Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 96


Inima de sticla

Aceeasi poveste se repeta intotdeauna
Iar finalul este mereu ... tragic
Este doar vina inimii mele, care isi tot face iluzii
Iar in cele din urma platesc doar eu.
--- R ---
De fiecare data cand te cred, ma lasi mereu pustiita
De fiecare data imi frangi inima in bucati.
Iar cand am nevoie de tine, tu esti departe.
Iar eu izbucnesc ... în lacrimi
De fiecare data cand imi spulberi visele.
Ori de câte ori m-ai uitat sau m-ai ranit
Si inchei toate cu cate o minciuna
Il superi si pe ... Dumnezeu.
Dumnezeule ... pentru ce mi-ai dat ...
... O asa inima de sticla
Doar pauze care doar ma dezamagesc
Ma risipesc si ma fac sa tremur.
Spune-mi cu ce-am gresit,
De mi-ai dat o asa inima ?
Oare cum o sa pun toate piesele la loc,
Pentru a putea iubi dinou?
--- 2 ---
Este doar vina inimii mele care se daruieste cu usurinta
Si care este inselata ... mereu.
Iar la final, vine cu disperare
Sa mai adune ce nu se mai poate...
--- R ---
De fiecare data cand te cred, si ma lasi pustiita
De fiecare data cand imi frangi inima in bucati.
Iar cand am nevoie de tine, tu esti departe.
Iar eu raman ... sa vars lacrimi.
De fiecare data cand imi spulberi visele.
Ori de câte ori m-ai uitat sau m-ai ranit
Si inchei toate cu cate o minciuna
Il superi si pe ... Dumnezeu.
Dumnezeule ... pentru ce mi-ai dat ...
... O asa inima de sticla
Doar pauze care doar ma dezamagesc
Ma risipesc si ma fac sa tremur.
Spune-mi cu ce-am gresit,
De mi-ai dat o asa inima ?
Oare cum o sa pun toate piesele la loc,
Pentru a putea iubi dinou?

You didn’t hear I called you

You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you

Μy heart is a letter

My heart is a letter
Closed in my hands
That the tears sealed
Along with everything I had to tell you
My heart is a letter
You never read
Because you either don't want to open it
Or you don't want to cry too
I'll send you one letter
To read if you can
To see that I am a leaf
That was thrown on the ground

In your heart

I'm leaving but muffle yourself well
it's so cold tonight, freezing, bleakness
I'm leaving but watch out because you drive
a little gruffly and fretfully, when you have drunk
If you look for me one day you will find me
In your heart, like the blood that flowed deep like a pang
a breath that stops again on your chest like a shadow
In your heart, like a tear that streamed in a sudden cry
a train that leaves with a night burden into the void
I'm leaving but call me if you want from time to time
to tell me something sometime
I'm leaving but now that someone else is going to have you
don't tell him what we did and our dreams
And if you look for me one night
You will find me
In your heart, like the blood that flowed deep like a pang
a breath that stops again on your chest like a shadow
In your heart, like a tear that streamed in a sudden cry
a train that leaves with a night burden into the void

my heart is crushed

A dead world
drinks the cold milk
boats come and go
they bring more deads
mothers lose their kids
kids cry because they lost their mothers
monsters play cards
-Throw the five!- scream the dead killer
suddenly the lady sh't and watermelon speaks again
until the red moon takes out the knife
and starts killing
My heart is crushed in the poetry
and from the stones and the tears are rolling down
of the fat kid the thorns and dreams
Music of the machine of the boat
Lets never end ,hands in the port
its from you and for you I am in pain
i know a word of yours when it comes
its the joy of the empty market
because your arrow crossed inside
the roof of a bloody ambulance
hands,parties,promises everywhere
seven months babies that lived
and mothers always to worship
My heart is crushed in the poetry
the schedule of this boat
i want a silver word as well
and worked year in the forgetfullness of the wheel
to promise you
even if i am the last student

