Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 48



Mă dăruiesc pe mine,
nedormitele mele nopți,
cerului și stelele băute
pe munți,
briza mărilor
spre albele depărtări.
Mă dăruiesc pe mine,
soarele pur al dimineților mele
pe tărâm de poveste
printre coloane antice
și măslini și câmpii.
Mă dăruiesc pe mine,
pe sprânceana cascadei,
la poala statuilor, sus pe colina
cu trunchiuri de chiparoși
însuflețite de cuiburi.
Tu primește făptura mea
de minune,
tremurul meu de tulpină
vie în cerc
închinându-se vântului
limpede al frumuseții:
tu lasă-mă să mă uit în ochii aceștia
dăruiți ție de Dumnezeu,
de cerurile toate plini
adânci ca vecii de lumină
pierdute-n tării.

Frumusețea vieții

Ca și cum aș avea în urmă
o călătorie foarte lungă
nu-mi vine să fac nimic
mă simt atât de singur...
Dacă închid ochii
doar pentru o clipă
revăd înaintea mea
ochii tăi
și iubirea noastră
iubire neliniștită...
ne-am plimbat mult mereu
eram eu însumi
doar lângă tine
acum sunt un altul
nu știu
adevăratul, falsul
știu numai că
continui să mă gândesc la tine...
Acum sunt aici
in mijlocul acestei furtuni
mă scufund și eu astfel
În această nostalgie care mă face să sufăr
mai mult decât orice durere
și care rămâne în inima mea
ar fi ușor de spus
'Nu vreau să mai sufăr niciodată '
dar frumusețea vieții moare și apoi renaște pe neașteptate
în această clipă are stilul
același zâmbet pe care îl ai tu...


I am not yet a man.
You are such a woman.
You have only much tenderness
and you never talk to me about love.
You are forbidden for me,
but I love you always more.
You know only how to give me tenderness
because I am too young for you.
You are the culprit.
You are cold reality.
I miss you and so I cry for you.
I am not yet a man.
You are such a woman.
You have only tenderness—
an illusion—nothing more.
You know only how to give me tenderness
and you never talk to me about love.


please go away—
there is so much of you in my house—
no, do not ever enter.
There are so many people who have a need to suffer—
and who cry a little every day.
On the contrary, I want to live and sing
and I must tell you—no!
please go away—
no, do not be obsessed
with dwelling with me.
Now, I am going to paint my room red—
as soon as you are gone, I will do it.
And, in your place, I have already invited Hope—
and finally I will live.

One Last Caress

I wanted to give you one last caress
but it was all over for us by then.
I wanted to tell you one last word
but you cried when I left you.
Now you—where are you?
That one last caress awaits you.
Trapped in my throat are the words
that I failed to say before leaving you.
I wanted to have one last smile
to remember you by—together with your eyes.
But, by then,
you were already far away
Now you—where are you?
That one last caress awaits you.
Trapped in my throat are the words
that I failed to say before leaving you.
I wanted to have one last smile
to remember you by—together with your eyes.
But, by then,
you were already far away
and nothing at all remained.and nothing at all remained.

