Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 156
Paradis pierdut
Închide luminile, te rog
Voi fi în întuneric
Poți minți
Nu ai făcut nimic greșit
Lasă-mă să o fac
O să ai un vis bun acum
Lasă-mă să o fac
În urechile, ochii și mâinile tale
Vor fi zile și nopți ca în Paradis
Caută cineva Paradisul pierdut?
Dulce ca mierea
Poate că eu sunt diamantul tău pierdut
Ca ceva ce vrei ca un nebun
Simt că sunt reală
Unde ești acum?
Acum, aproape sunt în Paradis
Sunt aici, sunt a ta
Doar amintește-ți asta
Noi doi, alt Paradis
Închide luminile, te rog
Ca să mă vezi toată
Acum, suntem liberi
Nu vrem să ne întorcem nicăieri
Nu cred
Toate celelalte cuvinte care nu sunt rostite de vocea mea
Sunt minciuni
Spuse ca să te agite
Stop, stop, stop, stop
Caută cineva Paradisul pierdut?
Dulce ca mierea
Poate că eu sunt diamantul tău pierdut
Ca ceva ce vrei ca un nebun
Simt că sunt reală
Unde ești acum?
Acum, aproape sunt în Paradis
Sunt aici, sunt a ta
Doar amintește-ți asta
Noi doi, alt Paradis
Ei vorbesc despre o fantezie
Ei creează o altă fantezie
Ei vorbesc despre o fantezie
Ei creează o poveste
Ca să ne poată controla
Caută cineva Paradisul pierdut?
Nu e nevoie de cuvinte elocvente, nu e nevoie de minciuni
Ești al meu și eu sunt diamantul tău pierdut
Suntem în aceeași noapte, sub aceeași lună și soare
Simt că sunt reală
Unde ești acum?
Acum, aproape sunt în Paradis
Sunt aici, sunt a ta
Doar amintește-ți asta
Noi doi, alt Paradis
I waited for the rain to fall
Memories move me
The time at a stop
On your way to school
You sung your idols' songs
I thought you careless
Your ashen hair
Your soul so soft
That nothing could lull
Look over your shoulder
Kohl around your eyes
You would vanish
Brought up with alcohol
He would never comfort you
Forever lost
You swam the river
Forced to the test
You rise above
So alone, I wait for you
Here, my heart to tear
What have you done with it?
Do you think we look alike
We were to grow old together
In our imperfect world
I Think of Her and I Am With You
I no longer recall
whether it was springtime or not.
I remember strolling the streets
when all of a sudden there,
in front of my eyes,
an angel passed.
Then she smiled at me—
I later found her hair
in my bed.
And when I awoke,
I sought to sort out
whether her face was
just a dream, or was it really true?
Sorry my love—
but, since that day, I—
I think of her
and I am with you.
The winter began for us.
The sun faded—
that woman was no longer here—
she had been erased from my mind.
But a letter came—
and my heart stopped—
'I am the woman who, that night, you
took into in your bed.'
'You won't believe this, and I do not want you to believe me,
but you have left in me a deep memory—
a memory that will remain with me.
Do what you want, I love you.'
Now tell me what—
what should a man do
in such a situation?
I stay with you and think of her.
I think of her and I am with you.
The winter began for us.
The sun faded—
that woman was no longer here—
she had been erased from my mind.
But a letter came—
and my heart stopped—
'I am the woman who, that night, you
took into in your bed.'
'You won't believe this, and I do not want you to believe me,
but you have left in me a deep memory—
a memory that will remain with me.
Do what you want, I love you.
Do what you want, I love you.'
As I tie my laces up now I'm ready to go
Even the wind seems to push me forward
Using the light that shines through these kinds of doubt
Let's chase all of those dreams that were long forgotten
I can feel my heart racing with the beat
Mixed with feelings of doubt and looking ahead
Is everything really gonna be okay?
So can we really make it out the other side?
It's all right if you look up
It's okay, look, the bridge with seven colors
When you shed your last tears, there would be a bridge to cross
Hey, you can see it far away, right?
I am seeing what you are seeing too
Two sky became one
Finally, we're able to laugh under the same sky
We were born under two totally different skies
Each star holds different memories for us
You have many stories that of course are all your own
And shed some tears that I don't know about
On a day when I was smiling and was so carefree
You could have been hurt or crying
We might have felt the same types of joy
But the hard times we had are all on our own
And all the promises we make to shape our future
We decorate with words of hopes in our dreams
You always hope for a better tomorrow
And I know more than anything or anyone else
As one of the four seasons
It's okay when you are sad
You do not have to force yourself to be happy
That's fine, I am here
It's ok, I won't go anywhere
When you start running, I run with you
If there was ever a world that had no tears
Would there even be a bridge to cross?
