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'Silently Appeared, Silently Disappeared' or 'Song with a Special Task'
When the dew is still on the grassThe horses are still drinking water 1
The successors of old the Kharakternyks 2
Are preparing their parashot.
The helicopter sets for the sky
And the command is given 'take off'
And fighters with a special mission
Leave on their journey.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
We aren't seen, but we are in here,
We aren't heard, but we are prepared,
So it happens that your heartbeat,
Turns into a hummer in silence.
We are the enemy's eternal fear
And the satan for the traitors,
While above us, so majestically fluttering
A flag with an icon of a bat!
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
Our names are coded
Our faces are hidden with a 'shadow' 3
For the Country, we sacrifice our lives in secret
Without any doubts or hesitations.
And our fallen Brothers,
Commanders, regular privates
Those, who defended their homeland in battles
We will engrave in our hearts.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
Travel with me!
Travel with meI will lead you
And I'll teach you all I know
Until it will come the day
You'll be able to do it without me [x3]
Travel with me
I will lead you
And I'll teach you all I know
Until it will come the day
I'll take you where you have never been
And I'll show you the wonders of the world
and when it will come the moment you'll go away
you, you will lead
you will teach it to someone else
someone else like you
Travel with me
I will lead you
And I'll teach you all I know
Until it will come the day
You'll be able to do it without me [x2]
I'll take you where you have never been
And I'll show you the wonders of the world
and when it will come the moment you'll go away
you, you will lead
you will teach it to someone else
someone else like you
Travel with me
I will lead you
And I'll teach you all I know
Until it will come the day
You'll be able to do it without me [x4]
Queen of the night
From anywhere aroundThey are coming to you
The rhythmical steps
Uncounted strides
Are sounding through the night
They are coming with gifts
They are singing songs for you
They are offering their sacrifices
On your dark altar
Queen of the night
Queen of the night
Queen of the night
What you actually want
They cannot understand
Their little minds,
Their little world
You're much too grand for them
And they are coming with gifts
And they are singing songs for you
They are offering their sacrifices
On your dark altar
Queen of the night
Queen of the night
For you are everything and yet nothing
The warmth, the cold, the dark, the light,
On which everyone breaks
And when time has come
For everyone
To step in front of you,
To see your face
And to maybe understand
Then we are bringing gifts
And we are singing songs
We are offering ourselves as sacrifices
On your dark altar
Queen of the night
Queen of the night
For you are everything and yet nothing
The warmth, the cold, the ice and the light,
On which everyone breaks
Queen of the night
(The queen, the queen, the queen)
Queen of the night
(The queen, the queen, the queen)
The queen of the night
(The queen, the queen, the queen)
The queen of the night
(The queen, the queen, my queen)
The queen of the night
Lola, My Beauty
Lola,I am sad tonight and you are alone.
Do you want to dance, do you want to dance please?
What do you have to lose?
You know the other side of my heart,
And if you want, you'll make me forget
the one who left me.
Lola, Lola, my beauty,
What does a lie cost you?
It's not love, but what can I do
If my heart with you
Has already warmed up?
Witch or doll, I don't know what you are,
But your kiss seems true.
I'm thinking of another one now, but
My heart with you
Has already warmed up.
A glance worth more than a word.
A tear is coming down your face,
What does it mean?
It won't be like falling in love,
But it would be nice to find it
A new love.
Lola, Lola, my beauty,
That was not a lie.
It's not love, but what can I do?
My heart with you
Has already warmed up.
A glance worth more than a word.
A tear is coming down your face,
What does it mean?
It won't be like falling in love,
But it would be nice to find it
A new love.
Lola, Lola, my beauty,
That was not a lie.
It's not love, but what can I do?
My heart with you
Has already warmed up.
Nothing to It
Ending up in the street? Nothing to itAshamed of your begging hand? Nothing to it.
It's like the other side of a sliding game
where you slip down bit by bit, a comedown.
All you need is a very ordinary grey morning
and a letter telling you there's no helping it:
you can't have a job anymore
you can't have a home anymore
you can't have a love anymore
you'll have to get by all by yourself.
When bad luck kicks in,
the going gets rough, a weird dance.
It makes me think.
Sleeping on a subway platform? Nothing to it
Some scribbling in chalk? Nothing to it
No more home, nor warmth, nor status.
