Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 240
The Soldier Trifaldón
The Soldier Trifaldón
Lives inside a cantaloupe
The yellow seeds
Form a firm battalion
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
His sword is made of chocolate
His shotgun is made of nougat
Made of toffee is the hat
Of the soldier Trifaldón
One day he takes a stroll
with all his battalion
Marching through the fields
is the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
An army of ants
in a correct formation
Meets with the seeds
of the soldier Trifaldón
The one leading the ants
is a grumpy captain
'Stop' orders to the seeds
of the soldier Trifaldón
'(Surrender) anything that is sweet
sour sweet or sugary!'
Says the furious ant
to the solder Trifaldón
Trifaldón looks at his swords,
his shotgun, the battalion,
for everything he has is sweet
The soldier Trifaldón (says)
'Wait just a little
don't be in such a hurry Don
We are The Great Regiment
of the Soldier Trifaldón'
But the ant captain
Hits his head in a flash
Falling backwards to the ground
The solder Trifaldón
Then immediately he jumps back
Brave as a lion
and unsheathes his sword
The soldier Trifaldón
And even though is made of chocolate
the captain ant
is inflicted a big bump,
by the soldier Trifaldón
All the seeds start laughing
At the sight of this big and
And the huge bump made
by the soldier Trifaldón
But Trifaldón hush them up
Seeing that what a big tear
the captain ant is crying
And the soldier Trifaldon
Gets closer, hugs the and
then ask him for his pardon
Seeds and ants clap for
the soldier Trifaldón
And since then they go together
Battalion to battalion
The seeds and the ands
Commandeered by Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Porompompom the soldier Trifaldón
Southern Girl
Girl who hurries
because the bells sound for mass,
you walk with your head down,
you smile at who you know
You were born in a country
of oranges and oleanders
they've taught you to believe,
to live waiting for...him...
You don't cut your braid
it will be your first love
to undo your year
and then you'll tremble
Southern girl,
you who dream of my world
you only look at my face
Southern girl
Below that which
hides your smile
look deep, deeper
a hundred days of live
a thousand years of live
you've had your first kiss
but you don't remember from whom
My time doesn't count,
no, southern girl
You stay to embroider
your name on the sheets
spying out the window
with your pulse racing for the first time
I'll leave again, dreaming
maybe a bit too,
always so that I
still know how to dream
Southern girl
you call me ma'am
and you admiringly look at
the clothes that I have
Southern girl,
I'd give everything
To have your face
a hundred days of live
a thousand years of live
I'm the same age as you
but I don't know since when
My time doesn't count,
no, southern girl
Starring Myself
They are at the cafe, I'm in the street
They are being served hot food, I'm outside in freezing weather
They go places in Jeep, I'm in a taxi
They're on the beach, I'm behind [them]
He asks her to dance, I get angry
When they turn their hans to their backs, I hide everywhere
He buys roses for her, sends gifts to her
He loves her, but I also love her
They are walking in the street, I'm at the cafe
When they feel like someone's spying, I hide
They do shopping, [she] tries on clothes
He wants [her] dressed, but I want [her] undressed
Her boyfriend is rich, I have no chance
There are a lot of boys like me around her
She's the only girl who has a spot in my heart
In order to be close to her I become her boyfriend's friend
They organize a birthday party, I'm the first guest
They try to get their hands warm near the flame I have set
They choose an apartmant, I'm the one who advises
I become their guide wherever they go
He kisses her, I turn my head
I can't stand their happy momments
He talks to me about the things happened in the night
[About] the bed, the girl, touches, the noisy
He trusts me, but I hate him
I'm longing on their wedding day
Their wedding night, photos, their honeymoon period
A year later the first word their kid says is 'uncle'
They're at the cafe, I'm also at the cafe
If they fly abroad, I'm also abroad
If they launch a company, I'm their co-partner
This love triangle, this bloody vehicle
They make out in bed, I'm in the next room
They are playing the starring roles, I'm an episodic role
They live their own lives, but I live their ives
My name is Qaraqan, I don't have a name, don't have a name..
