Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 327


You gave me willpower

I'm standing here waiting, waiting for something good
I can't wrap my head around everything I have already got
I am not finding peace here, standing at ease
I am only finding old tracks which grows deeper over time
Oh you found in me, what I received from you
Oh you gave me...
Will, will to step forward, to keep walking
Will, will to get myself home, will to let you go
Will I see you again? Will I see you again?
Will I be able to say that it was you who gave me willpower
I see you in every thing, see you in everything that passes
I can feel you watching, following my soul every moment
I feel a little abandoned, my thoughts feel empty
I am following another track by your words, big and small
Oh you found in me, what I received from you
Oh you gave me...
Will, will to step forward, to keep walking
Will, will to get myself home, will to let you go
Will I see you again? Will I see you again?
Will I be able to say that it was you who gave me willpower
Maybe you hear me?
Maybe you remember me?
Maybe I have to let you go...
I just want to tell you, I just want to tell you
Tell you that you gave me willpower
I'm thinking about thousand things, thinking about the things I should have said
I should have said them earlier, before every word was forsaken
I feel that one time we will meet again
So I'm standing here waiting, waiting for something good...


On a theater where the shape of the street lights shake
The announcing poster is a sad epilogue
Packing your short sleeve clothes in your suitcase
Am I welcoming an unknown season?
Always a tender goodbye
Today on your distant profile
Jessy, wanting to be loved
I wasn't staring at you only
Jessy, hold me one more time
I feel your hair, if I split from your cheek
I close my eyes, untli your footsteps noise fades
Someday the pavement will dye in blue
The noise of the morning will resound by the window
A city that passed us by
Now I lean on the wind
Jessy, call me
You can return many times you want
Jessy, I have faith in the fate
That someday we can meet
Jessy, wanting to be loved
I wasn't staring at you only
I close my eyes because I dream of meeting you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Where Is This Love

Where is this love, walking free,
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
It will call to our doorstep from the underworld
a violin set to play by a dancing foot.
Where is this love, walking free
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
In the evening people, sitting under an apple tree,
will pray and fight foot and nail for it1.
Where is this love, walking free
disguised as a jester, bird and angel?
In the evening people, sitting under an apple tree,
will pray...
  • 1. another intepretation: '...and die for it'

Only Jesus Can

Who can heal our wounds?
Only Jesus can
Who can dry each tear?
Only Jesus can
Who forgives our sins?
Only Jesus can
Who consoles you, makes everything whole?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Who can see us for who we are?
Only Jesus can
Knows what we bear inside of us?
Only Jesus can
Who gives hope in all our hardships?
Only Jesus can
Save us from sin and death?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Who can see the depths of our hearts?
Only Jesus can
Who gives us strength when we run out?
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus
Only Jesus can
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

I can't die

I can't die
No, I could never
leave you behind
and you to lose
again in life
no, I can't die
from myself, I don't have anything to lose
but if I lose you, loved for my life ( i love you as much as my life)
however, you hold nights forever
you're my world,you're sun,you're the sea
you're the goddess herself
I can't die
I dreamed I promised you the infinity
the nights with the moon, with the moon, and stars with fire
I come to you, from afar closer
together we to reach infinity
I can't die
I dreamed I promised you the infinity
so death can't do us apart
my precious, my soul and mercy
how can I die, you, die inside me
How can I die, the pain of this day, full of hope
when a ray of light wakes your eyelid
my dear, how can I die
from myself, I don't have anything to lose
however, you hold nights forever
you're my world,you're sun,you're the sea
you're the goddess herself
I can't die
I dreamed I promised you the infinity
the nights with the moon, with the moon, and stars with fire
I come to you, from afar closer
together we to reach infinity
I can't die
I dreamed I promised you the infinity
so death can't do us apart
my precious, my soul and mercy
how can I die, you, die inside me


