Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 240
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
The straw man
with straw eyes
and straw mouth
and straw teeth
with plastic soul
and plastic thoughts
heart of plastic
and plastic, and plastic...
The warm and subtle sickness...
it's laying down
warming me
and melting my
plastic mind,
plastic thoughts
plastic speaking
and plastic life
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Love cannot be resisted
Love cannot be resisted
because the hands want to possess beauty
and do not leave a long time of silence.
Because love is living two thousand dreams
until the sublime kiss.
The Moon (Majora's Mask) vs The Sun (Teletubbies) - Epic Pixel Battle (April Fool's Day Bonus)
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
The sun from Teletubbies!
The moon from Majora's Mask!
Oh oooh! What do we have here?
I don't want to make you cry but you're gonna scream in fear.
You, a big bad? Zelda's not even in your game at all!
Now prepare yourself, you're about to fall!
You're about to meet with a terrible fate
Meeting me is one of the worst events you'll have to undertake
Not even your Teletubbies are going to defend you
It's not three days, but three bars, that will be enough to end you!
You must feel so important fighting against the small frys
Or don't you have the stones to pick on those your own size?
You're controlled by a buffoon, so don't act so smug.
You've been unmasked, you don't get a BIG HUG!
Come on, Tubbies, let's zap to more informative TV.
You think you're all powerful, but deep down you're just meek.
Without Majora, you don't have any power, they say!
Now say goodbye, my children: 'GO AWAY!'
Skull Kid:
For a sun, you aren't all that bright.
Thanks to your show, children's minds aren't quite right.
If I wanted to end the world, it's because of you guys!
Drink all your tubby toasts, choke on them, and die!
Majora's Mask:
Show no mercy, I won't give your life length.
My power is growing, I attack at full strength!
You're too hot-headed, sunshine, prepare for the apocalypse!
Thus your chance of victory was Termina-ted in the eclipse.
Who deserves the victory?
Who will be next?
Am nevoie doar de tine
Inima îmi arde de dor, de ce ne vedem așa de rar?
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să mai trăiesc și să strălucesc.
Multe sălcii cresc pe calea către tine,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să nu mă pierd pe drum.
O singură inimă păstrează atât de multe suferințe,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să fiu fericit.
Îți aud chemarea, dar nu te văd, de aceea inima mi se frânge,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să-ți spun toate secretele mele.
Florile cresc mai repede grație privirilor pline de dragoste,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să-ți dăruiesc cea mai frumoasă dintre ele.
O singură inimă păstrează atât de multe suferințe,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să fiu fericit.
Aș urca munții, dar sunt prea înalți,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să-i urc.
Când îți va fi greu, te voi sprijini,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să trec peste toate necazurile.
O singură inimă păstrează atât de multe suferințe,
Am nevoie doar de tine ca să fiu fericit.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Gesi Vineyard
Versions: #2
I wander in Gesi Vineyard
I lost my beloved oh I seek him now
I count on your welcome
Come and take a sit beside me, let me explane my state
He is not able to see my state, what shall I do with my love
I got three bunch of rose in Gesi Vineyard
Eh, repentless, there is death for you as well,
If so there is torture in this world
Don't let me down mum,
No one shall cry for my trouble but my mother
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
We are going fast, enjoy the pace!
Flying like a falcon through blue mountains
The wind wuthers and whooshes
Excitement throbs, the engine is revving
I can feel it's dizzying, wild intoxication
We are going fast, the radial tire is smoking
Go faster! A grand dream is drawing me
The diamond is sparkling
And a Porsche is so fancy
Shiny chrome steel, mirrory metal
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Eight cylinders, the power almost makes me explode
Next to me, a woman with dreamlike beauty
Our racing is mindless
Let's go! The illusion may die,
But all this is so amazing! So posh!
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.
When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.
Such a state I'm in
Versions: #3
Such a state I'm in
Such a state I'm in
Such a state I'm in
Such a state I'm in
A part of me swayed in the waters, like a blue moss
A part of me swayed in the waters, like a blue moss
My friend, O my dear friend
Such a cruel separator line this is
Such an infuriating equality
One part of us shedding the leaves
And the other part blooming into a spring garden
Sunt într-un asemenea loc
Sunt într-un asemenea loc încât,
Sunt într-un asemenea loc încât,
Sunt într-un asemenea loc încât,
Sunt într-un asemenea loc încât,
Cineva apropiat de mine ar putea fi purtat departe, precum algele albastre sunt purtate de valuri,
Cineva apropiat de mine ar putea fi purtat departe, precum algele albastre sunt purtate de valuri...
x 2
Prietene, prietene, scumpul meu prieten,
Asta nu e o zgârietură rea, acesta...