We won't hire such a filthy nobody.
No more job, nor money, nor roof.
It's a crazy and not really funny story.
We can't allow you to stay
since the station is about to close
We have nothing to give for you
to go and get drunk all by yourself.
When bad luck kicks in,
the going gets rough, a weird dance.
It makes me think.
Ending up in jail? Nothing to it.
Your mother was right. Nothing to it.
Taking a bit of what stands there and you covet
and won't be given to you, enjoy your life1,
or perhaps unknowingly getting caught, bizarre, bizarre2,
in the net of despair for a few grams3
We can't give you anything
We can't heal you
We can't forgive you
You'll have to get used to it all by yourself.
When bad luck kicks in,
the going gets rough, a weird dance.
It makes me think.
Walking on by without a glance, that's too easy
Saying you have no business giving alms, that's too easy
Thinking you're not the same because you're clean
when disgruntled misery shouts out to you
is to ignore that one morning, maybe tomorrow
you might hold the sad letter in your hand, saying
you can't have a job anymore
you can't have a home anymore
you can't have a love anymore
you'll have to get by all by yourself.
When bad luck kicks in,
the going gets rough, a weird dance.
When bad luck kicks in,
the going gets rough, a weird dance.
It makes me think, and think, and think...
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of usRain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
Please don't let me alone with myself
Too small to be really big
Blazing giants jump naked in the pond
Pull me out and let me in
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of us
Rain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
Large world, are you waiting for me?
are you waiting on a train platform or not?
Is there a big difference between passion and desire?
Tell me more about you
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of us
Rain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
O voce în pustietate
Inima mea era atât de grea de dorul de tine,Braţele mele erau atât de singatice, singure şi triste,
Singur în supărarea mea, am auzit o voce plângând
O voce în pustietate, o voce din cer.
Ai credinţă în draga ta, vocea părea a spune,
Fii fidel memoriei ei, ea va veni înapoi într-o zi,
Şi deşi nu era nimeni, nimeni să vadă,
O voce în pustietate mi-a adus mângâiere.
Am avut o ceartă, am fost nemilos,
De m-ai părăsit, dragostea m-a făcut orb.
Draga mea iartă-mă, tânjesc după atingerea ta,
Ai milă, vino înapoi acum, am atât de multă nevoie de tine,
Crede-mă şi o vei auzi, acea voce de sus,
Vocea în pustietate, vocea adevăratei iubiri.
Crede-mă şi o vei auzi, acea voce de sus,
O voce în pustietate, vocea adevăratei iubiri.
The Airship Harpooner
If a single cogwheel breaksThe mechanism does not work
That which closes the pressure relief valve
Because otherwise the pressure would break the boiler
If a single connecting rod jams
It runs hot and the pipeline burns
Explosive gas flows inside
And then, forget it — that's it!
For this work in extreme danger
Is the staff unpredictable
Maybe it's the usual thing for gamblers
Does the crew not care about anything here?
And I ask myself: 'Why am I here?
As an airship harpooner, of all things?'
Alone on my harpoonist tower
Against octopuses made of clouds and storms
An airship is sensitive and complex in design
That it takes off at all — extremely complicated
A flash exposes:
'Tentacles sighted'
Harpoon aligned
But it keeps itself hidden1
And so we hunt
The colossal cloud creature
I have it in my sight
And, just the same — it escapes
And I look behind my projectile
But it sinks harmlessly into the sea of clouds
The whole ship burns brightly
And it races towards the cloud front
My life passes me by once again
And I admit that, frankly, the blame is on me
If I hadn't turned the compass
Could it be that the mast was still standing?
An airship is sensitive and complex in design
That it takes off at all — extremely complicated
This airship is carefully, galvanically interlocked
It was never planned that we were all going to die now
- 1. The cloud kraken.
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
Obişnuiam să fiu singurAm crezut că era soarta mea,
Şi eram fericit să-mi trăiesc viaţa de unul singur
Fără durerea inimii.
Apoi ţi-am văzut chipul
Şi toată lumea mea s-a întors cu fundu-n sus.
Acum tot ce vreau eşti tu
Şi nimeni altcineva în această lume va fi
Este nebunie, dar este adevărat
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Îmi laşi sentimental că plutesc în aer
Să te iubesc nu este un zbor şi o rugăciune
Este lucrul real
Şi te voi iubi până cade cerul
Şi oceanele au secat.
