Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 15

Număr de rezultate: 588



[Luis Fonsi]
I know that you still like me
Three, two, one
Standing here in an empty room
I saw you there and my blood ran cold
Take me back to that long September
Don't know how I ever let you go
I was young, didn't know 'bout love
You were wild, couldn't get enough
Gave my heart to another lover
Don't know how I ever let you go
[Marina & Luis Fonsi]
Find me, in another place and time
If only, if only you were mine
But I'm already someone else's baby
Guess I had my last chance
And now this is our last dance
You fell through the cracks in my hands
Hard to say it's over
But I'm already someone else's (C'mon)
Baby, ahh
Baby, ahh
Baby, ahh
But I'm already someone else's
All caught up in the way we were
I feel your hands getting close to mine
Don't say the words that I love to hear
The beat goes on and I close my eyes
I was young, didn't know 'bout love
You were wild, couldn't get enough
Let's leave things the way they were
You'll stay with me like a lullaby
[Luis Fonsi]
Hey, I know that you still like me as much as you say
Also, I can see in your eyes
That you don't want to stay just friends
You have my heart, you are my obsession
I'm yours forever
[Marina & Luis Fonsi]
Guess I had my last chance
And now this is our last dance
You fell through the cracks in my hands
Tell myself be stronger
My heart's like a rubber band
And it's such a shame
You'll always be the one who got away
We both know that deep down you feel the same
Hard to say it's over
But I'm already someone else's (C'mon)
Baby, ahh (Not this, not this)
Baby, ahh (You deserve better)
Baby, ahh (And your warmth)
I'm already someone else's
Wish I met you at another place and time
If only, if only you were mine
This love story ends for you and I
'Cause I'm already someone else's
Baby, ahh (With you again)
Baby, ahh (You deserve much better, much better)
Baby, ahh (I see that what you have with him is not love)
But I'm already someone else's
Baby, ahh (Every night I miss you more, every day without you hurts me)
Baby, ahh (You know you deserve better, what you feel for her isn't love)
Baby, ahh (As much as you say we are more than friends)
I'm already someone else's (And time ends in four, three, two, one)

A pleca de acasa nu-i usor

Eu ies fara
Si respir
Si trintesc usa
Si sint pe drum
Nu voi da vina pe nimeni
Nu te voi injura
Caci am avut sansa mea
Si am terminat
Cu acele jocuri fara sfirsit
Am terminat cu legaturile
M-am saturat cu totul de lacrimele
Sint un om fericit
Oare nu ti se pare?
Scutura-ti incaltamintele
E un drum inaintea ta
Si nu-i drumul inapoi (nu-i drumul inapoi)
Oh, dar trebuie sa spun
A pleca de acasa nu-i usor
Oh, niciodata nu m-am gindit ca va fi usor
A pleca singur
Oh, sint o mie de lucruri care ma cheama inapoi
A pleca de acasa nu-i usor
Pe acel pe care il lasi
Ramii draga
Draga ramii
Nu te indeparta de mine draga
Ce nu-i bine draga
Ce-i bine draga, oooh
A pleca de acasa nu-i usor
Doamne, cum am putut sa ma gindesc sa plec
A pleca singur
Tot incercind de a ma convinge ca
A pleca de acasa nu-i neaparat
Singurul drum1
A pleca de acasa nu-i usor
Dar poate sa fie singurul drum
A pleca de acasa nu-i usor
Dar poate sa fie singurul drum
  • 1. sau „mod”

My Heart Loves Him

Alone today, I'm looking at my life
That keeps passing by over the course of my nights
Sometimes I feel selfish and lost
Overly sad
I sent him away
Like a long battle that I wanted to win
I thought it was a good idea to hold out, to not hold him back
Today, I don't have as many tears as I want to cry
My heart loves him, if I think about it
I'm keeping up appearances in vain
May he take me with him, even far away
I'll give him my hand
He stole too many tears from me
In return, he left me his soul
But I'll wait for him to come back
To start everything anew
And I used to believe that everything was roses
Like the blue of his magical glance
That there was nothing to do but to smile at him
And to lie to him to be his
I sent him away
Like a long battle that I wanted to win
I thought it was a good idea to hold out, to not hold him back
Today, I don't have as many tears as I want to cry
My heart loves him, if I think about it
I'm keeping up appearances in vain
May he take me with him, even far away
I'll give him my hand
He stole too many tears from me
In return, he left me his soul
But I'll wait for him to come back
To start everything anew
My heart loves him, if I think about it
I'm keeping up appearances in vain
May he take me with him, even far away
I'll give him my hand
He stole too many tears from me
In return, he left me his soul
But I'll wait for him to come back
To start everything anew
My heart loves him, if I think about it
I'm keeping up appearances in vain
May he take me with him, even far away
I'll give him my hand

