Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 28


The brightest star

Versions: #1
The brightest star in the night sky, do you hear
the words in the heart of the lonely one looking up at you
The brightest star in the night sky, do you remember
the one who once walked beside me, who disappeared into the wind
I pray to have a heart as clear as glass
and eyes that tears can flow from
Give me the strength to find faith again
and cross the field of lies to embrace you
When I can’t find a reason for living
When I am lost in the dark night
The brightest star in the night sky,
please guide me closer to you
The brightest star in the night sky, do you know
the one who once walked beside me, where is she now?
The brightest star in the night sky, do you care
that tragedy might hit as I wait for the sun to rise?
I’d rather keep all the pain inside my heart
than forget the shape of your eyes
Give me the strength to find faith again
and cross the field of lies to embrace you
When I can’t find a reason for living
When I am lost in the dark night
The brightest star in the night sky,
please illuminate the way ahead
I pray to have a heart as clear as glass
and eyes that tears can flow from
Give me the strength to find faith again
and cross the field of lies to embrace you
When I can’t find a reason for living
When I am lost in the dark night
The brightest star in the night sky,
please illuminate the way ahead
The brightest star in the night sky, do you hear
the words in the heart of the lonely one looking up at you

Magic of Love

Too soon
The magic fades
He is with me
Just a moment
I remember
When he did everything for me
But time took it away
He confronted dangers to protect me
And so won me for his love
I want the magic of love again
And see yearning in his eyes
As well as the greatest miracle
When you know the best
Will dawn
I want the magic of love again
Oh magic powers give me
And tell me the magic words
If I can get that magic back again
It isn't wrong
He fulfils dreams
It is just do hard
I stay waiting alone
I want the magic of love again
That strange witchcraft of the heart
Only he can light that fire
Can get feeling
And yearning for more
Oh magic powers give to me
And the magic words to me repeat
That is how I will get the magic of love again

Don't look

Versions: #1
Don't look, don't look around,
Stay the way you are, be, who you are.
The whole world illuminates your eyes, if love lives in .
Don't look, don't look around,
Stay the way you are, be yourself.
The whole world illuminates your eyes, if love lives in the heart.
Don't look, don't look around,
Your broke my heart in half again,
You left a serious scar,
I'm not able to breath.
Be yourself,
Everything is huffing and puffing inside, you hear, what is it?
Don't worry, don't worry my soul,
Do go and let's lock all the doors.
Don't look, don't look around,
Stay the way you are, be yourself.
The whole world illuminates your eyes, if love lives in the heart.
You know, there's no one like you,
The candles have gone out at once, but I see the light in you,
The dawn is approaches again, let this moment last.
Look into your heart, the fairy.
You said you’d find me,
Well, where am I?
I'm sick but you are my panacea,
I’ll wait where the alley is leading you.
Don't look, don't look around,
Stay the way you are, be yourself.
The whole world illuminates your eyes, if love lives in the heart.