Pentru că tot ce vreau eşti tu
Şi nimeni altcineva în această lume va fi
Este nebunie, dar este adevărat
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Da, mă îndrăgostesc de tine
Şi când umplem vieţile noastre
Cu toate acele amintiri nenumărate
Te voi iubi
Dacă este ultimul lucru pe care-l mai fac
Tu ştii că este nebunie dar este adevărat
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Da, mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Şi continui să mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Mă îndrăgostesc de tine
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
(Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine)
Când oceanele au secat
Voi continua să mă îndrăgostesc de tine
With grandpa at the cinema
I was watching when Wayne was on the summit in AlaskaI was watching when Heston drove a chariot in Rome
I was watching when Bogart became soft
And when Nicholson got shocked
And Ghita Nørby got her groom
I heard Monroe when she sang about diamonds
I heard Eastwood whisper 'make my day'
And I was almost shocked
When Alfreds birds they went amok
And were following Bonnie all the way
I went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
I was watching when Passer took care of girls with dusty brains
I was wathcing when Brando danced tango in Paris
I loved Bullit and McQueen
And almost rolled on the floor from laughter
When Chaplin started walking like a penguin
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
I liked when Hoffman finally found a day to die on
I saw the mute girl in East of Paradise
And the saucy Mae West
And the guy they called horse
Yeah, I could sit there for hours
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
Arnold and Willy
No one in the world walks the same wayAnd even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
No one in life chooses their color
The important thing is to listen to your heart
If the friend's is different, fine!
It's his, you have yours and I have mine
So let's reach out
No one in the world walks the same way
And even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
What counts in life is happiness
Each one of us finds it at their own time
You can share it, so it's earned
Don't wait here tomorrow, everything's fine
We can all be happy
No one in the world walks the same way
And even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
Yes it's true, you know
You need everything to make a world
Pomul veșnic verde
Oh scumpo, iubirea noastră va fi ca un pom veșnic verde?Rămâi veșnic verde și tânără în timp ce anotimpurile se scurg.
Săruturile tale ar putea face să crească iubirea ca un pom veșnic verde,
Înflorind sub soarele verii și sub zăpada iernii.
Pe fiecare ram vor înflori
Vise pentru mine și tine.
Al nostru pom al iubirii va rămâne veșnic verde,
Dacă inimile noastre rămân veșnic fidele.
Scumpo, te iubesc nespus, nu știi că voi fi
Fidel până când vor deveni albastre frunzele pomului veșnic verde?
Pe fiecare ram vor înflori
Vise pentru mine și tine.
Al nostru pom al iubirii va rămâne veșnic verde,
Dacă inimile noastre rămân veșnic fidele.
Oh scumpo, te iubesc nespus, nu știi că voi fi
Fidel până când vor deveni albastre frunzele pomului veșnic verde?
Pomului veșnic verde
Pomului veșnic verde.
Our difficult age
The day is bornlike yesterday,
there are more people in town.
I looked for her
like yesterday,
but where will she be?
No, here they see you,
if you do that,
they tell her, you know,
and she will know how to win
and it will pass over you like yesterday.
Our age is difficult,
they spy inside our soul,
but this moment that makes men is mine,
you die a little, it will pass like yesterday.
The day dies
like yesterday,
there is silence in the city.
Did you understand
what to do
when she comes back?
Our age is difficult,
they spy inside our soul,
but this moment that makes men is mine,
you die a little, it will pass like yesterday.
The difference
It's the difference. Since there are differences.The world goes around. Each one has it.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. Beacuse everything varies
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power.
And nothing comes up
As one expects. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
But wherever we go
There's only one sure thing
It's the difference. Personality.
It's in the whole world. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. It's personality.
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
The first becomes the last
The slow becomes fast. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
Personality. Personality. Personality.
It's the difference. It's something precious.
It's personality. Each one has it.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
Since there are differences, the world goes around
Each one has it. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
Always difficult, always beautiful
Before sunriseWe'll be just divin'
Until when the clouds are pushed aside and the sun rises
Yeah life is lifey lifey
Yeah yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
There`s no answer for everything in the world
Another day has already uselessly passed
The continuty of Dormammu`s repetition is so ambiguous
Don`t be complacent ahead of time
Time has already flowed and passed
Nobody knows if things would change or not
There`s still a long way to think about giving up
I fly above the white clouds
The sky is a chance that is given to me
Everything is so hard (hard, hard)
It`s crazy, isn`t it?
