Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 382


Yellow Tulips

Fountains are dry now, and the summer left the town.
You have come with tulips, I’m surprised by their colour.
Don’t you know of it: the colour can be cruel hint.
The flowers were yellow, oh-oh-oh, flowers were yellow.
Amber-yellow tulips’re messengers of parting,
They are of the colour fading morning star,
fading morning star.
Amber-yellow tulips touched your hands, my darling.
They recall you smiling, they are festive plants,
strong and festive plants.
Those yellow tulips touched your hands, my darling.
They recall you smiling,
strong and festive plants, o-o-o
strong and festive plants, o-o-o,
strong and festive plants.
You are leaving, darling, and the city’ll get quite silent
Quarrel was so stupid, you‘re right I cannot argue.
Flowers shouldn’t be blamed for all my dreams flew away.
Amber-yellow tulips, o-o-o, amber-yellow tulips.

You are the one to Blame

Versions: #3
you are the one to blame for
this anguish and this torture, this pain and all this misery
you've filled my life with nothing
except these sweet anxieties and all these bitter memories
your love is like an outburst
i carry in my being and also in my heart
i have no choice about this
i'm just a slave in your eyes, a plaything for your love
don't play with my anxiety, don't play with my emotions
they are the only ones i've got
your are my one and only, my final hope for living
you must believe it once
you know it makes me desperate
it kills me, it drives me crazy
you know i'd give my whole life to overcome my fear
of kissing you

Sparkling Pearly Eyes

In the hurdle race over a thousand ifs and buts
instead of straight to an unknown goal.
I'm in my own way again
Where is a place to rest in this game without borders?
I think too much about the day after tomorrow
Think too much about me,
I've changed my view to now and here and you
and you do this:
You fix me 1 with your sparkling pearly eyes,
It does me good, there's so much for me there.
It helps much more than any speech, any thought
Only feeling, only touching makes sense now.
The waves are almost closing over our heads
but with you in the boat I'll suffer any rough sea
The wind whips in my face again
but with you behind me it hurts half as much
Don't leave me alone with myself
Let me into you
I want to feel so much, you and now and here,
and what do you do?
You fix me with your sparkling pearly eyes,
It does me good, there's so much for me there.
It helps much more than any speech, any thought
Only feeling, only touching makes sense now.
It's like a balsam, like a real little miracle,
it heals much better than any medicine
Come and hold me
Hold me tight and squeeze me
as tight as you can
You fix me with your sparkling pearly eyes...
  • 1. dictionary has 'glare' but that seems too negative

Half a heart

Can I go now ?
You're lower your head and saying nothing.
Love looks like a cup of overnight tea.
But I have to drink it.
There is always some attachment between you and me.
We can still keep going.
Even it is a wishful thinking.
Please let me keep it.
Don't let this relation be over from now on.
Half a heart, whether or not you give me it?
This problem makes me so scared.
My heart for loving you is willing to let me as her.
Are you really happy?
You're lower your head and saying nothing.
Love always looks like the sand in the hands.
Who can save it?
There is always some attachment between you and me.
We can still keep going.
Even it is a wishful thinking.
Please let me keep it.
Don't let this relation be over from now on.
Half a heart, whether or not you give me it?
This problem makes me so scared.
My heart for loving you is willing to let me as her.
Will you still think of me?
You still say nothing.
Love looks like a flower in the dream.
It is all fake when you wake up.
There is always some attachment between you and me.
We can still keep going.
Even it is a wishful thinking.
Please let me keep it.
Don't let this relation be over from now on.
Half a heart, whether or not you give me it?
This problem makes me so scared.
My heart for loving you is willing to let me as her.
Is this best way?
Let her get all your love.
Is it possible to divide one heart in half?
Is half a heart willing to leave it for me?
Could you give it to me?
Will you still think of me?
You still say nothing.
Love looks like a flower in the dream.
It is all fake when you wake up.
There is always some attachment between you and me.
We can still keep going.
Even it is a wishful thinking.
Please let me keep it.
Don't let this relation be over from now on.
Half a heart, whether or not you give me it?
This problem makes me so scared.
My heart for loving you is willing to let me as her.
Is this best way?
Let her get all your love.
Is it possible to divide one heart in half?
Is half a heart willing to leave it for me?
Could you give it to me?