Improve your memory with a click

'Hello! If you've clicked on this file
then surely you have memory lapses.
I wrote it because I couldn't access my email inbox and I thought:
I don't remember passwords, let alone my history!
In a few years I will forget who I am
what I think, what I like, what I despise.
Indeed here you are, like the Memento guy
Ok, listen to this piece and the rhymes inside of it.'
Don't be afraid of getting old
the age you display attracts, see Persepolis
Don't be afraid of singing offkey
unlike popstars, bells play for centuries
In a world where everyone is competing
don't ride, get on Pegasus' back
and remember to honour the silence
pretending to leave a flower on Marcel Marceau's tomb
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Don't praise modernity, it's plastic
in the '30s, modernity was the swastika
It's tense in here, you're not breathing, you're wheezing
it's a summer cruise, but in the hold of an Admiral
Travel in the car, on a monocycle, on a gilder
not in your room with the finger on the atlas
Souls ache because they don't ever go anywhere
and then, when they could, no one does.
At night, turn your phone off
It's a device and it's stealing your smile (*)
Respect the mass, but your bodily one
not the one blaming everything on politicians and 'it's a shame!!'
Accepting pain to appreciate life
is like swallowing an ember to appreciate pizza
Ridiculous, thinking about those who have it worse doesn't make it any better
unless you're cynical
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Remember: your sixth sense is that of guilt
and everyone takes advantage of it, at least once
so it's okay to open up with others
but at least put a door at the entrance.
Defend yourself and defend culture, not by taking to the streets
but by taking the street to go to the cinema or the theatre
When the Odeon closed down (*) everyone complained
yeah, but no one ever went there in a whole year.
It's not true that your degree is useless
what's useless is debating about glutes in thongs
Not everyone loves you, they are wary of the icon
Become a saint and you'll be ad-Myra-ble, like St. Nicholas
Listen to what you like, not what's liked by who's liked
Forget about Karma, everyone got away with it
If you're elected mayor be thankful, inaugurate Kiss Square
and see who's startled.
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Nothing weird if, at tea time
I don't think at all about the plate of consommé turkey breast
that I put in the fridge yesterday at lunchtime.
Nothing weird if, to avoid serious misunderstandings
I put up a sign - I don't deny it -
of eloquent verses on the white door
'Remember about the plate of consommé turkey breast'.
Nothing weird if only now
they tell me, light black on yellow, that in the fridge
there's still, untouched, the plate of consommé turkey breast.
Nothing weird if, when I close the fridge door
it's not only its inner light that dims on the food and fades away
but mine too - slowly on the brain.

Giotto Beat

Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!1
We're slow lenses2, we need a photokit.
We pass the buck without any prospect 3:
[Or any perspective, we are as flat as] 8-bit Donkey Kong.
We need an 'acchord'4: let's call Vladimir Horowitz
Before a bald guy wearing a fez5 does another blitzkrieg.
Our problem is the falling [share prices], think about it Cassel6
We'd need an old song: play it Sam!
Lambretta, Fiat 500, the surf craze:
[Now] we're in 500 people queueing out of the drug counseling.
[Now] we're more resigned, more doubtful, poorer, more anesthetized
Than a patient in recovery room.
[We were] born with the Italian economic boom myth
[And we] died under the BTP7/BUND8 spread.
Do prick up your ears like Legolas, Orlando Bloom9
I want the brick dance back10,
I turn my back but I...
...I find myself on a brick11 playing Wii [Fit]
Hot coals barefoot, I must get outta there:
I got knocked down, but I get up [as] Mohammed Alì!
I need a prospect - as in the 60s - and a radio singing 'ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!'
I need a prospect, a new point of view: the eye doctor told me so: Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!
I need a prospect, [somehwere] in between of who's right and who's wrong: I need a third dimension: 'ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!'
I need a perspective as Giotto's paintings12, as who's beaten down during the G8!
Giotto Beat! (Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!)
Giotto Beat! (Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!)
We need fliming uptick and stability:
I want to wake up there,
In Italy just after the IIWW:
Everyone went to the seaside during the weekend,
No smut aired on TV,
Lieutenant Sheridan13
Cheers, President Saragat14!
You go ahead and hope:
We burn it down to ashes as hemp!
Under the sun wearing a Panama hat.
We'll shot [each other] down but
We'll have a fistful of air in return as in Galaga15.
The electoral circus is more like a criminal show,
Now we just have to philosophize like Schopenauer.
And I do not even know who I should get ruled by:
I see circuses but I see no bread16: [go and] tell it to Iuvenalis!
This reality is not for me, like a Fabergé17
I go on by just dead reckoning, [following the scent] as a sommelier with Cabernet.
I'd like to dance the Ye[ah!] Ye[eah!] spinning aroung the Piper Club18
[As the] loading pointer on a Mac!
I need a prospect - as in the 60s - and a radio singing 'ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!'
I need a prospect, a new point of view: the eye doctor told me so: Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!
I need a prospect, [somehwere] in between of who's right and who's wrong: I need a third dimension: 'ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!'
I need a perspective as Giotto's paintings12, as who's beaten down during the G8!
Giotto Beat! (Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!)
Giotto Beat! (Ye[ah] ye[ah], ye[ah] ye[ah]!)
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
I don't know it, guys!
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
I whish it was [an] easy [question to answer].
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
I'm just a singer!
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
I'm just complaining!
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
[You shall] not pay the value-added taxes!
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
[You shall] accept an undeclared job.
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
Forgive me, Pasolini.
Tell us which is [the right] prospect[, then]!
Giotto Beat!
  • 1. Mimicking the 'yeahs' that were present in a lot of songs composed during the 60s: some examples are 'She loves you' and 'It won't be long' by The Beatles
  • 2. Italians self-identify as belonging to a country that is falling behind the other ones. 'Lenti' has also the meaning of '(optical)' lenses: Caparezza is using this secondary meaning for the remaining half of the verse.
  • 3. In Italian 'prospettiva' also means perspective. This explains the next verse
  • 4. In Italian, 'accordo' could mean either 'agreement' or 'music chord'
  • 5. Italia's former dictator, Benito Mussolini
  • 6. Caparezza quotes the sentence «And as it falls,it keeps telling itself: 'So far so good... So far so good... So far so good.' It's not how you fall that matters. It's how you land.» from the main character Vinz La Haine. Vinz was interpreted by the French actor Vincent Cassel.
  • 7. the Italian long-term government bonds
  • 8.
  • 9. He acted the part of Legolas in 'The Lord of the Rings' saga:
  • 10. Another dance from the 60s:
  • 11. Wii's Balance Board
  • Giotto made either two dimensional afrescos or with a naïve perspective
  • 13. A fictional detective played by the Italian actor Ubaldo Lay
  • 14. The 5th President of Italy.
  • 15. An old archive game
  • 16.
  • 17. Fabergé had to flew from Russia after the Soviet revolution.
  • 18. An old 60s disco in Rome