Plan de evadare

Nu mă aștepta treaz,
Mă îndoiesc că voi regreta și voi face cale întoarsă.
Nu-mi cunosc reflexia.
M-au saturat cu goluri ce trebuie umplute.
Frigul mă face să tremur...
Notele muzicale nu mai sună lafel.
De fiecare dată sunt mai aproape
Să fiu mai departe de mine.
Voi șterge toate urmele,
În caz că vor să mă urmeze.
Să renunț la mania irosirii
Energiei mele pe efemerități,
Să mă iubesc în plină singurătate,
Să mă completez înainte să cer mai mult,
Să pierd nordul și pe oamenii săi temporali.
Ar trebui să faci și tu lafel.
Adio! Nu știu cum s-o spun mai bine.
Mai înalt, dar nu mai bun,
Dependent de greșeală...
Știu deja că-mi face rău,
Succesul se naște din durere.
Criminal al temporalității,
Al momentelor pe care încerc să mi le amintesc,
Așa cum le-am uitat.
Vreau să traversez linia dintre dorința
Și disprețul tău.
De ceva timp de când faci, de când...
De când sunt la zile
De a atinge capătul,
Să-mi pierd calea,
Să trec punctul
Al „neîntoarcerii”.
Pe curând!
Nu vreau să trăiesc în lumea asta crudă,
Dacă se întreabă de ce, încerc să continui în cel mai bun mod pe care îl știu.
De fiecare dată sunt mai aproape
Să fiu mai departe de mine.
Voi șterge toate urmele,
În caz că vor să mă urmeze.
Să renunț la mania irosirii
Energiei mele pe efemerități,
Să mă iubesc în plină singurătate,
Să mă completez înainte să cer mai mult,
Să pierd nordul și pe oamenii săi temporali.
Am nevoie de scăpare.
[Bely și Rayden]
De aplauze pe interes,
Jocuri trucate,
De vampiri emoționali,
Călăi ai visătorului,
De relații și iubiți din floare în floare,
Victime necondiționate,
De rău intenționați care crează rivalități.
De judecători care îți judecă viața și cred că au dreptul, când nici măcar nu se protejează.
Fanatism, orice tip de disceplină, a celor care iartă și în veci nu uită,
De actori care trăiesc scena și mint mai mult decât vorbesc, fără să iasă din cadru,
De „te iubesc” la mâna a doua...
Să renunț la mania irosirii
Energiei mele pe efemerități,
Să mă iubesc în plină singurătate,
Să mă completez înainte să cer mai mult,
Să pierd nordul și pe oamenii săi temporali.
[Bely și Rayden]
De fiecare dată sunt mai aproape
Să fiu mai departe de mine.
Voi șterge toate urmele,
În caz că vor să mă urmeze.


Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it I search for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I smash to pieces the repetitive morning
Drowned by the unending beats, I dance to the midnight rhythm till the break of dawn
Casting everything off, the fleeting thoughts in my head peeks on me with a deceptive mask
In yesterday of great cowardice and even in the present of incessant dancing looking for something I can't see
Just tell me, to whom do I turn my bitter face that can't hide my frustration at?
Even if I continue to struggle at the absurd morals that are binding me
Such meaningless time keeps on passing by without a change
The ideals that I've always imagined are too far to reach and I can't elude from my past I wish to reset
The pursuit of my dreams, the reality that keeps hammering me down the nights of toil keep on repeating
As if being sneered by everything that shines under the light of the night
I am only being pulled around like a marionette without anybody noticing
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Are wandering in the darkness trying to find an exit
I can't stop lovin' you no matter how huge this overflowing feeling that I find impossible to contain is
It will still remain an unfulfilled dream as another monotonous day arrives
I'm starting to try blaming just anyone as to why we had met so late why we had parted so early
If I could have just one wish to come true please make me go back in time
As if led by the moonlight, when the night comes I fall deep down
There's just no respite from this no-goal, endless game that goes on and on with no limit in sight
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Will someday surely find its way to a place that I can call my own
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it I search for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I smash to pieces the repetitive morning
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Will someday surely find its way to a place that I can call my own
Don't escape from my life unable to run away from it I seek for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I face the new dawn
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it
Don't escape from my life unable to run away from it
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it
-- Feel free to comment, criticise, mark, discuss, use etc. my translations ! --

Sa mi te scot din minte

Era greșit, si oricum nu a mers niciodată
Sau cel puțin asa mi-am spus
Ca să nu mai doară
Încerc să dau muzica la maxim
Ca sa nu te mai vad in fata ochilor
Dar nu mi te pot scoate din minte
Te urăsc pentru că mereu
Ma uit la poza ta
Și eu îmi spun
Că am trecut peste tine
Dar apoi nu mai sunt la fel de sigura
Aș vrea să mi te pot scoate
Din minte
Dar mă gândesc mereu la tine
Și aș vrea să nu mă gândesc deloc
Macar o dată în viața
Dar când îți văd chipul
Nu mi te mai pot scoate din minte
Știu că nu am fost niciodată un cuplu
Dar mă gândesc mereu
Ce s-ar fi putut întâmpla dacă continuam
Și niciodată nu mi s-a mai întâmplat asta
Numai în filme
Dar dragule uite ca se întâmplă
Te urăsc pentru că mereu
Ma uit la poza ta
Și eu îmi spun
Că am trecut peste tine
Dar apoi nu mai sunt la fel de sigura
Aș vrea să mi te pot scoate
Din minte
Dar mă gândesc mereu la tine
Și aș vrea să nu mă gândesc deloc
Macar o dată în viața
Dar când îți văd chipul
Nu mi te mai pot scoate din minte
Nu mi te pot scoate din minte
Aș vrea să ma pot opri uneori
Oh, Nu mi te pot scoate din minte
Oh, indiferent cât de mult încerc
Aș vrea să ma pot opri uneori
Aș vrea să mi te pot scoate
Din minte
Dar mă gândesc mereu la tine
Și aș vrea să nu mă gândesc deloc
Macar o dată în viața
Dar când îți văd chipul
Nu mi te mai pot scoate din minte

