Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 302
Te iubesc
De fiecare dată când te sărut, nu mă satur,
de fiecare dată când te am, o iau razna.
Și de fiecare dată când te privesc,
de fiecare dată un motiv în plus găsesc
pentru a continua să trăiesc.
Și de fiecare dată când te privesc,
de fiecare dată e ca și cum aș descoperi universul.
Te iubesc, te iubesc,
iar tu ești centrul inimii mele.
Te iubesc, te iubesc
cum iubește pământul soarele.
De fiecare dată când noaptea îți vine în păr,
pe fiecare stea albă mă simt gelos.
Și de fiecare dată când zorii se ivesc,
de fiecare dată mă simt și mai mult
prizonierul privirii tale.
Și de fiecare dată când sunt în brațele tale,
de fiecare dată un cântec se trezește
și se naște un sărut.
Te iubesc, te iubesc,
iar tu ești centrul inimii mele.
Te iubesc, te iubesc
cum iubește pământul soarele.
Te iubesc, te iubesc,
iar tu ești centrul inimii mele.
Te iubesc, te iubesc
cum iubește pământul soarele.
Beats Beats
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
It doesn't help running
The more you run
The more the heart falters
Beats, beats, beats, gets tired
Could even stop beating
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
Let the waters flow
Hold the rudder
Row with conviction
Beware of the current
So that the canoe won't tip over (3x)
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
It doesn't help running
The more you run
The more the heart falters
Beats, beats, beats, gets tired
Could even stop beating
Go slowly
Very slow, oh so slow
Calm, calm, very calm
Stop acumulating
Life is good
For the one who knows how to enjoy
And from here, my companion,
You can not take things with you
The summer will come
Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Uplandtoo!
Greetings, my old friend, I hope you're doing well
And that you've found your desires, far away, where your fate took you
A couple of years have passed and many things have changed here
But unfortunately there's no change regarding the most important thing
Sometimes it's worse, imagine the most recent thing:
They wanted to forbid us to sing our anthem
I know it pisses you off, it angers me too
That politics take a dump on our heads to this extent
And our political parties prefer to swim with the current
Because why should we stick together when we could have dissension?
Though what matters is so simple
Since we are of the same blood, no matter what they write on Index
By the way, come to a DACmatch once
It patches up wounds like a medic on the field
We sing 'Without you'and proud flags are flying
The fine voices of ten thousand unbreakable throats
It's the last bastion of the Upland
Colors, under which we would bravely board the same barge
It's enlightening that sport and music brings us together
And politics tear us apart to a thousand factions...
Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Upland too!
My dear friend, I hope my letter will find you
Now I'm going to write what I've wanted to since a long time
It's one thing that you've named your daughter Helena
But a Hungarian child should attend a Hungarian kindergarten
You've made the same choice regarding her school, this is who you are
Let's go my daughter, time to not learn about what Endre Adywrote!
I know of course that your intentions were good
But what you've achieved, is that she sweats to form Hungarian sentences
Because a Hungarian is not someone whose grandfather was Hungarian
But someone who has a grandchild who wants to remain Hungarian
I'm an Uplandian my friend, not a foreigner
I believe people shouldn't hate my guts
But that's what they do, on both banks of the Danube
But if I have to suffer for who I am, I will take it in stride
In Komáromthey play the Klapka Marchat noon
In the light breeze the proud trumpet solo is still soaring
My motherland, my life, my desires and my grave
Are all tied to this land and I'll have this written on my tombstone:
'I was born Hungarian, I lived among Hungarians
I will die as a Hungarian and my blood will be Hungarian!'
Watch it as the wind descends into the valley
It talks about old dreams
But we forgot them and the light
In our hearts went out
Wait! Because it's not a shame if it hurts
I'm bemused by this landscape too
And the summer will come to the Upland too!
