Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 59
Blue airmail
A blue airmail fell on the postbox
In a hurry I take it out without letting it soak in the rain
Pressing the umbrella against my cheek, I can't wait to open it
And I can't walk of how painful is your quirky writing
I wonder if even these news
That sometimes reach will stop coming
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time
Winter will come earlier to your town
Are you wearing the coat of when we met the last time?
If I visited you 5, no, 8 years ago
I want you to shine so much that I can't call you
If I lose you for not choosing you
Sad affections will pierce my chest
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time
Mi-am făcut rezervarea,
Plec mâine din oraș.
Voi găsi pe altcineva, și
Nu va mai fi tristețe.
Așa fac de fiecare dată,
Dar nu duc totul la bun sfârșit.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Deși mă faci să plâng.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu pot să-mi iau rămas bun.
Nu, niciodată
Niciodată nu voi putea
Să mă desprind
De tine,
Nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.
Mi-am jurat:
Tu și cu mine am terminat.
Nimic nu mă poate face să mă răzgândesc,
Îmi pare rău, chiar n-o voi face.
Așa spun de fiecare dată,
Dar nu duc totul la bun sfârșit.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Deși mă faci să plâng.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu pot să-mi iau rămas bun.
Nu, niciodată,
Niciodată nu voi putea
Să mă desprind
De tine,
Nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.
Chiar dacă te porți urât cu mine
Și-au fost spuse multe vorbe crude,
Mi-ai făcut o vrajă,
Care chiar nu poate fi ruptă,
Nu, nu.
Îți dau fotografia jos
Și o arunc departe, da.
Nu va mai fi de-acum o iubită
Ca s-o chemi tu în fiecare zi.
Așa spun de fiecare dată,
Dar nu duc totul la bun sfârșit.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Deși mă faci să plâng.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu pot să-mi iau rămas bun.
Nu, niciodată,
Niciodată nu voi putea
Să mă desprind
De tine,
Nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Deși mă faci să plâng.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu pot să-mi iau rămas bun.
Nu, niciodată,
Niciodată nu voi putea
Să mă desprind
De tine,
Nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu mă pot desprinde,
Nu mă pot desprinde!
in whose bosom did you wake up?
While I cry to you
İn whose bosom did you wake up?
While I burn to you
On whose shoulder did you linger?
I couldn't resist,Lover
I couldn't get used to your absence
I couldn't fight against,Love
I hope,it is worth my absence
She executed my heart in the squares of the heart
Don't you worry about...
Time doesn’t wait for you
I understood, that my life has passed on to an empty place (it’s waisted)
My young days has finished
I missed on life, no time is left
I understood, that my life has passed on to an empty place
Time doesn’t wait for you,
what’s left doesn’t want me,
look! Years has gone away and your turn hasn’t come (to die)
forget it! don’t get upset, please!
I understood that my life has passed on to an empty place
My younger days has finished
I missed on life, there’s no time left
I understood that my life has passed on to an empty place
Time doesn’t wait for you,
what’s left doesn’t want me,
look! Years has gone away and your turn hasn’t come
forget it! don’t get upset, please
Time doesn’t wait for you,
what’s left doesn’t want me,
look! Years has gone away and your turn hasn’t come
forget it! don’t get upset, please!
Time doesn’t wait for you,
what’s left doesn’t want me,
look! Years has gone away and your turn hasn’t come
forget it! don’t get upset, please!
Time doesn’t wait for you
Time doesn’t wait for you
Time doesn’t wait for you
Time doesn’t wait for you
It's been so very long
I don't know anymore when it began
Like a comet in its course
You appeared
(You) Have seen me, have touched me
(You) Have sensed my loneliness
(You) Were my light and my guide
In the darkness
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
But our goals in the distance
Were not the same stars
How united we are
Was determined from the start
That even if this course ends someday
Then will the wind turn for us
Because the ravages of time
Have separated us
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
Each and every star laughs only for me
I think everytime just of you
You haven't been here for a long time now
I thank you, I thank you
(I) Have searched for you, have found you
(I) Have bound my heart to you
For what do space and time matter
if the essential remains?
