Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 323


Yeah, sure

Versions: #2
You said that you would always love me
That the moon, the stars you'd give me
The list of promises, fantasies
The things that the heart makes you say
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
There are no other women for my eyes
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
Love, I would never hurt you
Without you, without you, without you
It's so easy to say
You swore that you'd die without me
Explain to me why you're still here
You told me you'd be my hero
That in good times and bad you'd be there for me
That our love would grow with time
The things that the heart makes you say
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
There are no other women for my eyes
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
Love, I would never hurt you
Without you, without you, without you
It's so easy to say
You swore that you'd die without me
Explain to me why you're still here
Here, your words are worthless
I hope you learned your lesson
Shut up and let your heart guide you
I don't ask eight thousand promises, I just ask for a bit of love
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
There are no other women for my eyes
Yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah, sure
Love, I would never hurt you
Without you, without you, without you
It's so easy to say
You swore that you'd die without me
Explain to me why you're still here


Everyone is here
For tonight we will judge
Men, women and children
Who refused to sacrifice themselves
So that the King could one day
Fulfill all his desires.
Transgression of a law
That could only serve Him.
The verdict has returned
They'll all be torn to shreds
By the replete tigers
That protect His Majesty.
In a horrible carnage
Under their delighted father's eye
The ferocious beasts
Are finishing the flesh
I am the king of this city, I am Majesty
No one can resist me, I am Majesty
No one among you all
Can ever resist me
I just have to cough
And you will be instantly crushed
So, don't you dare
To try and play me
For the sound of my voice
Resonate in my guards' ears.

Love (Is our language)

One two three four
Me and you might be in other places
But we can see the same sun shining
Why you want to be the same,
if the scenary is in colour?
Don't pay much attention
to the bad things, my love
keep them out and move your hips,
feel the rhythm of this song
Beauty, love is our language
love is our language
without words you can speak
and your heart starts to dance
you say: love is our language baby
Love is everywhere
you can't deny it
and your mind is a bridge
that would bring you here
Don't pay much attention
to the bad things, my love
keep them out and move your hips,
feel the rhythm of this song
Beauty, love is our language
love is our language
without words you can speak
and your heart starts to dance
you say: love is our language baby
I love you more the entire world, if you go away from here i'll dye
And the words that I can't explain
Because love is the only language i would like to hear from you
Your tongue speaks it well
I love you more the entire world, if you go away from here i'll dye
And the words that I can't explain
Because love is the only language i would like to hear from you
Your tongue speaks it well, well well well
I love you more the entire world, if you go away from here i'll dye
And the words that I can't explain
Because love is the only language i would like to hear from you
Your tongue speaks it well, well well well
Love, love
Without words you can speak
Your heart starts to dance
You can say: love is our language baby
Love is our language
Love is our language
Without words you can speak
And your heart starts to dance
You say love is our language baby

How do I show my love?

How do I show my love?
How to be so close
I have thought, actually thought
Something has happened, I have never felt more clearly what I want
But there's something that bothers me about the way he touches me
He's a man, just a man
I have had so many men before, in so many ways, there is just another one
Think if I take charge, rushing, saying, 'Listen to me, I need you'
I have never felt this way before
What does it mean?
Isn't it quite silly
That I should be in this place
I am the one who has been so calm, so weak, not answering to love
She is always in full control - Ha! What a joke
I have never felt this way before
What does it mean?
But if he ever talked about love between us, it would probably scare me
I would fight
For my loneliness
I would flee and not listen
He scares me
I cannot wait
I love him so much

