Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 342
For the first time since eternity
Versions: #3
You don't have to protect me!
I'm not afraid!
Please, don't shut me out again!
Don't slam the door!
You don't have to keep your distance anymore, listen to me.
For the first time since eternity, now I can understand you.
Please believe me, we'll make it through together.
We'll head down this mountain together.
Here you're just in danger.
For the first time since eternity, I'm here for you.
Please, go home!
Leave me alone!
Now live your life, I can't be by you.
Yes, but...
I know, you mean well.
But leave it there!
I'm alone,
Alone, but I am free.
Just go away!
Bring yourself to safety!
We're not safe.
What does it mean, you're not?
I fear you don't know it yet.
What do I not know?
Arendelle lies deep, deep, deep in snow.
You caused everything to sink in snow.
Like an eternal winter.
Eternal winter?
It's alright, you'll just make it thaw again!
No, I can't.
I don't know how.
Oh, rabbish.
Of course!
I know you can!
For the first time since eternity...
Oh, it can't be.
I'm not free!
[Anna:] Please don't be afraid!
[Elsa:] I can't escape the storm in me anymore.
[Anna:] Let's hold each other tight.
[Elsa:] I can't control the curse.
[Anna:] We'll defeat this storm.
[Elsa:] Anna, don't you see, you'll freeze...
[Anna:] Trust me!
[Elsa:] and lose yourself.
[Anna:] We'll make it together.
[Elsa:] It's going to happen.
[Anna:] Please, let's try.
[Elsa:] No!
[Anna:] Let's forget this curse, and everything will be like before!
[Elsa:] Ah... Go away!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
For the first time
They're opening the windows and the door
That hasn't happened here for a long time
I've never seen so many plates
I've been often alone in these halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Finally they're opening up the gates!
Actual entire real people will be our guests
Oh, wow, then we'll ask them to enter
For the first time since eternity music will play, light will shine
And for the first time in a long time I'll dance through the ballroom
Am I just nervous or anxious?
I feel both deep inside me
For the first time since eternity I won't be alone
I can't wait, so many people to see!
What if my Prince Charming is among them?
Tonight I'll look wonderful
Interesting, charming, you'll see
An image full of grace and loveliness
At once he stands in this room
A very beautiful stranger like in dreams
From fear, I fill my mouth entirely
We'll then amuse each other
Is that really imaginable?
Will it come true tonight?
'Cause for the first time in a long time, there'll be music in the halls
And for the first time in a long time, I could please somebody
Yes, I know, it sounds crazy
Is love just a dream?
For the first time since eternity, I almost believe it
It's time
Don't let them see the way you are
No, that mustn't happen today!
Freezing in me, but doesn't matter, just a mistake and everything is over
But it's only for today
It's only for today
It's now shortly time
It's now shortly time
Tell the guards to open up the gate!
The gate!
It's time.
Don't let them see the way you are
No, that mustn't happen today!
Freezing in me, don't let them see!
'Cause for the first time in a long time
The dreams will come true
Maybe luck will touch me
And let me feel love
It will be already over tomorrow.
Only this day is left to me
For the first time since eternity,
Yes, for the first time in a long time,
Nothing's in my way!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Ea-i nebunatică!
Să-ți spun o poveste ...
Despre o mică fătucă ce-o cunosc
Când ea apariția-și face în cameră
Tu știi că ea-i în centrul atenției
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's chiar înebunit după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat
Ea mă trezește în fiecare zori de zi
Cu acea atingere tandră și iubitoare
Iar unii fraieri, ei îndeajuns nu primesc
Însă ea doar mă iubește extrem de mult
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's înebunit doar după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat
Ea mereu mă dorește aproepe ..
Însă eu's fără de timp ..
Dar vezi tu, ...ea are micuțele ei feluri
De-a mă face, a vrea să mă răzgândesc
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's înebunit doar după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat
Să mori ars de viu!
Versions: #2
Te urăsc cu-adevărat
Nu-mi mai ține calea
Mi-am pierdut răbdarea
Când vei dispărea?
Vreau să te arunc
Ca pe TV-ul meu stricat
Dacă mai vii încă o dată
Va fi dureros, să vezi!
Sper să mori ars de viu!
Sper să fi înjunghiat în inimă, sper să fi împușcat și să mori
Sper să fi luat aparte
Sper că asta o meriți!
Aproape s-a terminat
De ce n-o poți lăsa să zboare?
Nu-ți fie frică
Nu e prima dată când mori
Părțile tale mecanice
Sună cum îți rup oasele
De îmi dai o nouă șansă
Nu te voi lăsa singur!
O, da!
Sper să mori ars de viu!
Sper să fi înjunghiat în inimă, sper să fi împușcat și să mori
Sper să fi luat aparte
Sper să mori ars de viu!