I have a white rose to tend
Versions: #1
I have a white rose to tend
In July as in January
Fado of the Eagles
Oh, eagle who flies so high
Above those lands over there
Oh, eagle who flies so high
Ay, above those lands over there
Take me to the skies where I have
Ay, my mother's soul
My mother's soul
The tears that I cried
Take them because they are pure
The tears that I cried
Ay, take them because they are pure
They are the prayers I prayed
Ay, with longing and tenderness
With longing and tenderness
Hate Me
That you're gone isn't what hurts the most
And even though I asked for forgiveness too late
I'd rather be the bad guy and be the one who hurt you
Be all of those things that you no longer love
Than to be the one who no longer exists in your heart
If you want to let me go to be happy
You have to make me, I'm not gonna give you up
You came to love me and even though you say no
There's no love that hurts more than the one that's forgotten
Hate me, if you forget me it would be the worst
Kill me, drowning my sorrows would be a favour
Lie to me, tell me that I was your worst mistake
Because there's only hate where love used to be (Here there's love, here there's love)
Hate me, so that hate won't let you forget me
Kill me, I know that this love won't die
Lie to me, tell me that I was your worst mistake
Because there's only hate where love used to be (Here there's love, here there's love)
Hate me for love
Treat me with pain
If anyone's guilty here, no one's more guilty than me
Hate me for love
Treat me with pain
If anyone's guilty, no one's more guilty than me
If you want to get rid of me in order to be happy
You'll have to make me, I'm not gonna give up
You came t love me and even though you say no
There's no love that hurts more than the one's that been forgotten
Hate me, if you forget me it would be the worst
Kill me, drowning my sorrows would be a favour
Lie to me, tell me that I was your worst mistake
Because there's only hate where love used to be (Here there's love, here there's love)
Hate me, so that hate won't let you forget me
Kill me, I know that this love won't die
Lie to me, tell me that I was your worst mistake
Because there's only hate where love used to be (Here there's love, here there's love)
Hate me for love
Treat me with pain
If anyone's guilty, no one's more guilty than me
Hate me for love
Treat me with pain
If anyone's guilty, no one's more guilty than me
Hate me for love
Treat me with pain
If anyone's guilty, no one's more guilty than me
20 Years
Come, live life, love
Because the time that has passed
Won't come back
Dreams that time has erased
But for us, it remains
This song
A long time ago
You were a child
Who played on a swing
And the spinning top
You had black braids
And you chased butterflies
Like those who ran
Behind an illusion
A long time ago
I was another child
Who loved you dearly
Without knowing it
We came from school
And I offered you a flower
That you put in your hair
While smiling
Come, live life, love
Because the time that has passed
Won't come back
Dreams that time has erased
But for us, it remains
This song
Twenty years later
I met you by chance
On a city street
Where you lived
We stood still
And we looked at each other smiling
As one sees oneself
In a mirror in the morning
I gave you my phone number
I invited you to dinner
You loved seeing my
For a long time
We remained united
And we sang this song
So many times
Come, live life, love
Because the time that has passed
Won't come back
Dreams that time has erased
But for us, it remains
This song
Twenty years from now
When you're an old lady
Maybe I will no longer exist
To see you
You stay by the fireplace
Sewing your lace
But what matters
If remembering is living
A long time ago
You and I, two children
Who played on a swing
And the spinning top
We came from school
And I offered you a flower
That comes out now
In your heart
Come, live life, love
Because the time that has passed
Won't come back
Dreams that time has erased
But for us, it remains
This song
Come live life, love
Because the time that has passed
Won't come back
Dreams that time has erased
But for us, it remains
This song
Happy Birthday to you
Like this time you grow up a year
And I am at this time the world is stopping me
If I could have wished instead of you
I will pray for your heart to be always happy.
With someone else instead of me
Happy Birthday to you
Bad Boy
They know you as a bad boy
But you are my MY bad boy
And I love you
They know you as a bad boy
But you are MY bad boy
And I love you
Everything in my life changed when I laid eyes on you
You came and brought a storm with you
You’re on my mind day and night
And the marks of your lips on my body
I don’t care what my friends say
How everyone says you are the worst
I don’t care how they tell me to be careful
I can withstand it all with you babe
I don’t listen to what they write and the gossip
My final love I have all the responsibilities
I don’t listen to anyone anymore I’m unable to
And I ignore them
They know you as a bad boy
But you are my MY bad boy
And I love you
They know you as a bad boy
But you are MY bad boy
And I love you
Don’t search for love
Few have been on this path before
And as many people now tell me you are the wrong one
They don’t know what craziness is and what passion is
I don’t care what my friends say
How everyone says you are the worst
I don’t care how they tell me to be careful
I can withstand it all with you babe
I don’t listen to what they write and the gossip
My final love I have all the responsibilities
I don’t listen to anyone anymore I’m unable to
And I ignore them
They know you as a bad boy
But you are my MY bad boy
And I love you
They know you as a bad boy
But you are MY bad boy
And I love you
What would we do on Fridays?
Hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm
I've kissed so many mouths
and none of them have filled me.
I've known love but I've never fallen in love.
I've already been around the world,
this so strange world,
I've learned to let go of the things that hurt.