Hated by all / Blood money

If we all now assume that I will help both go you
Even being here at all feels so wrong
I've been thinking for a long while about if it is right
Feels like somehow I'm going behind his back
I don't come here because I'm in support of you
I just have tell him what I've seen
Empty skulls
I hate them all
I came because I had to, I am the one who sees
Jeesus cannot handle it anymore
And besides, I think Jeesus agrees
He doesn't mind that I am here with you
But the truth is that it is hysteric
Let the load come
He is hated by everyone
Annas, you are known to be gentle and wise
Caiaphas, yes, you understand what I mean
Why do we have the game of chance? Why are we?
Those who are forced to see through their dreams
But those who fall upon us, it is without thanks
But at some point reality must break through
Feels like I'm called
To be hated
Hated by all
Please, save us your worries
Why make it so hard upon yourself?
Everything is ready for the orders execution
We know his whereabouts, we need your help
What help you can give cannot be rewarded
We shekels in cash, money is in hand
All we need from you is a time and a place
We shall have your Jesus
And you'll have the money
I don't want your money!
Money pours for us, we are well off
I don't want your money!
But you should take them, you should have something
Think of everything you can do with that sum
Give to the poor, do better for more
Your motives, yes, we have noticed them
This will be a bonus and nothing, noting, nothing more
On Thursday night
If it all should be as planned
Far from the crowds
He shall be in the garden of Gethsemane
So yes, Judas
Well done, Judas
So yes, Judas
Well done, Judas

Mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine

E mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine încă
Decât să nu te fi avut deloc,
Să nu te fi ținut deloc în brațe,
Să nu-ți fi sărutat niciodată buzele.
Inima mi-a fost rănită,
E la pământ din nou,
N-o poate repara niciun mecanic.
Ferestrele îi sunt sparte,
Aripa i s-a îndoit.
Nicio cutie cu ulei nu îndreaptă asta,
Nu există nicio cheie franceză pentru asta.
E mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie încă dor de tine
Decât să nu te fi avut deloc,
Să nu te fi ținut nicicând în brațe,
Să nu-ți fi sărutat niciodată buzele,
E mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine
Decât să nu-mi fi făcut de cap cu tine.
Hai să-ți spun de ce:
Zgârieturile de pe capotă
Sunt sunt sonetele mele de dragoste,
Așa că-mi vei lipsi toată noaptea.
Am strâns mile întregi de prea mult timp,
Scaunele sunt uzate și
Grila radiatorului s-a dus.
Și totuși volanul arată destul de bine,
Mă duce în direcția greșită mai tot timpul.
E mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie dor de tine,
Mai bine să-mi fie încă dor de tine
Decât să nu te fi avut deloc,
Să nu te fi ținut nicicând în brațe,
Să nu-ți fi sărutat niciodată buzele.

Prea mult stat cu mintea-n Rai

Gândesc mai clar acum
Și limpede-n gând
Pot vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Dacă desparți un om de mit judecând
Poți vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Ai început sa crezi
mitul din jurul tău
Ai început sa crezi
Că ai fi Dumnezeu
Contează mult mai mult
Dacă vorbești sau taci
Și nu-s prea mulți atenți
La binele ce-l faci!
Vezi Iisuse, eu nu vorbesc la munți
Tot ce-ți cer e un pic să m-asculți
Tine minte... Eu unul niciodată n-am mințit
A-nceput iar nebunia
Cu toții cred ca ești Mesia
Dar când și-or da seama c-au greșit...
Eu țin minte când la drum am pornit
Nu erai Domn, erai un om obișnuit
Crede-mă ca
Te-admir la fel de mult Ca-n prima zi
Dar tot ce-ai făcut și rostit
Se-ntoarce răs-răstălmăcit
Și până-și dau seama c-au greșit...
Nazaret, fiul tău clar
Mai bine era tâmplar
Ca tac-su, priceput și
Scaun, masă, cufărel,
Asta-i viața, Iisusel
Stai acasă la cioplit
Nu fi tâmpit!
Vezi Iisuse,dacă-ți pasă de noi
Tre'să stăm frumos pe locul doi
Că pe primul loc
e Roma si cu ăștia nu- i de joc
Te-nconjori de săraci cu duhu'
Printre ei ți se duce buhu'
Și mi-e ca ajunge mult prea sus
Mult prea sus
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă
îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vezi mâine mort
Dar e trist să văd că timpul trece parcă fără rost
Ăștia parcă s-au stricat
Numa' Rai mai au în cap
A fost frumos cât a fost dar gata, a fost cât a fost
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vrei mâine mort
Deci haide, haide, fă bine și-ascultă-mă
Haide, haide, ascultă-mă, haide ascultă-mă, ascultă-mă, fă bine și-ascultă-mă!

