Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 240



The dictator curses when he forces his own law.
The heart blesses when it opens up.
Damned religion by its lack of love.
Even blessed the pain if it changed us really!
Everyone believes to be right,
everyone wants to be right.
Inside the heart is where the roads are born.
By the filth in your feet you'll know where do you go!
Everyone wants to be right.
I believe we lost our minds!
And if you want, come to consider
and see how the others feel.
If you want, if you can show humbleness!
I distract myself again looking at my belly.
Stranded on the platform where the train never comes.
That the sun comes out is not up to me,
and I wouldn't know what to do if you gave me the power.
So let's go! Life is slipping by, let's go!
Far from the men, abandoned,
it remained waiting alone without borning.
To grow on every being!
The haughty will fall from his own height.
The haughty will fall!
Is not believing less in you.
Is just thinking less in you.
Is not believing less in you.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Paldangdam (팔당댐)

Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
I got the feel, I felt it
I saw you falling for me
Honestly, I’m too ordinary
it doesn’t matter
Cuz I can talk, period
woah woah slow it down
It’s too early to end, it’s still Saturday night
Don’t go all in on me
I’ll be honest, your outfit today
woah woah, I don’t really like it
If you have that body, you should wear something that shows it off
I feel like you hid too much of it, how sad
Shallow people keep coming and going
DAM how you doin‘ baby
I’m busy finding her among the deep waters under the dam
Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
woah woah woah woah
I said slow it down girl
I can definitely tell you’re cute
But today is Saturday night
Honestly, I want you to show me something different
I get that you’re nice but
girl what else do you have
There’s definitely something I wanna know more
please be bad girl
I’ve got the feel, I felt it
I saw how she fell for me
but I ain’t got no feel about you
no freakin’ special ‘bout you
it doesn’t matter
Shallow people keep coming and going
DAM how you doin‘ baby
I’m busy finding her among the deep waters under the dam
tonight in the dam
in the dam
Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam

Esmeralda's Prayer

I have never learnt to pray
Is that a good start?
Will You listen to a gypsy girl,
A Bohemian?
I am shunned everywhere
They remain far from me
I can see Your face and ask You
Are You too so rejected?
God, help the outcast
The dirt of the street
Grant your mercy
For there is none here
God, help my people
You made us in Your image
If You do not help us,
Then no one will
I ask for money
I ask for strength
I ask for wealth
Possessions and power
I ask for gold
My purse is empty
I ask God
And his angels for their blessing
I ask for no wealth
I ask for nothing for myself
I know so many
With less than us
The poor, the gypsies
I pray for them
Outcast of the earth
The children of God
Are we not all
The children of God?

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Heart of ice

Cold, wind, mountain rain
Solidified water flow
The great ice might
We will split with united force
Chop this ice, pure and evil
Fight for love and down with fear
Enjoy the beauty
Now then, break the heart of ice into pieces
Ah! Eh!
Beware! Succor!
Ah! Eh!
Beware! Keep your eyes open!
Powerful, formidable, pointed smooth surface
We can't solve the magic of ice
Remember that ice is stronger than all of us
Even [stronger than] hundred big guys.
Cold, wind, mountain rain
Solidified water flow
The great ice might
We will split with united force
Chop this ice, pure and evil
Fight for love and down with fear
Enjoy the beauty
Now then, break the heart of ice into pieces

Jamie and Selda

My saz plays in the counties of Sivas,
Pine mountain passes are divided one by one,
I broke up with the lover, i am heartsick,
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.
I broke up with the lover, i am heartsick,
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.
I sacrifice myself for those hands holding pen.
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.
I prapare confections for those sweet tongue.
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.
I prapare confections for those sweet tongue.
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.
I am Pir Sultan the dervish, o Hızır Pasha*!
Will the imperial order come for my surviving head?
You segregated us yearning for our siblings and clans.
Clerk, write my petition like that to the shah.

Frollo's Visit to Esmeralda

I am a preacher and I come
To prepare you to die
I'm hungry, I'm cold, let me leave
I didn't do anything to anyone
Listen to that bell
It's five in the morning
Soon that door will open
In an hour you'll be dead
In an hour I'll be okay
We'll then see if you still dance
When you face the gallows
Tell me, what did I do to you?
Why do you hate me so?
This is not rancor,
This is love,
I love you
But what have I done
To awaken your love?
I am a gypsy
And you are a priest of Notre Dame

Frollo Tortures Esmeralda

Torture her!
Insist with this question
Whip her!
She has to change her opinion
Hang her feet in the lathe
And tighten
Confess already!
I love him,
I confess it
Free her hands and feet
Murderers, murderers!
Gypsy, you have confessed to using witchcraft, pursuit and prostitution
With captain of the royal guard Phoebus of Chateaupers
You will be dressed in an underskirt, barefoot, with the
Rope to your neck, to the Greve plaza where you will be

Esmeralda, You'll See

Esmeralda, you'll see
You're already a woman
And I won't be able to see you
As a girl any more
Your mother left,
You weren't even six,
Death called her
To the Andalusian sun
I trust you
And I am grateful
That you took good care of me
At least until today
Esmeralda, you'll see
Men are wicked
Be careful when you run
All around the city
You must understand
That nothing is as it was
I already know you have arrived
To the age of love
To the age of love

Frollo's Visit to Esmeralda

I am the preacher
That comes when it is time to die
I'm cold, I'm hungry, I only want to go out
I never hurt anybody
Listen to the bell that rings
It is five in the morning
Soon this door will open
Within an hour you will be dead
The hour comes
I'll be okay
We'll see then
If you still dance
Hanging from the gallows
But what did I ever do to you?
Why do you hate me so much?
You don't understand
This hate, it's that...I love you
I love you
But what did I do
To make you fall in love with me?
I am a poor gypsy and you are a preacher at Notre Dame