Sper să fi înjunghiat în inimă, sper să fi împușcat și să mori
Sper să fi luat aparte
Sper că asta o meriți!
Sper să mori ars de viu!
Prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Mi-aș fi dăruit toată inima,
Dar cineva mi-a frânt-o
Și mi-a luat aproape tot ceea ce am,
Dar dacă vrei, voi încerca să iubesc din nou
Iubito, am să încerc să iubesc din nou, dar știu ...
Prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Iubito, știu, prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Dar când mă simt norocos, al naibii, sunt blestemat
Când vine vorba să mă iubească, e cel mai rău
Încă o doresc alături de mine
Doar ca să mă ajute să-mi usuc lacrimile pe care le-am plâns
Și sunt sigur că vă voi face o încercare
Iar dacă vrei, voi încerca să iubesc din nou
Iubito, am să încerc să iubesc din nou, dar știu ...
Prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Iubito, știu, prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Dar când mă simt norocos, al naibii, sunt blestemat
Când vine vorba să mă iubească, e cel mai rău.
Încă o doresc alături de mine
Doar ca să mă ajute să-mi usuc lacrimile pe care le-am plâns
Și sunt sigur că vă voi face o încercare
Iar dacă vrei, voi încerca să iubesc din nou
Iubito, am să încerc să iubesc din nou, dar știu ...
Prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Iubito, știu, prima rană e cea mai adâncă
Dar când mă simt norocos, al naibii, sunt blestemat
Când vine vorba să mă iubească, e cel mai rău.
Dana Kósa
Eu sunt focul
Sunt suficient de curajos?
Sunt destul de puternic?
Să urmeze dorința
Asta arde din interior
Să-mi împing frica
Să stau de unde mă tem
Am terminat cu asta
Cuz sunt mai mult decât atât
Îți promit
Singur și nimeni altcineva
Flacăra mea crește în sus
Eu sunt focul
Eu ard mai stralucitor
Răgește ca o furtună
Și eu sunt cel pe care l-am așteptat
Veniți ca o sirenă
Viu și arderea mai strălucitoare
Eu sunt focul
Am fost sacrificat
Inimile mele au fost cauterizate
Suspendând speranța
Împușcat de fantomă
Din ceea ce am crezut odată
Că nu aș putea fi niciodată
Ce e în fața mea?
Eu sunt focul
Eu ard mai stralucitor
Răgește ca o furtună
Și eu sunt cel pe care l-am așteptat
Veniți ca o sirenă
Viu și arderea mai strălucitoare
Eu sunt focul
Nu cred că voi cădea din har
Nu va lăsa trecutul să-mi decidă soarta
Lasă iertarea în urma mea
Ia dragostea pe care am îmbrățișat-o
Îți promit eu și nimeni altcineva
Sunt mai mult decât atât
Eu sunt focul ...
Eu sunt focul
Eu ard mai stralucitor
Răgește ca o furtună
Și eu sunt cel pe care l-am așteptat
Veniți ca o sirenă
Viu și arderea mai strălucitoare
Eu sunt focul
Eu sunt focul
Eu sunt focul
Eu sunt focul
Eu sunt focul
Eu sunt focul
Living in the age of material wealth
We don't even know what we've lost now
While carrying deep emotional scars
Feeling fears just like others
I bid farewell to street trees
Sad-faced flowers swaying in the wind
Will they only wait to wither, scatter and disappear
Without knowing it
The city's become lifeless
They've grown apart each other
The warmth transferred from hand to hand is growing cold
So we're getting better at pretending to seek for something, love someone
Such realities
Burn it, fire
While hanging on to given hands
They flash their smile
Those disgusting women
As if having realized everything
They put an end to tenderness
Those poor men
Glittering tears fall without being noticed
Will they only wait to become stagnant, rusty and come into pieces
Without knowing it
The city's pandered us
Dreams have crossed each other
The love sensed by eyes is growing cold
So I adamantly pretend to want you, love you
Such realities
Eliminate it, fire
On the street in freezing cold
They've grown apart each other
The warmth sensed by eyes is growing cold
Despite that
I seek for something, love someone
It's still not too late to make a difference in our time
Let it burn, fire
This is the first time I feel it
Can you please answer me?
Don't escape from me
'Cause for the first time in forever,
I finally understand
For the first time in forever,
Let's break the curse hand in hand
I am here to share your worries,
For the first time in forever
I will be here to figure out a plan with you
Please leave,
Back to your life
Where it is sunny and it shines
I know
I might be lonely but
I can still fly
I dont want you to feel worry about me
Anna: About what should I be worried?
Elsa: My magic
Anna: I want you to share feelings with me
Elsa: Why must I do so?
