Rezultatele căutării pagină 23
Număr de rezultate: 1373
Nu fi un erou
Inimile de piatră te privesc
Diamantele zâmbesc
Oh, ce simți
Oh oricum, nu e prea târziu
Amintește-ți toate minciunile făcute
Oh, visele continuă, mi-am pierdut mintea
Oh, este greu să găsești iubirea
Yeah, nu-mi pasă - plâng pentru tine
Oricum, la fel ca visătorii
Mi-ai atins viața, îmi simți inima
Mereu și mereu încercăm un început
Iubire nu nu nu fi un erou diseară!
Iubire nu nu nu fi un prost!
Dacă inima ta este frântă, voi fi de partea ta.
Iubire nu nu nu încălca regulile!
Regele nebunilor ia-ți timp
Oh, mi-am pierdut această inimă din mine
Yeah, fără lacrimi, m-am născut să fug
Oh, iubirea mea, suntem tineri
Oh, simte-mi inima - nu pot explica
Acum îți simt iubirea din nou
Oh oricum, a învins iubirea mea
Mereu și mereu am nevoie de chestia asta
Mi-ai atins viața, îmi simți inima
Mereu și mereu încercăm un început
Iubire nu nu nu încălca regulile
I Like You Just The Way You Are
[Verse 1]
Never change just to please me
For wanting to keep me with you
Never imagine what'd happen to you
If I stopped loving you
Never think that I'd abandon you
Don't fear my ingratitude
As much as during the good times as the bad ones
I like you just the way you are
[Verse 2]
Don't try new fashions
Nor dye your hair new colors
During my whole life you were always
Who I handed my entire love to
No longer try to impress me
You can make me annoyed
That's the way I accept you, that's how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
I want to know if you'll always be
The same one that I knew
I hope you have faith in me
As I have had faith in you
I said I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
[Saxophone Solo]
I told you I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
I write it for you over the walls of the house.
I write it for you with rose petals,
that I need you, that I need you
'cause your weird silence weighs on me.
And if it's only a matter of time,
I'm ready for any confrontation.
Ask what you want.
Tell me what you feel but remember.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
Leave the pride aside, I beg you.
Don't think that I'm a mistake.
This story is too important for me
to let it die, let it fall in the void.
Every night that goes by is a pain.
And I know that you aren't well either.
I need you, a need
that I want to scream to the world.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
True, true... true.
False... false.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
(I write it for you over the walls of the house...)
(I write it for you with rose petals...)
True, that you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
(I need you, a need
that I want to scream to the world...)
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
”Eu te iubesc doar pe tine
iubire, trebuie să mă crezi”,
ziceai tu.
Buzele murmurau
aiureli interminabile,
un disc la gramofon,
mâinile noastre care se căutau...
Și crezi că tu ai câștigat,
tu crezi că eu nu mai pot.
Te gândești la mine
și zbori cu fantezia ta în cer,
ca un om foarte prost.
Te simți superior, și nu ești.
Dacă eu n-am vrut, aș pleca.
(Îmi vei fura)
frazele pe care voiam să ți le spun
(Îmi vei fura)
mângâierile pe care voiam să ți le dau,
pentru că tu ești
un tâlhar.
Îți place doar să iei,
și apoi nu știi să râzi.
Ți-e de-ajuns doar să învingi
cu cine vrea doar să piardă.
Și crezi că tu ai câștigat,
tu crezi că eu nu mai pot.
Te gândești la mine
și zbori cu fantezia ta în cer,
ca un om foarte prost.
Te simți superior, și nu ești.
Dacă eu n-am vrut, aș pleca.
(Îmi vei fura)
frazele pe care voiam să ți le spun
(Îmi vei fura)
mângâierile pe care voiam să ți le dau,
pentru că tu ești
un tâlhar.
I love you
'I love you', I thought to myself.
'I love you, you're so pretty, you're good for me', I told her.