Nu ma voi machia joi
M-am saturat sa ma ascund
Am obosit sa ma simt atat de franta
Am obosit sa ma indragostesc
Cateodata sunt rusinoasa si anxioasa
Cateodata sunt in genunchi
Cateodata incerc sa imi imbratisez toate nesigurantele
Asa ca nu ma voi machia joi
Pentru ca ceea ce sunt e suficient
Si sunt atat de multe lucruri pe care le-as putea schimba atat de usor
Dar de ce sa nu accept ceva diferit la mine?
Intotdeauna am fost eu insami
Nu ma schimb pentru nimic
Vreau sa iubesc,nu vreau sa plang
Nu vreau lacrimi in ochii mei, da
Nu vreau sa ma trezesc si sa ma simt nesigura
Vreau sa cant, vreau sa dansez
Vreau sa simt din nou iubire in mainile mele
Vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh, vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Voi purta pantaloni de traning joi
Si voi bea bauturi racoritoare dintr-o cutie
Imi voi construi propria independenta
Nu intotdeauna am nevoie de un barbat
Stii, cateodata ma simt singura
Putem face companie
Oh, ma ridic cand sunt jos
Asa ca nu o sa fac nimic joi
Stau singura si exist
Si sunt atat de multe lucruri pe care le-as putea schimba atat de usor
Dar de ce sa nu accept ceva diferit la mine?
Intotdeauna am fost eu insami
Nu ma schimb pentru nimic
Vreau sa iubesc,nu vreau sa plang
Nu vreau lacrimi in ochii mei, da
Nu vreau sa ma trezesc si sa ma simt nesigura
Vreau sa cant, vreau sa dansez
Vreau sa simt din nou iubire in mainile mele
Vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh, vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh, vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Nu ma voi machia joi
Pentru ca ceea ce sunt e suficient
Vreau sa iubesc,nu vreau sa plang
Nu vreau lacrimi in ochii mei, da
Nu vreau sa ma trezesc si sa ma simt nesigura
Vreau sa cant, vreau sa dansez
Vreau sa simt din nou iubire in mainile mele
Vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh, vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Eu-
Oh-oh-oh, vreau doar sa ma simt frumoasa
D. dan Wink smile

Song of Songs

Put me like a sign, on your heart
Put me like a stamp, on your hand
Because love is strong like death,
Jealousy heavy like a grave.
All the waters cannot put it out,
Neither can the rivers flood it
All the waters cannot put it out,
Neither can the rivers flood it
Get up, dear, come, my beauty
Winter has passed,
Rain had stopped
Flowers are showing,
Dove can be heard
Time to sing had come.

It's good as it is

Migo: Woo-hoo
Beautiful daddy!
How cool it'll be when I start to wake up the village.

I see the whole Yeti world from up here
And friends who I know for years
They wiped their eyes with snow, 'cause it's morning again
And everyone gives1 me a smile
And I immediately know that it's not bad
'Cause I have so many wonders and surprises here
For miles and miles it's snowing into white drifts
Look, a sheet, what a trip, there'll be laugh
Again, hey, hey, a new day rises equally white
I like living simply
I don't wanna change a thing, 'cause what for?
I do what I have to
The snail leers from the sky
Any stress in unnecessary
It's good as it is
'Cause life strokes me
Everyone plays an important role here
Everyone knows well their duties
And it gives him/her great satisfaction
I wanna be exactly the same
I like the Yeti style, there's nothing to hide
'Cause the old Stonekeepers2 are right
Gwangi: Do you believe that the world rests on the backs of mammoths?
Kids: Mhm.
Kolka: And what are those mammoths standing on?
Migo: Hi! They're standing on their legs, they're as long as your arm. Don't listen to the silly, they say that the stones are a lie and one doesn't do that.

It's a mistake when bad curiosity stirs your thoughts
Just[lit. [it's] enough squash it, let it go away
Easy, right?
Stonekeeper: Where is Migo?
Boy, you will not wake up the snail...
Migo: Wait, what?
Stonekeeper: ...if you don't practice
Thorp: You'll get your helmet3
Oh, I blew the surprise, I didn't mean that dad.
Migo: Oh, my own helmet4? Does it mean that I will do this by myself?5
Meechee: You deserve it Migo.
Dorgle: It's a great day son!
Migo: Hey, did you hear that?!
I'l be practicing the gong!6
All together
Again, hey, hey, a new day rises equally white
I like living simply
I don't wanna change a thing, 'cause what for?
I do what I have to
The snail leers from the sky
Any stress in unnecessary
It's good as it is
'Cause life strokes
Migo, Migo, ace boon coon7
Migo, ace boon coon, Migo, ace boon coon
Migo, ace boon coon, Migo, ace boon coon
Oh, yes!
'Cause life strokes
Migo, Migo, ace boon coon
Migo, ace boon coon, Migo, ace boon coon
Migo, ace boon coon, Migo, ace boon coon
Oh, yes!
'Cause life strokes us