Acesta nu e cineva lipsit de echilibru,
Frunza cade doar pentru noi,
Doar pentru noi, într-o grădină de primăvară.
Share music and kindness! :)
Those Who Wear the Skirt Well
Men of the world
Stop and listen for a second
'Cause it seems so absurd to us
What you sound like out there
Stupid songs
With lyrics that don't respect us
And I can't wrap my head around
Why you paint us that way.
We are much more than sex
A pair of breasts, a nice body
Under our hair we have a brain
A heart to feel
We are much more than that
Open your eyes 'cause these are different times
And from us you were born
There's nothing more to say.
Excuse me?
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
Those of us who know how to live (that's right)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel (I am Ivy Queen)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes you can.
(Yes you can, man)
Those of us in charge have arrived, in pants or in skirts
Women do not fall. Get up!
'Cause we're the gift to this planet
And whoever hits us like that sins
Man, respect us!
Respect what we can do, without any opposition
That we have a brain, intelligence, and a heart
That there are many in the fight
It's not the same to hurt one
Men of the world
To clarify this point for you
We are the same, we are one
There's nothing more to say
(We won't let ourselves go)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well (that's right)
Those of us who know how to live (we know how to live man)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now (the ones in charge)
Those who wear the skirt well (Yes Sir)
The ones who can make you feel.
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us (Yes Sir)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes we can
We are more than sex
We're an I love you
We're an I can
We're an example
We're more than sex (sex)
We're an I love you (I love you)
We're an I can
There's nothing more to say
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel
Oh oh oh
María José
La Josa
Ivy Queen
Eliot the Wizard of Oz
The power of the universe
It gave and nurtured,
the laughing, exuberant, innocent world,
its song rang, the Sun glared down
on its colorful dawn.
It sang about the summer,
an arising but still pale flower,
it was living its life, a light colored
its fine, beautiful voice.
A wandering breeze answered,
told a beautiful ancient legend
about the tree reaching the sky, amid its foliage
the evening star.
Under the night sky
the flame of the one star is on its way,
it shines though alight it’s not, and finally
it’ll arrive into summer again.
The Light will bring a new life,
a new life, flames and hope,
our world will finally arrive into Summer again,
when the light of the dawn reaches the sky.
Two hearts
Like two drops of clear dew
that at night they kiss quietly,
like two waves that are driven
to merge in the riverbank,
like the fire that wraps the summer,
like a cloud that embraces another,
so are your love and mine
that merge into a single ideal.
With your heart in my heart
the blue morning star will shine better,
with your heart in my heart
everything in the garden will speak about love.
Crystal notes will fill your ear
and a divine light will wrap us.
I'll fix my eyes on your black eyes,
in your red lips I'll join my lips.
And my inspiration will fly on
with your heart in my heart.
And my inspiration will fly on
with your heart in my heart.
Crazy Thought
I fantasize day after day that you're with me.
My heart aches when I imagine
that you're mine and I am yours, like a year ago.
I spend dull evenings with somebody else
and you'd probably laugh at the jealousy
that my heart is burning up with.
My heart is still burning up with jealousy.
That I play at being in love with him is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I think about making love to you,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that it is you,
I'm making love with my eyes closed.
That I give myself to somebody else is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I dream that I'm happy with you again,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that you're mine.
I close my eyes and see your face.
You love another more than me,
but drunk on jealousy I plead for your kiss.
I take a walk with him and I hug him in the dark,
but in reality I am far away.
He doesn't even suspect that you're here between us.
I hear a voice that tells me:
''Enough of this tenderness, I'm sick of your love.''
That I play at being in love with him is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I think about making love to you,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that it is you,
I'm making love with my eyes closed.
That I give myself to somebody else is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I dream that I'm happy with you again,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that you're mine.
I close my eyes and see your face.
That I could forget with him all the days
and nights of our love is a crazy thought.
There's still a memory
in the past.
That I play at being in love with him is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I think about making love to you,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that it is you,
I'm making love with my eyes closed.
That I give myself to somebody else is a crazy thought,
because while doing so I dream that I'm happy with you again,
insane, insane, insane are the thoughts that you're mine.
I close my eyes and see your face.
Your face.
Love story
How hard it is to dry the endless source of love
To tell the story of a moment's pleasure
To laugh in joy if the heart feels
A great pain
How nice that after the summer rains the sun appears
And walking towards the river of warmth
Let your smile bring back the fantasy which yesterday I lost
How grand it is to feel the heart
Beating so, swollen by emotion
To be able to hear your sweet voice
To kiss you passionately and to caress you
And to not lose not even an instant
Of being for you
A great love
How nice it is that you're with me at the rising of the dawn
To be able to tie together the flowers of this love
And to bring about night and to shake my heart
Words, words
Life, what's happening with me this evening?