And you said something about energy,
'Turn the bad one into good', you told me.
'I love you', I thought to myself.
'I love you, you're so pretty, you're good for me', I told her.
And you said something about energy,
'Turn the bad one into good', you told me.
'I love you', I thought to myself.
'I love you, you're so pretty, you're good for me', I told her.
I love you because I don't know why you're good for me. (X8)
Grey-eyed King
Glory to you, endless, boundless pain!
The grey-eyed king suddenly died yesterday.
Fall’s crimson evening was stuffy and staid,
When he came home, my spouse quite calmly said:
“From hunting trip he was carried back home,
They found his dead body under the oak.
Pity the Queen. He was so young and strong!..
Just overnight she turned grey, it’s so wrong.”
His smoking pipe on the mantel he found
And went to his night shift by usual route.
I will wake my daughter up from her sleep
And gaze into her eyes, so grey, lovely, deep.
Poplars are whispering
Into the wind:
“Perished your love, your young grey-eyed king...”
Oh oooh oooh, străinule...
Oh oooh oooh, străinule...
Frumos ca soarele,
pe buze un pic de mare,
în ochii tăi nostalgie,
În inimă: ținutul tău,
amintirea unei iubiri,
în timp ce cânți o melodie,
Oh oooh oooh, străinule...
Oh oooh oooh
Fă-mă să inspir
tăcerile tale nesfârșite
și parfumul tău oriental
pe mine.
Lasă-mă să aflu
misterul tău, înainte ca
vântul mării
să te ducă apoi departe de mine...
Măslinie ți-e pielea,
prin păr ai un pic de sare,
în timp ce vorbești în șoaptă,
Hai, nu te opri,
mai dansează pe inima mea
și apoi ia-mă de mână,
Oh oooh oooh, străinule,
Oh oooh oooh...
Fă-mă să inspir
tăcerile tale nesfârșite
și parfumul tău oriental
pe mine.
Lasă-mă să aflu
misterul tău, înainte ca
vântul mării
să te ducă apoi departe de mine...
Fă-mă să inspir
tăcerile tale nesfârșite
și parfumul tău oriental
pe mine.
Lasă-mă să aflu
misterul tău, înainte ca
vântul mării
să te ducă apoi departe de mine...
Oh străinule!
Voisins du zero
I like the street but my cloak's gotten wet,
Water is above and below.
I pick up my phone at midnight and call,
Answer with an annoyed 'Yeah'
The city from above - a colourful frame
She keeps saying - bet on the zero
I bet myself, but where I don't care
As I'm landing into her trap.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
I integrate well in the industrial scene,
And that's probably luck.
But the rain destroyed my wonderful collage,
And so I bet on zero.
The balance rose in value once more,
Our follies have made an entente.
The second is gone, that we could escape
To not breathe on the one-two-three.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.
Ti-am dat mana
Ti-am dat mana,
N-am rezistat, iar am venit,
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar?
Ti-am dat mana, (Ah-huh!)
N-am rezistat, iar am venit, (Ah-huh!)
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar? (Pah, pah)
Ey, haide spune-mi unde esti? (Unde esti?)
Te-am asteptat pe strazi (Te-am asteptat)
Noptile s-au facut zile
Am ramas singur, tu nu ai mai venit.