You tried everything you could to numb the pain
Afraid of getting wet from the rain
You tried to build a bridge by simply running away
From all the troubles that followed you
But now you throw away your umbrella
And simply close your eyes
It's all right if you look up
It's okay, look, the bridge with seven colors
The tears have finished shedding under your sky
Hey, you can see the vivid colors, right?
You are seeing what I am seeing too
The rainbow named 'bonds' has been formed, hasn't it?
The two skies have finally become one
We're going to run
I am not an angel or a demon, what am I?
Paradise Lost
Versions: #3
Turn off the lights, please
I will be in the dark
You can lie to me
You didn't do anything wrong
Let me do it
From now on, you'll have a good dream
Let me do it
In your ears, eyes, hands
There will be days and nights like paradise
Anyone looking for the paradise lost
Like sweet honey
Maybe I am that your diamond lost
Like something you want like crazy
I feel. I’m real
Where are you right now
Right now, I’m almost at paradise
I’m here. I’m yours
Just remember this
You and I, another paradise
Turn the lights off please
So you can see all of me
Right now, we’re free
Nowhere we want to go back
Don’t believe in it
All other words that aren’t my voice
They’re lies
All set to shake you up
Stop stop stop stop
Anyone looking for the paradise lost
Like sweet honey
Maybe I am that your diamond lost
Like something you want like crazy
I feel. I’m real
Where are you right now
Right now, I’m almost at paradise
I’m here. I’m yours
Just remember this
You and I, another paradise
They’re talking about a fantasy
They’re making up another fantasy
They’re talking about a fantasy
They’re making up a story
So that they can control you and me
Anyone looking for the paradise lost
No need for elaborate words, no need for lies
You are my, and I’m your diamond lost
We’re in the same night, under the same moon and sun
I feel. I’m real
Where are you right now
Right now, I’m almost at paradise
I’m here. I’m yours
Just remember this
You and I, another paradise
Born Again
Coming in this world
Fully naked
Feeling brand new
Say I’m your baby
Never felt this safe
In a foreign place
I used to feel so hollow, shallow, vacant
When you’re around you closing all these spaces
All the sins we made
Finally erased
So bad it should be forbidden
So good so deep I feel it
Your love is like higher power
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
Cause every time you love me harder
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
Roses for the dead, and I want danger
Feeling so alive because I crave you
Passion, pleasure, pain
It all feels the same
Hotter than the sun no need to save me
Got me on my knees so come pray with me
Flooding like the rain
For like 40 days
So bad it should be forbidden
So good so deep I feel it
I’m reborn
Your love is like higher power
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
Cause every time you love me harder
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
I’m born, I’m born
I’m born, I’m born
I’m born again again
I’m born again again
I’m born, I’m born
I’m born, I’m born
im born again again
Im born again again
Never never leave
I finally believe
Cause I give all my faith in
Your love is like higher power
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
Cause every time you love me harder
I’m born I’m born I’m born again again
Everytime everytime that I come
I feel awaken
When you dive in the tides of my ocean I feel heaven
Feels like the first time first time
When you love me naked
I’m born I’m born
I’m born again again
Eu împotriva lumii
Nu vom rămâne
Doar un pion în jocul lor
Nu vom fi
Doar victimele
Ne fură visele
Și le fac bucăți
Până ajunge toată lumea la fel
Nu am unde să merg
Nu am unde să fug
Iubesc să mă vadă căzând
Ei cred că știu totul
Sunt un coșmar, un dezastru
Asta spun ei mereu
Sunt o cauză pierdută, nu sunt un erou
Dar mă voi descurca de unul singur
Trebuie să le dovedesc că greșesc
Eu împotriva lumii
Sunt eu împotriva lumii
Nu-i vom lăsa să schimbe
Felul în care simțim în inimile noastre
Nu le vom permite să ne controleze
Nu-i vom lăsa să îndese
Toate gândurile lor în mințile noastre
Și nu vom ajunge niciodată la fel ca ei
Nu am unde să merg
Nu am unde să fug
Iubesc să mă vadă căzând
Ei cred că știu totul
Sunt un coșmar, un dezastru
Asta spun ei mereu
