Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 251


dreaming of what was

From a state of ethereal bliss, I suddenly became aware of the sorrows of life, trivial matters and the swiftness of change
I now prepare in detail to stay here, and recreate the past so that I can recall it all
I gather my most important memories of you, and everything that your beauty touched
I let myself recreate all the things of then, because is was there that i met you
The perfect past, on that flawless, beautiful backdrop
Life is lived in leisure and humility, with no parting,
Devoid of quarrel, existing in harmony
With no painful work, only humble pleasures, the years are free of worries
When you rode away, your figure looked as though i were seeing it from the images on a scroll, so distant
It's as if fate wants to keep us apart, it's hard to keep hope
I can but wait for a chance of your return without letting myself be dependant on it
I let all my past with you in
My frail, once glorious self vigorously recreating it all
Slight recollection of you quickly overpowers me
Like the ripples of sound from the strings of the harp, crying out in beautiful sorrow at the touch of remembrance
As I finish reflecting, a strong and strange relief fills my body
Though as it is, there is little remains of the love once held by us, I still remember it
And i realise that my existence, though miles away from you, is still not free
The lifespans of the sun and moon are impossible to measure
Love completely occupies people’s lives, in exchange for all its associated emotions
But the wise know that the uncertainties of life cannot be helped
And that everyone will eventually be separated and loveless after this life, so one should make the most of it
Poetry says the red beans all over the southern land are people who have been tragically separated, and I'm not skeptical of this
When we first met we were young, now we are so old
I don’t want to forget you, I will constantly search for you
Outside my weak recollection of ideals, people are even weaker
counterintuitive, like the fact that lightness and darkness are both made of the same fabric
Before the cruelty of the world ails me I must distance myself from all of it
If I commit myself to here and not you, I can succeed in this world
The laws of fate say that it will inevitably return vitality into desolation, gradually weaken the strong and alleviate pain
but with the slightest exertion the ancients suddenly break this cycle of succession
While just my body returns to normal life, my soul keeps up at this useless game
What I cannot tell myself, is that that while I am physically free, my heart is forever attached to you
Love is sudden and unstable
Love is something by nature absurd and irrational
Love is a person who is profound but not benevolent, well seen but not old
Love is a thought, that though does not stop existing as we stop writing, that will continue to exist through time though its documentation may deteriorate, which will forever imprison us
However beautiful, love will be imperfect if not practised
And only practise which entails always the core essence of love can make a relationship truly beautiful
While practise can ultimately cause sorrow to love that is only superficially true, it strengthens true love
As I struggle to stay alive, i know that you cannot keep pursuing me
As I indulge in comfort pleasures , i realise that you can’t keep waiting for me
But if it be though for a fleeting moment, I wish destiny would allow our souls, destined to be apart, to meet in harmony
All other thoughts depart from my mind
As I sit, chin on hand, thinking about how little I know and how short life is
If in this cut off state of ignorance, isolation and short life, there is no way of sensing the future...
Then why should I believe this painful lovesickness will never be fulfilled by you again?
I wish I could shed these years spent without you, go back to the suddenness and excitement of our perfect love
I look back on what was
A tangled destiny connects us in all corners of the world
and no matter how far I distance myself my heart, I will never be truly free from you


At once, at an instance she comes out of that streets corner
She's always in her own head like nobody's there
The other day I called out to her but
She doesn't hear anyone that calls to her
I wanted to say 'Let's sit here together'
The other day I called out to her
Even if she hears she acts like she doesn't
I wanted to say 'Let's talk for a bit'
The lady must've been a psychopath
But if she had the chance she would tell about everything
What she have done from yesterday 'till now
The lady must've been a psychopath
The lady must've been a psychopath
The other day we sat on the same bench
We sat but we didn't say anything
It's like we understood each other
I held her hand, she pulled her hand away
She said 'go away'
Like she wanted to hurt my feelings
The other day she yelled after me
When she yelled I turned and looked
She came like she wanted something
'Look' She said 'I don't know you
But you need to stop following me'
Like I was some kind of crazy person
The lady must've been a psychopath
But if she had the chance she would tell about everything
What she have done from yesterday 'till now
The lady must've been a psychopath
The lady must've been a psychopath

