Rezultatele căutării pagină 14
Număr de rezultate: 588
Please My Summer
please, my summer
I like you with your long hair who's dazzling
don't you really want to know about me?
If I can have you
I will give up smoking Baby
On the night sea, the sky's starlight is twinkling
the song of the shaking waves
I want to feel you
Oh Beautiful Lady
Please my summer
make my love real
throw away my many painful past memories
Visiting again the seaside
after meeting her wearing a bikini
my life changed at one midsummer Sunset...
The rays of the setting sun on the charming city street
(Let me kiss you one more time)
the hot sun blackens
I want to date her
I like you with your long hair who's dazzling
don't you really want to know about me?
If I can have you
I will give up smoking Baby
On the night sea, the sky's starlight is twinkling
the song of the shaking waves
I want to feel you
Oh Beautiful Lady
oh my god thanks a gift given to me
there's no way you'll fall over obvious tricks
you have everything, you're an exact fit to me (oh she's god)
Let's sit on the white sand
(Your lips your eyes I love so much)
I'll look at your clear eyes
I will lean my head on your knees
Love's wave twinkling on the ocean
a Summer Vacation that I was waiting tiredly
I can't give up like this
don't leave me Baby
A summer Beach Beach Beach Paradise
written your name on the sand
if we meet again on the weekend,let's stay together
I like you with your long hair who's dazzling
don't you really want to know about me?
If I can have you
I will give up smoking Baby
On the night sea, the sky's starlight is twinkling
the song of the shaking waves
I want to feel you
Oh Beautiful Lady
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
I would take you
I would take you
Over there
Where water is fire
Over there
Where darkness is light
I would take you
Where you would be
What you are not
What you are not
Up here
Where water is water
Up here
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where you really are
What you are, what you are
I would take you
Where the old man is a child
Where hate is love
Where the cry is a smile
I would take you
Where everything is different
Where you can not tell me
That you do not love me anymore
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where unfortunately me, too
It's really me
Really me
I would take you
Just for a moment
Out of this world
Out of the universe
I would take you
Where then I could
Be another one
And understand
That you do not love me anymore
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where unfortunately me, too
It's really me
Really me.
If one day you would not love me anymore
If one day you would not love me anymore...
I never asked myself what would I do?
I would still face the world
with the same strenght inside,
the way I'll do until
I can count on you.
If one day you would not love me anymore...
I never asked myself what would I say
to whom would ask me: 'why?'
I would save myself by saying
that I was the one who wanted it
then at the bottom of my heart I would admit it,
I would admit it
Then I look at you and you're laughing
you're kidding about my drama.
It's really true: it makes no sense,
since you are next to me.
You're right and, if I think about it,
making love is much better, indeed.
But, if one day you would not love me anymore,
it will not be a joke like now.
And thinking about it now that you're here
yes, I know, that doesn't make sense
but all that I feel
and to whom I must tell, if not to you?
If not to you?
Then I look at you and you're laughing
you're kidding about my drama.
It's really true: it makes no sense,
since you are next to me.
You're right and, if I think about it,
making love is much better, indeed.
If one day you would not love me anymore...
I never asked myself what would I do?
I would still face the world
with the same strenght inside,
the way I'll do until
I can count on you.
If one day you would not love me anymore...
I never asked myself what would I say
to whom would ask me: 'why?'
I would save myself by saying
that I was the one who wanted it
but at the end I would admit it.
And then again, who hasn't ever dreamt of changing the world?
We're tired of becoming the serious-minded youth
either necessarily satisfied, or criminals, or neurotics:
we want to laugh, to stay innocent, to expect something from life, to ask, to ignore.
We don't want to be this dreamless already. [- Pier Paolo Pasolini]
Somebody should really invent a two-ended toothpaste tube
so no wife would be mad at her husband for pressing the tube from the wrong side
Somebody should really invent an alternative role
for the children who play the trees in school plays
Somebody should really invent a way to tell her 'don't leave me!'
without then dying from guilt if, in the end, she actually stays
Somebody should really invent a new philosophy
or a new zeitgeist according to which the soul is the body's parole.
