Rezultatele căutării pagină 27
Număr de rezultate: 1373
Love Now
There's no more time
For joy and tears
Love now, now
And there's no time in the bard
No time this way or that way
Love now, now
Time to dance
Time for decision-making
Love now, now
Who changed all of this for us
Our vulnerable dark days
Sparks landed on us
Curious light, I wandered away
And...with a weeping heart, I moved on
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
And there's no time
For psalms or limits, no
Whispering and preaching now
But who changed all of this for us
Our vulnerable dark days
Sparks landed on us
Curious light, I wandered away
And...with a weeping heart, I moved on
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
The echoes of voices in the distance
Love love love
I hear them wherever you are
And I'm waiting for you, you know
I'm waiting for you, you know
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
Yes, I'm waiting for you, you know
I'm waiting for you, you know
A Hero Of My Childhood Dreams
A hero of my childhood dreams
An asshole nemesis and a cause of girl's tears
Has grown up and does't want to kick the habit
Has grown up and does't want to kick the habit
A hero of my childhood dreams
Has saved the Earth, then took off. Who is he now?
A hero of my childhood books is a drunk boor,
That walked in the door on the fifth try.
Believe it or leave it, my hero
Won't walk on water due to leaky feet.
A hero of my best days, he hasn't written to me.
Hasn't written to me.
Regardless of me being off up there
Don't refer to him as 'mister', don't
Regardless of me being off up there
Don't refer to him as 'mister', don't
A hero of my childhood dreams charges more
Throws manure even further and for real
Laughs after the word 'shovel'
Who needs this? That's the question.
He has stole a steam train from my railways,
A hero of my childhood lines ... How could he?
A hero of my childhood rights is gone
Without telling me anything.
Regardless of me being off up there
Don't refer to him as 'mister', don't
Regardless of me being off up there
Don't refer to him as 'mister', don't
Ballad of Felix Gallardo
They've dealt a huge blow
To the big traffickers
Caro Quintero is imprisoned
A famous trafficker
Also Ernesto Fonseca
I'm going to tell you about the others
The Blue One, Esparragoza
Quintero's boss
A Colombian also got caught
Ramon Matta Ballesteros
These four are now imprisoned
Under guard of the government
There was still left a big fish
Who didn't take the bait
This was a major mafia boss
Wanted all over the world
With disguises and bribes,
He mocked the government
Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo
This trafficker is named
King of cocaine and morphine
Opium and marijuana
Last April 8
He was imprisoned in Guadalajara
Gallard, also known as The Sandal
It's said that he was the supreme
Boss of the traffickers
Of the Mexican nation
He sent drugs as far as Europe
And to the American Union
Nightclubs and hotels
Ranches and private runways
Property of Miguel Angel
Where the money was laundered
Also the suite in Montreal
Was now found confiscated
Gallardo has been in the underworld
No doubt the supreme boss
Measured on the scales
In money like no one else
He had bought the leaders
Highest in the government
State of Sinaloa
Goodbye beautiful border
Hideout of many dealers
Who are imprisoned for weed
May God not abandon them
And have mercy in their convictions
Cast a Spell
Cast a spell, turn back time, where we held hands and walked together with full of warmth
A memory just like yesterday and long-lost warmth coincide right here
What could I call a feeling like this?
I murmured to myself as I looked at the sky
If I could go back to those days, I know you’d end up walking away
In hope that I could convey how I fell for you more than before, here’s why
Cast a spell, turn back time, where we would've held hands and walked together
I tried holding out my hand toward the sky but I couldn’t even touch yours
If we were in a different position then, what would I do?
Surely I’d have nothing to hide like you did
I’d tell you my everything was coming to an end somewhere down the line
And on top of that I’d spend out the rest of my time for you
Cast a spell, turn back time, where we would've held hands and walked together
I tried calling out your name toward the sky but you wouldn’t even call mine
Cast a spell, turn back time, where we would've held hands and walked together
I tried praying toward the sky countless times and nothing else came to reality
Nothing remained but your voice, your warmth and a memory of you
Dar îți simt lipsa
Îți simt lipsa,
cum ne lipsesc nopțile fără stele,
cum ne lipsesc frumoasele dimineți.