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
Affirmation (intro)
My dears!
Affirmation - accelerates the realization of our dreams, but also helps to deal with everyday hardships.
And although we often have to go against the wind in our lives, we can never give up.
Let your little wings, therefore, carry you towards your plans, dreams and happiness.
It's raining behind the window, like sand through fingers
Time crumbles.
I feel like I'm drowning in the clouds,
In the palms of the fog.
The city lights are far, the stars of the sea
I see so clearly
Your voice in the night. I've returned again
There, where the heart warms up,
There, where the night smells sweetly,
There, where you only need to be brave to get lost together
On days and nights, I live in my thoughts again
On how to find a way.
To lie in the grass in your embrace
To breathe in love,
To rise high and feel the fog of the clouds under our legs,
To understand firmly that I am back again
There, where the heart warms up,
There, where the night smells sweetly,
There, where you only need to be brave to get lost together (x2)
And if the silence scares you,
The silence when I'm not there, only loneliness.
Extend your arms,
I'm always here – near you, in your palm
There, where the heart warms up,
There, where the night smells sweetly,
There, where you only need to be brave to get lost together.
There, where the heart warms up,
There, where the night smells sweetly,
There, where you only need to be brave to get lost together.
It's raining behind the window, like sand through fingers
Time crumbles.
I feel like I'm drowning in the clouds,
In the palms of the fog
Through The Years
No desires, no thoughts either,
as if I was gone.
Nothing but you left in my head,
and a picture of yours on the wall.
I spend all my days
remembering you.
This feeling I can't explain
overwhelms me.
Trying to absorb your mind,
I want to hold tight
and never let go,
and be near you, always.
I'll carry you through the years.
When I see you everywhere,
I think I've gone mad.
When I see you in my dreams
I wish I would never wake up.
I'll carry you through the years.
I won't forgive you
the night got longer and I couldn't tell you what happened to me and I didn't want you to feel pity for me
I suffered and never forgot. you always on my mind and you know why
you poisoned the honey and I ate it . I don't see life without you anymore
and I hated who hated you . I'd stay sick if your absence is my remedy
I swear I won't forgive you , won't forgive , won't blame you
I swear I won't forgive you , won't forgive , won't blame you
I've been sick for nights and I'm not okay yet but I'm still alive
only the past lived and anything else was nothing
I wrote meaningful songs and never complained
I agree with whatever the judge says
I followed the path of money and cared for nothing. said you're young and beautiful
today , you saw someone else and I'm sick of it . Time changes and I'll gloat over you're failure
I swear I won't forgive you , won't forgive , won't blame you
I swear I won't forgive you , won't forgive , won't blame you
Today I believed what they said about you , don't blame them
I sang about you and look what you've done . and I forgive you
I've tried to open this curtain
Tale between you and me
Separated by space and time
Leaving you aside Leaving me
I've felt I'm losing
Your love that has long gone
You've gone faraway because of my fault
Who've never acknowledge your presence
Romance divided us
It reminds me of you
Turbulent reminds me
That your love have possessed my heart
Honestly I can't
Live without you I'll go crazy
If you can
Repeat back again our love
I will not waste you again
(Music solo - * - Cho:)
Honestly I can't
Live without you I'll go crazy
I will not waste you again... (2x)
I heard that someone became a lover to you
Your love turned into a poison for me
Your hell-heart became dwelling to me
But don't call him/her 'my life'
I burned, burned, burned dear God
My oath to destiny which made me huff you
Years, roads were my loss
Your betrayal unsealed it, time to leave for me
Your Heart Is Like A Night
I would hug your voice if I could to do that
Your conscience is my secret witness
You were my breath (in the past) but you're stranger for me right now
You belong to someone else, someone else
My body has fallen to a storm, ask me that my soul is still alive?
You're the reason of my emotionlessness,
Of my tiredness...
Your heart is like a night, maybe someday it'll become clear
Mercy me, man!
Don't put the everybody else into your heart, man!