Anna: 'Cause Arendelle is full of ice and snow
Anna: This is the first time I feel it
Elsa: Who can break the intangible lock in their mind?
Anna: I am here, don't be afraid
Elsa: I have never learn to break it through
Anna: Together, we can find a way out
Elsa: My magic is too...
Anna: You can stop the storm
Elsa: More and more snow will fall.
Anna: Don't panic.
Elsa: There's so much fear
Anna: We'll make the sun shine bright
Elsa: This is not the solution
We can face this thing together
We can change this winter weather
We can leave here together to ...
Elsa: Can't
For the First Time in Forever
Please, don't cast me out
Don't close the door!
You don't have to avoid me anymore!
Yet for the first time in forever
I can finally understand
For the first time in forever
we can link our hands
We can leave this mountain together!
You don't have to live in fear
For the first time in forever
I will be right here
Anna…! Go home, please
Live your life
Enjoy the sun, open the gates
Yes! But…
I know…
…You're a good person
So let me be
Yes, I'm alone! But I'm alone and free!
Just keep your distance and you'll be safe!
Not in reality
Not? What do you mean?
Seems like you don't know it!
And what is it I don't know?!
Arendell is covered in in in sno—ow!
Well, you somehow released an eternal winter and it's… everywhere.
That's okay, you can make it melt again.
No, I can't! I… I don't know how?!
Of course you know! I know you know!
Yet for the first time in forever
Oooh… I'm such a fool! I can't be free
You don't have to be afraid at all!
There's no way to drive out this storm!
We can do it together!
I can't control this curse!
We'll ward of your storm!
Ooooooh! Please stop, Anna! You're just making it worse!
Don't panic!
So much fear!
Let the sun shine!
You're not safe!
We can face it together!
We can change it. Change this cold weather. And then everything will be…
Noo! I…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hi there, thanks for reading all the way down! Sourced translations belong to the public domain or were shared with permission. Unsourced ones were made by me and all of them are free to use in any way you desire. Did you find a mistake or a typo? Please let me know. I'll be happy to correct them. 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Everything That Will Bee
Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written
And if I`ll cry
Know that my tears
Won`t wipe any row.
Everything that will be is written...
And not long ago,
When I was earth,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And I came into the world
And they gave me a name
And they gave me a voice
So that I can answer you.
When I`m asking myself why, ursitoarele*
Don`t fulfill every dream.
The answers is in lyrics, lyrics, lyirics...
And not log ago,
When you were just wind,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And it came into this world
And it gave you a name,
And it gave you a body
And the face of an angel
So that I can watch you and hug you,
And when I`ll be earth
I won`t be able to forget you.
Good morning, good morning..
Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written.
And for those that cry
Know that their tears
Won`t wipe any row, any word.
For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)
You don't have to protect me
I'm not afraid
Please, Elsa, don't close in on yourself
Please, don't
Don't distance yourself from me again
For the first time in forever
I understand you well
Maybe (for the first time) since forever
We'll hold our hands again
When we're together we'll make it through
And the fear won't stop us
For the first time in forever
I'll be by your side
You have a home
Return there
Follow your happiness and don't be alone
Yes, but
You love me
But please understand
I'm free and life is burning inside of me!
Away from me, it'd be best if you stayed
Anna: Maybe not so much
Elsa: What is not so much?
Anna: Haven't you heard by now?
Elsa: Have I heard about what?
Anna: Arendelle has sunk in snow quite deep
Elsa: Excuse me?
Anna: You brought eternal winter... everywhere
Elsa: Everywhere?
Anna: Don't worry, you'll just unfreeze it
Elsa: No, I can't, I don't know how!
Anna: You can do it, I know you can!
Anna: For the first time in forever
Elsa: Oooh, I'm not free, I'm in captivity
Anna: We'll overcome your weakness
Elsa: But darn, the storm is still inside of me!
Anna: We'll start from the beginning
Elsa: It's not under my rule
Anna: And the ice we'll melt
Elsa: Anna, stop! The cold remains inside of us
Anna: Believe me
Elsa: And this fear
Anna: There'll be warmth
Elsa: You're in danger!
Anna: We'll start from the beginning
Elsa: No...
Anna: It'll be colourful instead of white
Elsa: Aaah....
Anna: The world will be beautiful once more
Elsa: Stop
No, whatever you do is useless
when he/she goes a corner in your soul that you allowed.
Then its hard.
No matter what you do, when it settles there as he/she never leave again..
I am not, i am obviously not for seperation..
My heart turns into ashes by repeatedly burning no matter you are in it..
And i know, when my heart falls in love,
You can shout and scream behind, it'd never hear you..
Lover, stop and think a minute..
Listen, its not the rain falling outside..
It'd hurt, whatever you do it'd hurt when it ends.