Să nu fiu cu tine, îți jur că mă doare!
Îți simt lipsa,
când pășesc, când plâng, când râd,
când strălucește soarele, când se face foarte frig,
pentru că ești ceva cu-adevărat al meu.
Îți simt lipsa,
cum pomilor le lipsește toamna.
În aceste nopți, când nu știu ce e somnul,
nici nu-ți închipui, iubire, cât îmi lipsești!
Îți simt lipsa,
cu fiecare pas pe care-l fac singur.
Fiecare clipă ce-o trăiesc zi de zi,
eu sufăr, iubire, căci îți simt lipsa.
Îți simt lipsa,
când aurora începe să-și ofere culorile,
cu virtuțile tale, cu toate greșelile tale.
Din ce motiv, nu știu,
dar îți simt lipsa.
The son* of the carbon man
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I've come to sell my carbon, gentlemen
and I'm also looking for some roses,
and I'm the carbon man from La Ventosa, indeed.
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I've come to sell my carbon, gentlemen
and I'm also looking for some roses,
and I'm the carbon man from La Ventosa, indeed.
Oh it's so good to be under the universe
Staring at the open with you
The moon and stars witness the love
Of the two us
Of the two of us
I can still see you, love
You're like a star shining from afar
Everytime I'm with you
The road brightens because of the light in your eyes
When I'm with you, my heart won't rest
The night becomes sweet whenever I hold your hand
Oh it's so good to be under the universe
Staring at the open with you
The moon and stars witness the love
Of the two us
Of the two of us
The breeze of air that is refreshing to the body
Is still no match for the heat that I feel
Whenever we are worlds apart
One look at the moon and I'm already close to you
The sky is smiling, waiting for the moment
The whole surrounding awaits for our kiss
Oh it's so good to be under the universe
Staring at the open with you
The moon and stars witness the love
Of the two us
Of the two of us
Oh it's so good to be under the universe
Staring at the open with you
The moon and stars witness the love
Of the two us
Of the two of us
Let's go under the universe
Join me to stare into space
The moon and stars witness the love
Of the two us
Of the two of us
Aș vrea să fiu
Aș vrea să fiu ciocârlia care suspină,
în zori de zi, după privirea ta,
și să-mi preschimb în liră inima,
pentru a-mi cânta pătimașa baladă.
Aș vrea să fiu nufărul amarului tău
și roșul aprins al gurii tale.
Aș vrea să fiu sângele din venele tale,
ca să mă simți, ca să mă simți palpitând în tine.
I Wait For My Chance
When you're born, you have a role
One that some roll with and some just stare at
I should've been the star
But I haven't come out on stage yet
And I'm still waiting
You feel that great passion
You know you'll be the center of attention
With your heart pounding
It's time for the big truth
I wait for my chance
It's already late
My turn has already passed
I know what must be done
But I'm still waiting
Living in the dark
I wait for my chance
I only wait for a moment
Just a moment to shine like the sun
I've always felt like a star
But nobody payed attention to me
Only to me, never to me
No, there are no tears
My turn has passed
Nobody's here anymore
But I'm still waiting
Only me and my truth
I wait for my chance
To an Orange Tree and a Lemon Tree
Potted orange tree, how sad is your luck!
Your feeble leaves are shaking in fear.
Courted orange tree, how it hurts to see
your deadened, coarse, and little trees!
Poor lemon tree with yellow fruit
like a polished bouquet of waxy pale,
little tree, how sad it is to see you
grow in a cheap and wooden barrel!
From the brightened forests of Andalucia,
Who brought you to this Castillian land
that the winds of the grim sierra pick up,
children of the fields of my own land?