Sadness Please Go Away

La la la la
La la la la laia la
La la la la laia la
La la la la ia la la
La la la la
La la la la laia la
La la la la laia la
La la la la ia la la
please go away
[there's so much of] You in my house
no, you will never enter
There are so many people who have to suffer
and who cry each day a little
though Astrud wishes to live and to sing
and should tell you no
La la la la
La la la la laia la
La la la la laia la
La la la la ia la la
. . . . . .
La la la la
La la la la laia la
La la la la laia la
La la la la ia la la
please go away
don't have that craziness
of living with me
I'd like to paint my room in pink
as soon as I leave I will do so
to your place I've already invited hope
and at last I will live
La la la la
La la la la laia la
La la la la laia la
La la la la ia la la
La la la la
[fase out]
La la la la laia la...

Half a Dozen Roses

Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A smile that doesn't find the way
If you're not there,
The illusion that you still want
To come back here to me,
The certainty that you won't come back to me.
A bored look
Left on my hair,
A discourse that you never did deep down with me,
An incredible night of love born between us,
A night that never happened again afterward.
I wonder what's missing
For a great love
That begins like a fire
And then, who knows?
I can barely find the time to burn
A burst of flame that will end.
Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A head that doesn't resign
And understands that
A minute of glory
Is a minute, and it ends there
It's not said that it lasts more than this.
I wonder what's missing
For a great love
That begins like a fire
And then, who knows?
I can barely find the time to burn
A burst of flame that will end.
Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A head that doesn't resign
And understands that
A minute of glory
Is a minute, and it ends there
It's not said that it lasts more than this.