Vorbesc cu Dumnezeu

[Vers 1]
Ma întorc in Alabama
Arunc o privire la viața mea
Ce naiba s-a întâmplat aici?
Cred ca ce au vrut sa spună când
Au plătit
Ma întorc in Alabama
Arunc o privire la viața mea
Unde sunt parcurile cu rulote?
Și unde sunt toate luminile de Crăciun?
Am avut un iubit
A venit din acest oraș
Obișnuiam sa pretindem ca suntem căsătoriți și începeam din nou
A citit Biblia
Mi-a arătat ce a spus Dumnezeu
A spus ca ar trebui sa rescriu
(El citea doar ce era cu roșu)
Vreau ca Dumnezeu sa ma scoată din viața asta iubitule
Și vorbesc cu Dumnezeu
Și l-am întrebat dacă se va gândi sa ma salveze
[pre- refren]
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
[vers 2]
Ma întorc in Alabama
Arunc o privire la viața mea
Nimic nu arată familiar aici
Nimeni de care îmi place
Ma întorc in Alabama
Arunc o privire la viața mea
Eram mult mai fericita când
Aveam sa fiu soția ta
[Pre-Refren 2]
Aveam o înțelege și am dat-o in bara când
Am decis sa devin cineva
Aveam un lucru pe care nimeni nu l-a avut vreodată
Iubire adevărată
Este iubire adevărată
L-am rugat pe Dumnezeu sa ma scoată din viața asta iubitule
Și am vorbit cu Dumnezeu
Și l-am întrebat dacă se va gândi sa ma salveze
[pre- refren]
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Niciodată nu am vrut sa te rănesc iubitule
E atât de greu sa fi adevărat
In lumea asta unde totul este negru și albastru
Niciodată nu am vrut sa te rănesc dragule
E atât de greu sa fi bun
In lumea asta unde faci ce știi ca nu ar trebui
Vreau ca Dumnezeu sa ma scoată din viața asta iubitule
Și am vorbit cu Dumnezeu
Și l-am întrebat dacă se va gândi sa ma salveze
[pre- refren]
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh


Mă macină-ntrebarea
Dacă asta e calea
Ține departe-acest pahar
Nu-l pot bea, are gust amar
Îl simt arzând
Și sufletu-mi schimbând
Nu-i ce-am vrut, nu i cum am început
Odată hăruit
azi trist și obosit
Uite, sigur Ți-am împlinit
Toată voia
Am tras în trei ani cât în treizeci
Poți cere mai mult
De la orice alt om?
Dar dacă mor
Arată mi ce-o să se-ntâmple cu adevărat
Ai să lași să fiu bătut, înjurat și spânzurat?
Vreau să Știu, Tu vrei să mi dai răspuns?
Vreau să Știu, Tu vrei să mi dai răspuns?
Vreau să pătrund, Tu vrei să fii pătruns?
Vreau să pătrund, Tu vrei să fii pătruns?
De ce să mor?
Cât de însemnate ar mai fi cele ce-au fost?
Tot ce-am zis și am făcut ar mai avea vreun rost?
Aș vrea să Știu,Aș vrea să înțeleg
Aș vrea să Știu,Aș vrea să Înțeleg
De ce nu vrei Tu un Fiu întreg?
De ce nu vrei Tu un Fiu întreg?
Dacă mor cu ce-am să mă aleg?
Dacă mor cu ce-am să mă aleg?
Aș vrea să Știu,Aș vrea să înțeleg
Aș vrea să Știu, aș vrea să înțeleg
Mor și mă -nfior
Of, mor și ma-nfior
Poți Tu garanta că eu degeaba n-am să mor?
Răspunde doar c-o vorbă, Ești Atoateștiutor
Arată-mi motivul pentru care voi muri.
Măcar unde și cum 'de ce', văd, nu-mi e dat a ști
Fie, am să mor
Privește, mor
Uite cum mor
Odată hăruit,
Azi trist și obosit
Ăștia trei ani mi se par ca nouăzeci
De ce mă sperie să duc drumul la-mplinit
De fapt nu eu, Tu, că doar Tu l-ai gândit
Doamne, oh și ah,
Prea bine, deci joci șah
Beau paharu-ți cu otravă
Pironește-mă pe cruce
Bate, rupe, varsă sânge
Fă-o, hai, Cât nu mă răzgândesc