Just because you want an eternal love
Let it Rain
I don't want to have nightmares anymore
You touch me
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
My humble lullaby
My heart today
Dark and dark
I really want it
Piling in the mind
I hid and hid it
Let the furstration disappear
It rains all over the world
My heart is comfortable
Let it flow into the rainwater
It rains all over the world
My heart is warm
So that the pain will be washed away
The weight of life these days is heavy
I remember the day
Fold your umbrella
The rain falls
I used to walk like that
My heart today
Dark and dark
I really want it
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
Please wet my heart
It rains all over the world
My heart is comfortable
Let it flow into the rainwater
It rains all over the world
My heart is warm
So that the pain will be washed away
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
My humble lullaby
I'm leaving you with all the best
I'm leaving you with all the best, my dear parents,
My people and my guests...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I've crossed the threshold to go outside,
How kind my mother is...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
I've shot a glance over the valley
And over the paddock...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving you with all the best, my brothers,
My brothers and my sisters,
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
© Vladímir Sosnín
Floarea mea
Iubita mea cu gura ta de miere,
Te-am văzut, fată, și m-am îndrăgostit...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Luna din înaltul cerului o voi ruga
Ca să-ți spună cât te plac...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Iubita mea cu gura ta de miere,
Te-am văzut, fată, și m-am îndrăgostit...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești, fată, iubirea mea...
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
© Vladímir Sosnín
Nu-ți pierde mințile
entuziasmul meu se întoarce dați-vă din fața mea
o să înveți zdrobirea nu e păcat de nimeni
să trăiești să mori care dintre ele nu este soluția mea
dacă le-aș face pe amândouă veniți și rezolvați-mă
lăsați-mă mie doar am obosit
norii împărțind fier ținându-ți degetul
am spus că dacă ai fi acolo nu ar conta fiule
poate că dacă aș fi trăit aș fi înebunit
sub 13 ani muzica mea a rănit
biggiez a murit dar Tupac trăia mai mult ca mine
rănesc produsele în fiecare noapte micul dejun
jumătate din cele 70 de milioane de antidepresive
spunele celor care întreabă viața fundului tău este prea sus
eu cred că punctul tău de vedere este sub picioare
dacă te uiți la cer vezi ce vrei
și dacă vrei mori dacă îți închizi ochii
m-am gândit și nu mă pot păcăli de unul singur niciodată
nu e pentru a te întrista tu să nu te întristezi
este de ajuns o încăpățânare să trăiești nu fi uimit
dă-i drumul plăcerii tale dar nu-ți pierde mințile
eu nu vă aud deloc nu țipa degeaba
viața ta devine curvă de dragul unei curve
chiar dacă o faci cu iubire pleacă forțată
celor care vin salutări celor care pleacă adio
ți-am ascultat speranțele Can* vocea lui muribundă
dacă frații mei ar fi lângă mine la dracu cu ceilalți
unele lucruri sunt prea rezonabile beând
nu sunt orbi dar ei nu văd nici un rahat
vino să schimbăm locul faima nu plătește datoria
lovește trecerea din tine pe fața ta cartea de vizită
toate drumurile mele s-au închis nu mi-am întors soluția
entuziasmul meu se întoarce în scrisorile către mine
ascultă-mă broscoiu-le pe mine nu-mi pasă de nici un loc draga mea
mă țin cu greu de ce sunt eu în fiecare pomenire
viața mea se destramă sunt prea rănit
te crezi prieten și vorbești cu pereții
și pereții îți răspund caută-mă
tu nu ai fost motivul a nimic din viața mea
nu mi-am mai spus asemenea minciuni de la zece ani
m-am gândit și nu mă pot păcăli de unul singur niciodată
nu e pentru a te întrista tu să nu te întristezi
este de ajuns o încăpățânare să trăiești nu fi uimit
dă-i drumul plăcerii tale dar nu-ți pierde mințile
Ege Kökenli
Hearts are lights
It's written in the temple on its ruins
That the hearts are... lights.
It's written in the temple on its ruins
That the hearts are lights.
And they beat inside of people
To light up the christians
And the hindu and the jews
The muslims and the atheists.
To light up too those
who think they are gods.
The hope is singing
The sky is crying.
A drop of truth
And a lot of daring.
