Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 96


Such A Delight

We were at the bar with friends
We drunk, laughed and had some fun
After partying so hard
We sat back to a quiet place
A hottie came to me
'Would you dance with me?'
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Would you go out with me?
Would you hang out with me?
Yes or No?
Come on, answer, answer now.
Oh girl, who can ever say no to you?
With those looks of yours?
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
We were at the bar with friends
We drunk, laughed and had some fun
After partying so hard
We sat back to a quiet place
A hottie came to me
'Would you dance with me?'
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Would you go out with me?
Would you hang out with me?
Yes or No?
Come on, answer, answer now.
Oh girl, who can ever say no to you?
With those looks of yours?
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch


Dacă aș fi un porumbel alb, aș ateriza pe fereastra ta
Fereastra ta este prea înaltă, am aterizat pe genunchiul tău
Dacă aș fi un porumbel alb, aș ateriza pe fereastra ta
Fereastra ta este prea înaltă, am aterizat pe genunchiul tău
Ay Ramo Ramo Ramo iubitule
Ramo Ramo frumosule ,
Am aterizat pe genunchiul tău
Ay Ramo Ramo Ramo iubitule
Ramo Ramo frumosule ,
Am aterizat pe genunchiul tău
Cămașă de in opt fire cumpar patru si vand patru
Dacă iubești pe alta , nu te ridica, dormi pe pietre
Cămașă de in opt fire cumpar patru si vand patru
Dacă iubești pe alta , nu te ridica, dormi pe pietre
Ay Ramo Ramo Ramo iubitule
Ramo Ramo, nu te ridica, dormi pe pietre
Ay Ramo Ramo Ramo iubitule
Ramo Ramo, nu te ridica, dormi pe pietre
Ay Ramo Ramo Ramo iubitule
Ramo Ramo frumosule ,
Am aterizat pe genunchiul tău


In the end we go separate ways
Guess it was too much to adjust to each other Used to tell me how you’re all in love woah oh
Said we would last forever woah oh
Even if you try to hide it, it’s in your eyes
Tell me honestly, your face says it all anyways You say as if you were the only one who had a hard time
Fiery love ends with fiery breakup
You’re beating around the bush Picky girl
Let it conclude itself within the context
No thanks to common episodes
Just the moments of closing one eye
and appealing to compassion
Unexpected inside story
Get beaten up and suffer severely
But it gave me thicker skin to say
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Stop being stupid
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl
Go Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Don’t turn back and just leave
Heard that you been feeling good
But I’ve been feeling better
Without shedding a single tear, I removed all feelings for you
Feeling like a boss and I know you see it all
In my glow up glow up glow up
Don’t think of coming back to me pathetically
Nobody’s gonna accept you back unless they’re crazy
Understand it when I’m still saying it nicely woah Fxxx you and your stupid
little friends woah
We was ride or
we die no two way woah
I can feel the change in your way of speech woah You was out lookin’ for damage You, who say let’s part, are Savage
Even if you regret it much later, end it
When I say
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Stop being stupid
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Don’t turn back and just leave
Our relationship
End it end it like that
Till the end It’s sickening
Your true self now
Good job for hiding it so well till now
Since this is the end I tried to let you go nicely You make me leave like this oh
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Stop being stupid
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby girl Go baby girl Go
Go baby boy Go baby boy Go
Stop being stupid, hoo
In the end we go separate ways
Guess it was too much to adjust to each other Used to tell me
how you’re all in love woah oh
Said we would last forever woah oh

A Green Sycamore In The Garden

Versions: #1
A Green Sycamore In The Garden
I see a green sycamore in the garden.
(and I'm reminded of that) you are the same height as me.
I loved you in secret,
I did not know the whole world would hear about that.
Oh my rose nanay
O my love whose hair is curled in bangs
nanay nanay
O my kind love nanay
O my love whose hair is curled in bangs
There are roses in the garden.
Go away, oh the love of others (not my love)
You won't be my lover,
then at least don't smile at my face.
The trouble comes within our heart
We don't have any complaint towards the beloved,
our only complaint is about our own heart,
we don't cry out because of others (but because of our own heart)

Lily *

Lily, how long is it now already **
Beautiful, how long is it now
Lily, golden chest like apples ***
Beautiful, golden chest like apples
Lily, how long is it now already **
Beautiful, how long is it now
Lily, the meadows of the ram are blooming
Oh homeless girl ****, the meadows of the ram are blooming
Lily guided the ram to their pasture
Oh homeless girl guided the ram to their pasture
Lily, the boy worked for 7 whole years
oh oh homeless girl, he could not earn enough for the coral bracelet
Oh oh oh, lonely boy
Lily, the meadows of the goats are blooming
Oh homeless girl ****, the meadows of the goats are blooming
Lily guided the goats to the sweet peas
Oh homeless girl guided goats to the sweet peas
Lily, the boy worked for 7 whole years
oh oh homeless girl, he could not earn enough for the pearl bracelet
Oh oh oh, hey lonely boy