Going Dumb

Versions: #1
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you feeling deep inside you
I wanna know, know, know, know
I keep wondering what's right
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you do it, I'm in ruins
I don't know, know, know, know
But my head's in overload
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb


Cel dintai an el fain a fost
Insa nimic dainuitor in visele-mi nu-mi e
In cel de-al 2-lea pasii ti-am urmat
Fiindc-ai stiut cea cale ori asa parea
la al 3 lea inc-am crezut
c-am fi avut noi destinele-a ne uni
la al 4 lea mai mult eu am tanjit
Ins-ai trecut la lucruri mai de pret
La 25, inca suflu tragi
Ceva Mai mult decat se-asteapta de la un barbat
La 25, un vis palit a fost
Iar valul intentiilor mele-n desertaciune-s gasite
Si-n mainile-mi sunt zadarnicite
Oh Oh oH
5 si 6 o nascocire, un sarut
Secrete ce-au fost la viata aduse nicicand n-avem voce a le da
Sarind catre 8, destinat a fost sa fie am zis noi
sa apucam lasati sa fim sa ne stingem inc-o zi
LA 9 semnele eu am vazut
Reflectate prin tragaciul unei arme
10 soarta se repeta
Cei ce dragostea mi-au dus paliti in soare-au fost
La 25, inca suflu tragi
Ceva Mai mult decat se-asteapta de la un barbat
La 25, un vis palit a fost
Iar valul intentiilor mele-n desertaciune-s gasite
Si-n mainile-mi sunt zadarnicite
De la 11 la 12, in fraie-mi aveam viitoru
iar in toata adolescenta
Am zis ca poa n-am sa trec de
1 doi si 3
La 25, inca suflu tragi
Ceva Mai mult decat se-asteapta de la un barbat
La 25, un vis palit a fost
Iar valul intentiilor mele
valul intentiilor mele-n desertaciune-s gasite
in mainile-mi sunt zadarnicite
in mainile-mi sunt zadarnicite
in mainile-mi sunt zadarnicite

Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday

Tell me a story that makes me fall in love
In an instant, since it's a while this doesn't happen to me
Tell me a secret so I can poke around
In the locked cupboards and it's hailing outside
Tell me who are you now because I can't recognize anymore
If you are the same, If I know you
Life passes like a blow, like a blow each day
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me the anecdote you were always repeating to me late In the night to make me fall asleep
Tell me the silences, dense like red wool in a winter
That made us to fight
Tell me who you are now because I no more love you
But I think about you and get confused
Life changes in a blow, in a blow, each day...
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.

Queen of the night

[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 1: Aless]
Was before the show
Excited, drank themselves to some mood as they were walking through the city (as they were walking through the city)
Will be a good party, boys picking them up in cars, 200 quick they leave, yeah
But there's no time, the show starts, so move and no talking back (show starts)
and we pour and pour and pour so we pass tests
School's calling us, but we switch our phones off (switch phones off)
Cause today we go out together
Bring who you want and we take them cause we don't want to be alone
Was so much effort to get here (we're here)
So don't search for a moral where is none, cause today those ideas about this evening will pass away, gone
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 2: Sharlota]
I'm fuckin' queen of the night, eyy, eyy
I have power over you still
do not avoid, i know you're not the same, like the other boys
they howl, dude, like wolfs at the moon
when they find out they'll see me in a month
action in the club, i beg they shut up
this is no fun, yeah
I've long hair like Locika
in the club plays good music
dont matter who is dressed how
good energy emits from the crowd
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
and still I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Bridge: Aless]
we shit on everything that spoils our night, yes (yes)
we want nothing and no-one, don't want sleep (sleep)
you keep the bottle, I take the tab, I go through without arguments (arguments)
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
I have the right, to be cool
I have the right, to be happy
I have the right, for what i want only
I have the right, we're still children
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
[Chorus: Aless]
(Everyone knows her and everyone judges, well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling)
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night


