Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 28
Versions:No, she won't come – by dogs her pieces were scattered
She was beaten up, she just died
And fell down under thin ice
Her hands weren't ready for the battle
And she didn't wish to win over
Instead of her, I will rise
She's now floating in formalin
So flawed are the lines
Drifting with such a grace
I got her name and her face
My sweater is all the same
No one noticed she's been replaced
No, she won't come – her hands were in a snake lair
Her head in a wasp nest
And spine in an ant swarm
I'll be there – I'm in a stronger condition
I'm worthy of taking position
And capable of much more
She's now floating in formalin
Drifting with such a grace
In the fuzzy white mist
I got her name and her face
No one noticed she's been replaced
I'm checking the pocket for keys
I might be playing something wrong
I don't know anyone here
I'm having a bit weird smile
They might doubt, say I'm not her, but a fraud
What happens next is not clear
I'll pretend I'm sick or drunk
She's now floating in formalin
So flawed are the lines
Drifting with such a grace
I got her name and her face
My sweater is all the same
No one noticed she's been replaced
She's now floating in formalin
Drifting with such a grace
In the fuzzy white mist
I got her name and her face
No one noticed she's been replaced
I'm checking the pocket for keys
I woke up looking at you, against the light... Smiling at meI woke up & you saw me, full of colour.
With a poem on your lips.
No, this is not a dream
Saturated with white light
Warm, like you.
Positive collapse of the heart
You are the song of time and I'm afraid that...
I won't hear it again
and I'll get stranded
In this uncertain and hazy world,
Full of love, drowning in nostalgia.
This is my last option
This is my absolution
To a grey world without you.
Only time is forever
If you are in my mind
See our lights shiver
and our letters be written
once more.
Look at me!
With your tenderness again
Bloom of mine
Versions: #1All the blooms
Have withered overnight,
At dawn no bloom in sight,
My heart resists the doom.
It still sees
The flower in your eyes,
I saw when I loved you
Under wide open skies.
In our spring they were blue.
Love’s pretty bloom, though small
Always blooms in this soul
Of mine
When my life
Is sadly rife with strife,
You’re my true happy sign,
Sweet bloom of mine
In twenty years
I will, often in tears,
Stop for a chance
To inhale your unique fragrance
In my heart
You’re a piece of fine art
You’re my love’s sacred shrine,
Sweet bloom of mine
Vanity is distancing me from you,It's covering our thoughts with sticky cobwebs,
That's why it's sometimes difficult
To distinguish between important and unimportant
Vanity is a cage for the hipnosys victims
Even though it's doors are always open
Only some of us find the strength to escape it
Overcoming spasms and seizures
Waves of despair, flashes of insanity,
I'm breaking the sticky embrace of poisonous squid
On my way to the world of unwavering verity,
Where every action is conscious
On the other side of heaven and hell,
I'm free,
I'm starting the run up
Revelations are waiting for you like birds,
That are ready to fly off from snowy branches
Don't frighten them away with crude meaningless words,
They are so afraid of vanity
I have just a couple of steps left
And I will reach the open door,
I just want to rip my head out from the grip,
And escape this cramped cage as soon as possible
To the open fields, to the freedom
To the boundless blue sea
To the wild grasses, to the fierce waves
Above the thunderstorm, above the lightning
Faster than fire and wind
Almost with the speed of light
In the direction of lunar tides
I'm taking off from the ground...
To run away from the cruel symptoms of neurosis
From games without rules, from sickly theatrical plays
From this exhausting prose
That I'm so sick off
Through the countless rooms
Through the dark and stifling corridors
Along the highway that leads to the sky
Through the orchard covered by snow
Theres no way back
Next is a runway
Take off and feel the flames,
Sparks of stars under my feet...
A flower from you
Versions: #1The days go by, but it doesn't count
I'm having such a hard time living, drunk
Of this perfume so different from yours
Worse, I counted every minute that keeps me captive to him
As if I were my own prisoner
It's been almost a year since he saved me from you
I often wonder where I would be for you
I often wonder what you do, where you are, who you love...
Get out of my thoughts!
I have changed address, my number, thank you.
I threw away your letters and your faults, even though
I pretended to have found the strength
Deep inside me I keep all of your love
I'm trying to forget you with someone else
Time doesn't seem to erase your faults
I try, but nothing happens, I can't, I don't want to.