Touch of Ice

Cold ice
Reflects what is inside me
If you could
Thaw my heart
You will know
That I cannot control it
My power increases
Each day it is stronger
Who am I?
Who will I be?
I am tied to a destiny
That I must hide
I must today
Resign myself to dreaming about
My ideal life
Just because I'm not like the others
I'm just another girl
With just a touch of
You see this very easily
Being who you must be
If you could
Kiss me in order to thaw
My love
My life would change
I could feel warmth
But the cold is stronger
Who am I?
Who will I be?
I am tied to a destiny
That I must hide
I must today
Resign myself to dreaming about
My ideal life
Just because I'm not like the others
Who am I?
I must today
Resign myself to dreaming about
My ideal life
Just because I'm not like the others
I feel warmth
I can give love
With a touch of

Where Is Esmeralda?

Gringoire, your wife-- where is she?
She cannot be seen dancing by Notre-Dame
To be honest, I don't know
You're a priest, I'm a poet
When it comes to women,
We don't have the same religion or poetry
Where is
Your beautiful Esmeralda?
Paris looks
Very sad without her
She locked herself away
In a tower
Far from the fright
Of those she bewitched
What do you mean, poet?
That reply does not do
Enough of pirouettes
Have you seen her, yes or no?
Where is my beautiful Esmeralda?
Now my kingdom is left without a queen
She is
A swallow
It is as if
Her wings were broken
You shall find her
In 'La Sante' Prison
If you do not go save her
She could die,
Since they want to hang her
Don't tell me any more
All three:
Where is
Our Esmeralda
Paris looks
Very sad without her
She is a swallow
It is as if
Her wings were broken

Dance, My Esmeralda

When time passes,
Under the soil they shall find
My skeleton holding on to you
And the world will know at last
That Quasimodo loved Esmeralda
She who was his lighthouse and his light
God gave him such ugliness of form
How it helps him to carry his cross,
How it helps him to carry his cross.
Eat of my body, drink of my blood
You vultures of damnation,
As death will make me immortal.
Let our impossible love
And our souls fly
Beyond good and evil
So let them merge
With the light of the celestial
With the light of the celestial
Dance, my Esmeralda
Sing, my Esmeralda
Dance now for me
I desire you unto death
Dance, my Esmeralda
Sing, my Esmeralda
I want to be next to you
To die for you is no death
Dance, my Esmeralda
Sing, my Esmeralda
Come die with me
I desire you unto death
Dance, my Esmeralda
Sing, my Esmeralda
Way beyond the great beyond
To die for you is no death
Dance, my Esmeralda
Sing, my Esmeralda
Both of us shall depart
To die for you is no death

Sazul meu cântă în Sivas

Sazul meu cântă în Sivas,
Çamlıbel (ținuturile) sunt spulberate,
M-am despărțit de iubirea mea, doare,
copistule, asta e situația mea, scrie-i șahului!
Aș muri pentru cei care pot scrie,
Copistule, asta e situația mea, scrie-i șahului,
hai să ne amăgim inimile cu dulciuri,
Copistule, asta e situația mea, scrie-i șahului.
Stăpâne Abdal, regele meu Hızır pașa,
ne-ai despărțit de propriile rude,
oricare ar fi destinul nostru, asta se va întâmpla?
Copistule, asta e situația mea, scrie-i șahului.


Ninge zăpadă, cade pe cei săraci
De ce credința nu ia cuvântul săracului?
Am murit de foame, acum vino, domnule, te rog
Unii sunt membri ai parlamentului, unii sunt guvernatori, este interzis să fim plătiți,
Nu pot să stau în fața falsității tale,
Suntem condamnați, educați-ne, faceți drumuri către noi, viață pentru noi,
Vino acum, domnule, te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog ...
De ce este atât de greu să construiești noi drumuri,
Pentru a construi școli, pentru a restabili viața
Te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog ...
De ce nu este Urfa ca Istanbulul tău?
Săracul Maraș, Urfa uscată, cum rămâne cu Diyarbakır?
Suntem sortiți, suntem morți, o picătură de apă
Vino acum, domnule, te rog ...
Suntem morți, trimiteți o scrisoare, veniți acum, domnule,
Vă rugam, va rugam, va rugam...
De ce este atât de greu să dea terenuri,
Să iubești, să te cunoști pe tine însuți?
Te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog ...
Nu am fost născuți ca domnii, prietene,
Hai să trăim împreună, să nu credeți că sunt supărată pe voi,
Sunt sortită, nu fi suparat, vino acum, frate,
Te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog ...
De ce este atât de greu să dea terenuri,
Să plătească datoriile, să se cunoască pe sine,
te rog, te rog, frate, te rog ...

Unchiul Mehmet

E destul o pereche de bivoli?
Aha, unchiule Mehmet.
Este îndeajuns pentru a trăi?
Mai mult, unchiule Mehmet.
Copiii nu vor dormi
Aha, unchiule Mehmet
Oamenii flămânzi nu pot dormi
Mai mult, unchiul Mehmet.
Acest pămînt este un câmp secetos
Aha, unchiule Mehmet
Munciți mai mult, mai mult
Mai mult, unchiule Mehmet.
Zece copii mănâncă orz
Aha, unchiule Mehmet
Autoritățile nu știu despre acest lucru
Mai mult, unchiule Mehmet
Unchiul Mehmet este rușinos
Aha, unchiule Mehmet
Jur că nu este o minciună
Mai mult, unchiule Mehmet
Să mergem la tribunal
Aha, unchiule Mehmet
Sad Sherrif a venit
Mai mult, unchiule Mehmet.