Can You English Please

My mom said
Be kind to the women
First look in the eyes and not down
Compliment them
Say that they look beautiful
The rest will come from itself if you trust
And then she stands there, I compliment her but she just smiles
She just stands there
I would take the stars for you, you are the prettiest of all women, you are the gate to my paradise
Can you English please
I take all bravery and speak to her, you make me fix and ready, let's have some fun, how goes it, my treasure, I swear you baby. You are the schönste Frau, that I ever have seen
And we stand there, I take her hand but she just smiles
We just stand there
I have said everything and want to know what you want to drink, what you feel, do you want to go to Paris with me? Can you do English please?
If you think what should I do, if I don't have the right words, there is a gift, this feeling which everyone knows
loooooveee loooveee loooveeee...
Can you do English please?

Flower water

A daring car comes
across a sleeping village.
Strangely, a light
still shines so late at night.
Is it a dreamy ingenue,
a disconsolate widow,
a bewitching lover
or this resigned couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
A vague and crude lust
grabs the driving man.
It's warm up there behind
this ugly yellowed curtain.
Is it a dream girl,
a looker fit for a king,
two enraptured, feverish lovers
or this awkward couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
As a kneejerk reaction he speeds up
and vanishes into the night.
The village lies far behind now.
Will the day be sunny?
Was it a weird fairy
by this blond child's bed?
Was it the stingy lamp
of this dying couple?
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases
The kind of people
who discreetly weep
as they change flower water
in vases


Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Mier schiesse aus letschts my nigga nid aui si real
Vertrau keine witches die bitches verzaubere di
Figg aui die sitzende Niggas, i glaube a Dream
Vertrau a dim bruder denn brüeder die laufe im Team
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Egau was seisch my Nigga mier ghöre di ned
Du ghörsch nid i Kreis my Nigga du ghörsch ine Witz
Denn was nid verschteisch: es geit da nur um Profit
Denn hesch du nid viel läbsch du de scheiss scho als Chind
I gseh di nid my Nigga mir nenne di Ghost
Du seisch du bisch eine vor Stross doch jede do nennt di e Hoe
Niemer do brucht e Verräter si wärde zu Täter wenn du si verchoufsch
I schütze mis Team und mis Team git mer Schutz denn das garantiert de Erfolg
Machsch du de Batze pass uf vor de Ratte und teil mit dim Brueder de Gwünn
Gucci und Louis lah se la schwätze si seit du bisch meh als e Fründ
Keine vo da isch verwöhnt. Mir investiere in was du verbrönnsch
Muess jede riskiere was nid jede könnt du mueschs der verdiene bevor du ders gönnsch
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Mier schiesse aus letschts my nigga nid aui si real
Vertau keine wiches die bitches verzaubere di
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Mier schiesse aus letschts my nigga nid aui si real
Vertau keine wiches die bitches verzaubere di
Figg aui die sitzende Niggas, i glaube a Dream
Vertrau a dim bruder denn brüeder die laufe im Team
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Aus um mi glänzt um mi jede vom Team
Du weisch mir rocke das Gucci das Louis und aues isch clean
Jede vom Team au mini Niggas si glänze und
Au mini Partner und mini Niggas si glänze und
Es geit um Respekt


