Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 477


Very Beautiful

you are very beautiful
This much is a lot
Tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
you are very beautiful
This much is a lot
Tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
[verse 1]
For the love of God, you crazy guy
What brought you to my life?
You made my heart go very crazy
Have mercy on me, oh soul of my heart
For the love of God, you crazy guy
What brought you to my life?
You made my heart go very crazy
Have mercy on me, oh soul of my heart
you, who are very very very very beautiful
tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
[music break]
[verse 2]
Oh my! What beautiful eyes
Oh my! from you eyes
They are their own art
and I die for your art
Oh my! What beautiful eyes
Oh my! from you eyes
They are their own art
and I die for your art
you, who are very very very very beautiful
tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
you are very beautiful
This much is a lot
Tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
you are very beautiful
This much is a lot
Tell me, what do I do with you?
I am really concerned
That this much beauty will hurt you
Lebanese Music!

His dark habits

He traced me
Room by room, street by street
Perhaps a captive
I was running away from a shadow
This is his sickness
Breaking a promise elaborately
Including you, including me
All together
He came towards the sun, I was deceived
His dark habits
Everyone I've asked him about told me to run
But I couldn't
I was running away from a shadow
This is his sickness
Breaking a promise elaborately
Including you, including me
All together
He came towards the sun, I was deceived
His dark habits
Everyone I've asked him about told me to run
But I couldn't

I Was Born Naked

Versions: #2
Some mornings I found myself lost when I woke up
It's as if I was a shadow, I was on the floor when I was standing
I don't know, I don't know
Everybody is on their own business, they are following a thousand wishes
Am I the only one who can't? A repentant?
I don't know, I don't know
I breathed in, I breathed out
I am here, I won't give up, no
I was born here naked
Sorry, but I am not ashamed, not ashamed
Sometimes whatever I do I feel like it's a 1-1 tie in the end
If they asked, they wouldn't know if I were a loser or a winner
I don't know, I don't know
It's always the same question, it's both hard and correct
While my days are going on, where is my courage?
I don't know, I don't know
I breathed in, I breathed out
I am here, I won't give up
I was born here naked
Sorry, but I am not ashamed, not ashamed
No, no, no, I won't give up
No, I am not ashamed

The song of the Lake - The seagull

In the water you slide like a goldfish
And I'm the fisherman with an empty net
You're the sea and I'm your shipwrecked sailor
In your embrace I die and live
You're the southern wind and I'm a lost bird
Wherever you want you take me, you toss me
You're the northern wind, you freeze my wings
And afterwards with one kiss you take me up high
You hold the wheel and the sails
And I'm a lost lonely child
You're a witch and I'm your follower
Without you I don't know how to live
You're the southern wind and I'm a lost bird
Wherever you want you take me, you toss me
You're the northern wind, you freeze my wings
And afterwards with one kiss you take me up high


Don't even think about it
Waiting for you under the blue.
At the noon, summer breese blew
we hope to get out of world.
Hey, from now on what are we going to do?
They have never taught about the way.
Looked at your eyes just wander around without any word.
Don't even think about it
Adolescence is same as rubbish.
Although renounce by my piano,
off and on the tune never ends.
Hey, what are we going to be in
I wish I'll be able to forget it.
Say something please.
In my heart I keep a distance from my memories.
But It wouldn't disappear. Too late to undo so
hurry, No more reminding.
It is totally wrong.
They won't find it who are human.
Truthness,love,and circles,torment,life so what? I don't care.
Tell me what is right I want to know as a matter of instinct.
Then I found the answer. It is your fault.
It's no use thinking about it, I wanna be child forever.
'Someday If I pass over'... what a empty imagination.
“what are we going to be in future?”
Now I know the answer.
I am nobody.
How I come to terms with the aversion to the delighted people? How to get rid of it?
I have the monster in my back of unfulfilled mind.
It is may be not wrong ah,
all in all, you are human.
Affection,comfort,kindness. what a creepy things. show me the basis.
To feel the pain by such love songs as a matter of instinct.
Whatever,thats enough. This is your fault.
Don't even think about it
How even live I'm painful
Music isn't profitable
lyrics are unreliable.
I don't care.
I'm totally right.
I must not be wrong.
I am not wrong, right?
It is totally wrong, I really knew that,
may be they too.
Truthness,love,and confort,torment,life so what? I don't care.
Not be able to say correct answer as a matter of instinct.
I don't care, it is your fault.
Once I had belief too.
However I deserted it already.
I wrote about you over and over,
that's exactly I never mind about selling.
It is true. It isn't lie. I used to be.
So that's why
that's why I throw away our music.


