Rezultatele căutării pagină 1
Număr de rezultate: 63
Așa este menit
Stând aiciAm realizat
Suntem fix la fel
'Cercăm a da istoriei țel
Dar cin' să-mpartă
În bine și rău?
Când garda ți-e jos
Putem cădea de-acord
Că violența naște violență
Dar pân' la urmă așa este menit
Mi-am ales cărarea
Tu-ți urmezi vexarea
Dar poate suntem la fel
Lumea s-a schimbat
Mulți s-au înșelat
Dar nimeni nu-i vinovat
Și totuși privind acest tărâm dezolat
Presimt o renaștere
Sub nisipul însângerat
Sub nisipul însângerat
Oh, Doamne
Privesc fotografiile pe care le păstrez pe raftul meuPentru că a trecut foarte mult timp de când am arărat ca mine
Ard o altă lumânare
Ard o altă lumânare
Fără răbdare, fără entuziasm
Nu voi face ajunge niciodată la jumătatea drumului la lună
Dar este prea târziu să mă întorc
Dar este prea târziu să mă întorc
Rămân fără oxygen
Nu voi mai fi niciodată acelaşi ca acum
Acelaşi din nou ca acum
Oh, Doamne, nu-mi amintesc
Cine eram doar în decembrie trecut
Ce am făcut, cum am ajuns aici?
Ce am făcut?
Oh, Doamne, privesc în oglindă
Am fost tânăr, nu-mi era frică de nimic odată
Ce am făcut, cum am ajuns aici?
Ce am făcut?
Poate am fost prost, cred că am fost naiv
Nu ştiam ce am avut, şi am crezut că trebuie să plec
Doresc să fi fost legat de casă
Doresc să fi fost legat de casă
Caut un semnal, depărtez telefonul
Am mers prea departe, sunt pe cont propriu ?
Nu e nimeni aici să mă ţină acum
Nu e nimeni aici să mă ţină acum
Rămân fără oxygen
Nu mă pot abţine dar doresc să fi rămas
Sunt pierdut ca Will Robinson
Sau ca omul rechetă în spaţiu
Oh, Doamne, nu-mi amintesc
Cine eram doar în decembrie trecut
Ce am făcut, cum am ajuns aici?
Ce am făcut?
Oh, Doamne, privesc în oglindă
Am fost tânăr, nu-mi era frică de nimic odată
Ce am făcut, cum am ajuns aici?
Ce am făcut?
Oh, Doamne, nu-mi amintesc
Cine eram doar în decembrie trecut
Cine eram doar în decembrie trecut
Oh, Doamne
Oh, Doamne, privesc în oglindă
Am fost tânăr, nu-mi era frică de nimic odată
Ce am făcut, cum am ajuns aici?
Ce am făcut?
The Most Wonderful Boy
Cause when the sun setsAnd your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
I wonder what you're doing here, masturbating boy?
Extraordinarily retarded boy
I'm happy and no matter what
Just came here to have a sick time, there's your warning
They've maid Bouilabaisse in that bush, children
Ew, it's foul with that smell, close the door
Nice movie, we're on our way to Cannes
But do I wanna hear input? No, god damned
Easy, you're incredibly bitter
The clothing – so-so, but there's good thing about you
Hello, you fool with that crude soul
You can chase your face to where the sun don't shine
Say you're stupid and you're forgiven
Life is too short for that diaper game
Don't want to hear about what you potentially want to do
Smile while your all quiet, cause you know
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
He's a Take That-fan
Two glasses of wine and a hash cake
You spend half a life telling about what you hate
Do I wanna hear about it? Are you dim-witted?
It you want the dream you must add some
Failures and thrills, I'm cool with both
Said, it's techno – Bo said ”No, it's electro”
Shut up, Bo!
Have you bought your beauty box on DBA?1
Man, I thought you were fly enough – where did you go?