Sunt o cauză pierdută, nu sunt un erou
Dar mă voi descurca de unul singur
Trebuie să le dovedesc că greșesc
Eu împotriva lumii
Sunt eu împotriva lumii
Acum sunt sătul de așteptarea asta
Așa că hai odată și încearcă
Poți să-ți scuipi toate insultele
Dar nimic din ce-ai putea spune nu ne va schimba
Poți sta acolo și să mă judeci
Spune ce vrei
Ne te voi asculta niciodată
Sunt un coșmar, un dezastru
Asta spun ei mereu
Sunt o cauză pierdută, nu sunt un erou
Dar mă voi descurca de unul singur
Trebuie să le dovedesc că greșesc
Eu împotriva lumii
Sunt un coșmar, un dezastru
Asta spun ei mereu
Sunt o cauză pierdută, nu sunt un erou
Dar mă voi descurca de unul singur
Trebuie să le dovedesc că greșesc
Nu ne vor doborî niciodată
Nu ne vom conforma niciodată
Mă voi descurca de unul singur
Eu împotriva lumii
Vine ploaia din nou
Vine ploaia din nou
Câzând în capul meu ca amintirile
Câzând în capul meu ca o nouă emoție
Vreau să mă plimb în vânturi deschise
Vreau să vorbesc cum iubiții o fac
Vreau să mă scufund în oceanul tău
Plouă cu tine
Așa că iubitule vorbește cu mine
Cum iubiții o fac
Plimbă-te cu mine
Cum iubiții o fac
Vorbește cu mine
Cum iubiții o fac
Vine ploaia din nou
Plouând în capul meu ca o tragedie
Mă rupe în bucăți ca o nouă emoție
Vreau să respir în vânturi deschise
Vreau să sărut cum iubiții o fac
Vreau să mă scufund în oceanul tău
Plouă cu tine
Așa că iubitule vorbește cu mine
Cum iubiții o fac
Vine ploaia din nou
Vine ploaia din nou
Câzând în capul meu ca amintirile
Câzând în capul meu ca o nouă emoție
(Vine ploaia din nou,Vine ploaia din nou)
Vreau să mă plimb în vânturi deschise
Vreau să vorbesc cum iubiții o fac
Vreau să mă scufund în oceanul tău
Plouă cu tine
Plouă iar
Plouă iar,
o, nu, dragostea mea-i la final
O, nu, plouă iar
şi ştii că-i greu să te prefaci
O, nu, plouă iar,
ce păcat că pierd un prieten
o, nu, plouă iar
O, oare inima mea s-ar mai reface?
O, nu, plouă iar
'Eşti destul de mare' unii ar zice
'ca să citeşti semnele şi să mergi mai departe
e doar timpul care vindecă durerea
şi face soarele să se întoarcă iar...'
Plouă iar,
o, nu, dragostea mea-i la final
O, nu, plouă iar
ce păcat că pierd un prieten...
Hai, micule luptător,
Nu-i nevoie să te complaci
Hai, micule luptător
şi întoarce-te iar
şi întoarce-te iar
reumple-ţi inima iar...
Dacă ar trebui să iubesc din nou
Oh, dragostea mea
Tu ai fost singura
Acum ai plecat şi eu sunt singur
Toţi prietenii mei
Îmi spun ce a fost a fost
Eu mă prefac (că înţeleg)
Dar în adâncul inimii ştiu
Dacă ar trebui să iubesc din nou
Dacă aş găsi pe altcineva
Ar fi prefăcătorie
Pentru că în inima mea
Ai fi tu
Şi deşi o ţin aproape
Şi o doresc din când în când
Voi continua să te iubesc
Dacă ar trebui să iubesc din nou
Toată ziua
Continui să-mi amintesc
Toată noaptea
Mă gândesc la tine
Toată viaţa mea
Tu vei fi cântecul pe care îl cânt
Voi trece prin
Dar jur acesta este adevărat
Dacă ar trebui să iubesc din nou
Dacă aş găsi pe altcineva
Ar fi prefăcătorie
Pentru că în inima mea
Ai fi tu
Şi deşi o ţin aproape
Şi o doresc din când în când
Voi continua să te iubesc
Dacă ar trebui să iubesc din nou
Once again
l have to say good bye to you.
But first I have to tell you this.
“I felt” “To feel” “So far” And, I guess now I know.
“From me” “To you”“This”
On the slope I’m used to climbing
(On my way home. Let’s take a walk.)
On that shadow
Spring is coming for the third time
(I’ll be gone soon.)
(Spring is coming soon.)
The days I have left with you
(A few days. A little time.)
I’m counting them
When that moment comes I’ll spell it for you
(I’ll give my spell to you.)
A “thank you” for everything until now
I want to deliver for you
The days we laughed, the days we shed tears
The memories of us overflow
The cherry blossoms are saying here
I have to affectively say goodbye
The days we casually spent together
(A longer days. A longer time.)
are a treasure
Parting in this way, I don’t think it’s bad
At this time
(And I start to miss you.)
When I noticed it
time was already moving fast forward
The days we laughed, the days we shed tears
No matter how many years pass, we’ll be connected
The cherry blossoms taught me here
it was a dazzling encounter
It’s the season of year again, how time flies.
We should take full use of rest time, but, how should I say…
I don’t mean we have to do something special,
my way lights just because of daily life.
We enjoyed it.
Happiness, delight, tears, I repeated that.