[Strofa 1: Iggy Azalea ]
Am fost în jurul lumii și eu eu eu, nu-mi pot găsi iubirea
Lucrurile o iau razna , îmi pierd răbdarea
De ce mă pui să aștept? Mergând prin etape
Mă ai mergând afară din casă toată pregătită
Doar în caz că îți văd fața și decizi să fugi
Da, sunt într-un loc diferit, am nevoie de cineva după care să aștept
Am trimis o rugăciune sper că o să meargă
[Pre-Refren : Iggy Azalea ]
Căci inima mea bate numai pentru tine
Mă întreb dacă chiar mă cunoști
Număr fiecare moment
În care te aștept, te aștept
Mă întreb dacă chiar observi
De curând m-am simțit fără speranță
E ușor să-ți pierzi concentrarea, dar o să te aștept
[Refren : Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, un salvator, da, să mă salveze
[Post-Refren : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Ay na na naaa
Ay na na naaa
Ay na na naaa, eram în căutarea unui salvator
Ay na na naaa ( să mă salveze )
[Strofa 2 : Iggy Azalea ]
Simt că Dumnezeu joacă feste cu mine, este fixat cu mine
Simt greutatea lumii ca și cum aș avea o cărămidă peste mine
Am dansat cu diavolul și m-a prins
Voi încerca doar să ajung la rai, sper că ai un bilet pentru mine
Am trimis rugăciuni am nevoie de feedback
Trecut plin de păcate, poate cineva șterge asta?
Drumul meu e noroios, simt ca și cum piciorul meu a căzut in capcană
Poți să îmi dai puterea să trec peste asta?
[Pre-Refren : Iggy Azalea ]
Căci inima mea bate numai pentru tine
Mă întreb dacă chiar mă cunoști
Număr fiecare moment
În care te aștept, te aștept
Mă întreb dacă chiar observi
De curând m-am simțit fără speranță
E ușor să-ți pierzi concentrarea
Dar o să te aștept
[Refren : Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, un salvator, da, să mă salveze
[Strofa 3 : Iggy Azalea ]
Salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvând-o,
Salvând-o toată pentru tine,salvând-o toată pentru tine,toată pentru tine
Salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine
Salvând-o, salvand-o toata pentru tine, salvând-o toata pentru ...
[Refren : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Salvator, da , să mă salveze
[Sfarsit : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Am fost în jurul lumii și eu eu eu, eram în căutarea unui
Am fost în jurul lumii si eu eu eu, eram în căutarea unui
Am fost în jurul lumii si eu eu eu
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, salvator , da , să mă salveze

You can learn it all

Your castle was by the sea
By the sea, is that so?
Yes, it is
You got a horse when you turned three
I got to ride a horse?
And the horse
It was white!
You stuck off your tongue and scared the cook
He fell to a stream
I was probably wild, huh?
I know, right!
Your father's gaze affected you strongly
You can just imagine
We'll get right back to it
There's so much to tell you
But we need time
The posture is the alpha and omega of everything
Walk as if you were floating
This feels stupid
Am I floating?
Like a boat!
When you bow
How about now?
You get a kiss on your hand
If you just remember the most important thing
If even I can do it, you can learn it all
You have to know it somehow
Such an easy thing to do
One small step at a time
You can learn it all!
Now let's sit straight
Stroganoff is not a food you slurp
Stroganoff is disgusting
She said it like a Romanov!
The samovar!
The caviar!
I'm getting dessert, right?
Just get it all correct
If even I can do it/If even he can do it
You can learn it all
Get courageous and just do it
Say 'it's an easy task, that's so true'
You can learn it all
Now we'll learn the imperial names!
Here's Kropotkin
And Potemkin
Then Butkin
And good ol' Vanya drunk vodka
Baron Pushkin
A wart
A great hat!
He's probably very fat
And his cat is enormous
We didn't tell that to her
If even you can do it, could I learn?
How did you know?
I just knew it
It's like I was born anew
This is how dreams come true!
If even I can do it
Could I learn to do it?
You can learn to do it
Get courageous and just do it
Say 'it's an easy task, that's so true'
You can learn it all
It's an easy task!
You can learn it all!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


On him my island turned manly.
The milky way
Quiet strengths2, eyelash bats,
under our fleeting-stolen
I got lost
on my he-land3
Lost on my he-land
On him my vintage-LP he-land,
a moment cast away
in his thoughts,
for a fragile instant, I'm losing track
under our fleeting-stolen
I got lost
on my he-land.
Lost on my he-land
Lost on my he-land
A savage idyl
My crocodile tears
fall on your denims.
On my he-lan, an edible4 savage
My crocodile tears
fall on your denims.
Fossilized memories
He might have5 forgotten me
on the peninsula.
Lost on my he-land
A savage idyl
My crocodile tears
fall on your denims.
On my he-land, a savage idyl
My crocodile tears
fall on your denims.
  • 1. the word is based on 'brillant' (bright, smart, shiny) but does not exist
  • 2. 'la force tranquille' was a rather meaningless slogan for some presidential elections in the 80's. It gave the expression a semi-idiomatic status. It still doesn't mean much, but it sounds slightly cooler than two words picked at random
  • 3. il -> he
    île -> island
    That's the pun the whole song hinges on
  • 4. she uses the English word, it doesn't mean anything in French ('edible' would be 'comestible')
  • 5. that French is broken. Should be 'il se peut...'


