Rezultatele căutării pagină 12
Număr de rezultate: 382
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say
Jan (male name) from the county side said: Antje (female name)
Oh dear child, I like you
How can it be done dear Antje
Tomorrow I go to The Hague
And at the old mill
Under a sky so blue sounded
I love you and you love me
Oh Antje, I'll always be loyal to you
When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say
He experienced Valparaíso, his heart burdened with a heavy secret.
The world was a brazier Valparaíso pulled him out of.
So many lights and colors and so many ruined beauties
shifted the weights his heart could no longer lift.
On Valparaíso heights, on a clear day,
she watched the cranes loading the hungry bellies of the ships.
She watched life go by or catalogued the colors.
Never disappointed, never jaded, her heat laden like a tanker.
In the Cinzano restaurant where they had agreed to meet,
an old lady sang 'Solo tu' while mending her sweater.
There he chatted about anything but the important thing, of course.
Seeing each other was what mattered, and listening to 'Solo tu'
'Solo tu'
He didn't know she knew, and he had little choice but not trying
to confide what he forgot about when he was with her.
One day, just to do like everyone, he talked about love, but too early.
She said 'I know your secret' and he went away without a word.
Oh, Valparaíso is so beautiful with its colors, his dilapidations,
this labyrinth where the wind wanders, the woman singing at the Cinzano.
A secret, the city will take it and keep it under its cloak,
and those who uncover it do the same, in Valparaíso.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Frozen Heart
The winter's wind is as cold as ice, and so it's mountains and it's rivers
It has a heart sleazy and grifter, let's dig into it
Just one stroke, right in the middle
With the lust for it and with the fear from it
Was the lake shiny and beautiful before?
Split it into two
Break this frozen heart
A heart (with feelings), just let it go
Watch out, just let it go
Beautiful, really strong, dangerous, cold
The ice is magical and peculiar
Stronger than me, than all of us, than everyone else
The winter's wind is as cold as ice, and so it's mountains and it's rivers
It has a heart sleazy and grifter, let's dig into it
Just one stroke, right in the middle
With the lust for it and with the fear from it
Were you also shiny and beautiful before?
Split it into two
Turned into a bunch of frozen hearts
Esmeralda's Prayer
Can you hear me, the most gracious?
Tell me are you there?
In your kindness, will you listen
what resides in my heart?
Maybe you think: you pauper,
how dare you speak to me?
I see your face and and I think
that you were a pauper too
God, give bread to the paupers every day
To those who are despised, give paradise at least after death
God, give hope to the poor 'cause
If you fail, who will save them?
Give me might,
give me fame,
give me appreciation for the rest of my days.
I want love, give me it,
And I want God to save my soul
I don't ask for anything, who cares about this?
When there are so many people poorer than me around...
God, give your children hope 'cause
If you fail, who will save them?
Save those who know the bottom of despair...
'For a long time the volleys of the guns fell silent'
The volleys of guns falls silent,
Above us is only sunlight, -
On what are people tested,
If the war is no more?
You hear quite often
Now, as then:
'Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?'
No or yes?'
Do not gasp, the armor is not piercing already,
And the death notification is not found under the door,
And it seems as if everything is calm,
Nowhere opens now ...
But all the same we hear quite often
Now, as then:
'Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?'
No or yes?'
I know the quiet there is only a dream, -
Prepare, hold on and fight! -
There is a peaceful front line -
Trouble, and danger, and risk.
Therefore we hear quite often
Now, as then:
'Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?'
No or yes?'
In the fields mines are rendered harmless,
But we are not on a field of flowers, -
You are the quest, the stars, the depths
And we do not consider the costs anymore.
Therefore we hear quite often,
If trouble comes:
'Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?'
No or yes?
Versions: #2
The night poured snow, like a tattered moon pillow
A disco of stars, on the city of boulders.
Fear the white whisper, it leaves no trace
With a glimmering knife in hand, sneaking among the houses...