I just wonder, where are you?
If that place will be empty?
What do you smell like or which side do you sleep on?
Tell me, where are we going to travel?
What's your mom's name?
What are you afraid of?
What would we do on Fridays?
You're still not here,
and if I find you in Mexico or in Madrid?
I'll know it's you because because, to be honest, the best always comes last.
Tell me, what do you smell like?
Which side do you sleep on?
Tell what are you afraid of?
What would we do on Fridays?
I've searched so hard and I swear I can't find you,
to see if you were, I've gotten into so many stories,
I've been hurt, almost meaningless
by the time you get arrive, almost no one knows
friends ask me why do I keep that key?
That there are so many for me, that how much I'm willing to lose?
I just wonder, where are you?
If that place will be empty?
What do you smell like
or which side do you sleep on?
Tell me, where are we going to travel?
What's your mom's name?
What are you afraid of?
What would we do on Fridays?
You're still not here,
and if I find you in Mexico or in Madrid?
I'll know it's you because because, to be honest, the best always comes last.
You're still not here,
and if I find you in Mexico or in Madrid?
I'll know it's you (I'll know, I'll know, I'll know) because, to be honest, the best always comes last.
Tell me what do you smell like?
Which side do you sleep on? (Which side do you sleep on?)
Tell what are you afraid of?
What would we do on Fridays?
Tell me what do you smell like? (Tell me what do you smell like?)
Which side do you sleep on? (Which side do you sleep on?)
Tell what are you afraid of?
What would we do on Fridays?
I've kissed so many mouths
and none of them have filled me.
I've known love but I've never fallen in love.
Until When?
Until when?
The dead bodies, until when?
I'm tired of these days (that they don't care about people's lives)
The cold dominance of winter
To die in vain, until when?
Killing and being sacrificed
The heroes of homeland are in prison, until when?
Being lost among hundreds of people
Seeing the death of thousands on the streets, until when?
O God, until when are you going to be silenced? Come
Seeing these tears on the face of Iran, until when?
O God, until when are you going to be silenced? Come
Seeing these tears on the face of Iran, until when?
Am o inimă
Am o inimă
Care a învățat ceea ce vrea fără nicio teamă.
Care se dezvăluie dis-de-dimineață
Și chiar dacă va cădea, va tot merge înainte
Atâta timp cât va avea vocea sa.
Am o inimă
Care este așa de fidelă bătăilor sale,
Am un motiv
Pe care îl respect și care mă îndeamnă
Să fiu eu însumi pentru totdeauna,
Așa că nu mă dau bătut, astăzi nu.
Am o emoție fără frâne
Care vorbește cu vântul între patru ochi,
Am o inimă
Care strigă viața, viața pentru tine.
Și poate că se prăbușește universul,
Și poate că ne sfâșie această liniște,
Nu te teme alături de mine, mereu voi fi acolo,
Căutând o ieșire ca să nu cad.
Și poate că astăzi se sfârșește lumea,
Și poate că nu vom găsi nimic
Și că ne rămâne doar un zâmbet,
O flacără printre tăciuni,
Voi tot paria pe tine, pe tine...
Am un cântec,
O poezie în geantă care vorbește de doi,
Un 'te iubesc' și o viață
Care nu se pricepe la minciuni,
Care te caută și încă îți respiră vocea.
Am o emoție fără frâne
Care vorbește cu vântul între patru ochi,
Am o inimă
Care strigă viața, viața pentru tine.
Și poate că se prăbușește universul,
Și poate că ne sfâșie această liniște,
Nu te teme alături de mine, mereu voi fi acolo,
Căutând o ieșire ca să nu cad.
Și poate că astăzi se sfârșește lumea,
Și poate că nu vom găsi nimic
Și că ne rămâne doar un zâmbet,
O flacără printre tăciuni,
Voi tot paria pe tine, pe tine...
Și poate că se prăbușește universul,
Și poate că ne sfâșie această liniște și poate că...
Voi tot paria pe tine, pe tine...
My last farewell
Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressed,
Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost,
With gladness I give you my life, sad and repressed
Yes, I already know that there is no love
without loneliness,
that, some times, words
come to an end,
that, some times, it's necessary
to say a lie,
that, some times, there is laziness
in our hands.
Yes, I already know that you are tired
of listening
to the wind that, as it passes
by your window
tells you that I will come,
perhaps tomorrow, and you
take an eye corner glance
towards the street.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, I already know that time
is something that passes by,
that can't be stopped
neither by crying nor laughter,
that it is worth more the light
of a caress
than the slow hope
of some kisses.