You, completely hypnotized, by the moment, by the mood, by the muses which come and go
You, you left me to believe that in the dark, I'm the queen of the night of the bunch
How much longer will you come, you delude yourself when you stay
The mind game, big criminal
How much longer will you come so occasionally
Be sincere with yourself, at least
Leave and never pass through here again
Yesterday we spoke the same language,
Today you pretend that you don't understand
Leave, go smoothly on your path
Today you showed me the steps
Today, you get lost on it
I've come so far
Us, with close hearts
When a world separates up
Don't forget that it's your fault
You, you really tried
Egotistical, by nature, to get me back to your pillow
Empty, in your heart
You forget that we saved one another
How much longer will you come, you delude yourself when you stay
The mind game, big criminal
How much longer will you come so occasionally
Be sincere with yourself, at least
Leave and never pass through here again
Yesterday we spoke the same language,
Today you pretend that you don't understand
Leave, go smoothly on your path
Today you showed me the steps
Today, you get lost on it
I've come so far
Us, with close hearts
When a world separates up
Don't forget that it's your fault
I don't have tears to cry anymore
And not even the patience to hear you out
It hurts you that I'm not hurting
What sort of person are you, now?
We decided to put an end to this
I'll pull myself off the ground
And I'll deserve a medal
When I get you out of my head
Leave and never pass through here again
Yesterday we spoke the same language,
Today you pretend that you don't understand
Leave, go smoothly on your path
Today you showed me the steps
Today, you get lost on it
I've come so far
Us, with close hearts
When a world separates up
Don't forget that it's your fault
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Baby, I want

Baby I want you to see the ring
That that guy bought for Dana, they already set a date.
Baby I want you to see the hall
That they booked in Pardes Hana*, well how princess is he!
She already started to look for, measured three dresses,
Made the invitations, For aunt Tova aswell,
Bunch of friends had planned a bachelorette and a 5 floors cake
Damn she has no satiety
Well well, I think im in a bit of trouble,
Bye bye I already said to my friends.
Enough enough, Im saying goodbye to freedom,
And now im gonna meet her parents!
Her father is a cop, and her mom is a kindergarten teacher,
Telling me well well well, when will she get married?
Come on wake up, when are you proposing?
And if you wont rush, another guy will come!
Lets go go go, Wedding ing ing ing,
At the neighborhood ood ood, the whole country ry ry,
Are making here!
So baby I want a production like in a movie,
A fancy limo, a lifetime wedding,
So baby I want the best proposal,
And an engaged status, to promote the relations!
Already has planned the trash, the best cosmetician,
And a top class hair, million dollar style!
She has picked the gifts with the girls aswell,
Took a wedding course and graduated.
Well well, I think im in a bit of trouble,
Bye bye I already said to my friends.
Enough enough, Im saying goodbye to freedom,
And now im gonna meet her parents!
Her father is a cop, and her mom is a kindergarten teacher,
Telling me well well well, when will she get married?
Come on wake up, when are you proposing?
And if you wont rush, another guy will come!
Lets go go go, Wedding ing ing ing,
At the neighborhood ood ood, the whole country ry ry,
Are making here!


In a vast expanse
Where there isn't plantation
Or anyone to live there
Each poor person that passes through there
Only thinks about building their home
And when the first start
The others quickly look to come
Their little bit of land to live in
Then the region suffers changes
It keeps being called the 'new watercolour'
And the site is there
So it becomes what we call a favela

Empires Slowly Fall

Boy makes his history homework in the living room
He doesn't hear the doorbell ring
Just as Athens invades Troy
Dad walks in with a cookie box and a newspaper
Mom whispers dad secrets in his ear
Boy hears parts of the conversation
Alexander of Macedon now owns half a continent
Dad says that half the paycheck is gone
And within the pages of the time that was lost
People are done for in a single moment
Empires slowly fall
Everything will be fine, dad reassures
Mom now replies with a smile
The empire soldier has reached the end of the continent
Boy falls asleep and dreams of battles of old
And within the pages of the time that was lost
People are done for in a single moment
Empires slowly fall

Tell Me

Tell me, what do you see
You'll see if it's our destiny
I will follow wherever you lead
Even to the other side of the world
Our dream will be beautiful if we believe
Our dream will be beautiful if we believe
Tell me, what do you see
I see the same thing for our happiness
I will do everything to fulfill you
Most important is the love I have for you
Tell me, what do you see for tomorrow
Our dreams will come true if we believe
You know, without you I am nothing
I can't live without you
Our dream will be beautiful if we believe