No matter how strong I wish, I can never go back to those days.
But, I don’t feel sad.
Memories with you, never made me sad.
This is a promise.
Until we meet again, keep smiling cause we will never be apart.
The days we laughed, the days we shed tears
I can’t count all the memories I have with you
Thank you, now the feelings in my mind are
“let’s laugh together again someday”
(Spring is coming soon.)
“I felt” “To feel” “So far” And, I guess now I know.
“From me” “To you”“This”
No Gain
I look back into the memories
I received from you
I want to make you listen to the fireworks in my heart
That I’ve forgotten for a while
I guess the visits in my heart are getting narrower
What to do ? I’m sorry but I guess you’re growing farther away from me
I found a different love in place of the precious memories
I guess I’m trying to erase your scent
Baby, even if I have someone new
I can never forget you
Baby you know I can’t forget
If I get drunk and call you
And tell you that I love you, you just need to only listen
If you are thinking of me girl
Call my name
That’s all I need
Even if I’m with a different girl
Baby girl, baby girl,
Baby girl oh oh oh, baby girl oh oh oh
Maybe I only thought of myself too much
There’s nothing that I did for you
But I was only sad and for that, I’m embarrassed
Maybe that’s why I’m being like this now
I try to make some other excuse by meeting someone new
A happy girl and me – but this isn’t it
Baby, even if I have someone new
I can never forget you
Baby you know I can’t forget
If I get drunk and call you
And tell you that I love you, you just need to only listen
If you are thinking of me girl
all my name
That’s all I need
Even if I’m with a different girl
Baby girl, baby girl,
Baby girl oh oh oh, baby girl oh oh oh
No matter what happens, you will not cry
If you don’t blame anyone, it’s okay, no more
I will bury you in my memories, I won’t forget you
Does that mean nothing to you?
No gain, no gain, no gain
Though I don’t really need to know what you think
Baby, even if I have someone new
I can never forget you
Baby you know I can’t forget
If I get drunk and call you
And tell you that I love you, you just need to only listen
If you are thinking of me girl
Call my name
That’s all I need
Even if I’m with a different girl
A Mea Din Nou
există un loc unde obișnuiam să merg
există o lume pe care o știam
exista o lumină și erai tu
fiecare cuvânt spus este adevărat
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
voi muri în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea
Te pot vedea îmbrăcată în roșu
toate lucrurile secrete ce le-ai spus
zăcând goale în iarbă
acum inima mea se află la tine în palmă
mâinile tale -
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
voi muri în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea
doar timpul trece printre noi
există doar ocean sub noi
există fotografia care nu va dispărea
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
mă aduce mai aproape de ziua - vei fi din nou a mea
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea
This Is My Country
(If you don't know what's up in this country,
Let us tell you.)
The country in which the panther was slain by riffles,
The country in which morals are preached but the crime rates are higher than the Eiffel tower,
The country whose law can not stand up against the Dharma or the Bible,
The country in which good people aren't commemorated as idols,
The country in which weekend houses for judges are built in national parks,
The country whose capital's heart was turned into a killing field,
The country in which taxes are candy for the prime minister,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country free of corruption which doesn't even investigate on it,
The country whose prime minister's watch is made of corpses
The country whose parliament is the playground of its soldiers,
The country in which a constitution is written so that it can be trampled all over by the army's paws,
The country in which artists put themselves on airs as rebels,
The country in which rebels have no power and have to be shrink with fear,
The country in which rebels have to obey like ants,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country in which people in suits don't do what they say,
The country in which the poor have to die because they can't afford a 30-baht healthcare,
The country which is so powerful that it eats panters like sushi,
The country in which nobody is guilty because nobody is acountable,
The country in which one murder is no problem if you have the money,
The country whose law is more elastic than the arms of Luffy
The country in which people keep pretending that they are doing good,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country that points a gun at your throat,
The country that tells you that you are free, but insists on depriving you of your right to vote,
The country in which you can't swear even though it's attached to your gum,
The country in which whatever you do will be intruded by the leader,
The country whose sovereignity has been confiscated by vile people,
The country in which you either hide the through or eat the bullet,
The country in which big fish eat small fish,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country in which nobody dares to express his disdain,
The country whose law is made to be menaced by the police,
The country in which people who have ideas have to pretend that they are asleep,
And if you don't like it here, they will force to stay,
The country in which nobody reads, especially the prime minister
The country in which you are forced to stay quietand if you won't, you'll end up in prison,
The country in which high ranked officials succeed all the time, no matter how immorally they act,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country in which two political parties have separated the country into two factions,
The country whose population is f*cking separated into two sides,
The country in which people from both mobs f*cking die,
The country in which both sides fear the army,
The country whose populace f*cking hasn't had an election in four years,
A supposedly free country that pretends to me that I have a choice,
The country in which the army is assembled to elect the prime minister,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country whose budget appears to be unlimited,
The country in which government officials hide money in their homes,
The country whose prime minister is kinda annoying,
The country that has a law but screws it with machine guns,
The country whose population is happy but lives under a coconut shell
Four years we have lived under the feet (of the military) and nobody has dared to step into the parliamentary,
The tedious country in which you know what's up without it being said,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country in which you can find anything but common sense,
Driven by money as if under a magical spell,
That, as time passes, turns into a bright diamond of evil
And is worshipped in a cult of selfishness by monkeys on a stone,
That are mindlessly drunk to the extend that they can't find answers to anything
And ignore what's right and just let those selfish beasts
Rule everything with darkness and fear,
This is my country, this is my country.
