Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 169


Dură și neîndurătoare

Nu uita, nu uita
Tu, din nou, pune apă la sardiniilor / florilor de Sardinia când eu nu sunt,
Nu uita, nu uita
Citește ziare în timpul micului-dejun
Nu uita, nu uita
Ascultă știrile în fiecare oră, te rog!
Fii în așa fel încât să cunoști cele mai plăcute suferințe,
Fii în așa fel încât să te topești în interior ca o lumânare.
Continuă, lumina ochilor mei,
Ne vom întâlni, cu siguranță, într-o toamnă,
E dură și neîndurătoare această viață,
Suntem obligați s-o trăim.
Nu uita că primăvara urmează după iarnă, la urma-urmei...
Share music and kindness! :)

Fly, Bird of Freedom!

Hungarians! Men and Women!
Listen to Koppány vezér! (Chief Koppány)
I don't ask where your mother gave birth to you,
I don't ask who your father was
All I ask, awaiting your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
I won't ask, how long shall we put up with our fate,
We could be new Conquerors
I only ask, and I await your answer,
Shall we be prisoners or free? (prisoner/slave)
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
From the ring of Karpaths (lit. from Karpaths' ring)
Fly, bird of freedom!
Fly high, fly far,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
Bring news of a new spring,
Fly, bird of freedom!
I don't ask why you're orphaned,
I know fate's been cruel
I only ask, awaiting your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
I don't ask how long (how much longer) they walk among us,
These fake, two-faced priests
All I ask, and I await your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
From the ring of Karpaths (Ring of the Carpathian Mountains)
Fly, bird of freedom!
Fly high, fly far,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
Bring news of a new spring,
Fly, bird of freedom! (lit. free bird)
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Becomes My Reason

Once I hear your voice, my eyes smile
My way crosses paths with yours, it becomes my reason
Your voice reaches from far away, your smell comes with the wind, your gaze in the mirrors becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason
Maybe you love, it happens, maybe you miss
You close your eyes and say my name
You turn a light on then stare from a distance then see the state I'm in then it becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason

Juuken Sentai Gekiranger opening

That's right, GEKI! (× 2) Let's go
Gang-gang Take it to the extreme!
Let's blaze a trail and change the future
Summoned by the rhythm resounding through the earth
Master the ways of Geki, dare the forces of evil
Oh beasts of justice
Harness and unleash the bestial force
With the mind, the body, and your skills
That's right, GEKI! (× 2) Let's go
Gang-gang Take it to the extreme!
Reach for your sky-high dreams
How about this! GEKI! (× 2) Feel
Bang-Bang Feel the impact
Be the strongest among them all, be stronger than ever before
Beast-Fist Squadron Gekiranger
All those who bring suffering to this world
Won't get away with it
Summoned by the voice of instinct
We're ready to fight
Fine-tune the five senses, perfect your techniques
Turn the passion into your weapon
That's right, GEKI! (× 2) Let's go
Gang-gang Take it to the extreme!
Let's blaze a trail and change the future
How about this! GEKI! (× 2) Feel the stimulation
Bang-Bang Feel the impact
Dash through time like the wind
Beast-Fist Squadron Gekiranger
That's right, GEKI! (× 2) Let's go
Gang-gang Take it to the extreme!
Reach for your sky-high dreams
How about this! GEKI! (× 2) Feel the stimulation
Bang-Bang Feel the impact
Be the strongest among them all, be stronger than ever before
Beast-Fist Squadron Gekiranger
That's right, GEKI! (× 2) Let's go
Gang-gang Take it to the extreme!
Let's blaze a trail and change the future
How about this! GEKI! (× 2) Feel the stimulation
Bang-Bang Feel the impact
Dash through time like the wind
Beast-Fist Squadron Gekiranger

Gekiranger ending Mele

There's nothing that I am afraid of already,
how I am to die and be buried.
Even with the red, red coloured sky,
Overflowed with blackness again immediately .
The stars that are falling from the darkness in the sky
Uh-uh, often wishes can be crowded,
and the extent of this voice being blasted
If I became the star,
Will you, for me, be the one that wished for the light?
What if I became the rain,
Will you be that one that loved me?
The love that I yearn for, the sea that is not dirty,
The feather of the fighting angel torned apart.
Come, be prepared, from now on,
because I'll be seriously going out, to show you.
Yes, the power of love is violent and strong
because there's wings that can change fate
Come, be prepared, from now on,
because I'll be seriously going out, to show you.
because, this body, even if destroyed,
will become the light that protect you

Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego!