He flies abroad on business, I'm at home
I'm his best friend, his back
He can't leave his wife and kid alone
I play the leader role of the family
He works abroad, we're in the city
He's at busniness talks, we're at the cafe
He's tired at a hotel, we're already home
Fed the kid and laid him/her to sleep
He's already sleeping, I'm with his girlfriend
I bear it very hard, my anger is like a razor
She goes to take a shower and says she's a bit sweaty
Passion has poisoned my soul completely
Her husband makes money abroad, I'm his friend
She calls and askes me to go to bathroom, she says the water is too hot
I close my eyes and want to even it
Next second she's on me naked
Lasting kisses, passion, confession
She's naked, I'm dressed
She's naked, I'm naked
Falling water drops, pieces of the broken mirror
Ouches, moans, kid sounds from the other room
Fragments in front of my eyes, memories
She moans in such a way that whores don't moan like that
Suffer for love for 3 years, hide it for 3 years
She cheated on in a day
It doesn't matter for her, whether it's with me or with someone else
I pull her, but she doesn't leave me
She's stained my pure feelings
Awful lips, I hate her hands
I never wanted hate her
I can't do it, I pull her, I hit her with my knees
I confess her my love of 3 years
But I explain to her that what she's doing is betrayal
And the door is opened, my friend comes in with a gun in his hand
A raped wife and an asshole friend
Next record, I think there's no need to comment
Everybody already knows who's shot
Ice instead of gentle heart
Versions: #3
Night has carried away heavy clouds
But days are hopeless and dim.
We are parting forever just now,
We got in the dark and can’t leave.
I loved you and felt a hatred
Now my soul is empty and hard.
All has vanished without print or even mark
I have got an ice instead of gentle heart.
I can recall our dreams and planning,
But life doesn’t suit for all of them.
So many times we looked for an exit
And failed as the way had no end.
I loved you and felt a hatred
Now my soul is empty and hard.
All has vanished without print or even mark
And I‘ve got an ice instead of gentle heart.
Better we’ll seek two separate roads
My way will be long and yours is nice.
I mustn’t blame neither Damn nor God
I have to pay assigned price.
I loved you and felt a hatred
Now my soul is empty and hard.
All has vanished without print or even mark
I have got an ice instead of gentle heart.
Este o lebadă și un lingău
într-un gîndac care zboară spre mine
Eu pot să te văd
înalta și nefricoasă
Este o dansatoare
care dansează în fundul unui abis fără fund
Eu pot să te văd
Mișca-ți mînile
pîna in prezent.
Toate diminețile îmi povestesc despre tine
fiecare lac de absență pe care mi-l detectează ochiul
Acest cer de ianuarie
a adus un mac în forma de nor
Eu l-am împins
Foarte încet
Zilele [ei] fac drumul
Orele [ei] fac drumul si totul rămîne aici
așa cum se speră să fie
apa unei sete
mîna unei platforme
Toate diminețile îmi povestesc despre tine
fiecare lac de absență pe care mi-l detectează ochiul
Și toată această faună care umblă mă cunoaște
fiecare lac de absență pe care mi-l detectează ochiul
N-am să te uit
N-am să te uit
N-am să te uit
Nu, oh
Soldiers don't open fire !
His highness has ordered
The deserter's hunt
And the soldiers alredy
surrunds the hill
It's a beautiful spring evening
But I'm cold and afraid
Standing behind my door
In range of the guns
Soldiers, don't open fire, I don't have weapon
Soldiers, don't open fire, I'll explain everything
In the room of the groundfloor my wife is asleep
Soldiers let me with her to tomorrw noon
Like you I made myself
Boots in Englishman skin
I were even be wounded
I almost have the medail
But one day I deserted
I burned my draft papers
I prowled like a wolf
To come back at home
Soldiers, don't open fire, my wife is in the bed
Soldiers, don't open fire, she give birth to my cub
She have the arms crossed, she breath hard
Soldiers, don't open fire, let us still living.
Please make my way easy
Put some water heating
It's our first born
I doesn't konw how to do
Our blanket is thin
We'd need a coat
Soldiers I'll follow you
When I'd have my children
Soldiers, don't open fire, you just didn't see me
Soldiers, don't open fire, I'm 'Missing in Action'
Soldiers, don't open fire, come on in the house !