(If you're ready,
Raise your middle fingers and let the masses march with us.)
The good country whose lineage will last forever,
But whose wealth won't last if the government steals from the poor, as the rumours spread all around the world
And there are sanctions against the country, there are troubled people everywhere now,
The country in which protestors are shot by night,
The country in which profane laws are passed that f*ck up the nation
The country that makes it people believe that it won't waste the tax payer's money,
This is my country, this is my country.
The country which has the ability to turn laws into pretexts,
The country in which people up with hope,
Hope on their T-shirts and poverty on their trousers
The country that's deaf to its own people,
If people in other countries have something to say, they are listened to,
The country in which everybody is taken into examination
And others grasp the answers because they love to count money,
That gives false promises like loading bullets,
That creates a regime and tells us to love it,
The country in which sitting down on a chair and looking outside is considered the answer, as we just love counting the days,
This is my country, this is my country,
This is my country.
Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde
No, I'm not the Doctor Jekyll
(Hi, Doctor Jekyll)
My name is Hyde, Mister Hyde.
Doctor Jekyll have in himself
A Mister Hyde who're his evil genius
Mister Hyde say nothing
But in secret thought it
I tell you that I'm not the Doctor Jekyll
(Hi, Doctor Jekyll)
My name is Hyde, Mister Hyde.
Doctor Jekyll seen in his life
Only little bitches who made fun of him
Mister Hyde in his heart
took notes for the doctor.
No, I'm not the Doctor Jekyll
(Hi, Doctor Jekyll)
My name is Hyde, Mister Hyde.
Docteur Jekll understood one day
That's this Mister Hyde was the one they loved in him
Mister Hyde, this bastard,
has skined, skined the Docteur Jekyll
(Docteur Jekyll )
(Docteur Jekyll )
(Docteur Jekyll )
(Docteur Jekyll )
Cind albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Amintiri care inca stau in inima
Amintiri ce poate s-o faca pe inima sa devina rece
Dar intr-o zi vor trai din nou, draga
Iar albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Cind albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Cind curcubeu pe norile le va indeparta
Cind albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Te vei intoarce printre bratile mele ca sa ramii
Buzele care inainte atitea ma incanteau
Sarutarile tale au fost destinati numai pentru mine
In visele mele vor trai din nou, draga
Iar luna mea de aur nu-i decit o amintire
Cind albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Cind curcubeu pe norile le va indeparta
Cind albastra mea luna se va transforma in aur din nou
Te vei intoarce printre bratile mele ca sa ramii
Te vei intoarce printre bratile mele ca sa ramii
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
Adio zile de tristete, adio timpuri rele
Am scapat de la tine in sfirsit
Momente de fericire, timpuri gri nourate
Acum esti ceva din trecut
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
Cerul sus e senin din nou
Asa ca haidem sa cintam un cintec de bucurie din nou
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
Impreuma, haidem s-o cintam acum, nu e nimeni
Cine o poate indoia acum
Asa ca haidem sa-i spunem lumii despre asta acum
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
Grijele si necazurile tale nu mai sint
N-o sa mai fie de acum inainte, de acum inainte
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
Cerul sus e senin din nou
Asa ca haidem sa cintam un cintec de bucurie din nou
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou
S-au intors zile de fericire din nou!
If only you were here with me again
You were always my protector
Were my whole world
Your were both friend and father
Followed my every move
If only you were here with me again
If you were only near
Many times deep in my doze
There you are still here
If only your voice sounded for me again
Full of love and comfort
Does it help me, to dream of you?
Do i get an angel's voice?