I hate her guts! She just pretends to be nice
Does she think I haven't noticed? See! She looks at me like I'm trash!
I hate that popular girl! She only cares about trends
She hastily goes back to chatting - how shallow!
In that respect, I'm different! Look, I'm so unique!
I'm not like her, but, but, but! But! But!
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than her
I've gotten so big! Take a look at me!
Ah! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! I know how to do it
I just have to crush the trash under my foot like she did to me, right?
I hate humans! All they do is crowd together
They care about everyone else's mood, but they ignore me
I'm different from everyone! I have a sense of self!
I'm not a side character, see, see, look at me!
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than anyone else
I've gotten so big! I won't let you ignore me
Hey! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! Is this not enough?
I'm the most special person in the world - I have to make myself understood!
I hate it, I hate it, my ego is huge, but nobody pays attention to me
I don't care if you think I'm embarrassing myself. I'm special.
It's not my fault, but, but but but but...
Ah, I want to be forgiven, I want to be forgiven, I'm all alone
I've gotten so big, hey, hey, hey...
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than anyone else
I've gotten so big! What do I do?
Ah! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! Where is everybody?
In a world with nobody but me, I don't even know what my face looks like anymore!


Versions: #4
I’m walking on a sea of dry leaves
The angels fly over Berlin
They are singing with me a Hallelujah
While the rain falls inside of me
I miss your voice
I am in no-man’s land
I am short even of breath
Back to the sun
Another day passes without you
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point
No, no, no
No one guesses what destiny holds
Our path is still (only) half done
I throw my Chanel handbag from Chinatown
To the wet ground and I start to run
I miss your voice
I miss touching you
Smelling you, seeing you
Back to the sun
Another day ends without you
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point, no-no-nothing
No-no-nothing, no, no, no
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point
No, no, no

I Wanna Shout

Versions: #2
Sometimes sunshine, sometimes cold, sometimes hot,sometimes warm
Sometimes my heart was like stone sometimes broken
Sometimes my wound is hot cannot understand fresh pain
Sometimes you wanna shout you can't cuz' you have hoarse voice
Always boogeymans something like that in your dreams
To divorce is easy for single cuz' they're silly and runaway
I wish there might be peg-slingshots instead of guns
The spring weathers may come before than gulls
Every morning say to the mirror 'Where I am?'
And said by myself I'm a passenger who is on the way
I met new bodies on every stop and I feel bad
When the train moves you were on the stop i was on the train
Maybe on the other stop or in the other city
or on the other bed or in the coffin
Sometimes solution on beating sometimes on the dancer boy
Sometimes solution on run away or on clinker
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The situation is different just go if you came for seeing someone
The life is faithful for someone the situation is not that for the others
If you respect, stay but if not the solution is running away
Obviously, the glass doesn't like to be spilled over
Writing those things is really hard it's like breaking walls
Sometimes look at the past similar with throwing all the future to the bin
To light dreams up in silence like lighting tobacco up
To leave is like jumping of a cliff
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays


Versions: #4
What is it that you manufacture?
What makes you so special?
When I talk or think of you
It's impossible being impartial
It's not a damage of my perception
Nor a lack of common sense
You've become everything and beyond
The world knows it, it's no taboo
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you
Yellow, you've got me inside your pocket
Purple, I've already let go of the past
In red, because my eyes bleed from cying you
When you're not by my side
Sky Blue, whatever it takes
Gold, because I'm not gonna lose you
Your love is a rainbow of colors
And I'm dying to have you
It's delicious to see you arrive
To see the effect that you cause
With your angelical smile, you fill the room with light
Only in you I find satisfaction
And there's so much left to discover
It's all a sweet confusion
and your skin is the plenitude
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you
Yellow, you've got me inside your pocket
Purple, I've already forgotten about the past
In red, because my eyes bleed from cying you
When you're not by my side
Sky Blue, whatever it takes
Gold, because I'm not gonna lose you
Your love is a rainbow of colors
And I'm dying to have you
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you