A drop of truth,
The world is not what it seems.
A drop of truth,
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
It's written clearly in the sun
The universal laws.
And the shadows are not following
The one who step with their feet
On grass and flowers,
On soul and dreams
On longing and wishes
On the human and the crowds.
The hope is singing
The sky is crying.
A drop of truth
And a lot of daring.
A drop of truth,
The world is not what it seems.
A drop of truth,
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
(A drop of truth)
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
She wakes up
She looks at me, and she expects of me
To say something important.
Nothing is relevant
As long as...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
Hey... don't you get annoyed
When everything seems to be repeating itself
And you don't have nothing left to learn?
I will destroy everything they build
From the second...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
And they told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
I was educated by the book
To at least say something important.
Don't Wake Me Up If This Is Dream
If I cry now, would drops fall on your windows?
If I touch your face, would you walk away one more time?
If you see my inside, you can't hurt me, I know this
Please, don't mind of my these behaviours
You can't put anyone in my place, I know this
Don't wake me up if this is a dream
This is nightmare, I know but still don't leave me alone
I can't open my eyes right now because of I'm looking at you
There is your smell on my pillow
Don't wake me up if this is a dream
Aaahh, there is still your smell on my pillow
Don't wake me up if this is a dream
Now, before I hold you, before I wrap up you to my heart
Before I think you are right, just go!
Before my hate wake up, before sentences keep quiet
Before I swallow what you did, just go!
Before I hold you, before I wrap up you to my heart
Before I think you are right, just go!
Before my hate wake up, before sentences keep quiet
Before I swallow what you did, just go!
This is nightmare, I know but still don't leave me alone
I can't open my eyes right now because of I'm looking at you
There is your smell on my pillow
Don't wake me up if this is a dream
Aaahh, there is still your smell on my pillow
Don't wake me up if this is a dream
Now, before I hold you, before I wrap up you to my heart
Before I think you are right, just go!
Before my hate wake up, before sentences keep quiet
Before I swallow what you did, just go!
Before I hold you, before I wrap up you to my heart
Before I think you are right, just go!
Before my hate wake up, before sentences keep quiet
Before I swallow what you did, just go!
First Latvian on the Moon
You told me that it won't rain tonight
Though the wind pushes threatening clouds
I don't want to run anymore, don't want to hurry
We haven't seen each other for ages
You tell me how you're doing in far lands
That everything is well, but still, every time
When you see the red and white flag
Tears hurry to show in your eyes
Like a grandfather I'll hold the shoulder of the grandson, that the storks carry
Together once we will hear on the news
That the first Latvian steps on the Moon
You are my brother and You - my sister
Yes, the world changes and we along with it
And the question isn't about skin colour anymore
But about what language your heart speaks
There aren't many of us and we know it well
That we can irritate eachother a little bit
But a common pride wakes in our chests
When thousands sing 'Saule, Pērkons, Daugava' together
[Chorus 2x]
How the first Latvian steps on the Moon
The first Latvian on the Moon
Lovely sister, come with me
Lovely sister, come with me
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And we will gaze at the waves.
Lovely sister, come willingly
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And my mother and my friend will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And my mother and my beloved will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.
I no longer care
I've changed from the inside
because of them and what they've done
and I no longer care about them
I'll abandon their love and quit
it's not what I want, I must do it
because loving them is difficult
and being distant is more merciful than them
my heart found nothing with them
but pain, but misery
but I'm going to live the remainder
and being distant is more merciful than them
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Everything That Will Bee
Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written
And if I`ll cry
Know that my tears
Won`t wipe any row.
Everything that will be is written...
And not long ago,
When I was earth,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And I came into the world
And they gave me a name
And they gave me a voice
So that I can answer you.
When I`m asking myself why, ursitoarele*
Don`t fulfill every dream.
The answers is in lyrics, lyrics, lyirics...
And not log ago,
When you were just wind,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And it came into this world
And it gave you a name,
And it gave you a body
And the face of an angel
So that I can watch you and hug you,
And when I`ll be earth
I won`t be able to forget you.
Good morning, good morning..
Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written.