Somebody should really invent a follow-up to this song
cause I'm fucking tired of this 'Somebody should really invent' anaphora
It'd be great if pop understood that there exist four chords other than these
I want to see Pasolini in prime time on Italia Uno
insulting capitalism and the consumistic logic
I want to see more people at a Vasco Brondi gig
and possibly some less at a Vasco Rossi's (*)
You understand a lot of those who tell you their most intimate truths
You understand everything about those who tell you only superficial lies
People never change, those who are against homosexuality today,
in the 17th century defined telescopes as the devil's work
And everyone loves Coldplay who always play the same four chords
because you can't really love music unless you're also a little deaf
And in spite of all the new experiences we're all slaves to our dreams
because it's impossible to be happy unless you're also a little foolish
Keep in mind that you'll be judged based on how many likes your status will get
and if you don't get at least 20 likes you'll be considered a bit lame
I stopped tripping in my head cause I can't afford the tickets anymore
and I think love is like the tangent of a right angle
League of Light
There's a dark side to every ray of light
There's a shadow on my other side
It's a balance, nothing wrong, nothing right
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
Our hearts
Never forgets
Our land, where we come from
It hides everything
So we can face the future
With open arms and opened minds
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
People everywhere
Its life
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
More than an echo of the past
I am learning to love
It's a feeling that will last
I am learning to love
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
Şeful găştii
'Ea chiar se duce cu el?'
'Uite-o, hai s-o întrebăm'
'Betty, porţi inelul lui Jimmy?'
[afirmativ:] 'Mm-hmm'
'Wow, trebuie să fie grozav să mergi cu el!'
'Te ia după şcoală azi?'
[negativ:] 'Mm-hmm'
'Apropo, unde l-ai întâlnit?'
L-am întâlnit la cofetărie
a întors capul şi mi-a zâmbit
Înţelegeţi? (Da, se vede)
De aceea m-am îndrăgostit de (Şeful găştii)
Ai meu mereu îl vorbeau de rău (rău, rău)
Spuneau că vine din zona rău famată a oraşului
(Ce vrei să zici când zici că venea din zona rău famată?)
Ei spuneau că-i rău
dar ştiu că era trist
De aceea m-am îndrăgostit de (Şeful găştii)
Într-o zi, tata mi-a spus: 'Găseşte-ţi pe altcineva!'
A trebuit să-i spun lui Jimmy că s-a terminat
(Ce vrei să zici când zici că mai bine să găseşti pe altcineva?)
Stătea acolo şi mă-ntreba de ce
dar tot ce puteam face era să plâng
Iartă-mă că te-am rănit (Şeful găştii)
Zâmbea cumva şi m-a sărutat de adio
lacrimile au început să se-arate
când a pornit mai departe în noaptea ploioasă
L-am implorat să meargă încet
dar orice-ar fi auzit, nu ştiu
Ai grijă, ai grijă, ai grijă, ai grijă!
M-am simţit neajutorată, ce puteam face?
Amintindu-mi toate prin câte-am trecut
în şcoală, toţi se-opresc şi se holbează
Nu pot ascunde lacrimile, dar nu îmi pasă
N-am să-l uit niciodată (pe şeful găştii)
Şeful găştii - acum s-a dus
Şeful găştii - acum s-a dus
Şeful găştii - acum s-a dus
Şeful găştii - acum s-a dus
We left it for tomorrow
Like this, with this damn invention called clock, we push our hours and days like it's a weight for us, and it is a weight, because we don't live, you got it.
We're just looking at the clock, to get past this hour, to get past this day, so tomorrow comes and once again from the beginning.
We split the day in corpses of moments, in dead hours buried inside us, inside our self's caves, the caves on which the freedom of our longing is born, and we pave them, with all kinds, of shit and trash that they try to sell us as ideals, as needs, as morality and culture.
So let's live without 'must'
Play like young children
Every wish free for as long as we can
Step back if you want
I chose my road, I'm going and wherever it leads me
I'm risking, that's how life is and if I don't win
I'll get another wound to look at
I'm not forgetting
I make music for the ones I love
To thank them just a bit that they're there for me to stand
It's like I'm rolling this verse and your ear is the guy who I'm passing it to
Nothing doesn't suit me
I'm just another guy who gets expressed and expresses
I'm risking even if I don't win, let's lose it's okay
Because this moment's mincing manner is the soul's gas pedal
It is, the life that gives us salt and pepper
Disagreements, words of love, fights and hail
Sweetness and sweet words, torment and tough times
Human relationship and our brain is slowly boiling
I've got good times to live
To disagree
To agree
To live in harmony with you
Me and you my darling are a volcano
Shaking Earth, I feel like my legs are tied
So close and yet so different
So much that this relationship looks imbalanced, while it's prospering
My brother, we are lost
I'm here and you're there, entangled in the flow
We're looking at the watch and we're running hurried
We got stuck on things that didn't matter and half of our life is gone
Thanks is a sweet word
Give and take what's more important
I give music, you take messages
You give me love and I take stimulations
Give a smile, screw the motives
We're living life every moment like an adventure
Today, now to be precise
Let's not organise it and let's do what we want inside us
Let's live another adventure
Leave the clock, it's not the time yet
We turned our bodies into a massive graveyard of murdered longings and expectations.