SOS ea e în deghizare
SOS ea e în deghizare
E [în preajmă] o lupoaică în deghizare
Ieșind ieșind ieșind
O fată casnică e tot ce-mi ceri
Dragă nu e o glumă, aceasta e lycantropia
Luna s-a trezit acum cu ochii deschiși
Corpul meu rîvnește așa că să-i hrănesti tu pe cei flămînzi
M-am dedicat la tine de luni pîna luni și de vineri pîna vineri
Nu primind suficientă retribuție sau stimulente decente ca eu sa continui
Încep să mă simt puțin cam abuzată, ca un aparat de cafea într-un birou
Așa că o să merg undeva confortabil să-mi aduc un iubit și să-ți spun totul despre asta
O lupoaică e în dulap
Deschide[-l] și elibereaz-o
O lupoaică e în dulap
Las-o să iasă ca să poată să respire
Așezată la un bar care privea chiar la prada lui
Merge pîna acum și totul o să iasă cum ea vrea
Creaturile nocturne nu sînt atît de prudente
Luna e profesoara mea iar eu sînt studentul ei
Pentru a găsi oameni [cei] singuri, am primit un radar special
Și linia fierbinte a departamentului de pompieri, în cazul în care mai tîrziu o să am probleme
Nu căut drăguți tineruti divosi sau băieți bogati de la oras sau oameni bogați care vor numai să se bucure
Mă simt foarte bine în căldură, foarte rea în brațele unui baiat
O lupoaică e în dulap
Deschide[-l] și elibereaz-o
O lupoaică e în dulap
Las-o să iasă ca să poată să respire
SOS ea e în deghizare
SOS ea e în deghizare
E [în preajmă] o lupoaică în deghizare
Ieșind ieșind ieșind
SOS ea e în deghizare
SOS ea e în deghizare
E [în preajmă] o lupoaică în deghizare
Ieșind ieșind ieșind
O lupoaică e în dulap tău, las-o să iasă ca să poată să respire


Scoate-ti toata piele
Sint curajoasa cind esti liber
Desface-te de la toate pecatele
Si da-mi-le mie
Mai aproape, lasa-ma din nou sa intru
Vreau sa fiu a ta, vreau sa fiu eroul tau
Iar inima mea bate
Asa cum toate imperiile se unesc
Sintem si noi vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Esti focul meu mistuitor fiecare noapte
Sintem vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Si tu ma atungi
Si [spun]
Ooh ooh
Si [spun] ooh ooh
Si [spun] ooh ooh
Si [spun] ooh
Am sa te urmaresc oriunde te-ai duce
Sint, dragul, legat la tine si cum stiu?
Mai aproape, trage-ma strins
Vreau sa fiu a ta, vreau sa fiu eroul tau
Iar inima mea bate
Asa cum toate imperiile se unesc
Sintem si noi vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Esti focul meu mistuitor fiecare noapte
Sintem vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Si tu ma atungi
Si eu [spun]
Ooh ooh
Sintem vii
Ooh ooh
Si eu [spun] ooh ooh
Sintem vii
Am sa-mi ridic capul
Bine ai venit la marginea cea finala
Si am sa ma cad
(Iar stelele o sa faca dragoste cu universul)
Am sa-mi ridic capul
Si sa te tin strins
Asa cum toate imperiile se unesc
Sintem si noi vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Esti focul meu mistuitor fiecare noapte
Sintem vii
Iar stelele fac dragoste cu universul
Si tu ma atungi
Si eu [spun]
Ooh ooh
Si eu [spun] ooh ooh
Si eu [spun] ooh ooh
Si eu [spun] ooh