Soldiers, hug me ! Soldiers, it's a boy !!!
It's a boy !!!
The Prettiest Girl in the Kindergarten
The prettiest girl in the kindergarten
She has the prettiest eyes in the kindergarten
And the prettiest braids in the kindergarten
And the prettiest mouth in the kindergarten
The more you look
You realize there's nothing more to say
She's the girl
Who is the prettiest in the kindergarten
When she smiles
I smile
When she's sad
I don't understand
How it's possible to be sad
When you are the prettiest girl in the kindergarten
They play so oft in summer night
- In dwarven forest, in dwarven forest
Elfdance and Huldersong
- Oh hello you and ethereal you!
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the mountains
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the sky
Oh do you hear Gro, what I'm saying to you,
- In dwarven forest, in dwarven forest,
Do you want to ride with me to the blue mountains?
- Oh Hello you and ethereal you!
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the mountains
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the sky
Oh do you hear Per, why do you speak so?
- In dwarven forest, in dwarven forest
First, it shall spring my heart-blood
- Oh Hello you and ethereal you!
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the mountains
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the sky
I mourn not so wounded for you
- In dwarven forest, in dwarven forest
At home waits three crones for me!
- Oh Hello you and ethereal you!
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the mountains
- Lightly tread we, with our dance tonight, under the sky
Vino sau pleacă
Vino sau pleacă nu face asta
Fără tine inima mea este îndurerată
Dacă nu până la ultima suflare
Ai uitat ai o promisiune
Iubește sau pleacă nu te uita așa
De acum sufletul meu nu mai este rănit
Ți-ai forțat norocul prea mult
Sunt și eu om într-un final
Eu aș putea fi nebună aș putea ieși pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Aş fi putut face greşala aş fi putut ieşi pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Vino sau pleacă nu mai sta acum
Eu aşa te-am iubit pe tine
Dar tu nu mi-ai spus niciodată
Cum am putut să te cred
Vino sau pleacă nu mai sta acum
Tu aşa ai învățat de la mine
Dar tu nu mi-ai spus niciodată
Cum am putut să te cred
Eu aș putea fi nebună aș putea ieși pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Aş fi putut face greşala aş fi putut ieşi pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Eu aș putea fi nebună aș putea ieși pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Aş fi putut face greşala aş fi putut ieşi pe drum
Nu am făcut-o nu m-am îndurat de tine
Întotdeauna am privit căile pe care le așteptam
Am vrut o mică scânteie
Vino sau pleacă nu mai sta acum
Eu aşa te-am iubit pe tine
Dar tu nu mi-ai spus niciodată
Cum am putut să te cred
Vino sau pleacă nu tăcea acum
Astă inima mea ține doliu
Dar noi sau nu mi-ai spus niciodată
Cum te-am făcut sânge
Ege Kökenli
Yeah, she knew how to dance,
she knew how to get guys hooked.
She swayed the hearts of the Gringos.
They were in awe of their hips.
She would make all the guys in the block crazy.
They gave her posh handbags and finery.
Some even wrote poems for her.
And even the wisest became crazy.
She was beautiful like Esmeralda.
wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she
pretty, wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she?
She was beautiful like Esmeralda.
The beautiful Esmeralda heheheheheh
The beautiful Esmeralda
She was priced with a true beauty.
She would be the downfall of the most powerful men.
She ruined many couples
She keeps the worst gossipers busy
She's a man's dream and a woman's nightmare
and yet she didn't do anything to deserve all this.
It's been the same since she was a little girl.
She was beautiful like Esmeralda.
wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she
pretty, wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she wasn't she?
She was beautiful like Esmeralda.
The beautiful Esmeralda heheheheheh
The beautiful Esmeralda
She had some, she had some dreams.
She was gifted gifted gifted
They didn't give a damn about what was inside her head
Every guy wanted wanted wanted her
They wanted to play with her body
That's Esmeralda's life
Wow wow wow Esmeralda
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Girl, whoever laughs can laugh all they want
Life is not a game
Girl, of closeness and distance
Remember, girl.
Girl, what is sweeter than honey
Only your desired heart.
Girl, what is more stormy than an excited heart?
Tell me, girl.
All of my days are for you,
I will give you everything.