Love, in your body

Love, in your body ..
Old and eternal ..
As salt, is part of the sea ..

Even if there is no tomorrow

We should save our words
They won't change anything if
There's gray fog of unnecessary matters around
And somewhere inside - we
Open your eyes
Before the pale dawn comes
So quietly
I will disappear - is it really meant to be this way?
Because even if there is no tomorrow
I won't stop believing, I will be myself
Even if you forget me tomorrow, I know -
It was worth going this way
(Ahhh ...)
If it's meant to be this way
Let it happen now
Some time will pass, anger and fear will pass
We will find sense
Open your eyes,
Wake up - it's just a dream
Never again
Don't leave me alone here
Even if there is no tomorrow
I won't stop believing, I will be myself
Even if you forget me tomorrow, I know -
It was worth going this way
(Ahhh ...)
(Ahhh ...)
See, I'm still next to you ...
Ooooo .....
See, I'm still next to you ...
Because even if there is no tomorrow
I won't stop believing, I will be myself
Even if you forget me tomorrow, I know -
It was worth going this way
Even if there is no tomorrow
I won't stop believing, I will be myself
Even if you forget me tomorrow, I know -
It was worth going this way
(Ahhh ...)


Wounded, my happiness walked away,
by your pride's request, I'll leave.
Even if I need you, I'll leave you,
but to forget you, I don't know about that.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Giving in to your reasoning, I'm walking away
a victim to your alter ego, I'm leaving.
With another love in my heart, I'm walking away,
I'm not sure if I'll be able to forget you.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me,
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.

Ashi-Mashi, little Sparrow

Hey Ashi-Mashi little sparrow
Don’t land on our roof
Because rain will come and you will get wet
Because snow will come and you will turn to a snow ball
And fall into a pond of colours
Then who will catch you? Mr Butler
Then who will kill you? Mr Butcher
Then who will cook you? Mr Chef
Then who will eat you? Mr Commander

Durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea

Cimitirele sunt închise după evenimentele
din ultimele săptămâni, din ultimele săptămâni.
Privesc lanțurile, îmi șterg lacrimile
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine.
Poarta se deschide, nu pot să-mi cred ochilor,
oare lucrurile s-au schimbat până la urmă?
Alerg, dar gâtul tău strigă ”Stop!”,
pentru că durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea.
Tu poți să-ți alini durerea de unul singur,
ceilalți nu, sunt niște sărăntoci.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai bun ca al meu.
Pe străzi și în apartamente
spiritul iubirii apare.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai mare ca al meu.
Acum patru ani, pe zece aprilie ,
fetița Mariei a fugit exact sub roțile mașinii.
Maria n-o să intre astăzi pe poartă,
Pentru că durerea ta e mai bună ca a ei,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a ei.
Jòzef a avut un tată, nevastă și fiu,
și-n acea zi timpul s-a oprit pentru ei.
Jòzef nu va comemora azi acea zi,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a lui,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a lui.
Tu poți să-ți alini durerea de unul singur,
ceilalți nu, sunt niște sărăntoci.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai bun ca al meu.
Pe străzi și în apartamente
spiritul iubirii apare.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai mare ca al meu.
Sincer, mie nu-mi plac cimitirele.
Când mama mă roagă, merg acolo cu ea,
Pun flori pe mormântul tatălui meu.
Durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea.
Ce frumoasă zi ni s-a oferit azi!
Ne amintim toți de cei duși dintre noi.
De cealaltă parte a zidului, ei stau și varsă lacrimi,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine.