I can't do it, I don't love him like I love you
I'm trying to heal myself with someone else.
Who tries in vain to redeem your faults
He seems so perfect, but nothing happens, I surrender
I can't, I don't love him like I love you
He, he tried to console me
Even though he doesn't have your words or your past
It's true, but he doesn't have your taste for partying
For the night, for others, for everything I hate
He dried all my tears, you know
He picked up your broken pieces
And he has settled all your unpaid debts, your impostures, your broken promises
Everything you left me
He loves me like crazy and knows me by heart
He tells me 'I love you' sometimes for hours
But he doesn't smell like you
Why do I breathe you in his arms?
Get out of my thoughts!
I don't love him like I love you
Just tell me why?
You stay (on my mind) like that...
I want to forget you
Take back your dreams and disappear
Because I want to love him like I love you...
All of the Trees are in Bloom
All of the trees are in bloomand the forest has taken on the colors
that you liked.
Pink apple trees against a blue sky
have the scent of happy days—
nothing has changed.
A little snow is left—
some of the snow that you shoveled.
I remember
when I awoke that I saw only
springtime breaking out
in our garden.
You laughed like a child—
you never made it up
when you laughed.
When your clear eyes gazed at me,
you knew how to see through me—
to read every thought.
You were so strong and yet
I rocked you like a child
when you cried.
I hurt you many times,
yet my entire life is you
whom I want to love.
Peter, I love you—
I had no one but you,
but you are now nothing but a shadow
who sleeps next to me.
When I came back home late sometimes,
you did not go to bed without me.
You waited up for me—
you talked to me all night—
about what our life might be like
if I wanted it.
One stormy evening before Christmas,
you told me it was sunny
and I believed it.
I remember, you told me,
that we would never leave one another—
and I believed it.
Peter, I love you—
I had no one but you,
but you are now nothing but a shadow
who sleeps next to me.
Why these flowers in the garden?
This blue night illuminated
by the stars?
I sense that spring is coming back
but that does nothing for me—
except to hurt me.
Despite everything—despite the weather—
I see you laughing and running
across the fields.
This was my last true springtime—
you went asleep for a long time—
for far too long.
In another world very far away,
is there a garden
more beautiful than the one here?
A grand theater where my love
replays and continues each day
to love life?
Iubirea-i far' de limite !
Cineva m-a invatat ..Bine , clar si sincer , despre ceea ce doare .
Imi 'scriu' povestea cu mai mult decat cuvinte ,
Caci vocea ce poate-a fi graita
Imi 'sculpteaza' sufletul , in 'cest 'noroi'
Cineva spusa-mi ..
Exista planeta pulbere pe acest pamant
Ritmul asteptand pe noi a ne schimba ,
Focul launtric , arde
In cenusa ce scoate afar'
Cineva mi-a spus ...
Iubirea-i far' de limite, fara de granite !
Iubirea-i far' de limite, fara de granite, fara de granite!
Cineva mi-a spus ...
Iubirea-i far' de limite, fara de granite !
Iubirea-i far' de limite, fara de granite, fara de granite!
Cineva m-a invatat ..
Bine , clar si sincer , despre ceea ce doare .
Imi 'spun' povestea nu doar prin cuvinte ...!
Lip self-service
I decidedto be nice to myself,
pour me a bath,
spread all the pictures of me
and comment them thoroughly.
I will pay myself some lip service1
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
I decided
to look at myself,
to scrutinize myself in the mirror,
to unveil all my charms,
to worship myself from head to toe.
I will pay myself some lip service
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
I decided
to desire myself,
to make up new sensations for me,
to be overburdened with emotions,
to become my own obsession.
I will pay myself some lip service
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
So many roses I won't be sending you...
So many roses I won't be sending you...
- 1. lit. 'send myself some flowers'
Iti pot simti inima rastalmacitaNumar fiece pas , timp ce urci scarile
iti este ingropata in fire , o vad in ochii-ti inchisi
Schimbarea , asta-i mai greu decat cunoastem noi
Tinem launtric cel mai mult , cand ne consumam
Venind precum un uragan , ma acomodez cu adevarat incet
Lumea se invarte precum o girueta
Fragil(a) si linistit(A)
Ma Frang iara
Tanjesc acum a te lasa inlauntru' (sufletului meu)
De 7 ori din nou cand tu nu esti treaz
De 7 ori ardoarea , prea mult a indura !