Don't tell me to leave.
Come, come and see, girl,
All of my days are for you,
I will give you everything.
Girl, how another love has passed,
Tell me, tell me baffled.
Girl, no one has ever found a girl like you,
Only I did, girl.
Girl, I don't know if this is a dream,
How did you get this far?
Girl, you are a diamond upon my heart,
Always, girl.
All of my days are for you...
Cei care cad vor rămâne pe pământ
Viața asta este așa?
Cei care cad vor rămâne pe pământ?
Ziua ar îndrepta talia,
Ce se va întampla dacă voi vota.
Viața nu este eternă,
Suntem împotrivă noi suntem un copil.
Am crescut într-o cădere,
Cei mai mulți dintre noi nu se pot ridica.
Viața asta este așa?
Cei care cad vor rămâne pe pământ?
Ziua ar îndrepta talia,
Ce se va întampla dacă voi vota.
Dar această călătorie fără sfârșit,
Poate ne va aprinde puțin sufletul.
În cazul în care vei cădea drept,
Primii pași vor începe din nou.
Viața asta este așa?
Cei care cad vor rămâne pe pământ?
Ziua ar îndrepta talia,
Ce se va întampla dacă voi vota.
Ege Kökenli
My Little Girl
I have a little girl
Never cries without cause
She has her own reasons
Which she keeps to herself
Everything she hears
And that she knows
She sees everything with her eyes
And she understands everything
And if you will see someone like
My little girl
Doesn’t want to sleep now
So we are both in bed
And her mother says
May she only be healthy
May she only be good
As she herself already is
Like my little girl
Like my little girl
My little girl whispers
Speaks without words
In the white nights with her
A small caressing voice
And when she smiles at me
It’s always from all of her heart
So I fall in love with her again
And every day it gets stronger
And if you will see someone like
My little girl
Doesn’t want to sleep now
So we are both in bed
And her mother says
May she only be healthy
May she only be good
As she herself already is
Like my little girl
Like my little girl
You re like once in a blue moon
Versions: #3
It doesn't matter anymore
as a matter of fact , we will handle it the right way now
your story in past doesn't bother me
we re somehow rewriting it from now on
right in front of my eyes 1001 nights
I have a love that gets the mountains down
just take notes of the catchies
we will complete the small necessities one by one
and you came into the world for a reaction to everything
what a grace she has, oh my God , You re gorgeous
just may she have a fault at least,there s one has and not
It's really unbalanced , You re like once in a blue moon
The Legend of Cristalda and Pizzomunno
You who now do not fear,
Ignore the song
Of that bewitching chorus
That invades your mind
And for how much you ponder,
By now your arms
Cannot do
anything more
But if you relax
And abandon your gaze
To a very long dream
Oh, my Pizzomunno
Look at that mocking wave,
That drowns
Your undefended love
I will remain faithful to you for life
And if they were few, even another hundred years
Thus you'll soften the deceptions
Of your mermaids
Cristalda was beautiful
And he, from far away,
Could see her
Still like that
With her hand outstretched
And maybe a tear shed
Into the wind
It was only a moment,
Then he disappeared far,
And her, at home, singing
Not even the suspicion
That meanwhile, below
Their vendetta
and their lament
Because, poor girl, they already had in their heart
The tense muscles of the beautiful fisherman
And his umpteenth refusal
Was one day punished
But I will wait for you, I will wait for you
Even if it were for a hundred years, I will wait
Even if it were for a hundred years
And then from the sea
They rose together
On the beaches of Vieste,
The evil mermaids
Somebody saw them
Carrying down
Cristalda in chains
And when the cries
Reached heaven
He truly went mad
Trying to save her
Because she was no longer there
And that blinding ire
Stopped him forever
And so the people admire him
From then on, giant
of white limestone
That waits to this day
For his stolen
And never-returned love
But I will wait for you
Even if it were for a hundred years, I will wait
Even if it were for a hundred years, I will wait
Even if it were for a hundred years
I will wait for you
Even if it were for a hundred years
Even if it were for a hundred years
I will wait for you
Even if it were for a hundred years
They say that now
And it may not be a legend
On an August dawn
The beautiful Cristalda
Rises again from the waves
To relive
A stupendous story
The Emerald City
Come with me…
Glinda: To where?