Pășește în față acum, oh, oh
Nu voi mai cădea, adio tristețe
Nu mă voi mai apropia, adio lacrimi
Cred în mine, nu voi mai ofta
Griji așa banale, cu un zâmbet, pa, pa
Am învățat încă o dată
Nu voi uita niciodată de tine, da
Am crescut, mai puternică, mai mare
Oh da, da, da, da
Pășește în față, pășește în față, e iar începutul
Voi depăși mărind viteza ritmului meu
Doar pășește în față, pășește în față, pentru ca toți să vadă
Dă volumul mai tare, iubitul meu
Mâine va fi o nouă zi, am așteptări înalte
Asta-i plăcerea de a trăi, scapă de griji
Probabil că toți sunt la fel, nu voi fi discurajată
Griji așa mici, cu un zâmbet, pa, pa
Sunt mai puternică și mai mare
Oh da, da, da, da
În viața mea, mă pripesc și devin zgomotoasă
Crezi că am făcut-o pentru mine? Pentru mine?
Unu, doi, unu, doi, pășește, toți pe ritm
Nu fi speriat, nu, nu plânge, să o facem împreună
De ce te gândești la alte lucruri inutile, amețind?
Nu fă asta, hai să pășim cu toții în față
Nu mă voi întoarce
Timpul e prea scurt ca abia să privesc înainte
Pășește în față, pășește în față (de ce să fiți zgomotoși pripit?)
Măriți ritmul iar (crezi că am făcut asta fără motiv?)
Doar pășește în față, pășește în față, pentru ca toți să vadă
Dă volumul mai tare, iubitul meu


O my protesting people!
What have you done to me?
I cannot feel the sense of belonging against none of you
Cannot call your cause mine
I don't know, do I have the problem? What should I do with myself?
What if I told my nuisance?
Everywhere is dark. No hope for tomorrow
In fact I have lots of questions and the answers lay on the pages before me
Even though I don't want to see with my eyes
Everywhere is dark... Everywhere is dark
There is no light
Whenever I fall into this loneliness
Books always came to my aid
Thousands of years ago, under candlelight
People have reached illumination
Now, as all these masters watch
And so to say, as Gods are on our side
What did we do to fall into this loneliness
As if it reaches infinity from next to me
Everywhere is dark. No hope for tomorrow
In fact I have lots of questions and the answers lay on the pages before me
Even though I don't want to see with my eyes
Everywhere is dark... Everywhere is dark
There is no light
I must have angered someone again, I am cursed by God
I was neither a traiter nor a killer or thief
If this is your God, gentlemen, he has no justice
As protestors create new thesis'
As they aim to be marginal in some possible way
They lost the majority for the sake of being the minority
Armies, formed by pure sh*t
Whatever I did, it didn't work, I was always wrong
My statements were too bitter for most of them
Doesn't matter even if I had Titans backing me
From their point of view, I was always conclusory
The more I talk, the more I fail them
Please tuck me in mom, I am so cold
The carefreeness of people make me go insane
What in the world could end my loneliness?
Everywhere is dark. No hope for tomorrow
In fact I have lots of questions and the answers lay on the pages before me
Even though I don't want to see with my eyes
Everywhere is dark... Everywhere is dark
There is no light

