Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 102
Ok, Ok
She said to me: 'Tonight I will go to Charly BarIf I get bored there, I will go to the cinema.'
Ok, (ok), I will go to Charly Bar
Ok, (ok, ok)
I arrive full of hope no one is at Charly Bar
I go to the cinema but she isn't there
Ok, (ok), we don't panic!
Ok, (ok, ok)
Where is she, but where is she, but where did she go?
I know that she goes to Centenary often
It's a really chic club - let's go, don't panic!
Ok, (ok), I go to Centenary
Ok, (ok, ok)
I arrive at Centenary someone is out the front
It's the dorman 1 who forbids me from entering
Ok, (ok), we talk about it again
Ok, (ok, ok)
Where is she, but where is she, but where did she go?
I meet up with a friend who says to me: 'You don't have a good air2
You have tired traits, you have to go back home.'
Ok, (ok), I'm going home
Ok, (ok, ok)
I arrive and someone rings and it's the telephone
She says to me: 'I am sick of waiting at Charly Bar'
Ok, (ok), I am going back to Charly Bar
Ok, (ok, ok)
Where is she, but where is she, but where did she go?
Where is she, but where is she, but where did she go?
Bun așa, bun așa
Ea mi-a spus: „În seara asta mă duc la Barul CharlyDacă mă plictisesc acolo, am să merg la cinema '.
Bun așa (bun așa), mă duc la Barul Charly,
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Ajung plin de speranță, nimeni la Barul Charly,
Mă duc la cinema, dar ea acolo nu era.
Bun așa (bun așa), să nu ne panicăm!
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Unde-i ea, dar unde-i ea, unde s-a dus oare?
Știu că deseori ea merge la Centenar,
E un club destul de șic, hai, fără panică!
Bun așa (bun așa), mă duc la Centenar
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Ajung la Centenar, cineva îmi apare în față,
E domnul portar, care nu mă lasă să intru.
Bun așa (bun așa), mai vorbim noi!
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Unde-i ea, dar unde-i ea, unde s-a dus oare?
Mă-ntâlnesc cu-n amic, care-mi zice: ”N-arăți bine deloc,
Ești tras la față, du-te acasă!”
Bun așa (bun așa), mă duc acasă,
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Ajung și cineva sună, și e telefonul,
Ea-mi zice: ”M-am săturat să aștept la Barul Charly”.
Bun așa (bun așa), mă-ntorc la Barul Charly,
Bun așa (bun așa, bun așa).
Unde-i ea, dar unde-i ea, unde s-a dus oare?
Unde-i ea, dar unde-i ea, unde s-a dus oare?
O mare dragoste
O mare dragoste înseamnă să nu mai ai 20 de aniȘi să accepți ridurile pe care timpul ți le dă,
Înseamnă un trup gol, ce-l recunoaștem cu vârful degetelor,
Ca un trandafir care va renaște mii de dimineți.
Ea e o barcă ce merge singură pe mare,
Căutând portul liniștit al iernii sale-n depărtare.
O mare dragoste e o biserică ce trebuie clădită,
Pentru a ascunde evangheliile amintirii.
O mare dragoste înseamnă să plângi când ești singur,
Condamnând ușa rece a mândriei,
Înseamnă să uiți brațele ținute în alte brațe,
Înseamnă a te-ntoarce și a ști să faci primul pas.
O mare dragoste e suferința pe care o împărtășim
Și speranța de fiecare clipă pe un chip,
Înseamnă a ști că un viitor nu poate veni,
Rămânând acolo la bine și la rău.
He lives in the coldHe has no father or mother
He lives in the woods
He only knows winter
He is thirteen today
He has no friends I think
Sometimes he dreams at night
Sometimes he chops his wood
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
He doesn't read newspapers
He already knows all he needs by heart
He doesn't listen to the radio
He prefers to chop his wood
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
Yes but he speaks to birds
To the sun and to forests
Yes but he speaks to streams
Sometimes when the weather is not too cold
The Ballad of happy people
Versions: #1Our old Earth is a star,
Where you are also shining.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
You have no title and no rank
But you say 'tu' when you speak to God.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Journalist, for your headline,
You may write whatever you like.
We'll offer you a wonderful title,
The Ballad of happy people.
We'll offer you a wonderful title,
The Ballad of happy people.
You who planted a tree
In your small suburban garden
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
I've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
He falls asleep and you look at him,
He's your child, he looks like you.
We've come to sing to him the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
We've come to sing to him the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people
You the star on top of the world,
Come down to us, you'll see us better.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Should you be a king of flirting and jokes,
Should you be a gambler or a nice old man,
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
We've come to sing to you the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Like a chorus in a cathedral,
Like a bird giving it its all,
You've just sung the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
You've just sung the ballad,
The Ballad of happy people.