The glory of the orchards, the lemon tree,
the fruits of pale gold you brighten
and of the black stark cypress grove,
silent prayers erected in chorus you lighten
From the lovely yard, the fresh orange tree
of the cheerful field and the dreamy orchard
ever in my ripened or florid memory
laden with branches, scents and fruits!
Don't ever go without an I love you
If, when you cried, your tears came out dry
If you lost a battle, now there are wars to win
If you have lost your principles, go to a store and buy some more
If you have lost a friend, you can always make some more
But in the end, my friend, you don't have to lose now
To heal from your life, there is only one thing you need
To be happy, get up and fall again
For when you stumble, you advance more
If they push you, you'll go faster
And you can breathless
Waterless, homeless
But you can never go without an 'I love you' when you wake up
If you're tempted by absurd generosity, sharing is having less, don't be fooled
Everything in life is secondary, everything except love
Loneliness, I swear it's the worst of all ills
To be happy, get up and fall again
For when you stumble, you advance more
If they push you, you'll go faster
And you can breathless
Waterless, homeless
But you can never go without an 'I love you' when you wake up
To be happy, get up and fall again
For when you stumble, you advance more
If they push you, you'll go faster
And you can breathless
Waterless, homeless
But you can never go without an 'I love you' when you wake up
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, Recitative T: Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen.
Recitative T B (Mt. 2, 7-8)
Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen,
and with diligence he learned from them
when the star was to appear.
And he sent them forth to Bethlehem and said:
Go there and look diligently for the baby,
and when you find him, bring me word,
that I as well may come and worship him.
Vei reveni, voi reveni
Micul bazar e încă acolo,
Tricourile sunt la fel ca anul trecut.
Îmi amintesc că tu ți l-ai dorit
Pe cel cu ”Te iubesc” scris pe el.
Cu amicii îmi petrec timpul doar puțin,
Și dacă întreabă, râzând, cu cine sunt,
Că doar pe tine te iubesc, răspund,
Că vei sosi dintr-o clipă-n alta.
Vei reveni, voi reveni.
Cu timpul nu se poate niciodată paria,
Și nu știi ce se va-ntâmpla.
Te pierd câte puțin pe zi ce trece.
Vei reveni, voi reveni.
E ridicol să te gândești, iubirea mea,
Că prima întâlnire a-nsemnat deja un adio.
Vei reveni, voi reveni.
Îți amintești de pajiștea de la calea ferată?
Te tăvăleai, murdară de iarbă și de bucurie.
Era ora șase, eu te-am întrebat: ”Vrei?”
Apoi ai cântat, în timp ce veneai.
Vei reveni, voi reveni.
Cu timpul nu se poate niciodată paria,
Și nu știi ce se va-ntâmpla.
Te pierd câte puțin pe zi ce trece.
Vei reveni, voi reveni.
E ridicol să te gândești, iubirea mea,
Că prima întâlnire a-nsemnat deja un adio.
Vei reveni, voi reveni...
Heat Haze Daze
August 15th at about 12 past noon
The weather was nice
In the sunlight so bright its enough to make me ill
And because I had nothing to do I was talking nonsense with you
'Well, I kinda hate the summertime' As you pet a cat
You muttered such a daring thing right under your breath
Ah, As the cat ran away you tried to chase after it
Jumping right in front of a traffic light that changed to red!
Jumping out and running over you, that truck heard a scream and cry as it went by
The colour of the blood splatter mixing with the smell of you was choking me
Is this some sort of lie? The heat is mocking me 'What you see isn't a lie!'
The dazzling light blue summer sky and the stirring whistling cicada cries I fall into a deep sleep
I opened my eyes to the hand of a clock resounding through my bed
What time is it now?
August 14th pointing past 12 am
And the annoying sound of the cicadas still sing loudly in my head
But hey, isn't it a little strange?