Elphaba: To the Emerald City..
See the Emerald City today!
I always wanted to see the Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
The Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
See what it can offer today.
Come today, to the Infinite city!
The exquisite Jewel
today it invites you, there is much to do…
What you could teach….
To dress
To study
Elphaba and Glinda:
and much more!
and time is not lost here!
Everything is...
very green here!
Elphaba and Glinda:
and as you see, I shall never leave!
I want to live in a great swing!
And I swear I will return
and never, I will never leave.
Elphaba and Glinda:
Today I only know that dream, for good!
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun you'll have!
See today!
Elphaba and Glinda:
As this maiden
this star…
will leave a print!
They will not forget!
Oh, the nightlife, the coming and going!
Everything is so... Ozmopolitan!
Elphis, we're going to be late for the Wizardmanía!
I want to remember this moment always, nobody looks at me
nobody points at me. For the first time... I feel at home.
You're totally emerald!
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Who came with his huge balloon
us in Oz, he makes us silly!
the Wizardtastic!
Wonderful Wizard!
Female Ensemble:
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun!
Male Ensemble:
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Look today, the Emerald City!
Glinda and Elphaba
Here, everything happens...
It is our house
here and now I give you…
my friendship
Our friendship
The greatest friendship….
All this happened only...
The Wizard wants to see them!
There's a swan in a toad
in a beetle that flies to me
I can see you
tall and fearless
There's a dancer
who dances in the bottom of a bottomless pit
I can see you,
move your hands
to the present
Every morning they talk to me about you
every lake of absence that my eye detects
This january sky
brought a cloud shaped poppy
I'll push it
very slowly
Days make their way
Hours make their way and all remains here
like waiting to be
water of a thirst,
hand of a walk
Every morning they talk to me about you
every lake of absence that my eye detects
And all that fauna that goes knows me
every lake of absence that my eye detects
I won't forget you
I won't forget you
I won't forget you
No, oh

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Winter turns us silent and dumb
When will the weather finally turn
I'm faithful to the red dragon
I'm not shy about life at all
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving, she pays no attention
Remains forever unknown
Words, free like the wind
Children, that are children no longer
I can't live in the days gone by
Have to rescue tomorrow from today
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving, she pays no attention
Remains forever unknown
Come take my hand
My heart beating proudly within my chest
A dim light behind the mist
But me, you cannot see
The cold wind awaits
Planning a storm
Has the beginning not known
Of its end
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving his hand to greet you
And knows that it must perish
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Ciao amore
Do you remember, it snowed that night
We stood on the platform, you and me
You held my hand
Touched my hair and kept quiet
You had to leave by the first train
I saw fear in your eyes
You whispered my name
Shaking from cold and crying
Ciao amore, bye, my love
Ciao amore, bye and write to me
Go fast and don't look back
Nothing is important anymore, no
Your eyes are telling me everything
Just kiss me, bye, my love
Bye, my love, bye, my love
Do you remember, it snowed that night
We stood on the platform, you and me
You whispered my name
Shaking from cold and crying
Bye, my love, bye, my love
Bye, my love, bye and write to me
~ Luvya, dankie mutch :D ~
'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase
Whose Turn is it?
Versions: #2
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
If you want to go, go. Leave your pain around me.