My rainbow, my childhood, a smile of my father
His heart resting in his open hands
Given to me to the full.
My rainbow, my mother
Who disappeared above the river of my tears
The river reflected her, but soon all was gone
No more lightning, no clouds, no storms.
My rainbow, my children
This one shines the brightest when I'm gone
I'm glad I was present in this world
I dance with two rainbows.
Rays of the sun of my love got refracted in the drops of the rain of time
And the precious light of the rainbow of her eyes
Shines brightly above all.
My rainbow is not those around me
But those I'm close to
Those who have me behind their backs
When tears are the only reward for the day.
Everyone meets their best sunset
As no one is under the sky for long
I don't feel sorry, but I was glad to be here
I witnessed the rainbow.
Rainbow imprisoned into a square cell of the flag
Waves above heads that have no more light within
The ones with stinky moonshine of nonsense ideas
Where rainbow mixes into a brown spot.


Morning walked into the city, like a child dancing in silence
And it became clear, how hard it was yesterday for me and you
To come home through familiar streets
Through the unreciprocated crudeness of faceless crowd
Through the city given away to chickens
Who still run around headless.
Blood and smashed windows on the sidewalks
Morning coughs black smoke of burnt cars
A boiled beet of the sun
Rises above the city where I was murdered
A burned down match head drops on the floor
Now you got used to crying
Damn these fucking rebels.
The tune was the same - freedom and justice
High-rises swarming with hundreds of thousands of assholes
None of them worthy of that very freedom
And I'm hanging on the dull knives, now I'm totally free.
People broken into pieces, people cut open in parts
Break each other's heads and tear each other's mouths
People broken into pieces, people cut open in parts
Break each other's heads and tear each other's mouths
Morning has run around schools, kindergartens
And now day fell on its knees
But hardly anyone who was there last night now feels happy
Waking up in the debris of drunkenness and rampant laziness
They'll never understand anything
The storefronts of their eyes are nailed with thick plywood
And I'll be here, I'll stay
As a thirst of bullets loaded into sleeping guns.

in the end, everything passes

They say, two years from now
all the melodies will end
and I'll have nothing to sing to you
in some sad moment
it's like a 'Déjà vu'
come closer now
tight, tight
they say that the sky
will peel soon
and god
will save us from all the madness.
so what are you afraid from?
what are you afraid from?
in the end, everything passes
I remember I was hurt once
my heart was broken
by someone I loved so much
all the moments I was happy in them
came to their end in a second
came to their end in a second
and soldiers come back home from their officer
to a crazy weekend
maybe to a lonely island
there are people who only engage in being scared
all their life
you are rolling to yourself a cigarette and say that...
through red eyes, we can see more beautiful
look, in the end every color peels
I think...
in the end, everything passes
I remember I was hurt once
my heart was broken
by someone I loved so much
all the moments I was happy in them
came to their end in a second
came to their end in a second
so in the end, everything passes
I remember I was hurt once
my heart was broken
by someone I loved so much
all the moments I was happy in them
came to their end in a second
came to their end in a second
in the end, everything passes
that's what my mother have told me
time is flying by
like airplanes in the sky
everything passes in the end
many people I used to know
they won't come back
they won't come back

Yes, Exactly!

You'll se it won't take more than a few days
Love is unworthy of feeling bad about it
One day surely we'll laugh again
If we notice it doesn't work then we can drink tea
'I am not like anyone'
Do you remember you said 'I am different from them'?
Yes, exactly!
All people you flatterd
It kicked up
Yes, exactly!
Tonight among friends
A table prepared in honor of you
Your name is a curse now in our words
Why'd you care about this?
They told which is
You'll se it won't take more than a few days
Love is unworthy of feeling bad about it
One day surely we'll laugh again
If we notice it doesn't work then we can drink tea