Nu mai am liniste
E bine sa rabzi dar evident cateodata nu functioneaza
Haide, daca tot viata are trei zile,
Am venit venit singur si oricum tot singur o sa plec (Pow, pow, pow)
Problemele noastre nu se mai termina (Heh)
Vino, urmareste tinerii pe intuneric
Vine politia, copilul stie si da stirea,
Ia frate si ascunde pistolul (Frate)
Tragere (cu pistolul), injunghiere (Heh)
Toata lumea jos, nu trageti aleatorii, nu. (Nu)
Fiecare zi poate sa-mi fie ultima
Pistolul e cu noi, Rüsselsheim am Main (Brrra)
Am o stare violenta, ca un derby, gloante,
Dribleaza-ma ca Van Persie,
Unchiule, sangele nostru e nebun asta se stie,
Vino putin, aici e Dickerbusch
Vin de pe strazile unde Kanaks erau la conducere
Verific Haze la statia de tren cum verific biletele, (Pah, pah)
Cand eram copil eram mai mult pe strazi decat toti fratii tai mai mari (Pah, pah)
Care acum isi irosesc anii. (Pow, pow)
Iar am avut incredere in vorba ta (Vorba ta)
Iar ai intrat in sangele meu (Sangele meu)
Iar am venit la usa ta
Mi-am pierdut mintile langa tine. (Ah-huh!)
Ti-am dat mana, (Ah-huh!)
N-am rezistat, iar am venit, (Ah-huh!)
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar? (Pah, pah)
Ti-am dat mana, (Ah-huh!)
N-am rezistat, iar am venit, (Ah-huh!)
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar? (Pah, pah)
Viata mea cand are sfarsit? Nu stiu dar candva se va termina.
Poti sa ma impusti, nu are importanta
Eu tot vin si arunc cu 1000 de trandafiri pe mormantul tau
Daca iubesc, o fac pe bune dar daca te sterg, nu ma uit in spate cand plec
Cei care ma cunosc ma stiu,
Stiu de la Dumnezeu de pace si de tovaras adevarat (Pah, pah, pah)
Am vazut mai multe decat mi-am dorit (Da)
Si am facut mai multe decat ar fi trebuit (Da)
Sunt un lider pentru ca nu ma urmaresc pe nimeni
Daca vreau imi fac (Huh)
Lumea-i criminala, da, stii, strada mea inca arde, intreaba-mi fratii (Fratii)
Asa este aici, cu urcari si coborari,
Daca ai indoieli, vino sa vezi.
Iar am avut incredere in vorba ta (Vorba ta)
Iar ai intrat in sangele meu (Sangele meu)
Iar am venit la usa ta
Mi-am pierdut mintile langa tine. (Ah-huh!)
Ti-am dat mana, (Ah-huh!)
N-am rezistat, iar am venit, (Ah-huh!)
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar? (Pah, pah)
Ti-am dat mana, (Ah-huh!)
N-am rezistat, iar am venit, (Ah-huh!)
Si asta e problema mea,
Ca sa ma iubesti, sa te iubesc iar? (Pah, pah)
I Love and Will Love You
If you, after having loved in vain,
no longer want to love anyone
because you forgot even me.
If you no longer want to love anyone,
come to hold the hand
that bound you once to me.
The tears that I have shed for you
are tears of love because:
I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
as long as I live
because I want to have you for myself alone
for myself alone.
I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
hopelessly I will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love you,
I love you,
my love.
And I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
hopelessly I will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
Am să plâng
Am să plâng, am să plâng,
am să plâng toată viața,
dacă cea, dacă cea,
dacă cea pe care-o iubesc are un posesor.
Am să plâng, am să plâng
într-o tăcere profundă.
Am să plâng, am să plâng,
singur și trist pe-această lume.
Când moartea o să mă ducă
pe-ale ei cărări umbrite,
vântul îmi va aduce
această zamba*, care te cheamă.
Am să plâng, am să plâng, am să plâng
trist și singur pe-acestă lume.
Am să port, am să port,
am să port, în sufletul meu,
durerea, durerea,
durerea pierdutei iubiri.
Am să cânt, am să cânt,
cu amară deziluzie,
iubirii, iubirii,
iubirii atât de dorite.
Când moartea o să mă ducă
pe-ale ei cărări umbrite,
vântul îmi va aduce
această zamba care te cheamă.
Am să port, am să port, am să port
durerea mereu în sufletul meu.
The witch is sending me her messages
she tells me to come,
that she wants me badly
so i'm getting off the cloud to find her
i'm leaving angels behind, kissing her.