It Wasn't you

It Wasn't 1 you that speak of freedom
like when you speak of a good night on a brothel
It Wasn't you that drag the country into the darkness
but you enjoy being luminaires
It Wasn't you that are firm men
just because you are surrounded by a group of idiots2
It Wasn't you that wave the flag
like on the stadium, and that for you is enough to feel patriots
It Wasn't you or your parliament
of worshipers ready to do everything to get a hearing
It Wasn't you that buy votes with propaganda
but you never pay the consequences3
It Wasn't you that hold in your fingers
the rosary of the polls hoping that will hearten you
It Wasn't you that solve the drama of the unemployed
going on tv to do the jugglers
It Wasn't you
It Wasn't you
It Wasn't you hangmen with a uniform
that beat to death the prisoners
It Wasn't you with bovver boots
on unarmed faces, being kicked
like trash bags
It Wasn't you that send your children to the front
like a carrion to the hyena that strips the flesh of it
It Wasn't you that tuck in the flags
on the coffin to put to sleep every sense of guilt
It Wasn't you fucking unprepared angry mob
always searching for an enemy for the fight
It Wasn't you that will burn like witches
the immigrants except to save the one in the cave
It Wasn't you with the bust of the duce on the desk
and the constitution under the feet
It Wasn't you that will deserve to be weed out
like the bad weed from your headquarters
It Wasn't you
It Wasn't you
It Wasn't you that toast with the blood
of who try to make light on your obscure lives
It Wasn't you that want to give voice
to party's newspapers silent like burials
It Wasn't you that make customized laws
like a pair of underwear depending on the genitals
It Wasn't you that handle who criticizes you
like a stray to which cut the vocal cords
It Wasn't you, slaves, that have rent
sovereigns costumes with undeserved money
You are brethren of a lodge that rest
on the value of the privileged like you
That you call the member of the mafia 'heroes'
and that you call the corrupted 'devout'
And each one of you, involved in every possible crime
looks the magistrate and then swears on God:
'It Wasn't me'
  • 1. This is based on the double meaning of the Italian word 'stato', when used as verb it becomes 'was' while if used as a subject and written with capital S,
    it becomes 'Country'
  • 2. firm men = uomini di polso, the literal translation will be 'men of wrist'
    manica di idioti = group of idiots
    Manica has a double meaning: group or sleeve
  • 3. This is a reference to political parties buying electoral votes from the Mafia, but every investigation never finds anything

Like Bonnie and Clyde

My girlfriend stuck to me
I could not wait to grow up
the Pioneer stereo battered car
that played the Bon Jovi
and the Run DMC
and the Run DMC.
The windows misted by moisture
of two young hearts in a car
promise me we'll never leave
while the radio rings
'Never Say Goodbye'
'Never Say Goodbye'.
But inside I wondered what I will do
because the future seemed to me in the balance
between great dreams and gray reality
but with a mathematical certainty.
We will take the flight and we will travel the world
how far the music will take us
we will not let ourselves be dragged to the bottom
from the badness of this city.
And we will speak languages ​​that we do not know
where no one has ever been before
we will write our destiny
only you and me alone
just like Bonnie and Clyde.
His girlfriend is stuck up and
they just can not wait to grow up
they look into each other's eyes until they get lost
the phone rings
Rihanna and Jay Z
Rihanna and Jay z.
They have a thousand friends but in reality
the only person that matters is right there
sitting next to that car
while the radio rings
'Thinking Out Loud'
'Thinking Out Loud'.
But they ask themselves what I will do
because the future always seems poised
between great dreams and gray reality
but they have a mathematical certainty.
We will take the flight and we will travel the world
how far the music will take us
we will not let ourselves be dragged to the bottom
from the badness of this city.
And we will speak languages ​​that we do not know
where no one has ever been before
we will write our destiny
only you and me alone
just like Bonnie and Clyde.