Let me learn never to go to passion with my own accord
Oh my heart, don't regret [the wasted time of] my life and the nights
I regret that one day I made you everything I have
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Hope Doesn't Deceive
Love me, ok, don't love
My heart's with you
The days spent by your side in my memory
The days spent by your side in my memory
Miss me, ok, don't miss
My feelings I told you are same
Don't cool down, never change
Don't cool down, never change
Hope doesn't deceive
Feelings don't diminish
My heart can't feel happiness without you
Anxiety can never beat
The two of us slowly
Loneliness can never hurt us
The two of us
The mistery is ahead
We'll love and pass
Never go awry together
The two of us
The mistery is ahead
We'll love and pass
Never go awry together
Feel me, ok, don't feel
My feelings are still same
You're my most precious one in life
You're my most precious one in life
I won't move away for you
You, don't go away from me too
Love me like I love you too
Hope doesn't deceive
Feelings don't diminish
My heart can't feel happiness without you
Anxiety can never beat
The two of us slowly
Loneliness can never hurt us
The two of us
The mistery is ahead
We'll love and pass
Never go awry together
The two of us
The mistery is ahead
We'll love and pass
Never go awry together
It feels like
in autumn
on the trees
The road
The sun touches my skin
And everyday your love grows inside of me
Ask your heart in the sea
If you won't love, i shall go away
I shall go away
The sun touches my skin
And everyday your love grows inside of me everyday
Ask your heart in the sea
If you won't love, i shall go away
I shall go away
Love me like a man,
Otherwise i shall go on,
Children and flowers in the sea
I shall go back to my dream world
The sun touches my skin
And everyday your love grows inside of me ever
Ask your heart in the sea
If you won't love, i shall go away
I shall go away
Letter of a soldier
I've waited for a letter
that hasn't reach my hands, no
and going on with the wind
and dreaming with the rain.
Remember that pretty face,
so far away from me
and dreaming I wake up
a morning, so close to you.
Oh, it's been already three months,
with no knowledge of your love,
praying for two months and not knowing what to do
because when you left you said:
'I'll wait for you''.
Remember that pretty face,
so far away from me
and going on while everything it's fine
screaming ''forget her''
Oh, they will hug you too,
jelousy, why?
to the new love that will come, you'll swear
the same intense love that yesterday
you swore to me.
Remember that pretty face,
so far away from me
and going on while everything it's fine
screaming ''forget her''
''forget her'', ''forget her''.
Just learning.
The toy soldiers
When I was little I had toy soldiers
Lead toy soldiers all alike
Some on a horse, others crawling
Others with fusil and always standing.
And I did battles without shoots nor sticks
Without tommy guns noise nor good or bads
And they were all obedients in their places
If one went broke I had a replacement.
And it was the head what they always lost
poor toy soldiers with empty souls!
Then I became a man through many roads
One has to walk a lot to find a destiny
And the illusions and the hopes
The lost dreams that are never reached.
But my soldiers grew too
They loaded their weapons and they go emplty
And they spreaded by many countries
Without leaving happy memories to anybody.
And even they reached the highest positions
If they remove one there's always a replacement
That's why I can't see them with affection
Children don't dream with these soldiers.
No my general, no my colonel
Children don't dream, don't dream with him
No my general, no my colonel
Children don't dream, don't dream, how good

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Esmeralda's prayer
I don't know if you hear me
But I beg for answers
I don't know if you would listen
To the prayer I've got
Yes, I know I am too simple
I should be left outside
But when see your glare, I think that
Maybe you hear me after all
God, help the people who are in need
Show them your love and give them your support
God, help my people now, the short moment they exist
God, help the forgotten, I think you want that
I beg for strength, I beg for answers
I beg for light over the name I've got
Love's prayer is all I ask for
I want God's all angels to watch over me
I beg for the others, who are left outside
I beg from my heart and believe that you hear
Help my people, when they're suffering right now
All of us are children here, our father is you
You are the only one who can help the forgotten
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)
Pisică albă, murdară
Ce mai faci, fata mea, spune-mi povestea ta, cine ți-a întristat chipul?
Ce mai faci, fata mea, spune-mi despre tine, cine ți-a frânt inima?
Pe părul acela fin, ale cui mâini au îmbătrânit, respirație cu fum,
necioplite izbituri, lipsite de grație, lipsite de maniere te-au întristat?
Prin ce ai trecut, știu,
Dacă te ating, vei plânge, simt asta,
Timpul tristeții a trecut, ei sunt în trecut, totul s-a sfârșit, a trecut.
Pisica albă, murdară, e spălată cu lacrimile mele,
Scapă de amintiri, agață-te de (ziua) de mâine,
Pisica albă, murdară, e spălată cu lacrimile mele,
Scapă de amintiri, agață-te de (ziua) de mâine.
Ce mai faci, fata mea, spune-mi povestea ta, cine ți-a întristat chipul?
Ce mai faci, fata mea, spune-mi despre tine, cine ți-a frânt inima?