Nori negri

Deasupra mea nori negri
Nu sunt mici dimensiunile
Eu tăcând cresc (mai mult!) Mă voi lupta
Ei își dau seama și se tem
Pistolul nostru de la microfon
Bârfim la secție
Caută motive nu găsesc
Noi va vom vopsi toți pereții
Nu vă vom urma nicio regulă
Noi nu suntem cancer ca ei
Nu știu motivul ăsteia
Nu mă tem de pistoalele voastre
Va iese miros de căcat din gură
Viața pe care ne puneți sa o trăim e oricum o închisoare
Va voi fute acei patru pereți
Cei care nu trăiesc ca voi sunt de vină
Sunt de vină pentru că nu am fost sclav ca voi
Nu avem rani de la nimeni
Este o vina și să spui ce vezi
Oamenii știu tot
Va urăsc sistemul
Ăsta încercă să fugă de adevăr
Nimeni nu iubește să trăiască așa
Nu avem răni cu bani stomacul câinilor plin nu a ajuns
Mănâncă spray cu piper (noi)
Așa ni-se umple stomacul (ei)
Sa apese toate drumurile se închid
Nu poți cânta muzică pe stradă
Nu poți spune ce ai trăit
O să muncești pentru ei
Șarpe vei fi sclav
Nu ne bătem capul cu voi pentru că suntem la înălțime (înălțime înălțime)
Dacă ne-ai spune sa ne schimbam ce ar conta nu ne schimbăm (nu higher)
Ceea ce faceți voi are nevoie de alte lucruri
Bine dar de ce violatorii se plimbă liniștiți afară
Va plânge o mamă cu conștiință
Vă las singuri
Deasupra mea nori negri (norii negri)
Deasupra mea sunt nori negri (nori negri)
Deasupra mea norii negri (deasupra nori negri)
Deasupra mea sunt nori negri (nori negri)
Poliția apăra criminalii
Percepția noastră murdară dar și fața noastră e murdară
Am o mână curată de ce nu vreți să o vedeți pe acea
Noi nu am văzut deloc bine de la voi (crede)
Voi vedeți la noi ceața (va fi)
Viața noastră șapte in ochii voștri orbi (nu sa umplut)
Mintea noastră liberă gândește
Visele mele nu rămân vise
Merg repede spre final nimeni nu m-ar opri
Fac acum sau niciodată
Sper că una dintre acele lumii să aibă un ghetou
Pentru că m-am săturat de acest sentiment de a nu fi
Motivele și de la minciunile amuzante
Crezându-se regi se păcălesc
Toți acești oameni sunt psihopați
Ei au în capul spatelui
In cap își vând fratele
Eu nu am nevoie să beau nimic neghiob
Beând capul capul meu nu se complică cu asta (oricum)
Nu sunt nici un căcat plângerile tale
Libertatea declarațiile mele
In acest cartier este politică
Fără cenzură rapul meu independent
Nu ne bătem capul cu voi pentru că suntem la înălțime (înălțime înălțime)
Dacă ne-ai spune sa ne schimbam ce ar conta nu ne schimbăm (nu higher)
Ceea ce faceți voi are nevoie de alte lucruri
Bine dar de ce violatorii se plimbă liniștiți afară
Va plânge o mamă cu conștiință
Vă las singuri
Deasupra mea nori negri (norii negri)
Deasupra mea sunt nori negri (nori negri)
Deasupra mea norii negri (deasupra nori negri)
Deasupra mea sunt nori negri (nori negri)
Ege Kökenli

I'll give you a ride

Hey, get in, I'll give you a ride
But back in the day you said I wasn't worth it
For a year, two and three you claimed that I wasn't worth it
But you saw me unexpectedly today and thought you were dreaming
Hey, you, you want some cash, and everything's fine
Vacations in Marrakesh, you're gonna walk there!
For a year, two and three you claimed that I wasn't worth it
But you saw me unexpectedly today and now I exist again
Do you remember how I lived like a beggar for you
And how I would even sleep on the bus stop just to be able to buy you anything?
But you would tell me that I wasn't worth your while
But I wouldn't stop giving you my all
Do you remember how I cried like a baby?
And how I waited for you outside your house like a fool?
And you told me that I wasn't worth your while
Get in, I'll give you a ride
Get in, I'll give you a ride
Hey, get in, I'll give you a ride
I asked me if I was OK and how it was going
I'm fine, I'm glad the movie's over
I erased my life and all the skank
Hey, you, you want some cash, and everything's fine
Vacations in Marrakesh, you're gonna walk there!
For a year, two and three you claimed that I wasn't worth it
But you saw me unexpectedly today and now I exist again
Do you remember how I lived like a beggar for you
And how I would even sleep on the bus stop just to be able to buy you anything?
But you would tell me that I wasn't worth your while
But I wouldn't stop giving you my all
Do you remember how I cried like a baby?
And how I waited for you outside your house like a fool?
And you told me that I wasn't worth your while
Get in, I'll give you a ride
Get in, I'll give you a ride
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.