I'm losing my heart

Since the moment I lost you, the nights grew longer
And everything around me was like a deserted planet
Since the moment I lost you, the moon hid
And every memory of you was taken by the breeze
I'm losing my heart
(I'm losing)
Come back, come closer to me
You hold the power to finish me in your hand
The power is in your hand, only in your hand,
And you can save me.
Since the moment I lost you, time stopped
No matter where I go in this world, I feel like I've been alone all my life
Since the moment I lost you, I only count bitterness
I gave you my dreams and you took my life.
I'm losing my heart
(I'm losing)
Come back, come closer to me
You hold the power to finish me in your hand
The power is in your hand, only in your hand,
And you can save me.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


The sun hid early, you're missing and it's scaring me
And a bird in a corner says it and groans
It's singing songs of fire, of rocks and dryness
But there's one song that pains me, one that says you'll never find another love anywhere
Fire away, brother, fire away so your glass will break
Because your little girl is leaving you and she's drinking with another.
Photographs flash in front of my eyes
I'm remembering a life and the sins flood in
Look and see where I've gotten, how everyone is telling me 'goodbye'
But there's one thing that pains me--I'm not going to find another love anywhere.
Fire away, brother, fire away so your glass will break
Because your little girl is leaving you and she's drinking with another.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Ashegham Karde

believe that everywhere became heaven with you
can't write something
till would reach to it in a day
something like love
you're my wit and attention in this days
You know that you'r mine
you're in all of my memories
I can not not want you anymore
You're somewhat else to me
wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love
who takes this heart only with a word
Your place is here , in a corner of my heart
me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?
wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love
who takes this heart only with a word
your place is here in a corner of my heart
me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?
It has this feeling towards you only
My heart is without will in front of you
I lost myself in your eyes
Cause i love you it's very simple
I die for you in every way
I won't lose you easily
I want you the excitement of my heart
Is fabulous for loving you
wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love
who takes this heart only with a word
Your place is here , in a corner of my heart
me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?
wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love
who takes this heart only with a word
Your place is here , in a corner of my heart
me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?

You cut my heart into slices

Versions: #2
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
You cut my heart into slices
You cut my heart into slices


I forgave myself today.
I gave up on waiting for you.
I wanted you to be someone you've never been.
I made a mistake, we are human eventually.
How warm was your hands.
Your heart was like a snowman.
Sort of it both exists and doesn't exist.
I don't know yet what were you to me?
I allowed myself today
and I dreamt of us for the last time.
I wanted you to be someone you've never been.
I made a mistake, we are human eventually.
How warm was your hands.
Your heart was like a snowman.
Sort of it both exists and doesn't exist.
I don't know yet what were you to me?

My Little Brother

My little brother is in love, asks for a way out
Asks when his pain will soothe
His hands and legs are wounded, his eyes look unhappy
I've never had time to be calm
Since I've heard
That's why he's been so silent all these times
My little brother, just like me

What The Hell Have You Done?

What the hell have you done with my ruined heart?
Oh look at my ruined mood my crazy love/beloved, what the hell have you done to me?
Before your presence in my life, I was at ease of mind and used to live in the silk/cocoon of my habits
What the hell have you done to my butterfly/astonished mood? (The butterfly, hovering around a light source until getting burned, is the symbol of astonishment)
What the hell have you done to me?
With no need to be drunk, I’m boozy, because of the wine glasses of your eyes
My bar room {i.e. eyes} is boozy/languid due to the wine of your eyes
What the hell have you done to me? What have you done?
Do you think my shoulder didn’t deserve to be leaned upon by you? (i.e.: I deserve to be relied on by you)
What the hell have you done to heal the grief of my shoulder in the lack of being leaned upon by you? (i.e.: What a pity, you didn’t stay with me?)
What the hell have you done to me?
You depressed/exhausted me and went wearily by yourself without me
Oh Traveler, what the hell have you done to my house {i.e. eyes} suffering from the lack of your presence?
What the hell have you done to me?
My mental world is full of wet tears/rain, because of my cry for not having you in my life
What the hell have you done with my ruined heart?
Oh look at my ruined mood my crazy love/beloved, what the hell have you done to me?