Cold stone and marble angels
Are symbols' of pain
Distant from all warm memories
That are in my heart
Sorrow in my mind, bleached my kind
Of longing after you
If only you were here with me again
Ready to let me go
What we have had, shall give me power
To go my own way
No more tears
No bitterness
Do not dwell on all the pain i suffered
Let me let you go
Let me let you go
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Mi-as dori sa pot
Puteam să spun la revedere
Aș fi spus ceea ce am vrut
Poate chiar am plâns pentru tine
Dacă știam că va fi ultima oară
Mi-aș fi rupt inima în două
În încercarea de a salva o parte din tine
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe
Un alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Ououuu ooou oou
Când ne-am întâlnit prima dată
N-am crezut niciodată că voi cădea
N-am crezut niciodată că m-aș găsi în brațele tale
Mmmm mmmm
Și vreau să mă prefac că nu e adevărat, omule, că ai plecat
Pentru că lumea mea se întoarce și se întoarce și se întoarce și eu nu mă mișc
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe
Un alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu vreau să știu acest sentiment dacă nu ești tu și cu mine
Nu vreau să pierd o clipă
Hoooo ouuu
Și nu vreau să dau altcuiva cea mai bună parte din mine
Aș prefera să te aștept
Hoooo ouuu
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe unui alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi
Iubi din nou
Nu o sa mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi niciodată
Din nou
Nu vreau să jur că nu pot
Aș vrea să pot, dar nu voi
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Nu voi iubi niciodată
Din nou
Who oo oo oo oo
Fake flesh
Where is our world headed?
Look at me.
I'm a new hero, only one out of a hundred.
I walk an overgrown path with nobody behind my back.
Everyone is eager
to judge the high and the mighty.
They lack the will
to become strong themselves.
Nevan split the vault asunder
with black and gold.
His fake flesh sparkles
brighter than the sun.
I am the beginning
and the end of everything.
And in my honour
they build new walls.
A thousand eyes stare
at my holy face.
I know the face of every man
who saw daylight.
I'll reveal the secret
of the high and the mighty.
Do you want Me to reveal the secret?
Do you want Me to reveal the secret?
I am fake flesh
I am fake flesh
I am the beginning
and the end of everything.
And in my honour
they build new walls.
A thousand eyes stare
at my holy face.
At my holy face.
A thousand eyes again
At my holy face.
A thousand eyes again
I am fake flesh
I am fake flesh
Vom fi impreuna din nou
Far de lacrimi , far de temeri ...
Aminteste-ti , mereu va sa vina ziua de maine
Asa ca si ce daca , trebuie a ne 'desparti
Ne vom reuni din nou ..
Sarutul tau, Zambetul tau ,
Sunt amintiri, ce etern am sa le pretuiesc
Asa ca incearca a gandi cu sufletul
Noi impreuna vom fi din nou
Timpuri cand stiu ca vei fi singurateca
Timpuri cand stiu ca vei fi trista
Nu lasa tentatia a te incolti
Nu lasa blus-ul a te rastalmaci
Candva, cumva
Amandoi avem o viata intreaga in fata noastra
Caci despartirea nu semnifica 'Ramasul bun
Ne vom reuni din nou!!
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti vreodată
Ce obţii când te îndrăgosteşti?
De un tip care, cu un 'ac' îţi sparge 'balolul' în care trăieşti.
Asta primeşti pentru îngrijorarea ta,
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti vreodată,
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti niciodată.
Ce obţii când săruţi un tip?
Bacterii pentru o pneumonie
După ce o vei face, nu-ţi va mai telefona niciodată,
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti niciodată
Nu știi, nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti vreodată?
Nu-mi spune mie cum stă treaba
Fiindcă am trăit-o și mă bucur că sa terminat
acele lanțuri s-au rupt, acele lanțuri care m-au legat de tine
De aceea sunt aici pentru a-ţi reaminti.
Ce obţii când te îndrăgosteşti?
Nu primeşti decât minciuni, durere şi tristeţe
Deci, cel puțin până mâine
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti vreodată.
Nu, nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti niciodată.
Ahh, acele lanțuri s-au rupt,
acele lanțuri care m-au legat de tine
De aceea sunt aici pentru a-ţi reaminti.
Ce obţii când te îndrăgosteşti?
Nu primeşti decât minciuni, durere şi tristeţe
Deci, cel puțin până mâine
Nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti vreodată.
Nu, nu mă voi mai îndrăgosti niciodată.
