Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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No mercy for the bastards

It is not the first time that, with a battle song —
We defeat the enemies of the sunny Soviet land.
We carried a battle song in the olden times
Proudly on the Soviet bayonet!
No mercy for the bastards, and no salvation for the bastards.
Will they meet their fate from a bullet or a youth's bayonet?
We have asked the enemy: Have you not been beaten?
So maybe you're out of practice? Maybe you've forgotten?
Hitler waited for Napoleon's answer:
Tell me, how will my battle with Russia end?
He replied sleepily from his grave:
Here, my friend, I'll make room, lie down here with me.
The Germans wanted to debark their troops
In the fog, not seeing anyone
Katyusha set out on the riverbank
And shot every last one of them!
The doctor told Fritz: your condition is bad,
You need to go to the Caucasus in spring.
Fritz replied grimly: 'I'm already returning from there,
Can you not see by my back?'
With a battle song, Suvorov led his regiments into battle,
With a song, Kutuzov went to destroy the enemies.
Every thuggish horde of enemies
with this song we defeated, defeat and will defeat!

A girl like you

A Girl Like You
Now in the holy night - I stand alone and I
think and I ask you to have for me such a valuable angel
I glance at heaven - G-d gave me a joyous event
The dear Manager in Heaven is only destined for me
My girl is a girl full of grace
There has never been prettier than my girl
I look in your two eyes - they are exactly like two twinkling stars
It brings me peace [yir] each of mine on [yir] face there is the beauty only
Oy that I could [sich] to me right now
That I was able to rule
Such grace I take possession of, everyone is here for me
With luck I want to write in the kesuba (marital contract) and
then you will always remain
My girl dear girl will be mine at the right time


Just look
These youngsters conquer, the fossils start to rot
They rule, but they get broken down
When we raise a riot in Helsinki, Elli (Elli is in Haloo Helsinki which is a band)
(We) bool, bounce around, balotelli
And if we get bad looks
We just say FUCK YOU!
I don't listen to them, I just call back to them
What the fuck is responsibility?
My life at a young age, yesterday today tomorrow
Like everlasting first of May
Everlasting festival
Or is this all just lifelong preschool?
When I wave my middle finger on the street
I don't know what i should think all of this
But I always recognize hypocrisy
Fuck I'm insane
But so were our mothers and fathers
They claim that I should grow up
Should avoid mistakes, I should succeed
But they don't get me bound by the rules
Fingers upright I just flash FUCK YOU!
I do what I want
If you don't get it, then you don't get it!
I just wave fuck you
I do what I want
If you don't get it, then you don't get it!
I just wave fuck you
Oh so how am I not like an adult?
Because i choose my own paths?
You think i still wander
When the rules that deny I don't bend to
I just show my finger, like Johnny Cash
Too many people move after the cash
I don't see any gate in your theories
And that's why I'm not staying home
But these grandmas get mad when i go into the night
They say cut your hair and go to work
Pick up your pants and remember to go to school
Otherwise you will end up in hell
Fashion suits me, but I don't fit in the mold
What was the pattern when you were young?
I still have many mountains to conquer
I don't stall like Asap Rocky in Sweden
Really mixed up, like a power mixer
All youngsters want to be something
I do just about anything, what space you get from there
Peter Pan, what (what) a country! (Neverland in Finnish, double meaning)
They claim that I should grow up
Should avoid mistakes, I should succeed
But they don't get me bound by the rules
Fingers upright I just flash FUCK YOU!
I do what I want
If you don't get it, then you don't get it!
i just wave fuck you
I do what I want
if you don't get it, then you don't get it!
i just wave fuck you
How are you? I'm not a therapist
Maybe my escapism escalates
I use everything or ill become sober
This is difficult, that's why I'm not polite
And I run, though I shouldn't
The more I am forbidden, the harder I run
The Bible says I'm Eve
Bring an apple to me
I do what I want
If you don't get it, then you don't get it!
I just wave fuck you
I do what I want
If you don't get it, then you don't get it!
I just wave fuck you

Old Temple Street

You're moving and you change color
I marked your name on the outside of my being
Fighting with demons again
They always attack me when I'm most tired
And it's when you look at me from there
And smiling at me, you bring me back to you
You know well my ability to fly
To digress, between worlds
You fade into the crowd
I can see the dots against the sky
And when I squeeze my eyes shut I see your voice
Fantastic, geometric, multicolored
And it's when you look at me from there
And smiling at me, you bring me back to you
You know well my ability to fly
To digress
You make me fly
You make me dream
You make me feel calm in the dark
You make me feel
You make me cry
You make me feel like there's no gravity
You make me laugh
You make me sing
You make me feel grounded in reality
Sitting face to face
And finding ourselves
You make me fly
You make me dream
You make me feel there's hope once more
And when I'm feeling bad
Or when I lose my way
You make me feel grounded in reality
Sitting face to face
And finding ourselves once again