Wings of the Heart

I let you go, I left, and erased
everything so I wouldn't remember.
I hurt, broke down, and cried
but only now I am not afraid.
I've given my heart wings
I lose myself in the air
and I go only where I like
I'm not turning back a second time
now in my travels
you don't have a seat anymore.
I collected my things and put
my dreams in my car.
I looked back and weeped
but now I know I'll be fine.
I've given my heart wings
I lose myself in the air
and I go only where I like
I'm not turning back a second time
now in my travels
you don't have a seat anymore.

Heart doesn't forget

Sadness, despair, anger
A slow death, this is the separation
Who would've imagine that the time will come and the love won't be enough
The world changes away from you
I have changed too, before the weather bent me
But I didn't make it, to erase from my lips your name....
Heart doesn't forget
We will meet again
You will look for me at your foreign kisses
We will meet again even if it doesn't go anywhere
Even if I burn in the end in your fire
Heart doesn't forget
We will meet again
The fight isn't over yet
Heart doesn't forget, the streets of our love will bring us close
In my loneliness's sea bed
Every night I acrobat and look to find
In faraway memories
In ours little moments
In petting and hugs
The world changes away from you
I have changed too, before the weather bent me
But I didn't make it, to erase from my lips your name....
Heart doesn't forget
We will meet again
You will look for me at your foreign kisses
We will meet again even if it doesn't go anywhere
Even if I burn in the end in your fire
Heart doesn't forget
We will meet again
The fight isn't over yet
Heart doesn't forget, the streets of our love will bring us close
One night you will remember me in moment's crazy
You search to find me
On tearful Sunday
In wrong hugs
In fake moments...

Dragul meu frate

Uite frate
Dă-mi mâna
Vino fratele meu
Ți-am adus bucurie
İa fratele meu
Mânca, înăuntru, trandafir, joacă
împachetează fratele meu
Brațul lui gâtul meu
Dragul meu frate
îmi sacrific viața pentru drumul tău
Apăsați pe fratele meu
Toți oamenii
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Scopul întotdeauna pentru unul
İnimile împreună
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Fii fericit
Suferim împreună
Uite frate
Dă-mi mâna
Vino fratele meu
Ți-am adus bucurie
İa fratele meu
Mânca, înăuntru, trandafir, joacă
împachetează fratele meu
Brațul lui gâtul meu
Dragul meu frate
îmi sacrific viața pentru drumul tău
Apăsați pe fratele meu
Toți oamenii
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Scopul întotdeauna pentru unul
İnimile împreună
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Fii fericit
Suferim împreună
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Scopul întotdeauna pentru unul
İnimile împreună
în lume vi o singură dată
Lăsați cearta în fiecare zi să cânte acest cântec
Dragostea râde pe fiecare față
Fii fericit
Suferim împreună
în lume vi o singură dată
Ege Kökenli

True Friends

We've known each other for many years
There isn't a friend more loyal
Together in school and at the cinema
Together we grew up, but...
You are pretty and tender
You I need more and more
I want to embrace you
And whisper to you
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest
How to begin I don't know
We're already true friends
I fear losing you
It's better I shut up
But the warm breath
We sit shoulder to shoulder
Just us two alone
And I listen in silence
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest
Who we were, we did not forget
Only we then still did not know that we were in love
We hoped, but did not understand
that you can't invest in love, we will remain friends
But we never had the chance, we never had the chance, we never had the chance
It's late!
Now we can't be one without the other
All is now serious
Looks like we worried in vain
Our friendship won't be complete without love
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest

Ce îmi pasă mie

Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se întoarcă lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se reflecteze lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se întoarcă lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se reflecteze lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Întotdeauna pierzi dar așteaptă
Nu adăuga nimic în viața ta
Când eşti sărac mănâncă acasă
Jocuri de-a bogăția verificați factura
Dar pe inima mea a trecut
Ultima oprire pentru noi toți sa datorat
Care a fost noaptea când ziua a fost frumoasă?
Stațiunea îmbogățită a falsificat noaptea
Sunt rece din Ayaz până-n Ankara
Nu treci la gâtul Istanbulului
Nu treci de aerul Izmirului
Vara din tur
Puneți piatra pe tinerețea cu vise
Care este setarea pentru această scală?
Ai spus că vei face un bărbat
Care este cauza violenței unei femei?
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se întoarcă lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se reflecteze lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se întoarcă lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ce îmi pasă mie Ce îmi pasă mie
Să se reflecteze lumea Ce îmi pasă mie
Ege Kökenli


