gandesc in mare
care au luat vita in joc
care au traversat platformele la un tren
care se insulta pentru putin
si se vor pentru si mai putin
Ma gandeam la mine cu lumea in mana dar fara tine unde sa ma duc?
cu tot cheful asta de a straluci pe un cer si sa uit de cine eram fara
Ma gandeam la tine cu lumea in mana dar fara noi unde sa mergem?
Cu tot cheful asta de a straluci stiu ca daca este de chefuit vreau sa o fac doar cu tine!
Ma gandeam la mine si la copilaria pe care viata mi-a dato
nu m-am jucat niciodata cu soldateii eram furios ca un copil soldat
e care fac mai multi bani decat vise
dar raspund:'E totul ok.' Si imi tin aproape sentimentele la altii
pentru ca traiesc la un metru de ale mele
Si ma gandeam la tine
o copila cu ochii vioi
ca inteleg de cum ma imbratisezi
ca ai avum mai multe jocuri decat saruturi
Tu care cand da ninsoare apoi te pierzi o ora sa te uiti la fulgi
tu care te uiti la oroscop in tele dar nu crezi nici macar in ochii tai
Si ma gandeam la noi
un cuplu ciudat si derapat care impingem iubirea in panta
cand ura ne lasa pe drum
ca nu este nevoie sa mergem in vacanta
in timp ce lumea se uita la noi confuz
noi traim in alta galaxie,
suntem in centrul universului nostru!
Acuma ca stiu cine sunt cu adevarat
as vrea sa ma trezesc si sa uit de cine eram
de frica mea si de a ta
nu este nimic cat suntem in doi (cat suntem in doi)