Seems like it only looks that way to me
I just walk on my own
I just go towards myself yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
Life is the attitude of admitting all these things
Even when I know that itself isn`t easy yeah
I`ve been waiting for this frightening thrill for a long time
It`s blood and flesh to me
It`s a natural gimmick of life
I say let`s go against the falls
We go high above the clouds again
Before sunrise
We'll be just divin'
Until when the clouds are pushed aside and the sun rises
Yeah life is lifey lifey
Yeah yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
Oh wait, I don`t know why
Together with you who were in a tangle at that time
Oh I still don`t know why
Why can`t it be solver yet?
You should know this one thing about how life is
There`s not only things that isn`t bad
It doesn`t fade away easily, does it?
It`s not bad that way
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
It's going off
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!You've missed the mark, it's going off in downtown Paris
You've missed the mark, it's going off in downtown Paris
You've missed the mark, it's going off in downtown Paris
Missed the mark, in the Seven-Five it's going off
Eh, hey bunch of assholes
Never again will you overlook me
A million albums sold
It goes like this...
I'm hard late at night
I play dirty for it
Lurking in the shadows
Seven-Five-Zero-Zero-Nine, hello
Downtown Paris, it goes...
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Seven-Five: we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Seven-Five: we grind in the shadows
[Jr O Crom]
This is for the fellas, the ill-mannered, the ones who like the 'hood and racing cars
Sexion d'Assaut is mad
Dreaming of a million CDs, and then interest
Despite the depth of the abyss, we bounced back without a trampoline
You hear those little guys? They're killers, man, they're not just anybody
You've got work, go ahead but careful, they're pillagers even in pairs
Go on, dr-dr-drive, ste-ste-step on the gas
Leave 'em behind, they need to run around, like game in the forest
You wanna fight? You're done in
We rapped, you were cracked, you left all of your crew
And your crazy madman flow's checked out, the text's under wraps
Check out the queue out front, they're wondering when we took off
We're at the top of charts, excellent, thanks fam
You created clans to eradicate us, watch out for the criminal deal
At least, just with these 16 lines, the job's done
I'm hard late at night
I play dirty for it
Lurking in the shadows
Seven-Five-Zero-Zero-Nine, hello
Downtown Paris, it goes...
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
[Black M]
I only go out when the sun goes down, I'm not a brilliant man
Mic in front of my mouth, as an embryo
I listen to your music, your songs, while laughing
I was expecting hardcore stuff, but no: still nothing
Wide-eyed, I'm telling you it's the shock, wimps are in the rap game
Because we freestyle out here, motherfucker
Hand me a smoke, I'm the slave who eats the rooster
In Guinea they called me 'Kôtô', now there are villages where I'm popular, Jr on the coast, who told me that there's not one kopek
That makes me even madder, gimme something to smoke
I'll stop when my mom sets foot on Mars, it's over
I don't want to make do with a Mercedes
Sorry, me no know by heart 'La Marseillaise'*
You there, your rap bores us shitless, buddy
Words of a guy who scrimps and saves lyrics
These bastards want us to have the leftovers
I mustn't lose my temper, flow: Black knows how to do it, oh!
But who told you that rap's dead?
I'm hard late at night
I play dirty for it
Lurking in the shadows
Seven-Five-Zero-Zero-Nine, hello
Downtown Paris, it goes...
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Seven-Five: we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Out here we grind in the shadows
Seven-Five: we grind in the shadows
Hey, you've got no inspiration little guy? Yeah, sure
Ok, it's funny, make do with respecting your elders
I don't look beyond physique, I'm difficult
Cousin, I make decisive passes like Mesut Özil
I nearly popped my clogs 'cos of the love of millions of fans
'Subliminal': anticipated like the return of Fall**
Don't rub your asses up against the hit-producing machine
I break the generator like at Obama Beach
Flow of an asshole, beat of an asshole
Call me 'Miss Gertrude' if I make a mess of myself at the party
Cap, leather, black sneakers, swaggy-swag
I have all I've needed at this point, all I need now is diarrhoea
At the top of the charts, in front of Rihanna, Katy Pery
What you produce is hardcore, what you produce is subtle, at worst you perish
Who's speaking? Dring dring, go ask Siri
Who told you that Meugi Warano's group is over?