I did whatever you wanted and if you hated something I hated doing that too
I was thankful for being born as your girl
(no point in trying, no point in loving)
Even thought you pretend you aren't the one that changed at some point I can feel it
A scent of a girl emits from your body
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Love opened my eyes and breaking up made me change
A heartless you ruined my life
(no point in trying, no use in loving)
I am a little bit responsible for the girl's love that fell apart
I'll remember you for the rest of my life
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
I waited every day for you hoping you'd please come back
I can't forget the love you taught me because it is so deep

Nu renunța niciodată

Eram încă mic băiat
Și mă certam cu tatăl meu
Pentru notele mici de la școală și doar un șase
Dar de muzică, jur
Făceam indigestie
Preferam un pian decât două lovituri la o minge
Cât timp petreceam
Deasupra acelor taste pe care le atingeam
Era totul alb și negru in jurul meu
Mă ascultau prietenii
Surâdeau fericiți
Acea dorință de afirmare era puternică înlăuntrul meu
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Dacă nu reușești
Perseverează și așteaptă acel moment mai devreme sau mai târziu
Cât timp vei trăi
Nu renunța niciodată
Încurajează-ți inima
căci mâine vei invinge
Nu am uitat deloc
Ușile primite în față
Răspunsul era același pentru mine
Te vom contacta,
te vom anunța
Dar telefonul nu a sunat niciodată
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Dacă nu reușești
Perseverează și așteaptă acel moment mai devreme sau mai târziu
Cât timp vei trăi
Nu renunța niciodată
Încurajează-ți inima căci mâine vei invinge
Vor sosi eroii
Un contract pentru a scrie visele
În sfârșit îl vei avea
Dar drumul va fi în urcuș
Nu e simplă această viață
Dintr-un turn să cazi nu e greu
Niciodată, nu renunța niciodată
Cât timp vei trăi
Încurajează-ți inima
căci mâine vei învinge

Afterschool Lesson

It's an unbelievable thing. This is just strange.
Getting confessed at suddenly, 'Ah, what should I do?'
My heart turned 'kyun' (kyun kyun) This is a bit unfair (!!)
I suddenly got kissed. What's going on....
I circled my calendar. Sorry Mom for hiding it.
We drank tea at a nearby mall. Shopping.
We walked home holding hands (doki doki) We chatted along the way (kyaa)
Having fun talking about club activities We laughed a lot.
I don't know much about 'doing it'. I'm always always studying.
But I'm a bit interested. I cannot possibly look it up on the internet!!
Even though I love you so much This kind of stuff is impossible
An exciting love class. We can't do with a failing mark right?
I really want to be with you, but feelings are also expressed in the kitchen
It's true, it's not a lie!! My friends are expecting from you
That girl is more slim. I realized and gasped.
Don't we make a good match for each other? I cried.
I hugged my cat tightly (nyan nyan) She groomed herself then slept (nyao)
I watered my pillow with great tears, I really did it didn't I...
No more falling in love! It doesn't matter? Oh well...
The truth is I'm really into you Every night it keeps me up I can't sleep!!!
All he keeps talking about is that girl. I'm not happy about this at all
Just be mine. Though we are so close I feel you so faraway
Quit acting innocent. You're not being honest so we're having this falling out.
Understand my feelings, under the sunset sky, we walked along the road without saying anything
I wanted to say 'sorry,' and hug you lovingly and tightly
I'm so into you, please be with me always in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
My tears are overflowing and won't stop that I can't even see your face
My tears are gone, I'm finally okay now! From your back, I grab and pull tightly on your knitted shirt.

Tu nici măcar nu știi cine sunt

A lăsat mașina în parcarea din fața casei
A lasat cheia în ușă
A lasat copiii la mama ei
Și rufele murdare într-o grămadă pe podea
A lasat verigheta pe pernă
În așa fel încât să fie văzută
A lăsat un bilețel în bucătărie
Lângă lista de cumpărături
În el scria nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
M-ai părăsit cu mult timp în urmă
Nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
Așa că de ce să-ți pese dacă plec
El a lăsat verigheta pe pernă
A lăsat hainele pe podea
Și a sunat-o să îi ceară iertare
Dar nici nu mai știa pentru ce anume
Așa că i-a zis uite, m-am tot gândit
Și mă gândesc că poate ai dreptate
Mă duc la muncă în fiecare dimineață și mă întorc acasă la tine în fiecare seară
Iar tu nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
M-ai părăsit acum mult timp
Nici măcar nu știi cine sunt
Așa că de ce să îmi pese că pleci.