Out on the town there's fresh air ready to throw you around
You only talk about what's stupid, boy, wash your mouth
That's what it is, boy, big mistake – especially you
Are you up for a smile? Unfortunately not
You live the sort of quiet life
If there's one thing I don't want it's not wanting anything
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
- 1. Site where users can buy and sell anything, but mostly used stuff
We're all mother's pigsThe best isn't an apple but all others, nou
Lucklily I was able to find an influencer, yaaz
A quick way to get all of it right away
A lunch, a sauna bath, stardust
I just went to the club, I pay with pictures
A little bit of photogenesis and good genes
There are the instructions how the life made you, muah
We're young and beautiful and
All of us have a good time
As long as there's nobody here with us
Hey sisters, let's make that video for the fucking TikTok
That's why we have these discos
So that the gang can see who's tip top, happy birthday Benkku
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
I'm not some basic Peltosen Erkki
My ing .. is a verified mark
I'll post on the social media and I'll teach others how to live
Even if the entire world wants for me to stop
Live, love, laugh, yaas, slay, queen, oumaigaash
I do whatever the gang looks for
As if I couldn't get by without the red carpet anymore
We're young and beautiful and
All of us have a good time
As long as there's nobody here with us
Fragile human shells and the worst fear is to be just nobody
I love that I'm being loved
Hey sisters, let's make that video for the fucking TikTok
That's why we have these discos
So that the gang can see who's tip top, happy birthday Benkku
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tik tok
[Verse 1: Benjamin Ingrosso]You walk a meter in front of me
It was too fucking long ago
You turn around, we see each other
You feel I'm losing my breath
I ask you how everything is
And even though you feel fine
Yeah, I'm talking but my heart's stopped
[Bridge: Benjamin Ingrosso]
I remember every sin (Every moment)
The last thing you said (Before you left)
But now nothing's as it was before
Because you talk like it was (Another time)
Say you remember what it was like (To be mine)
So for you, I became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like one
[Verse 2: Cherrie]
I feel something's behind me
So I saw you smile from the corner of my eyes
Everything that's happened to us, that's not yesterday
But nothing that I'm thinking on
Believe it would become too much
Comfortable that I can breath out
As baby, when I see you now
Know everything has its end
[Bridge: Cherrie & Benjamin Ingrosso, both]
But you'll always mean something
I wish I was something more than something
I don't wanna talk like it was another time
Don't remember what it was like to be yours
So for me, you became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like a
[Interlude Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
[Outro: Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
Don't Fall In Love
Lucky if you live itEven if it's so strange
A fleeting effect
Lasting a thousand years
Impossible confusion
Reason won't survive
The heart deletes
Everything that writes
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
Your voice changing
Breathing is a feeling
For getting over everything I want
I'm taming the flames
All value
Going up the ceiling
When we play this game again
When I missed you
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
When you walk through Hongdae at nightAnd see chaos everywhere
You can also discover so much beauty
There are walls made from concrete
And the streets are full of song
You know that I hear them
It's so beautiful here with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
A city that you don't know
Their language is foreign to you
But so much, that unites us
You get lost in the feeling
You know exactly what you want here
But not, what you will find
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul, like Seoul, like Seoul)
We experience a high-altitude flight
Feel like we already drank three Sojus.
I get lost with you
I get lost with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul)
Ce face durerea ta?
Am lăsat deoparte telefonul,Așa,
În acea dimineață frumoasă de toamnă,
Deloc friguroasă.
Parcă era vară,
Cu excepția absenței tele.
Apoi m-am uitat la cer,
De jos,
Indecis, dacă să urc acolo
Sau nu.
Dar știam că nu aveam,
Că nu aveam altă soluție.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.
Am lăsat jos telefonul,
Pot să jur că am auzit
Clopote de înmormântare.
Ar trebui să te eliberez,
Înainte să mă eliberezi tu pe mine.
Mi-am făcut bilanțul de carbon expirat
De trei ori.
Apoi am vorbit despre mama ta
Pe un ton care nu ți-ar plăcea.
Nu vei știi niciodată asta,
Pentru că nu mă asculți.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.
Zi-mi cum sunt nopțile tale
Și pe câți dintre prietenii noștri i-ai păstrat.
Ce face durerea ta?
Îți șoptește cumva să zbori prin noapte?
Cum îți merge viața?
A mea așa și-așa.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.
Moștenirea ta
Dacă iubești nopțile ploioase,Copile, copile,
Străzile din Italia
Și pașii trecătorilor,
Eterna litanie
A florilor moarte duse de vânt
Care poartă un ultim strigăt,
Atunci strigă, copile.