Ceru se revarsa aprins pe-a ta piele
Lumea ce noi am stiut , se schimba in bataia vantului
Venind precum un uragan , ma acomodez cu adevarat incet
Lumea se invarte precum o girueta
Fragil(a) si linistit(A)
Ma Frang iara
Tanjesc acum a te lasa inlauntru' (sufletului meu)
E tot ceea ce cunoastem , tot ceea ce noi stim ,...(e ) furtuna
Revarsandu-se incet, cazand usor , in curganda ploaie
E tot ceea ce cunoastem , tot ceea ce noi stim ,...(e ) furtuna
Revarsandu-se incet, cazand usor , in curganda ploaie
Privind-o evaporandu-se , vazand-o plecand , noi ramanem neschimbati
Iar eu nu stiu , eu nu stiu ...cum se poate schimba
Privind-o evaporandu-se , vazand-o plecand , noi ramanem neschimbati
Iar eu nu stiu , eu nu stiu ...cum se poate schimba
Iar eu nu stiu , eu nu stiu ...cum se poate schimba
E tot ceea ce cunoastem , tot ceea ce noi stim ,...(e ) furtuna
Aud sunetul,Rasuna dedesubt
Ingeri si orizonturi se-ntrepetrec
Iar eu ma straduiesc sa ating
Lumina de la suprafata
Lumina de cealalata parte
Simt 'paginile intorcandu-se'
Vad lamanarea stingandu-se ..
In fata ochiilor mei
In fata salbaticilor mei ochi
Te simt , tinandu-ma
Mai Strans , nu pot eu a-mi da seama ..
Cand avem noi in cele din urma a ...
Trai !!
Simt 'paginile intorcandu-se'
Vad lamanarea stingandu-se ..
In fata ochiilor mei
In fata salbaticilor mei ochi
Te simt , tinandu-ma
Mai Strans , nu pot eu a-mi da seama ..
Cand avem noi in cele din urma a ...
Veni la viata !!
Sounds are beaded on a thin thread,You can tie me up, can kill.
It won't confuse or embarrace me at all,
I maybe even won't scream.
The heart is torn by night silence,
I could become your dead bride.
Didn't struggle, didn't throw off the fetters,
Was waiting for your fingers to strangle my throat.
Don't feel pity for me, be violent,
My blood - tomato juice
My blood - cranberry mousse,
I don't feel cold, I am not scared.
When you'll finally tear me apart,
When you'll stab me under the ribs.
And will cut a sign on my back,
And will touch me and some other ways.
You're cold, gloomy, you can't warm anyone up,
Set my dress on fire - I will be burning.
Break my hand, hit me on the door,
I am so tired and worn out that I am for it even like this.
Don't feel pity for me, be violent,
My blood - tomato juice
My blood - cranberry mousse,
I don't feel cold, I am not scared.
Don't worry, don't suffer, you're not alone,
I am near you, a pile of dust near your legs.
And couple of clean white bones,
Innocent victim of love dramas.
Don't feel pity for me, be violent,
My blood - tomato juice
My blood - cranberry mousse,
I don't feel cold, I am not scared.
Glittering Blue Flowers
Glittering blue flowersturn our heads.
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, darling
Skirt sparkling, the Virgin Mary.
Pink ribbon in my hair (hair)
We have to love each other to madness (madness)
Oh, in the meadow, pick me a night-blue flower
In my ivory hands I'll brandish it
Like a magic wand
Magic wand
Magic magic wand
Magic wand
Moon heart, diamond eyes
Magic, magic, magic
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
As agreed, this evening, I really wanted to be with you, of course
The key to the stars isn't in the sky, but in your arms
Yeah, I put on my prettiest dress with little flowers
Before I finally let you win my heart
I'm on the alert, even when I'm waiting for you, I feel revived
Tell me you like me, with the Forget-Me-Not girls
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
Our eyes reflect them
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon...
Anh, anh, an
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty
Flower water
A daring car comesacross a sleeping village.
Strangely, a light
still shines so late at night.