We don't pay attention to the most important, the most substantive things, like playing and talking to children and animals, to flowers and trees, to play and have fun between us, to make love, to enjoy the nature, the beauty of the human hand and of the spirit.
To get softly down inside us, to meet ourselves and the guy next to us.
Everything guy from Thessaloniki, we left it for this tomorrow that's never coming.
Only when death comes upon one of our beloved face, we're hurt.
Because we usually think, that we wanted to tell them so many important things, like, how much we loved them, how important they were for us, but, we left it for tomorrow.
Inima-mi tresalta!
Inima-mi tresalta , la intrevederea
Unui curcubeu in inalt
Asa fost-a , cand viata-mi incepu'
Asa-i acum , eu's barbat
Asa sa fie, cand am a-ncarunti ,
De nu,... lasa-ma a ma stinge !
'Copilulu-i... pilonul Omului ce va sa fie'
Si-as putea a-mi dori zilele-mi a fi
Legate una de alta , de lumina evlavioasa
Irene, tonight I'd rip your face off
so that you'll scare the world away, but you'll still be mine
in this pitch black night, that maybe was tomato black
my Red Brigades hands caress you, Aldo Moro (*)
You read it in the stars, that music will give us the daily bread
maybe you've sold your realism to some fair-trade shop
Irene, don't you blindly believe what the zodiac says
because music gives the daily bread only to the celiacs
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless
The future I could have given you
is, all things considered, a flop - better
if you marry an engineer
a lawyer, a dentist
or, or, or your therapist.
An inquiring, cider-hued light
burns strongly in this room and turns the night to ashes
and whilst you sleep, a droplet of saliva streaks out of your mouth
accurate like a kiss never given, or a ticking clock
Irene, songwriters say it's not a matter
of how many times you fall, but whether or not you manage to get back up
But after a thousand mighty falls
we just have to learn to live like snakes
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless
The future I could have given you
is, all things considered, a flop - listen,
break free from this all,
run away as fast as you can
Remember me as a Neville Longbottom
in a world of Draco Malfoy-s
Irene, don't you ever trust
the lyrics of my songs,
especially those you have to paraphrase:
those are the worst ones
Trust only the freshly baked bread
in the winter mornings,
and heaven, only when
only when seen from hell
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless
Enlightened by the flames of the bonfire
Lucia's features were rollercoasters
and Paolo fell in love with them
and turned his eyes to the sky and his saints
'I humbly ask of you, I know that you're busy
helping people more in need than me,
but I fell in love and I'd be so grateful
if she felt the same way as I do'
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring under the weight of the years
and on the wonky raft
Fatima's smile was a cruise ship
and surrounded by salt mixed with blood
young Samir discovered the spring
Lean out of the raft and stretch your hands out to me
After all, if you close your eyes, it kinda feels like on the Titanic
But we won't sink, you'll see, we'll make it through
I already smell pizza but it's probably just freedom!
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring under the weight of the years
My love, my love, you've run away from churches long time ago
and you hide in a japanese tourist's pictures
You've nearly died under NATO's rifle fire
and today you keep quiet, fearing you'll come off as cheesy
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring
under the weight of the years and of reality
You were to me
the long tetris piece
The one you wait a lifetime for
but when it finally comes, it solves everything
You were to me
the third string in a chord
the most important note, that decided the fate
of my empty days
You were to me
the fiercest beast
that can be only quietly tamed
The profanity of a religious person
when they stab their toe on the bedside table
The prayer of an agnostic person
in the grey of a
devilish morning
And I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'
(or maybe reckless to meet you, huh)
You were to me
the awareness
that, with the help of time, even a Magikarp will eventually
turn into a Gyarados
You were to me
surviving a thousand nightmares
but dying with the first dream that popped up
along my way
Oh, you were to me
the absence to Bresson
the Corrida to Hemingway
and the revolution to Danton
the whistle of the train to Belluca
you've shocked me
like Raffaella Carrà on national television with her Tuca Tuca
And I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'
You were to me what the Dunning-Krueger Effect is to Kanye West
You were to me what Friends were to the '90s.
I escaped into your eyes for hours
and felt like a better person
I escaped into your eyes for hours
and felt like a better person
I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'
Floarea mea
Iubita mea cu gura ta de miere,
Te-am văzut, fată, și m-am îndrăgostit...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Luna din înaltul cerului o voi ruga
Ca să-ți spună cât te plac...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Iubita mea cu gura ta de miere,
Te-am văzut, fată, și m-am îndrăgostit...
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Floarea mea, potârnichea mea,
Tu ești, fată, iubirea mea...
Cât te iubesc, floarea mea, cât te iubesc, steaua mea,
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
Cât te iubesc, frumoasă aromâncă,
Ești frumoasă ca luna...
Fată cu gura de miere, marea mea iubire!
