Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 185


Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter

Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
all at once, the sky becomes black
the clothes hanging one by one are put inside
and it rains, it rains that God has forgotten us,
it seems to me like the Deluge
that washes the stones and that cancels the evil
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
then it comes day with a pink dawn
and the world seems to be something else
and another time, what should we do?
we sing, to dream of living.
If life is sleepy, what should we do?
We sing to dream of living.
Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Rii, outch, hei, hm,
Priveste-ma, sunt o creatura frumoasa
Nu ma intereseaza de predica ta despre modernitate
Bine ati venit la spectacolul meu baieti, am lucruri sa va invat
Drum drum ah ooh, drum drum ah oh
Hei, cred ca ati uitat cum se joaca
Ursuletul meu de plus fuge
Barbie are ceva de zis, hei
Smartphonul meu spune: ''Lasa-ma-n pace!''
Imi iau Pikachu-ul acasa
Esti stupid ca si smartphonul tau
Wonder Woman, nu uita ca
Tu esti divina si el este pe cale sa regrete
El el un baiat cot-cot-cot-cot
Nu sunt a ta cot-cot-cot-cot
Nu sunt jucaria ta (Nu jucaria ta)
Baiat idiot (baiat idiot)
Te voi demonta, iti voi arata
Vom dansa cu papusile mele pe ritmul
Nu jucaria ta (Couloulou, couloulou)
A, a, a, nu sunt papusa
A, a, a, nu sunt o papusa
(Couloulou, couloulou) Clopotelele de nunta suna
(Couloulou, couloulou) Oameni cu bani, bling-bling
Nu-mi pasa de putul tau de bani*, draga
Drum drum ah ooh, drum drum ah ooh
Wonder Woman, nu uita ca
Tu esti divina si el este pe cale sa regrete
El el un baiat cot-cot-cot-cot
Nu sunt a ta cot-cot-cot-cot
Nu sunt jucaria ta (Nu jucaria ta)
Baiat idiot (baiat idiot)
Te voi demonta, iti voi arata
Vom dansa cu papusile mele pe ritmul ***
Nu jucaria ta (nu jucaria ta)
Baiat idiot (baiat idiot)
Acum, te voi duce
Cu mine, baiatule
(Nu sunt jucaria ta)
Baiat idiot
Te voi demonta, iti voi arata
Vom dansa cu papusile mele pe ritmul ***
(Nu sunt jucaria ta) Priveste-ma, sunt o creatura frumoasa
(Baiat idiot) Nu ma intereseaza de predicarea ta despre modernitate
(Nu sunt jucaria ta) Nu jucaria ta, nu jucaria ta, nu jucaria ta, jucarie
Nu jucaria ta, nu jucaria ta, nu jucaria ta, jucarie


When I got married, I was a boy
and how lovely my wife was
the first night I slept with her
I was cold and she had fever
I have fever and cold when I'm near you
my skin burns when I'm near you
the second night I slept with her
the cold left me and she had not fever
beautiful girl, what is your name
my name is sanacore, what do you want
heal my heart, I want you tonight
I have fallen in love with you
heal this heart that now is sick of you
I want you tonight
my name is sanacore, what do you want
I do not care who tells me he's holding you
in these things it is not promised and is not maintained
never promises, never keeps
because if I look at your eyes, I see that they burn
of passion, like mine
if the same fire that is burning me, is burning you
you are mine tonight ,because you too are in love with me
oh, if you can, heal my heart
and if you can not you, someone else heals him
heal it, heal it
don't heal the heart of the sick people
I do not care who tells me he's holding you
in these things it is not promised and is not maintained
never promises, never keeps
because if I look at your eyes, I see that they burn
of passion, like mine
if the same fire that is burning me, is burning you
you are mine tonight, because you too are in love with me
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

O felie de lamaie

Doamna, nu ne-am inteles
doamna, asculta ceea ce iti spun
nu, saruturilor tale spun nu,
nu, iubirii tale spun nu,
surasului tau fara vlaga spun
nu, nu, nu!
Nu vreau palatele tale, nu vreau bogatiile,
nu vreau mangaierile,
esti bogata dar esti urata, dar uita-te in oglinda
nu vezi ca esti batrana,
spune-mi ce vrei de la mine!
Dar vazand ca insisti a-mi face propuneri
iti voi spune ceea ce doresc de la tine...
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie,
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie
in ceai.
Nu vreau o suta de saci de grau care ma impiedica
si cadouri cu gramada
esti bogata dar esti proasta, pentru mine esti prea slaba
pentru aceasta nu ma cuceresti,
spune-mi ce vrei de la mine!
Dar vazand ca insisti a-mi face propuneri
iti voi spune ceea ce doresc de la tine...
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie,
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie
in ceai.