I look at me and it's like the first time...
So what's happening, so what's happening, so what's happening?
I want to speak with you
So what's happening?
You're the lovely phrase that never changes
You don't change, you don't change, you don't change
You're my past, my present
And you're always worrying me
I know very well
I have proof you'll always torment me with promises
You look like the wind that brings violins and roses
Caramel candies I no longer want
Many times I don't understand you
Of roses and violins I don't want you to speak to me this evening
'Cause I feel it deep in my soul
When you bring me true love
Not when you lie and soon it'll be seen
Only a word
Words, words, words
Listen to me
Words, words, words
I beg
Words, words, words
I swear to you
Words, words, words
Words, words
There are only words between us two
It's my destiny to speak with you, to speak with you like the first time
So what's happening, so what's happening, so what's happening?
No, I [w]on't say anything
It's the night that's speaking
So what's happening?
The romantic night
You don't change, you don't change, you don't change
You in my taboo dream
My sweet hope
I know very well what's your feeling
You've already explained it to me well
There's nothing more to say
Looking at you, I saw in your eyes the moon and in your chant the cricket
Caramel candies I no longer want
If you weren't here, I'd have fun making you up
The moon and the delights normally usher in my nights
But I want to sleep dreaming
How is that man, who knows how to feel
Who doesn't speak much and who knows finally how to love me?
Only a word
Words, words, words
Listen to me
Words, words, words
I beg you
Words, words, words
I swear to you
Words, words, words
Words, words
There are only words between us two
What's happening, my love?
Words, words, words
What's happening, my love?
Words, words, words
My love, what's happening?
Words, words, words
What's happening, my love?
Words, words, words
Words, words
There are only words between us two
The Door
Who told you my door should always be open? (2)
You go and come whenever you want and I stay here awaken. (2)
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
I'll close the door so you learn.
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
You won't be able to see me crying behind the door.
Who told you my door should always be open? (2)
You go and come whenever you want and I stay here awaken. (2)
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
I'll close the door so you learn.
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
You won't be able to see me crying behind the door.
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
I'll close the door so you learn.
I'll close the door, on your face. (3)
You won't be able to see me crying behind the door.
Green Toy Soldiers
Dirt soft drumming drizzle
Children are hiding
Underneath mother coats
Small animal eyes
Looking out towards death
The tires sinking in the mud
The hearse hangs in space
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip, slip
“Oh, da spirits be with ya now, mon.'
- Bwonsamdi
Fallen Soldier II
You are a name on the gravestone
You are the most beautiful twenty years in your beloved one's life
Yet how many people know that you have once visited the world?
Whose side did you take? For whom did you fall?
Your life sacrificed.
What if you returned and learned you are no longer the one?
Would you forgive?
Would you forgive the unfaithful girl? And country?
That did not keep promises.
A dear John letter from her? Nothing from your country.
Veterans, homeless, dwell in the streets
Unwanted heroes in delirium like reality
Shoulder the burden of horrors.
How easy to send you into the fight,
How easy to lose your life.
How easy is to lay you a wreath,
Even easier to promptly forget.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
See the soldiers marching
See the soldiers marching
through the scorched steppe.
They softly sing a song
about birches and maples,
about a pensive garden
and a weeping willow.
About beloved forests
about beloved forests
and a broad field
See the soldiers marching
Their song rings louder now,
and the song goes about
a fearsome redoubt
and courage under fire
and death for life's sake,
and about their loyalty
and about their loyalty
to our glorious fatherland.
See the soldiers marching
in unfamiliar surroundings.
They'll crush all enemies
and go back home
to the pensive garden,
the weeping willow,
their beloved forests
their beloved forests
and the broad field.
You Can't Be Born a Soldier
There is not a barren sacred place.
[We] had a worthless corpse to fill a pit,
A red rag to wrap around a hearse,
A soulful song to mute all evils and all woes,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place without a foe.
Blindly, with a polished rifle stock,
Charge forth in a uniform without a hole,
With a dashing march to mute your grinding teeth,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place that's nice and clean.
Stinking winds are flooding on the shores,
Rotten ash, absorbed by the soil,
And tobacco shorting out our drunken noses,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place devoid of sin.
Snatch a bite of a woman's scream - fucking great!
And a sip of honey brew to throw it up,
With a red flag to wipe away your heavy tears,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
And then make love
And then make love.