He won't come back, Do not wait. The steam freezes breath,
He's halfway in the path of, oncoming headlights.
He crosses the world, along beds of noisy rivers,
Like tunnels of black holes, through the melancholy snow..
The diamond pollen of, a fading flower dream,
is wasted endlessly, in city squares.
And from her to him, running across the earth,
it seems so easy, to follow white snow.
Does this heart beat ?
If you don't exist,does this heart beat ?
If you don't hear,does it scream ?
Darling ! please don't run from me
If you don't exist,does this soul live ?
Which soul suffered like I suffered ?
Which heart loved you as mine ?
Which heart wanted to die for you ?
If you don't exist,do I become happy ?
If you don't stay,does the sorrow end ?
Darling ! please don't run from me
If you don't exist,does this soul live ?
Which soul suffered like I suffered ?
Which heart loved you as mine ?
Which heart wanted to die for you ?
Please darling ! listen to me for the last time
Ahmet KADI
I am guilty
Stare at my eyes
And check for yourself that I say
The truth you always wanted
To hear love of my lips
I don't fool you by apologizing
For the harm I could cause to you
Don't turn around looking for a guilty
I am guilty
For having you forgotten
For letting the love die
For refusing my hand to you
I am guilty
Stare at my eyes
And try to understand me
It's not you only who loses
This hit hurts us both
But I don't lack the bravery
But I never stayed quiet before anyone
Please don't feel guilty
I am guilty
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
E Vina Mea
Te învinovățeşti de nopțile tale fără somn
Pentru că te-ai gândit doar la tine
Şi acum ți-e dor de tot
Trecutul nostru
Te învinovățeşti că mi-ai înşelat inima
Pentru că te aşezi singură în fotoliu
Să plângi săruturile
Pe care nu ni le mai dăm
Nu insista
Să ceri iertare
Nu mai căuta motive
Eu am fost prostul
E vina mea că te-am iubit
În atâtea dimineți
Îmi pare rău că ți-am oferit totul
Fără să-ți cer nimic
E vina mea că te-am iubit mai mult
Decât te aşteptai
Şi că te-am lăsat să vezi că
Muream după tine
Ai fost toată viața mea
Te-am iubit fără măsură
De asta acum simți
Că îți pare rău
Târziu te interesezi de dragostea mea
Fix când ştii că a apărut altcineva
Şi cu mângâierile ei m-am vindecat de suferința asta
Nu insista
Să ceri iertare
Nu mai căuta motive
Eu am fost prostul
E vina mea că te-am iubit
În atâtea dimineți
Îmi pare rău că ți-am oferit totul
Fără să-ți cer nimic
E vina mea că te-am iubit mai mult
Decât te aşteptai
Şi că te-am lăsat să vezi că
Muream după tine
Ai fost toată viața mea
Te-am iubit fără măsură
De asta acum simți
Că îți pare rău
Că îți pare rău
E vina mea că te-am iubit
În atâtea dimineți
Îmi pare rău că ți-am oferit totul
Fără să-ți cer nimic
E vina mea că te-am iubit mai mult
Decât te aşteptai
Şi că te-am lăsat să vezi că
Muream după tine
Ai fost toată viața mea
Te-am iubit fără măsură
De asta acum simți
Că îți pare rău
Minunat om
De unde să încep să explic ceea ce nu poate fi explicat?
Chiar de vreau să renunț la tine, iubirea pe care o simt pentru tine nu mă lasă
E imposibil, nu poate fi real,
Vei crede că se va opri, vei crede că va trece peste,
Sfârșitul e fără sfârșit!
Spunându-mi toate problemele tale, prefăcându-te că nu-ți place,
Scapă de iubirea asta, scapă, poate va merge,
Nu lăsa cuvintele mele să te împiedice să mergi pe drumul tău,
Hei, om minunat, ești menit doar pentru cineva perfect.