Pe părul acela fin, ale cui mâini au îmbătrânit, respirație cu fum,
necioplite izbituri, lipsite de grație, lipsite de maniere te-au întristat?
Prin ce ai trecut, știu,
Dacă te ating, vei plânge, simt asta,
Timpul tristeții a trecut, ei sunt în trecut, totul s-a sfârșit, a trecut.
Pisica albă, murdară, e spălată cu lacrimile mele,
Scapă de amintiri, agață-te de (ziua) de mâine,
Pisica albă, murdară, e spălată cu lacrimile mele,
Scapă de amintiri, agață-te de (ziua) de mâine...
Verse 1
We have so many memories and so few pictures
I loved you without measure -- you in small doses
I waited for you to come for whole days
I asked myself who you were with . . .
You kissed me today without telling me that tomorrow,
You will burn the love that remained in you
And you won't know who I am,
My name is foreign to you.
Then when you left,
You did not look back
Anymore, ever
Like a soldier,
I will be there where you left
All of our love.
Verse 2
What was, yesterday, is no more, today
And all I feel is like an error
Come on, lie to me that you didn't exist
And it was only a retouched freeze-frame.
Then when you left,
You did not look back
Anymore, ever
Like a soldier,
I will be there where you left
All of our love.
And I will write to you, verses of love
Until there is not
Anything to say or cry about anymore.
And I will write to you, verses of love
Until they consume all the pain in me
From longing you, from longing you.
Pacea Mea
Pacea mea este legata, cu un fir,
cu a ta.
Și sărbătorile pe care noi le iubim,
sezoanele minunate din an
cu tezaurul lor de aromă, și florile,
și fructele, frunzele și vântul,
cu ceață și ploaie,
zăpadă neprevăzute,
și roua,
suspendați de-un fir de dor.
Tu și eu și Sabatul.
Tu și eu și viața noastra
în incarnare anterioară.
Tu și eu
și minciună.
Și frică.
Și fișurile.
Tu și eu
și autorul de ceruri fără
Tu și eu
și misterul.
Tu și eu
și moartea.
Not A Soldier
The sky falls down,
it stings where the knife cut,
I've been awake all night,
felt if the heart is still there,
felt if the heart is still there.
I have trusted in tomorrow
like how a believer believes.
I would have done so differently
if I walked in other shoes,
if I walked in other shoes.
I am not a soldier,
I have no weapons to use,
no crusade I want to walk,
don't put me in a line,
you'll never get me to stand still,
I won't work then,
I am not a soldier,
I don't think like that.
I've raged war in the house,
I've raged a war in me,
my eyelids are heavy now
soon I'll be dreaming of you,
soon I'll be dreaming of you.
I've never stood at the battlefront
or defended what I have.
But in the shards and flakes
Sunt pe un drum lung, îngust
Sunt pe un drum lung, îngust,
Merg zi și noapte,
Nu mai știu de mine,
Merg zi și noapte,
De când am venit pe lumea asta.
Merg chiar de la început,
Într-un caravanserai cu doar două uși,
Merg și și noapte,
Când contemplu / meditez,
Totul pare departe, când e privit,
Drumul pare lung cât un minut,
Merg zi și noapte.
Veysel e confundat în țara asta,
Uneori plângând, alteori râzând,
Pe drumul ce duce la destinația mea,
Merg zi și noapte...
Six Soldiers
Three soldiers hidden
In the light grass
Three soldiers lying down
On a battlefield
Whilst all around
The silence stretches out
Dreaming about luck
Dreaming about love
The grass is soft
The sun is gentle
Our flag lies sleeping
Amongst the cornflowers
The bird is singing
Let's not frighten it
On the other side
Three soldiers likewise
Think of summer
Of all that they love
They're dreaming too
When moments of silence come
Dreaming about luck
Dreaming about life
The grass is soft
The sunlight in full bloom
The poppy is our colour
The air is calm
Let's not disturb it
The papers will cry out
To the people who wander
'All calm on the front
The assault is being prepared'
But the six soldiers
On their rustic bed
They'll say perhaps
As they cross their arms
'You, Gentlemen of the Headquarters
If your heart is in it
You can attack it hard
Us, we're staying put
We're too comfortable'