This World is Strange

Versions: #2
This world is strange
As it’s still
Filled with much evil
And it’s strange
That for so many years
A human despises another human being
This world is strange
The world of human affairs
And sometimes it’s a shame to admit
But it happens often
That someone kills
With a bad word as if with a knife
But the people of good will are the majority
And I believe deeply
That this world
Won’t never die, thanks to tchem
No, no, no!
The time has come
It’s high time
To destroy the hatred within us
But the people of good will are the majority
And I believe deeply
That this world
Won’t never die, thanks to tchem
No, no, no!
The time has come
It’s high time
To destroy the hatred within us

I'm bursting

Do you miss my breath
Like I miss yours?
I am repeating myself
Do you miss my face
Like I miss your face?
and I am repeating myself
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again
I repeated myself again
I would search for someone like you
And even if I know there is not anyone like you
I will act as I forgot it
Broken knees, I kept walking
I am repeating myself
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again
You have my eternal gratitude
i learned to feel like you
I have lived, felt the love from head to toes
My soul (is) ice today
Since I can't have you
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again
They won't see us together
You won't see me again
My soul knows that I am bursting
You won't see me again

You did it to yourself

Flori 2x:
If you've loved me a little bit
If you've loved me a little bit
If u've loved me just a little bit
Shall i forgive you
Are you able to say im sorry
Bruno x4:
I would've given you the best of this world
You didnt do it to me, you did it only to yourself
Im not coming anymore after u, and u after me
Le-le-le leave it, leave it,leave it
Who was wrong, u find it
Between me and u
Le-le-le leave it, leave it,leave it
[Flori 2x:]
If you've loved me a little bit
If you've loved me a little bit
If u've loved me just a little bit
Shall i gorgive you
Are you able to say im sorry
[Bruno x4:]
I would've given you the best of this world
You didnt do it to me, you did it only to yourself
Make yourself drunk make it
Until you dont know yourself anymore, Le-le-le leave it, leave it
[Bruno]: and with me when u were sleeping, u were hiding things. Le-le-le leave it,leave it
If you've loved me a little bit
If you've loved me a little bit
If u've loved me just a little bit
Shall i gorgive you
Are you able to say im sorry
[Bruno x4]:
I would've given you the best of this world
You didnt do it to me, you did it only to yourself

Hymn to liberty

You, liberty, loved liberty
You, liberty, desired liberty
Be our hope and our strength
Be our joy, our happiness
We will be able to sing every day louder
To sing every day further
To sing happily this hymn of faith
Liberty, liberty, I trust you
Liberty, liberty, be our law
Oh, you can give hope
Oh, you can ring the joy
Oh, Liberty, loved Liberty
Be always closer to us
Be always closer to our heart
Stay away from us, slavery
Stay away from us, jails
Never again privileges
Stay away from us starvation and slaughter
Stay away from us tyrannical times
We will always sing your name, 'Liberty'
We trust you
You, liberty, loved liberty
You, liberty, desired liberty
Be our hope and our strength
Be our joy, our happiness
We will be able to sing every day louder
To sing every day further
To sing appily this hymn of faith
Liberty, liberty, I trust you
Liberty, liberty, be our law
Oh, you can give hope
Oh, you can ring the joy
Oh, Liberty, loved Liberty
Be always closer to us
Be always closer to our heart

Just wait soon will I be your majesty

I will be a king without fear
with powers that can strike.
I have never seen a king before
with such little hair
I will be a king without taste
of nagging from a clod.
I practice on watching over,
I am training on my roar!
But this far that is not your business.
Just wait soon will I be your majesty
(You have still a march here, young man! If you think that...!)
No one says 'come here,'
Thus, what I said was that..
Nala: No one says 'be there,'
What I meant was that...
No one says 'stop that,'
But what you do not understand, is that...
No one says 'listen up!'
No listen up!
I can run like an arrow.
That is acting too quick.
I can do what I want.
I think that you and I should take
a talk just two on two
Advice from whiny rhino birds
is just nonsense.
If the monarchy will be like this,
then I will withdraw!
Out of my position, out of Afrika.
Then it really will end.
I have gotten enough impulsiveness!
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Everyone turns around. (What?!)
Fell they must gather.
Eagerly awaiting he who
is in the center of attention.
(Not yet!)
They are cheering for the heir you know.
They dance with great virtuosity.
Blessing Simba’s king worthiness.
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Just wait soon will I.... be your majesty!