It’s Not My Fault

I didn’t want to fall in love with you, because I knew what you thought of me.
But I fell in love, I don’t know how
But I fell in love, I don’t know how
I understood well that you’ll never love me
But what to do if I love you more every time
It’s not my fault
It’s not my fault
It’s not my fault
Guilty, my heart is guilty
I understood well that you’ll never love me
But what to do if I love you more every time
It’s not my fault
It’s not my fault
Guilty, guilty
It’s not my fault
It’s not my fault
Guilty, my heart is guilty

Această inimă te-a ales pe tine

L-am privit ușor și mi-a plăcut
Am totul absolut totul, dar inima te-a vrut pe tine
Dacă vi te aştept, dacă pleci o să-mi fie dor
Normal normal nu eşti diferit de un prieten
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta îmbrățişează-mă
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta îmbrățişează-mă
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta
Uite această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Înainte absolut nimeni
Nu-i plăcea o aşa iubire
Nu a vrut să stea
Această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Înainte absolut nimeni
Nu-i plăcea o aşa iubire
Nu a vrut să stea
L-am privit ușor și mi-a plăcut
Am totul absolut totul, dar inima te-a vrut pe tine
Dacă vi te aştept, dacă pleci o să-mi fie dor
Normal normal nu eşti diferit de un prieten
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta îmbrățişează-mă
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta îmbrățişează-mă
Dacă ai vreo îndoială nu mai sta
Uite această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Înainte absolut nimeni
Nu-i plăcea o aşa iubire
Nu a vrut să stea
Această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Înainte absolut nimeni
Nu-i plăcea o aşa iubire
Nu a vrut să stea
Ah această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Nu a mai iubit pe absolut nimeni aşa
Am întrerupt
Nu a vrut să stea
Această inimă te-a ales pe tine
Înainte absolut nimeni
Nu-i plăcea o aşa iubire
Nu a vrut să stea
Ege Kökenli

Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea

Trebuie să plec din acest oraș
E un vis devenit realitate
De ce îmi arată copiii
Dacă plouă în loc de soare
Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea tot efortul
Cu siguranță se termină această ploaie de răbdare
Inutil să spun
A fost inutil pe aici
Nu pot să-l găsesc întotdeauna împreună cu mine
Uite nu mai am curaj
A întârziat sunt obosit
Cred că sunt din nou nebun
Vânt în păr
Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea tot efortul
Cu siguranță se termină această ploaie de răbdare
Nu este necesar să se despartă
Au întârziat diminețile
Întotdeauna am uitat împreună cu mine
A trecut o vreme de când am început
Mările mincinoase
Se spune că dragostea va fi ca focul
Arde minciuna
Acum drumurile pe care le-am făcut până acum s-au depărtat
Sunt o poveste gresita, rescrie-ma la vara
Acum drumurile pe care le-am făcut până acum s-au depărtat
Sunt o poveste gresita, rescrie-ma la vara
Am iubit ca un copil
Oglinzi în palmele mele
Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea întinde-ti mana
Am iubit ca un copil
Oglinzi în palmele mele
Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea întinde-ti mana
Fă tot efortul frumoasa mea tot efortul
Cu siguranță se termină această ploaie de răbdare
Ege Kökenli


Încăpățânare când zboară
Ai auzit cum bate inima mea?
De ce păstrezi dragostea in ochii tăi tu de ce taci?
Ege Kökenli

I Thank Before Thee

For the singing rain
For the sun upon the mountain
For the sparing bread
For the foreign beauty
Thank You.
For the voice of the bird that sang a simple song
When I wished to die
Thank You
For the pure salt
For the clear wine
For the soft pleasure
For the damp sadness
Thank You
For the green grass that served as my bed
When I made love to her
Thank You
I thank before Thee
For the blue river
That comes from You and flows to You
And in the meantime flows within my heart
I thank before Thee.
For the loud silence
For the warm sound
For the prevention of bloodshed
For the kind hearts of mankind
Thank You
For bringing me out of the bloody darkness
Within my mother's womb
Thank You.
For my eye
For my ear
For my crown
For my happiness
Thank You
For the strength and the silence that filled my body
When I started to fly
Thank You.
I thank before Thee...