Farewell My Brother Sea

Versions: #2
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea
We took some of your pebble
A little bit of your blue rich salt as well
Also a little bit of your everlastingness
A little bit of your gleam as well
A little bit of your grief as well
You gave some voice to us
About being a sea's destiny
We're full of hope a bit more
We mended our ways a bit more
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea

Inima mi se frânge

Inima mi-e zdrobită și se frânge,
Căci altcineva te duce către stele,
Iar când tu îl privești,
El îți zâmbește.
Când ești în fața ,ea, n-ar trebui să te sărute,
N-ar trebui să-ți vorbească despre iubire,
N-ar trebui să-i vorbești despre iubire,
Pentru că mă doare atât de mult...
Recunosc că sunt gelos,
Mă lupt cu asta, dar nu pot,
Cum să-ți mărturisesc asta?
Nu pot suporta când te îmbrățișează,
Mă deranjează că ai uitat totul despre mine
Și nu revii...
Inima mi-e zdrobită și se frânge,
Căci altcineva te duce către stele,
Iar când tu îl privești,
El îți zâmbește.
Când ești în fața ,ea, n-ar trebui să te sărute,
N-ar trebui să-ți vorbească despre iubire,
N-ar trebui să-i vorbești despre iubire,
Pentru că mă doare atât de mult...
S-a sfârșit, ești unica pentru mine,
Nu mai pleca vreodată la altcineva,
Spune-i să șteargă ce-a simțit pentru tine și să te lase să pleci,
Vino aici, nu te mai gândi de două ori la asta!

Foc de armă

LOVE, 4 litere nenorocite
DRAGOSTEA, mereu învăluită în dulceața ta
Egoistă, nu voi fi niciodată destul de bună
Chiar dacă dau totul din mine, oh
Încă o dată, un război fără sfârșit
(Nu-ți ratezi niciodată ținta)
Cuvintele pătrunzătoare care sunt ca un glonț
(Dar nu voi renunța, iubito)
Nu dau doi bani pe tine
Când mi le spui
Nu dau doi bani pe tine, este durere
Atât timp cât mă iubești
Bun sau brutal
Totul e bine
E ca şi cum m-ai controla
Fără tine sunt singură
Dar tu simţi altfel
Cuvintele tale sunt ca un glonț
Sângerez iubire
M-au lovit ca un foc de armă
Sângerez iubire
Mă lovești ca un, mă lovești ca un da
Mă simt ruinat
Distruge durerea care m-a făcut să închid ochii
Până acum ţi-ai ascuns adevărata culoare
Acum rupe-ți lanțurile (dezvăluind totul)
Toate trucurile tale
Sunt capcana în care m-am prins
Trebuie să mă târăsc de acolo
Ieși din viața mea
Voi scoate eticheta numită tu, da
Woah Răspunde când te strig
Fără tine mor încet
Cuvintele pe care le scuipi mă omoară ca gloanțele
Nu eu, dar acel tragăci declanșator, apucă-l și trage
Atât timp cât mă iubești
Bun sau brutal
Totul e bine
E ca şi cum m-ai controla
Fără tine sunt singură
Dar tu simţi altfel
Cuvintele tale sunt ca un glonț
Sângerez iubire
M-au lovit ca un foc de armă
Sângerez iubire
Dragă, este dragoste, sângerez
Pentru tine
Oh nu, nu e dragoste
Stai departe
Fă-o pentru mine, nu mai pot oh
Un foc, două focuri, trei focuri, patru
Nu mai pot suporta spre binele meu
Trage, din arma ta
Sângerez iubire
Cuvintele tale sunt ca un glonț
Sângerez iubire
M-au lovit ca un foc de armă
Am sângerat destul

What kind of world is this brother?

What kind of world is this brother, lovers are everywhere
What kind of world is this brother
I'm strangely sad from inside, i don't know why
Probably it's because I don't have someone to love
What kind of world is this brother, everyone is smiling
What kind of world is this brother
Should I always smile like all of them
Even I'm deeply grieved
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
What kind of world is this brother, everyone is traveling
What kind of world is this brother
I want to travel those places just for one time
To the lands which are full of dreams
What kind of world is this brother, everyone upsets each other
What kind of world is this brother
Of course best way to live
Is never hurting someone and never breaking a heart
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
What kind of world is this brother, everyone leaves here
What kind of world is this brother
When you salute the angels in the skies
Then you have no chance to return to the ground
What kind of world is this brother, everyone leaves here
What kind of world is this brother
When you salute the angels in the skies
Then you have no chance to return to the ground
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do