Wave Breaker

Love breaks all a bit
May its pain don't go away, be thankful
And let the cherry cry on its tree
Everyone is kind of exiled to themselves
Your childish laugh
Is a wound from past
Love is the homeland for us
Days pass by, and
We grow up, for sure
Love is foreign lands for us
Moonlight, wave breaker
Salt in the wound, what I've left from love*
Moonlight, a knife on the skin
Who goes is exiled, and who stays is runaway
Love is a homeland for us, love is foreign lands for us

Take a chance

Red lips, high heels, black hair
showers, keys on the table for the fast car
and I'm in front half-naked
you love it when I do that ooo
Long legs like drugs, black lace
come tonight boy, I dance for you
my movements ask if you
want to hit it
You're worth a million dollars
I seduce you, I dance ooo
I'll be bad tonight
because you haven't been good
Take a chance for us
and I'll give you everything
if you cheat, know
I'll be your final judgment
I'd give even my own life for us
if you're the one
I'll be your only one
Take a chance
All your other relics lie when they say
that you're not the only one in my aim
I hold you like a small drinking water on the palm
you've already fallen in love ooo
My dear, you literally don't have a single flaw
everyone knows you're the strongest one in town
You undress me with your eyes
know that I want that
I'm worth like a million
you seduce me with your dance ooo
you better be good
the best you've ever been
Take a chance
(She lures me when we're left by ourselves
strong forms, she only likes Armani (fashion)
she lures me, she plans to get my money
Manicure forms, I wait for you, bunny
(She lures me when we're left by ourselves
strong forms, she only likes Armani (fashion)
she lures me, she plans to get my money
Manicure forms, I wait for you, bunny
I wait for you, bunny
Take a chance for us
and I'll give you everything
if you cheat, know
I'll be your final judgment
I'd give even my own life for us
if you're the one
I'll be your only one
Take a chance

sparkling couple

I was chasing the ending season
sandals removed, watching the sparkling waves
listening carefully to your mellow words
gazing up at the fleeting sky, hand in hand
I don't want memories that pass me by
but let me hear your voice as if time's melody will never fade
Stars of sand sway to the twinkling ocean
a couple lying down flat and melting into the white moon
I don't want memories that pass me by
but let me hear your voice as if time's melody will never fade

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams

This is not fondness or fascination
This is a feeling that leaves me weak kneed
You are the only man for me
I know that you will never hurt me
You will never be defeated
Never give up you dreams
Everyone is waiting for a burning fight
With the blood spreading before the beginning of the battle
We all understand that it takes “courage”
The care that you show in your costume brings you luck
I am not ashamed of my high spirits
Though you are a truly single minded person
….I, love you
It is not yoru face nor your voice that I admire
It is you burning heart that I find wonderful
You are the kind of man that when he sets he’s mind on something
He pursues it
You will never become confused, you will never become impatient
Don’t give up on your dreams
Everyone knows your awesome power
Use this power to grasp at this reversal chance
The appearance of this “strength” of virtue will make you howl
You will give this bad luck a good kick
With my dazzling passion and my high spirits
I will always be honest with you
…I, love you
With the blood spreading before the beginning of the battle
We all understand that it takes “courage”
The care that you show in your costume brings you luck
I am not ashamed of my high spirits
Though you are a truly single minded person
….I, love you


Ştii că nu va fi bine pentru noi
Dacă oamenii ştiu ce avem noi doi
Că am mâncat dintr-un fruct interzis
Iubim asta şi o ştim, ha ha ha
Nu am nevoie de alt Don Juan
Care să îmi deschidă uşa când ajung la restaurant
De Sfântul Valentin, nu-mi doresc mai multe flori
Tu, tăcere, tăcere, iubitule, despre toate zvonurile
Ce avem noi e ilegal şi nu neg asta
Aştept momentul să te sărut, muahh
Ştiu că este la fel pentru tine şi nu negi
Am făcut deja greşeala de a mă îndrăgosti, da da
Am venit să te văd, pentru divertisment
Şi mi-ai furat un sărut pe care nu ai de gând să mi-l dai înapoi
Am simţit că zbor, am fost dusă departe
Când mă aşteptam mai puţin, tu deja mă îmbrăţişai
[Shakira & Maluma]
Continuă în felul ăsta, nu te opri
Te-ai transformat în boală
Ţine-o tot aşa, exact aşa
Cu cât vii mai aproape de mine
Cu atât mă simt mai neliniştită
Clan-clan-clandestino, oh
Soarta nu ar fi fost altfel
Nu te uita după probleme dacă nu sunt , nu sunt, nu sunt
[Shakira & Maluma]
Clan-clan-clandstino, oh
Nu uita că suntem prieteni
Mă uit după probleme acolo unde nu există, nu există, nu există
[Shakira & Maluma]
Oh, da, woah
Spune-mi, iubito, că nu mai înţeleg de ce avem nevoie
Să ne vedem singuri şi să ne stingem în întuneric
[Shakira & Maluma]
Tu pleci, dar corpul meu cere mai mult
Continuă cu atitudinea aia când se sting luminile
O iei razna cu câteva sărutări pe buze
Ce avem noi e ilegal şi nu neg
Aştept momentul să te sărut
Ştiu că este la fel pentru tine şi nu negi
Am făcut deja greşeala de a mă îndrăgosti, da da
Am venit să te văd, pentru divertisment
Şi mi-ai furat un sărut pe care nu ai de gând să mi-l dai înapoi
Am simţit că zbor, am fost dusă departe
Când mă aşteptam mai puţin, tu deja mă îmbrăţişai
[Shakira & Maluma]
Continuă în felul ăsta, nu te opri
Te-ai transformat în boală
Ţine-o tot aşa, exact aşa
Cu cât vii mai aproape de mine
Cu atât mă simt mai neliniştită

Kira and Ray

Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
Kira and Ray
Tell me that you are there
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
But what would I do
Without Kira and Ray
We keep playing
Since morning
Without ever stopping
Together with Kira and Ray
Two affectionate pups
As wild as we are
Ray would eat
All day
Kira never sleeps
And if you are in trouble
You can never tell them
Because they have such sweet eyes
What a magic team it is with Kira and Ray
It is all okay
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
Kira and Ray
Tell me that you are there
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
But what would I do
Without Kira and Ray
They are small
But they don't know it
They challenge
Without thinking about it
The big and strong dogs
But they are never scared
What a magic team it is with Kira and Ray
It is all okay
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
Kira and Ray
Tell me that you are there
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
But what would I do
Without Kira and Ray
Running after a fake mouse
Barking to the ceiling
And hiding so they never have to take a bath
But every moment is great for cuddles
Ye Ye Ni Ni Ni Ni
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
Kira and Ray
Tell me that you are there
Uooo Oooh Oh Ooh
But what would I do
Without Kira and Ray
Uooo Oooh
What would I do
Without Kira and Ray
Uooo Oooh
But what would I do
Without Kira and Ray
Tell me that you are there

Until We Fall Asleep

Within my heart, something is calling to me
Surely, something is waiting for me out there
Though the road in front of me is bumpy
Soon my troubles will dry up like a river
The setting sun is shinning
Over this wilderness
Tonight, here in this place
Will I become the real me?
Let's stay up all night
And talk about the tomorrow untill we fall asleep
As the moon shines down on this bueatiful planet
It awakens these feelings
Of restlessness that reside within me
Why would we have to start over?
That would be foolish
Though your body suffers from injuries
You wear a carefree smile
These teaars of sorrow awaken
A of sense of purpose within all of us
In this place tonight
I will become the real me
Let's stay up all night
And talk about love untill we fall asleep


Versions: #2
You know it does not suit us
Let people know what we both have
That we eat of a forbidden fruit
We love it and we know it, hahaha
I do not need any other Don Juan
Let me open the door when I arrive at a restaurant
That briefcase does not need more flowers
Your quiet, baby, of all the rumors
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love (yeh, yeh)
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss from me that you still do not think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Verse 2: Maluma, Shakira Both]
Tell me, mai, because I no longer understand the need
To see each other alone and kill us in the dark
You leave, and my body here keeps asking for more
[Bridge: Shakira, Maluma, both]
You continue with that attitude
When the light goes out
You go crazy
With a couple of kisses in the mouth (muack)
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, Both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss that you do not even think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are none, there are, there are (aha)
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Estriibillo: Shakira, Maluma, Both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are

FENERBAHÇE 100th years song

You are a breath that I take every moment
You are longing that I have
Nobody gets your love
You are a child smiles and naughty
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
My heart is yours and it beats with you
Only can be happy and cry if you do
You are unsurpassed love in my heart
It shines everywhere and everytime
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Sinful night becomes

İce frost

I am burning to your smile which is like a water
Just smile to fizzle out me
The weather is cold like an ice frost
ı can't abandon my watch
I am drunk
Oh I can't understand
The price of love is paid
Don't pity on my sorrow it causes my end
But come and ask my heart
Stay beside me I am crazy for you
My darling stay with me
Words are not enough to tell, I am afraid
Look at my eyes and get my words, I am telling

The Sun Comes Out

Versions: #2
These past few weeks I haven't seen you
Felt like years
Wanted to kiss you so bad
My lips hurt
Look how fear's made us
Do stupid things
It's made us deaf and blind
So many times
And one day after the storm passes
When you least expect it, the sun comes out
After so much counting
You lose track
Because one plus one
Doesn't always make two
When you least expect it
The sun comes out
I cried more than I thought possible
Over you
When I thought
I was invincible
But nothing bad lasts forever
And the best is yet to come
And one day after the storm passes
When you least expect it, the sun comes out
After so much counting
You lose track
Because one plus one
Doesn't always make two
When you least expect it
The sun comes out
When you least expect it
The sun comes out
And one day after the storm passes
When you least expect it, the sun comes out
After so much counting
You lose track
Because one plus one
Doesn't always make two
When you least expect it
The sun comes out
And one day after
And one day after
The sun comes out
And one day after the storm passes
When you least expect it, the sun comes out
After so much counting
You lose track
Because one plus one
Doesn't always make two
When you least expect it
The sun comes out

i condemn you, heart

I condemn you, heart
you ask condition to who has no sympathy.
Instead of nightingale,
you ask the rose from crows
where do I take this secret pain of mine
your love made us blind
At the city which hasn't got any blacksmith,
you ask for shoe to your love horse
The lord has given the sight to the eye.
He is the lead, showing the way out.
You asking to silent and deaf,
the road through seasons.
you despise the 'pir dede'*
you don't listen to him
you don't see your own fault
you search for the fault at everybody else.

You can't break it

Versions: #2
In my mind, who's that, such approaching quietly?
In my heart, have the last September, a dried rose left behind next to me
Almost nobody, no kiss that asks after me
Maybe for a second, sometimes suddenly, the hope gets reburn
Come, get near, without fear
Last time that before the sunset
Some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it anyway some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it , some ones have already passed over my heart
If you're alone, each breath is a loud voice that deafening
The ships run away from the early dark wind freely blowing
Come, get near, without fear
Last time that before the sunset
Some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it anyway some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it , some ones have already passed over my heart

Sezonul Cireșelor

Nu cred în iubirea infinită,
Iubirea vine și pleacă,
Are o viață scurtă,
Ca sezonul cireșelor...
Viață, vino și uimește-mă,
Spune-mi ce-ți trece prin minte,
Iubirea este nouă în fiecare zi,
Ca și cum nu a fost deloc trăită.
Ar rămâne aici?
M-ar ține de mână?
Mi-ar pune inima lângă inima ta?

Debarcaderul singuraticilor

Sunt singurul devastat
În întunecimea nopții?
Ochii mei au adunat tristețe
Pe debarcaderul singuraticilor.
Am plâns noaptea întreagă,
Îmbrățișând valurile,
Ochii meu au adunat tristețe,
Pe debarcaderul singuraticilor.
M-au uitat doar pe mine?
Pescărușii au zburat departe,
Nopțile sunt mări, cu tine
Pe debarcaderul singuraticilor.
Am plâns noaptea întreagă,
Îmbrățișând valurile,
Ochii meu au adunat tristețe,
Pe debarcaderul singuraticilor...


Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
Da eu sunt satula de dezamagiri
De mult timp, nu cred in barbati
Si n-am nevoie de iubirea asta daunatoare
Ea-mi cere si eu-i ofer
Ea stie, ca eu-s mereu aici
Mai mereu tarziu ma suna
Si niciodata nu renunta la 'Versatul baiat'
Vreau sa te sarut ...
Sa te satisfac
Hei dragoste, tu nu ma refuza, sa-i dam drumu'!
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
Ea-i satula de dezamagiri
Nu vrea , o inima zdrobita...
'Cheama-ma cand doresti tu'!
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
Da eu sunt satula de dezamagiri
Mie nu-mi trebuie, un distrugator de inimi
Cheama-ma cand doresti tu'
Tu unduieste-te deasupra mea
[Shakira & Maluma]
Ahhh.. iubire
Tu unduieste-te deasupra mea
[Shakira & Maluma]
Cand vrei tu iubire
Sa incepem, sa ne pierdem
Din realitate sa evadam
In dormitor tu si eu sa ne 'omoram'
Tot ce ai tu , mie ofera-mi !!
[Shakira & Maluma]
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
E satul(a) de dezamagiri
Nu vrea , o inima zdrobita...
Cheama-ma cand doresti tu'
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
Ea-i satula de dezamagiri
Nu-i trebuie , o inima zdrobita...
Cheama-ma cand doresti tu'
'Da-i o sansa
Pune nutella
Tu doar bucura-te, orele trec una dupa alta,
Una dupa alta, una dupa alta, una dupa alta zboara, ahhhh!!
Experienta de neuitat...
La 35.000 mii metri inaltime
Am fi mers in croaziera
Te-as fi putut vedea cum te dezbraci...
'Nu ma astept la multe de la tine '!
Imi place sa te fac sa simti/traiesti..
[Shakira & Maluma]
Si de semnam 'intelegerea', tine din nou vreu s-o fac ...
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
Da eu sunt satula de dezamagiri
Nu-mi trebuie ,... o inima zdrobita.
Cheama-ma cand doresti tu....'
[Shakira & Maluma]
Vrea s-o facem in diferite feluri
E satul(a) de dezamagiri
Nu vrea , o inima zdrobita...
Cheama-ma cand tu doresti....'
  • 1. In versurile sursa de aici( adica cele din spaniola) sunt multe greseli, versurile folosite de mine si totodata corecte sunt cele de pe videoclipul oficial..


He wants us to do it in different places
but I'm tired of disappointments
I lost my faith in men a long time ago
and I don't need this type of bad love / She asks for it and I give it to her
She knows I'll always be here
she almost always calls me late and never changes the dirty boy
I wanna kiss you
satisfy you
Listen, baby, don't tell me no, let's go
She wants it done in different places
She's tired of disappointments
She doesn't want a heartbreaker
Call me when you want, babe
He wants us to do it in different places
but I'm tired of disappointments
I don't want a heartbreaker
Call me when you want, babe
Move closer to me
Satisfy me
Hey baby
Whenever you want, baby
Let's go, let's lose ourselves
Let's escape from reality
We'll bite each other in bed
Give me that that you were born with
She doesn't want a heartbreaker
Call me when you want, babe
Give her a proof
Put Nutella on her
You just enjoy, because the time flies
(Flies, flies)
We're doing it
it's an unforgettable adventure
35000 feet up
Had we gone cruising
could've seen you naked
I expect less from you
I like making you feel
And if I sign the contract, I wanna repeat it with you

In Your Pupils

Versions: #3
Before I met you the world was flat
Even though you argue Mr. Galilei
I'm tired of kissing frogs in vains
But the Prince Charming
I never found it
That's how you came
Giving me back the faith
With no poetry or flowers
With imperfections with errors
But standing
And I feel
Something in you, something between you and me
That makes insist
When I look in your pupils I know that
God still exists
And I feel
Something in you, something between you and me
That makes me insist
When I look in your pupils I know that
God still exists
You make it living
You make it living
Life is a collection of memories
But there is nothing like your memory too
From the roundness of your lips
To the smell of your hair
To the color of your skin
Don't think that you will go and I am going to give up
You're the best that has happened to me
Between the mundane and the sacred
And even more

Light Years

Versions: #3
Come trust in me
We don't have to leave out
To do later
What you want right now
It's the instinct
Let it rock you
Heaven is for people who believes
And not for the ones who doubts
I'm a vulcano
In eruption
Come to your senses
Curtains up
Camera, action!
To wait
It is a sea
That I still don't know how
To sail
Don't stay
Light years
I'm already decided
And I want to know if you are
Come trust in me
There is no margin of error
Let that in my skin
Glow your sweat
What are you waiting for?
It's almost early in the morning
My zipper
It is not electrified
Don't have any regards
Come to senses
Curtains up
Camera, action
[Chorus Repeat]
I will go up to your back
Like the climbing plant to the wall
When the moon kisses the sand
No one looks at us this night is ours
There will be no witnesses, there will be no evidence
It is just you and your conscience
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Don't have any regards
Come to senses
Curtains up
Camera, action
[Chorus Repeat]


Versions: #1
When you're fine you get away from me
You feel alone and I always be there
It's a give and take war
Let's give me that you have there
Hey baby, don't be evil
Don't leave me with the desire
Everybody says
That you don't love me anymore
Come and tell me it in my face
Ask whoever you want
Baby, I swear that's not like that
I've never had a bad intention
I've never wanted to mock you
With me, you never know
One day I say no, another day I say yes
I'm a masochist
With my body a selfish
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
It's always your way
I love you even if I don't want it
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
You're free as air
I'm not yours or anyone
You grope me, when you are moving
These sexy moves that always entertain me
You know manipulate well with your hips
I don't know why you have me on waiting list
They tell you I'm out there making and unmaking
That I go out every night, that because of me you're suffering
That in this relationship, I am the boss
Ignore that all bad publicity
Why I tell you anything if they cheat you
Don't go straight what is not twisted
And like a crazy, I'm still behind you, dying for you
Tell me what is there for me baby
Ask whoever you want
Baby, I swear that's not like that
I've never had a bad intention
I've never wanted to mock you
With me, you never know
One day I say no, another day I say yes
I'm a masochist
With my body a selfish
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
It's always your way
I love you even if I don't want it
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
You're free as air
I'm not yours or anyone, eh-eh-eh
Anyone eh-eh-eh, anyone eh-eh-eh, anyone
With my body a selfish
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
It's always your way
I love you even if I don't want it
You're pure, pure blackmail
Pure, pure blackmail
You're free as air
I'm not yours or anyone, eh-eh-eh
Anyone eh-eh-eh, anyone eh-eh-eh, anyone
Alright, alright baby
Shakira, Maluma
Pretty boy...
You're my baby lover
Colombia, you feel me?
Pretty boy...

If you leave

Versions: #4
Tell me what you'll do after the first time you try out her body
When your mischievous curiosity die
When you memorize all of her curves
And you decide to come back again
I will no longer be here in the same place
If she's as dumb as a brick
And you discover that she doesn't brush her teeth well
If she takes the few cents you have
And then leaves you alone just like she wants
I know you'll come back the day
She tears you to shreds
With no pillows to cry on
But if you have made your choice
And you don't want to be with me anymore
Then nothing can matter now
Because without you
I no longer care about the world
If you leave, if you leave, if you go away
My sky will turn grey
If you leave, if you leave, you don't have to
To come for me anymore
If you leave, if you leave, and you replace me
For that hot hag
Don't ever come back
Cause I won't be there
Every new broom sweeps well at first
But then you will see the bristles are worn
When the wrinkles cut out upon her skin
And cellulite invades her legs
You'll come back from your hell
With your tail between your horns
Once again imploring
But for that moment
I'll be one million nights away
From this huge city
Away from you
I no longer care about the world
If you leave, if you leave, if you go away
My sky will turn grey
If you leave, if you leave, you don't have to
To come for me anymore
If you leave, if you leave, and you replace me
For that hot hag
Don't ever come back
Cause I won't be there