It's been a while now that the phone is silent
As if there's a chip embedded in my head
One from all, re-reading your SMS's
You will get the sword, I will get the shield
We are infinite and everything sounds
Probably too late to mend
Delays in segments
Goodbye to you
If I call it means I got drunk
Goodbye Sergey
I have long suspected that you're a villain
Goodbye Artem
Your words mean absolutely nothing
Goodbye Anton
Well, what are you...
Well, what are you...
I've been tired of waiting for a long time
You can cry because I won't follow you
Well, what else can I do again
You're going to tell me
Your train is already long gone
It became calm and good
Well, how much more should I say to get the point across to you?
Goodbye to you
If I call it means I got drunk
Goodbye Sergey
I have long suspected that you're a villain
Goodbye Artem
Your words mean absolutely nothing
Goodbye Anton
Well, what are you...
Well, what are you...
So cool, but I don't play with feelings
I let go of your migratory flock
Goodbye, goodbye, to the pulse and to the edge
Good luck, good bye, you're not my fun
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

My black eyed, I want to die

My black eyed fell in love
I asked 'with who?' 'Darling, with you', he said
Apparently, he didn't sleep until morning
I asked 'why?', he said 'don't ask'
Your neck smells of roses
Apparently, he saw me in his dreams
'Between two arms',
I said, 'let me die'. He said 'don't!', he said 'don't!'
The world has an end
There is good and there is bad
My black eyed, I want to die
He said 'dude, persist and just live!'

Mare Neagră

Felinare ale corăbiilor strălucind și pierind,
Reflexia lunii lasă sclipiri pe mare,
Brusc, mistralul adie, am fost prinși de furtună,
Munții ne îndrumă, ne-am dat viețile pentru această iubire.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Navele sunt negre, îndreptându-se spre depozite,
Deasupra Mării Negre noi am ținut piept valurilor,
Brusc, mistralul adie, am fost prinși de furtună,
Munții ne îndrumă, ne-am dat viețile pentru această iubire.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Share music and kindness! :)

Call me

What (great) nights we had together
Storms breaking through our bodies
Then you cut like knife
I did not ask, you did not say
I had a few lovers after you
But believe me, i never felt this way
Why did you cut like knife
I did not ask, you did not say
Call me whenever you feel like
When crazy things cross your mind
If you feel the same love like
I do
Call me, don‘t wait any longer
Call me, I kiss you
I miss you so much, like crazy
Call me, I kiss you
I miss you so much, like crazy

Because I loved

Nothing is safe from being forgotten
There are only memories you don't want to give up
Don't so flippantly tell me
That I should be over it by now
The aroma of the evening is painful
My dinner won't go down
Just like a classic portrait, look,
I'm so easily crying
Because I loved,
I thought the sky was beautiful
Because I loved,
I looked forward to tomorrow
Because I loved,
I knew you
Nothing can be taken for granted
Because it'll one day be lost
Then when I found you
I thought it was destiny, ah
Furthermore, I loved you
More than you thought I did
I loved you, I loved you, I loved you
Now it's incredibly painful
Because I loved,
I thought the sky was lonely
Because I loved,
I was a bit scared of tomorrow
Because I loved
Because I loved, ah
I had dreams I didn't want to wake up from
A lonely shadow looking for you
The loneliness, the painfulness,
The longing, the affection
It all was
Because I loved
Because I loved
Nothing is safe from being forgotten
There are only memories you don't want to give up
Nothing can be taken for granted
Because it'll one day be lost


You, in my hands
You, in my eyes
Nights that passes, forlorn
You are beside me with everything of yours
This is the hardest one
Without saying 'I love you'
I left from you
You don't exist actually
I'm alone on this shore
What are you doing?
While you have not me in Ankara