At the palace of your heart

When I came at the palace of your heart
I was a gypsy girl
Your eyes were charcoal black
I got on fire
And by the end of the night
I had drunk the communion wine of the sky
I had become a queen
With a crown on my head 1
But the fire I have in my blood
And the zills in my fingers
They awoke your jealousy
The one that infects kisses
While your heart was get closed up
In a cell without locker
I thought 'How am I supposed to get away from you?'
And I cried
Don't tell any more 'I want you, I want you'
This kind of love is slavery
I'm dying, I'm dying like a bird
I yearn freedom
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
(My) eyes and heart
Are blind because of the darkness
I'm singing to you in pain, in pain
Don't think of me again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
When I fly here I bleed
Rushing to leave you
I got out and started wandering in the streets
But all of your kisses
Were sending me the mailmen
How did all these thorns get in here
All this loneliness upon the shoulders
And I said 'all beautiful things
Exist only in love'
I just want you to love me, I don't want
Fly further away
I learn like the birds
Close to the branches
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
Only your breath
Warms up my heart
I'm begging you in distress, in distress
And don't think about it again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
Say you love and I will melt
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
Only your breath
Warms up my heart
I'm begging you in distress, in distress
And don't think about it again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
You say 'my love' and I melt
  • 1. Lit. on my hair

A heart in the sand

Find for us this place from the map
where each night would die from love
chose one of the islands, for me to reserve a place
for me to be catching you in the alleys, from the waist
for us to overcome for a while... our problems
to forcefully become all..our weaknesses
for us to tell is to all the in love
that stories exist where
end titles do not fall
Beside me the wave sit
and paint a heart in the sand
our own names
like to bodies lying above
it became my light blue color
on my image, bring summers
a heart in the sand, you and I
to not be put out
I make wishes to the stars
I want to be together with your a story
(At a beach)
I make a heart in the sand
(For me to lie upon)
I want you to bring me summer
(I make wishes to the stars)
I want to be together with you for me
(to make a heart in the sand)
If the others do not speak, for summer
if they return to the city, with hands no longer together
if they only counted experiences
and any one of them stayed, {there would be} two photos
we will be what I say, the exception
Winter does not bring it
the splitting
and the four we would do, seasons
summer for them to smell
if you want it
Beside me the wave sit
and paint a heart in the sand
our own names
like to bodies lying above
it became my light blue color
on the my image, bring summers
a heart in the sand, you and I
to not be put out
I make wishes to the stars
I want to be together with your a story
(At a beach)
I make a heart in the sand
(For me to lie upon)
I want you to bring me summer
(I make wishes to the stars)
I want to be together with you for me
(to make a heart in the sand)


I miss all the memories
That piled up in times
When I was with you
Everything we exchanged, oh oh
It's so foreign,
After the spot that was always filled with you
Became empty
I lose my way again,
And stay here alone waiting for you
I won’t make you wait too long,
After many seasons pass
Before our cherished
Memories become faint,
I will go back
This is not
Our final goodbye
My heart
Stays the same
We'll be right back to love
After everything disappears all I see
You and me
We hold on
Hold on
Memories that can only be seen with my eyes closed
Baby please
I will always wait,
So till the day you come back,
For a little while goodbye
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Hold on
Hold on
Before we met I was
The Shape that was crude
My fans who embraced that,
At first everything is shy
I grow as J,
Think back to spring days
Even if I think about it again, I can smell the spring,
Seoul containing my memories
The afterglow that will get deeper, hold on
First time that was faint yet clear
Even if it seems awkward,
It's fine, all right
Memory that will loosen,
All the time we're carrying,
We'll lean on each other again
I won’t make you wait too long,
After many seasons pass
Before our cherished
Memories become faint,
I will go back
This is not
Our final goodbye
My heart
Stays the same
We'll be right back to love
After everything disappears all I see
You and me
We hold on
Hold on
Memories that can only be seen with my eyes closed
Baby please
I will always wait,
So till the day you come back,
For a little while goodbye
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Hold on
Hold on
No matter how dark it gets, I
Yeah yeah yeah
Time waits for nobody
Till we meet again
I’ll be waiting here ‘til you return
After everything disappears all I see
You and me
We hold on
Hold on
Memories that can only be seen with my eyes closed
Baby please
I will always wait,
So till the day you come back,
For a little while goodbye
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Hold on
Hold on

Who called me?