Is it a dreamy ingenue,
a disconsolate widow,
a bewitching lover
or this resigned couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
A vague and crude lust
grabs the driving man.
It's warm up there behind
this ugly yellowed curtain.
Is it a dream girl,
a looker fit for a king,
two enraptured, feverish lovers
or this awkward couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
As a kneejerk reaction he speeds up
and vanishes into the night.
The village lies far behind now.
Will the day be sunny?
Was it a weird fairy
by this blond child's bed?
Was it the stingy lamp
of this dying couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
Floare mică
Am ascunsMai bine decât oriunde
În grădina inimii mele
O floare mică
Această floare
Mai frumoasă decât un buchet
Păstrează în secret
Toate visele mele de copil
Și iubirea părinților mei
Și toate aceste dimineți clare
Făcute din bucurii îndepărtate
Atunci când viața
Uneori mă trădează
Tu rămâi fericirea mea
Floare mică
La cei douăzeci de ani
Să mă opresc o clipă
Să respir
Parfumul ce l-am iubit mult
În inima mea
Vei înflori întotdeauna
În grădina mare a iubirii
Floare mică
Ia acest cadou
Pe care mereu l-am păstrat
Chiar la douăzeci de ani
Niciodată nu l-am dat
Nu-ți fie frică
Culeasă din fundul inimii
O floare mică
Niciodată nu moare
Doare ca naiba
Cum pot să spun asta fără să mă frâng?Cum pot să spun asta fără să mă copleșească?
Cum pot să pun totul în cuvinte
Când e prea mult de îndurat numai pentru sulfetul meu
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Și doare ca naiba
Da, doare ca naiba
Nu vreau ca ei să afle secretele
Nu vreau să știe felul în care te-am iubit
Nu cred că ar înțelege, nu
Nu cred că m-ar accepta, nu
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Și doare ca naiba
Da, doare ca naiba
Visele se luptă cu mașinăriile
În mintea mea ca niște adversari
Vino și eliberează-mă
Salvează-mă de război
Inima ta se potrivește ca o cheie
În lacătul din perete
Îl întorc pe toate părțile, îl întorc pe toate părțile
Dar nu pot scăpa
Îl întorc pe toate părțile, îl întorc pe toate părțile
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Am iubit și am iubit și te-am pierdut
Și doare ca naiba
You're under my skin
Days go by, but it doesn’t countIt’s so hard for me to live
Drunk with this perfume that’s so different from yours, worse
I’ve counted every minute that holds me back with her
As if I was my own prisoner
Almost a year has passed since she saved me from you
I often wonder where I would be, without you
I often wonder what you’re doing
Where are you, who are you
Get out of my thoughts!
I changed my address, my phone number, thanks
I threw away your letters and your flaws, even though…
I pretended I was strong enough
Deep down in me, I keep
Everything you left me
I’m trying to forget you with someone else
Time can’t erase your defects
I try, but it’s no use
I can’t, I don’t want to, I don’t get to
I don’t love her the way I love you
I try to heal my wounds with someone else
She’s trying to compensate for your defaults in vain
She seems so perfect, but it’s no use
I can’t, I don’t want to, I don’t get to
I don’t love her the way I love you
She tried to comfort me
Even though she doesn’t have your words or your past, that’s true
But she doesn’t like to party the way you do
Nor the nightlife or everyone else
And everything I hate
She dried all my tears, you know
She picked up the pieces your left
She mended everything, your debts
Everything you faked, everything you crossed out
Everything you left me
Everything you left me
She loves me like crazy
She knows me by heart
She tells me “I love you”
For hours sometimes
But she doesn’t smell like you
Why do I breathe you in her arms?
Get out of my thoughts
Get out of my thoughts
Warm Cats
Winter is so cold, so unpleasant and white.Soon there will be an unavoidable deficiency of warmth.
We will start saving ourselves from this warmth-lack,
Therefore, warm cats will again become fashionable.
We will be petting all the purring,
Warm, sleepy, true,
Placing our hands in furry bellies.
All things are changeable
In the strange human world.
Soft purring cats are steady.
Everyone is running home from cold deserted streets,
Therefore, warm cats will again become fashionable.
Warm cats are flying on the sky with clouds.
Thoughts are overloaded with purring cats.