And the blue lights are on everywhere,
i'm taking away your kisses
you're taking my soul,
and i'm running
from your love up to the clouds,
hiding there and dying.
And while the little white angels watch over me
playing their electric harps
(playing reggae)
i smoke with them
making large clouds of smoke
under which we lie all night long.
And i receive some messages again,
i know they are yours,
i'm descending towards you
i love you so much, i'm kissing you again
and although i'm dead
i live for you.
And while the little white angels watch over me
playing their electric harps
(playing reggae)
i smoke with them
making large clouds of smoke
under which we lie all night long.
All night long...All night long...
How can I say
She didn't see through me,
Although she was a bit suspicious.
She thought she'll see everything through my eyes.
But luckily, no,
She could not see what I feel,
She knew that I'm hiding something,
She knew I know something.
How can I say that i'm leaving,
I'll be gone for a long time,
I'm off to the other side to create my desert.
There, where pine cactuses sing with the wind and the rains are rare,
I'm off to the other side
Thinking about her
I'm thinking about her
He's thinking about her.
She didn't see through me,
Although she was a bit suspicious.
She thought she will travel the whole world with me,
That I'm playing with my thoughts
Like a long time ago
When I gone forever.
How can I say that i'm leaving,
I'll be gone for a long time,
I'm off to the other side to create my desert.
There, where pine cactuses sing with the wind and the rains are rare,
I'm off to the other side
Thinking about her
I'm thinking about her
He's thinking about her.
De n-ar fi iubirea...
Versions: #1
Dacă nu era această inimă ca iadul,
Dacă nu ar fi dorința ca vântul nebun,
Și iubirea ta care dă mai multă valoare vieții mele,
Dacă nu era iubirea, dacă nu era iubirea...
Dacă nu exista speranță fără sfârșit,
Dacă nu aveam răbdarea lui Ferhat care străpungea munții,
Și iubirea ta care dă mai multă valoare vieții mele,
Dacă nu era iubirea, dacă nu era iubirea...
Dacă nu simțeam durerea asta care nu pare să se sfârșească,
Dacă nu erau ochii tăi singurii pe care-i văd,
Și iubirea ta care dă mai multă valoare vieții mele,
Dacă nu era iubirea, dacă nu era iubirea...
Ah, viața asta e insuportabilă!
Ah, viața asta e insuportabilă!
De nu ai fi tu, draga mea...
Ah, acest calvar e insuportabil!
When I Lose You
When I lose you
in the poison of a goodbye,
from the corner of darkness will appear
a smile like yours.
When I lose you,
crucifixion for a reason,
this sky will have the color of longing
and it will collapse on top of me.
My caresses without any sadness,
I want you more than ever.
Hence it was a jealous love
that cuts me wherever you go.
This love that holds me in captivity,
I want it more than ever.
I am waiting without any longer running away
from the sentence that you give me.
When I lose you
sliding down to the heart
accused of melancholy,
only then I will have you.
When I lose you
in the poison of a goodbye,
from the corner of darkness will appear
a smile like yours.
When I lose you,
crucifixion for a reason,
this sky will have the color of longing
and it will collapse on top of me.
When I lose you.
When I lose you.
I want to change the world
I like nothing how it is
what I have to endure
the power's abuses
nothing seems to work
ready am I to fight!
But I have to wait
what am I lacking?
if courage is what's in excess
I'm sure that
everything can get better
and it'll change!
I want to change the world
to find my freedom
to fly through this sky
I want to change the world
a world of equality
a world of hapiness here
I like nothing how it is
to put up with the humiliation
because the color of my skin
nothing seems to work
the work is hellish
it never ends!
and there's no strength for anything else!
and what's lacking?
if courage is what's in excess
I'm sure that
everything can get better
and it'll change
I want to change the world
to find my freedom
to reach together the sky
I want to change my world
a world of equality
a world of endless hapiness
How Do You Love
Here I go again
Waiting for something new in my story
It's repetitive
It's repetitive
Here I go again
Looking at where my heart went wrong
It's like it's never-ending
Even if I force myself
To love you, who is wrong
I'm wrong
I'm wrong
How do you love?