Yes, I already know that you are tired
of waiting,
I already know that your cheeks
have bloomed.
I already know that you are loving me
I already know, woman, that you
are in love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
Yes, yes, yes,
I love you with my heart,
you will be for me,
me, your love.
You will be for me
Me, your love
Yes, yes, yes
I don't remember you anymore
[Carlos Rivera]
Who, who are you?
I don't remember your face well
Tell me once more, what's your name?
[María José]
Who, who are you?
You said you were a good friend
That we shared a destiny
[María José y Carlos Rivera]
Sorry, you must be mistaken
Nothing like this happened
I was never by your side.
I don't remember you anymore
Of what you say that I felt
I'm not the one you came to chase.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
[Carlos Rivera]
Who, who were you?
I don't belong to this story
You don't have a place in my memory
[María José]
Sorry, you must be mistaken
Nothing like this happened
I was never by your side.
I don't remember you anymore
Of what you say that I felt
I'm not the one you came to chase.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
[Carlos Rivera]
If I told you that I loved you, I lied.
I lied to you...
What Wasn't Won't Be
In your hands I learned to drink water
I was a Sparrow that stayed prisoner in your cage
Because I cut my wings and you gave me seeds
It was so little, yet I still loved you
My singing was always complete for you
Without you I couldn't fly in other skies
But you left me alone, confused and forgotten
And another hand offered me the fruit I wanted
What was one day, won't be
Don't come back to search for me
I don't have anything to give you
Of your seeds I'm tired
Go fly in other skies
And leave your cage open
Perhaps another Sparrow will fall
But give him to drink
Let me turn on the lights, I don't want anything
If this was yesterday, I would've taken it
The first time you offer for me to stay
But if I don't love you now, what would I win?
What was one day, won't be
Don't come back to search for me
I don't have anything to give you
Of your seeds I'm tired
Go fly in other skies
And leave your cage open
Perhaps another Sparrow will fall
But give him to drink
Answer me, tell me how life treats you
Deceive me with the words I want to hear
Dream up that you feel nostalgia
And tell me lowering your voice
That I'm still all your love
Confess that your heart is an empty nest
That far from me you have not been able to feel happy
I'd rather believe your lies
Dreaming is better than suffering
With the truth I cannot live
I want to think that your love is not fantasy
That I have you every day and that I never lost you
Despite the pain I want to love you more than before
And come back for a moment to feel you next to me
Hob XXI, 3 III,3: See how the swift youth rush.
See how the swift youth rush
To the hazel bush
the cheerful group of children swing
On every branch
And from the swaying bush
The ripe fruit rains like hail
The young builder climbs here
along the tall trunk,
nimbly up the ladder.
From the top that covers it
he sees his sweetheart drawing nigh,
and meet her step
then flies in a sweet joke
the edge of the nut.
Stand around every tree in the garden
the girls big and little
the fruit that they pick
same fresh color.
What Good Is Having Everything in Life?
Now nothing else matters
You went away, I was left so alone
I'm moving on without knowing my course
I can't get used to not having you here
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I'm so free today
I can love whoever I want
But nothing interests me
Even if it offers me
The world at my feet
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I know someone else loves you
You think you already forgot me
But when you feel him close
Everything is so deserted
You think of me
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
Concert pentru tine
Vreau să fiu cu tine pentru o clipă
Și să-ți dărui mii de sărutări, iubirea mea,
Căci știu, privirea din ochii tăi
E promisiunea clară a unei iubiri unice.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
Stelele zâmbitoare mă priveau,
Și în noaptea parfumată
În inima mea erai doar tu, doar tu.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
În noapte mă simt îndrăgostit.
Și orele au trecut,
Și-n inima mea domnești doar tu, doar tu.
Căci știu, privirea din ochii tăi
E promisiunea clară a unei iubiri unice.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
În noapte mă simt îndrăgostit.
Și orele au trecut,
Și-n inima mea domnești doar tu, doar tu.
Hob XXI 3, III, 2 So nature the work rewards.
So nature the work rewards,
calls him, smiles at him
Stillness at noon
Over hills and stream and valleys
silent joy and painful heartaches
cast a secret weave and shimmer, sunbeams!
Musingly day's bustle pauses
in the dark-blue sultry hour,
and eternal deepest feelings,
that of which you're unaware,
secretly, and strongly, gently,
leave the ever-trodden mazes,
step out of an unguarded breast
into still and boundless spaces.