I waited for you

[Verse 1]
When love turns off
The heart stays in flames
When it's over, it's over
There is no refuge in words
It's a wound that doesn't heal
I waited for you, I came to feel that I was dying
I waited for you like the moon waits for the day
I tried, but life went on
I waited for you, but time closed the wound
[Verse 2]
When love finds you
You forget everything you've lived
The fear doesn't stop you anymore
Suddenly nothing is lost
Although it doesn't make sense
I waited for you, I came to feel that I was dying
I waited for you like the moon waits for the day
I tried, but life went on
I waited for you, but time closed the wound
Oh, no, no, no, no (Oh-oh-oh)
I waited for you, I came to feel that I was dying
I waited for you like the moon waits for the day
I tried, but life went on
I waited for you, but time closed the wound
I waited for you, but someone else came into my life

Don't let him be thirsty

Don't let him be thirsty,
the tree who loves you that much,
who treasured your seed,
who crystallized your life,
at six in the morning.
Don't let him be thirsty,
the tree for whom you are the sun.
Just learning.

You're drinking, son

Versions: #2
You're drinking son, you're drinking a lot, you're coming home at dawn son
Tell your mother, why my son, you're not telling your problems to anyone for 3 long years
Tell your mother, why my son, you're not telling your problems to anyone for 3 long years
I'll tell only you, a long time ago I loved crazily
She wanted me too, but she couldn't because of her mother, I drink because of her for 3 years
She wanted me too, but she couldn't because of her mother, I drink because of her for 3 years
And I'll tell you something else, she's with another one but she isn't cheating on me
Her mother forced her to marry because of ducats and money
That's the reason why I drink
Her mother forced her to marry because of ducats and money
That's the reason why I drink, that's why I drink, my mother

The world is mine

[Second verse: TPS]
From a small (prison) cell to the streets of Poland and foreign lands.
Horizons broaden with ink not chalk.
I've been taught to hustle, I don't fuck with death.
I still got a lot to do before I die.
My life is portrayed in those tracks.
ZDR, the Grim Reaper is waitin' somewhere.
Snitches must be punked.
Address on a postcard on which corrections officer puts a stamp on.
Time stopped. I've learned things, now I'm putting it into use.
Tomorrow I'll have more. I need to buy shit, you know I'm sayin'?
I want stacks (of cash) , everything I've been waitin' for.
He bettered himself, minus the time spent in the slammer.
I smoke weed to calm myself down. I know what I gotta do.
Finally things are lookin' good.
New album, I need to find a place for myself in this crowd.
Why? Cause I can. I took the right path.
[Third verse: Murzyn]
One has to accept all the necessary lies
just like the truth which is too hard to swallow.
How to come to terms with reality, where to look for a way out,
who's goin' to help you?
Lay a hand on her and I'll shank you.
She won't turn a blind eye, she's raising children not cared for.
She teaches you to keep your mouth shut.
If you got the dough, remember to keep it hush-hush.
I wasn't burnin' bridges, I don't own anything to anyone.
Man should be economical with his words.
I'm swearing an oath.
If you're losin' something, it means you haven't learned anything.
Dear Lord, please keep me safe.
You can live a peaceful life or take the job.
Suffer the consequences, you won't make more (money).
You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud, too.
My own world, plata o plomo.
[Fourth verse: Dobo]
The world is ours, everything is within arm's reach.
Life is beautiful and it doesn't have to be a torment.
Sometimes it grabes you by the throat like a pitbull.
You need to be hard like titanium.
ZDR with another album, streets chronicles.
If shit hits the fan remember to keep your mouth shut
or you'll be dethroned, you halfwit.
Always remember to get rid of weak links.
If someone doesn't seem reliable, tell him to push off
before he shows his dark side.
He'll throw his partners under the bus to save his own skin.
I'm rapping about what them streets taught me.
Downtown front, 26-600, capital of tiredness.
The Infamous Mobb graced us with their presence on this track.
This is our world, even though we're thousands of miles apart.

Life is a novel

Versions: #2
Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi
the light in your eyes is getting darker.
Tell me, my life, something nice,
don’t rush that much, let me rest for a while.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
sometimes nice, sometimes hostile.
At times you want to pour out your heart,
but there’s no one to whom you can do it.
Every family is like a tree,
it can break, wobble and changes in time.
Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi -
a hint of trance, a sip of anguish.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Mă Răneşti