Dana Kósa
See You Again
See your eyes
See your face
My heart kept pounding
See your face
See your eyes
So I knew I'd got you in my heart
More precious
Than any other moment
In the world I lived
Was time spent around you,
Dreams - all of that together
I cherished it like air
Every night
Too painful sad love is standing with unfamiliar face
Please, say you know the way
That wind is going
I’ll be there
I am with you
See your eyes
See your face
Tears kept flowing
Things I had
Things I had not
Everything was meaningless
Because in the world I would live
There was no any place
I could call that name
This much painful
Ever night our love is standing with unfamiliar face
Please, say you know the way
That wind is going
I’ll be there
I am with you
I’ll be there
I’ll be there
After everything gets scattered
I'll meet you
Everything will hurt
But in that place we are laughing together
I’ll be there
See you again
We Will Meet Once Again
Sorry but it is difficult to talk
When there is so little time
I would like to tell you so many things
But I can't find the words
Thank you for having given me
The patience of heroes, the courage
I would like to have you always here by my side
I am sure: we will meet once again
How much this life has to teach
I know it is my turn now
Inside the smile of a child
There is already the man he will be when he grows up
Sorry for the hugs a bit faked
That I understood too late
Of course, the experience can't be tought
But it is learned with love
Thank you for having given me
The hope of gods, the forgiveness
I would like to walk in silence
By your side, we will meet once
I would like to always walk by your side
I am sure: we will meet
Once again
Death for me is face of a child
In a transparent look,
Her body dressed the refinement of love,
Which will take me forever
She calls me by my name,
Suddenly I lose my reason,
Is it a curse?
Or the subtle effect of cannabis?
She calls me by my name,
Suddenly I lose my reason,
Is it a curse?
Or the subtle effect of cannabis?
Death opening beneath me, her legs and arms
Close themselves on me
Her body finally rips me the groans of pleasure
And my last sigh
Variations on Marilou
In her absent look and her iris of absinthe
While Marilou amuses herself making smoke rings of menthol
Between two comic strip bubbles
All in playing with the zipper of her levis (jeans)
I read vice and think of Carroll Lewis
In her absent look and her iris of absinthe
While Marilou does everything she can to make smoke rings of menthol
Between two comic strip bubbles
All in playing with her zipper
Half opening her levis
In her absent look and her iris of absinthe I say
I read the vice of a baby doll
And I think of Lewis Carroll
In her absent look and her iris of absinthe
When the stereo speakers spit, throwing out
A cry of cards and flushes
While Marilou abuses herself
Her health is worn out
Sending herself into the air (sex)
When in an absurd dream Marilou is reduced
When her coma absorbs her in obscure practices
Her pupil is absent and her iris is absinthe
Under her gestures are tinted underlying ecstasies
In her look, vice offers a salacious side
A bit of dishwater blue from her pair of levis
While she exhales a sigh of menthol
My mentally deficient lost in her physical and cerebral exile
Plays with the metal of her zipper and the jug of coral appears
She coca cola's (sticks on) a finger that, stopping at the edge of the coral
Is taken near the calyx of the vertigo of Alice by Lewis Caroll
When in obscure dreams Marilou is reduced
When her coma absorbs her in absurd reveries
Her pupil is absent and her iris is absinthe
Surreptitiously, pleasure without any wait are tinted
Lost in her physical and cerebral exile
One by one she exhales feverish sighs perfumed with menthol
My mentally deficient makes tinted the metal of her zipper
And narcissistic she pushes the vice
In the dishwater blue night of her pair of levis
Arrived at the pubis of her coral sex spreading the corolla
Taken to the edge of the calyx of Vertigo, Alice jumps into her bones
In the country of mischief of Lewis Carroll
Pupils absent, iris of absinthe, baby doll
Listens to her idols, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, T-Rex, Alice Cooper
Lou Reed, The Rolling Stones, she's crazy about them
Above, this narcissist plonges with delight
Into the blue petrol night of her pair of levis
She arrives at the pubis and very cool with menthol
She self controls her little orifice
Finally pushing the vice right up to the edge of the calyx
With a sex-symbol finger spreading the corolla
At the heart of rock & roll wanders my Alice
In the country of mischief of Lewis Carroll
Death by Fire Extinguisher
To extinguish the fire in Marilou's ass
One night no longer able to take the jealousy
I ran to the hallway of the hotel to take from its mount
The fire extinguisher
Brandishing the cylinder
I strike paff and Marilou starts moaning
From her dented cranium escapes a vermilion blood
Identical to the red bleeding from the appliance
She has a last somersault on the linoleum, an ultimate tremor
I push on the throttle, the body of Marilou disappears under the foam
Iar ai făcut-o lată
Fată deştaptă,
te crezi, dar te gândeşti prea mult.
Închide, întoarce-te
nu te mai uita aşa.
Fată deştaptă,
crezi că ştii, dar nu ştii prea multe
Înceracă să faci o mişcare
du-te pe altă uşă.
Ştii că totul e-n capul tău,
mai bine ai lăsa-o baltă
cu mâinile tale ce se-ntâlnesc
cu monstrul din mintea ta.
Iar ai făcut-o lată
Iar ai făcut-o lată
Nu m-ai asculta când îţi spun că nu-i de nasul tău?
Fată deştaptă,
Crezi că-i bine
dar ce-i bine şi ce-i rău?
Genială mică,
te-ai complicat rău.
Fată deşteaptă
ai totul, dar eşti aiurea.
Întoarce-te acum
şi treci la altceva.