The chapter no. zero

The peng birthed itself in the poet intestine of the word whale
It grew over days and years, until it wore fingers on its eyes and ears on its feet
It danced through the bloodstream of the animal, until it reached the border of its heart pumping with might
There it saw the quietly singing bing, that kept the whale alive
It creeped ahead to the animal's eye, took all its courage and excreted itself
as a tear, to merge with the ocean
The ocean was a rough soul and threw him through high waves and
torrential vortexes down into the depths of an immeasurable width
And there, in the blackest black the monster awaited him
It grabbed him with the arms of a kraken, pearled with suction cups
and pulled him into its lap softly
From that day on together they are looking for the author of the chapter no. zero


Versions: #2
Welcome in the claws of then tentacle
No going back, swallowed by the spectacle
Without compass and without oracle
a difficult debacle unfolds in front of you
You lost your legs and your ears
Professors start drilling into your body
You can't manage coming down to the floor anymore
because the room is crooked and time is curved
Flee! long as it's still possible
You have one second...whoops, too late
Misjudged,misplanned, missed, squandered, underestimated,
because in 2 minutes your mind will be torn apart
and renewed,
covered in syrup and burst in flames
Your heartbeat just paused
Luckily we replaced it with a beat earlier,
because this evenig we are your true carers
As a sign of our love we are slapping you in the face now
We want to see all of you naked, completely depilated
dipped into milk, mating with zebras
Drink on brotherhood with creatures of every kind
We are bacteria and that's no saying
We are bacteria and that's no saying

My homeland

Versions: #2
To its air, for its water, for its stone, for the soil of it,
Thousands times my life is able sacrificed even for my only one friend.
Every corner of it is a paradise for me, I get burn by the yearning of it,
My homeland is different a bit (than others)
Lay Lay...
Anatolia is one side of it, the brave people lives on..,
The lovers write legends on the mountains.
For its sheeps and wolves, for its Yunus and Emrah (are great poets)
All the world has admired to my homeland.
Lay Lay...
To its Mecnun and Leyla, its secret is not reachable.
If you need a friend, run toward Mevlana (great philosopher),
You'll feel reborn, you'll go getting wisdom..
So my homeland is different a bit.
Lay Lay...
Its fearless shepherd sings folk songs with grief ,
Rich or poor, all the people are in love,
I'm consoling my heart, (God)Allah is great so knows the best of,
My homeland is different a bit.
Lay Lay...
So my homeland is different a bit.

Dragostea mi-a năpădit inima ...

Versions: #2
Aşa se zice: 'Doar proștii se grăbesc',
dar e în zadar, când dragostea îţi năpădeşte inima.
Dacă rămân,
poate nu e un păcat.
Dar, nu pot face nimic, dragostea mi-a năpădit inima.
La fel cum râul îmbrățișează marea,
Iubito, aşa şi inima mea,
uneori, atât de simplu.
Ia-mă de mână, a ta este întreaga mea viață,
EU nu, n-am vrut, dragostea mi-a năpădit inima.
La fel cum râul îmbrățișează marea,
Iubito, aşa şi inima mea,
uneori, atât de simplu.
Ia-mă de mână, a ta este întreaga mea viață,
EU nu, n-am vrut ... dragostea mi-a năpădit inima,
EU nu, n-am vrut ... dragostea mi-a năpădit inima.
Dana Kósa

the life's end

there is a place without human intrusion
a place where novels have not taken place
a place where no smile characterizes the lips of the population
a kingdom, created, built, by my true self
Your self-destruct is the only key that fits in
I will bribe you to death
I'll cut you to pieces
I will rape you, bitch

Mea culpa

She tells me she's tired
She tells me she wants to quit
Don't even have time to explain
No use in going on
But it's the time that flies(...)
But it's the time that flies
I'm sorry for all this wrong [I did]
I blew it yet again
But it's the time that flies
But ...
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
I tell her she got me tired
It's because of her I'm gonna quit
Don't know how to explain
One of these days I'll be gone
But it's the time that flies
But it's the time that flies
I'm sorry for all this wrong [I did]
I blew it yet again
But it's the time that flies
... (...)
But ...
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
Admitting reluctantly
Forgiving all your faults
Admitting reluctantly
But ...
But ...
Mea ...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Put the Blame on Me