Because I remember last night I had a dream we were at this park
'I think we should go home now' But the moment I stepped off the path
Everyone around us was looking up with open mouths
An iron pillar fell down and pieced you straight through
The sound of screaming cries and wind chimes rang through the trees and the sky
It seems like the heat is mocking me 'What you see is not a dream!'
As my vision faded away I swear I could see your face smiling
No matter how many times the world is dazzling the heat just mocks and steals me away
This has been happening for the past ten years, my mind noticed it long ago
But if it's such a frequent story then surely there must be an end
Beyond those repeating summer days
I jumped out and pushed you aside so the truck hit me instead of you
The colour of blood splatter diffuses the jarring reflections on your eyes and body
The heat simply says 'What a sorry sight' as it laughs at me
Surely this frequent summer day
Can finally end here
A girl wakes up on a bed on August 14th
Repeating the same
'Guess I failed again,' she said all alone with a cat cradled in her arms
Panfilo's Teeth
[Don Octavio:]
Come on boys, it's getting closer to Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.
Make your requests, time is running out, running out, running out.
This year I want Santa Claus to bring me
A bicycle that goes really fast.
That's great, Anacleto! And you'll lend it to me, yes?
And you, Demetrio, what are you going to ask for?
I want him to bring me skates and a plane, a plane, a plane.
Also a toy car and if he can a ball, a ball, a ball.
But even more I would like some boxing gloves
To hit Panfilo, for evil and abuse. (Heh heh heh)
Hey, hey! What's your problem with me? Deal with him, get going.
[Don Octavio:]
Panfilo, don't be a hothead!
All me, all me. He was the one who started it.
They already had a problem with me a few days ago, this one and Anacleto.
[Don Octavio:]
You must have done something to them, Panfilo.
They've been teasing me because my teeth in front here fell out.
[Don Octavio:]
Don't pay attention to them. Let's see, what do you want for Christmas?
Well that.
[Don Octavio:]
My teeth.
[Don Octavio:]
Your teeth?
All I want for Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.
Are my little teeth that I lost by shedding, by shedding, by shedding.
Because toothless like this I can't chew,
My air comes out when I want to whistle.
Earnestly, I'm asking Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus
To bring me teeth, I need two, I'm missing two, I'm missing two.
They're right in front and it looks like a huge window.
And my little brothers start making fun of me.
Gosh, and it makes me angry
Haha, Panfilo is toothless. (Heh heh heh)
What a beautiful little window you've got, Panfilo.
Oh, you'll both pay me back when you lose your teeth
That is, if I don't knock them out before then.
[Don Octavio:]
Panfilo, hothead!
Your grandpa's toothless!
[Don Octavio:]
Don't yell at me, Guerrero!
I don't want toys, Sir Mister Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Bring me my teeth, I want them both of them, I want both, I want them both.
So I can eat carnitas, corn on the cob, and chicharron.
I myself prefer my teeth over a toy car and a ball.
I'm so hungry, buddy!
Huh, the rest are already falling out!
The sad intersection
The extreme pain is keeping me
From progressing. I am being coerced and feeling dizzy
Have I learnt my lesson to fight on?
Will I be able to cross over that wall?
Maybe I will know the answers
Fly away. My wishes will pile up I will move ahead without forgetting
Towards the far away sky
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
The tables are turned on the obstacles
We do disturb you!!!!!
As I thirst
I surrender power in my dreams
To be outnumbered doesn't mean that I will lose
Don't be scared
The place that I am standing right now
Even if I am living a painful life
I wish to be free
Throw out ambitions in this world that wants to obstruct you
Even if it is out of control
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
The youngsters will somehow dominate the elders
This way rather than losing to someone
I want to protect the people who are important to me
I swear to fulfill that desire
Fly away. My wishes will pile up I will move ahead without forgetting
The path is not important
The tables are turned on the obstacles
We do disturb you!!!!!