Când erai lângă mine,
Lumina noastră era celestă.
Ce mai puteam cere?
Găsisem fericirea.
Fără să ne anunțe, paradisul nostru ne-a părăsit,
Şi acum amintirea ta îmi face umbră inimii.
Azi se împlinește o lună de când nu mă mai vezi .
Ai plecat, asta a fost
Ai vrut să renunți să mă mai iubeşti,
Şi cum mă răneşti!
În timp ce mă gândesc la tine
Şi la ce am pierdut,
Aş fi vrea să fi evitat
Să-mi permit să te iubesc
Ca să te pierd.
Şi mă răneşti.
Cum mă răneşti!
Loviturile pe piele
Lasă urmă, şi apoi se duc.
Se duc, se duc, se duc.
Dar m-ai rupt în două
Şi nu găsesc vindecare.
Fără să ne anunțe, paradisul nostru ne-a părăsit,
Şi acum amintirea ta îmi face umbră inimii.
Azi se împlinește o lună de când nu mă mai vezi .
Ai plecat, asta a fost
Ai vrut să renunți să mă mai iubeşti,
Şi cum mă răneşti!
În timp ce mă gândesc la tine
Şi la ce am pierdut,
Aş fi vrea să fi evitat
Să-mi permit să te iubesc
Ca să te pierd.
Şi mă răneşti.
Cum mă răneşti!
Du-te să fii liber şi fericit.
Aici e tot aia.
Cu mine e cineva pe care l-am întâlnit,
E un străin şi trebuie să lăsăm durerea să se ducă.
Azi se împlinește o lună de când nu mă mai vezi .
Ai plecat, asta a fost
Ai vrut să renunți să mă mai iubeşti,
Şi cum mă răneşti!
În timp ce mă gândesc la tine
Şi la ce am pierdut,
Aş fi vrea să fi evitat
Să-mi permit să te iubesc
Ca să te pierd.
Şi mă răneşti.
Cum mă răneşti!

Dreams, dreams, scatter and leave

O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
Due to love, I forgot my senses, I forgot myself
I suffer by losing my thinking and forgetting my way
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Is it a plan which is written by fate? who knows?
I don't have vision in spite of having eyes, where will I go?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?

I am, I was, I will be

[Stanza 1: Smolasty]
It wasn't supposed to be this way.
The city has an impact on me
and I'm getting lost every night just like you.
I'm not bad.
It's just one mistake
[Bridge: Smolasty](x2)
It's not the same.
It's not the same now.
I wake up every morning.
I'm my greatest enemy.
[Refren: Smolasty]
I am, I was, I'll always be.
Please just give me a chance.
Every day and every moment,
all this reminds me of you.
All this reminds me of you.
All this reminds me of you.
[Stanza 2: Smolasty]
It wasn't supposed to be this way.
Nothing has changed.
I'm still waiting for your move and I love like nobody else.
It's something more than your body.
It's something more than your style.
It was written in the stars for us, it was written in the stars for us and that's it.
I'll wake up in the morning and you'll be next to me gain.
It was written in the stars for us, it was written in the stars for us and that's it.
I'll wake up in the morning and you'll be next to me gain.
[Refren: Smolasty]
I am, I was, I'll always be.
Please just give me a chance.
Every day and every moment,
all this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be this way,
it wasn't supposed to be this way.
All this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be this way,
it wasn't supposed to be this way.
All this reminds me of you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way!

Nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți

[Verse 1]
Am venit aici cu o inimă frântă pe care nimeni altcineva n-o putea vedea
Mi-am desenat un zâmbet pe față care să mă tapeteze
Rănile se vindecă ,lacrimile se șterg iar crăpăturile nu se văd
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți
Să ne întoarcem la simplitate
Cred că mi-a fost dor de mine
Nu eram cine se presupune că sunt
Simt acest întuneric revărsat peste mine
Cu toții ajungem acolo la urma urmei
Niciodată n-am știut unde aparțin
Dar am avut dreptate și tu te-ai înșelat
Asta mi-am spus de la bun început
Nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți
Învață să ierți ,învață să renunți
Cu toții ne împiedicăm , cu toții ne prăbușim
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Întrucât sunt obosită să mărșăluiesc de una singură
Destul de fragilă , o simt în oase
Oh , mi-am lăsat inima, inima mea să se transforme în piatră
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
[Verse 2]
Sunt în al nouălea cer, exact unde vreau să fiu
Deci cum poate acest nor negru să continue să plouă peste mine
Dar inimile se frâng și cojesc un loc pe care toată lumea îl știe
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Să ne întoarcem la simplitate
Cred că mi-a fost dor de mine
Nu eram cine se presupune că sunt
Simt acest întuneric revărsat peste mine
Cu toții ajungem acolo la urma urmei
Niciodată n-am știut unde aparțin
Dar am avut dreptate și tu te-ai înșelat
Asta mi-am spus de la bun început
Nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți
Învață să ierți ,învață să renunți
Cu toții ne împiedicăm , cu toții ne prăbușim
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Întrucât sunt obosită să mărșăluiesc de una singură
Destul de fragilă , o simt în oase
Oh , mi-am lăsat inima, inima mea să se transforme în piatră
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Oh, oh , oh , eu
Am învățat să să-mi iau la revedere
Cum să nu-mi văd viața
Prin ochii altcuiva
Nu-i un drum ușor
Dar nu-s singură
Deci , n-am să mai fiu dură cu mine însumi de acum încolo
Nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți
Învață să ierți ,învață să renunți
Cu toții ne împiedicăm , cu toții ne prăbușim
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Întrucât sunt obosită să mărșăluiesc de una singură
Destul de fragilă , o simt în oase
Oh , mi-am lăsat inima, inima mea să se transforme în piatră
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu
Întrucât sunt obosită să mărșăluiesc de una singură
Destul de fragilă , o simt în oase
Oh , mi-am lăsat inima, inima mea să se transforme în piatră
Așa că nu fi așa de dur cu tine însuți ,nu