Versions: #4
[Demi Lovato]
Hey Fonsi?
[Luis Fonsi]
Oh no
What's up, Demi?
Hey yeah!
[Luis Fonsi]
I've got something to confess
Now I know exactly what happened
And even though it hurts, I've got to accept
That you're not the bad one, that would be me
[Demi Lovato]
You never really got to know me
And the magic that made you fall in love, it's gone
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes
'Cuz your only mistake was meeting me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Demi Lovato]
Ok, I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles baby just let it be
So come on, put the blame on me, yeah
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles baby just let it be
So come on put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
All you need is a kiss
All you need is a kiss
That kiss I always promised you
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
All you need is a kiss
All you need is a kiss
That kiss I always promised you
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Demi Lovato]
Ok, I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles baby just let it be
So come on, put the blame on me, yeah
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles baby just let it be
So come on put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
[Luis Fonsi]
It's not you, it's not you
It's not you, it's me (it's me)
Don't want to hurt you
It's better to forget and leave it be (leave it be)
[Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato]
Put the blame on me
All you need is a kiss
All you need is a kiss
That kiss I always promised you
All you need is a kiss
All you need is a kiss
That kiss I always promised you

Pulsul meu.

Atunci când îmi închid ochii,
Eu te pot vedea.
Eu nu mai știu cum..
Să te uit femeie.
Cu cât mai vreau,
Apare din nou,
Eu îți văd chipul în fotografii,
Înnebunesc fără să știu ce să fac.
Cu cât mai caut, nimeni este ca tine.
Atunci când ai plecat, ai stins lumina
Cerul meu.. nu-i albastru.
Și că al nostru, fetițo, nu era pentru întotdeauna,
S-a terminat ura acea, și m-am oprit să te iubesc.
Era ceva în doi, când m-ai lăsat.
Ești tu, cine ai vrut, nu te-am putut lega.
Și acum ce să fac?
Fiindcă e o lovitură puternică,
Tu ești pe lista de eșecuri,
Înainte inima mea era sănătoasă,
Nu mai contează dacă eu o injughesc
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
În jocul acestea, eu mereu pierd,
N-o să mai cred în iubire
Cel mai pur sentiment al meu,
O să-l păstrez,
Nu o să-l scot din inima mea.
Fiindcă nimeni o merită,
Să simți asta, îți ucide încet,
E imposibil să-l scot din minte
Știm bine că cu lovituri se învață.
Atunci când îmi închid ochii..
Eu te pot vedea..
Eu nu mai știu cum
Să uit de tine fetițo.
Cu cât mai vreau,
Apare din nou,
Eu îți văd chipul în fotografii,
Înnebunesc fără să știu ce să fac.
Cu cât mai caut, nimeni este ca tine.
Atunci când ai plecat, ai stins lumina
Cerul meu.. nu-i albastru.
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2

Help Me Love

When the long darkness falls in the world
Maybe I'll try to erase this scars that torn apart
Why is our love guilty by the judgement of this world?
Dearest, I'd rather to forsake everything to follow you.
If you get lost on the way
I'll run to you
Please don't deny our destiny
Even if things get harder than ever
And everything changes,
We'll still love each other
If you get lost on the way
I'll run to you
Please don't deny our destiny
Even if things get harder than ever
And everything changes,
We'll still love each other
Even if everything changes,
We'll still love each other


Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
The world tells me
'I love you'
Well, it is a lie and
making me a fool
The world want us only
to be good
Well, it is a lie
I tried, too
Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
For the world we live in
thinking of you, I
Try and try
Is there any place without sadness
it looks at me and mocks me and
tells me 'dare you'
it notices my mind
it tells me
'Though the world lies to you,
you must keep staring me
and leave yourself behind.
For now on.'