I wanna party
Hi DJ,by jumping to a young married couple
clapping ! clapping !
clapping hands !
'Party at Ipanema, my sweet'
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and live my life (my life)
I wanna party
I wanna fly
I'll fly like a bird
but you're one
Oh it’s true, I’ll fly like a rocket then
that's cool!
But it's so high,where I need to come down for oxygen
and now it's too late
Once you start, there's no stopping.
Hey, I just want to live my life and party
Hey, freedom and dancing,
this is what really matters in life
I've been all over the world and
I’ll live my life in Rio
But Rio made me realize....
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and fly
I'm that samba, I'm terrific, terrific, right?
terrific, terrific, terrific,
You just turn the sound right here, and you're good to go, to go
But how well you dance pretty girl,but I can do better
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and live my life (my life)
I wanna party
I wanna fly
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Heads or tails
Today it's raining
in the valley
and Roncocesi is far back by now
I come home
like the dogs
to savage
the kites
Heads or tails
time passes
short pants, and then
in a moment
and a tear
worth half a dime
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Na na
Naina, na na
Na na
Naina, na na
'If you make him cry'
Air, we are air
in the air
only air
'And don't make him cry'
heads or tails
I quietly come back
'cause what I'm looking form by now
it's already far.
Kiss me
Kiss me
As you love me
Have a coca
And please sit down
Kiss me
As you love me
Please shut your eyes
Listen to me
Tonight, if you want it,
In a big bed,
We'll be better.
I'd like) to make you stay
But in English,
How to say that ?
One could see / the American flag
On her old /worn-out bag
And a pair / of valueless blue-jeans
Yet I Guess/ that I liked them well
Kiss me
As you love me
Your cigarette's
Annoying me
Kiss me
As you love me
Well, you know, life
Is not a game.
In the wee hours
We shall stay here
To have some love
A blue and / red necklace on her bare breasts
A kerchief round her head
One could see / a bangle on her ankle
Ready to Travel/ round the World
Kiss me
As you love me
Please do not go
Smile a little
Kiss me
As you love me
Tell me goodbye
But not farewell
One could see / the American flag
On her old /worn-out bag
And a pair / of valueless blue-jeans
Yet I Guess/ that I liked them well
Yes, I Want to Come Back
Asking about you, I realized everything
That you still love me, that you still love me
Asking about you
I knew you cry
That you cry, you cry for me
I didn't want to know more
But in my heart
Unintentionally, it was born
Once again, my love
And now I want to see you
I just want to know
Why you cheated on me, why you mocked me and left with him
By God, I want to see you
I want to see you
May my pride break if you ask me to
Yes I want to come back
I didn't want to know more
But in my heart
Unintentionally, it was born
Once again, my love
And now I want to see you
I just want to know
Why you cheated on me, why you mocked me and left with him
By God, I want to see you
I want to see you
May my pride break if you ask me to
You are my queen
And yes I want to come back (yes I want to come back)
Mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.
Totul mi se pare mai bun
înțeleg bine ce e,
înțeleg că mă voi îndrăgosti de tine.
Ești mereu primul meu gând
și adorm cu tine
pare ceva rău
dar e bun ca tine.
Mă face să mă simt ușor,
zâmbește și stai ca mine
'O știi, stau îndragostindu-mă și eu de tine'.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
pentru multe zile, de câte?
Aproape o viață să te caut
și acum te am aici în față și vei vedea,
vei vedea că timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori,
pentru că nu e suficientă niciodată...
Și ne ținem de mână
amândoi stăm în liniște
sigur că e caraghios: sunt mai încordat ca tine.
Te simt între degete și e o plăcere așa
în această clipă viața e toată aici.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
privește-mă sunt sincer
încerc aceleași lucruri ca și tine acum:
pentru mine e la fel și vei vedea
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Vei vedea,
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
...Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.
The Garden on a Friday
Versions: #1
Does it have to be that hard?