When he/she chooses to hide in deep, in silence.
It'd break your heart, it'd break whatever you do,
When it ends suddenly, unexpectedly..
I am not, i am obviously not for seperation..
My heart turns into ashes by repeatedly burning no matter you are in it..
And i know, when my heart falls in love,
You can shout and scream behind, it'd never hear you..
Lover, stop and think a minute..
Listen, its not the rain falling outside..
Lyrics / Music: Selim Kurtcebe
Arranger: Özgür Bakkaloğlu
Director: Mete Kekilli
Life Brighter Than The Sun
I hardly believe that I'm seeing the house ablaze with light.
What great number of guests are we expecting?
For ages we ['Elsa and I', or simply 'I'] have been shut in, alone
[For years] the atrium (i.e. the entrance hall) has never been honoured (=with no one visiting)
But today, real people will come!
As I admire the multitudes of them, as though roused from sleep, where will this happiness take me?
Today, finally, real lights shine in our palace
Today, finally, songs will ring out in our palace
I go pale, on fire with joy that is mixed with worry
Because finally, I hear voices in our palace
I'm burning with desire to look at such great throngs of people!
Perhaps I'll even catch sight of [my] future husband?
Now (you might) imagine me as a statue,
the image of sophistication, decorated with the graces of Venus (goddess of love)
uddenly, astonished at the sight of a man who surpasses the gods [in beauty]
I hide [my] shame in the table, which is complicit
But the novelty [I've] so longed for delights me and rouses me into conversations until nighttime!
Today we shall live in the first period of leisure in [my] memory
Today for the first time, I am called out of the shadows into the light of life
I am used to hoping for love in [my] silliness
But finally I dare to look [for it] of my own accord
[You must] hold it in, hide it, always be worthy of [your] ancestors
Stand firm, closed-off, put on a show, if you fear the people's hatred
But the daylight will be short!
But the daylight will be short!
I'm in pain from the delay!
I'm in pain from the delay!
Guards, open the lock on the gate!
Today, finally, our generation's dreams are becoming reality
[You must] hold it in, hide it, always be worthy of [your] ancestors
Having forgotten [my] loneliness, I'll find love
(Firm, so you don't become an object of hatred for the people)
I'll seize the opportunity – I must cast out my fear (lit. 'fear needs to be cast out')!
Because finally, the life [I've] long hoped for shines on our generation, brighter than the sun!
Life Brighter Than The Sun (Reprise)
Anna: You don't have to keep me away, I'm not afraid of you!
Don't shut me out anymore! Stop, I beg you!
There is no more reason for keeping your distance!
For indeed, recently I understood why you were always fleeing,
And recently I understood in what way I might help you!
We'll go back into the light! [You] should cast away [your] fear!
For indeed, finally, I'm at the side of you, [my] sister
Elsa: Go back home, so that you might rejoice in the sun and open up the city, safe and sound!
(Anna: In the truth of the matter -) Elsa: I know that you mean well,
But please leave me – yes, [you'd be leaving me] alone (lit. deserted) but free from fear!
For [by] leaving, you preserve [your] life
Anna: Miserable as it is! / Elsa: In what way [is it] miserable?
Anna: I suspect [that] you [are] unaware! / Elsa: Unaware of what matter?
Anna: Snow covers all of Arendelle.
Elsa: What? / Anna: You have made [an] eternal winter break out right up to the city.
Elsa: Up to the city?! / Anna: It doesn't matter at all! You can melt [it]!
Elsa: No! I don't know how! / Anna: Of course you can! I know that you can!)
Anna: For indeed, at last, the truth opens a way in our heart[s]
Elsa: Freedom still mocks me! The storm rages unconquered!
Anna: Through [my] love, I'll pull you out of [this] savage whirlwind, safe and sound
Elsa: I'll die accursed! You're sending useless prayers to the winds! (i.e. your prayers are in vain)
Anna: We'll conquer with a calm mind!
Elsa: There's no hope! You'll destroy yourself as well [as me]!
Anna: And, with the ice dissolved, the life [that has] long [been] promised to us will shine brighter than the sun!
Elsa: It's hurting me!
Florence Dreams
Florence, tonight you're beautiful
under a blanket of stars
that, in the sky, are glittering, flickering
like little flames.
In the shadows you're hiding the lovers,
the trembling mouths speak words of love to themselves.
Around there is so much poetry
for you, my life, my heart is sighing.
On the silvery Arno
the firmament mirrors itself
while a sigh and a song
fade in the distance.
Florence is sleeping
under the moonray
but behind a balcony
a brunette madonna is laying awake.
Balconies adorned with grapevine leaves
and wisteria in bloom,
tonight, open yourselves up again
because love is passing by.
Serenades are germinating,
madonnas, listen, they are a thousand songs.