I'm hard late at night
I play dirty for it
Lurking in the shadows
Seven-Five-Zero-Zero-Nine, hello
Downtown Paris, it goes...
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
No, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no, but no
But, Gims, stop that
Yo guys what even is this track?
Yo guys what even is this track?
Imma teach you how to sell records
Imma teach you how to sell records
Yo, guys from downtown Paris
Yo, guys from South Paris
Yo, guys from North Paris
Yo, guys from East Paris
In your motherfuckin' face
Meugi Warano
9th District, Ze-Ze-Ze Art'***
Aud fluieratul trenului
Cred că ar fi mai bineSă ne despărțim fără un adio.
N-aș mai fi în stare să te revăd...
Dar aud fluieratul trenului,
Dar aud fluieratul trenului.
Cât de trist e un tren care fluieră seara!
Aș putea să mi te imaginez singură de tot, abandonată
Pe peron, în mulțimea de ”rămas bun”.
Și aud fluieratul trenului,
Și aud fluieratul trenului.
Cât de trist e un tren care fluieră seara!
Aproape c-am alergat spre tine, aproape c-am țipat spre tine,
De-abia m-am stăpânit!
Cât de departe pleci tu,
Cât de departe pleci tu!
Vei avea vreodată timp să te-ntorci?
Cred că ar fi mai bine
Să ne despărțim fără un adio,
Dar simt că acum totul s-a sfârșit.
Și aud fluieratul trenuli,
Și aud fluieratul trenului.
Voi auzi fluieratul acestui tren toată viața mea...
Voi auzi fluieratul acestui tren toată viața mea...
You go tell her
I love herI love her so much
You go tell her
That I can never forget her
'tis a passion
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.
If you should chance to meet her
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere
Say I was a fool to leave her
Tell her how much a fool can care
I love her
I love her so much
You go tell her
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.
If you should chance to meet her
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere
Say I was a fool to leave her
Tell her how much a fool can care.
I love her
I love her so much
You go tell her
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.
Indifference is hell without flames,remember that when choosing from thousands
of hues your fatal grey.
If the world is senseless
yours alone is the fault:
awaiting your impression
is this ball of wax.
Apune lunaȘi noi pentru a recita ultima scenă,
rămânem mâna în mână,
fără să avem curajul de a ne privi
Fă-mi ceea ce vrei...
Mi-e indiferent...
Pentru că știu ce reprezint,
pentru tine sunt un nimeni,
și dă-mi această otravă,
nu aștepta până mâine,
că-mi este indiferent
dacă tu mă ucizi, eu nu-ți zic nimic...
Și poți să și râzi în timp ce îmi smulgi din piept această inimă, nu simt nici o durere,
și nu mai am lacrimi pentru tine.
Fă-mi ceea ce vrei..
Mi-e indiferent...
Pentru că știu ce reprezint,
pentru tine sunt un nimeni,
și dă-mi această otravă,
nu aștepta până mâine,
că-mi este indiferent dacă tu mă ucizi, eu nu-ți zic nimic...
Și dă-dă-mi această otravă,
nu aștepta până mâine,
că-mi este indiferent dacă tu mă ucizi, eu nu-ți zic nimic...
Ce cântec dificil ești
Tu care faci din mineconștiință nelocuibilă.
Tu care faci din mine un zid de neînțeles,
nu știi că între noi condorul
se înalță precum un zeu,
se cuibărește între panta ochilor și obișnuință.
Oh... de câte ori inima s-a întunecat ca un înger fără bucurie care se ceartă cu sufletul.
Aproape că mă doare să-ți fac rău mai mult decât mie dar iubirea taie în două
ceea ce cântă în mine, gandindu-mă la tine
ce cântec dificil ești.
Dar nu mai știu ce să fac fără tine
dacă iubirea taie în două
acea foame pentru tine de la ironie,
ce cântec dificil ești.
Tu, ce faci din mine corul minunilor,
nu crezi că poezia ar putea fi partea celui mai slab?
Ce vrei să fie acea suflare a mea irosită pentru tine,
doar o clipă de identitate
care se ceartă cu sufletul.