I drink sadness instead of wine

1 /
Everyone are finding each other and have a talking.
Good wine, so they sing.
Everyone with someone, only me -
- I don't have no one, I don't have anyone.
And I drink sadness instead of wine.
And I will never forget you.
I will love you as long as there is hope.
I will love you when I grow old.
2 /
Happy people enjoy their own lives.
Related/akin soul mates will be found somewhere.
Everyone with someone, only me -
- I don't have no one, I don't have anyone.
And I drink sadness instead of wine.
And I will never forget you.
I will love you as long as there is hope.
I will love you when I grow old.
I will love you as long as there is hope.
I will love you when I grow old.

He's a Tramp

He is a Tramp, he's possible to love
Even though all he does is lie
He is a Tramp, an object of sighs
Although we already know, he isn't going to change
He is a Tramp, a nice flashy guy
A sad dog, Tygmilis
He is a Tramp, he's possible to love
Although he always has to go by his own path
Nobody's gonna guess where he will appear
He is going to bring you trouble
He's just like that
He's going to leave you, remember that
What is a plan needed for? He's a loner
Why talk about the dog
And if so, leave it
Oh I know, that he isn't going to change
Yes love,
We know, that he isn't going to change
(And remember!)
We know, that he isn't going to change...
I fell

So much

[Verse 1: Joy]
You say that I am impossible to decipher
Quiet, reserved and temperamental
That you would love me to express myself a little more
And talking about feelings doesn't work for me
But I'll try
[Chorus: Joy]
I love you so much
So much that I feel stupid
Stupid that hurts me so much when you're not here
I love you so much
And so that you imagine how much
Count all the stars and add one more
[Verse 2: Luis Fonsi]
I am reserved, don't take it personal
So much sentimentality, it sounds disturbing to me
If I ran out of words, it's not intentional
How to express something that I don't know how to explain?
But I'll try
[Chorus: Luis Fonsi]
I love you so much
So much that I feel stupid
Stupid that hurts me so much when you're not here
I love you so much
And so that you imagine how much
Count all the stars
And add one more, and add one more
[Refrán: Joy & Luis Fonsi]
I love you so much
So much that I don't know how to explain
So much that even I get scared
Just when I think
[Chorus: Joy & Luis Fonsi, Luis Fonsi, Joy]
That I love you so much
So much that I feel stupid
Stupid that hurts me so much when you're not here
So much and so that you imagine how much
Count all the stars
Add all my freckles
And when you think it's approaching, add one more
[Outro: Joy]
And add one more
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

The Moon Is Bored

You're asleep for too long
And you're waiting on happiness to find you
That's sweeter to you
Than giving yourself away
In your life
Ships have sunk too often
And now you're disgusted
Afraid of love
Don't you understand? Everybody needs somebody
To wake him up with touches
My nights are sleepless since you're far away
I am the only one who knows you
The Moon is bored
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together
So we'd catch together
You're dreaming for too long
And waiting on happiness to find you
You prefer that
To hoping
I am standing in front of you
And I'm no longer scared by the guards
When I feel
Your arms around my neck
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together

The lights of the Scheldt

It's over again, we're sailing back home
It's only a few weeks
A few times on guard, and then I'll return home
We'll speak eachother again then
So, this is the last letter I'm writing you
Look well in the newspaper tonight
Then you'll know exactly where I am and I stay
Before I'll return again to the country
When I see the lights of the Scheldt
My heart beats a little faster
I know you'll wait for me
And that you'll stand on the quay
When I see the lights of the Scheldt
it's like I'm looking in your eyes
that are telling me so much lovely things
I'm like a prince, so rich
You know, my love, that I love you a lot
I don't have to explain that to you
A sailor is fond of his wife and his children,
But still he has to sail again
But if the sea has something against me
And I'll be damaged forever
Think of the children, and try to live again
But tell them so often of me
When I see the lights of the Scheldt
My heart beats a little faster
I know you'll wait for me
And that you'll stand on the quay
When I see the lights of the Scheldt
it's like I'm looking in your eyes
that are telling me so much lovely things
I'm like a prince, so rich