Too often

You never knew how to tell me
With a smile or with a word
That you love me
Like a child scared of the sea
You are just standing in shallow water, with wet legs
But still too often
You never knew how to tell me
Whether with a movement or with a word
That you love me
They say that the climate is too blame for everything
That the rain makes the tears grow, like rivers
But still too often
You never knew how to tell me
Whether with a smile or with a word
That you love me
Like a child scared of the sea
You are just standing in shallow water, with wet legs
But still too often
I think of us as a defeat in a war

Batlle Jesus

[Refren] x 2
Panică up panică up pachetul de bănuire
Toți ochii pe cine este broscoi
Spune-mi haide spune-mi
1 Battle Jesus îngenunchează în fața lui
Versul I
Știu că m-ai auzit (stai luniștit)
Nu este nici o întoarcere fac ceva pentru mine
În camera hiphop-ului sunt 4 pereți
Grămăzi aruncate pot lua în primul râns super starul
Pussy paranoe aceasta este o panaromă
Acestă paranoie îmi arde rima
Și miroase-i fumul uite ești o marionetă
Nu mă reduce la un loc încearcă să te gândești
Este rândul celor negrii să zdorbească zidurile
Gangsta sunteți cu toți în fața camerei
Pentru noi nu există ofensivă apărare niciodată
Această gaură acest nebun a fost martor la acea gaură
Te vor îmbrățișa masele populare
Îți dă direcție prdeominantă, ai murit ai pierdut
Rodocă plămânii....
Fără să ști cu ce te îmbraci un hitman alb
Panică up panică up pachetul de bănuire
Toți ochii pe cine este broscoi
Spune-mi haide spune-mi
1 Battle Jesus îngenunchează în fața lui
Versul II
Dacă spui muzică comercială la subsol
Dacă vărsta noastră era 16 capul se scutura
Dintr-o dată târfa sa deschis peste tot
Dacă i-ai vedea starea entuziasmul meu a fugit
Pentru toți o celebritate uite din nou ea
Dacă spui că nu mă iubești ascultă rock'n roll
Târfa fără oglindă nu e la fel
În afară de tine nimeni nu o ajută
Uite cum sa bucurat
Eu fără să înnebunesc am înebunit
Ea mi-a spus că mă iubește
Am intrat într-o situație serioasă
Haide, ia-ți mașina de aici și pleacă
Pe deasupra citiri mele un încărcător aceasta este poezia mea
Dacă te crezi în această situație creeator
În cartier cea mai veche vedere e 1
Panică up panică up pachetul de bănuire
Toți ochii pe cine este broscoi
Spune-mi haide spune-mi
1 Battle Jesus îngenunchează în fața lui
Versul III
Iți puțină respirație să mori puțin
În viață puțină consolare a stărnit focul
În iadul meu te faci negru
Și tu vei spune iadul nostru
Nu zbura prin viață mergând ca un autobuz
Curvă mică îngenunchează rupându-ți genunchii
Oo din nou cineva?
O să scrii 16 sughiții de 32 de ori
Oo nebunul nebunului
Nu este locul dar acesta este cineva diferit
Ca o cataramă mă porți în cap
Dacă îți razi părul nu s-ar schimba părul
Și acest aer copilul a rămas problema
În mediul înconjurător mediul meu în procedură cu tine
Ulan bani sunt vreo problemă ? Lumea banca mea
No.1 pentru voi o cifră anterioară!
Ege Kökenli