Would it be enough?
If i said i was writing to you every day, Would it be enough?
If i said be my night, be my morning
If all my songs were about you, Would it be enough?
Does your soul want that?
Will your heart fall in love with me?
Will your angry, broken heart fall in love with me again?
If i said be my water, be my ground
If i mentioned your name in all my stories, Would it be enough?
Can that persuade you?
Like a snowwoman
You are standing in front of all people
I know i can warm and melt you if that is what you want
If i can take you to a secluded special place, believe me i won't stop
Would it be a bad idea? If i healed your wounds with love and kisses
Does your soul want that?
Won't you and your soul surrender?
Screaming 'I love you'
Building a world for two person, Was that a dream?
Will this end?
Will this desire of waking up in your arms end?
My heart is confident
But don't you have that oath?, It will be a sin for us
What a pity!
Like a snowwoman
You are standing in front of all people
I know i can warm and melt you if that is what you want
If i can take you to a secluded special place, believe me i won't stop
Would it be a bad idea? If i healed your wounds with love and kisses

In the centre of the heart

How did you become
a wild sea into which its depths I fell
and now that I am a half
I sit alone in the shallows seeing what I lost
how did you become
an abrupt cliff which did not seem
like a big ending
Inside it, my life was taken, and it burns.
Inside the centre of my heart
How much will you still beat
How much will you still beat
Tell me, tell me
Do you know how much I love you
Ways for me to hate you
Ways for me to hate you
Find them for me, find them for me
How did you become
a lost road which I walked barefoot
and now that I am a half
I can't find a trace to show me where I went
how did you become
a vermillion moon which blazes
a goodbye in the silence
full of thorns which wounds when it is spoken
Inside the centre of my heart
How much will you still beat
How much will you still beat
Tell me, tell me
Do you know how much I love you
Ways for me to hate you
Ways for me to hate you
Find them for me, find them for me
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.

Like The Heart

Things changed and I left,
No matter how much goodbye hurts.
I avoid the lies and the wrongs.
In my life, you were all of those things.
Things changed and I left,
No matter how much goodbye hurts.
Like the heart
I hated what I loved.
You were wrong, after all,
And I don't live in your lies.
Like the heart
I go to search for my life,
And if you return to find me,
You will get lost in my silence.
I hide my tears and go,
On an empty road, I walk,
And I know that when I look back,
Only, only pain is what I owe you.
I hide my tears and go,
On an empty road, I walk,

Have Courage My Love

Have courage1 my love
I don't want you to get sick
You have suffered enough
I'm afraid you will crush
You were a victim I know
I told you to be careful
With women who steal hearts
You should not be entangled again
Hide your pain now
And don't complain
You will suffer the same
If you don't listen to me and you pull away
  • 1. Be patient

Four eyes, two hearts

Four eyes, two hearts (x2)
When they fall in love (x2)
It’s better (for them) to die (x2)
Than to get separated from each other (x2)
For you and me the sorrows were given
The suffering, the pains and the sighs
For you and I and anyone else
The pains and the complaints were given
If it weren’t you (x2)
I wouldn’t ever fall in love (x2)
I wouldn’t know what love is (x2)
And I would live happily (x2)
Damn you Polis, tsesmetze lantern
You took away my bird that I loved so
Damn you Polis, the moment you opened your gates
I thought I could win but you took it away from me
I told you, my black-eyed girl (x2)
Not to fall in love with each other (x2)
Because love is crazy (x2)
And we will be transpired (x2)
Your height is a golden cross
And your whole family is pure gold
I spend in your hand a diamond ring
And its diamond writes that I will become your husband 

I'm calling you, come, dear, come

I call you, come, dear, come
Love, I'll die if you want*
Oh, you don't come, may (God) make you homeless*
Tell me what to do.
I've plucked a bouquet of roses
Love, I'll die if you want
I've put the roses on your way
Tell me what to do.
The roses are wet because of the dews
Love, I'll die, if you want
The dews are the tears of my heart
Tell me what to do.