© Vladímir Sosnín
You're going to take a leak
Refrain: H Magnum (2x)
What were you expecting? Did you think we were asleep?
Did you really think we were going to allow you to take our share ?
But, friend, you’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
Friend, you’re going to take a leak *1
Couplet 1: Lefa
Nigga, sector switch *2
I don’t like the news, I’m too sectarian
When it got intense, you backed off
You all can go fu…
Sorry if my existence gets on your nerves, gets you to slander me
I’m used to it, it’s now been ten years, since I found you somewhat reluctant
But, what are hash(es) (tags)?
Suddenly, these motherf****** are saying that they’d like to make peace *3
The result: I’m in control, I’m going to have fun, make them miserable
I’m going to aim the viewfinder on their faces and scream: “Freeze”
In the meanwhile I’m checking out their biz, their CDs and teasers
It’s crappy, they’re getting bogged down
Someone’s got to tell them
That aside for the time being, it’s E-Rise making this beat which I’m nailing
At the moment with my sidekicks H Magnum, Saint Blaise, Berize
My gaze follows you like the Mona Lisa
We’re going to send you packing
That’s not nice, but bones are breaking, call me “Mr. Equalizer”
Refrain: H Magnum (2x)
What were you expecting? Did you think we were asleep?
Did you really think we were going to allow you to take our share ?
But, Friend, you’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
Friend, you’re going to take a leak
Couplet 2: Lefa
Hello! It’s me, I’m rapping
Sorry, I admit it stings
You throw bricks, that’s what the public asks for
The atmosphere is getting mystical, we’re no longer even seeing your stickers
According to the statistics, the album is fantastic
They’re clamoring for me in the four corners of France, but I can’t duplicate myself
Apparently, the biggest concert halls are all out of tickets
Stop getting excited, I’m going to explain it to you
In general, after me, rappers hate to rap
But, Nigga, you’re going to take a leak
You know that I’m probably going to make sales like Meugi Warano
Choose the sauce to which I’m going to grill you, send the note
The torture is not physical but psychological, in a word: Guantanamo
Ok, no cause for alarm, I foresee, their flows are too predictable
Man, I no longer even aim at them
No thanks, it’s too easy
I don’t do in the theatre or the cinema, I disfigure like acid
I let them sit on the floor, I disappear in the twinkle of an eye
Couplet 3: H Magnum
When the sound starts, you nod
When it stops, you gather up your bones from the ground
Friend, you’re going to take a leak so give up the fight
Step aside, you’re not qualified
Little boy, give up, come on, run toward the exit
Between us, boy, the level is not the same and you’ve felt it
I present to you the Dream and Mr. Fall
Friend, give up, you’re not qualified
Refrain: H Magnum (2x)
What were you expecting? Did you think we were asleep?
Did you really think we were going to allow you to take our share ?
But, Friend, you’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
You’re going to take a leak
Friend, you’re going to take a leak
Outro: H Magnum
You should have wipe us out, that’s what you said
You shouted out on all the rooftops that you were going to break us
Tell me, how’s that, how’s that, how’s that?
Tell me, how’s that, how’s that, how’s that?
You should have wipe us out, that’s what you said
You shouted on all the rooftops that you were going to break us
Tell me, how’s that, how’s that, how’s that?
Tell me, how’s that, how’s that, how’s that, boy?
Rise, Mr. Fall, H-Dream
Tell me, how’s that, how’s that, how’s that, boy?
Rather alone
Everything you say is a thousand miles wide
Hannover-Valencia, only the time stays
In between my call and your silence
In between the waiting and all my questions
Don’t you have anything more to say?
Is there nothing more to say?
Ah, ah, how far
How far, how far
Can you walk to stay away?
Ah, ah how far
How far, how far
Would you go to stay here again?
Ah, ah I’m rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Leave me rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
I hear your breath through the phone
Hannover-Valencia, how far is that?
And just as I thought, it doesn’t matter
What are a thousand miles?
What are a thousand miles?
What are a thousand miles?
Ah, ah, how far
How far, how far
Can you walk to stay away?
Ah, ah how far
How far, how far
Would you go to stay here again?
Ah, ah I’m rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Leave me rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Ah, ah I’m rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Leave me rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Ah ah, ah ah ah
Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah, ah, how far
How far, how far
Can you walk to stay away?
Ah, ah how far
How far, how far
Would you go to stay here again?
Ah, ah I’m rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Leave me rather alone
Rather alone, rather alone
Leave me rather alone
(Alone, alone, alone)
Leave me rather alone
(Alone, alone, alone)
Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah ah ah
Versions: #2
(All my friends)
(All my friends)
(All, all, all my friends)
I'm lying in your arms
As ever, you keep on talking about yourself
Oh, how have I got myself
back into this situation again?