One of your smiles is life itself,
the infinite joy, the eternal passion.
On the silvery Arno
the firmament mirrors itself
while a sigh and a song
fade in the distance.
Florence is sleeping
under the moonray
but behind a balcony
a brunette madonna is laying awake.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.
Konuşmaya başla
İyi olduğunu söyleyip duruyorsun
Ama sahte gülümsemenin ardında görebiliyorum, iyi değilsin
Gözlerinde gözyaşı deposu var
Uzun zamandır beklettiğin, sorun ne?
Sevgilim kendini tutmak zorunda değilsin
Korkmak zorunda değilsin
Devam et ve aç
Çünkü biliyorsun her şey iyi olacak
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Bana sarılıyorsun ama uzaktan
Asla dinlemediğimi düşünüyorsun, ama dinliyorum
Biliyorum bazen kafa karıştırıcı oluyor
Kayboluyor olabilirsin ama seni kaybetmem
Sevgilim kendini tutmak zorunda değilsin
Korkmak zorunda değilsin
Devam et ve aç
Çünkü biliyorsun her şey iyi olacak
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Ve elini sıkıca tutacağım
Tutuşunu kaybettiğinde
Anlamıyor olsam bile
Benimle konuşabilirsin
Ve elini sıkıca tutacağım
Tutuşunu kaybettiğinde
Anlamıyor olsam bile
Benimle konuşabilirsin
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Konuşmaya başla
Thread of blue flower
Thread of blue flower
Flower of forget-me-not
Wear our love
held in your gentleness
And when the break up
maybe will sadden us
Rise like a hope
to caress the heart
Thread of blue flower
Flower of forget-me-not
A boy and a girl
were looking each-other in the eye
In a mountain train station
and two drops of dew
were shining in their eyes
He was leaving for the first time
She looked at him smiling
and when the train
got in the station
They gave themselves a flower
Thread of blue flower
Flower of forget-me-not
Wear our love
held in your gentleness
And when the break up
maybe will sadden us
Rise like a hope
to caress the heart
Thread of blue flower
Flower of forget-me-not
Поцілунок Вогню
Я торкаюсь губами, і все наразу починають летіти іскри
Ті, чортні губи , добре знають про мистецтво брехні
І хоча я бачу небезпеку, полум'я ще білше зростає
Я знаю, що я повинен відмовитися від твого цілюнка вогненного
Так само, як факел, ви встановили, що душа всередині мене горить
Я повинен продовжувати, я на цьому шляху незможною повороти
І хоча це горить мене, і перетворює мене в попіл
Мій світ впав без твого цілюнка вогненного
Я не можу встояти перед тобою, яка користь там, намагаючись?
Яку користь є те, що заперечую що ти є все що я бажаю?
Оскільки я спочатку цілував тебе, моє серце було вашим повністю
Якщо я раб, то це рабом хочу я бути
Не шкодуй мене, не шкодуй мене
Дай мені твої губи, губи які тільки дозволяєш мені позичити
Люби мене сьогодні ввечері, і хай диявол прийме завтра
Я знаю, що я мушу мати твій поцілунок, хоча це мене проклинає
Хоча це споживає мене, ваш поцілунок вогнний
Я не можу встояти перед тобою, яка користь там, намагаючись?
Яку користь є те, що заперечую що ти є все що я бажаю?
Оскільки я спочатку цілував тебе, моє серце було вашим повністю
Якщо я раб, то це рабом хочу я бути
Не шкодуй мене, не шкодуй мене
Дай мені твої губи, губи які тільки дозволяєш мені позичити
Кохай мене сьогодні ввечері, і хай диявол прийме завтра
Я знаю, що я мушу мати твій поцілунок, хоча це мене проклинає
Хоча це споживає мене, ваш поцілунок вогнний
Ага попечи мене !!!
В перший Pаз
В перший раз коли я бачив обличчя твоє,
Я думав, що сонце зійшло в ваших очах.
І місяць та зірки
Були подарунки, які ви дали
До темного і порожнього неба, моя любов,
До темного і порожнього неба.
Перший раз, коли я цілував уста твої
Я відчув, що земля обертається в моїй руці,
Як тремтяче серце полонених птахів
Це було за моєю командою, моя любов,
Це було там за моїм командуванням.
Вперше я лежав з тобою
І відчув, що твоє серце билося близько до мого,
Я думав, що наша радість заповнить землю
І останнє 'до кінця часу, моя любов'
І останнє 'до кінця часу'.
В перший раз я бачив обличчя твоє,
Я думав, що сонце зійшло в ваших очах.
І місяць та зірки
Були подарунки, які ви дали
До темного і порожнього неба, моя любов,
До темного і порожнього неба.