Do you always get hurt?
Always crying
I want to go away
How do you love?
Do you have to get hurt?
Always impossible
Yet you don't want to go away
Here I go again
It's like my heart isn't influenced
Even if it's hurt
I'll fight for it
Even if I force myself
To love you, who is wrong
It seems wrong
It seems wrong
How do you love?
Do you always get hurt?
Always crying
I want to go away
How do you love?
Do you have to get hurt?
Always impossible
Yet you don't want to go away
When is the right time?
When will my heart and your heart
Turn out to be free?
How do you love?
Do you always get hurt?
Always crying
I want to go away
How do you love?
Do you have to get hurt?
Always impossible
Yet you don't want to go away
How do you love?
Do you always get hurt?
Always crying
I want to go away
How do you love?
Do you have to get hurt?
Always crying
Always impossible
Always crying
Always impossible
Yet you don't want to go away
I want you to know
You came into my life when I didn't see it coming
There was a great void in my life
That I couldn't cover
I want your word be fulfilled in me
I never want to get away from you
You died here for me
And you gave life to me
I want to be the light
Who bears your cross
And it does not move away from you
I want to serve you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
You know how I feel
I want to love you
My life to you I surrender
I want to give you my life forever
And about you
I never want to get away
You know how I feel
I want to adore you
And my life forever I always want to give you
To you be the glory lord
To you be the honor
I ask you, I don't want to get away, I want to serve you
You are the best thing that happened to me
I want to love you
And give you my life oh my lord
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
You came into my life when I least expected it
And now I am another
And now I am another
That sacrifice you made on the cross
It is not erased from me
It is not erased from me
You planned my life from my childhood
I don't want to be a Christian 5 I want to be a 10
I know that you are my judge
And that you forgive my sins
I want to adore you
I don't want to get away from you
I'm going to pray to the father
And forever I will love you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
On the other side of infinity
Everyday I sit down
And I write to you from far away
And I speak to you and I see you again
And my hand trembles a little
I begin every waking day by telling you
About me, about us, about our home
About my desire to hug you
That way I feel closer to you
That way I feel you breathing
And I hold that child in my arms
The child that I wasn’t able to love enough
To love...
But nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
The open sea
In a life less bitter
And not so cruel
Walking down a street
Walking together still
That way I feel you closer
And I’m not afraid of waiting
Because nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
Nothing is over, nothing is finished...
A letter for you
A love letter
A letter for me
To cure my pain
But nothing is over
Nothing is finished
You only slipped away
On the other side of infinity
And in infinity
We will see each other once again
Of this I am certain
There where the horizon meets
The open sea
Nothing is over
Nothing is finished
In the park that the leaves covered
In the park that the leaves covered
The two of us walk peacefully
According to its taste the autumn has laid
Yellow carpet of course
Perhaps thousands years ago
On this place where we are walking
Terrifyingly were running the dinosaurs
And beasts of all kinds
In the park that the leaves covered
The two of us walk peacefully
According to its taste the autumn has laid
Yellow carpet of course
And perhaps like a pale dream
It suddenly appeared in a late dusk
This park that the leaves covered
Where after aeons you are walking upon
For you to arrive so beautiful
With this hair and with this pace
The earth tamed the wild climate
The ice age took back
And it could not have happened otherwise
Happening otherwise it could not have been
The beasts had to go extinct
For you to come into this world
In the park that the leaves covered
The two of us walk peacefully
According to its taste the autumn has laid
Yellow carpet of course
And perhaps like a pale dream
It suddenly appeared in a late dusk
This park that the leaves covered
Where after aeons you are walking upon
For you to arrive so beautiful
With this hair and with this pace
The earth tamed the wild climate
The ice age took back
And it could not have happened otherwise
Happening otherwise it could not have been
The beasts had to go extinct
For you to come into this world...