Where do I have to stand to skip the line
to the garden on a Friday?
''Are they even from this town?''
I hear someone say and I hope they will leave
The light colors everything pink
I lie too badly
Can't look tough
Have my hand in my hair
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day
Underneath the bridge there's hope
Meet whoever you want except me
and then you laid your hand on my shoulder
''You look pretty in neon lights'', you said and I think I smiled
and answered quickly
Please bring me far from all the guards
I started to get foggy
To crash is cheap but a bit too indie
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day
The clock is eleven
Do you think they heard?
Ashamed but I ask
''Please let me go ahead, before the night is over''
but I don't think they heard
The night turns to day but everyone remains
They have their ID in their hand, looking down, no one gets picked
We should leave but everyone remains
They have glitter on their cheek, looking down, all in a line
Till the night turns to day
Totul îmi vorbește de tine
Nimic nu e nicicând întâmplător,
Și asta o știu,
Ca o ordine perfectă, ne îndrumă.
După ce e mișcată,
Intriga e cea mai ascunsă,
Și rămâne mister.
Întreg universul se mișcă,
Și lumea odată cu el
Strălucește luminată din spate, și se amăgește.
În fața îmbătării
De la atâta frumusețe,
Inima se rupe de sine.
Totul îmi vorbește de tine!
Totul îmi vorbește de tine!
Fiecare clipă e fatală,
Cum se poate să nu iubești?
Totul mă poartă spre tine,
Și mă-ndepărtează de mine!
Dar câtă cale e de străbătut,
De aici până a ajunge la tine!
Nimeni nu poate distruge adevărul
Unei emoții unice.
Nu mai sunt trist,
Dacă știu că există
Ceva ce nu se va sfârși!
Fiecare clipă e fatală,
Cum se poate să nu iubești?
Totul îmi vorbește de tine!
Totul mă poartă spre tine!
Dar câtă cale e de străbătut
De aici, până a ajunge la tine!
Dar câtă cale e de străbătut
De aici până a ajunge la tine!
Din adevăr
Anumite zile fără sfârșit cu viteză mai mare de o mie
Mă simt de parcă aş muri pentru ceva ce nu merită,
Vin să beau din ochii tăi ceea ce știi să-mi dai,
Cu acel aer al unei doamne fragile și sigure,
Cu acel aer al unei doamne fragile și sigure.
Și mă observi zâmbind cu un pic de nebunie
Apoi măsori timpul nostru pentru cât nu ai fost a mea.
Da, știu că-mi reproșezi pe cine a sărutat înainte de tine
Această gură care, apoi într-o frumoasă zi, a sărutat-o pe a ta.
Aceasta gură care, apoi, intr-o frumoasă zi, a sărutat-o pe a ta.
Dar nu știu ce să-ți spun, doar adevărul meu
Fiecare zi care se adaugă și construiește vârsta mea.
Îmi amintesc că între multă tinerețe și melancolie
Compania ta mi-a schimbat povestea,
Compania ta mi-a schimbat povestea.
Și îmi place să suport fantezia ta ciudată,
Acel mod al tău de a vorbi de concepte și de poezie.
Și chiar dacă mai am încă multe care se mișcă în mine
Dacă ar trebui să te reinventez,
Te-aș face din adevăr.
Dacă ar trebui să te reinventez,
Te-aș face din adevăr.
Până când vei dori, te vreau lângă mine,
Și iarna va fi caldă lângă tine.
The Things I'm Not Waiting For
Versions: #1
Surprised at the centre of a storm,
the volume loud inside my head.
My ideas are smoke,
flames of a fire that is only mine.
And if by chance I find you around those seas
sailing your dream until you reach it
with no need for you to say anything,
I'll stay to keep you company.
I can only look at the same spot
where you're looking at,
and thus I start to think
that I've already won
by convincing you that you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
Any place where I'm with you,
I'm at home.