Hard to beat

Stronger than nature and its cruelty
Stronger than thunderstorms and darkness
Of earthquakes and volcanoes
Of glaciations and drought.
Stronger than giant bears taller than three meters up
Of tigers with saber teeth and huge mammoths
So much bigger than us
That we should not exist anymore
But the heart goes beyond the obstacle
But the heart does every miracle
And I know it
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible
Stronger because every day we fight here
We complain every now and then but nothing more
A sunny day is enough for us
And a corner of blue sky
We grow full of dreams and hopes then
They fade a little but they never go out
We often fall though
We're also good at getting out of trouble
And the heart goes beyond the obstacle
And the heart does every miracle
And I know it
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible
Stronger than misunderstandings
Uncomfortable escapes and returns
I want your perfume on me
Take me by the hand now
Run and the world will not take us
it will not take us
it will not take us
it will not take us
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible.


please go away
so much you in my house
no, you will never enter
there are so many people
who need to suffer
and every day cry a bit
instead Ornella / Andrea
wants to live and sing
and she/he must tell you no
La La La La
please go away
do not have the craze
to live with me
I would like to paint
of red
my room
just you walk away
I will do it
in your place
I have already invited hope
and finally I will live
La La La La
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

It makes you feel good

Hey, I need at least a reason that makes me feel good
I'm bored of the TV dramas, of the gripes, of the star in depression
Of the black mourning of the who have nothing except everything
Of the evenings closed for cult TV series, like I close and we are toghether
Blowing hot wind
We remained twenty calm
And time is crazy
Hippies barefoot becoming fervent nazi
Making G8 in bars, with biscuits and cherry muffin
They are hilarious playing cop Eddie Murphy
Sorry I don't sleep, on my glock 17
Dreamin' bodies I wrap like a cassettes stock
Now that I trust you like who hitch-hikes in handcuffs
I choose a choir like Mariele Ventre that makes me feel good
With dirty hands, with black spots
Fly on a broom like witches do
You have to do what makes you feel
You have to do what makes you feel good
Blow on the bubbles with full cheeks
And draw grimaces on serious faces
You have to do what makes you feel
You have to do what makes you feel good
Hey, I need at least a reason to get in the good mood
Before that the rage throttles me while I push on the ruff
It seems like that the ugly arise spontaneus from and old conflict
Better some people tell It to who picked up uranium in Kosovo's conflict
Who cares about famous diets, of stripes in the sky and banks
I see no more shadow if I light my candle in the bunker
I don't play like your boss covered of gauzes like Tutankhamon
I don't live the half-age crisis where dimezza goes all straight
I want to be surpassed like a Bianchina from super Auto
Like the basement of your super mansard
Like my rhymes when the moment runs away
Everyone is in competition and I slow down
Until running out of time
Surpass the idea of surpassing makes me feel good
With dirty hands, with black spots
Fly on a broom like witches do
You have to do what makes you feel
You have to do what makes you feel good
Blow on the bubbles with full cheeks
And draw grimaces on serious faces
You have to do what makes you feel
You have to do what makes you feel good
Wanna feel good? Feel Good
Wanna feel good? Feel Good
Wanna feel good? Feel Good
Wanna feel good? Feel Good
Saving half effort?
Deleting half telephone book?
Breathing only clean air?
Walking to the exit? ta?ta?ta?ta?


You and me are liars we dont know how to love or adore
We lived a period of time thinking we love each other
We promised the love that no matter what we won't leave each other
When the attitude came against us we said we'll think about everything
We should've sacrifice for love but we sacrificed in each other
You see we are liars thinking we were inlove we say we love each other but we don't know how to love or adore
Remember how we used to talk and what our conversation were about
We were sharing tears laughing and days
You're leaving and closing our hurtful story
You took my previous life and you'll take my next life..

Vântul de la miezul nopţii

Au luat luna,
Au tăiat părul,
Se pare că există o stare de asediu,
Orașul este pustiu.
Au oprit radiourile,
Au închis toate barurile,
Ce este adevărat sau fals
Nimeni nu va ști vreodată.
[La noapte vântul va veni
Din afara întunericului,
Ca un râu va fi,
Nimeni nu va rezista.
În seara asta va veni vântul
Peste orașe.
Fiecare zid va cădea,
Apoi nimic nu-l va opri vreodată]
Mi-au legat încheieturile
Cu fire de cupru,
Acum, un nume nou
Și o altă identitate.
Mi-au luat inelul,
Această fotografie cu fața ta,
Reeducat sufletul meu,
Mi-a întunecat zâmbetul.
Refren (x2)