No sex, just love.
And by this I mean
slow kisses on the mouth, on the neck,
on the belly, on the back,
bites on the lips,
intertwined hands,
and eyes inside eyes
I mean, hugs so tight
to become one thing,
bodies stuck and souls in collision,
caresses on the scratches
clothes off, together with fears,
kisses on our weaknesses,
on the signs of a life
which, until then
had been a little wrong.
I mean, fingers on the bodies,
creating constellations,
smelling scents,
hearts beating together,
breaths traveling
at the same pace.
And then smiles,
true, after some time
they hadn't been anymore
make love and don't feel ashamed,
because love is art,
and you're the masterpieces.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
To Love Songs
If song is an opportunity
To say what's been beating in me
I don't want to need thoughtlessly contrived phrases
Or to talk about what they impose
I need you to tell me it's okay to feel the way I do
That I can avoid all the obvious stuff, that we can go deeper
Words, stories, they're the medium, they're the form
It's what will be, what will tell us what we're doing here
Ey, don't you see, how many more times are you going to replicate
Homogenize and delimit a way to love
There's been a mistake, there's a song, a decision
That could change, that could test out another way to love
Unique relationships, our bodies and ages define us
Time and our cities transform us, no relationship has an equal
Let's give opportunities to the things that run us out of our spaces
New sensations, other realities await us far beyond our comfort zones
Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why
Why if you wanted me so much why do you stay with him,
Now my melofy doesn't sound good
Everything I had,I gave to you
And now why
I am calling you but you do not answer
I keep searching for you but my soul doesn't find you
I have my questions without answers
Because with you my life was perfect
Every time I see your photo on Instagram
Kissing him, kills me
Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why
I would have given you my whole life
And you stopped me from assesing
Everything that we together dreamed
It was an illusion that went away with the sea
I hate missing you and seeing you not coming back
I woke up the other day without you but
If anyone is worth it to you, you are worth nothing to me
And do not come to me with stories
Your angel's laugh and heart of the devil
You don't have feelings
Before the heat of hell stayed with me
With the coldness of your kisses
I lost time with you
As if I was imprisoned
Lies, everything you told me were lies
Lies and now you're hanging out with your friends
Lies and now they criticize me
Lies, your words are lies
Why if I loved you and treated you well,
And now you have gone and don't want to come back
And now I ask myself if you want him
Tell me why
I like the verb to feel
I like the verb 'to feel'...
To hear the noise of the sea,
to smell its scent.
To hear the sound of rain
wetting your lips,
to sense a pen
that's tracing feelings on a piece of paper.
Smelling the scent of your loved ones,
hearing their voice
and feeling it with your heart.
'To feel' is the verb of emotions,
one lies on the back of the world
and feels...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Come back, my dear
I ask the sun, the stars, I call you
I ask the rain, the clouds, I call you
I'm tired of calling, asking whose i see
Come back, my dear, come back
To this centennial plane tree, to this fountain which i drank water
I ask and call you to the crane in the air
Trees bloomed, separated people have been met
Come back, my dear, come back
In the city to the suburbs, to the avenues and streets
I ask and call you like Mecnun
My eyes filled with tears, you didn't come though
Come back, my dear, come back
It's not a sin, you've made me cry on the homesickness
Where are you now? I ask and call you.
Come back, my dear, come back, what is it that hinders you?
Come back, my dear, come back
You’re the one who lied
Look at my eyes,
Tell me the truth,
Was I not faithful to you?
I left everyone,
I chose only you,
Tell me, maybe I made a mistake?
You were my only support,
I trusted my soul to you,
Now when you are also hurt like me,
Now you need me?
You’re the one who lied,
The one who made me cry all these nights,
Who left me in longing,
Why did you leave me when you made me believe you?
You taught me to be without you,
You’re the one who made my heart cold,
Why did you come back when I forgot you?
Look at my eyes,
How much the pain has hurt my heart,
I had always lived only for you,
You didn’t feel the need of me.
Tell me, why did you come,
Renewing my healed scars?
Weren’t you the one who played with my feelings?
You’re the one who lied,
The one who made cry all these nights,
Who left me in longing,
Why did you leave me when you made me believe you?
You taught me to be without you,
You’re the one who made my heart cold,
Why did you come back when I forgot you?
I've Cheated.
I was wide. I didn't ask you when you drank too much, 'Why?''
I drank alone. I made love with you, in order to I can tell you your name right.
I was ripen, I've learn to lie a lot.
You believed me. You were on fire again. You thought I was a man.
I've cheated. I have slept with four girls I saw last night, at the same time.