I believed in her love
I believed that her love
Would shine my life in gold
Why did she have to
Bring back the old pain again
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
I believed in her love
She was my entire world
But just a moment was enough for her
To destroy my dreams
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
Without the weight of the past,
the future is lighter,
it's a summer song.
Six billion, we're alone,
two beauteous specimens.
I don't know how to cook,
but I'm brave enough to play doctor
and if it's about being mistaken.
And if it was the night coming here to change our lives?
If you're afraid of the dark, rest easy, we'll turn it into the morning.
And if every mistaken word ends up in the river,
you'll have an idea of the way the sea will look in a couple of years,
and the way I will look with some days added.
And the way I will look, and the way you will look
with some days added,
with some days added
and the way you'll look.
And every time I talk about you,
yes, 'cause sometimes I talk about you
inside the wardrobe which is a mess,
about the waffles with coffee.
But this thing of you seeming distracted.
I really love that you seem distracted
when you leave everything on and it seems like it's New York,
Paris, Madrid, olé.
I'd live in Paris, though, and you.
And if it was the night coming here to change our lives?
If you're afraid of the dark, rest easy, we'll turn it into the morning.
And if every mistaken word ends up in the river,
you'll have an idea of the way the sea will look in a couple of years,
and the way I will look with some days added.
And the way I will look, and the way you will look
with some days added,
with some days added
and the way you'll look.
And if it was the night coming here to change our lives?
If you're afraid of the dark, rest easy, we'll turn it into the morning.
And if every mistaken word ends up in the river,
how will the sea look?
As I fancy him
As I fancy him, he smiles easily,
As I fancy him, he thinks squarely
As I fancy him, he may even
Be the one that will become my lover
As I fancy him, and as usual,
He likes to meet people who love Love
As I fancy him, he may even
Be the one that will become my lover
And as I fancy him, he loves daybreaks
And winter mornings and the sleeping mist
The red clouds when dawn shows in the East
And then, from my dream, I just get awake
Where is he ?
Perhaps down in the south
In these towns where the weather's sultry
And I turn my head to the North
I turn my head to the South
And everything fades, with all my certainties
As I fancy him, he smiles easily,
As I fancy him, he thinks squarely
As I fancy him, he may even
Be the one that will become my lover
And as I fancy him, he is foreign,
As I fancy him, he's a musician
As I fancy him, he may even
Be the one that will become my lover
As I fancy him, if he is saddened,
It's because he feels he is not so young
But I feel the wind that now rises
Billows in the night, takes away my Dreams..
Where is he ?
Perhaps down in the south
In these towns where the weather's sultry
And I turn my head to the North
I turn my head to the South
And everything fades, with all my certainties
As I fancy him, he smiles easily
His fate will soon cross
my destiny
As I fancy him, he may even
Be the one that will become my lover
And as I fancy him, he loves daybreaks
And winter mornings and the sleeping mist
But I feel the wind that now rises
Billows in the night, takes away my Dreams
Superhero Music
Those twisted T-shirt is now wet with tears
The pain overwrites other pain
But the distorted guitar makes me feel comfortable
It will wipe out all the pain
The superhero who saved me was
A music that never stops ringing forever
We are the ones who live in the corner of this little planet
If you've given up, then pick yourself right back up
I want to believe that I've become a little stronger now
That's right, I've overcome the pain
There were pasts, so there will be present
This wonderful life, I'm going to cheat right through it!
When I noticed, outside the window its getting brighter
What the hell have I been doing?
There's no way I can't expect it
It's just the things that won't work
I drew a picture on the traces of a spilled coffee
Look! The magic carpet is now finished
I want to travel beyond this big universe
But I know I can't do that something like that
It’s like a blooming flower destined to wilt someday.