Micuță, micuță

Văd înflorind noi flori
de-a lungul drumului vieții.
Singurătatea s-a sfârșit,
acum că ești aici cu mine.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă în inima ta,
și nu pretind ca tu
deja să mă strigi pe nume,
dar știu că un zâmbet
îți caută chipul
și se-nvârte, se-nvârte, se-nvârte
în jurul meu.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
micuță în mâinile tale.
Și pe măsură ce timpul trece,
care curge prea lent,
pictez atâtea vise colorate
în jurul tău.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...
Micuță, micuță, micuță,
închisă în inima ta.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...

Văd soarele în miez de noapte

Ce e cu mine? Nu știu ce e.
De ce nu-mi vine somnul?
Nu reușesc să înțeleg de ce
lumea s-a schimbat pentru mine.
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
camera mea se transformă:
acel balcon e un sens giratoriu.
Dansez pe malul mării.
Eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!


You’re always here, balked here
in the middle of this street.
You don’t eat anymore, you don’t sleep anymore,
what an hypochondriac!
Ehi, kid, what’s the meaning of
this jealousy?
You want to suffer,
you want to die,
who’s driving you to do it?
You don’t know what love at 20 years old is anymore,
to be in the clothes of a street boy
who still believes in his mistakes
and whose tough guy skin nobody takes it away from him.
He hides a purer heart
placed in a safe place from deceptions.

And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
Tell her the whole truth
because momma can understand you!
And those who have a mother don’t cry, it’s never true
but, if one doesn’t blow, the veil will never fall,
the one that makes you live in black and white.
A free man follows his own road,
even if it’s the wrong one.
I’ll see you at the next bullshit.

Don’t think of her, go and have fun
with the little kids.
Don’t demean yourself,
kid, there is (still) time
to get yourself into a fix!
The one that you want to kiss,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize.
forget her, kid,
because if someone tells dad,
I’m not the fool from before.
who knows how it’ll end up.
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
I’m only 20 years old.
Tell her the whole truth
Love at 20 years old.
because momma can understand you.
I’m only 20 years old.

I bless you

I'm wondering tonight, if I forget you
My eyes would have no meaning
That's why stay by my side
I don't forget that you cried on a night when you stumbled
Don't stain yourself in the battlefield of days
I always think of you, I bless you
The powdered snow is piling up in my eyelashes
You light melts it
It's dazzling
A thought about you born in a wink
I send it to your window riding on the moon
Tonight I think of you, I bless you
I'll be missing you tonight
Soon a new season will come wrapping the city
Even if time passes and I die
I'll keep thinking of you, I bless you

Hopeless Romantic

The first time I ever saw you
I can't forget how sweet your smile was
The smile that woke my asleep feelings
They were waiting for someone like you
Like a joke, now willing to put my heart on the line
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
Even if I know your type, I still hope
The day you will see my true goal
Give true love
My feelings have waited too long
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
I know it's one in a million, this dream
But won't surrender till you'll notice and hear
You're the one I love
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
They may say I'm crazy, I won't change
What my heart desires, your name
And even it seems unlikely, I won't lose hope
I know one day, you'll notice me
A hopeless romantic like me
You will notice me

State of Longing

Do you remember all the times we could ride together
Through the state of longing, and through all the passages which led to you and me.
Do you also think of what it would be like for me?
If we never let it go, and stood strong, our love would remain.
As you look I see in your eyes that you still believe in two of us, in love, and our dreams.
Because what my heart is saying now is not what I wanted then.
Just look at me, while you're touching my hands.
There's just something I really feel like we meant for each other all the time from the
I will never be able to forget you.
Just I want to keep knowing it was a mistake?
Was I anxious at that time to just leave us.
I hear how scared you are to lose me, will you ever be able to remember it,
and just want to admit that I can hear it from your mouth.
Because you make me want to touch your hand again,
and fill you with care and want to wipe away the sadness and make you mine.
As you look I see in your eyes that you still believe in two of us, in love, and our dreams.
Because what my heart is saying now is not what I wanted then.
Just look at me, while you're touching my hands.
There's just something I really feel like we meant for each other all the time from the
I will never be able to forget you.
Just I want to keep knowing it was a mistake?
Was I anxious at that time
Then let's try again, go back one more time.
Let's fix it because that's where our hearts belong.
As you look I see in your eyes that you still believe in two of us, in love, and our dreams.
Because what my heart is saying now is not what I wanted then.
Just look at me, while you're touching my hands.
There's just something I really feel like we meant for each other all the time from the
I will never be able to forget you.
Just I want to keep knowing it was a mistake?
Was I anxious at that time to just leave us.
Do you remember?