Like the September sun
scorching Rome,
the snowy station
when it sticks out
or like those who shout and clap their hands
'cause they're the best at a concert.
I can only return to the same spot
where you want me to.
What is mine is yours, I assure you that.
I gave you everything
because you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
I'm defeating you, convincing you
that you're great!
That you're great!
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something,
that's why anywhere I'm with you,
I feel at home.
Lucifer, That Day
Versions: #1
Lucifer, on that day,
just as you would have,
that malicious air
to the afterlife returns!
Those weary sighs,
are like a cruel celebration
like that which awaits
in Heaven.
Dead, is that fierce desire,
now, more than a year has passed...
love is a fleeting dream.
Oh, Lady!
my life runs out,
oh, Lady!
now the light kills me.
Dead, is that fierce desire...
trembling all over, what do I hope for?
She - the venomous one - slithers [away],
she springs out of bed,
she smooths her scales,
without making sound.
The false lover
embraces me in vain,
may the heart drip,
for the sky is empty.
Dead, is that fierce desire,
now, more than a year has passed...
love is a fleeting dream.
Oh, Lady!
my life runs out,
oh, Lady!
now the light kills me.
Dead, is that fierce desire...
trembling all over, what do I hope for?
Nu te voi trezi
Am fost deseori ispitit de vânturi,
Dar pentru mulți ani nu voi mai pleca,
Te iubesc, dragostea mea,
Te iubesc și dacă mă auzi,
o parte din anii mei mi-i iei tu.
Dacă mă privești cu acei ochi care văd departe,
Vei înțelege că într-o zi voi fi fost și eu frumos.
Au fost multe vânturi ca sa-mi ia mâna.
Și înșelându-mă, mi-au spus: Acum esti al meu.
Îmi place să rămân imobil și să te privesc dormind.
Pentru că dacă acesta e un vis, nu te voi trezi.
Pentru aceasta rămân nemișcat, aproape,fără să respir.
Aș vrea să-ți dăruiesc chiar și ceea ce nu am.
Dacă timpul ar fi un joc, un joc pentru cei mari
Aș dori să încep din nou viața împreună cu tine
Și să-mi cheltui zilele mele pentru a-ți darui frumoase amintiri.
Amintirile unei vieți petrecută lângă mine.
Dacă mă privești cu acei ochi care văd departe
Vei înțelege că într-o zi voi fi fost și eu frumos
Au fost multe vânturi ca sa-mi ia mâna.
Și înșelându-mă mi-au spus : Acum ești al meu.
Lumea este acum aiurea, lumea care nu vrea
Care judecă sever pe cei ca mine.
Dar, dacă pentru o clipă, pentru o singură clipă,
Ar fi simțit ceea ce eu simt pentru tine.
S-ar opri lumea, lumea acolo ca să te privească.
Tu, care dormi și poate mă visezi.
Încă o zi se duce
Acolo, în mugurele unui amurg.
Chiar dacă ziua de mâine se va-ntoarce,
Când zorii mă vor trezi
Singur nu voi fi.
Dacă mă întorc, știu că tu ești prezentă,
Eu mă hrănesc din privirile tale,
Nimic nu mai e uitat împreună cu tine,
Pricepută, tu știi să mă faci să trăiesc.
Câtă iubire îmi dărui!
Eternitatea e o legătură între noi,
Adevărul e mai aproape acum.
Eternitatea înseamnă a sta aici, așa, noi doi,
Eternitatea e așa.
Uite câtă viață e în jurul tău,
Fugi și nu știi unde să te ascunzi.
Deschide-ți brațele sus, către cer.
Te entuziasmezi din orice tu,
Nu te voi opri niciodată!
Eternitatea e o legătură între noi,
Adevărul e mai aproape acum,
Pentru că vei primi, vei primi de la mine eternitatea...
Trăim eternitatea, da, ba chiar mai mult...
Suntem mai mult, suntem eternitatea.