That's right, it bloomed right where it was planted
I said 'Farewell' to the maggots
This wonderful life, is where we'll live!
I think I want to see it for centuries ahead
This might be the first time I thought of it like this
The view is blinding and the night room is shining bright
I'll get over anything
Lots of interesting things have gathered
This can't end without me knowing
We are the ones who live in the corner of this little planet
If you've given up, then pick yourself right back up
I want to believe that I've become a little stronger now
That's right, I've overcome the pain
There were pasts, so there will be present
This wonderful life, I'm going to cheat right through it!
Kiss me a lot
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later
I want to feel you closer, look myself in your eyes
See you next to me
Think that maybe
Tomorrow I'll be far away (from you)
Far away from here
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later
I want to be an Almodóvar girl
I want to be an Almodóvar girl
like Maura , like Victoria Abril,
a little clever, a little bit silly,
going out with Madonna in a limousine.
I want to be an Almodóvar girl
like Bibí , like Miguel Bosé,
not caring about anything and never going out of fashion,
dancing with you The last torch song .
And never stop traveling, from winter to summer
from Madrid to New York, from an embrace to oblivion,
leaving you in the dark hearing some noise
of distant high heels .
Finding a way out of this grey labyrinth
without passion, sin, madness nor incest,
having a different lover in every port,
never cry 'What have I done to deserve this?'
I want to be an Almodóvar girl,
like Pepi, Like Luci, like Bom,
selling go the Garbo my bedroom secrets,
mourn for some matador.
I want to be an Almodóvar girl,
and beg to my boyfriend 'Tie me up!',
giving my soul away only to the man who steals it
and have breakfast at Tiffany's with him.
And not let those shady moves
from Croats and Serbians get to my head,
living all the time on the verge of a nervous breakdown ,
wearing a skirt and going crazy .
Finding a way out of this grey labyrinth
without passion, sin, madness nor incest,
having a different lover in every port,
never cry 'What have I done to deserve this?'
Writing my memories like Patty Diphusa ,
signing up for any kind of bombing,
not believing in anything but skin, with Desire
as my only law .
Finding a way out of this grey labyrinth
without passion, sin, madness nor incest,
having a different lover in every port,
never cry 'What have I done to deserve this?'
If you want money
God has given to kids
If you want a man loves you
It’s difficult to find him
If you want money
God has given to kids
If you want a man loves you
It’s difficult to find him
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
We leave each other and live single
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
She come regretted and say
This is what god gives
Love compromising I do not like
this is how God created me
She come regretted and say
This is what god gives
Love compromising I do not like
this is how God created me
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
We leave each other and live single
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
That’s it , we get to the end
the end
I pretended you as a goal
a goal
If you forget me so fast
I forget you too
If valley filled with a drop
My heart overflowed completely
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
The Entire House
Versions: #1
My pale cheek is stained black by make-up
Hear the entire house sleep heavily
There's nothing I need that's somewhere else
I could die now, with my cheek against your neck
I get up from our bed, I leave you sleeping my friend
I sneak across the floor, see the sun rise
In that moment I know everything has an end
Everything is to good now
Walking around tired in a t-shirt
Sitting on the piano between bottles, glasses and cigarette butts
Close my eyes until I catch a glimpse of happiness and I know everything's too good now
Everything's good now
The party has died since long
The couch has turned into a bed
I borrow someone's boots in size 45
Walking out of the door and there's the summer
Someone is still sleeping in the grass, looks kind of uncomfortable but still
I take some pictures and laugh to myself
In that moment I know everything has an end
Everything is to good now
Walking around tired in a t-shirt
Sitting on the piano between bottles, glasses and cigarette butts
Close my eyes until I catch a glimpse of happiness and I know everything's too good now
Everything's good now
Everything is to good now
Walking around tired in a t-shirt