Town meeting

Such strange things
as I've never seen before,
I wouldn't know, but I'd like to explain it all.
It's a world which doesn't look like this one
And I wish... I wish
To describe it to you too,
Like a magic dream, yeah.
But trust me if I tell you
It seems fake, I know,
But I swear it's there!
Uh, now I'll explain...
This is called present
and everything starts from there.
From 'there'?
Does it pee?
Does it poo?
Does it by any chance have a porthole?
The 'there'!
What a beautiful 'there'!
If you please...
I'll explain the reason why it is colored
And why there's a claret ribbon...
How come?
It's awful!
What about inside?
What about inside?
No one knows what's in there, no one knows!
Which is?
What is it?
The tsetse fly?
Maybe that monster that goes thirtythree!
Shut up a little, listen to me
Now I'll tell you what it is.
But pay attention:
We take a rather big stocking
And hang it to the wall we can...
Oh gosh, there's a foot down there!
What is it?
You look!
Isn't it greenish and stained with blue dye?
Let me explain...
There's no foot down there, but treats!
Games and toy trains in a track...
Where the heck is it?
What is it?
Now it's exploding and going boom!
Frightening the children
And eating us too.
What a wonderful idea
Christmas will be
I want to try it
Let's bring it in there!
Hold it right there!
What's the rush?
You're missing something, yet what is it?
Well, might as well give them what they want...
And there's
something more
That I'll tell you
In a bit
About their king's reputation
He screams so much that
Even you will shake in fear!
Yeah, so Merry Christmas, my friends...
If he's not in the mood
That monarch sometimes acts like a crab
Instead of a king!
When he flies up there, on the contraption
With his bags he goes...
What is he going to bring...
This is what we know...
And at night time
with the moon he goes
And he descends on you
Like the vulteres do!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Heh heh heh heh heh!
Well, I've made them all happy...
'Cause they don't know that
Christmas is something else
But what is it?
Oh, well...

Timpul Purificării

(Două bulele)
(La lucrul!)
Lumina lunii pe apa
Lumina soarelui pe fața
Tu cu mine împreună
Sîntem la locul nostru
Dumnezeii sînt pe cer
Îngerii ne tratează bine
Oracolul a spus
Arucăm vraja cea perfectă
Regina este în biroul de contabilitate
Numerînd pe banii
Regele e în bucărătia
Cîștigîndu-și pîinea și mierea
Fără prieteni dar și fără dușmani
Absolut gratuit
Șobolani pe nava cea magică nu-s
Nava a harmoniei perfecte
Acum se incepe
Las-o să se înceapa
Timpul Purificării
Indiferent de cît de departe noi am merge
Oriunde noi ne am duce
Centrul circului
Totdeauna va fi casa noastră
Timpul Purificării
Timpul Purificării
Timpul Purificării...

Trandafirul din Novgorod

Trăia odată în Novgorod
cea mai frumoasă copilă din lume.
Războiul a venit la Novgorod,
iubitui ei s-a dus la război.
Ea i-a dat un trandafir,
un trandafir roșu ca sângele.
'Întoarce-te curând la Novgorod
și rămâi mereu bine cu mine!'
~ ~ ~
Primăvara a venit la Novgorod,
trandafirii înfloreau roșii.
Dar afară, departe de Novgorod,
era încă război și moarte.
Anii au trecut peste țară
și inima ei era foarte grea.
Ea aștepta în Novgorod,
dar el nu s-a întors niciodată.

Our little story

It was sometime April
and I was a child
tender as the flower
cool as the rain
it was spring like now
and on the beautiful sandy beach
we first built palaces
with the sun in the heart
golden-yellow shells
you were throwing me in the apron
in games with the wave
I always had you, a companion
two young timid children
on the warm sandy beach
It was a story
that we lived her together
the song of love
you've been told me first
but a train came once
and took you hurriedly
and love was forgotten
in the desert station
and the towers collapsed
on the small beach
April did not came back another time
only gray cloudy
I have for a companion any longer
Through the city routine
through the lights, the roar,
as I run now alone
to prevent life
hours and hours I remember
our little sandy beach
and there is so much nostalgia
that it burns me like fire
Becoming one day
and I've seen you again
with my hand pounding
your warm heart
tenderly to hear it
to hit like sometime
to happen someday
and you come again
Our little story
that life extinguished
what do i really would give
to live it from the beginning...

Vrem sa o ardem

Eu nu sunt la fel cand esti departe, viata si sufletul meu
Este interzis ca alta fata sa mi ocupe inima
In seara asta trebuie sa o ardem si sa i uram singuratati ramas bun
Oh noapte, de dragul meu, du te si lasa ma cu ea
Ochiilor le e dor de tine, le e dor sa se uite la tine
Azi, maine, in fiecare zi si n fiecare moment in viata este al tau
In seara asta trebuie sa o ardem si sa i uram singuratati ramas bun
Oh noapte, de dragul meu, du te si lasa ma cu ea
Frumusetea ochiilor tai cu frumusetea bataii inimii mele
Esti cea mai frumoasa femeie pe care am vazut o
In seara asta trebuie sa o ardem si sa i uram singuratati ramas bun
Oh noapte, de dragul meu, du te si lasa ma cu ea