I am not going to be speechless (part 1)

Versions: #1
It's as if the waves are coming crashing onto me
The current is strong and has carried me into it
I was so hurt that I couldn't even raise my voice
And I'm drowning in the deepest silence
Stay strong and you must stand where toughness exists
Even though they're blocking me on my way
I'm not going to be speechless
Even though I am being silenced
And my entire body is trembling
All I know is that I won't become speechless

Who you are

It hurts me to know you with another her
The nights hurt a lot in your absence
How do you feel in my absence?
I wonder if you
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
Which one of us two is guilty
Who was left behind and who left
You also know that I, I waited for you
In vain, I'm saying that it's all over right now
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
You miss me...
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no

Moarte-n Rock and Roll

Jenny suicid ea a comis
C-o lumanare arzanda-n ochiu ei
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
John a si uitat pe ce era
Da acu-n vena el l-a rupt , caput si finish a si fost
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Scena vreau s-o las c-o femeie pe spate
Scena vreau s-o las avand curaj, n-am sa ma rog
Scena vreau s o las, sorbind sticla asta-n vene
Scena vreau s o las
Scena vreau s o las
'Scena' vreau s o las in felu meu
Amy a tras' si-a doborat un om
C-o arma mult prea grea in mana ei
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Janey curaj avea in firea ei
Insa ea s-a stins, sange pe piatra varsat
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus va sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Scena vreau s-o las alaturi de-o femeie pe spate-ntinsa
Scena vreau s-o las, cu obsesia din corzile vocale
Scena vreau s o las, asuprita-n Rock and Roll
Vreau sa
Scena vreau s o las
'Scena' vreau s o las in felu meu
Scena vreau s-o las in rasunet ca cel glont de arma tras
Vreau pierita sa fiu pe-o motocicleta fiind
Singura, nevoie de salvare n-am
Scena vreau s-o las in felu meu
Da pe-al meu mormant cand voi a pleca
Pus sa fie 'Moarte-n Rock and Roll

Reckless (With TTG)

Why you looking at me?
Are you trying to be cautious?
There’s no need for that, don’t you think?
Are you still thinking about it?
There’s a bit of hesitance in your walk
We’re gonna hit the road
Now and now we’ll be
Your friends to walk with
A walk without fear
Our hearts won’t change, you and me
We won’t ever stop
We’ll be young forever
We’re reckless and free
Nothing to lose so we can fly
We’re reckless and free
But we won’t ever let go of each other’s hands
Never let go
I’ll never let you go
I do what I want but who cares
I’m tired of just going with the flow
I had enough of that yesterday
Ay Get some fresh air
We’ll each be going to different places
Why are you so scared?
Just spread your wings
A walk without fear
Our hearts won’t change, you and me
We won’t ever stop
We’ll be young forever
We’re reckless and free
Nothing to lose
So we can fly
We’re reckless and free
But we won’t ever let go of each other’s hands
Never let go
The sun is so nice this afternoon
Because we can walk together
There is nothing better than
Right now, right here, this moment
We’re reckless and free
Nothing to lose
So we can fly
We’re reckless and free
But we won’t ever let go of each other’s hands
(I won't miss you)
Never let go