Tomorrow is too late

Don't you see, this moment won't come back
The real is hard to find
And every breath which we found will be lost
How much more we can have (ho)
And to do it is not worth it
We can take advantage of
If the night was already good
It doesn't have to end
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late, yes
Tomorrow is already too late, yes
I am your cold in the summer
And your heat in the winter
Take advantage of the time, this never comes back
Not for that moment that
And I know that tomorrow may be too late
And maybe you can find someone
But what are we going to do?
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
And I know that tomorrow may be too late
And maybe you can find someone
But what are we going to do?
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
And to do it is not worth it
We can take advantage of
If the night was already good
It doesn't have to end
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and yeh
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and yeh
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow is already too late
If tomorrow is too late (J Balvin men)
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late (Jesse and Joy)
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon (Let’s go)
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late (Latinos gang)
Tomorrow is already too late
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

You're close to me

Raise your face and dry your eyes
There's a lot of stars so describe them to me
I know there's so many of them, I know they flicker
When you're so close to me
Everywhere is Heaven 'cause you're laughing again
My heart beats at the sound of your words
And suddenly I want to look at the world with joy
When you're so close to me
When you're so close to me
Beside you, night has the brightness of the sun
The rhythm of our hearts connected us today
To you and to me it happened for the first time
It was love that made you so close to me
This night could possibly last forever
Under its canopy, we are so safe
These short moments are worth remembering
Worth remembering
Until the end of the journey
Beside you, night has the brightness of the sun
The rhythm of our hearts connected us today
To you and to me it happened for the first time
It was love that made you so close to me

Paranoia is naked

I am so, I am so tired
My hands are aching, my whole head is in pain
So much, so much happened today
My heart is aching, my whole body's in pain
Paranoia is naked (x4)
The day has ended
I look at the moon like a dog
Step by step, I climb a metal tower
Dew covers, dew covers my body
So much, so much happened today
Paranoia is naked (x4)
I am so, I am so tired
My hands are aching, my whole head is in pain
So much, so much happened today
My heart is aching, my whole body's in pain
Paranoia is naked (x3)
Paranoia is ...

Unde eşti tu acum

Unde eşti tu acum când zilele mele se întunecă din nou?
Unde eşti tu acum când îmi lipseşte puterea?
Portretul tău s-a spulberat ieri,
Şi-n jurul meu sunt doar vise tăiate în două.
Dar tu mă cunoşti după inimă
Dar tu ştii totul.
Pot părăsi această lume chiar aşa
Şi alerga, alerga după tine.
Doar spune-mi , te rog...
Spune-mi unde...
Unde eşti tu acum.
Unde eşti tu acum
Când dintr-o dată amurgul se schimbă în zori?
Când din nou este atât de ruşinos să admit
Că viaţa se schimbă-ntr-o glumă, o casă de cărţi( de joc).
Dar tu mă cunoşti după inimă
Dar tu ştii totul.
Pot părăsi această lume chiar aşa
Şi alerga, alerga după tine.
Doar spune-mi , te rog...
Spune-mi unde...
Unde eşti tu acum.
Tu ştii bine că- în ciuda furtunilor-
Pot alerga orbeşte după tine,
Chiar când în visele mele fluşturatice
Teama se amestecă cu ploaia.
Chiar dacă zilele mele ar trebui să se-negrească,
Te voi avea mereu în sângele meu.
Voi uita doar când
Timpul mă aşează în cosciugul nrgru.
Dar tu mă cunoşti după inimă
Dar tu ştii totul.
Pot părăsi această lume chiar aşa
Şi alerga, alerga după tine.
Doar spune-mi , te rog...
Spune-mi unde...
Doar spune-mi , te rog...
Unde eşti tu acum.
Unde eşti tu acum când zilele mele se întunecă din nou?