Don't believe

I don't...
[Verse 1]
Open the doors to me, I'll run away from here
You don't have to believe but I love you
With you it is so hard and I
Won't be afraid anymore that I will lose you.
I won't be smeared the next morning
Maybe I can't forget you at all
Mom, it's so painful, like salt on the wounds
But, you know, it's easier than being with you
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you
Yeah, you loved me, I know, but I don't fly anymore
And I don't believe, I don't believe you
You didn't understand me and you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
[Verse 2]
Give me back the summer and I'll forget everything
I miss you like crazy
Hold me tight and just fly
To the sun, to the destiny
Let the feelings dissolve our resentment
I will become weak, just like you wanted
Mom, it's so painful when he's not around
He is my sun in the dark
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you
Yeah, you loved me, I know, but I don't fly anymore
And I don't believe, I don't believe you
You didn't understand me and you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
Take care of me, save me
I can't see myself without your hand
Take care of me, save me
There's no rainbow in the eyes without you
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you
Yeah, you loved me, I know, but I don't fly anymore
And I don't believe, I don't believe you
You didn't understand me and you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
I don't believe you, I don't bel...
I don't, you hurt me
Give me back the summer!

I will never forget you

Versions: #2
At the dawn, you will come to awake me
Barefoot, you will say your farewell
I am sure, you’ll never forget me
And I know, we are parting forever.
Shielding you from the cold of the winter
I will say to me: oh, God in heaven!
I am sure, I’ll never forget you
And I know, we are parting forever.
Blinkless, as the wind’s getting colder
Hopeless eyes shine at me, so tender.
I will never look over my shoulder
And I know, we are parting forever.
They will sound so solemnly distant
These two phrases, meaningless altogether:
“I am sure, you’ll never forget me,”
And “I know, we are parting forever.”

I love you

Lyrics: Kostas Karafotis - I love you
I gave a battle with the memories
I told myself a lot of lies
but how can you ignore the heart
it doesn't make mistakes when silence is speaking
I yelled, I burst, I broke into two
like the soul that leaves the body,
I miss you unbearably and inconsolably
there are my needs that are looking for cause
to look at you again
to tell you to stay here a little bit longer
to remind you again
that I still crazy love you,
I love you... I love you
I started a friendship with every fear
I faced my end
but in my mind the melancholy
what if the time passes, it won't stop
I yelled, I burst, I broke into two
like the soul that leaves a body,
I miss you unbearably and inconsolably
there are my needs that are looking for a cause
to look at you again
to tell you to stay here a little bit longer
to remind you again
that I still crazy love you,
I love you... I love you


First Verse: Yulianna Karaulova
You are calling me.
I stayed home, yes, I don't want.
To see you
I'm tired, tired.
You're arguing too much with me, raising your voice.
Chilling me out, stop.
You f----d up, boy.
How many times you promised, that you will stop being jealous.
How many times you're not responsible for your words.
How many times I forgive you, but you don't trust me.
I don't understand you at all.
Enough! You're paranoid boy!
Second Verse: Yulianna Karaulova
Don't call me.
I had enough,
Yes, I don't want to hear your voice.
You've really done it, you've really done it.
You can insult now someone else, fill her up with s--t.
Build a wall of jealousy.
You f----d up, boy.
How many times you promised, that you will stop being jealous.
How many times you're not responsible for your words.
How many times I forgive you, but you don't trust me.
I don't understand you at all.
Enough! You're paranoid boy!
Well, enough,enough! To be so jealous.
And I had enough of your embraces.
I'm uncomfortable with your eagerness
Well, enough,enough!
And I could not care less.
You're like a zealot, enough, I can't stand you.
Enough,enough! Enough,enough! Enough,enough! Enough,enough!