And for those that cry
Know that their tears
Won`t wipe any row, any word.
There are many men who walk by my side
I don't know them... They are all strangers...
But you, who are so far away
Far beyond the deserts and the lakes
Far beyond the savannas and the islands
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
If your long, dark nights are mine
If my eyes cry for your very own tears
If our dreams are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Traversing all the national borders
Traversing the defensive walls and the moats
Since our screams always sound the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
We share the same country
We both share the same struggle
I'm offering you my hand,
A brother's hand!
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
If you're weeping, in poverty
If you're suffering, without justice
If full of rage
You hide your anger deep inside
To you, full of strength
I offer my hand,
My brother...
For The First Time In This Life
The windows are open, so are the door
The most beautiful celebration is in my heart
So many evenings I was bored
Many years it's been quiet in the castle
What's the use of love, if nobody needs it?
Soon the miracles will begin
Soon empty castle will revive once again
Balls will be soon
How wonderful, everything's about to change
Cause for the first time in this life
The music will play, the lights will dance
For the first time in this life
My soul will sing
Maybe I'll shine, maybe I'll watch
How the little star shines in the sky
Cause for the first time in this life
I won't be alone
I can't wait to meet everybody
And what if I meet Him?
An astonishing ball will take place here
The dream I've been waiting for so long
I will be the queen of this night
Suddenly I see in front of me
An amazing young man like in a dream
Maybe the chocolate will help me in dreaming?
With him we're talking and joking
And dancing for a long time
Oh, can it come true?
For the first time in this life
The magic of love is real
For the first time in this life
I might be noticed
Although I feel a bit weird and uncomfortable
To dream about Him
But for the first time in this life
At least I have a hope
Don't let anyone in
Hide everything
Put on a mask of a good girl
Hide it, don't feel it
Become the other one
One mistake can cost a lot
But for one day
For one day
I'm certain that I see...
I'm certain that I see...
Tell the guardians to raise the gates
For the first time in this life
Don't let anyone in, hide everything
My dream will be heard
Put on a mask of a good girl
From now on, the world will change completely
Hide it
And love will be nearby
Hide it, don't feel it, become the other one
I know, that tomorrow it will be over
I mean, it doesn't happen every day
Cause for the first time in this life
First time in this life
The miracles will begin
Don't mind it
The snowflakes are sparkling
All the traces are faded
A Kingdom of isotation
And it seems like I'm the Princess (of it)
The wind howls just like the raging storm
I couldn't stop it, whereas I tried
Hide it, for goodness sake, don't let them see
Make them think you're a good individual
Cover up your feelings, so that they won't know
(Now that) they know
Don't mind it, don't mind it
I can't help it
Don't mind it, don't mind it
I want to get away
It won't make a difference, let them talk
May the storm last
The cold never saddened me anyway
Objects from a little distance still appear so small
The fears that control me cannot reach me
It's the time to test my power
(To test) the limitations, (and) developing it
Right or wrong, there is no rule
She's free
Don't mind it, don't mind it
You have your wind and your day with you
Don't mind it, don't mind it
I will never cry
I'm here and so is life
May the storm last
My power covers the soil just like deluge
My soul draws circles in this variable structure
I can freeze everywhere just with a thought of mine
I would never go back, the past is so far away
Don't mind it, don't mind it
My soul is born again
Don't mind it, don't mind it
The flawless girl doesn't exist here
I'm here in front of you all
May the storm last
The cold never saddened me anyway
Mama a devenit un înger
Aripile ei sunt asupra mea,
Nu poate zbura, chiar dacă vrea
Aripile ei asupra mea...
Mama, nu pleca,
Stai cu mine,
In inima mea!
Mama, nu pleca!
Mama, nu pleca!
Nu pot trăi fără tine....
Mamă, mamă ...
Mama mea a zburat,
Ea și-a părăsit copilul
Se uită la mine de la distanță
De dincolo de nori...
Mamă, nu pleca,
Stai cu mine,
In inima mea!
Mamă, nu pleca!
Mamă, nu pleca!
Nu pot trăi fără tine,
Mamă, mamă ...