Lea dances like she has no care in the world
Lea sings cause he's not worth a single tear
and she never lets herself feel to blame
Lea laughs even when she feels to cry
cause Lea lives her life however she pleases
Don't talk to her, don't ask her
today just let her enjoy herself
for a boy who was nothing but trouble
Lea failed her third year
This hopeless dream
managed to separate her from the real world
Now no-one is left to support
not even her parents
but Lea dances like she has no care in the world
Lea sings cause he's not worth a single tear
and she never lets herself feel to blame
Lea laughs even when she feels to cry
cause Lea lives her life however she pleases
She no longer wants to pretend to be someone else
now Lea is back to being her usual self
now she is Lea on fire
her hands are now free from the golden handcuffs
It doesn't matter if they talk behind her back
it doesn't matter if they mention her many failures
Finally, she is herself and she will live by her own rules
and Lea doesn't speak, because she has dignity
she will not fall, because she loves life
Lea dances like she has no care in the world
Lea sings cause he's not worth a single tear
and she never lets herself feel to blame
Lea laughs even when she feels to cry
cause Lea lives her life however she pleases

Down the hill, on the little garden

Green leaf of field's flower12
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Gheorghiță3's horse is grazing.
Oh, sweetie4, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields5.
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
  • 1. the first lines of most folk/traditional romanian songs are usually phrases that contain words like 'leaf', 'green', as well as plant names. These phrases are completely independent of the following lines
  • 2. literally 'I said green English dogwood'
  • 3. Gheorghiță is the diminutive of Gheorghe, a common romanian male name in the recent past
  • 4. 'leliță' is a word with only regional use describing young, handsome women
  • 5. literally 'because his horse broke free into setaria fields', as 'setaria' is a genus of plants

Until There's Nowhere Left

Dreams such as these which we dream only from afar,
Dying of longing for you,
Dreams such as these jolt me awake,
I leave everything and search the city wide,
Dreams such as these, the pain that won't relent,
Just to hold on through the night until the morning subsequent,
Dreams such as these, which fall outside of time,
All that is no longer here, all that is not yet there,
Dreams such as these, time of solace leaves us bereft,
To go on forever, to go on until there's nowhere left,
Dreams such as these, the great sea of despair,
Sailing in it once more, drowning every day
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)

Whenever We See Each Other

[Verse 1: LEA]
I knew not, what I was missing
Until you twisted everything
Make the most beautiful little mistakes
You are somehow different, I guess that's what it stands for
If you knew what's going on, if you just stood there
Can you lose me in your eyes, can anyone tell me if that goes well with us?
Whenever I think of you, you take my breath away
I'd love to hang out with you, but I don't dare ask
[Chorus: LEA]
Whenever we see each other
My head starts to spin, there are many but I feel that you're different
Whenever we see each other
My heart stops and my head is empty, where should I start?
Whenever we see each other
Do I have to leave immediately because I blush when you laugh at me
Whenever we see each other
Whenever we, whenever we
Whenever we, we see each other
[Verse 2: Cyril & both]
You paint a wholecar(1) with lipstick
You celebrate your birthday every day
You buy a motorcycle, fly through the night and hang out a bit on the moon
You are the heroine of the block
Your self-confidence level is god
Colorful flowers on the grey street
You can see the future in your bubblegum
Girls love horses, you like bread in the shape of horses
You go petting rhinos at the zoo at night
When the UFO comes you keep your thumbs up(2)
And you look incredible in the hoodie too
Whenever I think of you, you take my breath away
I'd love to hang out with you, but I don't dare ask
[Chorus: LEA]
Whenever we see each other
My head starts to spin, there are many but I feel that you're different
Whenever we see each other
My heart stops and my head is empty, where should I start?
Whenever we see each other
Do I have to leave immediately because I blush when you laugh at me
Whenever we see each other
Whenever we, whenever we
Whenever we, we see each other
[Bridge: LEA & Cyril]
My knees are getting soft
And nothing comes to my mind
My pulse goes up when I'm with you
I will not let go of this feeling, no
I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm with you
I act like a clown
With you I only see stars and I would like to die a little
[Chorus: LEA]
Whenever we see each other
My head starts to spin, there are many but I feel that you're different
Whenever we see each other
My heart stops and my head is empty, where should I start?
Whenever we see each other
Do I have to leave immediately because I blush when you laugh at me
Whenever we see each other
Whenever we, whenever we
Whenever we, we see each other