Nu are vină

E o altă dimineață în care Manuel nu merge la culcare,
A văzut deja zorii unei alte zile fără a înțelege
De ce există oameni cruzi
Care celebrează suferința unei alte ființe umane,
Dacă iubirea aceea îl face să râdă.
Îi spun că e efeminat,
Îi pun porecle zilnic,
El contemplă sinuciderea
Pentru că nu e acceptat,
Nu e vina lui că e feminin.
A devenit bătaia de joc a cartierului
Și, de asemenea, a școlii,
Plin de complexe,
Dezgustat de corpul său,
Voind să fie femeie,
Dar totul e opus.
E singurul fiul al Sofiei și al lui Don Miguel,
Ea e foarte sensibilă,
O femeie simplă,
Mereu îl protejează și0l acceptă așa cum e.
În schimb, Don Miguel
E masculin și anti-gay.
Îi spune că niciun gay
Nu intră în Regatul Raiului,
E scris in Biblie
Că merge direct în iad.
O învinovățește pe Sofia că l-a crescut atât de alintat,
El a visat la un băiat
Care să fie baseball player,
Se dovedește că băiatul
Vrea să fie frizer,
Puțin umilitor
Pentru un tată sever.
Când conștiința e foarte brutală,
E dificil de înțeles că toți suntem fără egal.
Un mic înger vine în pântece
Fără un vot selectându-i preferința sexuală.
Oh, iubește-l
În final, este un dar de la Dumnezeu.
Oh, apără-l,
Du-i dorul,
Nu suntem pentru a-i judeca pe alții.
100% heterosexual
Născut astfel,
Dar tu?
Nu te voi judeca!
Îi spun că e efeminat,
Îi pun porecle zilnic,
El contemplă sinuciderea
Pentru că nu e acceptat,
Nu e vina lui că e feminin.
A devenit bătaia de joc a cartierului
Și, de asemenea, a școlii,
Plin de complexe,
Dezgustat de corpul său,
Voind să fie femeie,
Dar totul e opus.
Când conștiința e foarte brutală,
E dificil de înțeles că toți suntem fără egal.
Un mic înger vine în pântece,
Fără un vot selectându-i preferința sexuală.
Oh, iubește-l
În final, este un dar de la Dumnezeu.
Oh, apără-l,
Du-i dorul,
Nu suntem pentru a-i judeca pe alții.
Nu fi un ignorant,
Aceasta nu e o înregistrare pentru gay,
Acesta e un cântec al realității,
Ignoranța nu ne-a dus nicăieri,
Mai mult de 30 de gay
Îți iau viața anual.
Poate 1 % dintre ei
Sunt fanii mei,
În orice caz, mie îmi pasă.
Capul sus!
Încetați ura!

The Outcasts

I don't know if you can hear me
If so, then it depends
If even a gypsy girl
Can pray to you
Yes, I know that I am ostracized
The world despises me
But I see you and feel
Once you were hated like me
Help the outcasts
You see into their hearts
No one else feels and
Knows their pain
See the outcasts
In the light's shadow
Defend the outcasts
Because else you defend nothing
Help the outcasts
You see into their hearts
No one else feels and
Knows their pain
[Religious people:]
I ask for glory
I ask for power
I ask for honour, for prestige and splendour
For the happiness of love
On every path
I ask you, God
To bless my works
I ask for nothing
I manage
But so many others
Are worse than bad
Protect my friends
From poverty and derision
We are all
The children of God
Help the outcasts
Defend the outcasts, children of God
Children of God
[Esmeralda & Quasimodo:]
Children of God

Esmeralda's prayer

I don't know if you hear me
But I beg for answers
I don't know if you would listen
To the prayer I've got
Yes, I know I am too simple
I should be left outside
But when see your glare, I think that
Maybe you hear me after all
God, help the people who are in need
Show them your love and give them your support
God, help my people now, the short moment they exist
God, help the forgotten, I think you want that
I beg for strength, I beg for answers
I beg for light over the name I've got
Love's prayer is all I ask for
I want God's all angels to watch over me
I beg for the others, who are left outside
I beg from my heart and believe that you hear
Help my people, when they're suffering right now
All of us are children here, our father is you
You are the only one who can help the forgotten
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)