Romance of the orchestra and the tail pipe

The orchestra was going on a bus. They were taking the concert the had done in the city A, to offer it in the city B. Some days after they would pick it up to bring it to the city C. The woman who played depending on the cases the third clarinet, bass clarinet, or nothing, had took her head through the window and she was enjoying the wind, wich changed the hair setting. There wasn't wind, in fact, but the motion of the bus at certain speed pretended it to be. That bus had no windows that could be opened, but the clarinetist had used the red hammer that was in the middle for emergency cases and she had broken the glass and she was leaning out her head through there. She was fed up of her work. Like most of her orchestra fellows, she hated music and her biggest wish was to be able to quit that job and not devote herself to anything. The glass breaking and the fact of leaning out her hear through the window, was a symbolic mean that she had found to express her wish of leaving everything. A bassoonist who was sitting by her side leaned out his head too for the glass breaking had left enough space. But while the clarinetist was looking up to the sky, the bassoonist was looking down. He was also fed up of the orchestra and of having to study difficult passages without knowing to read music completely. Because honestly, he was only familiarized with certain usual combinations of figures. But when he came upon different sequences, he was only playing some approximation. And he played them with low volume, trying to hide behind the sound of the other instruments. But when it was a passage with nothing behind where to hide, he was feeling like giving up. And as his temperament was more self destructive than the clarinetist, he was looking down, expressing his symbolic wish of dying under the wheels of the bus. 'What are you looking at?' asked the clarinetist, anxious before the chance that he had found a scape. 'Nothing, nothing' he said, hiding his suicidal fantasy. 'What's that?' she asked, pointing at something appearing in some part of the edge of the bodywork. 'I don't know, it looks like a tail pipe' he said. 'A tail pipe, it's my chance to scape' she thought. And she jumped entirely through the window trying to reach the pipe. The bassoonist saw how she was successful in her business, being sucked by the pipe and dissapearing in its interior. Despite the noise of the engine and the wind, the bassoonist could hear some seconds later some kind of clarineted burp, which was the chosen form by the pipe for expressing its satisfaction by the ingestion made. Some of the other musicians went closer to poke around and the news was spreaded to the rest of the bus. With great jubilee, all the sections of the orchestra went going through the tail pipe. But the bassoonist didn't take courage to jump. He didn't know if that tail pipe would lead to happiness or to a sudden death. But his temperament was more like for a gradual death. He went to sit next to the driver and looking at the clouds coming together in the horizon, he said 'Crazy weather, isn't it?'
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

So that your butterflies don't escape

Don't rush today, my love,
Let me tell you something,
Something that you have taught me,
in the last few years,
that without a doubt
have been the best years of my life
Although you know well,
That I, rather than flowers,
am more into melodies
So let me tell you, singing,
that I used to be a man of science,
and now I am once in a while,
Because thanks to you...
I don't believe in miracles,
Because I have lived them,
The heart tells me,
that there is no other explanation for you to be with me
I don't believe in good fortune,
other than your laughter
and (having seen) your eyes already,
I'm going to tell you, I'm tearing up my shirt )*
And the extent to which my love grows for you,
The wounds of the past
that tormented me so much,
don't make sense to me anymore )**
And it's the length of your hair,
where I always get entangled, my love
That's why I stitch up your bellybutton,
but of course with a sterling silver thread,
So that your butterflies don't escape
Don't be afraid today, my love,
You are the light that guides me,
You are a beacon in this sea,
Where I've been shipwrecked for days,
And although at night,
The sky shines with a shipyard full of stars,
As much as I speechlessly stare at the sky,
you are the most beautiful
So let me tell you, singing,
that I used to be a man of science,
and now I am once in a while,
Because thanks to you...
I don't believe in miracles,
Because I have lived them,
The heart tells me,
that there is no other explanation for you to be with me
I don't believe in good fortune,
other than your laughter
and (having seen) your eyes already,
I'm going to tell you, I'm tearing up my shirt )*
And the extent to which my love grows for you,
The wounds of the past
that tormented me so much,
don't make sense to me anymore )**
And it's the length of your hair,
where I always get entangled, my love
That's why I stitch up your bellybutton,
but of course with a sterling silver thread,
So that your butterflies don't escape
Every day I will take care of a few details,
I'll always wake you up with a rose,
And you'll never fall asleep without me loving you before it,
so that your butterflies don't escape,
Each day I'm going to make you feel free,
Because in captivity they stop being cuddly,
and the poet who writes them into life falls silent
So that your butterflies don't escape
So that your butterflies don't escape
So that your butterflies don't escape
So that your butterflies don't escape
So that your butterflies don't escape
So that your butterflies don't escape