The lament of Jesus

Oh you sleeping
inside this stone grave
for having suffered
so many injuries and wounds
the atrocious torture
that finally made you die too
now you can rest, quiet, still
you do not suffer any more
But I am
in a burning fire
I’m burning and moaning
and everyone can hear me
I know my beloved one’s tears
and those of an afflicted mother
I shout to the Eternal
so He remembers the Innocent
And then after
all this rage
so many injuries and foul violence
nailed by your hands and feet
you were hung to a cross
oh God of so much pain
please, just let me hear Your voice
From now and forever
everything seems to have ended
you are dead
the drama is over
and yet in Jerusalem
everybody has already run away
miserable and ashamed
dead are faith and life

Sergueï Essenine

Versions: #2
You are gone,
As they say,
To another world.
You are flying,
Among exploding stars.
No more deposit
Nor beer.
To be sober.
No, Essenine,
It’s not
In my throat
Is a bowl of sorrow-
Not a giggle.
I see-
Trailing with a slashed wrist,
Of your own
You are rocking the bag.
Stop it!
Have you lost your mind?
On your cheeks
Must be spilled
The mortal chalk?
At such things
They were skillful,
As to another one
No other one
It was impossible.
What for?
I am split by perplexity.
Critics mutter
-It comes from alcohol
And that…
But first,
Not enough ties,
And last
A lot of beer and wine-
To say,
You would have exchange
For the class,
Entangled by the class,
You would have stop fighting.
But, the class itself
When thirsty
Is it not drinking kvass?
So far-the class
To have drunk is not dumb.
To say,
To you had been added
Someone of “Na Pastou”-
Would have put
To the content
Far more value.
You would have
Per day
A hundred lines
And slowly,
Like Dorodine.
As to me,
If is realized
Such a frenzy,
You would have to yourself
Earlier slashed your wrist.
Far better
Of vodka dying,
Than of boredom.
Don’t explain
To ourselves
The source of losses
Neither the hanging loop,
Nor the little knife.
May be,
Would have been
Some ink at the “England”,
Your veins
To cut
Would have been no reason.
Imitators rejoiced
To himself
Not least a platoon
Has done justice.
So why
To increase
The number of suicides?
Pushing up
The production of ink!
For ever
From now on
The tongue
Is sticking to the teeth.
Is heavy
And inopportune
To cultivate mysteries.
Creator of language,
Has lost
A loud
Debauchee apprentice.
And are brought
Rudely tied up lines,
Out of previous
Nearly without change.
On a hill
Dumb rhymes
With a stick to plant-
Should we
A poet
Respect in such a way?
At you
Still no memorial,
Where are,
The sound of bronze,
Or the grain of granite?
Has been piled up
Of dedications
And souvenirs the trash.
Your first name
Blown up in handkerchiefs,
Your verb
Spluttered by Sobinov
Who expires
Under a puny birch-
“No more a word
O my fri- iend,
No more si-igh”.
Having spoken in another way
To this
Leonide Lohengrid-whatever!
We should here burst
Into a loud scandal:
-I don’t bear
To chew verses
Nor to offend them!-
Should be stunt
Those people
By blowing three fingers whistle
To grand-mother
And god spirit should go mother!
For destroying
Untalented dirtiness
With darkness
The sails of jackets,
In all directions
Exploded Kogan,
Those he meets
With moustaches’ spikes.
Right now
Has slowly faded.
Has done a lot
To only arrived at it.
We must
The life
First to rebuild,
In doing so-
We can celebrate.
That time-
Is uneasy to the pen,
But tell
Lame and cripple,
Who, to be great, chose
A lane,
That would be crowded
And minor?
Is marshal
To human forces.
That age be
From behind
With cannonballs spread out.
Of old days
By the wind
Be blown away
A sole
To be happy
Planet Earth
Is unfit.
We have to
Out of days to come.
In this life
To die
Is no difficulty.
Building future life
Far more difficult.
© Bénédicte Schribaux registered

raptor jesus

Raptor jesus
you lived to the cretaceous
damned by paying all our sins
your faith, a light in darkness
might for you, oh most sacred dinosaur
how not to love you?