Take hold of the sky
Cut it into two halves
Pack the dreams up and go
Steal the stars
And, as if they were a thousand diamonds,
Stick them onto me
If it serves you
Gather earth, water and freedom
Gift me with beauty and vanity
As long
As I'm not
As perfect as you want me to be
As I won't have
Any more peace if
You are not peace
Drink the sea
Without swallowing
Then hold it back
In your throat
With the words
It will be sweeter
And the salt will rise up
Give me
Words and sea to drink
Gift me with greatness
And depth
As long
As I'm not
As perfect as you want me to be
As I won't have
Any more peace if
You are not peace
Transform me
Model me
With your hands
Build me
And I
Will be
As perfect as you want me to be
And I will find
Peace because
You'll be peace
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
I lost the sky
And perfection, but
For you and for me, I've chosen
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Love is only pressure in balls

You girl might have stolen my brains
My night's sleep and social skills
Among these props you felt so real
And the bigger the legend, the crazier wife
Cus you looked liked a fallen angel
There where a smoking closet was to us a mere heaven
I didn't want to start knowing you
I wanted to know what was wrong with you
You have troubles with your father-daughter relationship
And I just can't be happy just for no reason
That's why we agreed the world hated us both equally
And I forget your name before we reach the hotel
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
I got you and what a beautiful night it was
I tackled myself, what, about few minutes it lasted
Yeah, I was naive back then
To you I was somebody and to me you were everything
I didn't know yet that it is chemistry in my brains
Cus a voice down there commanded to call you a wife
Now heart prints on toilet paper
A good shit is better than a bad fuck
And nowadays others want only drink and fuck
Rather drink (you should've listened to your old man!)
You could break a heart if you only tried
Maybe you can find something like that somewhere
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
I haven't cheated my love poems
There wouldn't have been Romeo and Julia if Romeo had wanked off

Hug me

Last night a tricky (bad) dream
made me go crazy
made me go crazy
You were hugging another woman
you made me shiver
you made me shiver
My love
Why this jealousy?
Even a bitter dream makes my life harder
Hug me, hug me
Tighter and tighter in my heart
Hold me tight, kiss me
Tell me that you love only me
I had the most beautiful dream last night
Me hugging you
Hugging you
We have an entire life
If it remains
If it remains*
If this tricky dream
made me sleep again
made me sleep again
My love
Maybe it‘s a sickness
Night and day I‘m thinking of you
Hug me, hug me,
Tighter and tighter
On your heart
Hold me, kiss me
Tell me that you love only me
I had the most beautiful dream last night
Me hugging you
(3 times)

Mi-ar plăcea să schimb lumea

Peste tot sunt ciudați şi păroşi
Lesbiene şi zâne, spune-mi unde e normalitatea
Taxează bogații, hrăneşte săracii
Pâna ce nu mai sunt bogati
Mi-ar plăcea să schimb lumea
Dar nu ştiu ce sa fac
Deci o las în seama ta.
Populația continuă să se reproduca
Nația sângereaza, încă se hrăneşte economia
Viața e amuzantă, cerul e însorit
Albinele fac miere, cine are nevoie de bani, Monopoly.
Mi-ar plăcea să schimb lumea
Dar nu ştiu ce sa fac
Deci o las în seama ta.
Poluarea lumii, nu sunt soluții
Instituție, electrocutare
Doar negru şi alb, bogați sau săraci
Ei şi noi, opriți războiul.
Mi-ar plăcea să schimb lumea
Dar nu stiu ce sa fac
Deci o las în seama ta.

Maribel slept

Maribel slept
let's sing to her because she drowned
carrousel, sensation
that she sees us better with the soul
Maribel, Maribel
they say she doesn't have any paper
let's go, let's go
let's go because she comes and because isn't here
Sing, sing all your life
sing with excitement
and by leaving you'll feel
a huge breeze of freedom
Sing, sing even if you're far
sing with me, sing your today's pains
Maribel slept
let's sing to her because she drowned
carrousel, sensation
that she sees us better with the soul
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Toate prostiile pe care le-am facut aseara
Acelea vor fi cele mai bune amintiri
Vreau doar sa le las sa se intample noaptea
Aceea va fi cea mai buna terapie pentru mine
Toate prostiile pe care le-am facut aseara
Acelea vor fi cele mai bune amintiri
Vreau doar sa le las sa se intample noaptea
Aceea va fi cea mai buna terapie pentru mine
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Toate prostiile pe care le-am facut aseara
Acelea vor fi cele mai bune amintiri
Vreau doar sa le las sa se intample noaptea
Aceea va fi cea mai buna terapie pentru mine
Toate prostiile pe care le-am facut aseara
Acelea vor fi cele mai bune amintiri
Vreau doar sa le las sa se intample noaptea
Aceea va fi cea mai buna terapie pentru mine
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Se face tarziu dar nu ma interesează
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da
Hei hei, da da