Ma trezesc in dimineti
Scufundandu-ma jumata-te catre strafunduri
Acolo-i un puternic, distorsionat tipat in al meu suflet
Totul este intunecat si gol'
Iar eu nu stiu cum s-o indrept
Asa ca ma incovoiesc intr-un 'balon'
Si plang in linistea/confortul casei mele
Eu nu stiu de ce ma simt ca naiba
Eu zic ca sunt bine, dar eu nu sunt
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Cred ca ceva nu-i in regula cu mine
Fiindca tot ce vad e moarte/goliciune
De fiecare data cand eu afara ies
Eu arat de parca am facut meta
Iar eu dorm timp de 19 ore intr-o dupa amiaza de joi
Din cand in cand, eu scuip sange
Si nu stiu ce sa fac
Eu nu stiu de ce ma simt ca drac*
Eu zic ca sunt bine, dar eu nu sunt
Doamnelor si domnilor,
De vreti sa va terminati ,
Ridicati mainile sus ,
Da1 Lamele in aer, toata lumea! 'Tusind'
Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor!
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente

A Moment Before

Again nothing is known
And you are busy
Climbing up to tomorrow
You can't see a way
Although people talk about it
Everyone says
There's a little way to go
Between you and the light
Just take care of your heart
But you are shedding your leaves
And everything around you is gray
There is no chance of stopping now
A moment before
It's always a moment before
That everything happens
There is no chance of stopping now
A moment before
It's always a moment before
That everything happens
Again nothing is known
And you are busy
Searching for explanations
Why has the smile gone from your face
You believe that everything,
Everything is for the best
And there is a reason that everything has turned off
But there are moments in which
You have to remember that yourself
There is no chance of stopping now...
There's a little way to go
Between you and the light
Just take care of your heart
But you are shedding your leaves
And everything around you is gray.
There is a little way to go
Between you and the light,
Just take care of your heart.
You see
There at the end there's a horizon, this is the time to remember
That there is no chance of stopping now...


The name’s Palpal
With or without pretext, we celebrate
They call me Palpal
The haters force themselves
I swore Palpal
I hear nothing but I can read their lips
And I read Palpal
In two words Palpal
Hey Hey Hey Hey
[Verse 1]
An asshole and a good guy in the same body
A “free hugs” sign and a handgun in the
same box
I’ll do all in order to be liked as
A friend, a lover, an idol
Or a grocery store open till five in the morning
I never leave if I am still alive
I’m the winner of the game
I want a world with only mirrors
A radio that only plays my music
You need a savior, but I only wanna please myself
I was already very egocentric
Before I had anything
Doesn’t that tell you to be a bit more stylish?
I’m done speaking about myself (Pal)
When the happiness of others builds up
What’s the secret of happy men?
Mother said: 'act with discretion'
But it’s a lot better when others see me
It’s a lot better when others see me
Let me do what I want
[Verse 2]
Or instead, I risk doing it illegaly
I haven’t taken my meds
I only say shit and everyone loves it
My hyperactivity only shocks
From the tracksuit with the Chinese signs
It comes from my cells like a disc jockey
I can say “I love you” and “I’m fucking you” in plain language
Influenced by the whole world in my discs
We mix and I see folks who tell me
Insh’Allah, soon we’ll all be mixed
Hey hey hey hey
Follow me if you want to see kind monsters
We don’t have green noses, your kebab isn’t blue
But we’ve hidden a few ‘shrooms
So celebrate with us
Yanks will say “come on, come on”
Only love until death, nirvana within like Cobain
To find this bizarre world, you need a drug
Some have died in the process but
If the leaders of this world smoked this stuff
Wars would cease in two seconds max
BTW, politics can suck my. . .
I’m different from even the guys I hang with
Bet you thought I was like you
You’re obsessed with cash but you’re not Rango**
Don’t give me the same nonsense your parents swallow
You’re fucked up, you get a ride home
Mix pills and whisky, tragic
You’ll end up like Octave Parango
[Chorus ]
The name’s Palpal
With or without pretext, we celebrate
They call me Palpal
The haters force themselves
I swore Palpal
I hear nothing but I can read their lips
And I read Palpal
In two words Palpal
Hey Hey Hey Hey
[Verse 3]
An asshole and a good guy in the same body
A love letter and a knife in the
same box
I’ll do all I can to be liked, like
The doctor who says you’re HIV negative
A brother or a superhero
If all the smart guys are sad
I prefer to be a happy imbecile
I want a world where everything’s free
Society has made me a hammer
I take note of everything I buy
Since my first McDonald’s
I’d really like to give lessons
But I’m just a simple Toubab
It’s hard to have the fame of 2pac
When you’ve got a pale look
Ok, Pal knows how to express himself, but he knows the white trash life
This idiot’s proud, sometimes, he screams, at times, he spits
Maybe wealth alone doesn’t make one happy
But trust me, poverty is a river of pain.
I forgot my umbrella
In case it rains dollars

Pierdut cu tine

Cand devii mai batran, mai simplu, mai sanatos
Cand iti amintesti toate pericolele prin care am trecut
Arzand ca taciunii, cazand, fragili
Cu mult inainte de zilele in care nu te predai
Cu ani in urma
Si, in fine, stii
Daca ai ce, fumeaza
Pentru ca se prabuseste totul
Tu erai tot ce am visat
Nu o sa merg niciodata in rai
Pentru ca nu stiu cum
Hai sa inchinam un pahar, sau doua
Pentru toate lucrurile pe care le-am pierdut cu tine
Oh Oh
Spune-mi, chiar sunt pierdute?
Oh Oh
Doar ca sa ma poti elibera
Oh Oh
Dupa tot ce am pierdut cu tine
E totul chiar pierdut?
Oh Oh
E totul chiar pierdut?
Iubire, chiar e pierdut?
E totul chiar pierdut?
Dorindu-mi sa-ti inteleg intriga
Sa inteleg truda asteptarilor din mintea ta
Tine-ma in brate ca si cand nu ti-ai fi pierdut niciodata rabdarea
Spune-mi tot timpul ca ma iubesti mai mult decat ma urasti
Si ca inca esti al meu
Daca ai ce, fumeaza
Pentru ca se prabuseste totul
Tu erai tot ce am visat
Hai sa bem un pahar
Si sa ne intoarcem
Hai sa inchinam un pahar, sau doua
Pentru toate lucrurile pe care le-am pierdut cu tine
Oh Oh
Spune-mi, chiar sunt pierdute?
Oh Oh
Doar ca sa ma poti elibera
Oh Oh
Dupa tot ce am pierdut cu tine
E totul chiar pierdut?
Oh Oh
E totul chiar pierdut?
Iubire, chiar e pierdut?
E totul chiar pierdut?

Kalp Şeklinde Yara

Işıkta bir değişim görüyorum
Gecede bir ateş
Bensiz daha iyisin
Renklerin geri geldiğini görüyorum
Karanlıkta bir açıklık
Bensiz daha iyisin
Ben asla değişmeyeceğim
Asla istemedim
Duyduklarımıza sağır kaldık
Doğruyu görmeliyiz
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Biliyorum defalarca kez hata yaptım
Ama bebeğim, kör değilim
Bensiz daha iyisin
Bulacağın şey söylenmiyor
Böyle şeyler her zaman olur
Bensiz daha iyisin
Tüm bu yanlışlarla uzun zamandır kör bir şekilde koşuyorduk
Ama çığlıklar çok yüksekti
Onları durduramadık
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara
Tüm bildiğimiz bu
Tüm olduğumuz bu
Ve geriye kalan tek şey küçük kalp şeklinde bir yara

Two Hearts

The shortest way between two hearts:
Outstretched to each other and betimes
Touch one another only through fingertips
Two arms.
Rushing towards the stairs,
Waiting is the embodiment of time.
Came too early, cannot find you,
It is as if something is being rehearsed.
Gathered have and migrating are the birds,
If only I loved you ad hoc.
PS: Any piece of constructive criticism will be very appreciated!