Prima data iei banii
Apoi iei putere, respect
Dumnezeule , Ronny !
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
(Refren 1()
Uh, deschide seiful,
Curvele au mult de spus (rah)
Păsărică în fața ta,
Asta te va pune în locul tău (bum)
Șapte litere pe farfurie,te fut in creier
Am mașini , am genți , am proprietate
Preludiu , n-am venit să mă joc
Am mulți bani de la pește
El va mușca momeala
Poți să-l lași în jos, să faci fundul ăla să-mi vorbească
Păstrează energia aia, dusă după Hennessey(fund)
Îmi trebuie geanta rapid
Despărțind 6 grade, curvele spun că mă știu
Sid Vicious Sex Pistols
Tu înfierbântat când ești ud
Lovește-mă în aplicația mea de bani
O verific in dimineață (bani)
În această curvă sclipitoare
Îmbrăcată în designer, ea s-ar putea înalța
Și este timpul perfect de visat cu bronzatul
Bella Hadid, tipul ar putea sa o ia
Bani bani
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
(Refrenul 2)
Fundul conduce oriunde in jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, da, mă scufund
Un rechin în apă, cum de m-ai găsit?
Cel mai bun cadou de la mine, sunt cățel
Merg la vânătoarea de recompense, ham,
Da, îmi fac propriile reguli
Tatuaje pe acel fund, ea face școala de noapte
Bine ai venit la clubul jucătorilor, Ice Cube
Diamantele ar putea creea știrile
Curvo, asta-i photoshop ca rapperi cu acel autotune
(Bani) uh, cecurile tale nu-s dovezi
RM 52 si un Craniu,rezistent la apa,
Negrii vorbesc foarte mult, până se află în afara standului
Negrii mei, cum ar fi statul de aur, au venit și trag trăgaciul
Bani Fund
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, l-am prins înecându-se,înecându-se înecându-se
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Un rechin în apă, l-am găsit, l-am găsit l-am găsit.
Ia banii.
Voi toți un dolar !

Like a Labyrinth

Yesterday I understood the world
My heart was free as a bird1
I threw caution to the wind
And yet laughed about it
But ever since you came to me
And took me in my arms
At once I could no longer understand the world
And yet it's so beautiful
Love is like a labyrinth
Where we are all trapped
Two hearts playing the big game
So don't ask:
When are we at the destination?
Love is like a labyrinth
That begins today for you and for me
We never find our way back
But maybe soon
Maybe there's also some grief
And tears for us both
I gladly accept that
Because something will end
Today you leave me alone
Tomorrow you [will] be with me
Mysterious is the path we tread
And yet it's so beautiful
Love is like a labyrinth
In which we are all trapped
Two hearts playing the big game
So don't ask:
When are we at the destination?
Love is like a labyrinth
That begins today for you and for me
We never find [our] way back
But maybe soon
  • 1. Lit. 'birdfree'


In the Amazon rainforest, the first woman
and the first man looked at each other with curiosity.
It was a funny thing, what they had between their legs.
- Were you cut?- asked the man.
- No - replied her - It has always been like this.
He examined her closely. Scratched his head.
There was a gaping wound there. And he said:
- Don't eat cassava, or babanans, or any fruit
that splits open upon maturing. I will cure you.
Lie down on the hammock and rest.
She complied. Patiently, she drank the herbal concoctions and
allowed him to apply the pomades and poultices.
She had to grit her teeth not to laugh,
when he said- don´t worry.
She liked the game, although she was growing tired
of fasting and spending her days lying on the hammock.
The memories of fruits made her mouth water.
One afternoon, the man came in running
through the forest.
He jumped, ecstatic, and cried:
- I found it! I found it!
He had just seen the male monkey curing the female one
on a treetop.
-It goes like this- said the man, approaching the woman.
When the long embrace ended, a musky scent
of flowers and fruits flooded the air.
Of the bodies, lying together, came off vapours and bright lights
never before seen, and such was their beauty that
both suns and gods were overcome with shame.

For Sergio

Because the wind
no longer tousles your hair
for your beautiful eyes
For you, my friend, I will sing.
For your days cut short
right in the midst of life
for your unborn children
for you, Friend, I will sing
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing
although my throat constricts
with pain I will sing
because a song is a caress
and with my voice… I’ll caress you.
For your happy banter
for your pale complexion
with my simple voice
for you, friend, I will sing.
For the sun which has approached
the sun which was also mine
but the Phantom of the Opera
was an assassin.
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing
although my throat
constricts with pain I will sing
because a song is a caress
And with my voice… I'll caress you.
Against those blind hands
against that black bomb
which has stripped the plump vine
of the hope of spring
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing

I Want a House

I want a house, I want it beautiful
Full of as much light as a star
Full of sun and good fortune
And the moon will shine over the roof
Full of laughter, full of cries
House, I dream of you, I dream of you so often
Diridindindin, Diridindin…
I want a house for lots of people
I want it solid and cozy
Robust and warm, simple and true
To fill it with music morning and night
And poetry will have a bed there
I want to work under that roof
Diridindindin, Diridindin...
I want every house that’s built
And then no one will sleep in the street
Like a begging dog
Because it no longer has a place to go
Like an animal which is spat upon
And nobody but nobody ever helps him
Diridindindin, Diridindin...
I want a house for children
who don’t know where meet up anymore
and for the old folks, spacious houses
where they can live with their relatives
inexpensive houses, for families
where sons and daughters are born
Diridindindin, Diridindin..