A învăța lecția

În această seară apusul înseamnă atât de mult
Singurul lucru pe care știi că nu îl vei atinge niciodată
Ca și cum sentimentul ar fi un lucrul real
Mă întind pentru visul acela dulce
Dar cumva întunericul mă trezește
Am mai simțit golul ăsta
Dar de cate ori am fost rănit
M-am întors pentru și mai mult
Crezi că mi-am învățat lecția
Crezi că cumva mi-am dat seama
Că dacă aprinzi chibritul
S-ar putea sa te arzi
Crezi că am învățat prețul iubirii
Și l-am plătit mult timp
Și totuși merg direct spre durere
Deci se dovedește că nu am învățat nimic
Câteodată cred că mi-e mai bine fără
Sting luminile, închid taraba
Renunț la dorința, încredere, apartenență
Las capul jos și accept pierderea
Crezi că mi-am învățat lecția
Crezi că cumva mi-am dat seama
Că dacă aprinzi chibritul
S-ar putea sa te arzi
Crezi că am învățat prețul iubirii
Și l-am plătit mult timp
Și totuși merg direct spre durere
Deci se dovedește că nu am învățat nimic

Endless game

I hear the creaking of my heart
Because our piled up white fingers trembled
Hold me once again, it's a crazy temptation
I want to melt the sadness in the escaping night
I had a hunch once that I became a wind
Your lips were too dazzling
Don't say anything, even if you don't call it love
Nobody can stop now my overflowing feelings
Endless game
(It's the endless game)
That's what you are
Soon you'll fade away in the streets at the dawn
Leaving here the pieces of a shattered dream
Hold me once again, it's a crazy temptation
I want to melt the sadness in the escaping night

Stainless Moon

Versions: #1
The heart is like a lunar eclipse
Shrouded darkness entangled with my fingers
Will forever keep me at bay
A pale moonlight quietly fills the air
Albedo seems too dazzling for a deep dark me
I’m having a dream
As if wringing my chest
Tell me the truth to the meaning of life
I might be wrong
And that’s why it aches, right?
Like a stainless moon
Live like that
Like a stainless moon
If I could go
If I threw it all away and lost everything
I could laugh from the bottom of my heart
Grant me happiness like that
The prohibited fruit that everybody owns
Who would’ve made such illusion?
I would rather you did not know it
This voice says everything’s a lie
Like a stainless moon
I painted it down
Like a stainless moon
My heart stained black
Don’t try to recognize my meaninglessness
A meaningless me, my worth of existence
Or you might carry them on your back
All was left, my mechanical abyss
Will you not hear my wishes anymore?
Hear me, hear me, moon in the sky
I wish I didn’t think any more of it
I wish I didn’t feel any sorrow
I wish I didn’t make any move
I wish I became an unexisting me
Like a stainless moon
Never to wither
Like a stainless moon
I am the moon
Like a stainless moon
Never to wither
Like a stainless moon
I am the moon
Thawing in countless nights
Emotions are black, a dream so deep and quiet
Recurring, recurring, recurring

Fără suflare

Faci frisoanele să-mi curgă pe şira spinării
ce bine se simte!
Sunt în trupul tău, tu eşti într-al meu
aşa cum îmi place.
De data asta, cred că m-am îndrăgostit
E mai mult decât o sărbătoare în ceruri.
(Fără suflare)
(Fără suflare)
(Fără suflare)
Sunt fără suflare
(Fără suflare)
eşti cel mai dulce on pe care l-am avut
şi îmi doresc să fii pentru totdeauna
Sunt fără suflare
(Fără suflare)
Sunt fără suflare
Sunt fără suflare
(Fără suflare)
eşti cel mai dulce om pe care să-l ştiu
şi îmi doresc să nu pleci niciodată
Sunt fără suflare
Fără suflare
delicateţea mâinilor tale rostogolindu-se pe pielea mea
şi când vii la final,
Ah, cât mă umple!
De data asta, cred că m-am îndrăgostit
E mai mult decât o sărbătoare în ceruri.
Sunt fără suflare
(Fără suflare)
(Fără suflare)
(Fără suflare)
(Fără suflare)
eşti cel mai dulce om pe care să-l ştiu
şi îmi doresc să nu pleci niciodată
Sunt fără suflare
Sunt fără suflare
Fără suflare
Sunt fără suflare
Fără suflare
eşti cel mai dulce om pe care să-l ştiu
şi îmi doresc să nu pleci niciodată
Sunt fără suflare
fără suflare
fără suflare
fără suflare
fără suflare
eşti cel mai dulce om pe care să-l ştiu
şi îmi doresc să nu pleci niciodată
sunt fără suflare,
fără suflare
fără suflare