Crushed Beneath an Empty Sky 空っぽの空に潰される

Versions: #6
I collected too many letters that I had to get rid of my own belongings.
Just as I finally start to feel satisfied, the truth is it feels empty again.
''It's better to have more money'', ''It's better to have more friends'',
''It's better to have more peace of mind'' - what is ''happiness'' in the end?
We spell ''frantic (必死)'' as ''certain (必) of death (死)'', we spell ''dazed (夢中)'' as ''inside (中) of a dream (夢)''.
And, right now, frantic and dazed, we're running through the seasons.
Our injuries wouldn't stop growing, but we had friends who could laugh and say, ''It hurts!''
But don't envy your past self - that person's only an imaginary rival.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
These curt seasons come one after another, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
In the end, ''humans beings'' seem to have one or two things missing.
Do you think we're lacking something? Do you think we're in need of something?
I only have as little baggage as I need, and for me that's more than enough.
So let's see if I can run again. Let's see if I can run, frantic and dazed.
Today comes to an end, and another today comes around. I can't go anywhere as they stream past, but when I said I hate the things I hate, I've finally washed ashore at this ''today''.
That's why today is an anniversary: the anniversary of when I finally took a stand.
But there's still just one problem: today feels completely empty.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
The people and things we loved abruptly disappear, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
Would things get easier if I complained? Would things get easier if I did nothing but cry?
Does it feel nice to say ''I want to die''? Do I even want to take another step from here?
I left something behind somewhere, in a classroom or maybe back in the womb.
''Happiness'' must be learning to love your permanent flaws.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right? When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
I came all this way from a dark place, only to return back to another dark place.
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.

haven't i told you

dear learner, haven't i told u
u can't handle our grief
this is a morsel out of pure consent
haven't i told you that you're not able to swallow it?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to swallow it ? *(2)
those who don't eat, will remain in despair
all the blood through thier eyes
this is you phase, it comes & passes by
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ? *(2)
haven't i told u do not tell, haven't i told u
haven't i told u that you're not able to sense it ?
look at the manner of that love
it says whatever comes up in it's minds
haven't i told u that you're not able to
commit your life to the way of the true?
haven't i told u ah haven't i told u
haven't i told, u can't dedicate?
haven't i told u do not tell, haven't i told u
haven't i told, u can't dedicate?

Their Sacred Manner

Their sacred manner, my falling in love with them
Oh those times, those conversations, that era, of the heart
I remember them slightly
Even if they remember them or not
Oh those times, those conversations, that era, of the heart
They did not pay attention to the tale of my heart
A lifetime has passed but the pain does not pass, of the heart
Happiness turns to ashes through the union of the heart
Infatuation with burnt hearted ones is wrong
Laughing with the sorrowful is wrong
Happiness turns to ashes through the union of the heart
By loving, the heart discovered, that there is no happiness in love
Happiness turns to ashes through the union of the heart
I was unaware how love destroys you
If I speak, I feel sick
If I breath, I sigh
Happiness, the union of the heart..
Suffer and suffer, then live
Drink sips of your own anger
Don't sigh, seal your lips
This is love, not happiness
Happiness turns to ashes through the union of the heart
Oh Lord! I would not wish such a curse upon my worst enemy
Neither did they become mine,
Nor did my heart remain my own,
Instead of coming like this,
It was better if you had not come at all
There remains no transient impression,
No superstition, no dreams,
Why do you consider it a game?
Erasing you from my heart
In their gathering Naseer*, I swear by their beauty,
I watched helplessly as my heart slipped away from me
Their sacred manner, my falling in love with them.
*Naseer is the name of the poet

As if it were a bad dream

I don't want to open my eyes for another moment,
So that I won't see that I don't have you, that I can't touch you
I can't take another day rolling by with the bitter taste it's left
In my soul, our love has been erased
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and I haven't forgot how far away from you I'll be waking up for the rest of my life
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and all that we asked for have taken their last breaths 1
My eyelids are like closed doors again,
So I won't have to see that you aren't lying near me
Another day is waiting for me like a prison
And I with that my heart didn't feel so wounded,
But when God is in pain, a love dies.
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and I haven't forgot how far away from you I'll be waking up for the rest of my life
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and all that we asked for have taken their last breaths (x2)
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you...
  • 1. As in, all their hopes and dreams are dead.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