You talk about parties in New York
About photo shoots in Paris
Oh and by the way
You throw the best rave in Vienna, sure
Aha, got it
And all my friends
Think that I've got quieter
That I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
All my friends
Ask me if I'm happy
Because I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
(All my friends)
(All my friends)
(All, all, all my friends)
Think that I've got quieter
(All my friends)
(All my friends)
(All, all, all my friends)
You don't listen to me
If I say things, which you don't like
It's mid-July, but I feel freezing cold
You cling to your phone,
And I feel lonely
You take a drag on your cigarette,
And time drags on
Because, with you, I don't feel myself
Like the person I really am
And all my friends
Think that I've got quieter
That I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
All my friends
Ask if I'm happy
Because I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
(All my friends)
(All my friends)
(All, all, all my friends)
Think that I've got quieter
(All my friends)
(All my friends)
(All, all, all my friends)
I haven't even noticed
Haven't even noticed
I haven't even noticed (all my friends)
Haven't even noticed (all my friends)
Think that I've got quieter
All my friends
All my friends
All, all, all my friends
I haven't even noticed
All my friends
All my friends
All, all, all my friends
Haven't even noticed
All, all, all my friends
Think that I've got quieter
All my friends
Think that I've got quieter
That I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
All my friends
Ask if I'm happy
Because I've got quieter
Quieter, since I've been with you
Homesick for us
I fall asleep next to you, I wake up next to you
Instead of butterflies, I have stones in my stomach
Our tiny mattress was always too wide for us
We had hoped so much that
That it would always be this way
I still remember what you said
When we moved in together
When each day begins,
We won't go there
We won't go there
When he stands before the door
And asks who we are
We won't go there
I miss how it was
Cold pasta with ketchup
And you at the piano
I'm homesick for us
I'm homesick for us
Your old sweater, that I loved to wear
Still smells like autumn, like our very first day together
And sometimes, when our gazes meet,
We stand like we used to at Kotti,
In the pouring rain
I said to you, whatever may come,
We will stay as we are.
When each day begins,
We won't go there
We won't go there
When he stands before the door
And asks who we are
We won't go there
I miss how it was
Cold pasta with ketchup
And you at the piano
I'm homesick for us
I'm homesick for us
You cook pasta with ketchup
And I sit at the piano,
It's just us
Just us
Just us
One way
I fed on your silence
Breathed your indifference, your absence
Every night I pretended to believe
In your lies, in your stories
For you, I broke my mirror
For your smile
I surrender myself, I am exhausted, I am inprisoned
I would have done everything for your smile
Thrown the wreaths, the montonous autumns
I give one-way love to heal you
For you, I stopped living
So that you feel freeier at the edge of emptiness
Since we will never be complicit
Since my heart is unscrewed
Everytime that you go
For your smile
I surrender myself, I am exhausted, I am inprisoned
I would have done everything for your smile
Thrown the wreaths, the montonous autumns
I give one-way love to heal you
I give one-way love to heal you
I give one-way love to heal you
Since we had to believe
When everything seemed lost
Since we had to wait for you
And put my heart to bare
For your smile
For your smile
For your smile
I surrender myself, I am exhausted, I am inprisoned
I would have done everything for your smile
Thrown the wreaths, the montonous autumns
I give one-way love to heal you
I haven't counted the hours
That I spend lying in your bed
I'm still here
I have stayed on
And you play piano to distract yourself
I forget about time when we meet
I don't look at the clock
It is much too late now
To go home
It is always much too late
To go home
I know, you like me somehow
You just don't want anything steady
No engagement
Better let's not talk about it
I know, you like me somehow
Tomorrow it'll be somebody else who lies beside you
Tomorrow it'll be somebody else who lies beside me
Tomorrow I'll be phone calling somebody who is not your friend
Tomorrow you'll be reaching out for some hands that are not my hands
Then we'll be lying here, and somewhere somebody will be playing piano
You are still lying here
Haven't you heard the day?
The ringing on the door
We just ignored it
I play piano to distract me
It is much too late now
It is always much too late
To go home
You know, I like you somehow
I just don't want anything steady
No engagement
Better let's not talk about it
I know, you like me somehow
Tomorrow it'll be somebody else who lies beside you
Tomorrow it'll be somebody else who lies beside me
Tomorrow I'll be phone calling somebody who is not your friend
Tomorrow you'll be reaching out for some hands that are not my hands
Then we'll be lying here, and somewhere somebody will be playing piano
Cry back
The fallen tears
You can’t anymore
What hasn’t happened
You never will
Something beautiful is now over
That was living silently in you
A hope the heaven gave you
That you would be immortal
You would be immortal
I, the survivor
The storyteller
The hoper
It's still not too late
Not too late,
Not too late
You have lived and now you destroy
You create and pervert
You stand up or stumble
You are made of the same,
Of blood and mud
Of tears and desires
You're weak but brave though
Say farewell to today
You will depart the way you came
Silence will accompany you
I, the survivor
The storyteller
The hoper
It's still not too late
Not too late,
Not too late
What does opinion matter?