Jesus made me like this

I'll do your heart wrong, I'm telling you from noqw on
I look at your face, I repeat that I don't really care
I'll tell your dad that I want to kiss him in front of your mom
And I'll take your best friend dancing, you don't know what's going to happen
Jesus made me like this
Savage heart
Divine seduction
He gave me his blessing
He never begged for pardon
I am what I am because of him
He never doubted and gave me a lion for a heart
To corrupt even a holy prude with my voice
And I'm leaving for Berlin without saying goodbye
I don't have an explination
And i'm going in your car and not coming back tonight
No, I don't want your sermon
I don't want your sermon
Jesus made me like this
Savage heart
Divine seduction
He gave me his blessing
He never begged for pardon
I am what I am because of him
Jesus made me like this
Savage heart
Divine seduction
He gave me his blessing
He never begged for pardon
I am what I am because of him

Where Are You Now

Where are you now when my days darken again?
Where are you now when I lack strength?
Your portrait got shattered yesterday,
and around me there are only dreams cut in half.
But you know me by heart,
but you know it all.
I can leave this world just like that
and run, run after you.
Just tell me, please...
tell me where...
where you are now.
Where are you now,
when suddenly twilight turns into dawn?
When again it’s so shameful to admit
that life turns into a joke, a house of cards.
But you know me by heart,
but you know it all.
I can leave this world just like that
and run, run after you.
Just tell me, please...
tell me where...
where you are now.
You know well that in spite of thunderstorms
I can run blindly1 after you
even when in my fickle dreams
fear gets mixed with rain.
Even if my days should blacken,
I will always have you in my blood.
I will forget only when
time tags me with the coffin black.
But you know me by heart,
but you know it all.
I can leave this world just like that
and run, run after you.
Just tell me, please...
tell me where...
Just tell me, please,
where you are now.
Where are you now when my days darken again?
  • 1. lit. 'as if into the fire'

You're Hot

Marcin Miller:
You're hot like the beach in Saint-Tropez
Your lips are sweet, I wanna dance with you only (x2)
It was a long sunny and hot summer
I met you on a yacht somewhere in Saint-Tropez
Golden sand was lavishly glistening on you
I was sipping tequila, you smiled
Hey, mamasita, there's nothing to ask about here
Tequila is pouring, I know what you want
Hey, seniorita, in tropical rhythms
You're hot like Saint-Tropez
Marcin Miller:
You're hot like the beach in Saint-Tropez
Your lips are sweet, I wanna dance with you only (x2)
Your touch, look... You attracted me to yourself
I was delighted with the luxurious view
Our burning bodies all possessed by the sun
Connected in a tropical dance
Hey, mamasita, there's nothing to ask about here
Tequila is pouring, I know what you want
Hey, seniorita, in tropical rhythms
You're hot like Saint-Tropez
Marcin Miller:
You're hot like the beach in Saint-Tropez
Your lips are sweet, I wanna dance with you only (x6)

Nu mai ești

Nu mai ești, nici n-ai mai fost nicăieri,
Nu știu cum trebuie să te inventez astăzi
Ca totul să iasă bine
Precum cuvintele frumoase care înseamnă dragoste.
Nu mai ești, nu mai ești pentru mine,
Nu știu cum trebuie să te conving astăzi
Ca să devii cerul și pământul,
Aerul, apa, steaua și spațiul,
Vei fi tot ce vreau.
Nu mai ești, mi-e dor de tine,
Inima mi-e pustie, odată ce va apărea un gând,
Voi începe iar să trăiesc.
Nu le voi scrie scrisori zeilor,
Îmi vei da tot ce vreau,
Nu le voi scrie scrisori zeilor,
Îmi vei da tot ce vreau.
Nu le voi scrie scrisori zeilor,
Îmi vei da tot ce vreau,
Nu le voi scrie scrisori zeilor,
Vei fi tot ce vreau.
Nu mai ești, nici n-ai mai fost nicăieri...
© Vladímir Sosnín