La Emoción del primer amor
Cuelga tu ropa
Whizzer ruega
Whizzer sabe
afeita tus piernas
me enferma
Eres un cabrón
Dios, eres imposible
Hemos estado juntos por nueve meses
Diez meses
Nueve meses
Diez meses
Nueve meses
Diez meses
Somos la sal de la burguesía
Mientras pongo el bistec
Yo traigo a casa el bacon
Y estamos orgullosos de decir como amamos que no
Estamos / Estaremos
De acuerdo
Todo lo que tiene es horrible
Marvin no se interesa para nada
Marvin no comparte
Mi devoción por el
Hombres de Francia pueden cancelar una deuda
Hombres con gemelos me hacen olvidar mi nombre
Pretendo trastornar
Este juego lamentable
Whizzer me agarra por el cuello
¿Que es esto, lavar y vestir?
Whizzer posee conocimiento ilimitado de
Envíame flores
La petición es hecha
Hazlas rosas
La atención es pagada
En su totalidad
Ve que rápido el lo arruina
Cuando el empuja, yo tiro
Cuelga tu ropa, Marvin
La crianza se nota, Marvin
Yo era rico
El estaba caliente
Calzamos como un guante
Cierra tus ojos, Whizzer
La pasión muere
Pero mataría por esa pasión del primer
Pedimos pasión a todas horas
Defendemos la pasión y el bebemos este brindis
Igual es horriblemente molesto
Y no estamos negando
Que de todas nuestras pasiones menores
Nos gusta pelear mas que nada
Whizzer se revuelca demasiado para ver
Que alegría es la monogamia
Que alegría es guardar sus alegrías
Para un hombre
No seas tonto
Nadie es tan cruel
Y... mezquino
Lo que amo lo devoro
Lo que amas lo devoras
Lo que codicio lo conservo
¿No es eso cierto, Whizzer?
¡Vamos a pelear los dos, Whizzer!
Fui entrenado en karate
Soy mejor cuando engaño
Asique engañaré, Whizzer, y empujaré
Y mataré por esa emoción del primer
Hemos estado juntos por nueve meses
diez meses
nueve meses
Hemos estado juntos por diez meses
Que, han sido nueve meses
Diez meses
En realidad ya casi sobrevivimos un año
Cierto pero ¿Quien esta contando?
Estamos muy ocupados montando
Una muestra de nuestro afecto
Eso es tan sincero
La pasión muere
La pasión muere
Mataría por esa emoción del primer amor
Mataría por esa emoción del primer amor
Mataría por esa emoción del primer amor
Mataría por esa emoción
Mataría por esa emoción del primer
Behave as a friend to me
Let everybody think us so
All these things happened here today
Let continue secretly, hiddenly
Let storms happen
Let them drag us
Let desires burn us
I am ready for an end with you
Believe me that I adored you so much
I don't accept a prohibition for such a love
I am like crazy, understand a little bit
Believe me that I left my mind on the way
Versions: #2
You're scared of what's ahead
Throw it all away into the fire
I'll show you just how it's done
and we'll be soaring higher
You've just been blowing smoke
You run in circles like a real live wire well blaze a new trail instead
We're goin' to a new frontier
It's time to shine now's the time can't you feel ignition starting inside sour soul
The fire in you The strongest fire When it explodes you can achieve the impossible so Burn up n' Go
Can you see it now past the ashes how things have never looked so bright
You're the source of that burning light you've got some FIREPOWER
Flaming in your eyes and it's no surprise cuz it's been there from the start
That's the courage deep in your heart You've got some FIREPOWER
You've got the fire inside you
Just try to prove me wrong
Cuz we'll be blazin' a new trail
Why don't you come along
Holy Mary, you know that I am honest
I am proud of my chastity
Holy Mary, you know that I am purer
Than the low-minded and bad crowd
So, tell me, Mary,
How it comes that I see her
And a burning fire ignites me
I see her and the light from her dark hair
Burns me and then I lose control
The hell in flame urges me to fall into sin
The wish which burns makes me guilty
It's not my fault, I'm sinless
It's just her spell which is continuously deceiving me
It's not my fault, that God
Wants to have a try on my innocent soul
Holy Mary, help me to fight
Against the fire which caught my existence
And give Esmeralda the eternal and hard damnation
Or make her be mine and only mine.
- Sir, the gipsy has evaded!
- What?
- She's not in the church! She's gone!
- But how? Never mind, get out, you dumb! I will find her, I will find her even though I have to burn the entire Paris!
And may the flames burn
It's your turn now
Choose or may you not have peace anymore!
Because there is mercy, oh Lord! We ask for mercy, oh Lord!
I want her to be mine or she will burn to ash!