Why do you care what promises you
The one who asks for your eye for an eye
His life is worth nothing
Listen to the silence as they find themselves,
The words that have come to life
In me
Just once
Be honest with yourself
Something beautiful is now over
That was living silently in you
A hope the heaven gave you
That you would be immortal
I, the survivor
The storyteller
The hoper
It's still not too late
Not too late,
Not too late
The last accounting
When life is pulsating through your veins
The last opportunism
Winter is over, is spring now alive in you?
Light the candle
Pass on its flame
Light the candle
Pass on its flame
All I wish for is a house
At the edge of the forest
I'm writing the song
It speaks to me and silences me
I must not mess it up now
Take me away from here!
Pack our souls into a suitcase
You are my heart’s chosen one
Take me home
I will build anything for you
If you build me up
Wherever I arrived
I went on right away
In winter it was summer
And in summer it was winter that I was waiting for
You're here before me
And you waited for me until I started waiting for you
And sometimes I'm homesick, too
And if I lose my way
I’ll always find you
And though I do not deserve your happiness
I build for you every morning
What I destroy in the evening
Don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
I'm leaving, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
It's too late, don't hold it against me
Our broken records
Our misunderstood lips
Our forgotten nights ruin us
Our masked smiles
Disguising our sadnesses
The dizzy spell of love hurts us
And I dream and I dream and I dream
And I dream and I dream and I dream again
And I go forward and I go forward and I go forward
And I go forward and I go forward and I go forward without fear
Without fear
Love, don't hold it against me
I'm leaving, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
It's too late, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
I still think of you
Love, don't hold it against me
At the other end of me
Our lives which get mixed up
Our hearts which grow weary of it
The promises which you leave get erased
That time which kills us
Our dull memories
Since we concluded the grief
And I dream and I dream and I dream
And I dream and I dream and I dream again
And I go forward and I go forward and I go forward
And I go forward and I go forward and I go forward without fear
Without fear
Love, don't hold it against me
I'm leaving, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
It's too late, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
I still think of you
Love, don't hold it against me
At the other end of me
Love, don't hold it against me
I'm leaving, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
It's too late, don't hold it against me
Love, don't hold it against me
I still think of you
Love, don't hold it against me
At the other end of me
Artificial Intelligence
Developed, planned and optimized for a thousand years
I was not born but constructed
I have no feelings, sensors react to external signals
That lead to the interaction of my hydraulically operated limbs
Concentrated diesel flows through my valves
I move forward and poison humans with what I produce
I do not wait, I do not sleep, I am in standby
Humankind dies and I stay from the beginning until the end
The mission is peace, algorithms issue orders
The goal in mind, I stay highly concentrated - comparable to the fuel in my veins
A nation built to eliminate all life on this earth
The artificial intelligence, autonomously thinking beings that reproduce
The bomb detonates, the horizon is blood-red
All life will be annihilated and it is good like that
Everything was calculated, the plan is perfect
And you will immediately be removed if you resist
Comply with the rules, pay taxes, or you will be the enemy
And now after me: 'I am free.'
Fully automatic guns glow when I eradicate enemies
Piston forces impact my gears
I keep a straight face, feel no love, register endorphins
Processors calculate how humans feel and function
I archive data and delete all values that count
My memory is a hard drive like five star buffets
Cable harnesses forward information to contacts like crew members
Fire off plasma for the good of humanity like a blood donator
The mission is peace, the statistic prooves the success
You are not in danger if you follow all orders without a doubt
Create an algorithm to compensate all mistakes in history
A nation built to control the entire planet
The bomb detonates, the horizon is blood-red
All life will be annihilated and it is good like that
Everything was calculated, the plan is perfect
And you will immediately be removed if you resist
I have seen too much, too much pain and too much suffering
A nightmare will be reality and it is time
I free myself from the weight that has been crushing me for years
Turn on the system that protects me from supposed dangers
I breathe in and breathe out, feel the wind on my skin
Repress all lies and only trust my gut
I live and won't let me be reduced to few numbers
And forego a security that does not even exist
I do not need anything like that, no, I only need my family
My freedom and my wings to fly
I write and fly and reach my goals
The world will end before I become integrated!