Isn't there sometimes,
Your absence,
Come with it,
It's a mistake you're staying
I didn't love anybody,
I lingered in a fake love,
Wich skin gets burned,
In a heat without you?
I wish I would have slept,
At the door, I shouldn't let you go,
What I have,
What I don't (have),
You should've take it,
You shouldn't give it back
I should've hide in your suitcase,
I should've go with you,
I took the world on my Blacklist,
I have a debt to the world
Isn't there sometimes,
Your absence,
Come with it,
It's a mistake you're staying
I didn't love anybody,
I lingered in a fake love,
Wich skin gets burned,
In a heat without you?
I wish I would have slept,
At the door, I shouldn't let you go,
What I have,
What I don't (have),
You should've take it,
You shouldn't give it back
I should've hide in your suitcase,
I should've go with you,
I took the world on my Blacklist,
I have a debt to the world
I wish I would have slept,
At the door, I shouldn't let you go,
What I have,
What I don't (have),
You should've take it,
You shouldn't give it back
I should've hide in your suitcase,
I should've go with you,
I took the world on my Blacklist,
I have a debt to the world

激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 (Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami) [The violence and the darkness of the burning heat entwines in my heart]

The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
Expose yourself
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
Salute the slyness in breeding
A positive mindset and feelings of love
become fading pleasures Suicide
Don't care about how you look
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
The worst existence
Dive like hell and destroy
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
Show me your lewd self (x4)

Ar fi trebuit să fiu eu

Acea iubire era mai întâi dreptul meu
Doar iubirea ta, ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Dacă nu ar fi intrat altcineva în inima ta
Dorința lui Allah ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Mâinile tale, trebuiau să se întâlnească cu ale mele
Ochii tăi, trebuiau să vorbească cu ai mei
Inima ta, doar cu a mea se înțelegea
În jurul gâtului tău ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Ar fi trebuit să fiu eu, ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Iubind, de dorul tău ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Nu pot iubi pe altcineva înafară de tine
Eu ar fi trebuit să fiu proprietarul inimi tale
Ar fi trebuit să fiu eu, ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Iubind, de dorul tău ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Nu pot iubi pe altcineva înafară de tine
Eu ar fi trebuit să fiu proprietarul inimi tale
Mâinile tale, trebuiau să se întâlnească cu ale mele
Ochii tăi, trebuiau să vorbească cu ai mei
Inima ta, doar cu a mea se înțelegea
Mâinile tale, trebuiau să se întâlnească cu ale mele
Ochii tăi, trebuiau să vorbească cu ai mei
Inima ta, doar cu a mea se înțelegea
În jurul gâtului tău ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Ar fi trebuit să fiu eu, ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Mâinile tale, trebuiau să se întâlnească cu ale mele
Ochii tăi, trebuiau să vorbească cu ai mei
Inima ta, doar cu a mea se înțelegea
În jurul gâtului tău, ar fi trebuit să fiu eu
Ege Kökenli

Trăiesc plângând

Dacă te uiți în ochii mei înțelegi
Dacă plâng eu trăiesc
Acesta este destinul meu din ziua în care m-am născut
Dacă plâng eu trăiesc
Problemele mele urlă ca o vioară
Fericirea în inima mea e ca un dușman
Viața mea plânge ca un roman
Dacă plâng eu trăiesc
Cele mai dureroase probleme le-am aruncat în mine
Mi-am îngropat în inimă dragostea fără speranță
Plâng de starea mea neputincioasă
Știu că dacă plâng eu trăiesc
Problemele mele urlă ca o vioară
Fericirea în inima mea e ca un dușman
Viața mea plânge ca un roman
Dacă plâng eu trăiesc
Ege Kökenli

Mă târăsc

Dacă te-ai întoarce la mine de pe drumul tău
Mă târăsc din lumea mea punctată
Nopțile fără liniște vise înfricoșătoare
Uită-te la mine mă târăsc
Ce dragoste am ce inimă iubitoare am
Mâinile mele obligate am rămas distrusă
Nu doar o zi te-am implorat în fiecare zi
Nu mi-ai auzit vocea mă târăsc
M-am consolat în fiecare zi dându-mi mii de speranțe
Plângeam după venea frustrarea
De la început mă rănești îmi creezi probleme
Mă târăsc în starea mea dureroasă
Ce dragoste am ce inimă iubitoare am
Mâinile mele obligate am rămas distrusă
Nu doar o zi te-am implorat în fiecare zi
Nu mi-ai auzit vocea mă târăsc
Ege Kökenli