Ştii că totul e-n capul tău,
mai bine ai lăsa-o baltă
Ce vezi tu nu vede nimeni,
te pune doar în genunchi.
Fată deştaptă,
Crezi că-i bine
dar ce-i bine şi ce-i rău?
Genială mică,
te-ai complicat rău.
That wasn't the last time today
That wasn't the last time today
To it was it too ingenious
We will anyways win the fight
And can immediately start with it
We make through
'til the day
The Next Party is already in sight
Oh hello there rises the sun
The stars take their course
The day will be supercool my Friend
The Evil People will regret their doings
Everything's going very well
It doesn't take long
That wasn't the last time today
To it was it too ingenious
We will anyways win the fight
And can immediately start with it
That wasn't the last time today
To it was it too ingenious
We will anyways win the fight
And can immediately start with it
That wasn't the last time today
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Love Me Again
Love me again...
Again again again...
Love me again...
Again again again...
I know I let you down,
That perhaps I don't deserve to see you again
But I miss how we were yesterday.
And I can only dream that
You'd want to come back
To my side again.
I promise you that what we do, you and I
Is a secret that stays between us both.
And you ask me where we're going, come take my hand
Whatever you ask of me I'll give it to you
I want to kiss you like I know,
I want to see you again
You're going to remember
The time and place
And you can come back
here I'll be
I promise you that what we do, you and I
Is a secret that stays between us both.
Come give me a kiss because I miss the taste of your lips,
Dance with me slowly, today we'll make love.
We'll make love beneath the full moon,
I want to take you to Punta Cana with me my baby
I'll offer you a coffee in the morning to see if you'll stay
A little walk on the white sandy beach.
It was so natural to love you, to have you on my mind
When I write songs I think only of you, come
A coffee in the mornining to see if you'll stay.
I promise you that what we do, you and I
Is a secret that stays between us both.
Come give me a kiss because I miss the taste of your lips,
Dance with me slowly, today we'll make love.
Love me again...
Again again again...
Love me again...
Again again again...
Give me one more chance,
I still love you babe
I promise you that what we do, you and I
Is a secret that stays between us both.
Come give me a kiss because I miss the taste of your lips,
Dance with me slowly, today we'll make love.
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Nu voi mai zâmbi din nou
Până nu îți voi zâmbi
Nu voi mai râde din nou
Ce ar face bine?
Lacrimile mi-ar umple ochii
Inima ar realiza
Că romantismul nostru este la sfârșit.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Sunt atât de îndrăgostit de tine
Nu mă voi mai mișca din nou
Pentru altcineva.
În inima mea
Știu că nu voi începe niciodată
Să mai zâmbesc
Până nu îți voi zâmbi.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
În inima mea
Știu că nu voi începe niciodată
Să mai zâmbesc
Până nu îți voi zâmbi.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
Incep din nou
One Republic
Pot sa dau timpul inapoi?
Sa imi iert pacatele
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
Stiu ca am gresit
Din nou si din nou
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
One Republic
Am schimbat taberele
Pasind dincolo de granitele in care eram
Am tinut fraiele
Saturat de aceleasi evenimente
Jur, asteptam dezastrul
Amestecat cu o sticla de gin
Si doar pentru ca vin acasa după
Nu inseamna că o sa ma primesti
Imi vezi lumea rotindu-se, ca si cand nu mai e nimic de stiut
Imi vezi lumea aproape să explodeze
Si da, stiu ca e greu să nu ma mai gandesc
Trebuie sa trec peste asta, trebuie sa vad lumina intrand
Pot sa dau timpul inapoi?
Sa imi iert pacatele
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
Stiu ca am gresit
Din nou si din nou
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
Simt ca nu sunt apreciat
Ca si cand prezenta mea in viata ta s-ar fi diminuat
Simt ca tot ce am facut in trecut, acum e diferit
Dar pot sa vad mai clar ca nicodata, indepartandu-ma
In fiecare zi am facut-o, am trecut prin asta
Dar, tu niciodata nu ai stiut, pentru ca ti-am ascuns
Tu mi-ai dat lumea, asa ca simt ca iti sunt dator
M-am uitat in oglinda, dar e imaginea ta din trecut
O sa imi revin acum, nu stiu cum
Dar promit că, o sa reusim, cumva
Sunt trup și suflet, e din inima, din nou
Deschide-ti gandurile si poate putem să o luam de la inceput
Pot sa dau timpul inapoi?
Sa imi iert pacatele
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
Stiu ca am gresit
Din nou si din nou
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou
oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh
oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh
Si da, stiu ca e greu să nu ma mai gandesc
Trebuie sa trec peste asta, trebuie sa vad lumina intrand
Pot sa dau timpul inapoi?
Sa imi iert pacatele
Vreau sa imi gasesc fortele
Si sa incep din nou