Anti hero
I'm just an antihero, you're good
Your humble soul wants more
All that gave you - destroyed
You lead me dear to the past
Pretending to love is not difficult for me
Avoiding all the ways where you are like the moon
Lighted me the way that made
Us to the cliff and on all over again
Where are you? Where are you? Where I am?
Tired so measure the ways
Waited so long to trust her
The laws of the song, together we have enough strength
Go go go go
I searched so much, but did not replace
Time timer presses down
Lost something, found something
In the maze of these individuals
But no, but no, but no
Replaced her definitely not
Moon light day
Moon light day
I see outside the window,
outside the window, outside the rain
Wait too long, wait long
But wait for me
I'm just an antihero, you're good
Your humble soul wants more
All that gave you - destroyed
You lead me dear to the past
Pretending to love is not difficult for me
Avoiding all the ways where you are like the moon
Lighted me the way that made
Us to the cliff and on all over again
Romantic night
Tonight my wife is with her friends,
it's gonna be a rather melancholic night.
I drink a tonic, I play videopoker
I take a stroll among the shops downtown,
then I stumble on a sign that reads:
'Romantic massage
for a romantic night'
such a nice little place,
with those dim lights.
Romantic massage
for a romantic night
a really nice little place,
feels like I am in Beijing!
I go in and they smile at me,
I lie naked on the table
they rub my whole body,
then they give me a wink
and they whisper in my ear:
'You want lomantic massage
fol a lomantic night?'
I'm caught off guard:
how will I explain it to my wife,
about your romantic mass-ah-ah-age
in this romantic ni-ih-ih-ight
but I do appreciate this thing - yes. you bet!
although it comes with a surcharge - go on, don't stop!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght
I'm starting to feel the results
of this expert friction! - keep it up, keep it up!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght!...
How remarkable China is,
in the art of
Oh Nero Nero
Oh Nero Nero, where do you go?
Oh, betrayer of my life,
you ruined my life and our love will never come back
you ruined my life and our love will never come back
You ruined my brothers,
you ruined my sisters,
they had curly hair, they were handsome and our love will never come back
they had curly hair, they were handsome and our love will never come back
I was sitting on a little bridge,
I was near my home.
I got a coffee at Lucia's place, I found a squad and got arrested
I got a coffee at Lucia's place, I found a squad and got arrested
The one who arrested me was a true friend,
his name was Nero [Black]
I thought he was sincere, but that coward ruined me.
I thought he was sincere, but that coward ruined me.
He ruined me to an end,
to take my darling,
but if I ever get out of this cell, I will have my revenge
but if I ever get out of this cell, I will have my revenge.
My revenge was right and sacred,
three stabs from my knife,
I sent him to the hospital and rest assured, he won't get out
I sent him to the hospital and rest assured, he won't get out.
There was a trial in the courthouse,
my mama was there,
and the judge, that rat, sentenced me to twenty-one years
and the judge, that rat, sentenced me to twenty-one years.
But I can't afford to lose twenty-one years,
my youth is hardly anything
but I have my dear old mama
she will die and I will never see her again,
but I have my dear old mama
she will die and I will never see her again.
The Donkey of the Savanna
Versions: #1
With my little donkey of the savanna,
I'm going to Bethlehem,
With my little donkey of the savanna,
I'm going to Bethlehem.
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem,
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem.
With my little cuatro I go singing,
And my little donkey goes trotting,
With my cautro I go singing,
And my donkey goes trotting.
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem,
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem.
The little morning star,
Illuminates my path,
The morning star,
Illuminates my path.
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem,
If they see me, if they see me,
I'm going to Bethlehem.
Tuqui Tuqui Tuquituqui,
Tuquituqui Tu qui Ta,
Hurry up my litttle donkey,
That now we are going to arrive.
Tuqui Tuqui Tuquituqui,
Tuquituqui Tu qui Ta,
Hurry up my donkey,
Let's go see Jesus