I long for you

There is a boy in every class
Who is special for someone
And it is you who is special for me
Someday you will be mine
There is a guy and it is you
But open your eyes and understand
Although you are older and have a girlfriend now
It should be the two of us
If you only want
To look a little more
So maybe you can see me
And see that I don't want to have anybody else but you, for me
I long, I long for you
I want you to be here with me
I long, I long for you
I want you to be here with me
Now a few years have passed
But in my heart you always stayed
When the telephone rang yesterday
Then it was completely unexpected that you said:
I long, I long for you
I want you to be here with me
I long, I long for you
I want you to be here with me
I long, I long for you
I want you to be here with me

Беретта(название пистолета)

Под запретным знаком?
На красном свете?
В одиночку.
С закрытыми глазами?
Я оставляю контроль,
ты его возьми.
В глубоких водах?
Нет, не совсем.
Удар от скал?
Похоже, да ...
И ты можешь плакать, это ничего не изменит,
Я хочу утонуть - именно так, именно здесь.
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Капли на щеках?
Идет дождь.
Усталые глаза?
Трещины на асфальте,
я считаю
Рискуешь быть любимым!
Но весь мир не означает человек.
Иногда стих?
На каждом стихе!
Интрига удалена!
И я удален ...
Где твой цвет?
Я отдал ей.
Кто она?
Ты кто такой чтобы спрашивать?
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
После полуночи.
Я люблю тебя, как ты оттаяла меня .
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
Ты ведь знаешь, что я чувствую.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
Может быть, последняя ночь.
Прости меня, как ты боролась.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
И это последний предел, ты говори, что хочешь,
Но ты знаешь, что я
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.

The tear of the tropical fish

The summer comes, the summer
A breeze came to the window
that I rested my cheek in my hand
was a little bit hot
It stroked my sweat skin then clung to mine
I am wondering why I remember you
when the summer comes
I was a tropical fish
that didn't know love in your arms
If I swum violently
There would be the sea of tear there
The summer (comes) the summer...
Fish swimming in the fish tank
look so beautiful like peafowls
that are spreading their tail feathers
It shines and reflects diffusely
I wonder why
it seemed so sad
I didn't know anything
I wanted you to love me,
wishing so
Where I could be free?
I kept swimming
with such a feeling
I want to forget I can't forget
I see you
in the blue sky screen
I fell in love first time
and I was crying so much
The summer comes
I don't want to go back again though
I remember the tear of the tropical fish
I was a tropical fish
that didn't know love in your arms
If I swum violently
There would be the sea of tear there
I didn't know anything
I wanted you to love me,
wishing so
Where I could be free?
I kept swimming
with such a feeling
The summer comes, the summer

You Who Look At the Sea

You who look at the sea
You are alone with your memories,
And despite all the blue, and all the green,
You are sad to die,
But when you close your eyes,
A refrain that talks to you in slang,
Dance your happy days,
With the smell of the metro,
Everyone escapes in his own way,
Everyone's dream is butterfly,
You who look at the sea
You do not even see the horizon
You look twenty years back
And it's far, and it's good
Paris exists always
And when spring comes, you can see
The thugs stroll around
Chestnut trees in the boulevards
Eyes fixed on a petticoat
Remember Butterfly
You who look at the sky
You are no more than a poor man crushed
Overwhelmed by the weight of the sun
By the weight of the past
But when you fall asleep
In thought you go back there
Here you are in your decor
Your little hotel, your tobacco
Remember Butterfly

Hug me and you'll see

Versions: #4
Don't tell me what you think
I believed that I know it
Just look at me for a moment
And I'll guess
How difficult it was to loved us
And to stop loving us
And at the end of the way
Meet again
In your eyes there is no secrets
I can see it
You always had the world
That made me feel that good
How difficult it was to love us
And to love again
If it's true love
Everything can happen
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Now take my end
I don't want to wait
I feel wind on our wings
Let's fly
And how well it feels to love you
When you're by my side
And how beautiful it's to look at you
And hug you one more time
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Because you're my energy
You're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Since I saw you
Since I saw you