It will be

I don't know if it may happen
my dream gets real
Like the one that makes my heart shine in my eyes
When it sees you
I do not know what will happen
If my dream comes true
Like one which is passionate that the time does not fade
If it happens, if it happens, I gonna go on
Dreaming a little more
It will be, it will be right now
It will be, it will be like this
How to look from outside?
How to immerse yourself in the sound of the hours
Without any fear?
And you, and you, my life
You'll see that soon I get back
from where I once have lost you
I know that one day you will change
and what it doesn't change now, It will changes.
I mean, 'I will be here with our stuff'
Everything because, Everything because I will go on
Dreaming a little more
Because this dream is mine,
it's my dream that sleeps deep in the heart
(I know it won't die)
Life one day, I know, I'm reasoning
The life will side with me on, I know
(Because you will not die)
I say while I wait for you
Because I always have believed
It will be, it will be right now
It will be, it will be like this
It will be, much more and more than it has been before
Like a bright light on me (x3)

Oh Nero Nero

Oh Nero Nero, where do you go?
Oh, betrayer of my life,
you ruined my life and our love will never come back
you ruined my life and our love will never come back
You ruined my brothers,
you ruined my sisters,
they had curly hair, they were handsome and our love will never come back
they had curly hair, they were handsome and our love will never come back
I was sitting on a little bridge,
I was near my home.
I got a coffee at Lucia's place, I found a squad and got arrested
I got a coffee at Lucia's place, I found a squad and got arrested
The one who arrested me was a true friend,
his name was Nero [Black]
I thought he was sincere, but that coward ruined me.
I thought he was sincere, but that coward ruined me.
He ruined me to an end,
to take my darling,
but if I ever get out of this cell, I will have my revenge
but if I ever get out of this cell, I will have my revenge.
My revenge was right and sacred,
three stabs from my knife,
I sent him to the hospital and rest assured, he won't get out
I sent him to the hospital and rest assured, he won't get out.
There was a trial in the courthouse,
my mama was there,
and the judge, that rat, sentenced me to twenty-one years
and the judge, that rat, sentenced me to twenty-one years.
But I can't afford to lose twenty-one years,
my youth is hardly anything
but I have my dear old mama
she will die and I will never see her again,
but I have my dear old mama
she will die and I will never see her again.

Ce se întâmplă cu inima...

Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi-o artă,
Constat depresia mea
Întâlnindu-l pe Isus, citindu-l pe Marx...
Bineînțeles focul meu s-a stins,
Dar mica scânteie pe moarte, licărea...
Du-te spune-i noului Mesia,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Săruturile sunt ca ceața ușoară, de vară
Unde m-am pârlit de două ori...
Rivalitatea e un viciu,
De aceea femeile sunt acuzate...
Nu a fost nimic, doar o afacere,
Dar a lăsat un semn urât
Deci, m-am întors din nou să văd
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Vindeam mărunțișuri sfinte
Purtam un fel de eșarfă
Avem o păsărică în bucătărie
și o panteră în grădină.
În închisoarea aptitudinilor
Am devenit amic cu paznicul
Așa că niciodată nu am avut un martor,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Ar fi trebuit să știu, asa va fi
Am scris povestea, s-ar putea spune,
Dar e tulburătoare ca să te uiți la ea
A fost haotică de la început,
Desigur, jucam un cuplu uimitor
Dar am urât acest rol,
Nu am fost amabil, nicidecum subtil,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Acum, îngerul are o vioară
Și diavolul o harfă,
Fiecare suflet e ca o plevușcă,
Fiecare minte ca un rechin
Am deschis toate ferestrele,
Dar în casă era întuneric
Spune-mi unchiule, într-un mod simplu,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi-o artă,
Sclavii erau deja acolo,
Cântăreții înlănțuiți, ardeau...
Acum, adevarul iese la iveală
și începe handicapu să mărșăluiască
Mi-am pierdut slujba, apărându-mă,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Am învățat de la un cerșetor,
Era murdar și plin de cicatrice
Provocat de ghearele multor femei
Nu a reușit să le ignore...
Nu a fost nici o poveste, nici o lecție
Nici ciocârlia nu cânta,
Doar un cerșetor murdar binecuvânta,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi artă,
Am ridicat, dar nimic greu
Aproape m-am pierdut.
Am fost dibaci cu pușca
Tată-l meu a avut un pistol, 303
Dar bătălia finală,
Nu negarea dreptului, a fost.
Bineînțeles focul meu s-a stins,
Dar mica scânteie pe moarte, licăre...
Du-te spune-i noului Mesia,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Dana Kósa