Fa ca un baiat

Versions: #2
Am ajuns
Coboara sunetul,fete ciudata
De ce va uitati la mine?
Zbor,zbor,zbor,pana la cer
In nava mea
Sunt un extraterestru astazi seara
Murdar,murdar,murdar,murdar sugaci
Crezi ca nu ma poti rani,esti un nenoricit
Pot s-o fac ca un frate
Pot s-o fa ca un baiat
Apuca-mi picoarele,imi port caciula ieftin ca tine
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar
Boom boom,imipingemi o bere
Nu bauturi slabe,Sunt un baiat aici
Numat numar numar bani ca un proxenet
Curva mea pe pula mea asa
Murdar,murdar,murdar,murdar sugaci
Crezi ca nu ma poti rani,esti un nenoricit
Pot s-o fac ca un frate
Pot s-o fa ca un baiat
Apuca-mi picoarele,imi port caciula ieftin ca tine
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar
Biati,veniti si spuneti ce va trebuie
Baieti,trebuie sa-mi lingeti dolarul
Baieti,ardeti sub guler
Pot s-o fac ca un frate
Pot s-o fa ca un baiat
Apuca-mi picoarele,imi port caciula ieftin ca tine
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar
Putem face ca barbati barbati barbati
Putem face ca barbati
Zahar zahar zahar

You gave me willpower

I'm standing here waiting, waiting for something good
I can't wrap my head around everything I have already got
I am not finding peace here, standing at ease
I am only finding old tracks which grows deeper over time
Oh you found in me, what I received from you
Oh you gave me...
Will, will to step forward, to keep walking
Will, will to get myself home, will to let you go
Will I see you again? Will I see you again?
Will I be able to say that it was you who gave me willpower
I see you in every thing, see you in everything that passes
I can feel you watching, following my soul every moment
I feel a little abandoned, my thoughts feel empty
I am following another track by your words, big and small
Oh you found in me, what I received from you
Oh you gave me...
Will, will to step forward, to keep walking
Will, will to get myself home, will to let you go
Will I see you again? Will I see you again?
Will I be able to say that it was you who gave me willpower
Maybe you hear me?
Maybe you remember me?
Maybe I have to let you go...
I just want to tell you, I just want to tell you
Tell you that you gave me willpower
I'm thinking about thousand things, thinking about the things I should have said
I should have said them earlier, before every word was forsaken
I feel that one time we will meet again
So I'm standing here waiting, waiting for something good...


On a theater where the shape of the street lights shake
The announcing poster is a sad epilogue
Packing your short sleeve clothes in your suitcase
Am I welcoming an unknown season?
Always a tender goodbye
Today on your distant profile
Jessy, wanting to be loved
I wasn't staring at you only
Jessy, hold me one more time
I feel your hair, if I split from your cheek
I close my eyes, untli your footsteps noise fades
Someday the pavement will dye in blue
The noise of the morning will resound by the window
A city that passed us by
Now I lean on the wind
Jessy, call me
You can return many times you want
Jessy, I have faith in the fate
That someday we can meet
Jessy, wanting to be loved
I wasn't staring at you only
I close my eyes because I dream of meeting you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Where Is This Love

Where is this love, walking free,
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
It will call to our doorstep from the underworld
a violin set to play by a dancing foot.
Where is this love, walking free
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
In the evening people, sitting under an apple tree,
will pray and fight foot and nail for it1.
Where is this love, walking free
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
In the evening people, sitting under an apple tree,
will pray...
  • 1. another intepretation: '...and die for it'

Only Jesus Can

Who can heal our wounds?
Only Jesus can
Who can dry each tear?
Only Jesus can
Who forgives our sins?
Only Jesus can
Who consoles you, makes everything whole?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Who can see us for who we are?
Only Jesus can
Knows what we bear inside of us?
Only Jesus can
Who gives hope in all our hardships?
Only Jesus can
Save us from sin and death?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Who can see the depths of our hearts?
Only Jesus can
Who gives us strength when we run out?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

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