Know everything about me

Usually, I'm quiet and reserved at the time of questions
Today, without any questions, I want to tell, tell you
Know everything about me,
know every detail of my life.
Know everything about me,
I have nothing to hide.
Why should you hear someday from somebody's lips
that I have already loved and believed.
Know everything about me,
there was somebody and I still remember him.
Know everything about me,
there was somebody and some other love came.
If you want to brighten and warm the twilight with a smile and gesture.
You have me as I am,
you already know everything about me,
you know everything...
You are sure that I can forget
but I don't know what you know about me
and that is why I'm telling you:
Why should you hear someday from somebody's lips
that I have already loved and believed.
Know everything about me,
there was somebody and I still remember him.
Know everything about me,
there was somebody and some other love came.
If you want to brighten and warm the twilight with a smile and gesture.
You have me as I am,
you already know everything about me,
you know everything...

And to think that I love you

Paris flows sadly in the Seine1
And there is no pride in my words anymore
I write to you what I feel, as I can
I write that you're still stuck with me
Like my perfume is now.
Here, you see, everything is just like last year
But in a rush, I've lost so much time
Realizing that I chased after you
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'no'.
To all those gazes that undress me a bit!
The moon is a target practice for tourists,
But dreams become sadder as they grow old.
We were artists in bed, it's true
But now what I wish for the most
Is to share a thought.
But Paris some nights is too beautiful
To make a lover become a sister
To not be a bit tipsy
On the shoulder of someone there.
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'
To the hands that undress me a bit!
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'.
And to think that I love you...
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'
To the hands that undress me a bit!
  • 1. Figure of speech, it's the Seine that flows in Paris obviously
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal


Blestemata primavara

Dorinta de a se imbratisa si apoi
vin alb, flori si cantece de demult.
Si radeau de noi -
Ce incurcatura era,
blestemata primavara!
Ce ramine de un vis erotic daca
la trezire a devenit un poem?
Daca fara tine
nu stiu ce sa mai fac
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste,
daca din greseala
inchid ochii si ma gandesc la tine...
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a ma indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era
daca ma raneste doar pe mine?
Ce ramane inauntrul meu?
Din dezmierdarile care nu ating inima.
Stele,una singura este
care-mi poate da
masura unei iubiri
daca din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine.
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era,
blestemata ca mine...
Lasa-ma sa cred
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste
dar din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine!
Ce intereseaza daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era -
Si tu si eu stiam!

I Thought a Letter Was Thrown at the Porch

I thought a letter was thrown at the porch,
but it was only shimmer of moon.
I picked up light from the floor
How light it was, the letter of the moon
And everything bent, like iron, on that side

De neuitat

Versions: #2
Asta nu e suficient de bun pentru mine
De cand am fost cu tine,
Asta nu va functiona pentru tine
Nimeni nu ma poate egala
Voi bea aceasta bautura
Cand devin nebun
Ar trebui sa stiu cum sa ma ridic
Sunt pe punctul de a prinde ritmul in timp ce ea ma impinge
Oh, ea este beata?
Am avut conversatii intregi in ultimile 24 de ore
Te-am privit din partea cealalta a camerei
Corp micut si dragut, dansand ca un Gogo, da
Tu esti de neuitat
Trebuie sa te iau singura
De ce nu?
Un bun moment nu a facut rau nimanui, niciodata
Am o bautura mica, dar asta nu este Bacardi
Daca tu iubeai fata, atunci eu sunt ba da, ba da cu parere de rau
Trebuia sa i-o dau ca si cum am fi fost intr-o casnicie
Oh, ca si cum am fi fost grabiti
Nu, nu, nu spun nimanui
Tu esti de asemenea la nivelul tau
Incercand sa faci ceea ce fac indragostitii
Ma simt ca si cum m-am improspatat, boosie
Daca ei vor drama, il am pe Uzi
Transportand tot grupul pe croaziera
Facand lucruri pe care nu le vezi nici macar in filme
Vino cu mine,
Vino cu mine, sefule
Am capul dur, dar fundul ei este dulce
Ea vrea numele de familie cu inel
Pentru ca atunci cand am luat un milion, i-am spus sa isi faca scandura
Si tu esti de neuitat
Te vreau singura
Tu acum trebuie sa alegi
Pune bulele in jacuzzi

Three words

Listen to my secret
born from a
deserted heart.
With three worlds
I will tell you of matters
matters of the heart
which are precious.
Give me your hands,
come, take my hands,
I'm going to confide
in you my worries.
They're three words
of only my anguish,
and those three words are:
I really like you.1
  • 1. well in Spanish it's only three words, in English it's four.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.