Fire burn fire burn fire
It's already covered with soot
Fire burn fire burn fire
Our blooming smoke, it's making us dizzy
In the darkest dark, we're like a movie scene
In the starting drama, you're a heroine forever
Don't look at my eyes, just dance for me
You greet me with rough breathing
Oh baby please don't stop the dance
Our blooming fire won't go away
Still please don't stop now
This night is blazing more so it won't be dark
Fire burn fire burn fire
It's already covered with soot
Fire burn fire burn fire
I want to give it to you more hotly
It's blackness day, you brighten me
We won't be any warmer
It's grayness day, will you keep shining on me?
We'll always be the one
and be the one, burn to fire.
Remember last night
We were breathlessly whispering on that night
I kept thinking
It kept burning to black, a burning night
Without rest, I keep think of you back then
When our lips touch it's just like paradise
Don't say anything, our love is fire
Show me what's hidden inside of you
Oh baby please don't stop the dance
Our blooming fire won't go away
Still please don't stop now
This night is blazing more so it won't be dark
Fire burn fire burn fire
It's already covered with soot
Fire burn fire burn fire
I want to give it to you more hotly
It's blackness day, you brighten me
We won't be any warmer
It's grayness day, will you keep shining on me?
We'll always be the one
and be the one, burn to fire
It's blackness day, you brighten me
We won't be any warmer
It's grayness day, will you keep shining on me?
We'll always be the one
and be the one, burn to fire
I would conjure the truth
On Thursday*
And I want to take you away from everyone
But I know it's no good
I opened the door
The frosty air made me happy
I was dialing you
But it's pointless
These days and distances
They are just unbearable for me
Kiss me gently on my temple
Just for fun
Guess me,
But remember that the roads are going to be slippery
And I'm wearing my rocks to show off
And a callus hurts my left foot.
There is a problem with me and you,
With the roads and the sky,
With the snow and the desire.
And 'OM' ** lies in the nightstand
Rumba, Rumba, Rumba,
Naked and full,
I sailed my sense to my veins
I grew insolent, I had to feel sorry for myself
Oh, how much I loved you
I was drawing the air
The wings were sprinkling me with tender dust
My doubts were chasing me
And again they cought me
Surprise me with your call
Late at night
I'm not asleep, I will hear
Even if you don't want me to
These days and distances
They are just unbearable for me
Kiss me gently on my temple
Just for fun
Guess me,
But remember that the roads are going to be slippery
And I'm wearing my rocks to show off
And a callus hurts my left foot.
There is a problem with me and you,
With the roads and the sky,
With the snow and the desire.
And 'OM'* lies in the nightstand
Rumba, Rumba, Rumba,
Naked and full,
I sailed my sense to my veins
I grew insolent, I had to feel sorry for myself
Oh, how much I loved you
Focul întâlneşte benzina
E periculos să te îndrăgosteşti
Dar vreau să ard cu tine în seara asta
Suntem amândoi
Suntem umpluți cu dorință
Plăcerea e durere şi foc
Aşa că haide
Te voi lua, te voi lua
Tâjnesc după dragoste, tâjnesc după noi
De ce nu vi
nu vi puțin mai aproape
Aşa că haide acum
Aprinde chibritul, aprinde focul dintre noi
Suntem combinația perfectă, perfectă într-un fel
Suntem făcuți unul pentru altul
Haide puțin mai aproape
Flacăra ce a venit din mine
Focul întâlneşte benzina
Focul întâlneşte benzina
Ard de vie
Abia pot respira
Când eşti aici şi mă iubeşti
Focul întâlneşte benzina
Focul întâlneşte benzina
Am tot ce am nevoie
Când ai venit după mine
Focul întâlneşte benzina
Ard de vie
şi abia pot respira
Şi vom zbura
Ca mici scântei în cer
Adica vreau să încerc şi
Să iau o muşcătură
Dar e o moarte rea
Moarte sigură
Dar vreau ce vreau
şi o să obțin
Când focul moare
Întunericul în cer
Fierbinte ca un chibrite
A mai rămas doar fumul
אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana
'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl
The fear of
reckless and loneliness
is inviting me tomorrow
I've got to carry on
even though I can't see anything
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
I said hi to the people
who are laughing at me
When I messed up
I hold my head up
and smile
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on buring
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
Look at the sky
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
Empty heart of mine
I am not alone
I have memories
A hope that you'll come back to resurrect me
Keeps me standing
I am not alone
Even if pain hits me
I'm afraid to lose you and I say I exist
In my empty heart