Sitting on the piano between bottles, glasses and cigarette butts
Close my eyes until I catch a glimpse of happiness
Everything is to good now
Walking around tired in a t-shirt
Sitting on the piano between bottles, glasses and cigarette butts
Close my eyes until I catch a glimpse of happiness and I know everything's too good now
Everything's good now
Everything for a reason
Only a few words between you and me
I haven't had a chance, you know
To think a lot is sometimes a mistake
And I have no use for so many words
In your eyes each and every thing becomes simple
And when you don't see me, I look at you laugh
And when you don't see me
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to promise
But to commit to you
No SFX, you and I
Perfect is our film as it is
I can keep looking at you for hours
And I can't get enough by feeling your fragrance
In your eyes, each and every thing is about to happen
And when you don't see me, I look at you live
And when you don't see me
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to promise
The summer that goes, our laughter
The rain that falls in the wet sand
And the music plays till the morning
I've got you closer
Only tonight or forever
Now if I run I can't see the way out
And it hits me stronger if you stay nearby
If you stay nearby
[In Spanish: Everything happens for some reason
And my reason is only you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for some reason
And my reason is only you
I won't promise anything
I'll only do if it is for you
I'll only do
If it is for you]
To commit to you
To commit to you
Everything for a reason
Only a few words between you and me
I haven't had a chance, you know
To think a lot is sometimes a mistake
And I have no use for so many words
In your eyes each and every thing becomes simple
And when you don't see me, I look at you laugh
And when you don't see me
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to promise
But to commit to you
No SFX, you and I
Perfect is our film as it is
I can keep looking at you for hours
And I can't get enough by feeling your fragrance
In your eyes, each and every thing is about to happen
And when you don't see me, I look at you live
And when you don't see me
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for a reason
And the reason may as well be you
I've got nothing to promise
The summer that goes, our laughter
The rain that falls in the wet sand
And the music plays till the morning
I've got you closer
Only tonight or forever
Now if I run I can't see the way out
And it hits me stronger if you stay nearby
If you stay nearby
[In Spanish: Everything happens for some reason
And my reason is only you
I've got nothing to hide
¿What about you?
Everything happens for some reason
And my reason is only you
I won't promise anything
I'll only do if it is for you
I'll only do
If it is for you]
To commit to you
To commit to you
I Was Wrong
I was wrong when I left my footprints where I haven't been happy.
I was wrong when I settled accounts without taking myself into account.
When I hurt someone intentionally - when I didn't say 'No'.
I was wrong when I dropped the weapons when I was winning.
I was wrong when I left the party, I gave the thief my keys.
When I played to be the black sheep and to not learn the lesson.
When I jumped through a ring of fire so as not to hurt the tamer.
When the cheater came back home and I gave him absolution.
When I turned my back on myself - when I didn't say anything.
When I was a lawless city, an Amazon on foot.
The stone on the road, a sound dying out of cold.
The one who, when everything sunk, used that as ammunition.
I was wrong when I wasn't the other one - I won at everything else.
When I swam, I put away the clothes that you were going to grab.
When I didn't give the last puff in front of the platoon.
When for not being two-faced, I had both faces smashed!
Blessed be the mistakes, the cold showers,
the medicine, the heartbreak.
The downhill, the false move,
the punches that teach you how to fall.
The poetry of defeats.
The life in ruins beneath the clothes.
What you hide from the clocks.
The nights that do not end at dawn.
When I turned my back on myself - when I didn't say anything.
When I was a lawless city, an Amazon on foot.
The stone on the road, a sound dying out of cold.
The one who, when everything sunk, used that as ammunition.
When I turned my back on myself - when I didn't say anything.
When I was a lawless city, an Amazon on foot.
The stone on the road, a sound dying out of cold.
The one who, when everything sunk, used that as ammunition.
I'm not and I wasn't one of those who only hug when wearing a bulletproof vest,
nor the pirate who only travelled in paper boats.