Frumoasa evadare!

De-as putea sa evadez, as face-o insa,
Inainte de tot, permite-mi sa spun...
Eu trebuie scuze sa-mi cer pentru comportamentul meu gretos
si felul in care te-am tratat
Fiindca eu am fost precum 'laptele acru pe podea
E vina ta , fiindca tu n-ai inchis frigiderul...!
Poeate asta-i motivul pentru comportamentul meu asa de rece?
De-as putea eu sa evadez si sa recreez un loc care sa-mi fie
propria-mi lume
Si as putea sa fiu preferata ta fata (pentru totdeauna), perfecti
Spune-mi acum baiete, n-ar fi asta dragut !?(dulce evadare)
De-as putea eu sa fiu draguta, 'eu stiu , am fost o fetita foarte
rea' (Eu sa ma schimb, voi incerca)
Eu n-am vrut ca tu ranit sa fii ('Oarecum!')
Noi putem s-o indreptam, Zi baiete n-ar fi asta dragut!?(dulce
Vreau sa plec departe, catre a noastra dulce evadare
Vreau departe sa plec, daaaa
Tu m-ai tinut 'jos', eu's la limita rabdarii
Vino, ajuta-ma , eu trebuie sa ma scot din starea asta
Hai sa-i dam drumu', contez pe tine sa ma intorci din drum
In loc sa ne maimutarim, hai sa cautam un front comun
Asa iubire, timpurile devin putin nebunatice
Eu am devenit putin plictisita, asteptand dupa tine sa vii, sa ma salvezi
Pot vedea ca tu esti furios, din modul cum ma tratezi
Sper ca nu ma parasesti, vreau cu mine sa te iau !
De-as putea eu sa evadez si sa recreez un loc care sa-mi fie
propria-mi lume
Si as putea sa fiu preferata ta fata (pentru totdeauna), perfecti
Spune-mi acum baiete, n-ar fi asta dragut !?(dulce evadare)
De-as putea eu sa fiu draguta, 'eu stiu , am fost o fetita foarte
rea' (Eu sa ma schimb, voi incerca)
Eu n-am vrut ca tu ranit sa fii ('Oarecum!')
Noi putem s-o indreptam, Zi baiete n-ar fi asta dragut!?(dulce
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo (De-as putea sa evadez)
Woohoo, yeehoo (De-as putea sa evadez!!)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Fiindca eu am fost precum 'laptele acru, pe podea
E vina ta , fiindca tu n-ai inchis frigiderul...!
Poeate asta-i motivul pentru comportamentul meu asa de rece?
De-as putea eu sa evadez si sa recreez un loc care sa-mi fie
propria-mi lume
Si as putea sa fiu preferata ta fata (pentru totdeauna), perfecti
Spune-mi acum baiete, n-ar fi asta dragut !?(dulce evadare)
De-as putea eu sa fiu draguta, 'eu stiu , am fost o fetita foarte
rea' (Eu sa ma schimb, voi incerca)
Eu n-am vrut ca tu ranit sa fii ('Oarecum!')
Noi putem s-o indreptam, Zi baiete n-ar fi asta dragut!?(dulce
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Eu vreau sa plec departe, plec departe)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Catre a noastra dulce scapare)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Eu vreau sa plec departe)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Daaa!!)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo!!!!!!!!!!!