Those cops that just came around
Those cops that just came around
Those cops that just came around
What they want at this hour
They came to give us heat
They came to give us heat
They came to give us heat
And to boss us around
Cops and police officers
Cops and police officers
Vre cops and police officers
Oh there's a little fascist with them
Po po po po those cunts
Po po po po those sluts
Dudes let's burn the bridges (x5)
Cops come and suck our dicks (x3)
Dudes let's burn the bridges

Anthem of Karschay-Cherkssia

Versions: #2
I am proud of the ancient Motherland!
Eternal light snow Elbrus
And holy Kuban clean stream!
These steppes, these mountains
I - and the roots and support
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!
I am grateful to the Fatherland
For all the years of his life
Among the fraternal languages, darling persons
You are given by nature itself
The cradle of my peoples,
My cities, villages and villages!
You are the pearl of Russia!
Let the blue under the peaceful sky
Good will always be your fate!
And live forever, my dear,
Evil and bitterness without knowing
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

Tomorrow Will Surely Come

See how the gently fallen snow melts in my hand
Disappearing until nothing is left.. like it was never there
Doesn’t it seem like the most important things are the most fragile
We can’t hold onto them, they just drift quietly away
In a distant, faraway corner of the universe
The two of us met by chance
I want to call it a miracle, this feeling
And I want you alone to know
But I’m no good at saying what I really want to say
Wandering, searching that’s how I’ve lived
Now, I think I’ve found my one and only light
But if I try to pursue it, it will only run away the future is undecided
While stopping along the way over and over again
We’ve shared smiles and tears alike
You and I have made this journey
And that’s the only truth of which I am certain
When rain falls, I’ll be the umbrella that covers you
When the wind blows, I’ll be the wall that shields you
And however deep the dark of night
Tomorrow will surely come
The flowers that bloom in spring, and the sandy beaches of summe
An autumn evening, and a sunny spot in winter
However many seasons come and go
Our prayer will transcend even time and space
Far away (In a corner of the universe)
Far away (I think about you)
I want to call it a miracle, this feeling
And I want you alone to know
While stopping along the way over and over again
We share smiles and tears alike
Because this journey the two of us have made
Won’t just fade away
When rain falls, I’ll be the umbrella that covers you
When the wind blows, I’ll be the wall that shields you
And however deep the dark of night
Tomorrow will surely come
I want to tell only you
That tomorrow will surely come

I adore a dark-skinned guy

Versions: #4
I adore a dark-skinned guy
He hunted me and threw me away
With my inattention, he came to me.. yooh
Oh my, his beauty. oh my, his coquetry
I swear, my soul is grant for him …hooh
I adore his beautiful soul
I adore his his pitch-black eyes
I adorer him and love has depleted me
oh my oh my oh my
I adore a dark-skinned guy
He hunted me and threw me away
With my inattention, he came to me.. yooh
Oh my, his beauty. oh my, his coquetry
I swear, my soul is grant for him …hooh
Nothing on my mind, my heart was empty …empty and satisfied
He set my fire، changed me and my fire has not extinguished
Ah from the fire of the dark-skinned guy..the dark-skinned guy. X2
I adore his beautiful soul
I adore his his pitch-black eyes
I adorer him and love has depleted me
oh my oh my oh my
I adore a dark-skinned guy
He hunted me and threw me away
With my inattention, he came to me.. yooh
Oh my, his beauty. oh my, his coquetry
I swear, my soul is grant for him …hooh
His whispers tickle my feelings with a word or two
In his passion my happiness increases
And my joy doubles
Ah from the fire of the dark-skinned guy..the dark-skinned guy. X2
I adore his beautiful soul
I adore his his pitch-black eyes
I adorer him and love has depleted me
oh my oh my oh my
I adore a dark-skinned guy
He hunted me and threw me away
With my inattention, he came to me.. yooh
Oh my, his beauty. oh my, his coquetry
I swear, my soul is grant for him …hooh