I Love You, Leah

I will not forget that morning
When you [sank] your head in the pillow
The sunlight on the tent rested
And my head was drunk.
When I whispered your name in your ear
You picked up my hands with a cold [hand]
And a warm tear
Fell into my hands.
Here many days have passed
And both my hands were tired
And how delightful are your eyes
Like the eyes of Rachel.
I love you Leah
Love you proud
If I forget you Leah
My name is not Israel.
Do not pity your sister
Your sons are seated at your side
Do not turn your eyes away
All my dreams are near.
What[ever] your request tell Leah
Seven years of time has passed
And there remains only one hour
Till the garden closes.
Here many days have passed ...

Where are you, my childhood

Ref: Where are you, my childhood?
You've passed so quickly
Towards unknown years
I'm going, I'm going...
Even now, I can hear in the mountains
Sounding the alphorns
Like in the years of my youth
Which are gone with the wind
I was once, I was once
A young with big dreams
God, so many times
Travel longing carried me far away
To get rich and make a name for yourself
In the gentlemen's world
You have to leave the village with fairies
And the ballads at the springs
Since I've been gone in the world
To give my life a meaning
The old ballads have changed
Nothing is what it used to be
I'm on the top of the years
And I look up
God, where's my youth?
It's gone too fast....

Frunze de toamna

Frunzele ce cad sunt purtate pe lângă geam
Frunzele de toamnă roșii și aurii
Îți văd buzele, vara săruta
Mâna arsă de soare ce obișnuiam să o țin
De când ai plecat zilele s-au lungit așa mult
Și în curând voi auzi cântecul vechi al iernii
Dar de tine îmi e cel mai dor, dragul meu
Când frunzele de toamnă încet să cadă
Îți văd buzele, vara săruta
Mâna arsă de soare ce obișnuiam să o țin
De când ai plecat zilele s-au lungit așa mult
Și în curând voi auzi cântecul vechi al iernii
Dar de tine îmi e cel mai dor, dragul meu
Când frunzele de toamnă încet să cadă

Hei Iggy

Cea mai tare catea din club
Baieti hot in pula mea in club
Spune-le sa se calmeze, super stramt in club
Asta e noua mea porcarie, da-i drumul in club
Un grup dragut de femei face un barbat sa aiba o semi-erectie
Loveste-ma noaptea tarziu precum Jimmy
Daca i-o dau o data, o sa ma urmareasca in jurul orasului
De unde ai curul ala?
Care este numarul doctorului tau ca fato esti buna?
Curve zgomotoase intreaba de noul meu nas
Dar contul meu bancar are noi zerouri
Am auzit ca el a primit postul, vrei sa fi asistentul meu
Iubeste ciocolata alba, eu sunt mai densa decat un snicker
Mai densa (buna/rotunda) decat o striperita, daca ma palmuieste, o s-o si platesc
De unde ai curul ala?
Talie mica mica, geanta nou nouta
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Cea mai tare catea din joc
As putea sa-l fac pe Future sa lase paharul jos
De la trap in Miami, nominalizata la Grammys
Hate-arii nu ma suporta, dar ma iubesc la banca
Vrei toate alea in hunnids?
Chiar ma excita cand vad panarame primind bani
Chiar ma scarbeste cand vad baieti prefacandu-se exicitati
Spune-le ca sunt rea si ca ma curbez dupa el
De unde ai curul ala?
Ma simt bine cu fundul in timp ce imi umplu paharul
Asta e ce vrei, de ce ai nevoie, huh?
Pentru baietii cool dublandu-le stocul
Pentru fetele fierbinti cu chilotii lor tanga
Urmeaza sa le dai imdediat ce pleci, huh?
De ce o urasc pe Iggy?
In timp ce tu ai fost la dieta, fata ta facea milioane
La dracu cu vita, am mai multa friptura decat Philly
De unde ai curul ala?
Talie mica mica, geanta nou nouta
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Cea mai tare catea din joc
As putea sa-l fac pe Future sa lase paharul jos
Cea mai tare catea din club
Baieti hot in pula mea in club