Who called me, who called me?
Who called me, who called me?
Who called me with a love song, who called me?
Who introduced me with the flower that felt like dew. Who introduced me?
Who opened that locked window for me?
Who released me from that hundred-years gaol?
Who released me, who released me?
Who called me, who called me?
Who is as friendly as a rainy day for the garden?
Who is a friend to the lonely lover who cries at night?
Who has the breath of the spring in his chest?
Who has the grace of the stories in his kind words?
Who can be the sunrise?
Who can be a rare diamond for the ring of love?
Who released me, who released me?
Who called me, who called me?
Who called me with a love song, who called me?
Who introduced me with the flower that felt like dew. Who introduced me?
Who opened that locked window for me?
Who released me from that hundred-years gaol?
Who released me, who released me?
Who called me, who called me?
Who is as friendly as a rainy day for the garden?
Who is a friend to the lonely lover who cries at night?
Who has the breath of the spring in his chest?
Who has the grace of the stories in his kind words?
Who can be the sunrise?
Who can be a rare diamond for the ring of love?
Who released me, who released me?
Who called me, who called me?

Bomb Bomb

One to one hunn
Everything you want
I'll be that
Love we gon love
Only you what I want
Take it fast or take it slow
As your body leads
Pour up drank,
Pour up drank
Bomb, our own
Party like that
Don't try to wake up,
Just fall into this mood
You make me
Out of senses, I'm dizzy, why do you make a mess of my heart?
I don't know you,
But I want you to be with me at this moment
As black as the night sky
Make it burn, make it burn
Night after night
Make it burn
Night after night, bomb, bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, We’re gonna do it
I see you eyeing on me
If you want it, come get a Taste
I can tell in the eyes
That's expressed, you thirsty
All thirsty for this
She tempts me with her moves while,
She whine it
Drippin' like faucet
Let's get wet the sweat of passion
Even when this song ends,
No pares y dame woah
Don't try to wake up,
Just fall into this mood
You make me
Out of senses, I'm dizzy,
Why do you make a mess of my heart?
I don't know you,
But I want you to be with me at this moment
Burn it up with me
Make it burn, make it burn
Night after night
Make it burn
Tonight, tomorrow night and every night, bomb bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day, every night,
we’re gonna do it
We know this night won't last forever
But till the morning comes
I don't want to waste this short time
Make it burn, make it burn
Make it make, it burn burn
Tonight, tomorrow night and every night, bomb bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it

Inima mea

--- 1 ---
Cei care bucurii mi-au adus,
Măsurate în dans cu mâinile în sus
Și cele pe care le-am iubit într-o noapte
Au fost oare doar fapte deșarte
Și nopți întunecate.
--- R ---
Inima mea ... pe oriunde pășești
Și oameni răi dacă iubești,
Câte un pic inima mea te risipești
Cât mai poți oare să te străduiești.
--- R ---
Inima mea ... pe oriunde pășești
Și oameni răi dacă iubești,
Câte un pic inima mea te risipești
Cât mai poți oare să te străduiești.
--- 2 ---
Și unde spui 'niciodată' din pripeală
Faci mereu aceeași greșeală
Pariați pe al cărților joc
și reporniți totul cu foc
și întotdeauna retrăiți acest noroc.
--- R ---
Inima mea ... pe oriunde pășești
Și oameni răi dacă iubești,
Câte un pic inima mea te risipești
Cât mai poți oare să te străduiești.
--- R ---
Inima mea ... pe oriunde pășești
Și oameni răi dacă iubești,
Câte un pic inima mea te risipești
Cât mai poți oare să te străduiești.

Destinul inimii mele

Versions: #2
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferința mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.
--- 1 ---
Nu-mi spune ca ea nu merita cumva
Așa a ales inima mea
Nu-mi spune că nu e bine
Doar pe ea o vreau lângă mine
De-ți pasă sau te deranjează, mi-e totuna
Și poate c-am făcut greșeli una-și-una
Dar poate mă testeaza ea pe mine
Ca să-mi cunoască sufletul mai bine.
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferinta mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.
--- 2 ---
Nu merită o dragoste puțină,
Căci focul care vine în inimă
Îți aduce si mai multă suferință
Legea aceasta va rămâne neschimbată.
Nu merită o dragoste puțină,
Căci focul care vine în inimă
Îți aduce si mai multă suferință
Legea aceasta va rămâne neschimbată.
--- 3 ---
Prețul este foarte corect
Adjudecat de inima mea rănită
Ca un exemplu
Trăiți în legea inimii
Să mă chemi să-ți fiu alături.
Prețul plătit zeiței mele
În lupta mea cu întunericul
Dragostea îmi dă cu virgulă
Căci multe greșeli m-au încercat.
--- R ---
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să mai doresc
Un trandafir cu spini ca să primesc?
Multe greșeli, neîncetat
Mi-au pus inima la încercat
Ce pot să spun, s-aștept, să dăruiesc
Din suferinta mea și cu blândețe
Doar ca să nu-ți văd chipul în tristețe.