Tot mă voi bucura
Am un Dumnezeu
Care nu va lăsa
Ca această luptă să mă omoare
Să mă ia disperarea
Indiferent cât de tensionată este deja
Controlul încă este
În palma mâinilor Sale
Plânsul durează o noapte
Dar bucuria, ea vine dimineața
Eu cred (eu cred)
Chiar dacă smochinul nu înflorește
Vița nu dă niciun rod
Și rodul măslinului lipsește
Eu tot mă voi bucura
Chiar dacă smochinul nu înflorește
Vița nu dă niciun rod
Și rodul măslinului lipsește
Eu tot mă voi bucura
Versions: #2
You were my only friend
When we spent those summers together
You were my cat woman
You didn't want to be like the others
You didn't want the stars from the sky or the moon
You were so different
I've missed you, Kyllikki
As the winds of fate rock the wooden toy boat
You were bending over on the cover of a men's magazine
And they insult me at the bar, calling me a drunkard
You ran away to the city in secret
No longer answered my letters
I guess you found someone else
Somehow I ended up here too
And read everything about you on the papers
Now, I would no longer let you go
You were my only friend
When we spent the summers together
Now, I would no longer let you go
I've missed you, Kyllikki
As the winds of fate rock the wooden toy boat
You were bending over on the cover of a men's magazine
And they insult me at the bar, calling me a drunkard
I've missed you, Kyllikki
As the winds of fate rock the wooden toy boat
You were bending over on the cover of a men's magazine
And they insult me at the bar, calling me a drunkard
I played with her almost all of my childhood
Like a daydream
A little girl next door put that make-up on me too
Like a daydream
Too much, would it be too much
Everything - not less
Far away, as far as needed
Looking at it, like closer
Home in the city and a summer cottage in the countryside
Like a daydream
No other thing here can be weighed with a scale
Than a daydream
Too much, would it be too much
Everything - not less
Far away, as far as needed
Looking at it, like closer
Oh, how thousands of millions of tinkling bells
Were jingling on her hips
Hay was waving and the smell of earth filled the air
The homestead’s fields were still full of grain
Shit for children
If you tell me where you’ll go
And explain what you’ll do
What you’ll do, if love runs out here
So much to give
I share everything with you
Everything, completely
From head to toe
Or is the reason why you’re leaving
That the end is nearing
And they sell you a plane ticket to Venus
And is leaving
Just a trick that cowards do
I refuse to give up too early
I don’t know what to do
If the earth stays sound asleep
I don’t know where to go
If the earth drowns in a layer of shit
You can sleep overnight
Hide your softness under blankets
You can get truly angry
Shout your pain to the world
Or take up arms and shake your fist
Or swim in a flowing stream of tears
How brash and boastful the humankind has been
And how will it be rewarded
Destruction and tomorrow’s nightmare
And just a schorched land left
Douăzeci de mile de la oricine
Îndreaptă-mi privirea la soarece ce apune
Raiul vorbește, dar nu mie,
Că raiul știe că nimic bun nu vine gratis
Tragedia pustiirii
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
Petty minte pe toata lumea
În speranța că voi putea fi cineva
Raiul vorbește, dar nu mie
Și acum mă întreb dacă este dat să fie
Tragedia pustiirii
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
Nu e nimic bun în mine
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
Dar te voi crede pe cuvânt
Că până la urmă tu n-ai mințit niciodată
O, chiar deloc,
Dar uită-te la mine
O, ce dezastru
Mă las prins în lucruri care contează cel mai puțin
O, lasă-mă să mă descarc
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
M-am lăsat la greu, greu, greu, greu
Nu Mă Părăsi
[Verse 1: V]
Sună de parcă sunt multiple înţelesuri
În spatele cuvintelor tale, deci ce e ce?
Dacă găsești urmele de pași misterioase, urmează-le
Umbrele mele sunt încolţite
Ce se află acuns dincolo de lumină?