Oh how much am I agitated

Versions: #1
Oh how much am I agitated
and given abundantly with worries1
while I'm contemplating thoroughly in the heart
the present and future
Present and past
are bent to destruction,
such an end has
human nature.
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
Woe to you priests
who are [in] words
of the old testament
and are new teachers
placed before the rest,
obstructers of the firmament,
not distinguishing of the burden,
you are imposers.
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
What will I bring forth from the people?
Never I will take theirs upon me,
so what I won't take away
marvellous falsehoods.
Whose flowering tongue,
truly foul deeds
and the hearts are treacherous
by detail...
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
  • 1. or 'cares', or, if of curis and not of cura, 'of the lance'

Deschide brațele

Stând acolo lângă el
te prefaci că nu mă cunoști
să știi că nimeni nu-și imaginează
ceea ce a fost între noi
încă mai am o vânătaie pe inimă
retrăiesc un lung fior
inima mi s-a oprit pentru tine
iubire așa de departe eu așa de aproape lângă mine
ce s-a întâmplat, cum așa
De ce nu suntem împreună noi
a trăi astfel nu e posibil
mereu astfel ca doi străini
de ce în seara asta nu strigi că nu ești de acord
Deschide brațele acum
fă-le simțite
aici pe pieptul meu
hai aruncă-te
nemișcată mă privești obosită
palidă, aproape albă
îți miști doar ochii umezi
și rămâi imobilă
și mai mai că nu-mi pari tu
te rogi și-mi spui să nu te mai privesc
Strângi mâinile și te uiți la el
spre mine nu te uiți deloc
și totuși tremuri și te gândești la mine
și la acea durere ce mi-o dai
mii de pescăruși zboară acum
deasupra cerului imens
acel paradis întemnițat de noi
Deschide brațele acum
fă-le simțite
aici pe pieptul meu
hai aruncă-te
nemișcată mă privești obosită
palidă aproape albă
îți miști doar ochii umezi
câte zile vom avea
câte nopți îmi vei dărui
între brațele tale calde
eu stiu că le vei trăi
și vei fi a mea pentru totdeauna
și tu mă vei avea pentru totdeauna
avem totul și nu știi?
Deschide brațele acum
fă-le simțite
aici pe pieptul meu
hai aruncă-te
ridică-te, curaj iubire
învinge-ți teama
doar doi metri și suntem liberi
nu, nu! Nu mă dezamăgi
nu putem doar să plângem
tu poți decide destinul chiar și pentru mine

Fără sens

Istoria pur şi simplu se repetă
Nimic în lumea asta nu-i nou cu adevărat
Marea se agită în timp ce se hrănește din râu, la gura ei
Vântul bate peste pământ de la nord la sud
Omul muncitor își petrece viața ajungând nicăieri
Fără sens
e fără sens
Toată viaţa şi munca mea sunt nebune
şi acum nu mai am un sens deloc
Hai, fi bucuros, bea-ţi băutura
Devorează-ţi festinul, nu te opri din gândit
Mâine poţi fi departe
aşa că adună-ţi bobocii de trandafir cât se poate
Mâine poți dormi într-un mormânt tăcut
Tăind praful și așteptând sfârșitul timpului
Înspăimântă-ţi Dumnezeul, asta-i tot ce ştiu
Fără sens
e fără sens
Toată viaţa şi munca mea sunt nebune
şi acum nu mai am un sens deloc
un sens al vieţii deloc...

Sleepless Night

By the time the dark outside the window disappears,
I don't know if my heart will run away.
Sometimes like the starlight in the sky
Stay by my side.
When you open your eyes in the middle of your sleep,
I wish it was an erasable dream.
with difficult hearts
I had a fine day.
I'm having a hard time today.
a night of sudden longing to see
Someday you'll remember today.
We were always there.
Full of my heart
a twinkling heart
It's still shining.
Long shadows follow me
Even if I'm shaken by the wind,
Sometimes like the starlight in the sky
Stay by my side.
So that you can fall asleep on a day you miss.
Stay where you are.
My long day was for a while.
So I can breathe.
Give me a hug
If you're desperate for it, even in your dreams.
I'm afraid I'll fly in.
I've been tossing and turning all night tonight.
It's more vivid when you close your eyes.
colored with memories
a deepening night

My voice will be heard

A ravaging wave is washing away my trails
The current is pulling me under
All things are collapsing around me
My fading voice is suffocating
But no! No, I won't cry or fall apart
Whatever you try, I will never obey
No, I won’t bow, I won’t fall back on my path
I won’t fear, I won’t retreat
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
Because today, I am saving myself from my weaknesses
And I am waking up my dreams from their long sleep
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
Back in the past you could see on the walls
Words that were written by man’s hands
It said 'Keep Silent no matter what”
I answered with my voice: I will move on
And now there is no room for turning back
So come on now and try to hinder me if you dare
I will sing
Like the stormy wind I will blare
And I will tell the universe that I…
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
It (will) be heard!
Like a hurricane, it's impossible to block me
You won’t distance me from my goals
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
Try deterring me, come on now
Your ego will crumble as you stand before me
I have the entire universe by my side in order to emerge victorious
Hear my voice saying now
I will sing:…
I’ll spread out my wings and all restrictions will wear off
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
It (will) be heard!
Because I freed myself from my vulnerability
I destroyed the walls of my fears
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
I won’t stop, I know my voice will be heard
It (will) be heard!


Azi Doamne
Duhul Tau peste noi
Sa se vada
Chipul Tau in noi
Da-ne Pacea Ta
Harul Tau sa ne cuprinda
Generatii mii de mii
In familii
Cu copiii
Si nepotii
Cu puterea Ta cea mare
Ne-nsotesti Tu zi de zi
Mergi ‘nainte
Pe carare
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi
Dimineata, pe-nserate
La venire, la plecare
Printre lacrimi
‘n bucurie
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi


Versions: #1
Azi Doamne
Duhul Tau peste noi
Sa se vada
Chipul Tau in noi
Da-ne Pacea Ta
Harul Tau sa ne cuprinda
Generatii mii de mii
In familii
Cu copiii
Si nepotii
Cu puterea Ta cea mare
Ne-nsotesti Tu zi de zi
Mergi ‘nainte
Pe carare
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi
Dimineata, pe-nserate
La venire, la plecare
Printre lacrimi
‘n bucurie
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi
Tu esti cu noi

Ești importantă

Noi cu ceva timp în urmă făcusem un pact de dragoste
și acum ce este că nu merge
mă simt aproape împovărat brusc, sunt un om inutil,
nu am curajul să renunț la tine
sentimentul ce-l am pentru tine este puternic.
Tu cu ceva timp în urmă simțeai focul în inimă
ardeai pentru mine,
spune-mi că apa care stinge focul, indiferența este simptomul cel mai logic,
pentru tine am devenit o obișnuință
pentru mine ești un pic mai mult de la viață.
Ești importantă știi,
ești iadul ideal care știe să facă un înger să trăiască
sunt un om care, abia te privește devine un prost
îmi spun singur că totul va fi bine cu tine.
Ești importantă știi,
ești fraza pe care am scris-o noaptea pe pereții clipelor
cu cerneala care va rămâne neștearsă toată viața
aceasta am făcut-o ca sa nu te mai șterg niciodată.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci
eu uit.
Noi cu ceva timp în urmă ne-am dat din inimă
jumătatea noastră
cum așa că-ți bate puțin seara asta
încercând cu un sărut nu e ușor
e nevoie ca și tu să crezi
că nu s-a sfârșit niciodată în înlăuntrul tău.
Ești importantă , știi
ești iadul ideal care știe să facă un înger să trăiască
sunt un om care abia ce te vede devine un prost
îmi spun singur că totul va fi bine cu tine.
Ești importantă știi,
ești fraza pe care am scris-o noaptea pe pereții clipelor
cu cerneala care va rămâne neștearsă toată viața
aceasta am făcut-o ca sa nu te mai șterg niciodată.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci,
eu uit.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci
eu uit.