Spunându-mi toate problemele tale, prefăcându-te că nu-ți place,
Scapă de iubirea asta, scapă, poate va merge,
Nu lăsa cuvintele mele să ajungă la tine,
Ești o persoană puternică, nu te poți împiedica pe tine însăți.
One Day. . .Death
One day, Death, that great demonic woman
Invited me into her fantastical abode.
For a long time, she had observed me, spied on me
Using her gifts, her magical charms.
She arched her feline rump,
Half-closed her sleep-heavy eyelids
Behind which shone two eyes of ambush.
Breath coming short, lips parted
She murmured: come to my home, come, come
Approach, come roll yourself up in my rest
My rest - rest - rest - eternal rest.
So, cutting my umbilical-cord emblem
I absorbed three tubes of restful sleeping-pills.
Thus began the maelstrom of decadence
Similar to that of the land which bore me
The killer-governments were always in place
Napalm burned our houses and our fields
The rich burst before the working class
Everywhere, there was nothing but tumult, war-cries
I ran, seeking to protect the children
The children, shit, why do that to children
The nursery-schools were leaping with dynamite
The Spanish houses of cards were collapsing
Victims of congenital malformations
Were the only ones left standing, victorious.
The Elysees, the White Houses, the Kremlins,
The cream-caramels, the chocolate creams--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
You're squeezing me a little too close, too tightly
I'm not really a lesbian, you know?
Your arms, encircling me, hinder my breathing
Your perfume is making me nauseous--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
On this side of the hereafter,
Where can one find the way of Love--
On earth, I refused the lie, the vanity of Being
Here, the typists tap on their bongos
Horrible rhythms which thunder through my entrails--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
Send me back to that side of Life
I want to know the love of Peter-the-Recalcitrant
I still need to give and to receive
I need to fight for a new world
I want to know the Year 01 that our friends were talking about
I still want to build snowmen
In winter, on the white roofs of the factories
I want to blow up the highways
And walk in the tall grass of the countryside
I want to embrace boys and girls
Open-mouthed, kissing their hot lips
I want to get drunk on the saliva of my beloved
I want to love and to die a natural death
Like everyone, two feet in my shoes*--
Give me Life again, Death, Beautiful Death
And I will make you a child.
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.
Sublime human
Where do I start explaining something that can't be explained
Even if I want to give up on you, the love I have for you doesn't let me
It's impossible, it can't be real
You'll think it'll stop, you'll think it'll go over
The end is endless
Telling me all your troubles faking it like you don't like it
Get rid of this love, flee, maybe it'll work
Don't let my words keep you from you going your own way
Hey beautiful person, you are only meant for someone perfect
Telling me all your troubles faking it like you don't like it
Get rid of this love, flee, maybe it'll work
Don't let my words keep you from you going your own way
Hey beautiful person, you are only meant for someone perfect
Telling me all your troubles faking it like you don't like it
Get rid of this love, flee, maybe it'll work out
Don't let my words get to you
You are a strong person, you can hold your own
Briceagul ...
Îți amintești cum făceam dragoste pe colina din vârful Topanganei*
Îți amintești de o mână plină de pastile într- o aventură de la miezul nopții,
EU, ce să fac? ...
Târziu în luna septembrie a început să se termine și am simțit că te prefaci
Nu puteam să mă predau fluctuațiilor
Voiam doar să te iubesc,
Și EU ce trebuia să fac? ...
Toate rănile pe care le-ai ascuns,
Mă străpung ca un briceag ...
Deci, fiecare înjunghiere
EU ti-o voi da înapoi.
Mereu ti-am știut intentiile că într-o zi mă vei înjunghia
M-am îndrăgostit de un briceag,
Și știu că o vei face din nou
Asa că- ti-l dau înapoi.
Eram electrocutați,
Eram sălbatici, eram liberi, m-am gândit ceea ce ai însemnat
E greu de acceptat că nu este menit să fie, dar nu o voi regreta niciodată.
Nu știu ...
Nu știu.
Toate rănile pe care le-ai ascuns,
Mă străpung ca un briceag ...
Deci, fiecare înjunghiere
EU ti-o voi da înapoi.
Mereu ti-am știut intentiile că într-o zi mă vei înjunghia
M-am îndrăgostit de un briceag,
Și știu că o vei face din nou
Asa că- ti-l dau înapoi.
Trăiască frumoasele inimile care găsesc dragostea și o spintecă.
My Heart Is Sad
A shadow is cast on the white sky
a night I draw you with tears
your pretty face and voice
they are still clear in my memory
I take a bitter pill called time
I swallow you with against my will
you always look as if there's nothing
when you eye-smile,it make me hurt
Everyday my heart is sad, everyday tears flow
our memories left so many things
I can't erase you, I can't hate you
come back to me once more, please will you love me?
Following the blurry traces on the dark road
all night long I wander for you
your nice scent , the smile when you see me
it is still trapped on this street
Yesterday, will you come back next to me?
I waited for the sound of your steps
today, I feel pity for me who's waiting you
I want to forget everything but it doesn't go as planned
Everyday my heart is sad, everyday tears flow
our memories left so many things
I can't erase you, I can't hate you
come back to me once more, please will you love me?
I cried so much to the point my eyes will go blind
I draw you so much to the point my hands hurt
a melancholic night, the feelings of pain
bad love you only grow bigger and deeper
Even if this world ends, I will love you
even if I tell myself to leave and forget everything
I tried to say I am okay without you but
everything must have been a lie, I must regret those words
so many tears flow
to the point I can't see in front of me
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
I am the fear that loves you
When you succumb to tears
I am the spike in the flesh
When the darkness reaches you
I am the virus in you
That devours every cell
And simply waits
Until you are finally tired
I hunt through your blood
And grease the path with anger
And the head is reached first
I boil your brain until it's soft
I delightfully cut notches of sorrow
In your heart
And I feed your soul with pain
Your bare nightmare
I am deep in you
Nightmare - I hunt and I catch you
Nightmare - injure and conquer you
Nightmare - I chop you up small and gut you
Nightmare - garnish you and serve you up
Nightmare - then I devour you and vomit you
The day begins and
I'm not fluent so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen
Alpha Animal
Life is heavy [=difficult]
Heavy like a sinking ship
Life is heavy
Heavy like my head, stoned
heavy like leaden pain
Just a divine joke
Life is empty
Empty like your high fashion look
Life is empty
Empty like a quick fuck
You can reduce it to this:
If you want to make it through well, you need luck
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Life is suffering
Life is greed
To live means to die
There's no reason to feel ashamed
Whether you were a nothing or ingenious
One way or another, you're going to die
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Du you know what the blacks say?
Man, if you're slow you fucking blow
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Life is high
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Life is low
Alpha animals can't lose
Broken heart
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
The show must go on
Alpha animals can't lose
sometime get fun
Come and ride with me on the bake of the rainbow,
Such a thing , I have been wanted to do ,long time a go
But ,if we not succeed to do such a thing
At least let's ride on the bake of the horses.
Let's buy a motorcycle and ride on it,
Tthrough, the all ways in the valey and the mountain
but if we don't have enough money this year
so, we can buy two hundreds grams cheese
Because it's not importent ,where we are going or doing
The main thing is,to do it together.
it's not importent where we are going or doing
only to be together one each other.
I simply fall love with you, very smple to fall love with you
I am thinking about you days and nights
I simple fall love with you very smple to fall love with you
and is not mutter me to be little bit fool sometimes
Let's go to the wild forest in Africa
we will not say it to anyone.and no one been taken with us.
But if we will not have a chance to reach there
Then ,at least we can go to Herzellya.
Yes,it was cute here and even little bit pleasure
Very nice when you do such a foolishes things,
And only one thing , have not been done,yet! .only, if you say, yes!
Let's get funs and married
Because its not importent where we are going ....
When i was a singer
I have my rheumatism
Which is becoming annoying
My poor Cecile
I am 73 years old
I spend my time on a reclining chair
And I have a baby-sitter
I use to drag my leg less
When I was a singer
I had white boots
A huge belt
An open shirt
On a medal
It was my smile
That was my biggest asset
I use to have so much fun
When I was a singer
One night at Saint-Georges
I was at a fair
My wife was waiting
Hidden in the Mercedes
My car was thrown in to the Indre river
By my fan club
I had such a crazy life
When I was a singer.
The police
Use to recognise me
Speeding tickets
I never paid them
All my issues
Would get quickly resolved
All my faults were overlooked
When I was a singer
My poor Cecile
I am 73 years old
I heard that Mick jagger
Died recently
I said my last goodbyes to Sylvie Vartan
For me, it’s been over for a long time
I don’t understand much these days
But I still hear things that I like
And that distracts me
For me, it’s been over for a long time
I don’t understand much these days
But i still hear things that I like
And that distracts me......
sometime get fun
Come and ride with me on the bake of the rainbow,
Such a thing , I have been wanted to do ,long time a go
But ,if we not succeed to do such a thing
At least let's ride on the bake of the horses.
Let's buy a motorcycle and ride on it,
Tthrough, the all ways in the valey and the mountain
but if we don't have enough money this year
so, we can buy two hundreds grams cheese
Because it's not importent ,where we are going or doing
The main thing is,to do it together.
it's not importent where we are going or doing
only to be together one each other.
I simply fall love with you, very smple to fall love with you
I am thinking about you days and nights
I simple fall love with you very smple to fall love with you
and is not mutter me to be little bit fool sometimes
Let's go to the wild forest in Africa
we will not say it to anyone.and no one been taken with us.
But if we will not have a chance to reach there
Then ,at least we can go to Herzellya.
Yes,it was cute here and even little bit pleasure
Very nice when you do such a foolishes things,
And only one thing , have not been done,yet! .only, if you say, yes!
Let's get funs and married
Because its not importent where we are going ....
Welcome to Separation
I looked at myself
Oh, what was i at old times
I understand that the problem is at you
What i lived because of you
I'm over anymore, i'm exhausted
All of this are because of you
This love doesn't fit to you
Didn't fit to your body, never
Don't forget,
The place of (someone who) went isn't remained.
Look, i gave the way to you
Make longer (it) at full length
It's in vain even if you could come back, for this time
Welcome to the separation
Welcome to the separation...
Esmeralda's Prayer
I have never learnt to pray
Is that a good start?
Will You listen to a gypsy girl,
A Bohemian?
I am shunned everywhere
They remain far from me
I can see Your face and ask You
Are You too so rejected?
God, help the outcast
The dirt of the street
Grant your mercy
For there is none here
God, help my people
You made us in Your image
If You do not help us,
Then no one will
I ask for money
I ask for strength
I ask for wealth
Possessions and power
I ask for gold
My purse is empty
I ask God
And his angels for their blessing
I ask for no wealth
I ask for nothing for myself
I know so many
With less than us
The poor, the gypsies
I pray for them
Outcast of the earth
The children of God
Are we not all
The children of God?
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
The Age-Old One
Where is my heart
That left chasing hope?
I am afraid that the night
May also leave me soulless
I am afraid that the night
May also leave me soulless
Where is the little dove
That was crying at dawn?
It went far away, leaving
Its tears on my chest.
It went far away, leaving
Its tears on my chest.
When one leaves one's home
And one starts up on the winding paths
The horse pulls forward
And one's soul pulls back
The horse pulls foward
And one's soul pulls back
I have a very old sadness,
It is useless to throw it out,
And because it's a long-lasting one,
I have named it the Age-Old One
Where are my hopes,
Where are my joys?
The Age-Old One is that kind sadness,
And it is my only company.
The Age-Old One is that kind sadness,
And it is my only company.
When one leaves one's home
And one starts up on the winding paths
The horse pulls forward
And one's soul pulls back
The horse pulls forward
And one's soul pulls back
Beloved land
A beautiful voice, who would have it!,
to sing to you all life long,
but my fate gave me this accent,
and that's how I feel you, beloved land.
But my fate gave me this accent,
and that's how I feel you, beloved land.
Like a pebble that falls,
my shadow, dream and wound roams.
I'm fierce, like your rough ground,
and that's how I sing to you, beloved land.
I'm fierce, like your rough ground,
and that's how I sing to you, beloved land.
I'll go by the hills,
jungles and plains, all my life,
bringing over coplas
to your hope, beloved land.
Bringing over coplas
to your hope, beloved land.
Warm zondas give me their fire,
wild pamperos give me their strength,
and in the silence of the ravines,
roams the shadow of my grandparents.
And in the silence of the ravines,
roams the shadow of my grandparents.
Moons saw me by these hills,
and in the nightfall plains
looking for the soul of your landscapes,
to sing to you, beloved land.
Looking for the soul of your landscapes,
to sing to you, beloved land.
I'll go by the hills,
jungles and plains, all my life,
bringing over coplas
to your hope, beloved land.
Bringing over coplas
to your hope, beloved land.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The lost milonga
The milonga got lost
They can't find it
Some say they saw it
Near to San Nicolas.
Gorosito the herdsman
Southern of the Puan side
Asserts that he saw it
By the shore of the sea.
And goes over there what says
Mr Gabino, the foreman
That he felt it very grumbling
There by the Paternal
The milonga got lost
They can't find it.
There's always who affirms
He heard it in a hallway
In the lips of a brunette
Decoration of loneliness.
The air of milonga
One doesn't lose it like that
While there's a guitar
Of Argentina or Uruguayan
Maybe it has changed a little
But is the same one,
Darkened in the pampa
Outdated in the city.
The milonga got lost
They can't find it.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Băiatul alfabet
Mereu arunci avioane de hârtie la mine când eşti prin preajmă
Mă construieşti ca blocuri de construcție, doar pentru a mă putea trânti
Poți să îmi iei bastonul de acadea dar nu mă vei vedea niciodată plângâd
Dacă atârni acea diplomă şi te lovesc, nu fi surprins
Îmi ştiu ABC-urile
Pisicul si vulpea
Cata graba, dar unde fugi, unde pleci
daca ne asculti o clipa, vei intelege,
el e pisicul, iar eu sunt vulpea, suntem asociati
in noi poti avea incredere
Poti sa ne spui problemele tale, necazurile tale
cei mai buni in domeniu suntem noi
e o firma specializata, fa un contract si vei vedea
Ca nu-ti va parea rau!
Noi descoperim talente si nu gresim niciodata
noi vom sti sa valorizam calitatile tale
da-ne doar patru monezi si te inscriem la concursul
de celebritati!
Nu vezi ca e o adevarata afacere
nu pierde ocazia
daca nu vei regreta
nu se intampla in toate zilele
sa ai doi consultanti
doi impresari, care fac totul pentru tine!
Hai, nu pierde timpul, semneaza aici
e un contract normal, e o formalitate
tu ne cedezi toate drepturile
si noi facem din tine
o stea de succes hit parade!
Nu vezi ca e o adevarata afacere
nu pierde ocazia
daca nu vei regreta
nu se intampla in toate zilele
sa ai doi consultanti
doi impresari, care fac totul pentru tine!
Cata graba, dar unde fugi , unde pleci
ce noroc ai avut ca ne-ai intalnit
el e pisicul, si eu sunt vulpea, suntem asociati
in noi poti avea incredere!
in noi poti avea incredere!