Just Take It Easy

You seduce and conquer
And then, honey, you relax
But you should never relax
Or else the consequences shouldn't surprise you...
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy...
I am not your slave girl
I am a woman and a real goddess
Be careful about my feelings
Because my hunch usually doesn't fail me
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy!
Listen to me carefully, just leave me alone
Like a venom, you're always being negative
Just let me be, just let me breathe
Let me be me and swing my hips
I love the sea, I need some air
I wanna dance, just pass me the tambourine
You are my partner, my best friend
Keep supporting me, I dance with you
I'm young, I'm alive, I dance and I feel...
Listen to me, try and understand me, just don't suffocate me...
Just take it easy!
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me...
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy!

It´s time to go home.

Far away in miles, it was near by time,
Maybe it was only at a touch of a look,
And now until summer, until future years,
Warm weather stalking in any place.
What is it that worries so much, flies past,
hurts with care, and sounds unseen?
Where it twirls, there will be a windy summer.
Time has no answer for who is speaking.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
Far, far away, it was near by time,
Nothing is forever, there is no need to pray.
Therefore, it’s a mistake to expect to guess anything.
As like as not, it will be a lot or a little.
There, where you run towards, do not sit down,
don’t turn around, you migratory bird.
Being well-known for all living people,
then, for sure, it will be whatever.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.


(Lukas Leon)
This has been the best night of Lukas' life
It's gone straight to my head, I promised to burn money tonight
Beginning of the night was hazard
Then the guys left to a club
Then you started to dance
with your girls, your booty met me
With it you led me to ecstasy
And first checking each other out from further away
Then I stepped up to you
I suggested facetime at night
But you pressed your body against mine
Grabbed my ass like this was your stage
Despite being really drunk
I won't leave this halfway, I'll go all the way
(Chorus, Etta)
From head to toe, you take me to heaven
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
(Lukas Leon)
Second round, I'm going to an after party
Music is playing there, and all my boys
are really drunk again
But I'll quote Rihanna
We together are like diamonds in the sky
I'm drowning in your love, in titanic
Should we just skip the after party even though everybody's partying
But suddenly
Extatic heartbeats
Only cold shivers between us
I'm afraid nothing is left for me
If you're not leaving with Lukas now
Like popping a pill
Your killer body raises my mood to the clouds
Your movements lead me to ecstasy
I want to lose myself there
(Chorus, Etta)
From head to toe, you take me to heaven
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
Is this just one more night
Like a driftwood in life's ocean
I'm sharing too much now
This woman makes my head hurt
I've sailed the oceans of the world
Seen everything twice
But now you're stading there infront of me
Even though I'm not comparing to anything previous
I've started to drown
Grown numb of the bay
You get me to break down
You intoxicate me, I want to drum you
And just blast music
Huff and puff, get you to melt
To shout like crazy, to call out for God
You are something that's missing
Not anyone can make me change
I will bow down for you
Land to your harbour
But I'll break down if I can't get you
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
Ecstasy, ecstasy
Ecstasy, ecstasy

Further than the sun, further than the sea

For me, it only remains memories from you,
Things which will never go out of my mind.
When you talked to me crying
The last time we met, it was the end for the two of us.
You took my dreams, my life.
You achieved to take my world
And with it my peace,
Your photos, your face.
These are details that can't be deleted so easily in one life,
They are too strong to be forgotten.
Give me back this half you took from me.
For not loosing you anymore,
I'll never say goodbye to you again,
Never from me,
Never again.
I need you so to survive.
I am nothing, I am nobody,
I am able to die,
I'll do everything I can to conquer you again,
Even after life,
Further than the sun, further than the sea.

At the Samovar

Snowy night outside,
But my heart's joyful like it's summer,
My sweet tender wife, -
Let them be jealous [in their slumber].
The only thought comes on:
How soon will I be left with her alone.
Dark night's naughty:
It hides all things, it won't bewray,
And we'll get daughter.
By boiling tea pot I sit with my Masha,
And it's already so dark outside.
And our passion boils like tea in Russia!
And crescent moon is our tender guide.
Masha's pouring me some hot tea,
And her eyes hint at so much, make me dotty:
By boiling tea pot I sit with my Masha,
Till morning we'll drink tea with sugar bits!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

New Year

It lifted the leaves straight to the stars
It declared winter sooner or later
It called forth a new time1.
But with the first snow, and the white wind
Leaving us without answers,
So ruthlessly time sped away,
To start someone's life again.
It called forth childhood, with the summer and the flowers
It left in the heart a sail with islands
It did not want to, perhaps, part with us.
  • 1. Lit. 'the time of the New Year'

Chameleon, Chameleon

Of all the white animals
It's you who is the meanest
You make my life
A perpetual torment
I tell my self that you are the same
As the colors of the rainbow
And that you will never have true passion
You are like the sun
And you always fill me with wonder
When you go back to shinning, standing on my balcony
You change your love, like a song is changed
Without respecting the time or the tone
And come into my house while singing
Chameleon, Chameleon
My beautiful cheeks quickly turn maroon,
They turn indian-rose and even lime-green
When you slyly flee from my house
Chameleon, Chameleon
I tell my self that you are the same
As the colors of the rainbow
And that you will never have true passion
You are like the sun
And you always fill me with wonder
But I will never be able to come up with a reason
In lingerie or in hiding
Your housewife or courtesan
I would like, however, to be your wife
Chameleon, Chameleon
Your grasshopper or your hippo
You crazy blond or fatal brunette
I would like, however, to be your wife
Chameleon, Chameleon

Fly, Little Feather

Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.
I wish I could've had wings
Like the falcon,
I would be strong
Like the bits of stone.
I would have many brothers,
Like the little tree,
I would live a little life
With a new crown.
I would not be lying now
In that dear open field
Do not watch for me
In the sky, in the clouds.
You would not ask this of me
Light feather
And chase away, sweep away
My bitter regrets.
Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.

Jerusalem of gold

Like the mountain air
and clear like wine,
and the smell of pine
that comes like the wind at dawn.
Like a bell-like voice
and when the stone and tree sleep
it is then that it too dreams,
my city Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
you're made of bronze, gold and light
you are the city of my King,
the Lord, Jesus [x2]
How did the cisterns dry out?
and the market is empty,
no one visits the Temple Mount
in the Old City.
And in the caves that are on the rocks
the winds come to cry,
no one comes down from Jericho
where Jesus entered.
When I come to sing to you
and to crown you with glory,
I am the youngest of the youngest
of your children, Jerusalem.
Your name burns on my lips
like a kiss of love,
I will never forget
Jerusalem of Gold.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Something Like That

You're too far
Even though you're so close
Have you forgotten?
How you would hug me with your warm greeting?
What did I do wrong? Did you suddenly start hating me?
It's not that, you couldn't be preparing to leave, It's not that
I'm going to choose to leave
that nothing close to it will ever happen
Not love like this is..
Coping with this separtion will be hard
I can't erase all the promises that were made
There's still so much I wanted to offer you
After walking some distance
You'll turn around to give me a glance won't you
With that, just like the old days
You'll come to me and hug me with a smile won't you?
You really liked me once, you had treasured me so much
No, I'm going to believe
that something like never seeing you again
will never happen
Not today..My love like this is...
Coping with this separtion will be hard
I can't erase all the promises that were made
There's still so much I wanted to offer you
Tommorow morning will be more difficult
There will times where I will have sleepless nights
You told me you would stand by me for how ever long
If it's not going to be you, then it's likely I'd be alone

Karma Cameleonului

Oare ar fi dragoste in ochii tai?
Daca l-as asculta pe ale tale minciuni ai spune tu ca
Sint un om fara a mea convingere?
Sint un om care nu stie
Sa vinda o contradictie
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
Karma karma karma karma karma cameleonului
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
A te iubi ar fi mult mai usor numai daca ale tale culori ar fi fost ca si al meu vis
Rosu, aurit si verde - rosu, aurit si verde
Nu auzeam ale tale cuvinte in fiecare zie
Iar erai atit de dulce
Te-am auzit sa spui ca a mea dragoste era o adictie
Cind ne imbratisam, dragostea a noastra e inca mai mare
Cind te duci, cind nu vei mai fi
Ma faci sa ma plimb, ma faci sa ma plimb
Karma karma karma karma karma cameleonului
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
A te iubi ar fi mult mai usor numai daca ale tale culori ar fi fost ca si al meu vis
Rosu, aurit si verde - rosu, aurit si verde
Fiecare zi e o incercare de a supravietui
Esti dragul meu, ci nu enimigul
Fiecare zi e o incercare de a supravietui
Esti dragul meu, ci nu enimigul
Sint un om fara a mea convingere?
Sint un om care nu stie sa vinda ?
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
Karma karma karma karma karma cameleonului
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
A te iubi ar fi mult mai usor numai daca ale tale culori ar fi fost ca si al meu vis
Rosu, aurit si verde - rosu, aurit si verde
Karma karma karma karma karma cameleonului
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
A te iubi ar fi mult mai usor numai daca ale tale culori ar fi fost ca si al meu vis
Rosu, aurit si verde - rosu, aurit si verde
Karma karma karma karma karma cameleonului
Vii si te duci, vii si te duci
A te iubi ar fi mult mai usor numai daca ale tale culori ar fi fost ca si al meu vis
Rosu, aurit si verde - rosu, aurit si verde

In the dugout

Logs burn bright in my cramped little stove
On the wood, flowing tar, like a tear
The accordion sings to me here,
In my dugout, of your eyes and smile
Beyond Moscow, in fields full of snow,
On each bush the leaves whispered of you,
And I want now for you to hear
All this longing in my living voice
You are now far away, far away,
And between us lies snow beyond snow
To reach you is not easy to do,
To reach death – only four little steps
Sing, accordion, to spite the wind
Call the happiness that’s lost its way
In my bitter cold dugout, I’m warm
From a love that will never burn low

I love you as much as two

I cannot believe that I am in love
In the best story with happy ending
In which you love me as I am.
I am in your heart,
This is my address,
And you don't ask me for rent, you ask just for my love
And it is, it is room for us both
I love you as much as two
I want another heart to beat stereo,
To beat with an echo,
To love you again.
I want a heart to beat for us,
I love you as much as two
I love you as much as two
I love you as much as two
As much as for the both of us.
I love you as much as two.
I have love in my drawers
And in my wallet.
I only have enough money to buy you just an earring,
To wear it like a ring.
It suits us, when we love each other,
But we are also beautiful when we are not smiling.
People are turning their heads after us.
Refrain x 3


Feel the sun and the sea
from Rio de Janeiro
Come let us go away from here pack your Suitcase, I'll tell you where to go
To the coast of Rio de Janeiro
It feels like this place is for us both
Come with me to the Copacabana
I dance for you like a diva
You'll never forget the nights
I kidnap you tonight
To the Copacabana, ey
Come on, we both, we take the plane
To Rio de Janerio
We just start tonight
To the Copacabana
I would like to go to Rome, to Paris
Then Montreal and then to Vienna
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
I would like to be in Hawaii or Bali
From Shanghai to Abu Dhabi
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
[Part 1]
I wanted to go to Paris and Rome, I wanted to show you the world
YouTube money-rich, now I can afford the hotels
But your plan has always been Rio
But in the old days my money was just enough for the cinema
I did not have much before, but you were there
Karma, today I pay for everything here in cash
I would do anything for you, I'm there if you need me
Andre go celebrate, you are rather in the evening on the couch
Kopfkino, I'll buy you Moschino
And tonight I sting like a mosquito
I've never been to New York, never been to Hawaii
But baby, you mean ...
Come with me to the Copacabana
I dance for you like a diva
You'll never forget the nights
I kidnap you tonight
To the Copacabana, ey
Come on, we both, we take the plane
To Rio de Janerio
We just start tonight
To the Copacabana
I would like to go to Rome, to Paris
Then Montreal and then to Vienna
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
I would like to be in Hawaii or Bali
From Shanghai to Abu Dhabi
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
[Part 2]
I fulfill your every wish, whisper in my ear
For you I would fight against everyone like in Fortnite
Because it's worth it, you're not like the others
Because you are not looking for a footballer and drinking champagner
Beam me with you to the Seventh Cloud between palm trees, then let's lie down
Samba, Latino, Copacabana vibes
And yet I do the Eagle - Albanian style here
Want to eat you up, as if you were a Solero Feel me with you, as in Ferrero's advertising
Never been to L.A. and never to Shanghai
But baby, you mean...
Come with me to the Copacabana
I dance for you like a diva
You'll never forget the nights
I kidnap you tonight
To the Copacabana, ey
Come on, we both, we take the plane
To Rio de Janerio
We just start tonight
To the Copacabana
I would like to go to Rome, to Paris
Then Montreal and then to Vienna
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
I would like to be in Hawaii or Bali
From Shanghai to Abu Dhabi
But she wants to go to Copa
To the Copacabana
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Love me

Whoever calls to my room
I bow to you 1
I take a breath this morning
The light that through the window you gave me yesterday
some of your enthusiasm is hosting me
I don't wanna ignore
that you're missing my pillow
that now I'm your desire 2
that you're crying because you wanna come
Looooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Looooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Whoever calls to my room
I predict that this time
will have my love tomorrow
the light that through the window you gave me yesterday.
In everything that you can host
I want to discover myself
feeling you in my pillow
hugging your desire***3
living you till death
Loooooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Loooooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
that you come back again
that you come back again
  • 1. Literally I give up over your fit, but that doesn't sound too good in English
  • 2. In Spanish feel like doing something is 'tener ganas' translating 'ganas' just by itself is hard, so I wrote desire
  • 3. Terrible, horrifying mistake on the original lyrics: In South America and some regions of Spain Z and S are pronounced in the same way, but in most of Spain they aren't, so it's impossible for me to confuse them. 'Abrazarme a tus ganas' would mean hug your desire, 'Abrasarme a tus ganas' would mean get burnt by myself to your desire (and it doesn't make too much sense the way it's written)

The rain

Yes, I like the rain, I always liked it
I always fell for the gray landscapes
And everyone believes that I'm crazy
Or melancholic
Because I always go out on the streets when it rains
I get wet, I like being cold
And while this isn't rational
I look up and lift my hands
And they ask me if I talk with God
But I don't want to talk to anyone
I only want to get washed by the raindrops
This is the way I love and snap out of the misery
And they are bewildered and silent, while they look at me
Because I love what they hated
Because I and all the crazy people of the world
Bemire their comfortable serenity
No. Don't feel sorry for my wet soul
Nobody will be able to bother it
They won't make me hate the rain
I, I will make them like the rain

Leonard doesn't sing

Somewhere in the west there is a manor house
And it's mistress is yelling
oh she yells loudly
In a curve, she bangs her head on the floor
Says again and again 'Fucking Leonard!'
Nothing else really
Nearby there is a dance pavilion
and a wretched
some sort of drunk tank
In all of them i have sang
That is known by Police
and by many rich older ladies
Oh, but for i was given a personality of a slob
and the ladies had all the money
I didn't really have a choice but to sing
So i had ended up in the wastes
and the marks were
fit for the deed
But for evil i have never done a thing
if i ever sang a sentence
it was due to circumstances
When they put a sack over my head
and decorated it with rope
I didn't have a choice but to sing
Then i sang the bad old D
And so someone disappeared into the depths of the river
For all eternity
with their shoes made of cement
And now you hear the conscience scolding: You moron, is your neck tingling?
It would be for the best if Leonard never sings
Oh the lovely fatherland
has started to burn beneath my feet
Many mysterious men, many widowed women
overly bitter - >Something could happen
to your humble storyteller
something violent, irreversible
Oh, but for i was given a personality of a slob
and the ladies had all the money
I didn't really have a choice but to sing
When they put a sack over my head
and decorated it with rope
I didn't have a choice but to sing
So if you get us a four wheeler
I shall get us passports and ready everything else
And behind the borders
I promise i shall not sing
Then i will dance with you, even though it wouldn't
Be a beautiful sight, and i promise you:
I shall not sing a sentence, not about you at least
I shall not sing a tune, not about you, ever
I shall not sing a sentence, not about you at least
I shall not sing a tune, not about you, ever
Jon Of Finland

A life

Don't cry anymore,
that it's hard to see where you are
I don't know very well how to explain,
that I love you way beyond
and I don't care now
to be right, it doesn't matter
I am right always that I stare at your smile
Don't wanna win,
nor argue, nor fight.
I wanna hug you instead, and move forwards
there's so much I want to give you,
you don't have to cry your peace away,
don't be scared of failing,
we'll learn how to love,
I am not in a hurry.
Oh, oh, oh
A whole life beside you,
to propose and correct,
a whole life for both of us,
to live learning about each other,
until stuff gets to speak with your voice.
Don't cry anymore,
it helps to walk a little,
drinking coffee, I know how to remember
what we really are
what finally got us here,
to watch your hands and smile,
get our gaze closer again.
Oh, oh, oh
A whole life beside you,
to propose and correct,
a whole life for both of us,
to live learning about each other,
until stuff gets to speak with your voice.
A life to discover.
Just learning.

Without a doubt

You took me away from everything
Even from my friends
I lost them
Everywhere with you
I was always only with you
So you can be happy
But time changed you
No, I can't believe it
You are leaving without a reason
Now I'll go on alone
Without knowing how to live
I will never forgive you
Without a doubt
I gave you my heart and body
I closed my eyes
You promised me you will be there
Without a doubt
Today you're not, it's my fault
I believed too much
I'm blind and miserable
Everything seems to be different
Since you left me
When I said goodbye
Why, my love
did you imprison my mind?
I wasn't made to be loved
It wasn't enough for you to kill me
I see you with someone else
You have a heart but you don't have blood
What's left of my soul
You're taking it away
And you make me curse that night

The Moths

It was a year [when] we were moths, not blood-thirsty and light,
We plaited the River of Time into melodies and tunes.
Back then the Rver of Time was only as deep1 as a small stream,
And we could hear from the lighthouse: 'We'll meet soon, good-bye,
On the Moon, on the Moon,
In the land where we're all alive.'
And the small lights sang along: 'Here we are lying at the bottom of the river,
The firemen and the fishermen are black and ugly.
Discordant choir of the firemen and the fishermen from the fish burrows,
We don't know evil, we don't remember our home, we only sing piteously.
We sing about the Moon, about the Moon,
About the land where we're all alive.'
Then the moan sounded over the water: 'I'm not a fisherman, I'm a postman,
The clowns are all around me, the nameless jesters!
Can't understand them, can't help them. Get away, you mummers!
I'm here too, at the bottom of the river, I'm lacking a hand and a leg,
I'm all made of pain and sorrow,
My eyes are like plums.
Tell my relatives, let them mourn for me,
Don't let them mourn for me, I'll wait for them aside.
On the Moon, I'll wait on the moon,
In the land where we're all alive.'
And he howled so drawlingly, and it was clear he wasn't a fisherman.
He rather wept than sang:
'I've been captured here for so many years, and through the surface of the spring floods
I see everything the other way around and move backwards,
The tides drag me.
The house with ivy, the window in the wall and the curtain on the window -
Everything's blurred through the wave
Like on the Moon, in the wave like on the Moon,
Like in the land where we're all alive.'
Suddenly he burst into screaming: 'I'm not some kind of a wag!
I'm not like some others and I'm not a heel2! I'm all in sores!
The master of this silence allows me to have dreams,
But these are dreams from the Moon, but these are dreams from the Moon,
From the land,
From the land where we're all alive.'
Then he kind of tensed up and began to creep out to our shore.
Unable to get out to the shore, he still tries to crawl
And moves the spine of his brown back across the waves.
He has no way to the shore but he tries to crawl,
And the dirt runs down from his shoulders, yet he crawls, he croaks, laughing,
Across the moon, laughing, across the Moon,
Across the land where we're all alive.
  • 1. Literally: thick
  • 2. A word that has nothing to do with the context and is only there to rhyme with чета.

Lion fur

Hand in hand with the devil
on the highway to hell
I walk, I tramp, I don't stop
stirring up chaos like a tsunami
I don't know how to grip the handle
but I don't worry
'Cause all I want in life is
to die wild
It's better to die bravely
if needed, like a lion
than to live
like an ant
Hey, after midnight
I can't be helped
When the votka hits me
everyone tells me to stop
I know I'm slowly dying
I live wildly, I live fast
like I'm wearing lion fur
Hand in hand with the devil
on the highway to hell
I walk, I tramp, I don't stop
stirring up chaos like a tsunami
I don't know how to grip the handle
but I don't worry
'Cause all I want in life is
to die wild
It's better to die bravely
if needed, like a lion
than to live
like an ant

Look At Her

Zone 7, Musucamba and Oscar D'Leon
Brother! How! Delicious!
My dark haired girl my dark haired girl
My dark haired girl, from Venezuela
How I love I love you beautiful girl
You are, lo, lo eh, lo eh
My dark haired girl my dark haired girl
My dark haired girl, from Venezuela
I love you I love you beautiful girl
You are lo, lo eh, lo eh
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
Yeah! It's a pleasure to meet you Oscar,
What's up, how's it going,
My name is Maner
I see that your daughter is dancing
I'm gonna tell you something
It's only a coincidence that I am alone
Though I hesitate at the dance
I know that I couldn't avoid it
I liked how her body was swaying
Dancing to the reggaeton, you know
No one can compare to her, and show knows it
It's what she wants,
I never said a word, yet she is looking at me
What do they say when they see her walk
They say 'A toast to the all women'
It demonstrates that they all love her
Please, no one will ever win her over
We are all the same
Maybe my dad as well
And how!
My heart belongs to only one
To her!
So everyone behave yourselves,
Because like me, you will never find
Another woman that can dance the mambo better
Because like me, you will never find
Another woman that can dance the Lembow better
Because like me, you will never find
Another woman that can dance the mambo better
Because like me, you will never find
Another woman that can dance the Lembow better
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her , look at her, look at her
Look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her , look at her, look at her
look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
With your permission, it will be my pleasure.
Mister Oscar D' Leon, my name is Joker,
To dance the reggaeton with your daughter,
And how!
Do not be annoyed Don, I as well
I'm like fire, yet I walk on water,
I am in love with her, my my dark haired girl from the coast,
With musucamba, ay caramba,
I can assure you,
With me your daughter will never cry
She won't cry, she won't cry
When your daughter is with me she will never cry
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
Don't cry, she will not cry
When your daughter is with me she will never cry
Oh never oh never she will never cry for her mama,
When your daughter is with me she will never cry
You will, you will never shed a tear,
When your daughter is with me, she will not cry
Yes, yes, yes, yes I ask for your permission
If I could marry her
For she is the daughter of the sonero
I want to marry her
For a present, a star
If she asks for the heavens, I will gladly lower them
Yes, yes, yes, yes I ask for your permission
If I could marry her
I will call you Daddy Yankee,
If I marry her,
For a present, a star
If she asks for the heavens, I will gladly lower them
My dark haired girl, my dark haired girl,
My dark haired girl, from Venezuela
How I love I love your beautiful daughter
You are, lo, lo eh, lo eh.
My dark haired girl, my dark haired girl
My dark haired girl, from Venezuela
How I love I love your beautiful girl
You are, lo,lo eh, lo eh.
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her, look at her, look at her,
Look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
Look at her, look at her, look at her
Nobody is going to touch her
Look at her, look at her, look at her,
Look at her, look at her
Because my girl is spoiled
From Venezuela to the world,
Zone 7, Masucamba, and Oscar D' Leon
Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it,
And you, and you, and you,
Now, now! Zone 7 and the sonero of the world
In my area and in yours


Born of a magnificent mother who posed for Picasso
And a photogenic father like Rudolph Valentino
Above his cradle we'd see passing the fairies
He had all, really all, to be a beautiful baby.
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
We'll tell you that at school, he was always the first
When we ask him a question, he answer everytime
It's true that he had two heads, one say 'yes', the other 'no'
as they shaking toghether, he was always right !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He was a great pianist, more dexterious than Chopin
Alone he turn the page while playing with five hands
In the Army, same thing, he became a sniper
Cause he had just one eye, he was the faster to aim
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He won in the Hendaye games the 4x110 yards dash
And won two medals, that a lot for a Frenchman !
As he had four legs, and nothing forbids that
He finished first and second, we'd never saw that !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
Older than Methuselah, one day he quitted life
And it was without any problem that he go to Paradise
When Saint Peter open the door, the first thing he saw
It's that God and angels were all made like him !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?


Cameleonul, mamă,
schimbă culorile
după ocazie.
Inima ta, puică,
inima ta
schimbă culorile
ca și cameleonul.

Când un greier
îl urmărește pe nisip,
ca să nu fie văzut
se face galben.
Dacă-o broască-l caută,
din vedere el se pierde,
merge prin iarbă
și se-mbracă-n verde.
Cameleonul, mamă,
schimbă culorile
după ocazie.
Inima ta, puică,
inima ta
schimbă culorile
ca și cameleonul.

Toată iubirea asta
care mi-ai jurat-o,
puțin câte puțin
ai metamorfozat-o.
Ce mult mă iubeai
când erai cu mine,
eu mă întorceam
și tu mă-nșelai.
Cameleonul, mamă,
schimbă culorile
după ocazie.
Inima ta, puică,
inima ta
schimbă culorile
ca și cameleonul.

~ ~ ~
Cameleonul, mamă,
schimbă culorile
după ocazie.
Inima ta, puică,
inima ta
schimbă culorile
ca și cameleonul.

Toată iubirea asta
care mi-ai jurat-o,
puțin câte puțin
ai metamorfozat-o.
Ce mult mă iubeai
când erai cu mine,
eu mă întorceam
și tu mă-nșelai.
Cameleonul, mamă,
schimbă culorile
după ocazie.
Inima ta, puică,
inima ta
schimbă culorile
ca și cameleonul.
Cameleonul, mamă,



Voi merge singur pe drumul meu
Ca mergînd sub un nor
Voi merge singur pe drumul meu
Sînt singur în mulțimea
Voi încerca să mă dedic
Și să o învăt pe inima cum să cînte
Voi merge singur pe drumul meu
Ca o păsăre pe aripi
Voi confrunta cu necunoscutul
Voi construi propria mea lume
Nimeni nu știe mai bine decît mine
Sînt singur
Voi construi propria mea lume
Nimeni nu știe mai bine decît mine
Sînt singur singur