It suits you not to tell me that you want me
I'd prefer you to distance yourself
I'd prefer you to leave me alone
It suits you not to go on signing papers
Nor to turn up the volume
When I'm around you
I'm not the type of woman
That your mom wants to see you with
I'm lacking in so many things
And so many others fail me
I could never please you
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
It doesn't suit me to go on dreaming hopeful
I'm good for nothing when I'm tied down
I'm an eagle, flying alone
I need to undress myself of your scent
This aroma consumes me
I don't want to confuse you
I'm not the type of woman
That your mom wants to see you with
I'm lacking in so many things
And so many others fail me
I could never please you
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
Those girls are loyal
Those girls are saints
They're good girls, they forgive quietly
They don't make scenes
They ask for nothing
I couldn't please you
I'm not that type of woman
I'm not that type of woman

Always You

Always you in my heart/Always you in my thoughts
Because you, only you are my love
You are the place to my 'where'
You are the date to my 'when
You are the count to my 'how many'
For every 'how', you are the way
For every 'why', you are the reason
Because you/ Only you/ Always you are my love
In my chills, you are the blanket
In my itches, you are the scratch
In my limp, you are the massage
For every wound, you are the cure
You are the nap in my sleepiness
In my snore, you are the up and down
You are the relief in my tiredness
The happiness in my sadness
Because you, only you, are my love
You are the sharpness in my dullness
You are the fluency in my stammering
You are the coconut in a rice cake
In kare-kare, you are the shrimp paste*
You are the answer to every riddle
Because you, only you, are my love
In my offered price, you are the discount
In my addition, you are the reduction
In my sickness, you are the alum**
In my weakness, you are the strength
You are the forward of my reverse
You are the brake in my burst of speed
You are the control in my recklessness
You are the the start and the end
Because you, only you, are my love
You are the image in my locket
You are the money in my wallet
You are the key to every room
Of love
In my mind, you are the SIM card
You are the charger when my heart is on low batt[ery]
You are the text, you are the call
Of deep love
Because you, only you, are my love

Voi fi acolo

Vers 1
Când lacrimile se rostogolesc pe fața ta
Și când ai senzația că doar inima ta e frântă
Când ajungi înapoi acasă și toate luminile sunt stinse, ooh
Și te obișnuiești să nu fie nimeni prin preajmă
Oh, oh, voi fi acolo
Când ai nevoie de puțină iubire, am ceva iubire de împărțit
Da, o să, o să, o să-ți demonstrez
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Oh, jur, am destulă iubire pentru doi, ooh, ooh, ooh
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Vers 2
Când e vineri seara și băutura nu mai ajută
Ești singur cu tine însuși și nu ai pe cine da vina
Când încă nu-ți poți simți bătăile inimi
Și îți vezi spiritul dispărând în întuneric
Oh, oh, voi fi acolo
Când ai nevoie de puțină iubire, am ceva iubire de împărțit
Da, o să, o să, o să-ți demonstrez
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Oh, jur, am destulă iubire pentru doi, ooh, ooh, ooh
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Când ești pierdut pe malul râului, voi fi acolo
Când ești pierdut în întuneric, voi fi acolo
Voi fi acolo atunci când inima ți se frânge
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine (voi fi acolo)
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine (ooh, ooh, voi fi acolo)
Oh, jur, am destulă iubire pentru doi, ooh, ooh, ooh
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
(Voi fi acolo când începi să plângi)
Voi fi acolo, voi fi acolo pentru tine
(Voi fi acolo, nu mă poți auzi strigând?)
Oh, jur, am destulă iubire pentru doi, ooh, ooh, ooh
(Voi fi acolo atunci când inima ți se frânge)
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine, ooh
Voi fi acolo pentru tine, ooh
Voi fi acolo pentru tine, ooh
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine
Voi fi acolo pentru tine, ooh
Voi fi acolo pentru tine, ooh
Nu vei fi niciodată singur, voi fi acolo pentru tine


Even when I'm quiet, I speak to you
I know you can hear me, I can feel it
You left me behind, missing you
I say it'll be alright, but I know myself
I start to decay from the heart
Something won't let me forget
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last
When love starts hurting, it breaks it all
Let the mention of your name break me
You left me behind, missing you
I say it'll be alright, but I know myself
I start to decay from the heart
Something won't let me forget
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last
Now I'm like autumn in love with the spring
Like a bird taking off without wings
You're my love, and it will stay like that forever
If only there was luck, so it could last

When the leaves fall in Autumn

When the leaves fall in Autumn, and to me, Nature, you seem in weep,
I can't stay silent about you, in my face I become like a leave,
Yellowed, frozen, like greenery in September,
Such is my song coming out, complainant from the depths of the chest.
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
Do you remember the springs, oh, the kisses with passion,
This heart will never forget your words,
Only if the leaves have fallen, withered, on the ground,
Then will I believe, how treacherous you are!
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
To me, summer flowers no more have beauty,
Poor them, they are withered, in vases, at the edge of the window,
They don't even have tears to revive them, youth tears are exhausted now,
Only when I miss you, I sing to love:
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.