Dacă iubești înseninarea,
Copile, copile,
Șăte scalzi la miezul nopții
În marele ocean,
Dacă iubești malefica viață,
Reflecția ta din iaz,
Dacă îți vrei prietenii
Aproape, tot timpul,
Dacă te rogi la căderea nopții,
Copile, copile,
Dacă nu vii cu flori la morminte,
Dar îi poți în suflet pe cei absenți,
Dacă ți-e frică de bombe
Sau de cerul prea mare,
Dacă vorbești cu umbra ta
Din când în când,
Dacă iubești refluxul,
Copile, copile,
Soarele pe terasă
Și luna, sub rafale de vânt,
Dacă deseori ți se pierde urma,
Odată cu venirea primăverii,
Dacă viața te depășește,
Depășește-o, copile.
Nu e vina ta,
E moștenirea ta
Și va fi chiar mai greu
Când vei avea vârsta mea.
Nu e vina ta,
E carnea, sângele tău.
Va trebui să reușeșți cu
Sau fără.
Dacă nu ții minte numele mici,
Adresele și vârstele,
Dar măcar nu uiți niciodată sunetul
Unei voci, un chip,
Dacă iubești ce e mai bun,
Dacă vezi miraje,
Dacă preferi Parisul
Pe timp de furtună,
Dacă îți plac aromele amare
Și iernile complet troienite,
Dacă iubești ultimele pahare
Și misterele neliniștitoare,
Dacă iubești să simți pământul
Și să faci vulcani să erupă,
Dacă ți-e frică de vid,
De vid, copile,
Nu e vina ta,
E moștenirea ta
Și va fi chiar mai greu
Când vei avea vârsta mea.
Nu e vina ta,
E carnea, sângele tău.
Va trebui să reușeșți cu
Sau fără.
Dacă îți place să o iei înainte,
Copile, copile,
Înainte ca celălalt să se ridic,
Înainte să te lase în urmă,
Dacă ți-e frică de somn
Și de trecerea timpului,
Dacă iubești toamna purpurie,
Minunat, sânge roșu,
Dacă ai frică de mulțime,
Dar suporți oamenii,
Dacă ideile ți se prăbușesc
În noaptea celor douăzeci de ani ai tăi,
Iar totul se derulează
Contrar planurilor tale,
Dacă nu ești decât o piatră care se rostogolește,
Rostogolește-te, copile.
Wishing Pool
Still remember the autumn when we met for the first timeStill remember your eyes under the red fallen leaves
Still remember our shy faces smiling to each other
The magic of the love at first glance just at the moment
Only when the world pauses everything as if for us
Can I squeeze more time in to kiss your forehead
How to write the following story of our scenario
Let the cast coins in wishing pool witness our wish
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?
I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
Again I return to the pool where we made our wish
You're no more by my side but still clear before my eyes
I will like to cast a coin to break the tranquility of water
Ticks and tocks, of tears or tolling time?
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?
Too young x3
I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
Mirjami's Song
A flower connects to a flower,a wretch connects to a wretch,
where do I connect to, Mirjami-wretched,
where is Mirjami's flower?
The day already set behind the mountains,
pearled by the moon the forest, the land,
as trinkets shimmer the hays, the straws,
where are Mirjami's brooches?
Where linger thy my groom,
where thy white stallion,
hasten to me, the flower1,
or did you already find another?
- 1. literally: a plant of the genus Filipendula
Slow Goodbye
[Intro]Da-da-da-da-da-da, yeah
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, baby
[Verse 1]
I wish that I could say
That I meet someone else
That I'm much happier now
And I wish that I could say
That we made it together
But you are much happier now, mhm
And I probably have to understand that it ends here
Have to realise sometime that you and I won't be together
Baby, that things ended like this, fuck
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
[Verse 2]
Now you walk down the beach
Holding someone else's hand
And why didn't I hold your hand tighter
When I had the chance?
Because every time I see you
It's like my heart stops beating
And, baby, please tell me
How could it end like this?
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
I have to let go off you
Oh, yes, and I have to let you go, oh
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye