Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 382


My fault

From a friend to a little more- high society
with the air of the 19th century, like an emperor.
How boring it is to stay here? How long will it last?
Old people, dazed people- if this keeps going, I'll fall asleep.
How I am, I don't know, how do you think I am
without my sweaters and my Indian tunics?
What nostalgia from jeans, nothing rock and roll,
you steal a kiss from me, then you say 'I've been tired for a little'
It's my fault I love you,
it's my fault,
It's my fault that I always follow you,
it's my fault.
But why, why don't we go
get out of here and change our clothes.
I want to be with you,
alone with you.
But why, why don't you understand
the anger I have that shocks you.
I want to have you to myself,
only for myself.
From a friend to something more - high society,
Butlers in black and shining for millions.
What a nuisance to stay here! How long will it last?
I have a better idea- let's go home, you'll get it later.
It's my fault I love you,
it's my fault,
It's my fault that I always follow you,
it's my fault.
But why, why don't we go
get out of here and change our clothes.
I want to be with you,
alone with you.
But why, why don't you understand
the anger I have that shocks you.
I want to have you to myself,
only for myself.

The Responsible

The fault of my foolishness
the blame lays on you
you treated me with sweetness,
patiently only you.
Restlessness (concern) I've got in life
only for you, woman,
I do have to pin the blame on you
of my dreadful sorrow.
Your eyes, you lips,
your sweet gaze
my soul has been spellbound (beguiled)
and I don't have anything to do other than crying.

The Forgotten One

I found this chacarera
It was mourning by the sand
Over a boy from Barrancas
Who'll never see the shrubs of jume 1 again
That's how a fellow countryman
From Salavina sang
Under a carob tree
One January afternoon
I'm leaving, I'm leaving now
On my way to Chilca Juliana
Oh my darling no one knows
What awaits me after today
Barrancas, oh cherished land,
I leave you this chacarera.
Beloved, don't be untrue 2
To the one heading out to the countryside
My sweetheart has left me
She's gone to Chilca Juliana
She took the horse with the sulky 3
The bass drum, and the demijohn
I wish I were a tree
Not too big and not too small
So that I could give a bit of shade
To those who are weary from travel
I'm leaving, I'm leaving now,
Beautiful land, 4 Salavina
Perhaps I will never be able
To gaze at your Salinas again
Barrancas, oh cherished land,
I leave you this chacarera
Beloved, don't be untrue
To the one heading out to the countryside
  • 1. The jume is a shrub that grows on salty soil near shores.
  • 2. ama koncaichu or ama concaichu is in Quechua language, ama is a negation and koncaichu derives from betrayal.
  • 3. sulki - English spelling: sulky is a lightweight cart
  • 4. ashpa sumaj is in Quechua also


I remember
Because [my] pictures with you still hang on my heart
Like a hanger, I hang anything that I love
And all the trash in my head hasn't come out yet
I don't wanna
get sucked into this
Into this dumpster
of all those temporary loves, kind of like everyone else
With armbands in the shallow waters
Everyone is shallow here
Trying to fix the reality
With filters on Insta
A gram made us fly
In such a frozen world
Your heart is like a brother to me
Sometimes I feel near, sometimes I'm far
My heart is turning like a satellite of emotions
I love you so much
Anything that was pure, you turned into filthy
Between us, you know you're not an angel
But my Mom loves only you
Can we get back together? 'Cause it's getting so hard
You're so beautiful that it's not pretty anymore
So transparent
And even though I know you by heart
Always buying all the crap
Like all the other junk you bring from Akko
And I have no problem
Don't even care what was before
It's just that my heart's been looking for a parking spot for almost two years now
Once again you mess up the apartment
And once again you storm out
And once again you leave for good, but
Just for now
Until you feel lost
Without a job or friends
You'll remember me only when you're crazy high
And like two countries, we're a little different
I even came from Mercury
And you're from Mars and it's amazing that...
Sometimes I feel near, sometimes I'm far
My heart is turning like a satellite of emotions
I love you so much
Anything that was pure, you turned into filthy
Between us, you know you're not an angel
But my Mom loves only you
Sometimes I feel near, sometimes I'm far
My heart is turning like a satellite of emotions
I love you so much
Sometimes I feel near, sometimes I'm far
When you disappear, I look through the telescope
Desperately searching for you
Anything that was pure, you turned into filthy
Between us, you know you're not an angel
But my Mom loves only you

Guilty or not (Lie to me, as always)

[stanza 1]
Precisely now, that you are already gone,
they have told me that you have been deceiving me.
How come, suddenly, you have so many enemies?
Why do I have to be making excuses for you?
If they are the ones lying, please defend yourself.
I know you won't do it, because they are telling the truth.
It is too bad, you always will go on hurting me,
and guilty or not, what can I, at this point, do about it?
Lie to me like always, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.
[Stanza 2}
I no longer have the right to reproach you for anything,
because nothing is left of you, of me, of yesterday.
What a pity that, our story could have been so fantastic!
and now, tell me, love, who is going to defend you?
Lie to me, I beg you, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.
Lie to me like always, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.

I would tell you one day what is left in my mind ( (what I've in my mind)

So many waters passed between the ice and steam
Why it is still not over while it was such a short summer.
Foggy midnight, the time stopped within me
Why your taken picture never talks
We are late and couldn't fix the mistakes
Truths could burn the glance if we were arriving early,
I was so drunk so I deserved to live.
I run away from home to home.
Spread the wound to salt
I was right to arrive late so regularly to every appointment
The sky wasn't for me and don't even mention the ground
The sky was so itself and don't even stand on the ground
I found a door within what l lived and I exit
I loved you therefore I existed
I loved you, you were home among houses
I have returned and the decoration fell suddenly with my return
You rise with a black pen in your hand
Some made you a lover
Some created the love
Writing in wine with the ashes of butterflies
This is reading
I mean, the soil gets continuously dry while waiting for a rain
I wouldn't tell you too much
I was born as a requested scenario
I had children that they can die anytime
I counted on chemistry
I found myself in black clothing
While I was looking at a girl continuously
I stopped, I have cried to myself for thousands of years
I am saying that my mom and dad can die anytime
So what if they die
The worst could be having so much sadness fulfilling every gap
God may not protect anyone from the death
Without death, that miserable life could be tasteless
You are dead by leaving but killing while staying
If I am dying by staying because of your aliveness
This is it, whatever is we say is the life.
Everyone goes by dying, we stay by living
We're staying so much
that the frame would be so dispersed
and the world wouldn't accept each of us as alive
This is the living
To have to stay together (unwillingly) while everyone goes
?So bitchy so lies
? So welcomed
I played the role of my life and you were starring
What a storm it was with your hair
How we were so sunburned, did you ever considered me (?)
We sat on the yard while holding the hands
I would tell you someday what is left in my mind (what I have in my mind)

Nu invinui pe nimeni !

Niciodat' nu te agata de nimeni , nici de nimic
fiindca in final , tu facut-ai
ce inima-ti poftit in a ta viata
Imbratiseaza greul ce se arata in a te cali
precum si importanta de-a incepe a te defini
Trufia omului desavarsit , se arata din
cenusa erorilor sale
Niciodat nu plange singuratatea-ti , ori ai
tai soarti, infrunta curajos si accepta !
Intr-un fel ori altul , este rezultatul celor ce
tu zamizlit-ai , si gandeste ca mereu
trebuie a triumfa !
Nu te amagi de propriul esec nici
nu-l pune pe seama altuia , imbratiseaza-te acum, ori
continua a gasi pretexte , precum un copilandru .
Aminte ia , caci fiece clipa-i
potrivnica a incepe , si ca nimeni nu-i
asa dezastruos , pentru a se da batut
Nu uita, conditia-ti din prezent
pricinuita-i de trecut, asemenea cum conditia-ti
viitorului e pricinuita de-al tau present !
Ia aminte , de la cei bravi , de la cei cu tarie de caracter
ce nu se complac in situatie , de la cei ce
'supravietuiesc/trec peste' in ciuda a toate. Zaboveste mai putin in
ale tale probleme , si mai mult in treburile tale , iar
greutatile tale , fara a le 'ingropa', vor pali .
Invata, a renaste , din launtrul chinului, si-a te ridica
mai maret decat cel mai mare
obstacol. Priveste-ti reflexia-ti
si-ai a fi liber si falnic , si vei inceta a fi un
pion circumstantial , caci TU
insa-ti croiesti destinul!
Ridica-te si priveste al diminetii rasarit
si simte lumina zorilor!
Tu esti , forta alei tale vieti ,
si RAZBESTE IN VIATA! Niciodat' nu zabovi asupra
sortilor, caci sorti-s ..
scuza pierzatorilor

Guilty or Not

Versions: #2
Precisely now that you've already left
They've told me you've been unfaithful to me
Why do you suddenly seem to have made many enemies?
And why am I suddenly apologizing to everyone on your behalf?
If the rumors aren't true, please defend yourself
In my heart I know you won't, because you can't
It's a shame because this pain you've caused will stay with me
And guilty or not, I can't do anything about it now?
Lie to me like you've always lied, please lie to me,
I really need to believe you, make me believe,
Lie to me kiss me like you still love me,
I really need to believe you, guilty or not.
I no longer have the right to reproach you
There's nothing is left of you, of me, or of yesterday,
What a shame, our story could have been fantastic
Now tell me my love, who is going to defend you?

It's His Fault

Hey, girl, sit down
What's that look on your face?
Did someone die?
What happened?
What do you want to tell me?
Why are you crying?
I'm not following
You're scaring me
Yes, I remember that night
When we went out
You said you'd be right back
But soon you disappeared
Where were you?
What do you mean I'll get mad?
What exactly happened?
The guy I was with started hitting on you?
And then you were with him, but it was just one time ok
What are you afraid of? Ruining our friendship?
Don't worry about it, we'll deal with that later
If he's the one who was with me, it's his fault
He's the one who brought this mess into our friendship
I won't stop being your friend because of a random (guy)
that doesn't respect a woman
If he's the one who was with me, it's his fault
He's the one who brought this mess into our friendship
I won't stop being your friend because of a random (guy)
that doesn't respect a woman
The guy I was with started hitting on you?
And then you were with him, but it was just one time ok
What are you afraid of? Ruining our friendship?
Don't worry about it, we'll deal with that later
If he's the one who was with me, it's his fault
He's the one who brought this mess into our friendship
I won't stop being your friend because of a random (guy)
that doesn't respect a woman
If he's the one who was with me, it's his fault
He's the one who brought this mess into our friendship
I won't stop being your friend because of a random (guy)
that doesn't respect a woman
I won't stop being your friend because of a random (guy)
that doesn't respect a woman

Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!

Versions: #2
Domnu' știe ce se află în acele slabe și amăgite inimi,
Pare-se a sărutat fete, și-a făcut a plânge,
Acele întruchipări1 ale reginelor nepătate de neșansă2
Domnu' știe ce se-ascunde în acei ochi slăbiți și 'orbi'3,
Un amalgam puternic de sentimente4, de îngeri aduși la tăcere ..
Împărtășind iubire și primind nimic înapoi
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și de ți-e dor de casă, dă-mi mâna și te voi ține de ea/ghida,
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și nimic nu te va împovăra!
Oh, Și de-aș fi fost 'învățat(ă)' , de-aș avea raționament
Aș fi 'rece' precum o piatră și bogat(ă) precum nesăbuitul
Ce-a indepărtat toate acele suflete pure
Domnu' știe ce se-ascunde în această lume peculiară
În spatele lacrimilor, în fățărnicie,
O mulțime de 'răsărituri' ce pălesc încet,
Dumnezeu știe ce se află în acele slabe și amăgite inimi,
Pare-se.. singurătatea s-a arătat, lovind..
Nimănui nu-i folosește singurătatea, ori a se 'afunda'
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și de ți-e dor de casă, dă-mi mâna și te voi ține de ea/ghida,
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și nimic nu te va împovăra!
Oh, Și de-aș fi fost 'învățat(ă)' , de-aș avea raționament
Aș fi 'rece' precum o piatră și bogat(ă) precum nesăbuitul
Ce-a indepărtat toate acele suflete pure
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și de ți-e dor de casă, dă-mi mâna și te voi ține de ea/ghida,
Oamenii.. ajută oamenii!!
Și nimic nu te va împovăra!
Oh, Și de-aș fi fost 'învățat(ă)' , de-aș avea raționament
Aș fi 'rece' precum o piatră și bogat(ă) precum nesăbuitul
Ce-a indepărtat toate acele suflete pure
  • 1. Explicație 'Hardfaced'
  • 2. Explicație 'Misadventure'= neșansă, ghinion , experiență nereușită
  • 3. 'Sunken Eyes' = expresie figurativă , însemnând 'ochi orbiți' , care nu văd adevarul
  • 4. A Fiery throng(fiery adjective (STRONG FEELINGS)

Heidi Intro Song

Heidi, Heidi
Accompanied by snowhite
Heidi, Heidi
The little girl of the mountains
She's always happy and smiling
Heidi, Heidi
A true friend
Heidi, Heidi
Up there
At the mountains
We will see you again

In This Place

What does this place have without rules and without law?
He calls me and attracts me, I don't know why
I will unfold my wings and fly
It's the metaphor of something else
High, fly, after my spirit rises
I will cross the fog
My body and my soul connect in it
The place called Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
If in the end I stay, what will you say?
I want to be here
Live like this
You know well that I'm dying for these cables, skids,
wheels that burn
It's what happiness makes me
It's what happiness makes me
High, fly, after my spirit rises
I will cross the fog
My body and my soul connect in it
The place called Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
I have to leave, and
I still don't want to go
I still don't want to go
I have to leave, and
I still don't want to go
I still don't want to go
There's nothing like Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
It's everything Slaughter Race
It's everything Slaughter Race
It's everything Slaughter Race
It's everything Slaughter Race

A Place Called Slaughter Race

Vanellope: Something needs me in this place which
Is called Slaughter Race, what can it be?
I'm feeling like a baby bird, maybe I'll fly
Is that a metaphor, isn't it?
Hey, a dollar store!
Oh! Sublime, I'm expressing myself in rhyme
Through the miasmas of a place which
Calls me, I don't know why
Shank: Hey, you're here! Stand still
Or it'll behead you
Other: This was such a steal
Vanellope: Is he high as a kite?
Shank: Everything
Other: Is beat-up or burned, cynical, you'll love it
Shank: Don't you find it cute
That shark in the sewer?
Other: Dogs and cats taste great
Together with van license plates
Many taunt us
Vanellope: Because they don't understand you!
Shank: We're eccentric, but
With a tender heart
Other: And, if you want, I'll tattoo you!
Slaughter Race
Vanellope: I'm traveling suspended, wow, it's happening to me!
And it seems incredible!
Shank: And your smile will shine
Vanellope: Here in Slaughter Race
Shank: In freedom
Vanellope: What I dreamed of
Shank: Will come true
Vanellope: This is
Shank: Happiness
Shank & Vanellope: I'm staying here!
Vanellope: Though, if I come back
I'll lose
My dreams forever
Other: The good ones, not the ones with weird clowns
Vanellope: Will Ralph understand? Who knows what he'll do if I tell him my place is here
I feel good in Slaughter Race
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

My place in Slaughter Race

I don't know what to do now, I'm stuck here
I don't know where you are, if I'll see you again
But I don't care if I'm small
If everyone runs around me
You see, I don't sing well, not yet
Someone will listen to me
I want to drive the way I feel like
I want to be in Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
I wish to dash in my car till dawn
And it would be okay
If you were here
Because you know that with you I'd laugh, scream, cry
But now I'm letting you go
Now I'm letting you go
Maybe I don't sing well, not yet
Someone will listen to me
I want to dream, I'll stay here
I want to be in Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
Through these stars
The lights get colored
Vibrating confetti
I'm traveling again
I'd like to fly, but I can't
Maybe one day I'll learn
I'm staying here in Slaughter Race
Slaughter Race
Everything here in Slaughter Race
I want to be in Slaughter Race
Everything here in Slaughter Race
I want to be in Slaughter Race
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Everything Is Still Before Me (Hakol Od Lefanay)

The suspense between possibility and certainty
Never leaves me
Maybe disappointment is in the doorway,
Maybe something genuine will appear,
The suspense between the sun and the moon
Surrounds me,
And their every turn takes
Another moment that I lost today,
If I knew that everything was still before me
As when we were children,
Then I would be calm, with everything still before me,
As when we don’t know anything
The suspense of quiet moments
Doesn’t oppress me,
Because it is a signal on the way
That something great is approaching me
Suspended between the bud and the flower
I want to be,
Because there I am radiant,
And there everything can still happen
If I knew that everything was still before me
As when we were children,
Then I would be calm, with everything still before me,
As when we don’t know anything.
If I reached and touched a place that is still gentle,
As when we were children
Then I would know that everything was still before me,
As when we were born.

Roach droppings

What are these black things, granny?
What is floating in my milk?
What are these black things, granny?
What is floating in my milk?
Drink it up, drink, just drink it
They're just roach droppings
Drink it up, drink, just drink it
They're just roach droppings
I'm a mad lad
I doubt I even feel love
I'm a mad lad
I doubt I even feel love
And I bout I'll stay
In this little cottage
And I doubt I'll stay
In this little cottage
I'm a mad lad
And the highway's my home
I'm a mad lad
And the highway's my home
And the song I sing
Is as red as the sunset
And the song I sing
Is as red as the sunset
Don't you cry little girl, don't
At least don't cry for long
Don't you cry little girl, don't
At least don't cry for long
If you cry for a tenner
You'll die for a hundred
If you cry for a tenner
You'll die for a hundred

Tulips and Daffodils

Tulips and daffodils say “yes”, say “no”, say “yes”.
Tulips and daffodils say “yes”, say “no”, say “yes”.
I sit here in the basement and have only flowers, have only flowers.
I sit here in the basement and have only flowers, have only flowers, have only flowers.
Tulips and daffodils say “yes”, say “no”, say “yes”. “No” to love, “yes” to play*.
Tulips and daffodils can cry, can laugh, can cry.

A Helpful Person

Some people want to be veterinarians
Some people want to be king
Some people want to be happily in love
Some people want to stay young
But if you ask me,
What I'll be when I become a woman
I'll have so much to tell you
That I don't know if I'll have time
I want to be a helpful person
Who understands all the youth
I want to go around, around our earth
And make them kings
I will never forget what it was like to be little
You feel so alone, broken and worn out
I'll always be a kid and think just like them
I will always love them from the bottom of my heart
And if someone asked me,
When I became a woman
I'll have so much to give
That I don't know if I'll have time
I want to be a helpful person
Who understands all the youth
I want to go around, around our earth
And make them kings
I will never forget what it was like to be little
You feel so alone, broken and worn out
I promise I'll be, I'll be fine
Because if you'd ask me now....
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Alps girl

By a meadow of the morning mist
The wind blowing flutters my skirt's hem
It's wrong
If that man sees me I'd be embarassed
I'm an alps girl in love
If I look at the scattered clouds
The dry grass at my feet tickles my knees
It's wrong
If that man knows it I'd be embarassed
I'm an alps girl in love
If it's lunch time, a carriage comes
To talk with me, he comes
I want to be happy
With identical exchanged rings on our ring fingers
It's wrong
Without the finger of that man I can't remove it
I'm an alps girl in love
It's wrong
If I can't meet him, I'll cry
I'm an alps girl in love
If it's twilight time, a carriage comes
To meet me, he comes
I want to be happy
With identical exchanged rings on our ring fingers
It's wrong
Without the finger of that man I can't remove it
I'm an alps girl in love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

This mad Nicolas

We have danced eight days in Italy
we were three days in London
the public was won
we have played for the French
the entire room was standing up
at Palais des Sports in Paris.
The life of an artist is my life for me
the Bolchoi and the tours
let me get to know the great evenings
but when I come back home
Maria Ivanovna, I am happy to see you again.
How will make this mad Nicolas
he wanted to stay and live there.
If I was away from you and away from Russia
I know I'd die of nostalgia.
It is true that in France, everything is different
we walk at midnight and then we speak with people.
There are shops where you would like to take all away
and there are songs in the pubs.
Aux Champs-Elysees, I found for you
Makeup products and also fine tissues.
I spent some good times
But, Maria Ivanovna, I am happy to see you again.
How will make this mad Nicolas
he wanted to stay and live there.
If I was away from you and away from Russia
I know I'd die of nostalgia.
I remember you in my arms, Nicolas,
I took him tight on my heart in a departure lounge
he said he loved us, Maria Ivanovna,
but we will converse further another night.
He told me he loved us both
but talk to me rather of you
I am happy to see you again
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

Lord, You´re One Of Us

I don´t know if to Thee will rise
The sound of my warm words
I don´t know if I call you the right way
With my Romani prayer
Yes, I know, I´m an outcast
I´m the victim of cruel time
I see your face and I feel
That you´re also one of us
Lord, be with the hungry ones
Love them because the world doesn´t
You´re kind to everyone so snuggle us too
Because only you, Lord, you can help us
I ask for power
Failure maybe
I want the glory which the Paradise can give me
I want love, now you have it
I know that you, Lord will redeem us
I don´t want anything, reveal yourself to others
There are many people worse off me
We´re children of different colors and races
Protect us, please, from the cruelty of time
Because you, Lord, are one of us.


Anuel AA:
Ooh, ooh
Simplu, spune-mi, Karol G, scumpete
Anuel (oh-oh)
Real Până la Moarte, ai auzit iubito? (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Refren: Anuel AA, Karol G
Iubito, tu ai soţ şi eu m-am încâlcit în pielea ta (ooh)
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubito, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Şi el te-a înşelat, dar tu l-ai înşelat, de asemenea
Şi trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Iubitule, tu ai iubita ta şi eu m-am băgat pe sub pielea ta
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubitule, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Că ea te-a înşelat, dar şi tu ai înşelat-o
Trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Strofa1: Anuel AA
Tu eşti infidelă, hei
Îţi place să câştigi, nu-ţi place să pierzi (să pierzi)
Şi soţii sunt amanţi buni când îşi înşeală femeia (femeia)
Şi trădările te marchează, niciodată nu se uită (ooh)
Şi-ţi schimbă viaţa
Iar dacă nu te înşeală la început, te înşeală la final
Şi nu te schimbă cu ceva mai bun, te schimbă pentru ceva mai bogat
Scumpete, frumuseţe, blondino, bunăciune ca Lynette Chico
Atingându-te şi muşcându-te pe toată, rupându-te
Sufocându-te, strângându-te pe toată, storcându-te, ooh
Refren: Karol G, Anuel AA
Iubitule, tu ai iubita ta şi eu m-am băgat pe sub pielea ta
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubitule, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Că ea te-a înşelat, dar şi tu ai înşelat-o
Trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Iubito, tu ai soţ şi eu m-am încâlcit în pielea ta (ooh)
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubito, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Şi el te-a înşelat, dar tu l-ai înşelat, de asemenea
Şi trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Strofa2: Karol G
El doar acoperă golul meu
Am avut chef să ieşim pe strada, hei (oh)
Şi am ieşit cu el ca să te uit
Şi ca să-mi amintesc ce inseamnă un amant bun, oh
Mereu când ne vedem
Râdem, ne simţim bine vorbind
Mereu când o facem
Nu putem evita dorinţa pe care o avem
El şi eu ţinem unul la celălalt
Dar bineînţeles că nu credem în iubire
Ah, cât de plăcut e felul în care ne-o tragem
Acum mă cheamă
Spunându-mi că îi e dor de mine în patul lui
Dar pentru mine nu exişti, dragule, te-am uitat
Vrei să-mi promiţi, dar deja ştiu, ooh
Că cel ce înşeală o dată, te înşeală a doua şi a treia oară
Pod: Anuel AA, Karol G
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, eh-eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, no
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, eh-eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, nu te schimbă pentru ceva mai bun
Refren: Anuel AA, Karol G
Iubito, tu ai soţ şi eu m-am încâlcit în pielea ta (ooh)
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubito, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Şi el te-a înşelat, dar tu l-ai înşelat, de asemenea
Şi trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Iubitule, tu ai iubita ta şi eu m-am băgat pe sub pielea ta
Şi tu te-ai îndrăgostit de mine, iubitule, deja ştiu asta (ooh)
Că ea te-a înşelat, dar şi tu ai înşelat-o
Trădările se plătesc cu altă trădare, de asemenea
Final: Anuel AA, Karol G
Anuel (oh-oooh-oh)
Real Până la Moarte, ai auzit, iubito?
Simplu, spune-mi Karol G
De neatins, Iluminatti
Brrrr, ooh (ooh-ooh)
Dumnezeul trap-ului, ai auzit iubito?
Chris-Chris Jeday
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Gaby Music
De la Puerto Rico la Columbia, Iluminatti, brrr
Karol G, ooh-ooh


Don’t lose me, I’m barely holding onto you
In the twilight of November, breathing warmly, I tear
With the voice of fragile words I’ll leave your throat
With the letter “A”, through the ditch, to the face
Don’t lose me through the bleeding days
With the wings of bullfinch, in the sorrow of cat claws
The sobbing of forgotten, unnamed stars
Somewhere, between the birches, burns the maple a bright red

Cand suntem high

Odata, intr-o alta viata, eram în mintea mea
Și în sfârșit ma odihneam în patul tău
Gratiile, coborarile cele mai grave senzatii
Credeam ca trecusera peste noi
Si tot nu am putut sa le fac sa persiste
Aș înghiți luna și stelele
Să-ti pot urma ritmul inimii
Când suntem high
Doamne, ma dai pe spate
Deci, hai sa fim high
Sa traim până-om pieri
Tu si cu mine
Hai s-o facem încă-o dată
De un milion de ori
Hai sa ne drogam
Sa traim până-om pieri
O stare a mintii adunata ca
un buchet stans incet
Cu amintiri ale nopților și zilelor noastre preferate
Să înghităm luna și stelele
Să ne tavalim exact aici unde suntem
Când suntem high
Oh, Doamne, ma dai pe spate
Deci, hai să ne drogam
Sa traim până-om pieri
Tu si cu mine
Hai s-o facem încă-o dată
De un milion de ori
Hai sa ne drogam
Sa traim până-om pieri
Oh, vai, vai, sărută cerul
Jimi, dragule, ai avut dreptate
E atât de bună (She's so Fine)
Șoldurile nu mint (Hips don't Lie)
Loveste-ma draga inca o data (Hit me, baby, one more time)
Hai adauga orice alt vers vrei

People Who Make Me Sad

The one who calls you everytime.. Just saying 'it's me'
You will notice him at once ...The only one in your heart
Watching the shirt showed through the window
You will think of him at first
Always kept in your wallet picture
Wish it’s me instead of him
Not the one titled a friend
Once he hurt you
Saw you cry alone
Wished to run to him and tell
The girl you make cry
Its all in my life
When unbearable sadness comes
The one who you will think of first
Will gift you flowers on your birthdays...
Wish it was me instead of him
Not the one titled a friend
Once he hurt you
Saw you cry alone
Wished to run to him and tell
Even if sacrifice my life I still can’t have you
Have a girl like her
Oh~ woo~ yeah~~~~
Just by having her in your arms
No one else can be so happy
As you...
Once he hurt you
Saw you cry alone
Wished to run to him and tell
The girl you make cry
Its all in my life

God, your children

I do not know if you want to hear it and if you also exists
I do not know if such a god loves Gypsies like me
We do not belong to outcasts and outlaws
But I see in your eyes: you too were outcast
God, your children beg you
Show the mercy they never knew
Give them strength to understand this world
God, your children, they want to see you
I pray for luck! I'm fighting for money!
I pray for glory and much glory in the world!
Oh, dear God, show me the way!
I pray for love, give me your blessing!
God, I do not ask for anything
But I know so many, much poorer than me
Hungry, despised, hated, harassed
Did you forget? We depend on you!
God, your children are hanging on to you!

God be merciful

Versions: #2
I don’t know if you listen
If you can hear me
Don’t know if it is any use
To turn to you
Yes i know i’m a gyspy
I should be silent now
But i look and you and think
Where you once an outcast, also you
God be merciful, just for a while
Help them that lives of the bottom of society
God be merciful, give the humans worth
Show them the care, they refuse them here
I ask for gold, i ask for power
i ask for glory and wisdom and splendor
A carefree life, yes more then that
My god, bless and carry me forever
I demand nothing, i find way
But many are not as strong as I
Help us down here, to understand
You care about us, big as small
God be merciful, to your small

God help the outcasts

I don't think you want to hear me
For I am a gypsy
I don't think I know, how to beg you
I can not see you.
I always imagined myself
I do not live with virtue
I see your face and I wonder
What did you do?
God helps you, live with faith,
Mercy they ask of you, they want to see love
Look at my people, they trust you
The outcasts pray to live
What should I do to be famous?
Look with glory where it is
I want love to own
I ask God with faith my blessings
I do not ask for anything, I know how to survive
But there are many others that are not like that
Save my people from their terrible fate
I think they are all children of God
God's children are outcasts

The Red-coloured One

I am from Cerro Colorao,
where it doesn´t usually rain,
when nobody crosses the river,
when this has the caprice to grow.
In stones and moldejones*
big and small people work
hammering all day,
for others to become rich.
A monkey was singing,
And in a flat load,
And the mule was saying:
'Pucha, what a life!'
The fox took a chicken away from me,
and one afternoon I trailed it,
I saw that he was wearing espadrilles,
and they were number ten (size, I guess).
I gave water to a scribble,
that was about to dry,
and he has paid me with flowers,
that rejoice my loneliness.
I went to Tacoyaco,
and to buy a marchador*,
and I brought a skinny bayt,
very short and snorer.
Chacarera, chacarera,
from my red-coloured hill,
the boy who is dancing
I'm going to choose it as brother-in-law.
The fox took a chicken away from me,
and one afternoon I trailed it,
I saw that he was wearing espadrilles,
and they were number ten (size, I guess).


Get out from your house calculate your steps
People that saw you should say 'Wow'!
A little smile, if you have that in your mood
Don't stop. Only faultline won't break:
Energy, energy
And a little bit synergy
There is a life out there
Need some fun
All of your friends
Just a call away
Call,don't stop
Need some fun
Should lay in the sand
Should enjoy it
It would be good
If we just burn a little bit
No worry
The life is always the same
So you should change it
Look a little bit positive

Little Creole Santiagueña

Little Creole Santiagueña
gorgeous brunette,
for you the changos sing
their Santiagueña vidalitas.
Little Creole Santiagueña:
black eyelashes,
flower of the chañarales,
in the Santiagueña mornings.
       Others shall praise
       the nice-looking of the city.
       Little woman of the field,
       in this afternoon I want to give you
       this beautiful little zamba
       like your eyes, Santiagueña.
When are you going to bring water
from the dam,
you sweeten with your singing
all the Santiagueña naps.
Little Creole Santiagueña
sweet brunette,
I feel when you kiss me
that sweetness that honey gives.


I trust in you Lord, trusting myself to you
I know, amidst scattered stars, you think of me
I'll do everything as you designed
Everything I'm destined to
As you accept everyone and I'm your son
Lord, you are a torn sun, given to everyone
Each one of us got your blazing rays within
Everything alive is nurtured by you
You keep keys to all doors in your hands
Oh Lord, give me the strength to live through tomorrow
And to survive the day
Add a fire of love to my heart
So I don't shoot myself
I take off to bomb the cities
Sleeping people who I don't know
They will never wake up
They will get to heaven forever
Everything made by me is my gift to you
Everything, from greater to lesser
So where are you
In all that scarlet spilled by you?
You laugh with your gaping smile
You grin at people
But if none of them have faith in you
You are no more
I take off to bomb the cities
Sleeping people who I don't know
They will never wake up
They will get to heaven forever