Versions: #1You were barely fifteen
You wore ribbons in your hair
You lived very close
To the Grand Palais
I called you every morning
And together we rode the train
To go to highschool
Michèle, sitting next to you
I was waiting for the break
To go to the café
Drink a chocolate
And then kiss you
One day you turned seventeen
Your hair was flowing in the wind
And often you would sing
'Oh, yesterday...'
Every Thursday afternoon
We would go to the cinema
See the movies, of Marilyn
Michèle, one night on December
Snow was falling on the roofs
We were, you and I
Asleep together
For the first time
Time went by slowly
And blurred out the Prince Charming
Who was offering you travels
In his clouds
I was told you got married
In April, last spring
That you live, in Paris
Michèle, all of this is so far away now
The streets, the joyful cafés
Even the suburb trains
Are mocking you, are mocking me
Michèle, all of this is so far away now
The streets, the joyful cafés
Even the suburb trains
Are mocking you, are mocking me
Are mocking me !
And I sing
I see a train comingOn a cloud from the past
I see a hand holding flowers
But it has no fingers
I see a dog dying
From wanting to keep up with my pace
I see the winter smiling
To the blue years of afterlife
I hear the rain fall
In the garden of magicians
I hear symphonies
Played by a thousand musicians
I hear a grey bird screaming
To the wind in the distance
I hear my life crying
Stuck in my memory without future
I see cities sink
In the middle of hidden oceans
I see eyes shining
In the silence of great rocks
I see a set of skittles
That I can't topple
I see a little girl
Buried at the mirror of passing years
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
I hear the rain fall
In the garden of magicians
I hear symphonies
Played by a thousand musicians
I hear a grey bird screaming
To the wind in the distance
I hear my life crying
Stuck in my memory without future
I hear an old drum
sounding the charge of statues
I hear a cry of love
That I never recognised
I hear the last days
Pounding my bare head to death
I hear a bard sing
About the time that will not come back
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing,
I am happy
And I, I sing, I sing, I sing
It's the only thing I can do, I sing !
With all my despair I sing
Scuze, iubirea mea
Era o zi de marșCând te-am întâlnit.
Ți-am văzut ochii încercănați,
Am uitat de toate.
Era ziua marșului,
Am cutezat să-ți vorbesc.
Știam că ne vom iubi,
În ciuda războiului.
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Cred că manifestau pentru pace,
Totul urma să se rezolve.
Am înțeles că visau la asta,
Dar eu, eu te iubeam.
Nu, n-am niciun regret,
Sper că știi asta,
Și dac-ar fi s-o fac din nou,
Aș face-o.
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Noi n-am ales moartea,
Noi am ales viața,
Să ne iubim și mai tare,
Chiar dacă e o nebunie.
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Scuze, iubirea mea!
Know you that ballad of antique romance,Daphne, the song that never dies away,
Beneath the sycamore or pallid bay,
Olive or myrtle, or the willows’ dance?
That temple of great columns do you heed,
The lemons that were bitter to your teeth,
The cave that greets the passer-by with death,
Where sleeps the conquered dragon’s ancient seed?
In time they shall return, the gods you mourn
Number Thirteen returns…and is yet number One,And if not the one moment, the One all alone.
Are you Queen, you the first or the last of the line?
Are you King, you the lone or the last lover gone?
Love the one who has loved you from cradle to grave
At times he seemed a skylark, gaily singing,A lover, now insouciant, now tender,
At times a dreamer like a sad Clitander,
Until one day he heard his doorbell ringing.
The visitor was Death He bade him wait
For one last sonnet, yet to be delivered.
And then he went and lay, dispassionate,
In the cold coffin, where his body shivered.
An idler – such was history’s reckoning –
He let his ink run dry, his pen fall dumb,
Wished for all knowledge, didn’t know one thing.
One winter night, tired of life’s tedium,
His time was up, his soul was on the wing.
He went, and said: ‘Why ever did I come?’
In the Luxembourg Gardens
She passed by, she was young,Lithe as bird on the wing,
In her hand a bright flower,
On her lips a new song.
Could her heart, of all hearts,
Give my heart a response?
Could she lighten my dark
With the fire of her glance?
But no, my youth is finished...
Farewell, sweet ray that shone,
Girl, music, perfume, vanished:
Happiness, passing, gone!
Notre-Dame of Paris
Notre-Dame’s old. Who knows if, by and by,She, who saw Paris born, shall see her die?
Ages shall pass. Time, as the wolf subdues
The ox, shall bring her heavy carcass down
With his dull tooth, shall twist her iron thews,
And gnaw her skeleton of ancient stone.
From every land on earth a throng shall stream
To view the dismal ruin, and shall dream,
Reading the fable that great Victor made:
They’ll see a vision of the hallowed pile,
Mighty and splendid in its antique style,
Rise up before them like a spectral shade!