Empty heart of mine
How do you keep beating I don't know
Now that I suffer, cry and break down
Into loneliness
Empty heart of mine
I'm lying to you
She's gone forever, I lost everything
I no longer exist
I am not alone
I have the marks
The gloomy nights that cut me
Deep inside
I am not alone
Even if I look like an empty street
You've become a habit of mine and I'm hiding the truth
In my empty heart
Empty heart of mine
How do you keep beating I don't know
Now that I suffer, cry and break down
Into loneliness
Empty heart of mine
I'm lying to you
She's gone forever, I lost everything
I no longer exist
I am not alone
I have memories
First Time
Woo~ woo~ woo~ Yeah~~
Once (we) both (of us)
Believed it was fate, (but) nope (actually)
The truth is (you were) a coincidence that looked like destiny
That time (a long while) without you (all alone)
I did nothing but suffer
(But now) now (no more) will
Not hold you anymore
For the first time
I go someplace else than you
I say goodbye to you you
For the first time
I go having a different dream
I say goodbye to you
These words will be the last
Once (back then)
Even though we were deeply in love
In a moment (for us always)
The promised tomorrow turned into a lie
The bigger the pain, the more you get that the time ran away
As this happens, I can’t help but give up
Ooh, even if I try to look back at the days past
Too far, I can no longer have you (no more)
I know (you know) we know
I let you go now
For the first time
I go someplace else than you
I say goodbye to you you
For the first time
I go having a different dream
I say goodbye to you
These words will be the last
I got to say (I got to say)
I got to say good bye
I got to say (I got to say)
I got to say good bye
(say good bye)
For the first time
I go someplace else than you
I say goodbye to you you
For the first time
I go having a different dream
I say goodbye to you
These words will be the last
Flames of Indiscretion
Ah, Maria-sama,
at your pure origin that is shown
Until today I have been righteous and beautiful
Ah, why does that happen to the heart?
Ah, Maria-sama, I am confused
I only looked at the girl
She seeks to give this body burns
And to also make my spirt go mad, just so
The flames of hell will bake this body
The flames of indiscretion will scorch this body
Have I been bad?
No, the gypsy has made a captive of me
It is not I who has been bad
That demon is stronger than I
Ah, Maria-sama, a charm, please
If I can't do that
Give that Esmeralda to me
One person for me
The flames of hell will bake you
If I cannot have you
God, permit me
She is my one thing
If she hates that
She will go to the inside of the flames
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
Nu se sfârșește niciodată (O, Orfeu)
Hei, Orfeu!
Sunt în spatele tău
Nu te întoarce
Te găsesc
Așteaptă doar până se sfârșește
Așteaptă până trece
Și dacă te chem
O, Orfeu!
Cântă-mi toată noaptea
Vom aștepta până se sfârșește
Așteptăm până trecem
Tu spui că nu este despre mine, ci despre tine
Hei, Orfeu!
De pe celălalt mal al râului
Ca un ecou
Așteaptă doar până se sfârșește
Așteaptă până trecem
Și dacă strig după tine
Nu te îndoi
Nu te întoarce prea devreme
Așteaptă doar până se sfârșește
Așteaptă până trecem
Pare atât de important acum
Dar vei trece peste
Pare atât de important acum
Dar vei trece peste
Și când treci peste
Când vei fi mai în vârstă
Îți vei aminti
De ce era atât de important
Pare mare lucru acum
Dar vei trece peste
Pare mare lucru acum
Dar vei trece peste
Și când treci peste
Și când vei fi mai în vârstă
Vei descoperi
Că nu se sfârșește niciodată
Hei, Euridice!
Mă vezi?
Îți voi cânta numele
Până când te vei sătura de mine
Așteaptă doar până se sfârșește
Așteaptă până trecem
Dar dacă mă chemi
Marea aceasta înghețată
Se topește sub mine
Așteaptă doar până se sfârșește
Așteaptă până trecem
Pare mare lucru acum
Dar vei trece peste
Pare mare lucru acum
Dar vei trece peste
Și când treci peste
Și când vei fi mai în vârstă
Îți vei aminti
El ți-a spus că te va trezi
Când se va termina
El ți-a spus că te va trezi
Când se va termina
Acum că s-a terminat
Acum că ești mai în vârstă
Că nu se sfârșește niciodată
Nu se sfârșește niciodată (nu se sfârșește niciodată) [8x]
Câteodată (Câteodată)
Câteodată (Câteodată)
Băiete, te vor mânca de viu (te vor mânca de viu)
Dar nu se va întâmpla asta acum
Ne vom descurca cumva
Câteodată (Câteodată)
Câteodată (Câteodată)
Băiete, te vor mânca de viu (te vor mânca de viu)
Dar nu se va întâmpla asta acum
Ne vom descurca cumva
Fiindcă nu se sfârșește niciodată
Nu se sfârșește niciodată (nu se sfârșește niciodată) [6x]
Am stat lângă
O mare înghețată
Te-am văzut
În fața mea
Lumina reflectată
O lună goală
O, Orfeu, Euridice
S-a sfârșit prea devreme