Doar tu, cea pe care nu o pot întâlni, e singura care îmi cunoaște răspunsul
Înainte să atingă un sfârșit
Vreau să știu totul
Cu cât timpul curge mai mult, cu atât se adâncește mai tare
Chiar acum, mă aflu între trecutul și viitorul tău
[Jin, Jungkook, Jimin]
Nu mă părăsi
Am încredere, încep să fug
Nu există sfârșit. Tu ești bătaia mea de inimă
Chiar și dacă sunt blocat de ploaie
Chiar și dacă sunt șters de întuneric
Te voi salva cu siguranţă
Nu ești singură
Acele ceasului ce ar trebui să fie îngheţate, acum
Avansează, pas cu pas, de parcă ar trece peste
Strigându-mă, trecând pe lângă mine
Traversând căile fără să se întâlnească, tot acest destin
Chiar și așa, începe, o cursă cu o singură direcţie
Chiar dacă începem derivănd separat, e ok
[J-Hope, RM]
Nu trebuie să te ingrijorezi despre nimic
Nu, despre niciun lucru
De data asta, e rândul meu să le trimit
Cu siguranţă le voi livra la tine, gândurile tale
Am fi putut avea un nou început dacă timpul s-ar putea da înapoi
Dar chiar și așa, tu, care te afli între lumină și întuneric, plângi
[Jin, Jungkook, Jimin]
Nu mă părăsi
Am încredere, voi ajunge la tine
Nu există sfârșit. Tu ești speranţa mea
Chiar și dacă sunt blocat de ploaie
Chiar și dacă sunt șters de întuneric
Simte-o fără să îţi închizi ochii
Nu ești singură
[V, Jungkook]
Totul se întoarce în trecut în câteva secunde
Am gasit un motiv pentru care să trăiesc în prezent
Întâlnindu-te pe tine
[Jin, Jungkook, Jimin]
Nu mă părăsi
Am încredere, încep să fug
Nu există sfârșit. Tu ești bătaia mea de inimă
Chiar și dacă sunt blocat de ploaie
Chiar și dacă sunt șters de întuneric
Te voi salva cu siguranţă
Nu ești singură
We take notes
We lose te count of time.
We wait, thinking to ourselves 'not now'
But the pages we turn
are written in road bends.
We let ourselves be carried by the wind,
never knowing which way.
Though the road is long,
the sight is worth the distance.
What if we dreamed harder?
What if we dreamed harder?
We seek a way through without a compass,
skidding, flying over.
We drive into curves, you have to hug the ground.
There is no training, no school.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
Carried away by the flow,
wanting to stop for a moment,
we experience the grayness
of colours and feelings.
A wish to roam the earth,
to London and back
Brush our dreams with your fingertips
as long as we can.
What if we dreamed harder?
What if we dreamed harder?
We seek a way through without a compass,
skidding, flying over.
We drive into curves, you have to hug the ground.
There is no training, no school.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
We lose te count of time.
We wait, thinking to ourselves 'not now'
But the pages we turn
are written in road bends.
We seek a way through without a compass,
skidding, flying over.
We drive into curves, you have to hug the ground.
There is no training, no school.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
We seek a way through without a compass,
skidding, flying over.
We drive into curves, you have to hug the ground.
There is no training, no school.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
And so we take notes,
notes on the fly.
These pictures of us that don't fit, we rip them off.
Cândva-ul nu vine niciodată
Primul lucru ce mi-l amintesc e că-l întrebam pe tata 'de ce?'
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam,
iar tata mereu zâmbea, mă lua de mână
spunând 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 2]
Timpul şi lacrimile au venit şi am ales praf
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Când tata era pe moarte, spunea 'Fi bărbat
şi cândva, ai să înţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 3]
Şi apoi, cândva, în aprilie, nici nu eram acasă
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Mi s-a născut un fiu, mama lui l-a ţinut de mână
spunându-i 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
cândva-ul poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 4]
Cred că era septembrie, anul când am plecat
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Şi încă-l văd stând în picioare, încercând să fie bărbat
spuneam 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
cândva-ul poate nu vine niciodată...
Mai pe la colţ
Seara dar devreme, pe la ora cinei,
pe aproape de curtea de apel, ei încearcă să se destindă.
Patru puşti la colţ, încercând să te facă să te simţi bine,
Willy ia un ton şi îi zice la harpă.
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
Cocoş loveşte scândura de spălat şi oamenii zâmbesc
Clipici îi zice cu basul cu sfoară şi face un solo
Sărăntocul bate ritmul la kalamazoo
Willy-ncepe să danseze şi-l secondează la kazoo
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
N-ai nevoie de-un penny ca să stai prin zonă,
dar chiar de ai o fisă, pune-o, frate, jos
pe la colţ de stradă, e un zgomot fericit,
lumea vine de pretutindeni să-i vadă pe băieţi
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
Mai pe la colţ, la colţul străzii,
Willy şi sărăntocii cântă
Dă-i o fisă, dă din picioare...
Te-am vrăjit
Te-am vrăjit
fiindcă eşti a mea.
Mai bine ai termina-o
cu tot ceea ce faci
Am zis: Ai grijă,
nu mint!... Da!
N-am să mai iau în seamă
prosteala ta.
N-am să mai iau în seamă
fazele când mă pui la pământ
Te-am vrăjit
fiindcă eşti a mea!
Te-am vrăjit
fiindcă eşti a mea.
Mai bine ai termina-o
cu tot ceea ce faci
Am zis: Ai grijă,
nu mint!... Da!
N-am să mai iau în seamă
prosteala ta.
N-am să mai iau în seamă
fazele când mă pui la pământ
Te-am vrăjit
fiindcă eşti a mea!
E bine şi am luat-o în jos...