Claws might stick to your leg,
But a leg, trust me, is not the heart.
Cats don't hurt as much as humans sometimes.
A warm cat will console me,
Lie down where it hurts
And I'll fall asleep hugging the warm cat.
Come to play, destroy the housewife's sweater,
Cut the book into small parts, sharpen your claws on the armchair.
Come to me from the land of strange winter dreams,
Spit on the prejudices, wake your cats up.
We will be petting all the purring,
Warm, sleepy, true,
Placing our hands in furry bellies.
All things are changeable
In the strange human world.
Soft purring cats are steady.
Claws might stick to your leg,
But a leg, trust me, is not the heart.
Cats don't hurt as much as humans sometimes.
A warm cat will console me,
Lie down where it hurts
And I'll fall asleep hugging the warm cat.
Dragoste si război
Sunt următoarea în linie și oferta mea se scurgeEste timpul să pleci, norii sunt ușor agățați
Adevărul începe să se arate
Iubitor, vânător, prieten și inamic
Vei fi întotdeauna fiecare dintre acestea
Iubitor, vânător, prieten și inamic
Vei fi întotdeauna fiecare dintre acestea
Nimic nu este corect în dragoste și război
În viață, în dragoste, de data aceasta nu-mi pot permite să pierd
Pentru unul, pentru toți, voi face ceea ce trebuie să fac
Nu poți înțelege, totul face parte din plan
Fragmente ale nopții
Cântați ca niște cântece
Tu și cu mine, mereu în deghizări
Iubitor, vânător, prieten și inamic
Vei fi întotdeauna fiecare dintre acestea
Iubitor, vânător, prieten și inamic
Vei fi întotdeauna fiecare dintre acestea
Nimic nu este corect în dragoste și război
I was daydreaming about a flower
I was daydreaming about a flower that would never dieI was daydreaming about a love that would have no end
From now on our sad romance is over
And our hearts have lost
Any hope for further happy days
Why, but why is it so on this earth
That bliss and flowers are always fleeting?
I was daydreaming about a flower that would never die
I was daydreaming about a love that would have no end
See, Miette, my little mouse1
That daydream was foolish
Because the most beautiful dreams
Are often lies
But even so I would have loved
So much to sing Ah!
I was daydreaming about a flower that would never die
I was daydreaming about a love that would have no end
From now on our sad romance is over
And our hearts have lost
Any hope for further happy days
Why, but why is it so on this earth
That bliss and flowers are always fleeting?
I was daydreaming about a flower that would never die
I was daydreaming about a love that would have no end
Serenade of flowers and butterflies
Just listen to our music,Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will share you with a heady voice,
I am rhythm and music,
I am fire, I am magic,
Follow the life, follow the dance,
And join us in step,
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
It's a funny dance,
It can enchant you,
Make you swirl,
It's a heady music,
It can take you away,
Make you travel,
Follow the rhythm of the drums,
Especially as they are getting heavier,
Three little music notes,
Three little devilish notes.
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three, don't forget me.
I am the great queen whose the wings are spreading out
I am the great queen of the beautiful moths
My voice is unleashing
Makes my foes flee
Follow our steps
Clap in your hands
Sing the joy
Sing tomorrow
I am force
And I am fighting
Against those who don't believe in me
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see
That it never stops.
Just listen to our music,
Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will make you share
With a heady voice
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three
Don't forget me
I am the great queen
My wings are spreading out
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see that it never stops.
'Cuando quieres algo, todo el Universo conspira para que realices tu deseo.' Paulo Coelho
He Rolls (The Flowers from the ball)
His heart is bleakAnd without reason
Five hours later
He leaves the house
He gets going
Leaves without reason
Beckoned by
The horizon
Perhaps love
Perhaps life
The death of the day
Or just boredom
To leave in the night
To go like that
This need
Everyone has that
Outside the black of the plains
And then black inside
He leaves he leaves
Like he had somewhere to go
Leaving there - in the hall
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball
In the road is his motor
He gets going
His throttle
The consolation
The guitars play loud
In his cockpit
They are his comfort
He rolls he rolls
Like the tears that flow
Leaving there in the hall
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball
To leave in the night
To go like that
This need
This need
Everyone has that
He rolls he rolls
In the wind and the stars
Back there - in the hallway
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball