Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 235


My love

A necklace of silver around your neck,
And wavy shore.
Just the two of us.
We talked down so long, we carried on to the morning
Oh so pleasing to soul
Did I dream of anything else?
Birds singing in the noisy garden,
This is the dawn, and
You are next to me.
Saying goodbye a little too long, - hesitating to leave,
And my love couldn't fit
In my chest.
I'm in love with you, honey!
How delicate and charming you are!
I will miss you, my love!
And waiting to hear from you ...
Saying goodbye a little too long, - hesitating to leave,
And it couldn't fit in my chest. My love


Chiria camerei de plătit,
Ceața de toamnă deasupra mării,
Salutul de dimineață
Era strigătul unui pescăruș
Prea ridicat sau prea singur, cine știe...
Pâine și vise toate într-o cafea cu lapte,
Pudoarea și temerile acum desființate,
Imnurile tale închinate iubirii
Erau strigăte de durere,
Dar mă simțeam atât de bine cu tine.
Serena, eu eram senină,
Senină ca un cer albastru.
O floare într-un pahar
Ajungea, și apoi erai acolo tu.
Serena, eu eram senină,
Poeți eram noi doi,
Și restul nu-nsemna nimic,
De restul nu-mi mai păsa.
O cameră cu draperii de catifea,
Visul tău de succes s-a împlinit.
Salutul de dimineață
Și telefonul din apropiere,
Vocea ta care îmi spune „Ce mai faci?”
„Ce mai faci?” Ce-ai vrea să spun, că-mi merge bine?
Să spun c-am totul și nimic nu îmi convine.
Și-această nerăbdătoare așteptare
Mă doare, mă face să mă gândesc
La cât de bine mă simțeam cu tine.
Serena, eu eram senină,
Senină ca un cer albastru.
O floare într-un pahar
Ajungea, și apoi erai acolo tu.
Serena, eu eram senină,
Poeți eram noi doi,
Și restul nu-nsemna nimic,
De restul nu-mi mai păsa.
Serena, eu eram senină,
La lai la, lai la lai la la...
O floare într-un pahar
Ajungea, și apoi erai acolo tu.
Serena, eu eram senină,
Poeți eram noi doi,
Și restul nu-nsemna nimic,
De restul nu-mi mai păsa.
La lai la, lai la lai la la...

What Hurts

Yeah, yeah, yeah
We’re dancing around the edge of a pit
With you around, the whole world can’t be seen
Your brown eyes are mountains without snow
If they look at me, I can’t breathe
I’ve been looking at myself in the mirror for a while
And I see in the reflection
Something different
You’re not next to me anymore
It’s because we love what hurts
What’s good we let go
My tears seem like a storm
I promise I’ll keep them far away
Please, love, don’t change
Your caresses make my heart well
You take my breath away and I can’t speak
I love you to death but you don’t know it
Disorder is a sea of desires
You’re part of them but you still don’t believe me
Come into my dreams, come on, tell me what you see
Two broken hearts united become whole
Every kiss that
You give me, my life gets one day longer
And for me you’re
The wind that makes the world breathe
It’s because we love what hurts
What’s good we let go
My tears seem like a storm
I promise I’ll keep them far away
Please, love, don’t change
Your caresses make my heart well
You take my breath away and I can’t speak
I love you to death but you don’t know it
It’s because we love what hurts
What’s good we let go
My tears seem like a storm
I promise I’ll keep them far away
I love you and you don’t know it

America, America

Down the mountain
A river cuts through the strange land and breaks
America, America
America, America, America
A shout of revolt to the sky
The jungle loose in
America, America, America
The macaw's song covers the ultimate sadness
Of whom only the last moon saw
And disappearing through the mountain range
Or maybe in the lap of America is sleeping
The flowers of my valley
Will open up smelling living blood
America, America, America, America
The wounded bird that can't spread the wings
I know it'll fly
Why didn't you die?
And when tonight
Turn into dawn
From the bed of ashes will return to his beloved
America, America
America, America
America, America
America, America

Blonde Blue Eyed

Our heart longling to you
Where are you blue eyed
This ship this Blacksea
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
This ship this Blacksea
This ship this Blacksea
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
This ship this Blacksea
This ship this Blacksea
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
Sacrifice myself for your road
The black veil doesn't suit to servants
Alive look at our situation
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
Alive look at our situation
Alive look at our situation
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
Alive look at our situation
Alive look at our situation
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
Clouds are drunk because of your skin
Mounts are drunk because of your scent
Mahsuni is drunk because of that
Come from Samsun again
Blonde blue eyed
Come from Samsun again
Blonde blue eyed
Come from Samsun again
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?
Come from Samsun again
Come from Samsun again
Blonde blue eyed
Where are you friend?

Like a Small Lump of Ice

Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I become a sip of water
I become a dark river
And you drown in me
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I disappear in an ocean of love
Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice,
hidden in your hands,
quietly in your heart
And I disappear in you
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
Breathless, I die by your side
Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I become a sip of water
I become a dark river
And you drown in me
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I disappear in an ocean of love (×3)

Dacă nu te îndrăgostești

Muzică Capitală
Domnule KR
Kevin Roldan
Fată lasă-mă să-ți spun
Dorința este prea mare
Că te am pe tine (scurt)
Știu că te simți singură
De aceea cauți refugiu in mine (tu si eu)
Și nu mă înțelege greșit
Vreau doar ceva sexual
Numai dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Domnule KR
Kevin Roldan
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Tu și cu mine scurt
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
(Lasă-mă să-ți vorbesc clar)
Iti spun adevărul
Pentru că dintr-o dată instinctul tău te trădează
Nu vreau să simți ceva diferit
Sa simți doar erotism
Vreau să fie clar, cum este mecanismul
Fără a fi nevoie să te mint, nimic de suferit iubito
Dacă ceri plăcere noaptea, fii o doamnă
Eu sunt cine vrei noaptea în patul tău
Și că sentimentul continuă doar în pat
Dacă o faci așa
S-ar putea să revin și să se întâmple încă o dată
Dacă e clar
Vom evita multe lacrimi
Și dacă o facem așa de data aceasta
Va fi doar relaxare, pasiune, stres zero
Nu te gândi la asta, să o facem imediat
Dacă o vrem de mult timp
De ce să-l lăsăm pentru mai târziu
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Când te simți singură, sună-mă
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Kevin Roldan
Depinde de tine, dacă mă întorc și se întâmplă
Dacă este doar sex
Și nici unuia dintre noi nu ne doare
Știu că corpul tău vrea
Nu mai fi singură, roagă-mă să fiu aici
Atingându-ti pielea
Ajung rapid la nivelul următor
Te iau în pozițiile de demult
Am vrut să te am (domnul KR)
Mă bucur de cele două din acel moment intens
Pielea de gaina, de fiecare dată când mă gândesc la asta
Dacă o faci așa
S-ar putea să revin și să se întâmple încă o dată
Dacă e clar
Vom evita multe lacrimi
Și dacă o facem așa de data aceasta
Va fi doar relaxare, pasiune, stres zero
Nu te gândi la asta, să o facem imediat
Dacă o vrem de mult timp
De ce să lăsăm pentru mai târziu
Și nu mă înțelege greșit
Vreau doar ceva sexual
Numai dacă nu te îndrăgostești
(Ne vom distra bine)
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură (singură)
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură (singură)
Hei, numarul 1 iubito
Kevin Roldan
Domnule KR
Direct de la Kapital Music
Nicio competitie
Diamantul bate
Hyde, doar perreo este ceea ce există
Killa, aha
Kevin Roldan

Untitled (The cruel sunlight is like a cold sorrow...)

The cruel sunlight is like a cold sorrow

The Shadow of the White Mountain

The Shadow of the White Mountain
Covered my face and my hands
And I imagined as if my soul is free
Like a dead person
A sad shadow covered the house
And the grapevine leaves
But when
In foreign land
Which is my street
A violinist
I went out for the happiness of a bride and a groom
And I saw
That they are weaving
A very gentel hope
And I saw
That they are weaving
A real hope
And so I secretly asked:
Maker of man*
May demons and pests will not swarm
On their imagination
May their building be
An everlasting building
My prayer grew
Green leaves
And I sat in the shadow of the ricinus
And I no longer knew
What the name of the station
Where my life has arrived to is

Tu eşti totul pentru mine

Na na na na ...
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Soare ce străluceşte deasupra ta face păsările albastre să cânte,
Stelele care sclipesc sus în cer
Îmi spun că sunt îndrăgostit.
Când îţi sărut buzele
Simt tunetul rostogolindu-se în vârful degetelor,
Şi tot timpul capul meu se învârte ,
Adânc în interior sunt îndrăgostit.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Şi nimic nu contează cu adevărat decât iubirea ce o aduci,
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Să te văd dimineaţa cu acei mari
Ochi căprui.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Pentru totdeauna şi încă o zi,
Am nevoie de tine lângă mine.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Nu trebuie să te îngrijorezi niciodată, niciodată să nu-ţi fie frică,
Pentru că eu sunt aproape.
Pentru totul meu
Trăiesc pe pământ şi văd cerul deasupra.
Voi înota în oceanele ei blânde şi calde,
Nu există furtună, iubirea mea.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Nu, nimic nu contează cu adevărat decât iubirea ce o aduci,
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Să te văd dimineaţa cu acei mari
Ochi căprui.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Pentru totdeauna şi încă o zi,
Am nevoie de tine lângă mine.
Tu eşti totul pentru mine,
Nu trebuie să te îngrijorezi niciodată, niciodată să nu-ţi fie frică,
Pentru că eu sunt aproape.
Când te ţin strâns
Nu este nimic care te poate răni în noaptea singuratică.
Voi veni la tine şi te voi ţine în siguranţă şi caldă.
Da, atât de puternic, iubirea mea.
Când îţi sărut buzele
Simt tunetul rostogolindu-se în vârful degetelor,
Şi tot timpul capul meu se învârte ,
Adânc în interior sunt îndrăgostit.
Na, na, na, na, .....

Me, I Loved You, and You Hurt Me

Back-stabbing, hurt, overreaching misery—a world where nothing is ever right
Kicked around, your will broken, playing at dice with people who'd sell you out
A road that'll spook ya, a world that'll mess ya up—get your mood all out of whack
All I want is to find just one person left in this world, can be counted on
El-Ilwaya is a wicked joint: real champs all up in there
And El-Abbari, that's where I'm from, and let me tell you: you better not act tough, 'cuz we gonna trace you down
A holler to everybody that's alright—to the best homies a fella could ask for
It was from Dakhila that we first waged this war! Bear witness, O Genre!
We're all set to meet up with you at any public square

My Comrade Mao Zedong

All the world's communists mainly the Turkish communists are going to demolish the new opportunist front's (which is modern revisionist, Trotskyist blend and Menshevik mix) attack against Marxism Leninism in the person of Comrade Mao Zedong
Long live the light path of comrades Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong!
They are afraid as to afraid the bugaboo
From my comrade Mao Zedong
They get scared day by day
From my comrade Mao Zedong
Look who attacked
Rogue revisionist flock
They are running away team by team
From my comrade Mao Zedong
You pursue for a Bourgeois status
You have grudge against Marxism
Fear, fear, fear
From my comrade Mao Zedong
İbo terrorized the oppression
Consciousness remained in our brain
We inspired with fighting
From my comrade Mao Zedong
Partisans will fight
All sides will fall
Rençber will also take it an example
From my comrade Mao Zedong

In Istanbul, In The Prison's Courtyard

In Istanbul, in the prison courtyard,
on a sunny winter day, after the rain,
the clouds, the red tiles, the walls and my face
while moving on the ground and in puddles,
I, thought of the world, my homeland and you,
while I carry:
all the braveness, lowness,
strongness, weakness of my soul...

Dear Sweety

The clouds in the sky (erman X6) are roaring,
The flock of lambs, Xwedê can (beloved God), are bleating,
Lovers, dear sweety, never say that,
There are many evileyes, be aware of this,
Ignite the Syrian rue (peganum harmala) with its smoke.
Laugh, dear sweety, so troubles disperse over us.
She beloved left me, ellaxwedê (erman X2) my sweetheart, my sweetheart.
She left a scar in my heart.
She became a bad person, made my house ruined.
No news came Ellaxwedî (erman X2) from my darling.
Ungallant archer took my heart away.
No news came, my sweetheart, from my darling.
Will continue...

Soldier From Naples

Soldier from Naples
You who are going to war


Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
He left a sign behind the windshield
Saying he will shove sticks into eyes but written with 'H'
Only 'H', only 'H', just 'H'
I have to admit, it's a bald move
To walk up to someone's window and take a dump
Leave a bunch of mean words, all this bile
Keep attacking, I deal with it every day
I know those online bastards way too well
Too well, too well
Master of the keyboard, and his weapon is big RAM
I can't do much when at least one of them
Brings their dirt into my house
I get overwhelmed with the thought
That I can't fight after all
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
It's Matylda watering my orchard today
I don't go anywhere alone
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
She wants to give me today
This explosive gift
[Verse 2]
Damp fingers, nervous speed
I was about to reply with something but suddenly
I know, I'll turn the power off, take it away
And if I ever go into fury again
I'll have to deal with someone throwing insults at my face
Then I'd like to be able to just once, just this one time
To throw a punch at him, fist hot as steel
This strict verdict, where I am the judge
Only me, only me
With no reductions, appeals, or complaints, just a hit
I know well that violence is the weakest of cards
And it fits my deck like a joke
But I'd like to defeat everyone evil
Just like you do
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
It's Matylda watering my orchard today
I don't go anywhere alone
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
She wants to give me today
This explosive gift
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
Singlehandedly pulls out the weed efficiently
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four

Although, cruel love

Although, cruel love,
you make me languish,
I will always
love you true.
With the patience
of my serving
I will be able to tire out
your pride.


I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
The moment the light comes on
The echo that’s still faint, a dreamy aria na na na na
It’s me who doesn’t know what to do
I’m afraid of the uncertainty, I’m not going to wait
The excitement of this night that is frowning
It looks like it will be a blooming season without sound
The increasing temperature of the day and night
It’s so hot it feels like it’s going to burst
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I
I can feel you, I’ll always find you
It’s getting a little clearer
This happy feeling that’s like a summer night’s dream
Ever since I met you, it’s been a new me
A big flower breathing in this small world
I think I know how to love myself
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
Hot summer night
Even though the dawn is coming, in your eyes
You’ll feel me without saying anything
It’s getting bigger, it’s getting bigger, this heat
Even if it softly, gently melts away
I’ll hold onto you
It will be forever
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I

Eagle brother

1. Eagle brother, eagle brother!
When, when?
When will you let me fly with you again,
When will you let me fly with you again?
2. Far up north
under the Great Bear1
I saw, I saw your brothers soar,
I saw them loose themselves under the endless sky.
3. They said go ask, go ask,
who, who
tied your wings so tightly?
Who ever tied your wings so tightly?
Eagle brother, eagle brother!
When, when?
When will you let me fly with you again,
When will you let me fly with you again?
  • 1. Dávggát refers to the constellation known in English as Ursa Major / Great Bear / Big Dipper / Charles's Wain. In Northern Saami it means 'the bow' (dávgi) and refers to a hunter's bow from Saami mythology. This particular line in the song ('Guhkkin davvin Dávggáid vuolde') also appears in the Saami national anthem and is often used to describe the general location of Sámieanan (Saamiland/Lapland).


Versions: #1
Thus spake my mother
That for me should they buy
A barque and beauteous oars
To go forth with vikings.
Stand in the stern,
Steer a dear vessel,
Hold course for a haven,
Hew down many foemen.