You was right, I didn't leave anything that I could do behind you.
I did it. I didn't even think for one time, however I haven't be duped.
I've lead on you, I didn't even look at your face when I was saying that I love you.
We fighted, we be stretched. ''Who was that girl, tell me.'' you said.
''It was so suddenly, I don't even know her name.'' I said.
The other threes are in their own way, I didn't take a blind bit of notice for them.
You believed me. You were on fire again. You thought I was a man.
I've cheated. I have slept with four girls I saw last night, at the same time.
You was right, I didn't leave anything that I could do behind you.
I did it. I didn't even think for one time, however I haven't be duped.
I've lead on you, I didn't even look at your face when I was saying that I love you.
I've cheated. I have slept with four girls I saw last night, at the same time.
You was right, I didn't leave anything that I could do behind you.
I did it. I didn't even think for one time, however I haven't be duped.
I've lead on you, I didn't even look at your face when I was saying that I love you.
Rubber Band
Rubber band, rubber band
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Our love temperature is a bit lukewarm
These days, I wanna be alone, oh no
I don’t even get angry anymore
I know after this phase ends, it’ll really be the end
So I’m staying extra cautious
You and I, we’re both so sly
Neither of us want to be the bad guy
Like walking on a sheet of ice
We’re so risky right now
A tight rubber band
We’re holding onto the end and being cautious
Don’t wanna give or receive scars
Only because of our attachment, we’re dangerously enduring
Rubber band, rubber band
Need to let go now
Someone’s gotta hurt, we gotta go
Rubber rubber rubber rubber band
Our memories are breaking apart
One of us has to let go of these hands
Even though it was so cold
Your jacket pocket was as hot as the summer
I hope you’ll cherish the beautiful memories
During this winter night
You and I, we’re both so sly
Neither of us want to be the bad guy
Like walking on a sheet of ice
We’re so risky right now
A tight rubber band
We’re holding onto the end and being cautious
Don’t wanna give or receive scars
Only because of our attachment, we’re dangerously enduring
Rubber band, rubber band
Need to let go now
Someone’s gotta hurt, we gotta go
It was a really good journey
Don’t think I can forget you easily
After all this time
Our end has finally come
We had a good run
No more lingering feelings
After many seasons
Our end has finally come
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh uh uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
Wo ohh wo uh uh
We gotta go
Nor your empty, fake happiness
I can't deal with it, I can't go back
I can't enter this road again with you
Do you love me, come on leave
How could you do this to me? Don't come after me
Don't think that you'll be mine one more time
delete from your head yesterday and today
Don't come back, get out of my life.
Did You Cheat?
There're people who saw you there.
Did you take each other by the hand?
Answer me, don't linger.
Or else, is the lie, true?
If the words can't explain,
Your eyes tell me.
Who was with you that day, in fact,
When you don't pick up the phone?
Did you cheat on me? Did you that to me?
Say something. Don't stand like this.
Did you hide it from me? Why did you betray?
Say something. Don't look like this.
Tough shit, become satisfied.
Whatever the reason is,
There's some things that shouldn't do.
It's dangerous as well.
I know as i heard as.
I wonder if you tell the all...
There's so many questions in my mind.
I can't find the end on them.
Did you cheat on me? Did you that to me?
Say something. Don't stand like this.
Did you hide it from me? Why did you betray?
Say something. Don't look like this.
Soldier of the Universe
I am used to walking alone
And looking into other people's windows
Scenes played out in silence,
My reflection in the wet glass
If only I knew what lies in store for you
And what disturbs your dreams
But night comes again
And the day is wasted.
We are tired of losing,
And finding is very rare
We used to live life on the move,
But now we live in glass cages
Other people's joy will not dry our tears
All that is left for us is to wait
It's nothing to wait for someone
Who will never come
Waiting is hard when you do not believe in yourself
Enduring everything is even harder
Turn on the light, open the doors!
Maybe we can still make it happen
Maybe there is still time for us
Perhaps we will hear our hearts beating
But I came out of the house
And saw I was alone and only snow on the roofs
I ran from this icy prison,
There is not enough warmth on Earth
But I will never give up
Because I am a soldier of the universe
In the world war between good and evil
I shoot lightning bolts
Into this world of silence and ice
But on Earth winter always turns to spring...
I can't sleep at nights because of my thoughts
I can't get rid of this thought
Unfortunately, I can't reach to you
Seperation, seperation, oh seperation
Everything is a cause to the harsh seperation
The dark nights are long due to my sorrow
I don't know where to go at nights
The dark nights hit my heart
Seperation, seperation, oh seperation
Everything is a cause to the harsh seperation