Aproape că mă doare să-ți fac rău mai mult decât mie
dar iubirea taie în două
ceea ce cântă în mine gandindu-mă la tine,
ce cântec dificil ești
dar nu mai știu ce să fac fără tine
dacă iubirea taie în două
acea foame pentru tine de la ironie,
ce cântec dificil ești.
Lola, frumoasa mea
Lola,eu în seara asta sunt trist și tu singură.
Vrei să dansezi, vrei să dansezi te rog?
Ce-ai de pierdut?
tu cunoști cealaltă față a inimii mele,
și dacă vrei, tu mă vei face s-o uit
pe cea care m-a părăsit.
Lola, Lola, frumoasa mea,
ce te costă o minciună?
Nu e iubire, dar ce-i de făcut
dacă inima mea cu tine
s-a-nfierbântat deja?
Vrăjitoare sau păpușă, nu știu ce ești,
dar sărutul tău părea adevărat.
Mă gândesc acum la alta, dar
inima mea cu tine
s-a-nfierbântat deja.
o privire prețuiește mai mult ca un cuvânt.
E o lacrimă ce coboară pe chipul tău,
ce-nseamnă asta?
nu va fi ca și cum te-ai îndrăgosti,
dar ar fi tare frumos să găsești
o nouă iubire.
Lola, Lola, frumoasa mea,
asta n-a fost o minciună.
Nu e iubire, dar ce-i de făcut?
Inima mea cu tine
s-a-nfierbântat deja.
o privire prețuiește mai mult ca un cuvânt.
E o lacrimă ce coboară pe chipul tău,
ce-nseamnă asta?
nu va fi ca și cum te-ai îndrăgosti,
dar ar fi tare frumos să găsești
o nouă iubire.
Lola, Lola, frumoasa mea,
asta n-a fost o minciună.
Nu e iubire, dar ce-i de făcut?
Inima mea cu tine
s-a-nfierbântat deja.
A fluierat vaporul...
A fluierat vaporul şi focul l-a-nteţit,Brusc, ancora se-nalţă,
împinsă ca de-o vrajă,
Talazul spune - 'adio' vaporului grăbit
Când vine-ncet din larguri,
ori pleacă de pe plajă.
Vor naşte trandafirii şi-apoi ca-n ţintirim
Vor putrezi-n grădină, sau poate în tot locul.
Adio! când ne naştem, adio! când murim,
Şi când, ca fericirea, se duce nenorocul.
Zile dificile
Afară e încă întuneric și mă îmbrac,dimineața devreme plec
Si frazele scrise pe pereți, nouă solitarilor
ne țin companie
Pe străzi nu mai este nimeni,
noi care suntem fum, avem de învățat.
De la drumul stelelor și de la imensitate,
de la imensitatea mării.
Încet, încet, toți ceilalți oameni
cum se intamplă mereu apoi se vor trezi.
Oboseala, speranța, soarele vor umple
inima orașului meu.
Și de îndată intrat în gară
voi cumpăra un ziar și voi coborî scările.
Este un metrou care
mă duce într-o galerie.
Zile dificile pentru noi romanticii
Care incă mai credem și poate suntem ultimii.
Care dincolo de toate aceste povești care ne umilesc
Toate canaliile care ne înșeală
Există o mare, mare dragoste,
există libertatea noastră.
Nu trebuie să cedez, nu este posibil
Viața mea doar așa nu poate fi
Dincolo de toate minciunile pe care ni le spun
Toate amaraciunile care ne golesc
Mai are încă un pic de putere
și în final știu că va învinge..
Mergem cu inima deschisă singuri
în mijlocul unui deșert de o eternitate
Suntem nebuni să căutăm dragoste
și prietenie unde nu este onestitate
Fiecare lucru are secretele sale
și noi ca și planetele, ne invârtim în jur
Este un nor care se învârte pe cont propriu
în timp ce e deasupra noastră
Zile dificile pentru noi romanticii
Care credem încă și poate suntem ultimii
Care dincolo de toate nedreptățile care ne jignesc
Toate temerile care ne prind
Există o mare, mare dragoste,
există libertatea noastră.
Nu trebuie să cedez, nu este posibil
Viața mea doar așa nu poate fi
Dincolo de toate minciunile pe care ni le spun
Toate amaraciunile care ne golesc
Mai are încă un pic de putere
și în final știu că va învinge...