At my heart's leaves

At the leaves of my heart
I hide my love
But the longing melts me
And a Iife ends (x2)
Like a withered leave
Thrown on the road.
For your love
I choke in my tear (x2)
.....I hide my love withered leave
.....thrown on the road

Empty heart of mine

I am not alone
I have memories
A hope that you'll come back to resurrect me
Keeps me standing
I am not alone
Even if pain hits me
I'm afraid to lose you and I say I exist
In my empty heart
Empty heart of mine
How do you keep beating I don't know
Now that I suffer, cry and break down
Into loneliness
Empty heart of mine
I'm lying to you
She's gone forever, I lost everything
I no longer exist
I am not alone
I have the marks
The gloomy nights that cut me
Deep inside
I am not alone
Even if I look like an empty street
You've become a habit of mine and I'm hiding the truth
In my empty heart
Empty heart of mine
How do you keep beating I don't know
Now that I suffer, cry and break down
Into loneliness
Empty heart of mine
I'm lying to you
She's gone forever, I lost everything
I no longer exist
I am not alone
I have memories

You went

You made bleed the world's heart that you went like this
You got all of my happiness with your departure
You were like the feeling of a new love
You were extreme like the legend.
No one has been like you for me.
How cruel you are world, because it's too soon for loneliness.
You made bleed the world's heart
That you went like this
You got all of my happiness with your departure
You were like the feeling of a new love
You were extreme like the legend...
You made bleed the world's heart
That you went like this
You got all of my happiness with your departure
You were like the feeling of a new love
You were extreme like the legend..

A mother's heart

For me, my mother you aged
bit by bit you nutured me
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
For a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you my mother
and when she left me too,
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace
I behaved ungrateful, my mother
for a heart that I loved
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
for a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you, my mother
and when she left me too
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace

My heart, they sold you out

Drop by drop, the rain pierces through marble
bitterness* by bitterness, the soul ends up black
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
Pull pull the rope, it'll break at some point
patience is too a tree that gives way
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
*a bitter incident

I'm making my heart stone*

Desserts and nights without dreams
In my mind I've the worst (scenario)
If I'll die or I'll live you don't care anymore
You left and became bitterness in my heart
Burn my heart to be stone
To not ask you again
But it needs you day and night
And it hurts every time more and more
Our moments cry as if they were two eyes
And you say 'I'm leaving' and burn everything
To count the wounds and everything to be faulty
I love you so I won't think it's your fault

In seara asta, inima mi-e inversunata.

Nikos Vertis -
'Thimose Apopse I Kardia / In seara asta, inima mi-e inversunata...'
Translated: Ciprian DRAGNE
--- 1 ---
In seara asta, inima mi-e inversunata
Si doreste sa se sfartece
Dar oricum ar fi, nu ma mai doare
Pentru ca deja sunt daramat.
Traiesc in propria mea inchisoare
Iar in zori vine sfarsitul
A mai ramas cat un varf de cutit
Suparat inca ... in asteptare
Si este gresit sa mai cred
Ca vreau sa vad daca te intorci.
--- R---
Daca as numara greselile, sunt singurul vinovat
Ca n-am pastrat nimic si pentru mine
Nu-mi spune ca-ti pare rau, este doar o noua minciuna
De n-o mai poti spune nimanui (2x).
--- 2 ---
Sufletul imi arde ca un chibrit
De la tot ce-mi aminteste de tine
Am plans pe margine ca un copil
Care se supara atunci cand greseste
Si este gresit sa mai cred
Ca vreau sa vad daca te intorci.
--- R---
Daca as numara greselile, sunt singurul vinovat
Ca n-am pastrat nimic si pentru mine
Nu-mi spune ca-ti pare rau, este doar o noua minciuna
De n-o mai poti spune nimanui (2x).