Sunt un astronaut ce traieste pe o stea
Sunt un cow-boy cocotat pe calul sau
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Sunt un agent secret intr-o misiune secreta
Sunt un prizonier ce evadeaza din ascunzatoare
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Avansez, avansez printre bombe
Privesc lumea asta
Si alung umbrele
Nu vreau o viata normala
Chit ca imi pierd capul
Chit ca pare stupid
Alerg spre un ideal
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat
Sunt explorator pe o insula de minuni
Sunt o capetenie indiana ce comanda soarelui
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Sunt un mare vrajitor ce face mortii sa danseze
Sunt un tanar pirat ce cauta bogatii
Nu vreau sa cresc
Nu vreau sa imbatranesc
Avansez, avansez printre bombe
Privesc lumea asta
Si alung umbrele
Nu vreau o viata normala
Chit ca imi pierd capul
Chit ca pare stupid
Alerg spre un ideal
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat
E adevarat...
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din visat
Niciodata nu o sa ma opresc din zburat
Iubirea mea poate fi un vis
E adevarat

Cat timp barca pluteste

Greierul ii spuse intr-o zi furnicii:
'Painea pentru iarna tu o ai!
De ce te agiti mereu pentru vin?
Asteapta recolta si-l vei avea.'
Cred ca l-am auzit pe fratele meu spunand
Ca avea un zgarie-nori in Peru,
Voia sa ajunga pana la cer
Si acum acel zgarie-nori nu-l mai are.
Cat timp barca pluteste - las-o in pace,
Cat timp barca pluteste - tu nu vasli,
Cat timp barca pluteste - tu fii atent,
Cand dragostea vine clopotelul va suna,
Cand dragostea vine clopotelul va suna.
Si tu care stai mereu sub soare
Printre randuri de grozame si liliac,
In satul tau este cineva care te iubeste
De ce visezi femeile din oras?
Mi se pare c-o vad pe sora mea
Care avea un logodnic din Cantu
Vroia sa aiba unul si in China
Acum logodnicul nu-l mai are.
In aceasta seara mi-a sunat clopotelul,
E curios - eu am deja un iubit,
As vrea sa deschid in graba poarta mea,
Mor de curiozitate.
Dar greierul ii spuse intr-o zi furnicii:
'Painea pentru iarna tu o ai'
As vrea sa deschid in graba poarta mea,
Dar acea poarta nu o deschid niciodata!
Refren: ( de trei ori)

Pentru tine

Nici o limita in cer ca nu voi zbura pentru tine
Nici o cantitate de lacrimi in ochii mei ca nu voi plange pentru tine
Oooh nu
Cu fiecare respiratie pe care o iau
Vreau sa imparti aerul cu mine
Nu exista nici o promisiune pe care nu o voi pastra
Voi urca pe un munte nu e prea abrupt
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine
Cupidon intr-o line, sageata ti-a spus numele
Oooh da
Nu rata dragostea si ragreta
Deschide-ti mintea, curata-ti capu
Nu trebuie sa te trezesti in patul gol
Impartaseste-mi viata, e a ta sa o tii
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine
Vrei sa impartasesti asta
Cand vine vorba de tine
Vrei sa impartasesti asta
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine

Focul de neuitat

Gheață, râuri - doar ale tale, curg reci ...
Luminile orașului strălucesc ca argintul și ca aurul,
Sărind din noapte: ochii tăi, negri precum cărbunele.
Pășești pe lângă, pășești printre,
Pășești până când începi să alergi și nu te uiți înapoi,
Pentru ce sunt aici ...
Carnaval: roțile zboară și culorile se rotesc în alcool,
Vinul roșu străpunge pielea.
Față în față, într-un loc uscat și fără de apă.
Pășești pe lângă, pășești printre,
Atât de tristă ca să te poți încercui cu dragoste, așa că rezistă.
Rămâi, rămâi într-o astfel o iubire, rămâi în lumină, rămâi în lumină ...
Rămâi, rămâi în seara asta,
Vino, ia-mă departe,
Vino, ia-mă acasă, din nou.
Steven mi-a dat suflet minunat,
Lumină, stea strălucitoare ...
O, nu lăsa să plece,
Ajung acasă ...
Și dacă munții ar trebui să se prăbușească
Sau să dispară în mare -
Nu o lacrimă, nu eu -
Rămâi, rămâi acum în iubire, rămâi în lumină,
Voi rămâne în lumină,
Rămâi, rază de soare,
Acum rămâi, rămâi în lumină,
Nu mă împinge prea departe în seara asta,
În seara asta,
În seara asta,
În seara asta,
În seara asta.