There's a song in all things ringing,
Lost in dreams and still unheard.
And the world breaks forth in singing
When you find the magic word.
I Like You Just The Way You Are
[Verse 1]
Never change just to please me
For wanting to keep me with you
Never imagine what'd happen to you
If I stopped loving you
Never think that I'd abandon you
Don't fear my ingratitude
As much as during the good times as the bad ones
I like you just the way you are
[Verse 2]
Don't try new fashions
Nor dye your hair new colors
During my whole life you were always
Who I handed my entire love to
No longer try to impress me
You can make me annoyed
That's the way I accept you, that's how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
I want to know if you'll always be
The same one that I knew
I hope you have faith in me
As I have had faith in you
I said I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
[Saxophone Solo]
I told you I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
Hob XXI, 3 The seasons, Part One: The spring.
Largo - Vivace
(The introduction depicts the passage of Winter to Spring)
See how stern Winter flies,
he goes to the distant pole.
The blasting host of furious tempests
follows it, at its call,
howling awfully.
See how the melted snow runs down
in muddy streams in front of the steep rock!
See how she comes from the south,
sweetly attracted by the lukewarm winds,
the herald of the spring.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Awaken nature
From her death sleep!
Lasses and women
Gentle Spring is near,
already we feel the soft breath,
Son shall everything return to life.
Do not rejoice too soon,
often the winter, surrounded by fog,
creeps back and scatters
its black poison on bloom and germ.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Upon our meadows descend,
oh cone, gentle spring, oh come,
and delay no longer.
From Aries now the bright sun
shines down upon us.
Now frost and fog give ground,
mild vapours hover all round
Hob XXI, II, 11: The dark clouds are parted.
The dark clouds are parted
the storms anger is stilled.
Before it sets,
the sun peeps out again
and, with the last ray
lights the fields bedecked with pearls.
The fattened calf
satisfied and refreshed
returns to his usual cowhouse
The quail is clamouring for his mate
The cricket chirps within the grass
The frog is croaking in the pool
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.
Lasses, lads and women, come!
Golden slumbers now await us
For a pure heart, a healthy body
And a day’s labour wouch for that.
We’re coming, we’re coming, we’ll follow you
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.
Hob XXI 3 II, 9. Behold! In the sultry air.
Behold! In the sultry air,
a pale cloud of mist and vapours
rises the high rim of the mountain-range.
Forced upwards, the cloud extends
and soon covers the whole sky
of black darkness.
Hark! From the valley a hollow rumble
heralds the raging storm!
See, how the baleful black cloud
slowly expands
and threatening sinks toward the plain!
Nature’s life stands still
in fairful apprehension
Hob XXI, 3 II, 3: The dawn begins to shine.
The dawn begins to shine
little clouds dissolve like smoke,
the sky’s resplendent in bright blue,
the mountain-peaks in fiery gold.
The sun is rising, rising.
Jane, Lukas:
He is near, he is coming.
Jane, Lucas, Simon:
He is beaming, he is shining.
He shines resplendent on high
in flaming majesty
Hail to thee, o sun!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
O thou, the soul, the eye of all the world,
fairest likeness of the Deity!
We gret thee tankfully!
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
Wo could express the joy
That in effusion from thee flow?
Wo could number all the blessings
thy goodness shovers upon us?
The joy! Wo could express it?
The blessings! Wo could number it?
Wo could express it?
Wo could number it? Who?
We thank thee for giving joy.
We thank thee for giving life.
We thank thee for giving health.
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
But firstly let us praise the Lord who gave thee power and might.
Hail to thee, o sun!!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
Every voice acclams thee,
the Nature acclams thee.
Hob XXI, 3, 4: All around the folk now comes alive and move.
All around the folk now comes alive and move
Hob XXI, 3 II, 7 Welcome now, o shady grove.
Welcome now, o shady grove,
where the roof of an ancient oak
provides a cool umbrella,
and where the slender aspen’s leaves
whisper a soft rustle!
Near soft mosses the brook
runs here in bright waves,
And swarm of burring insects
dance gaily and confusely in the air.
The Zephir’s wing bears
the fragrant woodbine’s balmy scent,
and from from the nearby bush sounds
the sheperd-boy’s flageolet.
What refreshment for the senses!
What a rest for the heart!
Flows through every vein,
and in every nerve runs
a refreshing feeling.
The soul awakes
to delightful enjoyment,
and new strength arises
by mild urge the chest.
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love